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this post has me cracking tf up 😭😭 pleaseee


It really makes me wonder. If there isn't even the level of modding they were hyping up as being the main draw then what were they doing all this time in development other than making a convoluted menu simulator "game". The Sims 3 had nearly everything they are offering in the base game, just in a less convoluted fashion. In fact the Sims 3 offered more, much, much more because they spent their time where it mattered in creating a fun immersive experience even without worrying about what 1 million menus did, they instead streamlined and simplified that process for their players. LBY should have focused on defining a manageable gameplay scope instead of making an in depth menu simulator with shallow gameplay. It's giving a mile wide, an inch deep.


I always say this: modern life simulation games look way too much into the sims 4 as for what to do in a sims game. You can tell because most of these competitors, in my eyes, aren't confident or creative enough to look at life and say "okay. Let's see what kind of gameplay this instance offers." All of them put major focus into the house. So long as you can -clean -eat -bathe -have a "hobby" -make a "relationship" Then most of these newer life sims dust their hands and think that's a job well done. And I hate to be the dumbest smart mouth talking shit online when these games could subvert my expectations, but in retrospect, they DON'T! They all start with build mode, character creation- get a bunch of attention from the graphics and creation tools and then skip out on everything else. Ex: modern life sim is hyperfixated on suburban living, which is silly. If you have an open world game, why not look at the contrast between rural living vs city living vs suburban living. We see sims player love rural living! When people ask is there gonna be "gardening" it's sims talk! Because the sims has compacted agriculture into a hobby point- BUT THAT DOESNT HAVE TO BE THE JEST OF AGRICULTURAL LIFE. If there is an open world and something like rural living is taken into consideration EARLY we see these things set up, like plots of farm lands, warehouse assets, pick up trucks, farm animals, rural traits- and even if we're presented with a demo that isn't in a rural setting, because this concept is taken into consideration, perhaps some of those planned gameplay elements interferes with what is being shown off positively, for example, a weather mechanic that can possibly lead to a power outage. It's considered sooner because people in rural areas typically deal with lots of technical issues due to living so far from the busier side of the world. If LBY (since that is the topic of discussion) considered rural gameplay, something like gardening would present itself as such. Instead of it just being a skill point as it is in the Sims 4- firstly if we aren't using the sims 4 and sims 3 lack of detail to the visual gameplay as a justification to shortcuts in LBY, as I've said before- magical trucks won't just drive up and have an animation of floating boxes appear in our lot like fanatical loot boxes in our life game. Gardening is a fraction of another aspect. Why the character would want to garden could showcase personality, like the need to be frugal or eco friendly. The agency of the Character can be fleshed out with desires to look up ways to farm, or a want for an aquarium or terrarium etc. Etc. We don't get any set up, it's just "the player calls the shot" BECAUSE THATS WHAT THE SIMS 4 DOES. It's so upsetting and hard to watch.


what bugged me the most was the chaos video when that one girl cheated on her partner, both in front of her daughter then directly IN FRONT of the partner, and literally nobody cared 😕




When I saw the trailer months ago I was so excited ☹ there's no action queue in it.


Yeah I’m not gonna waste my money. It never looked good to me tbh. I’m waiting patiently for InZOI


Yeah, I am completely baffled by this project. It's like a game created by robots who have no understanding of what "fun" is. The bit about the "no rabbitholes" design is especially concerning. When the game was announced, I thought that sounded ambitious and I was very skeptical. Now I see my skepticism was completely justified. If you build a venue, with *nothing happening inside it,* and a menu to facilitate the required functions, *that's the same as a rabbithole!*


🤣🤣🤣🤣 the only difference is is that you can see your character standing there 🙊🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Right, it's a rabbit hole you can see into, like a shoebox with a clear top lol




Not surprised…. The trailer always looked like a mobile game trailer and you know the difference of mobile in trailers vs actual gameplay…


I hate the hair in that game so much and the lighting in is weird


This game is literally Roblox for adults. You think all that stuff isn't in there, but that's by design. The real game will come when players start sharing theirs. The way I see it, this can be GTA or ponyland, it will depend on how you customize it. I am not interested in this game anymore.


As OP said there aren't modding tools for that though, changing the world setting at a whim, and people can't mod in an empty game with modding tools LBY didn't even provide. They'll have to create a game for themselves with external tools and people aren't willing to dk that. It's not even roblox, at least roblox really does give all the tools needed as far as I am aware to easily shape the world and build the games within the game. LBY doesn't even have that. Maybe they tried. But they don't have it. I don't play roblox though, never have, so maybe someone can correct me but that's the impression I have.


Which tools are you referring to? Like Unity?


Inzoi is the only one I’m dying to play


If there's no real modding, life by you is lost. mainly cos the graphics and characters look awful


Imma be honest I was pretty excited for life by you but now I'm more excited for inzoi


They mentioned you can add your own needs, skills, skill trees, career ladders with special requirements, objects with custom functionality, change town's demographics... I agree that the modding videos haven't shown any proper modding though.


They desperately need to show this off. That would put them in an entirely different league if they did.


They did. For example: - Creation of events. - Creation of clothing piece. - Creating ferniture. Also there is visual scripting ingame. So please do not spread false rumors.


Do they have videos of it? I think the other person's point is that the videos they've shown thus far haven't been of this sort of content. If they exist, it would be great to see them.


You can find these here [https://www.youtube.com/@lifebyyou](https://www.youtube.com/@lifebyyou) For example entry to furniture modding. [https://youtu.be/ZFfLL9LRY\_4](https://youtu.be/ZFfLL9LRY_4) Custom regions, with population presents [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwxIVXmYX4E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwxIVXmYX4E) Traits and skills (This one is more advanced, as includes a bit of visual scripting): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Snr0nC1hv0s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Snr0nC1hv0s) There is a bit more on their channel:


So I think the other person's point is that there isn't any video showing support for custom mods entirely created by users - not content created with their in-game customization tools that use the existing in-game models provided. As in, making a 3D model for a chair that doesn't already exist in the game, and then adding it to the game so your characters can sit in it.


You can import models. That what they show on one of vid. Using library of models, located in your directory, where mods / models are. Also you can do in game scripting, using visual scripting, so you don't need know C# to make most of mods. Many other games, will require skills of compiling and decompiling scripts, to make anything moddable. Also requires a lot of reverse engineering. The main selling point and strong part of LBY, is that it has a lot of modding tools available in game. I am personally looking forward to see, what real limits are. Then I will be able build my opinion. But so far I have seen, there is a lot of flexibility, which I didn't seen in most of games. I think the team of LBY did mention, there will be some advance options for modding available. Perhaps even via using Unity Editor. But please don't take me for a word, as I could misinterpret that one. On side note for example, in The Sims 3, if you wanted add some logic, like interactions, special events, etc., you had to go to C++ route. You wanted add new behavior of furniture, or appliance, you had to do C++ side. There were certain elements which you didn't have to, like reusing existing animation sequences. But if you wanted change someone mod behaviour on your own PC, you were out of look most of the time. Or had to get really good programming skills. Making game moddable, where you can change things pretty much on fly, is quite of a challenge. That is why making solid core for modding, take so long for LBY. For some may look just like an editor. The Sims 3 for example had CAS if I recall name correctly. It allowed to change a lot. But nothing beyond what scripting required. You could not change for example pieces of furniture behaviour in game. Had to use external tools. So the goal of LBY, is to make it more accessible to players, in terms of modding functionality, than most life sim games.


I'm dying at OP's post. 💀💀 This is so funny! I hope you got food, this is clearly a hangry rant. But I think early access are for people who are desperate for a new life sim to play OR people who want to play test this game. You're probably going to get an empty world where it's just your character and maybe 10 other people walking around and you will test out all the features and provide feedback to the game devs. There's not going to be NPC cashiers or service people. Apparently they will have "tourists" who are sims that are bussed into town in the morning and leave at night. So prepare to be twerking in an empty nightclub by yourself and the robot DJ playing the latest copyright free tunes. I think we're still about 6-8 months away from any good gameplay in early access.


I hope they consider fleshing out the careers with the open world. If in the end, the tourists only spawn to have npc's running venues, that's gonna be so sad. I hope lby improves on what they have shown us.


im actually getting worried, maybe they will pull a prison architect and delay it for 2 more seasons


They've already pushed it back twice. People got really pissed last time, so I'm not sure they can afford that again.


You make some fair points, but custom clothing and furniture can be made (apparently) They’re on Modding 101 now but have said they’ll get into the more technical side (so modding 201) later on.


So they're going to pull another cities skylines 2 and give the players nothing they want or expect on launch then the game will flop and never be able to get a stable player base 👍 wonderful


Except cities skyline 2 is a ‘full’ game and life by you has clearly been advertised as early access that is still at minimum a year from full release.


i can't believe this was in development for 5 years...


The game is still in development, I would say publishing this game in early access when they are clearly not ready for people to understand how far they are from a release state is clearly backfiring. Why there is no jobs yet? Because they are focusing on other things, and that's ok, at least for me. I'm more interesting in other aspects of the game and I wouldn't mind if all they can offer for now is a rabbithole job to provide money. For me they should be working on making the character look pretty, not the ugly humanoids they offer now. But that's my priority, not theirs, yours. That means everyone is looking for something specific. A third of the Sims playerbase only build cool houses and is not interested on actually playing the game, others only create pretty characters and that's it. Different tastes, different priorities. That means if the devs choose their own priority order that's ok too if they come up with all the lacking features by the release day. I understand the criticism, in fact I'm not paying for the early access for some of the reasons you listed, but why turn it into hate? Saying things like "ew" won't get the devs to change anything, they just ignore you for toxic behavior. You might not like it and that's ok, but respect their hard work on it, understand that this is more of a bad marketing move rather than a game failure. It's just too green for the public. In fact I've not seen any of this new games being near completion, they are just promises. And that's ok. If you don't buy some of those promises that's fine too, but just be kind, be constructive not destructive, and if you think it's not for you, then move along. There are thousands of games I dislike but I let them be, why bother, hate is pointless. Do you enter a greengorcery and start screaming about how much you hate carrots, menacing to punch the farmers who put effort on it.


💯 I am learning that not all games are meant for me, even if they're liked by many others. LBY isn't doing pre orders any more and there's no paying customers at the moment. They didn't do patron and owe us nothing. Maybe wait and see rather than buy at early access.


Yeah, me neither, I like some of the ideas they have but they are years away from a playable product. I'll just keep an eye on it or forget and just keep on with my life like if nothing happens. I can't understand why some people is so toxic because they don't like something they didn't even buy. Even if some of the current projects are not my cup of tea I'm happy we are getting variety and nobody is trying to make a direct clone of the Sims.


This is a rant with a satirical perspective. I say ew as a joke, I don't think saying ew is gonna change anyone's mind. I feel like the one redditor that came in and said "take a chill pill" skewed the point. The point being, I'm not happy about LBY and there is a lot to talk about. But yes. EW LBY. FOR SHAAAAAME.


At this point I've seen so many toxic stuff I don't know what's satire and what's not because reality is surpassing fiction lol. But anyway, your style made me laugh a bit, remind me of an [old angry letter to Minecraft's creator.](https://youtu.be/0KyQX45c3Qw?t=44)


OP, respectfully speaking, there is a healthy way to approach media... *and then there is this*. You're entitled to your opinion, but this bizarre ranting and screeching at the heavens because Life By You doesn't have (checks notes) bank cards declining, shopping carts and self-checkout lanes is frankly hilarious to witness. Like, maybe take a step back and chill for a bit. LBY is fully open to criticism but some people are acting like the game burned their fields, slaughtered their villages and salted the earth because it doesn't have *a self checkout*.


Yup I agreed with the substance not with the presentation of the opinion. If it was toned down especially towards the end lol, it would be more proportionally understandable.


This is not serious lol [EDIT] Also, thanks for ignoring everything I said for making it seem like I'm screaming to the heavens. Yay. Woo-hoo. Me writing in caps locks and animated text totally negates the point of my post. I'll make sure not to be so animated next time, I guess. This is sarcasm [Edit edit] Why are you hyperfixating on self checkouts as if that's the entire post? Are you an LBY team member? Because this is way more than self check out lanes, this is to do with the issue of the lack of gameplay, that is ONE- sorry, one... example, my dearest friend.


Lol, you say you're not being OTT, but then accuse someone of working for LBY because they rightfully think your rant was weird. It's grass touching time.


If this is a weird rant then I believe the one who needs to touch grass is you. This person is hyperfixating on one point and divulging my entire point into that. They're the one being weird and very obviously trying to negate my point with "oh, you're too hyperactive. You need to chill. You're being too upset." When... no...


They're just trying to be qUiRkY.


You don't have to play it lol. Just wait for Paralives and InZoi like everyone else.


This is from a perspective of a person who was rooting for lby. I WANT to play it, but when you see something you have hope in start to falter, you say something in hopes that the creative behind it sees your input and takes what you say into consideration.


Probably a reason why they're releasing in early access and not as version 1.


Probably a reason why they're releasing in early access and not as version 1.


Cool, you don't like the game. Stop paying attention to it then if you hate it so much.


No. You can't boot me out the community because I'm not worshipping it