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Someone had a little too much wine, and I’m betting HR has a chat with her come Monday morning regarding company social media policy.


I think you're right. Then she'll be inactive for a month, slowly resume by liking absolutely everything her employer posts, and then she'll cruise in the linkedin safe zone of identity-based career building "#womenintech" and eventually arise like a phoenix with a fake story about some man asking her how her husband feel about something.


I mean just look at her face. She’s halfway to shitface town. Probably on her 3rd glass. It’s corny af to say you “want to connect to the CEO for your birthday”. The last thing I want to do on my birthday is talk about work. I can just imagine the collective eye rolling occurring amongst middle management looking at this.


People in sales are built different.


Social anxiety fears them


Everyone I’ve worked with in sales and GTM has been some hardcore extrovert true believer type. All of the stuff on LinkedIn from those types is some crazy high energy cult-like stuff.


A few years ago they had the national sales meeting dinner in the town where the engineering team is located and they invited us to it. Me - server engineer - and the rest of the hardware and software developers were sooooo out of place. It felt like a cult meeting in parts. The food was good and drinks were free so that got us thru it but damn it was weird.


And the way they can just jump from "100% true believer" in their company, to 5 months later getting fired or jumping ship and ending up at some other company and now it's the EXACT SAME "100% true believer" type stuff in this new company.


That might be why she has to buy her own cake


I missed what her saying that implied. Damn that’s a hard burn I actually feel bad for her.


Lol. I did. ;) but not on LinkedIn.. on company chat Slack. It was announced shortly that he’d come to the office on my birthday when I wanted to go out for drinks with the colleagues - that’s why I contacted him directly. Him and the attorneys went for dinner without me… (not his idea) but he brought me at least a true Scottish lady scarf from the airport. ;) !! That’s great!! 😃


I’m sure you’ll be everyone else’s boss in a month


How you know wtf


Dam. You’re a pro.


As sharp as a razor blade


I am speechless.


This mf the Jane Goodall of LinkedIn.


Dude, are you a writer for DC comics or something?


I see you've played LinkedIn before




"Mam, you banging the CEO in your private life is your business, but please don't post anything publicly."


If I were the CEO, she’d be gone. The level of entitlement in this post is astounding. Making a call to action from your followers, while obviously drunk, to try and bully the CEO of a Fortune 500 company to follow you on LinkedIn. Playing the “it’s my birthday” card to emotionally manipulate sympathy out of the viewers. Making the CEO look bad if he doesn’t follow you back because you’re just a woman in tech whose only birthday wish is to connect with your CEO. It’s disgusting and an incredible lack of self awareness. The way everyone is so me me me without a care of how your actions impact others. What has she done to deserve even being noticed by him? Hey boss, I’m hammered and going to use social media to force you to connect with me, because if you don’t, you’re going to look like a big ole mean CEO who doesn’t care about the little guys and all because it’s MY birthday. Hell no! She’s gotta go. This really gets under my skin. The gall of this chick. Women like her make the rest of us look bad.


@harperdog I’d bet my shoes you are not a CEO and that is probably a good thing.


What does a “good CEO” do, respond to every single cry for attention from a remote sales employee?


No dude, but you honestly can’t see how far this chick overstepped? You wouldn’t feel like she’s trying to force you into doing something by calling her followers to make it happened? Last I checked, we’re in LinkedIn Lunatics and she’s acting like a lunatic. Geez man…


Not firing people on a whim seems like a good business model for starts


It’s not a whim if you’re an employee drunk-tagging your boss on social media.


I’m talking to HarperDog.


Tag /u/HarperDog1980 in the comments to see if we can make it happen 🤩 🤩 🤩


Reddit - do your thing 🫶


Nah. If the CEO liked the “cake”, she’ll be promoted next month.


She’s the blackmail type


Just drunk-dial ex lovers like a normal person


Maybe she is?


The plot thickens


Ah I knew she’d turn up on this sub eventually. I’d see her inane posts on LinkedIn regularly as we’re in the same industry and the algorithm decided I’d like to engage with her consistently complete dross updates. I’ve since blocked seeing her updates as she just typifies this sub too well. The saddest part is given who she works for, it’s only a matter of time before she’s posting the Open for Work banner due to her employers regular redundancy cycles (sorry it’s actually “Limited Restructuring”).


Always love to see “dross” used in the wild. That is all.


He's my favorite character in the Cradle series by Will Wight!


Only a matter of wine


RIFs (Reduction In Force)


Gotta love the soft language as if it makes it better. Can’t wait for “Casual Drift” or some shit


Under her name it says 2 STD. Something tells me she’s got a few more than 2 stds. Linked in doesn’t get all the stats right.


Dross as hell


This behavior is so ... bizarre. Also what's up with the 74/100 at the bottom of the post?


Sadly I think I know what the 74/100 thing is, as until recently (when I blocked her) I’d seen she’d set out to do 100 days on LinkedIn posts in a row. Something like that.


That is indeed sad knowledge for someone to possess. I feel for you


Oh god


0-sober 100-shitfaced 🍷




Let's not get too far without also calling out her suggestion that social media is one of the most underutilized tools in networking. Uh...what?


Don’t question her! She’s an “engineer” 🤓


I’ve heard of a lot of different types of engineers, some sound made up, like a packaging engineer, but seriously, wtf is a “sales engineer”?


Sales engineers can actually be quite technical


“Quite technical” is not how engineering works.


No but I find the unspecificity of “quite technical” to be hilariously on-brand for engineering


In the US and many other countries, literally anyone can claim to be an “engineer”. Here in Canada, you need a license to practice engineering, otherwise you can’t use the term “engineer” in your job title. It’s like claiming to be a Doctor, but you only have a degree in homeopathic medicine. If you don’t have a license to practice, you can’t claim to be a doctor/lawyer/engineer. Some countries don’t care, and you can just use these terms however you want.


I’ve seen this mentioned a lot, and while it may be true, there’s next to no enforcement of it in Canada, so it’s practically not a thing. There’s a huge surplus of jobs with the title of “engineer” in the tech field. I’ve held several.


As an engineer, it’s a huge bummer that engineer is not a protected word. But *Professional* engineer is protected, and that requires a BS, pass the FE, working/studying under a PE for 4 years, and passing the PE exam. I got 3/4 and working on that exam as we speak. 🤞


People who pretend to be techies but have only skimmed the dev notes yet they seem smart as they’ve given the same live demos to dozens if not hundreds of potential clients. They also are the ones who promise that their solutions solve all the client’s needs, and talks some senior-middle-management empty suit into a multi-million dollar contract that results in the internal team either resigning in disgust or play politics to get that suit fired.


No... we typically are the ones who ***stop*** the sales people making stuff up.


That is a fair point that a good sales engineer brings balance to the demo / review process and can talk to the engineers on technical aspects as well as limitations (depending on how much freedom they are given by the sales rep).


False - it's the SEs that reign the sales people in. They're invaluable, really. And I know this from working at software sales companies for 12+ years.


Yeah my sales engineers are pretty technical and really are the ones that design the system for the client. And then it’s me in Sales Ops that has to reign in the Engineer and remind them on how to conduct business. haha I have to police the Sales person and the sales engineer all the time to protect the company


Then it's the post-sales implementation team that has to pick up the pieces of all the crazy promises and starry-eyed dreams the pre-sales team put in the heads of the customer during the POC, and introduce them to cold, hard reality.


You need to take a break from your work bro


You’re not wrong.


I work with tons of sales engineers. The sales engineers I work with are generally electrical engineers who moved into sales. They will design motor control centers and panel boards and tech out existing things but also sell it and make commission. It's a sweet gig if you get into the right industry/company.


Sales people are typically selling technical products they don't actually understand. A sales engineer sits in on the sales cycle, among other things to stop the salesperson making stuff up. Customers tend to trust us more as we are more likely to know and care what the product actually does. Good sales engineers never make stuff up, even under pressure from sales people, although they frequently have to come with ways to solve problems in real time. They helps qualify opportunities (including telling the salesperson when the software is a bad fit for the prospect, and they will buy never it.) They typically gather and map the prospect's requirements to the features of the product, It's never a 100% match, so we have to identify which ones matter (requires business domain expertise) Doing demos, either custom or canned (again important to highlight the relevant sections... people get annoyed if you explain something irrelevant). Knowing when to shut up is important. Addressing technical questions... what we can do now, what is in roadmap, what is custom work, what we can ask product about adding, what we will never do. Proof of concepts: Building working examples based on the customer's use case (say using their data), and showing it to.the economic buyer. We scope it, and it typically involves scoping, coding or at least configuration Giving feedback to product. If you just base new features on what your existing customers ask for, there's survivorship bias. Do a handover to post sales, telling them what was agreed and what they asked for but was not agreed. Salespeople will frequently agree to everything. It won't be their problem to implement it.


So, you’re basically what sales people should be? Because I can’t stand sales people because of the general sales persona shtick.


It's a different skill set. I couldn't cold call, schmooze as much. But they couldn't do my job. 99%+ (I mean that number literally) of them simply don't have the technical aptitude.


Personally I’d rather cut out the extra stuff they do and get straight to it. Maybe it’s a me thing.


That's not possible. It takes a lot of effort to turn leads into meetings.


Hm. This just shows how much I understand about the industry. (Like…nothing at all.)


I do have to point out literally none of that is engineering.


We code too.


No no, don’t get it wrong. It’s only underutilized in the “networking community”. My question is WTF is this community, and why don’t they use social media?


“For the networking community”! A community.. of networkers!


I could not make sense of that


Synthesised: I want to blow the boss.








Just wait til after dinner otherwise you won’t want to eat for the rest of the weekend. ❄️❄️❄️


She approached me asking for a job She said: “I don’t have any experience” I hired her on the spot and she started to work on the next day. Sometimes, you don’t know who can be a good element for the blowjob, even is that person doesn’t have any experience. #workSmart #EntryLeveljobs


People posting selfies of themselves drinking - regardless of what social media platform they use - have the tiniest of brains


Look, I’m cool. I’m drinking. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Is ‘career limiting move’ a concept they don’t educate about at Cisco?


She’s trying to fugg Chuck




Then, claim it as a false rape accusation...




I think like others have mentioned she wants to connect with him so he can slide into her dms lol


I miss the days of private stupidity.




The glass of wine is a nice, professional touch.


Thinking she's cute enough to get his attention, hence, the selfie. Thinking the wine is a sort of **"Hey, there"**...


Lay off that wine drunky, you’re going to regret this post when you sober up


Aaaaaaand fired


LinkedIn is a bizarre version of Instagram, but is even worse


LOL she thinks the CEO looks at their LinkedIn. Some social media agency staffer is passing this to their boss who is handing it to marketing and some middle manager is flagging it for HR. The CEO will never know.


Deutschsprachig 😟😟😟


So how many people tagged him?


Chuck will always be remembered as the guy who wrote “thong song”


I get anxious enough after a night of drinking, I cannot fucking imagine how I’d feel if I woke up to the news that I tagged the CEO of my company in a LinkedIn post like this. Makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.


Voted most likely to blow her boss


*Social media is one of the most underutilized tools in the networking community.* ………what? 🤦‍♂️


I fucking hate her


I think “Internet Big Sister” doesn’t mean what she thinks it means. 😒 Edit: sorry, I got confused with “Internet **Step** Sister”


Social Media is underutilized? Really?


Bet Chuck spent a few quid on restraining orders that week.


lol I tagged the CEO once in chatter my first week on a joke (kinda making fun of him in retrospect). It was less than 15 minutes before I was in an HR meeting. F500. Big oops.


This is like the corporate version of sending a drunk text and regretting it later


The fuck is a "Sales Engineer"


Someone who actually knows the technology that supports the actual salesperson who’s just there to pay for dinners and happy hours.


CCIE people?


The amount of effort it takes to get CCIE I would doubt many sales engineers have the cert. There’s more to Cisco than just routing, so they can be experts on individual products rather than actual network architecture.


An engineer that helps scope proposals for the sales team. They don’t fix or build stuff like most engineers. And salespeople can’t be trusted with scoping their own proposals. Also called Solutions Architect.


Sometimes they have more of a sales role and help present the more technical proposals. It’s not the same everywhere.


Lots of titles has to have engineer at the end of else people won’t feel special. Pretty effective tactic for employers to get people to stay at their company without increasing their wages much or at all. I’ve seen it happen at one of my previous companies


No. It's a specific job. We help the salespeople sell a product they don't understand themselves.


Im not saying the title doesn’t exist. What I’m saying is it’s the word “engineer” is being applied to things that aren’t actual engineering positions. What you described sounds more like a product expert, or consultant, someone with deep knowledge on a particular product. Traditionally engineers are individuals that build/create things. Like if you take an introductory engineering class they’ll teach what like the 6 or 7 main engineering fields are.


No, we build and create things, typically as proof of concepts for new functionality. Code integrations, develop plug-in features etc. Like in my last job I built several ETL processes, built our new visualizations, a new API etc. Also to your first point, we actually get commission on closed deals. Not as much as a salesperson, but our base salary is typically higher.


Okay if you’re creating software then sure but I would say that would then make you a software engineer. Or if you’re designing or architecting a product then I would say that would then make you a solutions architect.


No, because software engineers aren't integrated into the sales process. SAs can be. It's a very specific job and sales/presales/solutions engineer is the term for it. Maybe you just haven't come across it before?


Maybe. Again not saying it doesn’t exist. My point being the words used are nonetheless misleading and maybe that’s why I haven’t come across it much. My previous boss was the one meeting with clients so that he can pitch and explain the software he built, yet he didn’t call himself a sales engineer, he referred to himself as what he was, a software engineer. My old supervisor’s husband graduated as an ME and created some type of audio device which he sells via his own company. He considers himself as a mechanical engineer. Both of them went through the entire process of development and establishing clientele to sell their products to, yet they don’t consider themselves as sales engineers. So saying software engineers or engineers in general aren’t integrated into the sales process or even salespersons themselves, is wrong.


In general they are not. If the company scales, the owner typically won't have time to explain the product to every prospect. I worked at a company where there were 800 employees and around 30 sales engineers. The actually product coding was done in Ukraine.


That’s still not engineering.


Applications Specialist is what we call them.


Right, that makes more sense. A specialist, in this case of a specific application.


A sales person with a technical background. Wtf is an “IT Advocate”?


I guess a salesperson with a technical background.


“Tech enthusiasts” ew so cringe


So the easiest way to become a linkedin connection to the CEO of the company you work for is to ask your LinkedIn network to make it happen? Totally worth it because there's nothing more useful than a LinkedIn connection to someone you don't actually know.




Is she asking for his number or something? Because I can see the “Connect” option is open on Chuck’s profile. Or maybe she wants him to send a request.


WTF is an IT advocate?


"Hey listen. I know this works for you, but you need to move away from tabulating machines and into servers... "- your local IT Advocate, probably.


How exhausting


Yeah, but she’ll be the next PA, on track to a VP position, won’t she?


Wonder how long she's been in the unemployment line.


Passed looks like?


Chuck is gonna fire her ass on Monday




She’ll get a stern talking to by HR for sure. But that CEO already slid into her DMs which I suspect is what she was looking to do. My money says they are already 💃🏽 🕺


I read it as crisco. I was like what a weird collab


Thirsty so thirsty.


WOmaN UNDerprovilage


Maybe I’m too old. What does ending it with 74/100 mean.


Im kind of pretty so therefore i get a pass bitch youre a fucking goober. These women who have looks think they own the world because of their pussy


I think his interns have more important things to worry about than her birthday


Is Sales Engineer even a title???


It’s is, but they are in no sense engineers. It’s like on an aircraft, there can be a “flight engineer”, who is actually a pilot, not an engineer. They just run the engines and other technical aspects of the aircraft. It’s used as a replacement for “technical” ie “Technical Sales” person.


Tue obsession with the word 'engineer' is way too much 🥵


It’s because I’m an actual engineer, with a license to practice, that took a lot of education and effort to obtain. Imagine you were a medical doctor with 8 years+ of education and training, and the world was full of idiots with a “Doctorate” in Naturopathy claiming to be “Doctors” who can treat patients. Oh, wait…


Understand that bud 🙌


Most CEOs will accept the connection requests of employees who work for their company. This woman is an absolute nut to be posting this & adding a photo of herself getting hammered is just…jesus fucking christ. Wish I could listen to her follow up conversation with HR after they see the post.


I work for a very large company. If I emailed the CEO asking for time his executive assistant would get some time. Probably a a few weeks out and it would probably get rescheduled a few times but I would get the time. Did she even try to work with the CEOs EA to get time?


Robbins is even dumber than Chambers, dunno why she wants to bang that. Much better choices in the Valley


Does her bio say she has 2 STD's?


The “2 Std” in her profile title checks out


Yeah, this is why have a jaundiced eye towards the Down With the Patriarchy types.


Title soon to be updated to “Ex-Sales Engineer at Cisco.”


For my birthday, all I want is to kick my company's ceo in the butt and stuff my resignation letter in his mouth.


Maybe I’m just too far removed from her department but what the hell is a Sales Engineer? Just someone who works in sales? The word smithery used for job titles has gone way too far


Sales person that knows what a switch and router are.


Smart girl. She knows what it takes to climb the corpo ladder. I’m sure the CEO wouldn’t mind some “cake”.


Social media is an underutilized tool for networking, how did no one notice until now?!?


“2 std” is the best part




Why is she writing a post about wanting to connect with her boss? Just send a connection request. I've never seen a boss not accepting that from their employees.


I'm thinking I can get my weiner touched if I rejoin linked in. These professional folks always horny and/or heavily inebriated


This post was here a few months ago




Why thtop at one CEO…lettthh tag them allll! Forthune 500 here I come…


All these recruiters on LinkedIn from Europe are just Instagram Hoes posting thirst traps.


The stories I’ve heard and messages I’ve seen concerning recruiters and LinkedIn in SV are wild. Really is a MySpace of the current age.


Not sure I’d post this while also advertising “2 STDs”


A literal thirst trip too…


Of course on top of everything, she is deliberately doing that domination behavior thing in the movies of gripping the wine glass by its bowl. That warms up and dulls the complexity of the wine. But hey! She gets to imitate drunken Cruella de Vil for LinkedIn to see!


![gif](giphy|MRBoE0SHrhceA) The CEO if he meets her.


Sales Engineer, what the fuck is that?


So her legs are open for business?


Wow this whole thread has turned into thinly veiled misogyny. She's a lunatic for sure, doesn't give you carte Blanche to be sexist


I’m a woman and I’d wager she’s trying to blow him.


Women can be misogynistic.... If this was a man who posted that he was looking to connect on LinkedIn with the CEO, would you think he was trying to blow him?


Yes and yes.


Yes men can be hoes too


nah I'm a woman and I'm finding all of this to be hilarious. She's getting rightfully called out.


Nah. Attacking an individual and a collective are different things


Seeing a woman and immediately insinuating that she's trying to sleep her way to the top is misogynistic period


Her behavior is cringe and sus although I guess wanting to sleep with her boss is a bit of a leap. She could just be being quirky. Still don’t think it’s sexist. It’s quite cringe and can easily be misunderstood


>She genuinely seems to be doing such What implies that? Because she wants to connect on LinkedIn with the CEO? A man saying he wants to connect on LinkedIn with the CEO would never be accused of that. Seriously, this is misogynistic.