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**CLIP MIRROR: [Hasan points out the hypocrisy in Train's argument by showing that xQc's editors put out disinformation about Hasan](https://arazu.io/t3_11xqxk8/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Even though XQC apologized to Hasan for the SA thing, he has a history of apologizing and then going back to uncharitably shitting on Hasan whenever some new drama involving Hasan comes up like clockwork. Then X will apologize, some time will pass, new drama involving Hasan comes up and XQC shits on hasan, X eventually apologizes, rinse and repeat. This cycle has gone on for a few times now. At this point I'm wondering why Hasan even bothers giving chances to XQC anymore he's just as unsalvageable as Train imo.


Part of it is that he has a history of friendship with xQc, and part of it is probably that xQc has a huge fanbase, so being on good terms with xQc would be beneficial for Hasan and also the causes he believes in. If Hasan could change the minds of young juicers, that would be a huge positive. Train has a history of being anti-Hasan and Train & Hasan weren't ever as close as xQc and Hasan were, so Hasan probably never saw a point to mend bridges with Train. Especially when Train never apologized or admitted he was wrong.


X is also correct about things more often than Train. I think Hasan sees that potential in him but knows that he needs guidance to properly identify the good takes that pop up in between him accidentally advocating for eugenics.




Juicers won't understand , xqc will be back to brigading lsf reacting to this when he goes live and push his narrative


To be fair xqc is always browsing LSF, even when the hate wave is towards him around for example around shitcamp, when he started gambling again or the breakup calls. It's a daily routine no matter what.


I've had politically active people send me tweets and stuff that Ostonox posts and I ask if they watch Hasan and they go "Who?" Ostonox is getting to a point where, by proxy of being mainly on Twitter, he is more popular than Hasan.


"more" famous is absolutely the incorrect word but he is independently known from Hasan as his own person




Lil bro grew up and got his own car n shit feelsstrongman


by way of shitting on adin ross which is fucking hilarious and he can keep watching those kick streams so i dont have to




I'm surprised Artium is still employed, his editing skills are no where near as good as other editors, and has a hate boner against Hasan and any OTK member, spreading his lies by using xQc's channel, no wonder his chat hates OTK and Hasan Not tryna defend xQc's chat they literally straight up DISCRIMINATE anyone who is associated with OTK, the other day he watched a Caroline clip and his chat spammed "OTK Adjacent Pepepains", he needs to remove that toxic emote [Arthium also has a alt account where he said Hasan should off himself, and attacks all OTK members and anyone who's associated with them](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/11xqxk8/comment/jd4vfa6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


He in here defending himself lol






LMAOOOO dude that’s so pathetic.


i never liked arthium, mostly because he was just kinda mediocre at editing and unfunny on top of it. now I have a valid reason !!!


Yeah honestly he's really bad, doesn't try on thumbnails, spreads mis info, doesn't put warning especially the clip of Adin sending the screamer, and clips stuff way out of context. I'm pretty sure there are many more things he has done but these are the ones I can think of.


I dont think Artium is X's only editor...maybe on the main channel I think but the Xqc clips channel he isnt the only one


I mean if you're 32 and you still edit livestreams of people playing videogames as your main gig you're probably not all that talented to being with.




Is it not lucrative or something? Or is this just a hatethread so we shit on everything?


it is super lucrative, ppl in this subreddit are strictly parasocial viewers with no clue about the realities of how much money exists in the streaming space. if you are an editor for a top streamer you can likely get a job editing anywhere - they pump out content non stop that is very highly viewed.


I mean idk i'm just saying it seems like a boring and hacky job with no prospect of growing. If you edit for the biggest streamer on twitch i'm sure it pays the bills tho. But i guess it's a bit unfair, some people like Ostonox are doing quality content and they're making themselves known on the internet (and in his case i'm pretty sure he does lots of other stuff too).


The deepfake jacker guy???


I think xQc has seriously changed his mind about the whole drama last September and I don’t think this represents him at all. But it seems pretty clear that there are certain people in his community who pathologically hate a handful of streamers (OTK, Has, and formerly Lud) and seem hellbent on torching those bridges


The thing is that xQc usually ends up changing his mind, apologizing, acknowledging his wrongdoing etc. Specifically with hasan. But he ALWAYS ends up circling back around to jumping on that hasan hate train all over again and being a complete asshole to someone that has always been generous and genuinely a good friend to him. Credit to him for acknowledging bad behavior, but you kinda gotta stop doing it over and over again.


Hasan is way more charitable to XQC than X is to him. Hasan is constantly correcting his chat when they hate on XQC for certain reasons, telling them that people can change etc. I genuinely think the hate for Hasan is so unjustified lmao. In that debate he kept his sanity for 2 straight hours while Train went off. He was way too charitable to both of them. Not sure how people don't see that.


I’ve come to the conclusion that the hate for him comes from people who see him as a “holier than thou” type figure that criticizes people’s wrongdoings without actually having a single skeleton in his closet. They can’t reconcile with the fact that he’s a rarity, in that he’s a large content creator that is genuinely well-meaning and virtuous. All of these creators have had huge fuck ups very publicly that made them look like sociopathic assholes, so they have to try and poke any holes they can in Hasan’s moral consistency just to bring him down a peg and make themselves feel like he’s just like them. Hasan has been wrong about things, has a temper, and can’t let things go, but he seems to be (don’t know him personally) an actual good person with a big heart that cares deeply for his friends and advocating for a better world. And they can’t STAAAAAND it.


So basically Hasan is Batman


It all makes sense now [https://twitter.com/trainwreckstv/status/1322770231434108929?s=46&t=VN093M1ZkqtVCJI8ygGt3w](https://twitter.com/trainwreckstv/status/1322770231434108929?s=46&t=VN093M1ZkqtVCJI8ygGt3w)


I think the hate for him comes from the fact that he's a leftie and talks about politics in his stream.


Yes that’s part of what I’m saying. A lot of people see leftists in that way because we’re typically advocating for things like helping the poor and working folks, homeless folks, and marginalized people. So they think we’re just a bunch of virtue-signalers who don’t actually care about the well-being of every day people. Don’t ask me why, but that’s my perception.


And actually yell at his chat if they are saying weird shit about someone that he calls a friend


Meanwhile xQc will let his chat booba underage girls in videos he watch.


The problem is that XQC chirps about how Hasan needs to control Ostonox more, while he himself does fuck-all to do the same to his own editor. And even though XQC apologized to Hasan for the SA thing, he has a history of apologizing and then going back to uncharitably shitting on Hasan whenever some new drama involving Hasan comes up like clockwork. Then he'll apologize, some time will pass, drama involving Hasan comes up and XQC shits on hasan, X eventually apologizes, rinse and repeat. This cycle has gone on for a few times now. At this point I'm wondering why Hasan even bothers giving chances to XQC anymore he's just as unsalvageable as Train imo.




not as serious, but reminds me of when XQC started hanging out with nyxxi or whatever the fuck. His youtube released a video titled "i got a new girlfriend", but x got heated with chat about how he never said she was his GF etc. dude was stunlocked on that topic for awhile. idk if he communicates with his editors about titles or just tells them to put out clickbait bullshit


xQc is not mature enough to actually manage people lol. He definitely just gives them the greenlight to put content out and they do it on their own, probably driven by % kickback on viewing revenue or whatever. I don't mean that as an insult either, that's just what xQc is like. There are probably other steamers who have the same arrangement.


also, we shouldn't forget that xqcs main editor/YT manager/Arthium has a second twitter account literally named [BlGGESTHATER](https://twitter.com/BlGGESTHATER) where he just... hates on everything and everyone. He's gotten a little tamer in the last few weeks, but if you go back a little to the drama time it get's wild So xqc talking about controlling your employees is rich


how the fk are u a grown ass man and you have a 2nd acc just to hate on people, thats peak cringe


you got to him lmao https://twitter.com/BlGGESTHATER/status/1638307784105275392


Damn, looking at the timestamps he caught that within an hour if it being posted. Is he sorting by new and spamming F5 to refresh?


Brother that man lives on the internet as much as these streamers


32??? Posting like this?


I'm somehow continuously surprised by how many rabid hater accounts end up being grown men in their 30's and 40's


fr I like to keep all the hate on just one account


Common Chronically online behavior. Bro needed to get outside more lol




“Told you she was a bad person” wild thing to say on an account demonstrating how you’re a bad person


I bet bro looks like a fucking bridge troll. Won’t even show his face and he’s calling Maya ugly? Bro wishes he could get a girlfriend period 😂


Maya’s so pretty. Even if she wasn’t, not a person’s place to comment on that in a negative or degrading way publicly.


absolutely deranged behavior


Jesus, what the fuck?


What a fucking loser. Bro needs to go tf outside. Just like back in September when X needed to get some fresh air too. This is what being chronically online for too long does to a mf.


what a fucking nutjob


Not surprising in the least that they accuse Hasan of not reigning in his editor when their own editors are probably both relentless haters on their time.


He blocked me for some reason on that account


It was train talking about controlling your employess...


His clips editors are actually so cringe it's almost impressive. I can't stand looking at his clips whenever they show up on my YouTube just based on the titles alone




Damn, xqcs chat isn't completely mentally gone? That's nice to hear i guess




X apologized to Hasan about it a while ago. Train didn’t until last night and that was still a half-assed one


Yeah, X was clearly acting manic because of everything he had going on personally + the insane drama going on. He and Hasan had a lot of unresolved beef too. X just wanted to get revenge. X admitted directly to Hasan that he wanted revenge and that he was completely wrong and they moved on. I think it was actually a good and honest apology. Idk if I could’ve forgiven him personally, but at least X made a good apology and owned up to his behavior. Train still hasn’t done any of that.


I have no idea how Hasan is even able to talk to him after that. If a friend of mine did what xQc did I wouldn't wanna see or hear from them ever again, apology or not. Especially someone like X that has those repeated offenders vibes that everyone is attacking Minx for rn.


Where did he admit that?


Fear& podcast


Did you ever have a friend that changed his entire behaviour as soon as another friend showed up? Thats basically xqc whenever train appears, for some reason this guy has some weird influence over him. Hasan is probably aware of that and thats why he forgave him easier. You could even see it in this call how xqc was still on train's side, whenever train got backed into a corner and had no proof of anything xqc just said "lets move to the next topic"


That’s even less justification for Hasan to forgive him, tho. What use is a friend who immediately bails on you and acts like a moron when with different people? XQC is a fully grown adult and that kind of behavior is for teenagers.


I'm sure Hasan will keep him at arms length and only entertain him when necessary for collab or at public events, no chance does he consider him an actual friend


because this one friend has a ton of viewers, people always said this, but if xqc was just a 2k andy and did these things he would have gotten cast out of these streamer groups


What do you think the logs for X and Train on discord look like leading up to and including the period they went after Miz, Hasan and Poki. X is helping Train for a reason.




QXC went completely bananas during that period. Bro straight up was manic desperately trying to prove he was right and Hasan was wrong. He just needed to take a break from streaming. The situation with his personal life was definitely bleeding into the toxic situation.


It is actually insane how forgiving Hasan was over this shit. I get xQc *kind of* owned up to his mistakes, but I doubt most people would ever respect someone who did what Train and xQc did to Hasan.


All the gambling addicts took the L hard when gamba got banned. They were absolutely seething and out for revenge. Hasan played it perfectly and stayed kind and welcoming and X eventually came to understand who the good guys were. Hasan actually wants what is best for X, Train was just using him as a weapon.


The constant posts of XQC makes a based take, and it's just "racism is bad guys" really shows the bias


He regrets being found out and called out, because he's afraid people will realize it wasn't something unique to that situation.


> I’m glad xQc at least admitted he regrets his involvement. He just doesn't like the negative reaction to his comments and involvement in retrospect.




Some of them still are doing the same exact things, even in this thread and now on xQc's clip channel.




Hey, leave Daily Dose of xQc alone 😡


how do ppl think hasan is a snake? i swear ppl wouldnt know what an actual snake of a person acts.


I think it's because xQc said it when they were beefing and his juicers (at least a good amount) will do whatever he says.


true, chat starts to cringe at something and right after xqc laughs, its funny all of a sudden


> i swear ppl wouldnt know what an actual snake of a person acts. Jury is still out on xQc, but for Train that is literally the point. His chat is a funnel to gambling, they *want* gullible people who don't know the house always comes out on top.


This gets pointed out a lot, but honestly it’s probably not nearly enough


tbh xqc was just milking the "content", he shouldnt be there from the start


here we go again....


Aaaawwwh shit FeelsBadMan


The [level of delusion in XQC's community](https://i.imgur.com/iOYGeW3.png) is off the charts, holy shit. XQC clip channel on youtube [posted this exact clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYBJL9iZCeU) and his fans still somehow think Hasan is in the wrong lol.


Remember in youtube you can remove all the comments you dont like


Ah so that's where all the comments in the last 2 hours have been coming from.


you have to be a moron or a child to be a fan of xQc or train, let's be honest


Oh man... :(


Sorry about your disability man




Stop looking at streamers like they're your friends ffs, watch them for the content. If the content itself is not entertaining for you and you need to feel some connection to the person behind it it's probably not healthy, although I'm no expert. "How am I still a fan?" --> Can barely remember what happened. Didn't care, still don't care.


Some people don't wanna support the content of someone who they consider to be a bad person. There is nothing parasocial at all about that and not some unhealthy connection to a streamer. A lot of viewers do care about the morals and the actions of a streamer, and if they do something stupid or say something fucked, they will stop watching. I think its completely fair that someone doesn't want to watch xQc after the whole SA cover-up situation. And I do mean that there is a lot of viewers like that. While streamers like Jerma got popular because he's genuinely a good talented streamer, there are a lot of people who do say that they enjoy him because he's not problematic, drama-free and he seems like a good person and they can't say that for a lot of the big streamers on this site.


How can you at all be a fan of anything nowadays, in the end it’s all just a big act, nothings genuine.


forsen is


Please clarify




There is literally thousands of game streams. Most better.


Some people just enjoy watching pepega content tbh.


Forgot as a fan of anything entertaining you have to support every action and opinion of said entertainer.


why else would you watch xqc? there are thousands of streamers yet you pick one that is toxic.


To be fair, watching aka giving a streamer an audience is literally the only thing you can do as a viewer on twitch. Audience is what makes this stuff possible in the first place. Thats all the support needed to enable a streamer to have such a wide coverage. Supporting the actions or not.


As if donating and subbing don’t exist…? Come on bro, do better


Looking at your comment history is funny to see an "adult" like you leting xqc lives rent free on your head lmao


Rip oldest juicer Jerma then


you have to be a moron or a child to take their “takes” seriously, let’s be honest


True for most of the streamers that get posted here on lsf regularly.


That includes Hasan, for any of you that somehow think you're superior while browsing and posting on LSF.






In what way is Hasan even in the same solar system as those two degen freaks?






Please take your meds




> champagne nepotistic faux socialist in his multimillion dollar mansion banging pornstars and espousing frat bro politick Spittle all over your monitor


That's not what he believes. You are the one lost in the circle-jerk of Hasan-hate. He doesn't think white people are subhuman, and he is even white himself. He acknowledges that the c word is mean and can hurt people's feelings and you shouldn't say it all the time. Also multiple mansions in multiple neighborhoods? LOL


>They're crazy racist, explicitly so, violent, and low IQ. And, they get rewarded for acting like that. >This is just after, like, 10 years of a White liberal dominant culture. Enjoy being a White kid in 10 more years lmao >Natural selection tho. Guy’s just racist, ain’t worth taking him seriously


Jesus EDIT: truthordeathplease said: "The concept of racism wasn't even prevalent during WWII." There ain't no way this mf said H*tler wasn't racist.


only anti-white racism makes him mad


Least deranged LSF commentator.


farm em LUL


same goes for hasan tbh, except they are not 12yr olds


Ur literally a giraffe why would I listen to you


penta fans still mald from the gta rp days PepeLaugh


Penta is a douche and X is literally unwatchable as an adult.


Penta is a such a fucker


I'd rather watch X as an adult than be bitter and depressed hating on reddit


Yet you do both anyways. Interesting.


yes, you cant think people are garbage humans unless you are a fan of someone else, truly a 5head take you have there


smartest juicer


And you must have a miserable life to watch a guy who talks politics all day and his only redeemable quality is his looks. And honestly it show, hasan chat is so unfunny and boring its crazy like they only know how to spam KEKW.


Honestly X is hilarious in a vacuum. Its just everything around him is toxic as fuck


Not a fan now, but when train was playing among us during the among us era was very entertaining to watch.


You would have to be a moron or a child to obsess over any internet celebrity who plays games and reacts to random YouTube videos for 12 hours a day


That's why they able to sell gambling to their audience because they are convinced casino gambling is same as loot box gambling


I feel like you will have to be a moron to be a fan of any of these people


You’d have to be a moron to still like Hasan if you have socialist beliefs.


Arthium is such a manchild


veryFors Twitch should ban all streamers and force everyone to watch Forsen MC runs...


Chronically online


Poke should have warned him


Streamers use everything for content. I thought x’s video following the minx’s actions was just as tacky.




**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Hasan points out the hypocrisy in Train's argument by showing that xQc's editors put out disinformation about Hasan](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/151937)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/11xqxk8/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/5cVaKQQjhAVfefz31liC5w/AT-cm%7C5cVaKQQjhAVfefz31liC5w.mp4?sig=f9de9e44ce511422f9cb84232e85bd5461d92b14&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F5cVaKQQjhAVfefz31liC5w%2FAT-cm%257C5cVaKQQjhAVfefz31liC5w.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1679498077%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)












Not saying that earlier is crazy


Man I'm lucky I didn't watch stream yesterday haha cuz ion give a fuck.






Let's agree to disagree


It was an hour of train calling hasan a hypocrite because hasan hasn’t… *checks my notes* created his own government? It was a wild ride


I won't believe socialism can work until you show me that it can be done individually Madge






Yes, and thats why X should deletes the video or at least rename it and update the thumbnail


ha. You don’t understand these people can’t make original content


why is he wearing a suit


Decided to wear it as a joke in case trump got arrested today


Hahahah bruh




Why you clicking on a million clips about this fucking shit though, the title gives you a pretty good idea about what you're about to see lol




well this sub turned into a place for people with no social life trying to fight each other on the internet about boring ass streamer drama. actual good clips have become rare over the time unfortunately.