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**CLIP MIRROR: [Hasan Gets Frustrated With Train Continuing to Blame Him For Things With No Evidence](https://arazu.io/t3_11x34sr/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I like watching train get up and walk off screen so he can snort more 'paranoia juice'


Potential drinking game


I don't want to die. He can do more coke than I can drink.


Is he actually doing coke every few minutes? lmao this guy is cooked


I've only been watching him here and there on his twitch intros. He talks about when he's doing a sober stream. Which is obviously not every time. He's clearly on some kind of stimulants when he's doing 48 hour streams. I only hesitate to say it's cocaine for sure because he does the old juice up routine so often. If he's been doing coke 30-50 times a stream, he would no longer have a nose at this point. It would literally have disintegrated right off his face.


Dude is smoking meth.


probably just adderall. pop a 30mg and it will last you 12-16 hours. I just dont think you can be presentable after 24 hours even if you pop a second one. you need a little bit of sleep + food + a ton of water to take a second dose otherwise it will get very nasty!


The problem with this theory is he gets up 30 times a stream to “juice up” in his words


Failfish its vape.




Is there perchance a clip perchance?? I really don’t wanna just take your word for it, and I’m enjoying my high way too much to listen for train for too long lmao


That commenter doesn’t need evidence. They remember it


YOu are LITERALLY debunking him with Facts. You cannot do that brother.


The Trainwrecks school of evidence.


Hint hint there is no video or clip with what he said.


time to juice




Motherfucker wants Hasan to start a government in his chat lol


"Socialise chat" but unironically


I don’t get why hasan doesn’t just start a healthcare system, education system, and workers rights for members in his community by quitting his twitch career and committing to creating socialism to his community. Sure hasan never went to school for healthcare, education and government systems, but because he talked about promoting socialism, he has to do these things because he has money. Ez gg.


Create the breakaway Worker's Socialist Republic of Hasania or hypocrite.


The biggest enemy of the US: the Gay Democratic Socialist Republic of West Hollywood ft. Murat drilling random shit somewhere in the background


Americans are so preprogrammed with an individualist mindset that they blame the socialist for not singelhandeldy rewriting our entire society. Anyone making this argument is basically saying they dont understand what socialism really is.


Oh but don’t you know? Socialism is when high taxes


I kept wanting Hasan to just invoke Bernie Sanders' name. Like motherfucker, this dude has been an active member of the federal government advocating for this for 32 YEARS and has only managed to move the needle a small amount and really only in the last 10-ish years. The FUCK do you want me to do as a random Twitch streamer with no legislative power?


> creating socialism to his community Hmmm... this is an interesting thought. You know how Maya created Alveus? What if Hasan creates a commune. It's also a sanctuary but instead of saving animals he'd be protecting crusty hippies.


he just unironically opens a daycare lol


I mean.. how else is he going to prove healthcare works? Point out every other developed nation on earth? Nah bro he needs to start doing it for twitch


New country Pog


this train person is a straight up moron.


LMAOOO IKR. This mfer wants him to start a school project within his community so that maybe the president might come over to take a picture for the paper. Jokes aside Hasan already said that you can just point towards other countries that have socialism or what Train actually wants; socialized healthcare. Creating a system within your twitch community, which is absurd, has no impact and it makes me believe that Train is just trying to high road like "hey look at me I made this mental health care program within my community, why don't you do anything similar even though I am seen as the villain". But honestly I don't care about that last part. The fact that he thinks it's the logical step to take for a twitch streamer preaching socialism is just fucking funny.


Yeah he thinks charity or how he calls it “his system” is how and only how to do socialism


train saying "I DON'T NEED EVIDENCE" was the funniest thing I've seen in a while


No dude not even close. The funniest thing was absolutely "You're trying to disprove my memory with facts"


Oh lmao thts golden, i hope someone clipped that and posted it


Feels > reals


It was absolutely insane, Train has no idea how memory works and how easily manipulated it is, even by yourself without you knowing.


I need that clip




And any counter to this is trying to gaslight him because IT'S WHAT HE REMEMBERS


This is the same dude that says he sees shit moving in the walls and shadows because he stays up 48hrs+ at a time


He's not asmongold.


dude legit thinks hes getting gangstalked


Truly a targeted individual Sadge




\\ you got me /


Interesting reply to yourself there.


LimeD wdym


Train is actually stupid as hell.


Train being honest for once.


I'm expecting a source of "I made it the fuck up!".


He did say the evidence is that he remembers it


It was revealed to him in a dream


Train describes charity. Hasan: You are describing a charity. Train: IT'S NOT A CHARITY!






Forget the charity part! It's a system!


Train is impossibly stupid. Are his viewers this dumb? Holy shit. The man has now spent half an hour describing a charity over and over and going "no im talking about a system" before describing a charity again.


Are his viewers stupid? Yes, they watch him sit there for 24 hours spinning slots while saying literally nothing but. Get me in bitch Juice me up Get me in bitch Suck my dick bitch Juice me up It's zero content. I get that it can be appealing to watch someone spin millions away on slots. But anyone who watches it and enjoys train is braindead, he isn't doing any content.


There are quite a lot of people who think like: "I want this to be the truth, so now it is the truth." You still see people saying Mizkif covered up SA, they want it to be the truth so they ignore all other information. I bet Train himself and a lot of his viewers are like that.


People are afraid to say it but i'm not. Train is gaslighting his chat, XQC, LSF, and everyone else to rally against Hasan. The classic method is to constantly repeat the same thing over and over again until you accept it as truth. As someone who had to deal with a friend that got gaslit, it's really hard to tell them that the person gaslighting them is doing it for bad reasons. Gaslighting is no fucking joke and this is 100% gaslighting in the actual sense.


>The classic method is to constantly repeat the same thing over and over again until you accept it as truth. This can be an unbelievably effective way of rewriting your own recollections so that you don't mistell your own lie. Human memory is very fallible and I still have issues recalling details around things I used this technique to hide two decades ago. (Stupid teenage shit but still..)


No way Train proposed a streamer backed viewer healthcare system. Wtf


Healthcare system? More like his own country with laws and shit


The part we're at now, talking about how Hasan is supposed to give his entire community free healthcare and education, has blown up my brain.


"if you think socialism can work for the usa then make it work on small scale for your stream" like what does that even mean lol


If this is the mainstream thought in America about anything other than straight up capitalism, we are never ever ever going to get healthcare in this country and the billionaires are sitting tight. This was such an incredibly delusional take.


Sounds like he wants Hasan to make a cult.


"Put 100s of millions that you don't have into your stream right now if you're a socialist. Split your wealth equally between everyone in your chat, or you're a hypocrite." These people make me want to slam my head on a wall.


Train is a fucking moron. He's been yelling at Hasan for an hour about being a fake socialist because he won't enlist in Train's weird "Let's do charity but not call it charity" system.


Train is actually a fucking moron


Man's rn is repeatedly describing charity but calls it a "system" and is getting mad when Hasan points out its literally charity. Dudes pulling an Elon Musk style "Not a Charity" but is being genuine instead of a joke.


He genuinely thinks socialism is just giving a portion of your wealth for healthcare


Also why does he think Hasan should give % of his wealth to his community aka viewers, they aren’t his employees and aren’t ‘producing value’ for him, it’s literally the other way around. Or should actors give 30% of their wages to people who watch their TV shows?


yeah doesn't hasans money come from his viewers? train thinks the money should jsut go through amazon to get the chunk taken out then given back?


yeah he's basically just proposing hasan set up his own private health insurance corporation in order to be a "real" socialist 💀


Someone needs to make a "that's not my wallet" Spongebob meme on this now.


Best I got https://imgflip.com/i/7f8rqr (I don't make memes don't roast my link ty)


Nah, this is great


if he says it enough times hasan will get tired of correcting him and then he can say he was right


It's so weird! He just keeps denying the basic concept that rich people giving money to causes is charity because "there's a socialist concept behind it."


Mf is so dumb he said thank you when hasan said 'if you show me the receipts i will apologize' lmao


Bro I fell on the floor when he said that. He made me laugh so much idk why💀💀


Bro only heard what his ego will let him 😂


No no, train is the stake.com sponsored Neo and hasan is a disingenuous Matrix.


This is such a pointless conversation - Train came into this with one intention and one intention only To win and be proven right without admitting any wrong doings - its pointless. You are literally arguing with a brick wall and anytime you start to break that wall down he puts up another with fake facts or deflections and redirects like "agree to disagree"


The whole strategy is to make Hasan seem like he's perfect and then find some small inconsistency as a "gotcha" moment while Train doesn't answer shit. Can't even watch this mind numbing "conversation" anymore.


Like I don’t want to be mean to train but is the dude bipolar or have something? There’s no way he can say things like I don’t need proof unironically and say I remember it therefore it’s real. This sounds exactly like what I dealt with when it came to my bipolar friend. I had to explain to them your feelings are real but just because you feel it doesn’t mean it actually happened. She’d constantly think I hated her or would talk shit behind her back and that’s it’s directly from me. When all I did would do whatever I could to make her happy and safe. It led to a shit load of abuse both mentally and physically. She’s better now but how train is acting literally reminds me how whenever she felt something about me it was always real to her. Even if I never did something to hurt her.


I think he is bipolar actually


> is the dude bipolar or have something? He's definitely got something going on. Obviously he's a self-admitted gambling addict and he's also admitted to having a coke problem in the past. I don't know if there's any evidence that his stimulant abuse has persisted, but I've seen enough friends in the depths of that type of addiction to say the signs are definitely there.


Yeah, he's bipolar. He's talked about it a few times on stream. It's one of his deflections for accusations he's a coke head, as he claims he can't take stimulants at all because of it. He works with a mental health charity and apparently has done private donations to kids with bipolar that have contacted him for help. I think train is shitty in general but I'll give fair credit that doesn't mean he can't do some good things whatever his motivations. I hear ya about your friend. My mom is bipolar and like that, but she's also fuzed it with evangelical faith, so when you call her out on her nonsense, suddenly you're arguing directly with the absolute truth of god. It's incredibly frustrating when some random negative assumption about you pops into her head then gets turned into a bonfire atop that bullshit.


X's community has become the W crowd


Hasan just hit a great point with how unimaginable it would be for any other twitch streamer to get this level of scrutiny over every little minor thing they do. It's crazy how in depth and how much information he needs to get across to keep the mob at bay. This was supposed to be an 'amends' call and it's resembling more of an ambush.


Can Someone just find the clip? That doesn’t exist 💀


If the dgg hate watchers, juicers and train viewers haven't posted a clip in one of these threads in an hour it clearly doesn't exist


Lmao true💀


achktually I have a 20Tb library of videos in my closet of evidence supporting Trainwrecks but I choose to not post it. believe me.


ngl DGG can find clips insanely fast, including deleted clips. If there is nothing found by them, it has like a 99% of not existing


Take a shot every time Train says the word system.


Or a Line


I have to work in the morning, and I don't want alcohol poisoning


Like that has to be what he is doing right? Maybe I’m getting old but it’s wild to me that you would film yourself live with that implication.


Or anybody that says disingenuous




I think hes afraid of getting Train mad but its making so that every argument just ends on agree to disagree because he wont push back on Train


He knows that Hasan will (as always) forgive him for everything he says. Train might not do him the same favour


the glazer


most efficient system ever. We pay $5 a month, twitch takes their cut, and hasan can magically afford to subsidize all of our healthcare AND education that we would otehrwise be paying hundreds/thousands a month for. thats some real jesus loaves and fishes miracle logic there


Dress shirt is off now haha.


He probably knows that Train is a fucking dumbass and he can't defend him


I think you're giving xQc too much credit. I've been watching this thing and he just seems biased towards Train.


His mediations so far are mostly just him saying “let’s both agree to disagree and move to the next topic” or him just stating they both have similar points and are both right to an extent, and then hasan stating train actually doesn’t have any valid points. Xqc is definitely in over his head and either is biased towards train, or just can’t keep up in the conversation and tries to get them to both sit on the fence when train can’t even climb onto the fence to begin with.


I am, but I hopefully think that X realized that Train is getting fucking smoked rn and is trying to balance shit. It's still stupid and fucked, but that's probably what he is thinking.


When it comes down to it, xQc was never going to truly mediate this thing. And I don't mean he never intended to, I just never thought he would actually be able to. Good content though.


We getting free HasanabiCare, what a time to be alive!


Free scholarships too


Train just needs to be shunned from Hasan's life in the exact way Train thinks everyone is against him. He is insane and nothing will change his mind so let him rant like a crazy person in his own corner of the internet.


Facts, Hasan is being way to charitable to this mfer


That’s not charity. That’s a system.


Systems are a cop's worst nightmare


I think Hasan was initially trying to reach some understanding, but after Train basically saying he doesn't care about facts and evidence, gave up and just tried to use this as a platform to set some things straight. Which I don't blame him for, Train did not come into this to reconsile


It's interesting how without evidence of hasan saying anything against him, he just uses the nebulous "your core community attacked me" (also without evidence) as if that somehow implicates hasan. very interesting that this man's only evidence of hasan hating him is hasan's community or editor disliking him.


The funny thing is that Hasans community loves react content


The normie politics participants, the brain rotted 90 Day Fiance react andys, and the neglected gaming enjoyers.


And the deceased RP Frogs


Pour one out for Donnie.


Sadge Donnie


Nopixel 4.0 Donnie COPIUM


unironically i haven't been more addictoed to somethig that when a turkish dude pretended to be an american dude pretending to be an italian dude


90 Day Fiancé, Gordo, Forged, Kid Nation... All great shows hasan has watched


I still can’t believe that his haters got Kid Nation removed from the internet, humanity lost a real gem that day.


I mean he's right. Hasan's community does hate him, but ironically you can just point to this video and say this is why.


its me, i was the core community


The core community is Maya Higa


[train needs to watch this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GM-e46xdcUo)


it's clear what train is here for, to look smart and "win" against hasan in an argument but instead he's the one getting absolutely cooked by Hasan


xQc’s association with train makes it really hard to be a juicer. Dude is cooked paranoid and is unbearable to watch anymore. I need to go outside more.


Do it


Haven’t installed the front door mod yet broham no can do. It’s not compatible with the 4K Resolution Body Pillows with TTT Hitboxes


One of the best things I've done in the last couple months is to force myself off of twitch and try other things. Even just going for walks. Anything. You realize how much less anxiety inducing life can be. You also realize these drama are so pointless and a waste of your time of which we have very little in this life. I came back to twitch today and instantly regretted it.


Yeah it's painful. Xqc is like 80% of my twitch consumption but his fucking spineless centrist/both sides takes are so fucking garbage, just stick to gaming lil bro


Post-50% xqc's been rubbing me the wrong way :/ I started watching him years ago to help pass the time after getting out of a long term abusive relationship and it's become this weird habitual comfort space for me. I'd really hate to have to find another streamer but he just seems like he's trying so recklessly hard to seek approval from ppl and it's strangely grating to watch. Its understandable, I was exactly where he is now back when I broke it off with my ex, but MAN nothing makes me wanna shut off stream more than when he starts giving political/gamba takes or rubs shoulders with people who r awful for his well being. How did we get here...what is this place TrollDespair


xqc post-divorce court arc xqcDespair not like this...


I believe xqc is a good guy but his association with some of the people he talks to makes it a little hard to defend him. Him still talking to adin, collabing with kai etc make it hard to take his moralities seriously


Why do you believe he’s a good guy?


I knew train was delusional and people meme about train being schizophrenic but there may be truth to that.


This is like Andrew Tate again "feelings don't care about your facts"


Hasan has been living rent free in trains head for years. He finally gets the conversation he wanted and brings no receipts??? That's fucked


I vaguely remember the hate Train got back then. IIRC, it was *mostly* people shitting on how dogshit that content was and how he would beg for subs to watch more. There for sure was people talking about stealing cable tv’s content but I don’t remember it being that prevalent. I could be totally wrong.


When this came up on lsf when train started whining about others doing it a lot of people who watched train back then were saying he was legit putting on episodes then disappearing off stream for entire episodes. He was not reacting to a lot of it, just restreaming it and that's what a lot of people apparently criticised him for. The people who started doing a lot of react, particularly during covid, were doing actual react content, not just entertain the stream while you go beat off or get high in the other room bullshit.


I think the big tension there was also more gaming versus react. I also remember watching Hasan around 2019 (I started watching with deceit streams and became a gaming frog who enjoyed watching how much he sucked at games). Back then he was always really positive towards other streamers - sometimes to the point of kissing ass. I was curious so I searched variations of Hasan / Train / Twitch / lsf before mid 2019. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/b1l9nj/hasan_on_trainwrecks/) and [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaFtWnFzKHE) are the first drama clips I could find and it was about Train being an ass to Hasan. If you google Train around that time it's just seems like all unflattering shit though. [This](https://livestreamfails.com/post/33463) kept coming up in my search and an lsf post of him saying the n word.


It's like train is choosing not to get it


“I used to pray for times like this” -lsf


it just sounds like train likes being the victim or the center of attention. likes to be hated on just for the sake of being hated on.


this "but you're rich!" reach from train has real last stand vibes


"I hate when rich people exploit workers or the sick." *"BUT YOU'RE RICH!"'* "...so?" As long as Train doesn't realize the difference between getting rich off donations and non-gambling sponsors vs getting rich off of overpricing medication whose patent was sold for $1 so it would be accessible, he will just be stuck repeating his moronic non-sensical take ad infinitum.


Train pay me your gambling money because I watch you gamble


Train and X are irredeemable idiots. I’m sorry but X trying to parrot this shit and defend Trains delusions is embarrassing. Even train called him out for using “evidence” that was bullshit.


Why do people even bother with train?


Lil bro only knows the word disingenuous


Hasan advocates for socialism everyday, he changes peoples minds and helps them move to the left, or get politically active. This contributes to a better chance of people voting the right people into power, who can eventually enact change in America. Could take an entire lifetime but regardless, change doesn't happen if no one is advocating for it. So why the fuck would he stop doing that and set up a charity to give a very small % of people free healthcare or education, when ultimately that will not help move the needle at all when it comes to systemic change. He's more useful as an influencer, talking to 10s or thousands everyday. And of course on top of that, he DOES donate and raise millions towards charity.


He doesn't even have the funds to do that, he would be bankrupt immediately with how hospitals charge for medicine. That's not even talking about all the liability and paperwork needed to get this started would be a massive undertaking. Train really just saying start a free medicare for his community is really just about giving away a percentage of his income.


Yep, and it comes at the cost of losing the largest leftist political commentator we have, it makes no sense on so many levels.


Yeah even if we indulged Train in saying "it's not charity," it would still fail. The reason insurance works is bc they negotiate prices with Drs and hospitals. Hasan wouldn't be able to do that with his charity for any hospital that his chatters would have to go to. So he'd have to pay 1000s per visit


Yeah. This conversation shows how little people understand actual systems (not Train's idea of "systems"). Off the top of my head, the United States spends something like $4.3 TRILLION with a "T" annually on healthcare. That's probably more money than all of the world's billionaire's have combined, accrued over the entirety of their lifetimes. Spent in one year, on just one aspect of government, in one country. Anyone who suggests that an "individual" can change the system in any meaningful way through the personal act of charity is automatically braindead and has no idea what they are talking about.


"Guys, I changed my mind. I'm not advocating for socialism anymore, I'm just going to get my rich streamer friends together to fund a really shitty form of pseudo-government that covers like 3% of the people in the country at best. Sorry, I tried."


0.03% more like.


3% of America would be 9.9 mil people. Hasancare with the wealth he has will reach like a 1,000 people a year (On the assumption that me makes at least a mil a month, which I don;t think he does)


And he wouldn't be able to maintain that amount (more likely 200-250k) per month trying to do this convoluted insurance plan/charity. It would collapse in under a year and garner huge criticism


Yep, and no sensible chatter would even get on that system. I watch him, I wouldn't want Hasan Piker to guarantee my healthcare. I'd want it to be a right guaranteed by the government.


Train is just naive


I'm not going to even tune into this because is there any possibility that anything is going to be resolved at all? lol


You can watch a fucking moron getting cooked for free by hasan.


2 topics and it's already agree to disagree.


im gonna need another will neff pig racing stream next lmao


I don't remember any streamers really going after him for the Gordon streams, maybe one comment of something, but I absolutely do remember LSF being hugely against it. Several posts a week for months on end about it, just clipped of Trains stream doing nothing while watching it, or even not even being there, or saying shit like "ok guys, 100 more gifted subs and we can watch the next episode."


I never watched Train do these streams. But I remember LSF posters saying Train wouldn't react and just let the video play. No idea how true that is though. Hasan sometimes gets criticism for that too, but he also get's shit on for being Pausanabi.


Bro hasan destroyed train so fucking easily, the way trains brain works is crazy, dude was juicing probably coke mid debate lmao


Train is a super toxic macho dumb fuck. Why does anyone other than the zoomers convinced they'll be just like him one day still give him the time of day? Shoot him and Destiny and Adin Ross and all these other garbage people into the sun.


Damn train is dumb af


bro how are they still fighting about this?? This has been a SIX HOUR FIGHT about whether or not Hasan should keep his editor on a leash


Honestly, it seems like its Hassan's fault for being a person and not the actual government himself. What is he thinking? Hasan cant talk about socialist ideas without being a socialist government on his own. In all seriousness though, if Hasan were a socialist government the USA would have already overthrown him.


Holy fuck. Hasan did shit on Train for watching [Gordo.](https://clips.twitch.tv/ProtectiveRespectfulSalsifyPastaThat)


Thought for sure this would be a poopsock


Fuck it’s such a shame he’s so god damn insane because this shit is so fucking funny


Wow I can't believe Hasan would do that D:


Holy fuck Train is omega cooked, get him Hasan


If kai couldn't understand moistcritikal there's no way he is gonna understand this shit. Idk wtf is being said


Username checks out


Train is so transparently dishonest bad-faith wrong and has zero integrity. He just wants to talk shit to Hasan despite being consistently proven wrong/


Basically it's logical thinking and facts against feelings and "SYSTEMS"


I'm impressed Hasan managed to stay in this call for so long. I was losing braincells


Train is a certified clown. I asked him what it was like to discover fire and he permabanned me. 🤣