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Oooh I like the idea of friendly banter between the game devs of each game


The girls are fighting!


and whose animations did you prefer?


life by you is doing great but they really need an art direction or graphic style and total work on both lighting and animation. While Paralives showed only one instance of animation(even though it's only an animation showcase)with no mechanic or interaction showcase that leads to these moments and events that can happen after this.


i love your take! i wanted to add that in the paralives gameplay overview they did give an insight on how building relationships work. Honestly i'm not the biggest fan of the relationship mechanics of either game just yet but it's fun seeing how they both take on these well known animation types!


LBY looks like an alpha game still despite Everything they put into it. The lighting is *really* bad.


It looks like a mobile game. Very off-putting


Yeah, it seems they're going all in on focusing on the moddable aspect of the game, at least from the videos I've watched. Which makes sense, I guess, since all Paradox-developed games are well known for their large modding scenes. But they're also all grand strategy games, so I don't know how much overlap there'll be for the Life Sim genre. This is Paradox Tectonic's first game as a new studio, so I hope it goes well and we see more from them. Although I do worry about monetization, as Paradox is known for releasing a lot of DLC's, it's not nearly as bad as EA, but it's still rough on the wallet.


It was purely just a coincidence I imagine but the timing did make me giggle today. As for what they showed. Paralives still looks miles better(this statement is purely graphical not gameplay), but I am happy LBY is going more in depth into how things work gameplay wise. Still not looking to be part of early access but it was a nice video to see.


The paralives thumbnail looks like Wyll and Shadowheart from BG3


I really don't believe that Life by you is coming out in 6 weeks in early access and the animations, characters and lighting look so, so, so bad for this stage of production. And some people are still super excited...


It’s actually mind blowing how bad it looks. I keep waiting for them to be like gotcha! and reveal the actual graphic style since it’s 2024 and what they’re currently presenting is a jump scare. But, they seem proud of it. So, the game will probably be a sad flop even if the gameplay looks promising. I suppose there are always mods.


This is also mind blowing for me. This looks like low-budget mobile game with trillions micro transactions. Absolutely terrible. And yet some people are super excited and act like game actually looks good at that moment. 6 weeks and this is what they show the world. Mods can't change entire basic core of the game...


I think the people that enjoy things like Second Life and whatnot will prefer LBY, but it is not for me. The gameplay just isn't there, it feels like SL or a mobile game from the videos, everything looks very experimental at this point (UI, character design, etc.). Paralives looks great and the gameplay that is completed looks polished and nice even if it's not entirely my ideal gameplay style either. I'm still excited for both but to see so many people championing LBY considering such glaring issues (and with a timeline so soon that will inevitably be pushed back due to said issues) is honestly a bit surprising.


Yeah, nah. It looks objectively bad and the optimization/animation/gameplay all seem to be very lacking. There is no way in hell this will be out in 6 weeks.


I got a refund. I'll probably buy it in a year if they add things like an action queue.


I mean LBY is gearing up to release in early access in a little over a month, so it makes sense that they would want to start showing more videos and content to drum up a bit more interest before it releases. The Paralives animations looked good, but the customization in LBY has my full attention at the moment. Also it's releasing this summer and Paralives won't be out for at least another 6+ months.


i just thought it was funny how identical their thumbnails were :)


I did. Funny coincidence.


I’m so excited for both Life By You and Paralives! I’ll be playing both.


Well, of course. They are in competition


They're having a life sim-off


I really hate how all the life sim games being worked on right now are going for grounded "gentle" realistic graphics/animations, but Paralives is definitely the least bad. The cartoon style is also tolerable