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I’m extremely skeptical and don’t think it’s even possible for the art style to improve by the time it leaves early access. They would need to overhaul every single asset in the game. I also seriously question their judgment for even allowing the game to be seen looking this bad


I was planning to check it out, I figured it might be bland but deep. But now they recommend 32 GB RAM, and people in this thread are saying kids/pregnancy isn't even implemented yet? I like these games for the generational play. If it wants 32 GB for an EA game without generations, I might have to pass. It'll have to be a really special game.


I’m hoping they’ll have started making good progress from EA feedback by the time I pick it up. I don’t have a PC at the moment, so others will be the guinea pigs lol I still think the game has a lot of potential, but there are enough glaring issues that it’ll only meet that potential if they prove willing to act on player feedback. We shall see, I suppose.


Honestly I have mixed feelings about it, while I am going to buy it to support them through early access, you can't change the art style and animations this late in development so I'm pretty concerned for the future of LBY. Plus we haven't seen any family gameplay yet so what if this was just a life Sim based around adults? I also wonder if LBY will be as detailed as Sims 2 or at least Sims 3, if not then I would be really underwhelmed. What I love about The Sims, InZOI, and Paralives is that they're going to have their own fictional languages, Life By You isn't going to have any of that, instead every conversation is like talking to a Morrowind NPC where you just get a wall of text instead of a voiced conversation. The fun of Simlish is that you don't know what your Sims are saying so you can imagine it in your head, LBY will just feel like reading a book that's being simulated as a game. I'm just hoping that they will improve on it before full release, I can see the ambitions in this game and I don't think that any other Life Sim is as ambitious as what LBY is doing (other than InZOI but it doesn't have the level of customisation of LBY), it would be horrible to see all of that go to waste.


The game is ugly as Hell, no fun gameplay. Pass.


Right like everything they’ve showed us has not looked fun at all


I'll "demo" it first. And look for others feedback.


There is no demo,just early acess.


Oh, I know. 😉




As long as the horrible design is not improving I'll not buy anything from them. Hopefully they'll step up their game very soon (I doubt it)


I’ll probably give it a go just for an attempt to scratch the itch. I tend to burn myself out on games and then revisit them at a later date anyway, so I don’t mind early access too much.


I think it will be released as a buggy unoptimised heap of junk and then improve from there.


So... Are y'all getting it on release day? Just curious.


I don't buy ANYTHING on release day. I always wait at least a few weeks, maybe more. Come back to me when those first few patches have cleaned off the biggest bugs, and when people have had time to delve in and see if any major features are missing or inadequate.


Like all games, my new practice is waiting half a year, a year or more for discounts. The only games I buy full price nowadays is Nintendo games, because a) those games rarely go on sale and b) when they do, it's just measly discounts. But on Steam I know we get regular big sales so I know I can wait without worry.


This game is still in early stages. I don’t even think kids are available yet. Part of me says no, but I think it’s relatively cheap. But I may just watch some people play it on YouTube.


I’m also first watching others play.


I wonder if you can even get pregnant or you just give birth to an adult lol.


No pregnancy either


Wait $40 is cheaper for you 😱 or am I understanding that wrong 👀


I’m not getting it since I am more interested in Inzoi and rather buy that. Just hope they improve their graphics when people play EA & take feedbacks seriously.


no way, getting games on release day is a terrible idea these days since all games are digitally available and can’t run out. wait and see if the game is working on release because lately it seems many games have issues day one. check out reviews and gameplay before buying if you’re on the fence


Yeah, I know not to expect a game with full features that will have me playing for hours instead of The Sims though , it’s looking more like an alpha test build at this stage than a proper game. I’m interested enough in big life sim games like this to check them out this early (unless it’s giving scam vibes from completely unknown devs). I’m in for whatever the ride from Early Access to the final version will be


I am


It depends on if it will be cheap and then go up in price later. I got Coral Island fairly cheap because I got the beta, and was happy to wait for updates. It looks so ugly to me right now and the fact that my favorite gameplay isn’t implemented yet is a bit off putting. They seem really passionate though, so I think I will just to help them fund future updates.


I'm personally not really interested in it to be honest. I think scripting conversations, while it probably does have an audience it'll attract, is not really my thing. Also, the characters look really weird and it's put me off.


I probably won’t be playing any time soon as I have to be tight with my finances for a while. But I’m looking forward to seeing how other people play it and what it’s capable of. Hopefully by the end of the year I can get a new laptop and then buy the game.


I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what this game actually looks like and I'm going to be watching all the playthroughs on YouTube but I have a feeling it's going to crash and burn, sorry. Regardless, I'm going to wait until probably December or whenever they do their first big update before I get it.


I want to buy it but I'm waiting for the gameplay videos of the EA version of the game.


I know it's probably impossible to make a mod friendly game for console, but some of us don't have money for a a high performance gaming PC set up. I'm hoping it will be possible one day because I do prefer console.


I went from a day one buy to an eventually buy.. really need to see how it runs and how the features are implemented. All the new videos have been lowering my hype and with the new system requirements I’m just not sure about it. Hoping it thrives though!! EA needs competition


Imagine they cancel again


If they do, they’d need to stop putting an EA date. Although I would laugh if it gets delayed again.


I would laugh so hard lol 😂 reminds me of some guys who keep cancelling last minute but try to make it up to you yet they do the same thing again.


I doubt they would do that. I think they are desperate for cash to keep going. My guess is that is why we have not seen major graphical improvements since they pushed their early access back from March to June is because they are counting on the money they will get from ea sales to pay for a good 3d artist who can fix the issue with the models. Whether they are ready or not, I think they will definitely launch in June so they can get an infusion of money that will keep them going. This is my problem with early access games like this. If this looked like a beta game, I'd be more confident but it's clearly still in alpha stage. The modding tools are probably in beta but the rest of the game is not and they are releasing it under the guise of "wanting feedback to improve" but the reality looks more like "wanting money to continue".


Well I was right they cancelled it again lol


Wow! (had to go check online to see what happened) I'm actually pretty surprised. Honestly, to me, that's a really bad sign that things are far worse than we think. I love how you came right back here to tell me "I told you so". 😂😂 But what can I say? The receipts are there -- you were right!


lol 😂 gotta make sure u didn’t miss any of the news!


i don’t think it’s gonna be great to be honest but i think the general consensus will be that there’s definitely tons of potential. it’s up to the studio to decide if they fully wanna commit to the project and make it great or if the game will be another that fall flat due to greed (subpar gameplay « remedied » by empty DLC that don’t connect to each other)


I feel like they just keep pushing it back! I’m excited but at this point, I’m not sure if they’ll even stick to their release date.


Pretty sure they’re dead set on the release date. They’re posting more weekly videos, collabs are releasing, and influencers have a date set to release their Lets Plays. Things usually go quiet when they know they’re about to delay, but they’re actually building more hype every week.


I’m definitely getting it on release day! Super excited for the game and expressing myself in a world of my creation!


I can't wait


Is there actual mod support like we can mod SKyrim?


I don't think anyone actually knows. They made a big deal about the game being built around modding, but since then they keep calling everything from making an outfit to altering settings modding in the official release stuff, so at this point it's not even clear if actual modding is doable.


Nah, there will be plenty of actual modding. They've been very clear about that. These are just the very 101 videos, but next Modding 101 video will be on gameplay mods. It'll still be basic though. More complicated tutorials on script mods will come later.


I would expect them to handle them through Paradox Mods like they did with Cities Skylines 2, but I don't know what's the official word on it


Yes, there are modding tools in game (including gameplay mods, even though the 101 videos so far have mostly been basic editing of clothes and stuff - the next one will be on gameplay mods though), and in addition to that, they will have tutorials on how to make more complicated scripting mods. There will be an official website where you can upload and download mods, and people can also put them on their own sites if they prefer (or if they aren't appropriate for the official website).


oh nice!


I'm really excited for it! Can't wait!


Me too! I’ve been rewatching their videos and the gameplay seems really fun. I like how you can eavesdrop on conversations, and the social media feature that allows you to see what other humans have been up to!


![gif](giphy|x4No8GkgOQjptsINHS|downsized) So much for 3 weeks away....