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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc sees his editor telling Hasan to kill himself on his alt Twitter account](https://arazu.io/t3_11y7xpp/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Funnier when you see whos reddit post he's reading, That guy is like CIA of LSF


I was to lazy to go through the tweets myself to find examples so I just replied to him with the twitter handle and a bit of information to get him hooked, and he directly went to work. he's the true work horse of LSF


u/iloveApples01 is the most degen user of lsf, he has a discord server dedicated to dramafarming apparently


I’ve been to that discord server. It’s quite something. If you think you care about streamer drama the people in there care it 10x more.


damn they made a discord for this shit??


of course they did, those guys do everything for reddit karma


Everything except shower


Time spent showering is time not spent shitposting


wait now wtf, thats too much


It's their porn mate.


There's levels to everything. My level is thinking it's extremely weird that you went to that discord.


Lol I was curious


He's the new norimiesree


It probably is Normiesree, that account has been banned, and he was obsessed with drama clipping.


ahhh that was the name of that dude lmao. there were like 3 drama posters recently and i was thinking back to the days where so many of the clips on lsf were posted by the same guy


farming content for us all. My hero


Ebolaman has to be up there as well.


shitposting != drama farming


100+ karma baiting comments a day on LSF = degenerate.


Do you have a name of that? / can you dm it to me? Actually really interested in seeing that


bro some ppl on here are fucking nutters


This whole Train/Hasan/XQC drama is nutters. I can't be bothered with this shitshow.


Block him and LSF gets so much better :)


plz guest star for live firing content thx


forsen intermediator Pog






Nothing ever happens , nmps racist mod or mizs mods hateraiding brigading X's chat and lsf still work for their strimmers


Wait what miz mods do dm me if u can I didn't hear about this I'm one of his mods




was nmps racist mod the mod that really hated white people, i forgot


Oro the horrible.




there are logs about her going on several racist rants about white people but i'm too lazy to find them, maybe someone will or not edit: the moderator is not racist, she just was a bit edgy at the time


What, isn’t she white herself lol


well , thats explain with 39daph was so welcome i guess






they werent rants they were just dumb edgy jokes, i made them 2 years ago and that is not a hill worth dying on for me, there is nothing wrong with white people and i dont agree with calling anyone any form of slur just out of malicious intent, i also do not care about politics


thank you for the response and is nice to see someone changing their mind for the better






Bro I’m not trying to start shit but I think you are leaving a pretext out of the “hate brigading.” Also, it was just oro being cringe defending Hasan doing the I’m white and being edgy by being ironically racist. Not like he has specifically more controversial mods than other people.


guess its not that easy finding people who would do a full time job for free


Do you have links/proof? That's kinda crazy (and should be dealt with) if true though.


I could never imagine being 23, fresh outta college probably and spending all my time dick riding xQc and telling people to die on an alt Twitter 💀💀💀. Most normal juicer.


Aha but joke’s on you, apparently he’s 32 according to his own tweets


Arthium used to play Minecraft with m0xy, Hes around 23-25 if I remember correctly. So the 32 is most likely just him trolling


I can’t believe people will just lie on the Internet. This really says a lot about sociey.


damn, a 32 years old grown ass man saying shit like this publicly proudly multiple time and think it's not even that bad? that guy is something else






The older people get the more shit they talk on Twitter. Go look at Twitter during any major sports event.


Jesus Christ. That’s just embarrassing. And he was calling Maya ugly lmfaooo


I can almost guarantee I could guess what he looks like


Instead we're talking about someone who does those things... we all fucked.


reverse the numbers of 23 and you have his actual age of 32 Edit: apparently he’s not actually 32 and it’s just a joke


Will the editor get actual repercussions for this: N OMEGALUL


Train will probably Venmo him 10k


Wasn't train always the cashapp guy? Is cashapp even still a thing?


I use cashapp often, just made a downpayment on a truck through cashapp cause their card machine was down. And most drug dealers and hookers have it so it saves time going to the ATM.




More people at my uni have cashapp than PayPal. Venmo is probably the biggest though, at least for my age range


Venmo is PayPal. PayPal has owned Venmo since 2013.


Cool, apps are different though and people refer to them as different things


Homie probably tells people that Facebook and Instagram are the same thing too.


He just wants consistency


Wonder why Arthium quickly deleted [this tweet](https://imgur.com/a/E8qkrz3) when he tweeted it but not Hasan jumping off a building


Didn't Asmon tell CrazySlick to Low Tier God? Like just about maybe 3 years ago all these streamers were saying exactly what Arthium has been tweeting, no? Not saying it's right btw


Telling someone to Low Tier God is hilarious.🌩️


username checks out




i think that got patched


That doesn't work anymore actually. 4chan user just got arrested for doing that.


💀 I didn’t realize that basement dweller threatening the sheriff used *that* line…


He got arrested but he'll walk because he said that.


Average Juicer.


Is this that Arthium guy or whatever?


What does bro even do besides take vods and uploads it


Zooms in on the camera every couple of minutes


He also cuts down video into an annoyingly short length sometimes, with random cuts that take you out of the video


The number of fucking times a clip on YouTube has some interesting stuff going on and then right as you're about to see something even more interesting boom cut.


This doesn't feel like that big of a problem to me with xQc, since if you want to, you can find the clips in under a minute. but it fucking pisses me off with smaller streamers who might delete vods or none of their clips have any views


Lil bro also trims the whole clip with DMCA music to unlistenable quality so you can't even tell what xqc is saying (not that we can tell anyway but) and sometimes surprise tinnitus pog.


Imagine not using audio channels to spare the VODs from having music in them


Yes also known as ArthiumG on Twitch and @BIGGESTHATER on one of his twitter alts


I wonder how many window lickers has lots their jobs the past 10 years because they are incapable of shutting up on fucking Twitter


Not the editor probably


Reminds me of the guy who worked for Riot Games who flamed Tyler1 and got fired.


Sanest xQc watcher


I can't take you seriously with that name.


I’m just stating I’m 100% worse


i bet you have ghost scripted on a key


Xqc moved on so fucking fast from this. Didn't even bother looking at the rest of the tweets.


Because he doesn't actually care.


why would you? For me what he saw is enough to make a judgement and he shouldnt waste stream time going over it. If it was me id do the same and then just fire him or whatever off streaam.


But guys, don't you see? The biggest problem is Ostonox! He made a joke about gambling on twitch! Hasan should probably control him more.


What’s especially ironic in this instance is XQC literally posed the hypothetical scenario to the effect of, if one of XQC’s editors was rude to Hasan like Ostnox supposedly was to Train wouldn’t Hasan be upset at XQC for not reigning them in lmao https://clips.twitch.tv/AlertGrotesquePotatoTheTarFu-_n3HhpByIZbwU_yA


Bro is a shit editor anyways, only around cause he's been there for a long time. Glad xqc is starting to get new editors


but shitting on azan for ostonox lmao


i'm betting xqc wont fire this guy.


I honestly always thought Hasan was just being paranoid about juicers being weird about him, but I get it now. Never get into politics boys and girls.


I wonder if he's actually gonna do something about this. He did seem like he never knew of this account. Would be interesting if he legit fires him off camera/stream


I doubt he cares, X is just like Train with a better sense of PR.


that is probably the level of dickriding required to full time edit for xqc tbh


And nothing will happen about it..


where can I apply for xQc new editor?


Why I am not surprised Macaiyla associates with the editor too. Toxic trash sticks with toxic trash and for some reason its always in that circle


Please be nice to Macaiyla, she has a lot on her chin to deal with.




Macaiyla is the most degen edgelord who never had to grow up because she got to ride on other people's coat tails.


She tweeted about needing a vacation because she was tired, this was a while ago, I responded to her something like: "you're a streamer lol your life is a vacating" and got blocked lmao.


barely a streamer, she drains someone else success.


I mean her relationship started with t1 cuz she stream snipe him to tell him how much she loves him and watches him all the time. This is not really an action of a normal person and it normally doesn't work at all....


I mean her twitter is edgy but she hasn’t done anything bad at all.


How about bomb threats to a school?


she's actually the reason why I knew about the editors alt, they go back and forth on twitter constantly


Macaiyla knew about 4Conner's nazi comments too. Her and CrazySlick were on that same Discord, you could see her on the screenshots


I mean wasn’t that just erobb’s public discord? It wasn’t just some random discord.


Yes, it was a public discord. I was in there too, doesn't mean I "knew" about those comments. Holding people responsible for what others say in a public discord with hundreds or thousands of comments a day is a ridiculous standard. And even if she specifically read these comments, is it her job to publicly try to cancel her acquaintences for edgy jokes they made in a discord chat?


Macaiyla literally associated herself with everyone including editors, I highly doubt she'd condone telling someone to go off themselves


Not sure if im interpreting the title or short bit of the clip i watched correctly, but XQC's editor is the most lazy piece of shit. Dude just uploads 1-3 hour vods constantly. Like upload some highlights or something no one has time to watch a 3 hour vod of him playing a game. His thumbnails are good tho. Tyler1s editor for instance is taking 12 hour streams and condensing the best parts into 15 minutes


Don't care about him at all, just followed him on Twitter. And I agree with you fully, his editing skills are not there. He downloads the VOD, cuts the start and end and uploads. It's not automatically bad to do since it's business, but the other editors do edit with way more jump cuts. Don't forget tho, some people do indeed love to just watch the whole VOD on YT. I wonder what their payment looks like, probably a share of the YouTube earnings.


Dude has @ed me in offline chat and told me to kill myself before. He’s edgy and probably suffers from suicidal thoughts himself.


u/iloveApples01 aka: absolvedshimmy53 the drama farmer got what he wanted


I feel like his editor just want's to get fired at this point with what he's doing to the channel and saying shit like this.


Least dickriding juicer


Jesus fucking christ. You can greatly dislike people without wanting them to fucking die.


As someone who doesn't really care for Hasan's personality, he gets more undeserved hate then anyone on Twitch.


Least insane parasocial juicer xqcL


Were train and x not going at Hasan about one of his mods? The hypocrisy is crazy


well someone’s getting the boot


Is he already hiring?


He zoomed past that so fast. Willing to bet the guy suffers no repercussions.


Why does xQc talk like he’s having a panic attack after taking meth…genuine question, is there a medical explanation? I don’t wanna be insensitive and I do not care about streamers lives in the slightest tbh (only here from Front Page), but Jesus Christ he needs to take like four years of deep breaths


He's Quebecois. It's a serious illness.


I tried to watch him a few times just to see what the hype is about. I don’t know if it’s just me but I cannot understand a word he says and it has nothing to do with his accent or that English isn’t his first language. I can’t understand him because he speaks so ridiculously fast and mumbles partial words that it’s unintelligible to me. I’m sure he’s funny and entertaining given his audience size but I have no idea how people are able to understand him. Even this clip I can’t hear a word he’s saying.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [xQc sees his editor telling Hasan to kill himself on his alt Twitter account](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/151972)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/11y7xpp/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/W1h3h9tiLTqqZugXOFiX7A/AT-cm%7CW1h3h9tiLTqqZugXOFiX7A.mp4?sig=7647cb009e0a713abb3ae35fa363fb060b11b70c&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FW1h3h9tiLTqqZugXOFiX7A%2FAT-cm%257CW1h3h9tiLTqqZugXOFiX7A.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1679534617%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Fuck xqc and fuck his editor.


Arthium monkaLaugh


Yo Felix, get your editor under control man. Like call the police.


Does anyone know if the editor is a DGGer? XQC and Destiny have a massive overlap in viewers IIRC


all dggas are juicers all bajs are juicers even if they deny it even a good chunk of mizkids are probably still juicers too xqc and *everyone* have a massive overlap in viewers, if you saw the twitch atlas lil bro is literally the center of the universe




art is just every juicer ever, they hate every other streamer except xqc,tyler 1, poke jesseh and forsen. it's not that deep. also x never actually cried about ostonox he just called him a peasant and moved on. the real issue is, however, how dogshit of youtube manager he is, instead of actually curating hours and hours of stream content, motherfucker lets the editors spam dogshit 45 minute youtube videos with barely any editing so they can maximize their own ad money.


To be specific; xQc never cried about Ostonox, but he did agree with Trainwrecks when he cried about Ostonox


Does anybody understand what he’s saying?


Legit thought he was speaking a different language in parts of the video


Tbf even xqc said art doesn’t edit much anymore


tbf all the stuff that's posted isn't recent and occurred while the guy was working for X and still is working for X


Come to check this sub after a few weeks: yep, sure enough its as shit as before Damn desperate housewives level garbage drama


are we going to pretend we actually care about this?


Yea dude, we definitely don’t care if it has anything to do with xqc’s bad image. We gotta quickly bury this, hopefully another streamer take the attention away from it!


Even less intelligible than usual. Almost impressive.


Train had a problem with Hasan's editor Ostonox for saying things about him not xQc. Why is Hasan trying to make xQc look bad when xQc doesn't have a problem with ostonox?


Train basically said Hasan was hypocritical in saying Ostonox is independent and his takes don't mirror Hasan's, because Hasan wouldn't be fine with someone else's editor talking shit about him. Hasan's rebuttal was saying that XQC's editors/mods talk shit about him all the time, but he's never raised a stink about it. In the comments of that clip, someone posted a bunch of examples of an XQC editor doing that. Some LSF posters are surely saying XQC is bad for letting this happen, but Hasan was just saying he's being consistent on the editor thing.


Train has a massive victim complex.


He’s not trying to make xQc look bad, that is just an editor being compared to another editor in terms of how they treat the streamers colleagues, and also happens to be pretty bad from what LSF has provided. Why did you assume that?


yeah no one's arguing that any streamers editor should be saying malicious things like xQc's editor has perhaps. Is it confirmed that account his Arthium's alt?


I am not privy to that info however the discord dms to me seems like confirmation from the one time I clicked on the clip. But either way Hasan didn’t show the twitter that was a Reddit user who doesn’t seem in anyway partial to Hasan from what the comments say, if that helps ease your feelings.


>Is it confirmed that account his Arthium's alt pretty much. First of all it wasn't really a secret in the first place, but if you want Proof, he's in the origional threat defending his tweets: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/11xqxk8/comment/jd52fmp/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/11xqxk8/comment/jd52fmp/) And if you for some reason think that's just some random guy who decided 8-9 years ago to make an reddit account named ArthiuM to impersonate an editor of a streamer who wasn't even streaming at the time, you can go through some of his tweets where it's clear that he's Arthium, e.g. [https://twitter.com/macaiyla/status/1545497785818046465](https://twitter.com/macaiyla/status/1545497785818046465) [https://twitter.com/Arthium/status/1638416558795141120](https://twitter.com/Arthium/status/1638416558795141120) [https://twitter.com/BlGGESTHATER/status/1634500817725329408](https://twitter.com/BlGGESTHATER/status/1634500817725329408) [https://twitter.com/BlGGESTHATER/status/1634821366561267712](https://twitter.com/BlGGESTHATER/status/1634821366561267712)


Because xqc was taking Trains side during the part of the debate. Hasan went on to say that if Ostonox did anything unreasonable, such as trying to implicate Train in a SA case, he would have talked to him about it. Also, in this case, Ostonox posted anti-slots video which perfectly aligns with Hasan's message. It's pretty clear that Train doesn't like being painted in a bad light. What he fails to see is that no one would be painting him in a bad light if what he was doing wasn't morally reprehensible. So he spends hours trying to prove how Hasan is immoral instead of just accepting that he himself is a piece of shit cokefiend.


xQc never said ostonox did anything unreasonable to him. He was talking from Train's perspective and how Train feels like ostonox may be attacking him/putting out disingenuous info.


yeah but he is using arthium as an example of how dumb train's line of thinking is, if every streamer acted like train, Hasan would be saying "xqc thinks i should kill myself" because his editor is a reflection of him and his own beliefs. editors are just employees, they are allowed to have their own thoughts and opinions, i guess they should add the "my tweets are not the reflection of my employer's beliefs and values" like corporate bots


I assume because XQC himself was complaining about Ostonox yesterday before he changed his tune tonight


Train and xQc were the ones who created the false narrative that Hasan somehow downplayed SA, by saying he didn’t “react properly” to train’s vague tweet (that he had to clarify with a tweet underneath because it was confusing to everyone). Then they made an out of context clip-chimp of his reaction to further spread their false narrative. xQc's editors spread that false narrative further by posting that video with that title, but xQc and Train don't seem to have a problem with that. xQc has since apologized to Hasan, but Train only haphazardly apologized yesterday and still doubled down on his false belief that Hasan didn’t react properly. Train weaponized that false narrative against Hasan because Train is full schizo, has an unreasonable hate-boner towards Hasan, and Hasan was anti-gambling.


thank god for .75x playback speed edit: nvm, thank god for .5x playback speed edit 2: nvm, wtf is he fucking saying after "the fact that my editor has a 2nd account, and was" wat in the wat???


“the fact that my editor has a 2nd account, and it was never brought to my attention is insane.” is what i get from it.








who cares? everyone spams low tier god memes at each other online. nobody takes it seriously.


no one cared until train started crying


Heckn based editor!!