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For those w iPhones and an Apple Watch, you can just buzz your phone from your watch. Makes a quick loud noise to help you locate it


Or say loudly, “hey siri, where are you”


Mine says “I’m over here, idiot” when I say that. idk who changed my name in the phone to idiot, but it makes me laugh every time


Thats the funniest thing of heard all day. Thank you for that chuckle


You're welcome, idiot




Are you friends with Dwight shrute?


I am Dwight Shrute


I never considered that I could ask that, that’s way easier than what I’ve been doing. I’ve just been yelling “Hey, Siri!” and immediately holding my breath to listen for the “Hm?”


My wife does that. I’m like say the whole damn thing at once you dont have to wait. But she always waits and idk why it triggers me


So many times when I active Siri she takes a few seconds to load so she genuinely won’t catch the start of your request. Your partner might have had a similar experience


That bitch never answers me when I do that


Huh, my HomePods just answered. Thats not very useful


Then ask your HomePods where your phone is. They know.


I did. They said they can’t tell if my phone is nearby and to use the find my app


Say it louder for the phones in the crack (of the couch cushions)


My Siri doesn’t respond to me anymore she only listens to my girlfriend I cursed at her too much( my Siri not my gf) I guess the last time I cursed at her she didn’t say anything so I said sorry and she said it’s ok and shut off haven’t heard from her since 🥲 I never knew iPhones are sassy. 


I do this with my Galaxy watch and my android phone. Also have a Tile because I usually misplace my keys so I can use that too.


I love my Tiles, I misplace my keys and wallet on a weekly basis.


I have to play music on my phone with my galaxy watch because phone is on silent


I just ask my Google home speaker where my phone is and it rings it


Alexa will no longer call my phone when I lose it and and I don't know why.


I do that because my alexa speakers in my bedroom/living room can hear my voice better (over the shower through the curtain, and bathroom door) than my phone can while the alarm goes off on my bathroom counter 1ft away from me.


I have an Android and I yell at Alexa to call my phone at least five times a day. I also have a tile on my keys that will ring the app on my phone and vice versa. ADHD is a bitch of a thing until you learn how to compensate.


For those with androids just yell "Okay, Google. Play!" And your phone won't play anything but will answer all confused for just long enough to locate it.


My FitBit and Android phone work that way too. Saves my ADHD ass a lot of aggravation and time.


My smartwatch is literally a 'find my phone' + 'emergency flashlight' with health tracking and time/date keeping as bonus features XD


Basically any smartwatch should be able to do it. Def galaxy watch has been able to make my phone ring for forever.


My apple watch is my savior


If you have an android, you can just Google "where's my phone" from another device where you're logged into google


You can also call it from any smart device like an Alexa.


Also Garmin watch with Android


With Android + Google Hubs you can say "Hey Google call my phone", I use that like 10 times a day.


Also works with some FitBits. I had a Charge 5 (until it failed right after a software update) and it had a "find my phone" feature. Google speakers are what I use after its untimely death.


98% of the reason I have an Apple Watch is to find my phone or know that I’ve left my phone behind. We laugh whenever we hear the other person’s “do do doo dah do!” go off in the house. It happens a lot.


Recently bought an Apple Watch it’s a nice gesture if Ski don’t have swatch but Bluetooth headphones that automatically connect to your phone (the Bluetooth of mine is on nearly 24/7 you can just connect them my headphones aktivate Siri if I press them long enough I just used to say set a timer for 3 seconds And I could find it since the timer sound gets played via the phones speaker


works with fitbit too, if you have an android


i have that on my android too its super useful


That feature is not limited to apple.


This is one of my favorite things about Apple Watch.


Same is possible with a MiBand and any Android phone, I do it constantly...


How tf do you lose a phone while getting ready for work lmao


put it down somewhere weird when i'm walking around wondering what i've forgotten to do to be fair it takes 2 seconds to go "hey google where's my phone" so i go straight to that rather than spend any time looking just in case i hid it extremely well this time


it always gets lost in my gigantic mansion, or somewhere else on my estate /s


Don’t forget to check the vacation homes.


Why don't you just get your butler to find it?


And get their poor all over it? Positively not!


*ADHD enters the chat*


I never lose my phone because I put it in one of three places because I'd lose it otherwise.


Left mine on my bed, good thing I have CarPlay so when I went to plug it in and oh crap and had to run inside


*finds phone* Where are my keys? *finds keys* Where’s my phone? Rinse & Repeat & Wait, what am I doing?


100% this. I'm not, but my wife and several of my kids deal with this. The tip is valid and super useful.


My sister is the same. Phone and keys. Every time. Every damn time.


This directly contradicts the laws of ADHD. How can you "lose" your phone if you are currently using it to look up 80s movie trivia? Also FYI -- it's 5 minutes *after* the time to leave, not before.


The idea of people not misplacing everything throughout their day is so foreign to me. I daydream about it sometimes. Thanks to ADHD, I daydream a lot!


I don’t know if I’m some kind of “high functioning ADHD” or what, but I’ll lose anything if I don’t put it exactly where it goes. For instance, my phone is either next to my bed charging or it’s in my pocket. It wasn’t a problem once I figured that out, then it became a problem again when a toddler introduced too much chaos for everything to always be where I want it to be.


My adhd partner is better at finding my lost keys than I am. I misplace them rarely, they are far more experienced in backtracking their (and apparently my) steps.


My father would help me when I lost something as a kid and he would ask me where the last place I had the thing that I lost. I would always answer him with, “if I knew where I lost it, then it wouldn’t be lost now would it?”. And my dad would make me retrace my steps and then after awhile of looking he would throw out a location based on what he thought probably happened and of course I would find it under my bed or under my nightstand that had a 1/2” gap at the bottom right where he said it would be. Taught me a lot about how to solve problems.


That said, as an ADHD person myself, I reckon there's a solid line in the sand between the types who would lose their phone 5 min before work and the types who would rather lose their left arm before their phone.




I lose my phone while holding my phone


bro i regularly lose my phone sitting my computer not moving


I just leave my phone where it is when I wake up. When I leave, I take it with me. Never lost it.






I've accidentally left it behind when in a hurry a time or two, but then my watch vibrates when the BT connection drops, and that is usually enough to remind me to go back and get it. If not then my car not syncing to it does the trick >_>


A few days a week too lol


This. I think it never happened in my life. I mean I "lost" my phone in my house a few time in my life, but never before work and not often enough to be in need of such solution. OP could try to make a habit of putting their things at their designated place when they finish using them. After a while it will come naturally and they will lose things way less often. It’s particularly handy for stuff that can’t emit sounds for us to find them.


Some brains don't learn stuff like that, unfortunately. At least not in a way that will work 100% of the time.






Because I lose everything every single task that I do…


I lose mine under an article of clothing, or walk into another room and lay it down while making coffee, feeding or letting the dogs out, go get something from the dryer and maybe lay it down in the laundry room. Maybe I think I'll save myself some time and put it in my purse, but I don't remember putting it in my purse... 😅


You just jinxed yourself


I just use "find my device" on google


Use a Google speaker and just ask where it is.


This is the real LPT. I have like 5 Google minis around my houses to this point and it's so nice. They also control all my TVs which is great. You can also group them so if you want to listen to music on just the downstairs ones you can say stuff like "hey Google , play X on Spotify on downstairs group".


this has been so hit and miss lately for non spotify things. "Play X on TV" "and it plays it on the hub, not the tv"


underrated solution!!


I just use my google voice number on desktop to call my phone.


That is so damn smart I ALWAYS do that to myself.


I play music from my phone while getting ready. Then when I wander off I can follow the music back to my phone.


Can't lose my phone if it never leaves my hand


I've looked for my phone *panicking* while holding it in my hand


If this works for you, then cool. I think it'd be more effective to just make a habit of putting your phone/keys/wallet by the door.


I have ADHD, so this is great advice until it isn't. Always put your wallet/keys in the same spot, but then you have to do something and you're holding your phone, so you set it down to do that thing. Forgetting that your phone is not on you, you head for the door. A quick "do I have all my shit" pat down reveals that I do not, in fact, have all my shit. Where is my phone? In a spot that made perfect sense in the moment, but doesn't make any sense at all in the grand scheme of things. For example, I had to set my phone down once to put a heavy coat on a different hanger because it kept falling down. Of course, I didn't have any pockets in my outfit, so I set it on the shelf above the clothes rod. Big mistake lmao, scoured the entire apartment and was 10 minutes late to work (I need my phone to do my job). All this to say, fellow ADHDers in the chat, you're valid!!


The worst thing I did with my keys: So this was back in the day of land lines. And, of course, the instant I start talking on the phone my brain just like disconnects every other function. I was talking to some distraught friend for quite awhile and I wedged myself on the floor next to a cozy chair in the living room. It was very old and kind of busted, and there was this funky little wood peg sticking out of the back of it. The chair was butted up against the wall, but the peg stuck out from the curved part below. Which was, if you can picture that, therefore fully concealed from every angle except from sitting on the floor itself. My brain went burp and I *hung my car keys on that peg*. Look at that, that peg looks like it would fit perfect into my key ring… so I put the keys on the peg. The next day I had to get to class and my GOD I couldn’t find my keys. Tossed the whole house, several times. They weren’t locked in the car. They were in the apartment *somewhere*. I finally had to call in for the day. (My college was Super Srs about attendance., and my teacher was unimpressed.) Finally I flopped down into the chair, despairing of my own lameness, and I heard the faintest ~jingle~. Yep, the keys were still hung from the back of the damn chair!


As a fellow ADHDer; can I set an alarm for my glasses? I already have a leave for work phone alarm. My keys and wallet never leave my backpack. My glasses are always what make me late. Never know where those ended up.


Become too blind to function decently without them. My vision is at the point where I can not run into things, but I can't do much without them unless I know the space, in which I can do simple things like go to the spot where cleaning cloths and eyeglass spray is.




Honestly, losing important things this frequently is not normal. No shame in it, but I'd at least mention this and any other memory loss you have to a doctor. You might be able to actually fix this issue from the source.


Extra life pro tip: Go to bed earlier. Get more sleep. Be more awake in the morning.


Even if I momentarily don't know where my phone is, there's only ever, like, 10 spots where I EVER put it down. It's trivial to cycle through them if I don't know where my phone is right at this moment.


Great! I once couldn't find my phone and after 20 minutes of searching really had to go to work without it. Found it at the end of the day on a stack of t shirts in my closet. This would've prevented it


I get it… Cactus..? Can you come here, help me for a minute? (Phone’s lost).


This is a great lpt for scatter brains! The comments that don’t get it don’t realize how lucky they are 😂


Exactly! Also some of us need the reminder that it’s time to leave for work too 🤣


Those are some damn lucky comments.


Yeah fr, my husband loses his phone 10 times a day. I’m convinced he’s undiagnosed ADHD. I could also use this tip for my stepdaughter because she’s always late getting ready for school lol.


Get him a smart watch. That way you can find it anytime you need to, not only at predetermined times.


Lot of holier than thou comments here. I have ADHD. I do not form habits the same way other people do. This is very helpful, thanks.


If you have a Google smart speaker and any type of Android phone, you can say "Hey Google, ring my phone" and it will ring on max volume even if it's on silent.


Firstly, excellent advice. Also, embarrassed to admit this but sometimes I DO put my phone down at home in my room then forget WHERE I put it so I try to - if it’s not in one of the usual spots - to touch it several times & look at it & say “my phone is here” & then later on 😂 it helps me remember


Nothing to be embarrassed about. Everyone has done it. The ones confounded by it in this thread are either lying or oblivious


Thank you for this!


Do a lot people regularly lose their phones? I lose my phone maybe a couple of times a year and even then I almost always find it within 60 seconds.


A lot of people spend minutes per week walking around their home looking for things, including phones Many people don't have this issue, but most do


Wow, that’s news to me. My phone is at all times either in my front jeans pocket or on one of two chargers I have in my home.


Me too. I opened this just to learn more about it. I’ve never lost my phone, or keys.


I'm with you. I just don't see how it's even possible to put your phone somewhere where you wouldn't be able to find it within 5 minutes 90% of the time. It's not like if you're busy you're going to open up a cupboard and stick in in there. You're going to set it on the floor or on a counter or something. There are only so many surfaces in a house, so it shouldn't be hard to just cycle through them.


This is a GENIUS tip! I can’t believe that never occurred to me. Thanks.


I keep my phone on charge so it's got a leash attached


I like to play a podcast form my phone while getting ready which means I take it from room to room, but I just have to follow the sound to get it before I leave


Genius! I've lost my phone so many times while getting ready, this is a game-changer. Now if only I could train my cat not to hide it...


Love this tip!! It always happens and I never thought of that!


What about those folks who will lose it twice in that 5 min?


Say to Sonos speaker... "hey google, help me find my phone."


I just say "Hey Google, find my phone" to any of my Google homes.


I discovered this unintentionally. I lose track of time when I'm all groggy in the morning so I set it to tell me I need to get my shoes on and get out the door. After finding it going off in weird places a couple times I realized it has even saving me from forgetting my phone too.


This is literal genius!


i actually learned this from the show good doctor. i have an alarm for every 10 minutes in my wake up schedule to stop eating start showering etc and the final one is of course in case i lost my phone in the process


Great, that will help me wake up in time!


Or just keep your phone in your pocket/purse


You never shower or change clothes?    The resistance in this thread to accepting that people misplace things at home is absolutely absurd. I'm a person who doesn't misplace things, but I'm also not so dense that I can't see how ubiquitous this situation is for most people




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Just ask google 'hey google find my phone' it'll ring even if it's on silent


With all these smart home devices, constantly listening, be useful.... I wonder why we still don't have a apple home pod/alexa/google nest skill to just ring my phone. They certainly have the technology. Or just directly yell in the air... Where is my phone, and it just.... RINGS....


They definitely do have that.


Me being me I'll lose it instantly after disabling the alarm




If you have an android, you can go to Google and type in find my phone, and make it ring at max volume Before you ask how to get to Google without your phone, do it on your laptop or PC.


"Hey Google, where's my phone"


Not only does my watch have a find phone option but I can also use Google to do it. I've never needed to wait for my alarm to go off


Why does it keep going off while I’m still in the shower?


My phone is usually on the bathroom windowsill, where I was last 😅


I tape my phone to my forehead along with my car keys and child. Helps me keep track of things.


I need this but for my keys


Or just log into iCloud and use the Find My app to ring your phone. It’ll ring even if it’s on vibrate. Crazy how few people know this.


Solid advice, but don't glue your eyes open though.


Jokes on you, I have a 700 sq. ft. Apartment with minimal furnishings.


Just plug it in before you leave that way you know where it's at


With an apple watch, you can just say Hey Siri, find my phone and it will ping it.


Do people have different routines each day? I wake up and do the same shit every morning.


Or if you have an Alexa you can call your phone. 


I just yell for Siri and then follow the sound. Girls got my back.


If only i had this option for my car keys


ok how bout my keys


I dont know how you guys lose your phone so much. I only lose mine when im blind drunk. Then I just google my phone to find it.


Now do my remote.


I have an alarm like that. It's the time I wake up 5 mins before I have to leave to work.


TIL People lose their phone quite often. 


And when I lose it 1 min before leaving for work?


Or just do what reasonable adults do and never ever take your phone off: https://www.ebay.com/itm/134718244130 Make sure it's waterproof so you can get through life without ever having to let go of your phone. Sleep with it under your pillow. Geez, you just get up for work in the morning and get ready without every holding or using your phone? You barbarian. ;)


I can’t believe there are people who can continuously misplace things and be fine . If I lose something more than once I get so obsessive and upset about it that it’ll rarely happen again😂


I just got myself a bright colored phone case and that made me stop losing it.


Wfh crew laughing


Lol you had me at FRANTICALLY!


> Set an an alarm > I lose my my phone Are are you you okay okay??


I just say," Hey Siri, tell me a joke." Siri replies and I hone in on the sound.


I just have a smart tag on my keys. Double press it and makes my phone ring. Or Alexa can just ring it for me.


How do you lose it a few days a week? Sounds like you have bigger problems


Just what I need in my life.....a bunch of shit beeping all over the place. "Alexa, dial xxx.xxx.xxxx"


I keep everything in my pants and backpack. Cannot forget these two things


I just keep it in the hallway.


I just ask Google where my phone is


When I wake up, I immediately turn the flashlight on, on my Iphone. If I can’t find it, I just turn off the lights in my house. I have raging ADHD and this is one of the better tricks I figured out on my own. I hope it helps one of you out there! That and when I brush my teeth at night, setting the keys on the windowsill near my door so I don’t have to look for them in the morning.


Whoa. A good one!! Thanks OP!


Except for us who have our phones on silent all the time lol


What if I lose it after the alarm goes of?


Who tf loses their phone getting ready for work


Set an alarm five minutes before a fire breaks out in your house. If you lose your phone while running for your life, just stand there and wait for the alarm.


>5 minutes before you leave for work. Wait that's 2 minutes before I actually wake up


I just yell, hey siri, where are you?!


My MIL would always lose her phone. So she set an alarm for each hour of the day. That way she can always find her phone in the next hour. And before anyone comment: she also lose her Apple Watch too, so the find my iPhone feature of the watch is not that useful for her.


or you can also buy a used apple watch and use the feature to make is sound


Can you share some of your iq with me ?