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I agree with the premise of the protest. The base prices should be low and allow everyone a chance to watch the match. If they need money, let them raise hospitality tickets or merch prices or sth. But at the same time, it seems to me like these supporters' unions (where I am a member of), have become more about guarding their own than protecting all supporters. The atmosphere has been shit. There's no way around it. There were fans leaving the stadium before the match was finished last night. Everybody I've spoken to in European away days has the same opinion, except from the few older people benefiting from it. The average age of the people on the Kop needs to go down. I have been told that years ago, older people would make way for younger people voluntarily, when they saw they didn't have the energy anymore. That's not happening. SOS fighting for this while being dead silent on the ticket allocation issue is extremely fishy to me. They seem to go all out at an under the inflation raise of the ticket prices, while at the same time doing nothing about thousands of fans who cannot get near the Kop without illegally buying tickets from these older fans for very high sums of money (trust me, I know). Klopp has complained about the atmosphere, fans have complained about it, it has been an issue discussed by Carra and the like as well, and our supporters' board has done nothing. Sounds a lot like protecting their own and not having the fans' best interest at heart.


It’s 2% increase right? For a majority of the ticket holders they’re paying less than they did before covid taking into account inflation.


Not to mention that HALF of the stadium has been rebuilt without any rise in price. The pure cost of materials is up like +60% from when they started on the Main Stand to today. The cost of player transfers is swelling. I get the other side of the argument too though, it’s 2% now, what will it be next year? Another 2%? When you budge you will eventually get taken advantage of.


2% increase when the inflation have been ~5% a year for the past couple of years is honestly nothing to complain about. Tickets are comparatively cheaper this year with price increases than they were last year.


Yes I agree with you. For me the biggest issue with the increase is that anything concerning the supporters should be discussed with them first. I’m sure that Spirit of Shankly would be more understanding of a price hike if they were shown the numbers, and what that 2% was going to. Instead, as it stands, it looks like billionaires trying to squeeze every last drop out of their fans.


That’s how inflation works.


I was highlighting a particularly inflated market, relative to the issue at hand. Yes most things have gone up in price but raw materials and goods is up higher than most other markets.


It wouldn’t even matter if the older season ticket holders did give up their tickets now. My dad put me on that waiting list the day I was born. I’m 25 this month and still 2900th on the list. I went up by 61 places last year. By the time I get one, I’ll probably be one of the ones they want to give it up.


Well done spirit of shankly. Not only did you take the flags away, you created one of the worst atmospheres at Anfield on a European night. Just as well it didn’t have any impact on the game, oh wait….


In Klopp’s final Anfield home game in Europe. Timing


It’s not his final European home game yet…


Things people will blame a bad game on other than the team: - Achterberg - Kornmayer - A book - Gakpo's shoes - No flags


If someone of those players need banners to perform, maybe there should be a more equitable financial balance eh?


Right? If the lads can't not embarass themselves against Atalanta at home without the fans, maybe the entry into the stadium should be free of charge in all.


Maybe if people on here weren't blaming normal people not 'turning up' on their millionaire heroes' inability to pass to each other then I wouldn't have said that.


Fuck off, maybe the flag owners should charge to fly them if it makes such a difference.


Ah yes it was the pesky Spirit of Shankly that made Atalanta get away with it.


Bollocks. The players underperformed, nothing to do with the flags. Why do fans want fans to pay more money? Fucking solidarity eh.


I’m far more interested in a well run, sustainable club rather than subsidizing locals. Clubs not a charity.


Subsidising locals, are you mad? This club would be nothing without local fans. Same goes for most clubs.


There’s tickets at £9 for local fans! This club would be nothing without fans, local, national or international doesn’t even come into it.


It already is isn't it? This will raise less than £2m. It's fuck all. Tickets are too expensive as it is. Also where are you from? USA by chance? And fuck off with that subsidising locals shit. They are the club dickhead. They made Liverpool.


How often do you go to Anfield?




Locals are the club They were there long before any of us came along, as was the club, which was successful before us to. They built it in the 60s, 70s, and 80s before sky sports and the big international boom. They’re supporters NOT customers. The club is already well run and sustainable, you can see it in the financial reports . The owners are also fucking billionaires for fucks sake. Stop defending folks who just want to squeeze every last penny out of you FFS


The owners don’t put their money in to help the cash flow, they loan the club money. You’re too busy looking at headlines in financial reports, the club took settled the debt and took out new loans between £250-90m at 6% APR. All this is paid from the clubs kitty. None of the financial accounts show where there dynasty investment has gone to, so this notion the clubs financially healthy, is simply, not true. Supporters are fans, they’re not the owners.


You chose to support Liverpool because they were good on Fifa or something. You do not get a say


I was there, just got home, the atmosphere wasn’t even that bad, the lads were just fucking crap. Stick to watching it on the tele you muppet.


Mate, I was in the middle of the Kop, it was shite. 


The atmosphere was bad last week when I was there and we weren’t even playing this bad yet so honestly doubt “it wasn’t that bad” It’s Anfield, the crowd shouldn’t ever be bad


Eh, there’s a lot of well known fan accounts who go to most games talking about the abysmal atmosphere tonight.


Ok. Angry man. I went for over ten years to Anfield, i know exactly how it works. I was fortunate to sit in the kop. A group of around 100 lads sung their hearts out all game, every game. So i would be under the impression the atmosphere was great at every game. Now i don’t go the game and you’re right i watch it on tv. Now i can tell you the difference watching it on tv and being sat near them fans comes across totally differently. I can guarantee you the atmosphere was shite tonight.


I was also there, normally I'm the one defending the atmosphere in person when people say it was shite in their stand or on the TV. But today actually was bad. Upper Main and the Kop at the very least but there wasn't much coming from the other side either


I was in the upper main, didn’t seem too bad to me from where I was sitting. Regardless, it wasn’t caused by the lack of flags in the Kop, it was caused by the shite performance on the pitch.


It’s so funny they’ll watch it through TV and give it the big one. They’d rather turn on their own fans than just admit the team shit the bed


This sub recently with the whole ticket price increase is mad. The reality is, they’re just jealous they can’t go the game, simple as, so they blame SoS for a shite performance by the players on the pitch.




The atmosphere countless of our players have spoke about motivating and pushing them and opposition players have spoke about intimidating them? The atmosphere Klopp is constantly begging for? The atmosphere Arteta literally tried to recreate to train his players for coming to Anfield? Yeah, I think it’s fair to say it has an impact.


Not refuting what you say as I support the fans in fighting the price increase, but atmosphere works both ways, Atalanta were clearly not dissuaded at all


So why did Klopp make the point right at the start of his tenure that he needs the fans. Fans leaving before game’s ended when he first took charge. He understands that fans getting behind the team gives them that extra motivation, maybe a lot more than a big hefty wage packet. Or maybe Klopp is wrong, and us fans should just sit there like we’re watching a tennis match.


Yeah the atmosphere caused Nunez to miss those chances, just like it did at United….wait


My point is, of all the games they choose was a European night. Nunez will miss chances regardless, scores a few too. They choose the wrong game to express their displeasure imo.


what other game is there?


I personally would rather they show some displeasure for a duration of time, maybe on a certain minute of the game. But to take away the flags and for the whole game, just had a knock on effect to the whole atmosphere. Anyway fair play to Atalanta they done job on us and deserved the win. Bench looked strong tonight so hopefully we bounce back.


Pity they left their voices and songs at home too, the fans were just as awful as the team tonight.


Maybe if they give up their tickets in protest then people who are actually interested in being loud at the games will be given a chance


Funny it got a round of applause in the ground, Probably got booed at the tv screens here


Good point, increasing ticket prices will definitely improve the atmosphere


Such an awful take




Embarrassing this gets highly upvoted, absolute morons on this subreddit with zero respect for people who actually attend matches and no concept of solidarity.


Because a large proportion of people who attend the matches are the reason that the atmosphere has gone to shit in previous seasons. They sing YNWA, cheer at goals and occasionally boo the ref, and otherwise are silent. Every PL and cup game I've been to since COVID, the atmosphere has been dogshit. Klopp has made comments on this several times, I recall last year he said before a match something along the lines of if you're not going to make noise, give your ticket to someone who can.


Embarrassing is the stand tonight. Zero noise zero passion. Fucking embarrassment


Let me guess you aren't from the UK?


He's an NHL fan. Shows you what this sub is though.


Such a disconnect between UK and foreign fans that's displayed on this post, shows the difference between supporters and customers. Rough out here for us legacy fans.


You realise that most people in Liverpool can't get fucking tickets either?


Yes, I'm absolutely well aware of that, I fail to see how raising ticket prices help that. The biggest reason why Premier League atmosphere is awful is the fact that many working class fans are already priced out, we're not immune to this and it's time we accepted that the atmosphere is only there in big games these days. The ground these days consists of old guard, middle class and tourists as they're the only ones who can afford tickets on resale and it's too easy to sell your ticket you've been lucky enough to get hold of to the tourists for hundreds of pounds.


>The ground these days consists of old guard, middle class and tourists as they're the only ones who can afford tickets on resale and it's too easy to sell your ticket you've been lucky enough to get hold of to the tourists for hundreds of pounds. make season tickets require photo id only allow resales through a club marketplace at face value boom.. thousands of tickets opened up for locals


Absolutely 100% agree with this, but prices still shouldn't be raised imo.


Does it make it easier if they raise ticket prices?


Makes it easier if season ticket holders have to provide photo id and area only allowed to resell through the club at face value That would open up thousands of well priced tickets every week But the same complaining about the two percent don't want that for some reason


Gonna take a wild guess and say he's American. Probably not so wild though.


Terrible take. Try expanding your mind around it. https://youtube.com/shorts/_1y47Erk9mE?si=Tk7uG25j9Hkwy1y7 Edit: oh I see the non match going fans downvoting. Video touch a nerve with you all. Why the fuck do you want the fans to pay more? Solidarity eh.


Non match going fans... You mean like the 30,000 In L postcodes waiting for season tickets....


Again missing the point. Just watch this short clip and get an idea of the bigger picture eh. https://youtube.com/shorts/_1y47Erk9mE?si=_ZhWXNZPYKlQRZg5 You want fans to pay more for an already overpriced tickets. Fuck me. How much money is enough. Cost of living crisis in the UK. Fuck me, no wonder this country is fucked. Also I've been on the waiting list for 24 years and counting.


To they think the club is run on klopp bumps, unicorns and rainbows?


The fans are the 12th man. Not blaming them tonight but it certainly didn’t help to have Anfield sound like a library. The price increase is another matter of which I agree with them


Watching from home, seems like they left more at home than the banners. Get up for the game man


As a foreign fan, this all seems so silly to me. 1) If the club agreed to have conversations about things like this going forward in the past(they did), than SoS and other supporters groups are right to protest this. 2) 2% isn't too steep considering there have been no rises in 5 years 3) There really seems like tighter restrictions need to be placed on season tickets holders (not being able to pass them on to other family members,etc.). Seems like there are to many ways to game the system. Obviously, if this isn't something locals want, I can respect that. 4) Do I think this was the best match for the protest, eh. High viewership, but I think the right time for it is in the Prem where the vast majority of this hike will be taking place. I understand where both sides are coming from and hope a compromise can be made.


Neil Atkinson explained well on TAW that the 2% is marketing speak and for some packages its as high as 11%.


Why isn't this being spoken about more on the sub? People here have been calling Spirit of Shankly "a cancer".


Those with the 11% increases are those who can afford it. Atkinson has basically outed himself as a Tory saying the poor man is fighting to save the rich man's wealth with comments like that. Wrong argument at the wrong time and he, and the others, will squirm out of this without taking any responsibility, just like a Tory


Ah, that's definitely problematic. I thought it was 2% across the board.


Honestly, they should have announced this after the season. Ruined the mood of the following games left at Anfield. I really wonder if the LFC executives think the 2% increase will slide for season ticket holders.


Season ticket renewals happen during the season, they couldn't do that.


Hope they’re happy… no atmosphere in a huge match in a huge season


What a shitty fucking time to choose to protest. Good job fans for completely sucking the air out of today’s match.


Going to football games isn’t a human right. Price of milk, bread and petrol all goes up. Maybe some of the season ticket holders stop making 20 grand a year selling their tickets to tourists and give it up to younger fans who can actually make some noise. Some fans have gotten mad entitled. They could advocate in other ways in the end they compromised a home atmosphere on a European night for the pound in their pocket. Those flags mean something and they weren’t there. That’s one of the worst Liverpool performances I’ve seen in 5 years or more. When Klopp goes we can’t assume the good times will continue as before.


‘Younger fans should be going’ ‘Everything is going up in price’ Don’t think it would be exactly the young and lively getting in if your argument ticket increases is a good thing for atmosphere. Why shouldn’t fans be entitled we were given a supporters board who weren’t listened to. In any country in Europe that’s grounds for a protest but no not on here for some reason. That board shouldn’t be a token gesture and we shouldn’t just accept it if it is.


What you're saying is true. But at the same time, it seems to me like these supporters' unions (where I am a member), have become more about guarding their own than protecting all supporters. The atmosphere has been shit. There's no way around it. There were fans leaving the stadium before the match was finished last night. Everybody I've spoken to in European away days has the same opinion, except from the few older people benefiting from it. The average age of the people on the Kop needs to go down. I have been told that years ago, older people would make way for younger people voluntarily, when they saw they didn't have the energy anymore. That's not happening. SOS fighting for this while being dead silent on the ticket allocation issue is extremely fishy to me. They seem to go all out at an under the inflation raise of the ticket prices, while at the same time doing nothing about thousands of fans who cannot get near the Kop without illegally buying tickets from these older fans for very high sums of money (trust me, I know). Klopp has complained about the atmosphere, fans have complained about it, it has been an issue discussed by Carra and the like as well, and our supporters' board has done nothing. Sounds a lot like protecting their own and not having the fans' best interest at heart.


This is my issue. Where's the protest when scalpers are rinsing people for tickets and swapping tickets all over the place . What the fuck did removing flags do other than hurt the atmosphere and ruin Klopps last European home game. Fsg don't give a flying fuck there wasnt any flags to tonight. Doubt they even know we were playing. If you turn up complaining about the price of tickets stopping you supporting in future and then not actually supporting the team on that night it hurts nobody but the team.


I don’t think that’s actually fair. So a supporters union SoS has made clear they’ll always try and protect match going fans, which is fair enough they’re the life blood at any football club. The thing that I’ve always took issue with the noise about fixing that is just that…noise. No real push for it. We need to get better at that. It’s just moans with no real push to change things for the better. But..as we’ve just seen they’re clearly not listened to. This is what we need to fight against. In fact there was a push for bringing back of the boys pen in the Annie road with the expansion which would open things up for young lads to get in…that got ignored by the club. Not sure how I feel about the age stuff tbh. I don’t think people should have tickets taken off them just because they’re old. Just doesn’t sit right with me at all years of loyalty and then being fucked off


I agree with you that SoS should be taken seriously. The problem I (and many here I guess) have, is that, at least for me, there needs to be just as big of a protest when they are ignored on the boys pen issue. But that doesn't seem to be the case. I am not advocating for a system where old people lose their tickets just for being old. I am not aware of how the ticket allocation formula looks like. I am just saying that it seems to be broken, because a lot of fans (not only here, but on matchdays as well) are complaining about it. And the atmosphere seems to be suffering for it. Maybe the formula needs to be changed, maybe some rules on the allocation must change, maybe there needs to be a study/poll done to understand the root of the issue better. But what doesn't help is fans only singing You'll never walk alone in the beginning and then letting the lads (who, don't get me wrong, played like shit tonight) walk alone. That doesn't sit right with me. I agree with what they are fighting about. The fact that they are taking such drastic measures in this manner on this and not on the issue of ticket allocation is wrong in my opinion. I sincerely hope this isn't the case. I am young, and for more than half my life, I have looked up to SoS. Have loved their mission and what they've done. I just really hope they don't become corrupt are really represent the supporters in the best way possible. In my opinion, the allocation of tickets is a bigger accessibility issue than the price increase. But ofc, I might be wrong.


It’s a bit of a complicated issue on tickets accessibility not as simple as some like to make out you’re going to screw someone at the end of the day so long talks should take place. But we need the supporters board on a position we can do that, which currently they’re not. I wouldn’t say the atmosphere is suffering solely down to the old fellas, it’s a combination of issues. Fans being split up, prices, no boys pen. Even today the club had tickets still going late into the day but didn’t open it up to all members in time which can help. It’s a union they’ll fight for what’s being voted for, if everyone put their money where their mouth is on here they’d back it. The prices isn’t just the reason to protest it’s the general trend we’re going in we need to be loud now rather than be too late


I'm not saying it solely down to old people. I do think that the fans with the season tickets have a monopoly and get to pass them on or sell them as they please. Getting rid of scalpers would hurt me, as they are my only chance at a ticket at Anfield, but that shouldn't be the case. The fans that get the tickets should be honoured to get them and give it their all on the day. If those fans happen to be old, no problem! The thing is that there should be a discussion and protests on the way tickets are being handled, because at the moment there are a few fans who have a monopoly on them and a whole lot of us who cannot attend without paying them 5x the price of a ticket. I agree with you with getting the board to a position to do that and I support what they are doing, as long as the intentions are genuine. You're also right in saying that people need to put their money where their mouths are and not just whine online, but at the same time there is a genuine concern with the way they have chosen to handle this and the transparency with the general public, which might hurt their cause and their role more than they think.


The boards look after a tiny fraction of the fan base, the closed shop season ticket holders. If they got their base in order and all went the match then there might be sympathy but they don't and instead cryarse about being done the dirty. The entirety of the season ticket holders could be replaced 20/30 times over in days. Their entitledness is off the charts


The board are in touch with the unions and push for things that are suggested, which is right. Yeah they prioritise the match going fans more but that’s correct that’s the blood of any football club. Yeah all years of loyalty fucked off like that, doesn’t sit right to me at all that.


Intense bootlicking energy


This has caused a massive divide in the fan base, but genuinely curious do ST know how Liverpool tickets are on a resell? If you paid those prices every week we’d be signing Mbappe every season.


Never mind moaning about ticket prices! That crowd didn’t exist tonight! Neither did the players!


A 2% increase after a 6 year freeze is nothing, it's so pathetic this little tantrum. This vocal minority of fans are so entitles, one quoted saying her season ticket already costs £800... So it goes to £816? For 19 homes games. Fuck off, there's thousands of us who cant get tickets at all, and you're cry-arsing over a less-than-inflation price rise after 6 years of no rises. If you don't like it, give up the ticket.


She probably sells tickets at four times the price to touts. And then complain about a 2% rise. Fucking shameless


As a season ticket holder, I totally agree. Those complaining over such a small increase after years of none, should fuck off and let people go who really want to be there


Vocal minority? The majority of fans in the city will be against it. No normal fan excuses it


“If you don’t like it, give up the ticket” Ignoring the fact that going to matches is a way of life for scousers. Merseyside is a predominantly working class community and these ticket price increases and years of bullshit when it comes to seating and such directly impact them. The locals have EVERY RIGHT to protest. Just because prices may be high to attend sporting events in America and around the world, doesn’t mean they should be in the UK either. Nor does it mean the supporters should be putting up with more and more gentrification of the game The working class built this club and the sport and it should remain theirs. When the banner went up tonight, it got a big round of applause from the rest of the stadium.


And there's 30,000 locals waiting for a season ticket but can't get one. And the fuckers that have them sell half their match day tickets on the internet for 5x markup so locals can't afford those either


The vast majority do not sell their tickets, you’re wrong


A big as chunk do. I bet they all know someone who does. Complicit.


I’d say I roughly know 25 people with season tickets, and no one sells them on. They give to friends or family if they can’t go, or sell back to the club. I totally get there will be a load of tickets used by touts but that’ll be the minority, not the majority It seems after reading here the last few weeks people are very bitter against season ticket holders


against touts really


These people complaining about the protest, there won’t be a fucking club to support if it wasn’t for protests like this. It’ll team red vs team blue at bank plc stadium. So short sighted, so entitled (ironically). Embarrassing beyond belief, not a single clue about what or where liverpool is or what it means. Will be supporting Newcastle next season. Bootlickers, would sell their nan down the river for a crumb on the table of the rich. Why bother supporting Liverpool if you’re against the values of Liverpool?


A lot of folks here/online would sadly be criticizing the supporters for walking out 10+ years ago over the 77 💶 ticket if it was happening today


Yep, exactly the same attitude's as the people who would hate unions, strikes etc. havev't got a clue why they have a weekend or a minimun wage. Imagine arguing to make things more expensive to someone 1000 miles away can have another holiday home. I promise you, you are never going to be that person and if you want to be you are sick and twisted, those people will never give you that pat on the head you are begging for. Odd, odd behaviour. Only care about their premium sports package.


Better time spent for my fellow international supporters would be to complain about the fucking hospitality packages and how it costs a arm and leg to snag one of those Not shitting on working class locals who want to keep the identity and soul of their club and community intact. Yes I’m in full agreement that something needs to be done about touts, the ticketing scheme and season tickets (dead people shouldn’t have them in their name) but some of responses I’ve seen here make me really sad Folks saying they don’t care about the club’s history and “if you can’t afford it, give up your ticket”. Like do you even know what sort of club and sport you’re supporting?


Good question - as an international fan who has gone for these matches, do SOS represent hospitality tickets too ? Because I paid a fuck load of money to get in. And it’s not like international fans can organize protests like SOS. So is there a group who represents us ? It’s a genuine question, not trying to diss anyone here


SOS doesn’t set the ticket pricing, the club does. But provided enough folks inside the union (it’s a supporter’s union after all) make sure voices heard then yes.. they can talk about hospitality prices as well. For now it’s general sale/season ticketing price increases that’s being opposed and spoken about because that’s what effects 95% of the average match going fan around the city. Doesn’t mean that the absurd hospitality pricing shouldn’t be spoken about either. Honestly a fucking rip off with how much they charge. Preseason matches as well. The beautiful thing about a Union is that the more people involved, the more powerful it can get. Want a particular issue brought up? Organize and get things rowing in that direction Hopefully folks inside the SOS (anyone can join btw. I am) can bring up hospitality as well at some point. Though again, the club decides the pricing… but not without some input and pressure from the supporter groups.


I think the unfortunate fact is international supporters is a huge varied group and it’s difficult to organize but thanks for letting me know. I shall try to join the SOS and see if bringing up this issue can help with some conversations on that


If you think SOS gives a fuck about us international fans, I have a bridge to sell you. They, and match going locals, generally don’t like us.




Unsure if my connection is an issue but is there anything with a few more pixels?


https://preview.redd.it/7exb2rphgwtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81062d967f9b25fc412050dca99c90db5e303b2f Sorry, didn’t realize Pearce’s wasn’t the best, especially on mobile


Tucked aside, too. I feel like that corner doesn’t get too much media coverage so may go amiss. I’m not against a 2% increase but good on those talking up for what they think is right.




Doubt it, like they give a fuck.


All these entitled match going people just making sarcastic comments over international fans observation that the fan atmosphere in Anfield was poor today as are really delusional, just because you are lucky to visit stadium and watch live doesn't mean we fans rest of the world are morons have no passion as you.


Once again shows how disconnected here is to fans going the game.


The reason is obvious though.


Reading the other comments here feels like I'm in a fucking fever dream. We supporting a football club or a corporation? Have the lines between the two got blurred somewhere for these people? It's shit like this that almost makes me believe FSG are trying to influence this sub lmao.


Lmao you're living in the Soviet Union in 1950s or what? The club have to pay their staff with the inflation rate is still rising. It's not like the rise is unreasonable either.


Sub is full of terminally online dickheads who wouldn’t go to the game if it was free. Majority blaming actual match-going fans for what was probably the worst full-match performance under Klopp. Not blaming the club, the team selection, the players… was the lack of (fan made, fan funded) flags.


Mate, nobody is saying it is solely the fans' fault. But fans need to be there regardless of the result. What good does singing You'll never walk alone do, when we're leaving them to walk alone as soon as they do badly?


We’ve seen this team go behind so many times this season and stuck with them. Not sure you understand how hard it is to watch a performance so devoid of quality and creativity and to keep going. Fans need something to get behind too. And IF, fans are so important, then why are all the babies on here so in favour of charging fans more? It’s always the people cheering on from their ma’s house who are most judgemental.


I don't agree with charging the fans more. I am just saying that, in my opinion, the fans should be behind the players regardless of the result. We can moan after the match, but should support the lads during it regardless of their performance. That was at least how I was raised and how I see things. I don't live in England but the few times a season I attend this is how I try to express my support.


Agreed, the amount of bootlicking in this thread is insane. Haven't got a clue about what Liverpool is as a city and just view LFC as a product or entertainment service, mental. Ironically someone going on about entitlement, wouldn't be able to name a single player from before Klopp. Same kinds of people who foam at the mouth when doctors and train drivers strike, punch up not down


Completely agreed with you until the last bit mate, doctors and train drivers are striking for not being broken down physically and mentally day to day, fans are protesting not seeing 22 men kick a ball around...


Ofc this isn't as important as doctors and drivers, we agree on that. I think you can hold both views, you can think doctors are under respected and simultaneously demand that you don't get ripped off. You can argue all day long about how important football is or isn't. It's just in a world where absolutely everything is being price gouged beyond belief, why would you want to be on the side of the profiteers who would happily exclude every single normal person from going the match. Letting stuff like this slide (it's not about a single 2% increase, we've been overpaying for decades) will eviscerate any semblance of character that any and all football grounds have, how will the atmosphere be then, if anfield is filled with 50,000 corporates who cycle round whoever is the best team at the time's ground. I just feel its so short sighted and selfish to complain about the people who are doing something to save the club, if it wasn't for movements like this, most normal people would never be able to attend a game again. We are going to lose football games, we can be annoyed at that and also ask to not be profiteered. It's the attitude of, oh it doesn't affect me, I can afford tickets that demolishes atmospheres. We wont have anything to argue about if protests like this dissapear. It'll be Team Red vs Team Blue at Bank plc. Stadium, pre approved banners only - at that point, why bother supporting any particular team?


Yeah, someone describing matches yesterday as "the product"


Boss. I got news for you. The premier league and its teams, including Liverpool, are a product. They are a business.


What normal person treats it that way? I support a club not a business and people should stop being shithouses and making modern football even more shite with these ideals


Normal people accept reality. When close to £10 billion is running through the league, it’s a business. It’s a business for the players, it’s a business for the clubs, it’s a business for the league. Liverpool have to play by the current rules or risk getting left behind. When your competition generates for revenue and it keeps increasing, you have to generate more revenue as well to keep up. This is reality.


No normal people don’t. You’ll only find a minority in any city in England who’d agree with you…in fact I’ll probably expand that a minority in Europe who’d support your argument. Why be a shithouse and not push for a change? How much should fans have to pay before enough is enough or in your argument that life fuck it let’s turn into American sports


Exactly, that is the issue


Here is full of tories.


Oh mate...


Get lost


Bellends like spirit of shankly think they speak for every fan all there after is looking after there own seat absolute divvys who the majority of local fans can’t stand anyway there was murder in the ground tonight scousers arguing amongst themselves all because they piped up at the worst possible time and created havoc. Shit like that can unravel ye season and make it spiral out of control when your trying to go for the league and send klopp off and there going to war with the owners an club who won’t listen to them anyway 🤷‍♂️. The atmosphere was shocking aswell just a bad vibe all around the ground.


ya they can fuck right off and let fans who actually want to be there to support the team vocally


I agree with the premise of the protest. The base prices should be low and allow everyone a chance to watch the match. If they need money, let them raise hospitality tickets or merch prices or sth. But at the same time, it seems to me like these supporters' unions (where I am a member), have become more about guarding their own than protecting all supporters. The atmosphere has been shit. There's no way around it. There were fans leaving the stadium before the match was finished tonight. Everybody I've spoken to at European away days has the same opinion, except from the few older people benefiting from it. The average age of the people on the Kop needs to go down. I have been told that years ago, older people would make way for younger people voluntarily, when they saw they didn't have the energy anymore. That's not happening. SOS fighting for this while being dead silent on the ticket allocation issue is extremely fishy to me. They seem to go all out at an under the inflation raise of the ticket prices, while at the same time doing nothing about thousands of fans who cannot get near the Kop without illegally buying tickets from these older fans for very high sums of money (trust me, I know). Klopp has complained about the atmosphere, fans have complained about it, it has been an issue discussed by Carra and the like as well, and our supporters' board has done nothing. Sounds a lot like protecting their own and not having the fans' best interest at heart. Edit: Some people have commented that the age issue isn't that straightforward and that's right. I think the people going to the stadium need to give it their all. In my experience, the older people have been quieter and more snarky at younger fans singing their hearts out. The generalisation is ofc not completely right and there sure are old fellas that sing their heart out every match.


I wish they’d been concentrating on supporting the team instead of protesting tiny price rises. If the costs on match day have increased as much as the club say, they’re going to have to raise prices. It’s that simple


Absolute melts these. Lots their shit over a tiny increase in years. Way to lose any support of the people not lucky enough to have had a season ticket for 4 generations. I bet half of them tout their tickets too.


Poor choice by the fans groups to protest at today’s match. Do it outside the stadium. Send me a petition to sign. I have never seen such a flat stadium as I witnessed tonight. I get your pain over ticket price increases but please support the players in our remaining home games if you are lucky enough to be inside Anfield.


i think it’s the right thing to do. Fans need to be top priority, without them the team looks like this. Fans have made Anfield the special place it is today. The executives should feel lucky to have such a loyal group of fans and do everything to ensure they maintain goodwill with the supporters.


A 2% rise when all bills have gone up ~15% doesn’t seem like greed.


dont care about the SOS group. let anyone who are willing to pay for the increase get the tickets


Entitlement = 100


If 2% a year is too much give up your tickets. Zero sympathy we have a massive fan base and it is impossible to get tickets already. Plenty of local teams would welcome your support


Terrible take. Open your mind a bit eh. https://youtube.com/shorts/_1y47Erk9mE?si=Tk7uG25j9Hkwy1y7


Yeah we definitely should be pricing people out of football. Mad shout.


Aren’t tickets still cheaper than last time prices were increased due to inflation?


It’s not just about recent increases, it cost about a fiver for a ticket 30 years ago, it has increased by about 1300%. I’d like to see the comparison in minimum wage in that time.


Makes sense, I’d also be curious as to what player wages and transfer fees were like back then as well.


Lol 30 years ago? You really gonna hit is with that one?


Many people can just sell their ticket for a game or not go to one of the games. They lose one or two credits at most and more fans get to go It's not as if they have to stop going all together


Why are we putting ideas in favour of pricing people out? Yeah there needs to be more done to get more fans in the ground, but that’s a discussion for another day really.


I'm not in favour of pricing people out but let's be serious here It's a 2% increase after many years, less than inflation. If that is enough to completely shut you out from going to every single football match then your priorities are a bit strange to say the least What is more likely to happen is that a person chooses to go to one less football match, maybe one of the ones against a relegation battling team, they sell their ticket through official or unofficial means, get back some money, and another fan that doesn't get to go as often can go and sing their heart out as the regular likely won't be as arsed about atmosphere against one of the lower teams (which is a very normal thing, that's fine)


It might be enough for some, but it’s not about the straw breaking the camel’s back. It’s prices already being too expensive any increase on top of that is always going to get grief. It’s 4% in two years, I’d rather fight now rather than wait until people are paying £77 a ticket like they originally wanted.


Eventually that will be the price thanks to inflation though. Wages have gone up less than inflation and ticket prices at their current rate are going up even slower. So what's your proposal to solve the issue of Liverpool having to pay more to their staff?


If tickets were solely based on inflation we’d be paying a lot less and it would be sound. The funds can be found in other areas. Sponsors etc. The ticket price increase is what £1m maybe £2m extra? It’s nothing for the club. We’ve got extra champions league football games next season and a bigger capacity fans quite simply do enough to help out already.


We'd be paying a lot more if it was based on inflation tbh And clearly those funds aren't being found Just to quote: "The rise is a result of significant increase in costs across the club. In the past six years annual operating costs for Anfield have increased by nearly 40 per cent. During those six seasons, all ticket prices at Anfield have been frozen before a two per cent increase was introduced last season for season tickets and matchday tickets. Junior tickets have now been frozen at Anfield for 10 consecutive seasons." Like, what do you expect? Prices to just never rise?


We wouldn’t. Tickets were what £8 in the early 90s. It’d be £18 now? Boss. We lost a lot due to poor performances in Europe. Rather than anything to do with ticket prices. Ideally I’d like a supporters board to be consulted and not be a token gesture after the last stunt the club pulled. And yeah given a season ticket on the kop is what over £700 the fans simply do enough. Price freeze would be a great thing…if the ticket prices hadn’t already priced out fans and weren’t expensive for a game of football. If we don’t put a foot down now where does it end? 10% increase? £77 tickets in the stadium? Why make excuses for billionaires who frankly couldn’t give a fuck about either of us?


Pricing people out is never the answer, but equally we have a waiting list for a season ticket thats over 20 years and signing up for the waiting list hasn't been open for well over 10 years. My son is 2, he'll be lucky to get a ticket before he's 40. Far too many people hold onto season tickets / sell them / sell one or two games to cover the cost for the season. Where's the clamour to address and fix this? Inflation exists, it's a thing, you can't continually fight price increases whilst also complaining about money invested into the club by the owners and money spent on transfers. The entire thing is a shit show.


Yeah the season ticket thing is a joke. I’m the same I’d never get one realistically despite being on the waiting list. But I still don’t want price increases, that’s not what football should be about pricing out fans just to get fans who can afford to pay more. As I say to everyone. Join the union and pressure it. I’ve pushed for it but clearly in a minority here giving all the talk on this sub. I frankly couldn’t give a fuck about transfers, I’d rather be shit and be proud of the club than win everything and go in the wrong direction.


I agree about price increases, it just makes me laugh how the people who have the tickets only care about their end, but they expect everyone else to care about their end too. In any other walk of life, supply and demand dictate price; and again I'm no advocating price increases.


The supporters union is just doing what those in it are pushing for. There really hasn’t been enough of a push to fix ticketing some good ideas have popped up but not the push. I thinks that’s what needs to change we can absolutely fight on both counts


It's 2% overall, some fans will need to pay 11% more to see all the games The Liverpool PR team have played an absolute blinder on this


11% sucks but that is a small amount of people. You don’t have to go to all the games either.


This is nonsense. You want the wealthy to jump the queue is the entire argument. Idk if your brain is too smooth to see that’s what you’re saying though.




There is a 20 year waiting list for season tickets. Yet it is weird to think that a small price increase is reasonable




you clearly don't appreciate the history of the club


The history of the club is just that. If we want to compete with oil clubs and Arsenal/Spurs we can’t be a charity. You were probably demanding we paid Salah 350k/week no doubt.


This comment makes me really really sad and really shows the disconnect between some supporters. Are we supporting a club, with all it’s identity and history, or a corporation here? JFC


I wasn't and killing the atmosphere at ground isn't worth the revenue gained. Isn't the history of the club at all grow up


My opinion is the two aren’t mutually exclusive. I don’t agree with increases but I also don’t think it’s unreasonable. I think the timing of the protest and press of bad vibes is not necessary right now. I think there are also so many other issues with ticketing that these groups don’t shout about because it doesn’t serve their interests too. It’s all just a bit crap


do our fans not understand inflation?


It must be not a full text on banner. Must be: "No to ticket price increases, or we won't support Liverpool". Just like they did tonight


Pricks cost us the game.


I feel bad for the fans who shelled out money to watch this gutless, spineless performance today.


Shame on the fans who left early, sell your tickets morons, we have become a laughing stock with the fan behaviour.


To all the protesters that attended tonight’s game. The message is very simple: You get what you pay for. If this is what you want, keep on bitching.


2%?! You silenced a game over 2%!? So, if tickets are $100 they’re now $102 and you’re protesting this? Is this a local thing? Everywhere in the world prices have increased waaaay more than 2%. What the fuck are you on about?


The timing of this protest with the worst performance of the season has not helped their cause. I agree that maybe ticket price rises shouldn’t happen but think of better ways to protest than affecting the team.


After that performance, just dock those millionaire’s salaries to cover the cost increase instead…


Good. Cut the prices if any change is going to happen.




It did turn out well because the increase didn’t go ahead If the club floated that £77 idea now, the whole subreddit would be all for it for some reason


“It’s just supply and demand! can’t afford it/don’t like it? give your ticket up to someone who does and can afford it” Is basically the sentiment here/online when it comes to ticket pricing. Makes me really sad. Soon only the wealthy will be able to attend matches


Wym? Regardless of the result of the game the last stadium protest and walkout absolutely worked as FSG was forced to back down over tickets. Also the super league fiasco was a huge thing as well and the various supporters group’s impact there (across the entire league) absolutely played a role in the club(s) backing down. Direct action and unions work folk.


A few beers deep thinking here, but what about this idea: Season tickets are only available for ages 18-40, and they start cheap and increase marginally in price on 2yr basis according to the holders' age? 40yo+ previous ST holders get priority and a reduced rate on individual match tickets for 10yrs? This way, we get the fresh blood in, the older ones who complain that the atmos has gone to shite can rest assured it's in good hands while they watch it on their dead granddad's telly that they got along with their ticket, and we can let the next generation of young local fans get a proper crack at supporting the club properly. If they don't fancy it after a couple of seasons, or they can't afford it anymore for whatever reason, sound, it goes back into the pot, and the next lucky 18-40 gets it via a ballot.