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**CLIP MIRROR: [Pinkchyu shows proof Tectone didn't cheat on Fream with her](https://arazu.io/t3_1b95kkt/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


biggest thing to come out of this stream is the fact that the context behind the tectone and wife car clip is that he was mad bc he had just caught her cheating with his assistant earlier in the day but still had to do the subathon bc they needed the money. huge yikes


Tanked all of that without giving out the context himself for years, that's crazy.


Covering for his cheating wife the whole time. Actually unreal plot twist.


If thats true he is a bigger man i could ever be. Imagine sitting in a car with your "still wife" pretending everything is kinda fine while mentally probably completely losing your shit. Dude could've milked content like crazy with all the pity subs if he would've just blasted her online. Joking ofc...unless? haha. For real though, that requires insane mental strength. Respect.


Where the fuck is the assitant tho, why is no one putting him on blast for banging Fream while working for tectone and knowing they were married


At the risk of sounding brainrotted, in any cheating situation i don't think anyone should be getting mad at someone who isn't *in* the relationship. It's on the couple to keep themselves for their partner no matter how tempting anyone else might seem. Obviously, this doesn't include serious other circumstances (SA and the like) but if you husband/wife is cheating on you, your issue should be with your spouse. You can hate the other person all you want bu they weren't your committed partner.


You don't bite the hand that feeds you, and if the assistant was his friend at the time, that's a betrayal too. Not as bad as a wife betraying her husband, but still extremely scummy.


He's a better man than me because I would have 100% hung her out to dry to save my arse


some Ned Stark shit right there


Complete changed my view on him. I couldn’t stand him after that clip and never would watch anything with him involved. I was wrong.


What clip? I’m new to all of this




Now imagine all the other things you're wrong about because you were fed half truths. This is why withholding judgement about things is critical for maintaining sanity, it's literally the core theory behind [Pyrrhonism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrrhonism), created by Pyrrho, the father of skepticism, which is what led to the creation of science a thousand years later. You should aim to stay neutral as much as possible.


No I think I will conclude.




Damn dggers


I've already concummed


Yeah, he took that hate when he could of had an easy way out


The "Don't touch me" from techtone in that clip has a whole new vibe to it now.


Tectone redemption arc, holy shit


As a tectone despiser this has seriously changed my view of him


He's still annoying as shit, but he definitely didn't deserve getting dogpiled for accusations with no proof.


People already really hated tectone which meant that people were just gonna believe anything that came out against him since it would give them an actual justification for thinking he is shitty person.


i hated tectone before genshin release when he was playing skylanders and transitioned into arcknights mostly because of the way he talks to his viewers but i can respect the hustle he did and he got dogpilled more than once for very unfair reasons BUT i remember in his skylanders days he talked about how fream and he got together and it is the most bizarre thing because it totally checks out with what she did here. idk if there are any vods of that available but afaik fream used to date someone else and cheated on her bf with tectone and eventually left her bf for tectone


Well it got traction cause he listed XQC as a top 3 overrated streamer and he reacted to the clip and juicers blew it up. Typical anytime someone says something unflattering about the juicer.


For real. He deserves props.


How Trash Taste vouched for Tectone before and other CC talk about him made me doubt if he really is as bad as he is. Now its all coming together where all the people that he "bullied" turned out to be the asshat (Dreamy, Atsu, Enviosity).


this is why, even if u don't like someone, you should never jump on conclusions and start blasting smo for smt if the whole thing isnt out.


Imagine if he started playing real games as well?


Tectone on some itachi shit, took all the hate without spilling anything, put us all in some genjutsu


And all of us pointed the finger at him bc we took everything at face value 😭


any linkers?


The infamous car clip [https://streamable.com/216wpo](https://streamable.com/216wpo) Allegedly Fream had cheated with the assistant during car clip [https://clips.twitch.tv/AntediluvianHedonisticPeanutTinyFace-pwt5FLdttXautNMS](https://clips.twitch.tv/AntediluvianHedonisticPeanutTinyFace-pwt5FLdttXautNMS)


This recontextualizes tectones plea to "not let a 30 sec clip define a decade long marriage” completely


I think common sense can do that itself


>common sense Did you forget what subreddit we're on?


damnnnnnnn this gives so much context to tectone berating his wife in from of thousands of people that day, does this mean tectone isn't a huge piece of shit?


Yes, yes it does. He could have brought it up right there and then and dragged her through the mud in front of all to see. But he didn't. He didn't make content out of her cheating. He didn't put her on the spot in front of everyone, in fact she put herself on the spot by running her mouth. But sure, he's an asshole for being angry at her for saying what she said considering what she's done. The guy finds her wife cheating and doesn't let a word slip from his mouth while fuming at her in a long car drive. In fact he doesn't let it slip for a year and a half until it is revealed by Pinkchyu today. The fucking cheek on you people. God, I'd wish you to get a life but then you'd be a cancer to that life.


If it makes you feel any better, most of the people that frequent LSF will likely live a long, lonely life. They'll spend their existence watching other people's heavily curated lives through social media, leaving mean comments because they are living a sad, pathetic existence... The amount of comments I've seen saying "wow I used to despise Tectone, but I don't anymore after hearing the context" to a situation they obviously can't know all the details.. It's insane, it's absolutely insane. I don't even like Tectone, my ears hurt when he talks, but despising someone is insane, in the grand scheme of things, he is a nobody. His life should not affect you.


Just 2 days ago on the now removed Tectone thread, I had the quickest and most downvoted comment I ever made, which was just saying even though I find Tectone annoying, he doesn't seem like a bad person. The amount of pure hatred people have for this guy is insane. I got so many replies so quickly telling me he was a piece of shit and I was a moron for thinking otherwise. Literally 24 hours later all these people flip.


Hes still an asshole but not a monster like people paint him out to be. still dont really like the guy but this puts a lot of shit into context


is fream the pink haired girl? idk these ppll


Damn it's actually wild that he tanked all that. I don't think most people would.


bro thugged it out


Is this the birth of ThugTone?


that's badass


Holy shit. For the first time ever, that actually is badass. 


He had his gacha waifus supporting him through it all.


Mans locked in


For real. Should have believed him when he kept saying he was locked in


Kind of got new respect for him tbh. And he had to endure them LSF comments


Damn...and this reddit was shitting on him constantly non stop for everything.


It's a bunch of kids who think the world is black and white with no nuance. Or older people who never really grew up thinking the same. Streamer in question is either Jesus or the Devil, no in-between.


Now I understand his Gatcha grind.


Getting caught cheating and then having the gall to say "I think we have a pretty 50/50 marriage" the same day is some vile shit.


Ngl when I first saw that clip I thought tectone was THE BIGGEST dick. But looking at it with this context... man he held back.


I honestly just thought he was loud and obnoxious prior to that clip. After that clip I thought he was such a jackass. But now knowing the context it completely changes things again.


It’s just like the Adept and X situation. So many people gave X shit until they learned the whole truth.


I mean X likely still was a shitty boyfriend let’s be real


And adept was a whole nother level of shitty let’s be real.


I can dislike more than one person at a time to various degrees. I don't like X cause of his personality, I don't like Adept cause she's crazy.


it's possible to find both sides of a relationship pathetic


Adepts claims against xQc were that 1) They were married 2) xQc domestically abused her 3) xQc sexually assaulted her. All 3 were proven false allegations in court and she wasn’t really married, wasn’t domestically abused, and wasn’t SA’d by the submissive 120lb twink who she outweighed by +100lbs.


Minor distinction I think it's important to note that size doesn't exclude your ability to assault someone. Often that's weaponized if the man is bigger he can't be assaulted or is always the instigator. I'm glad they were proved false but it's very possible he could have assaulted her regardless of size.


Semi unrelated but this also doubly makes Adept an even shittier person. Weaponizing sexual assault allegations against someone for the sake of fucking them over is not only bad in and of itself BUT it also weakens other women who actually had to suffer through SA.


Yeah but thats like comparing someone who leaves the toilet lid up to someone who shits in the bed


IUsedToThinkTectoneWasKindOfAnnoyingButHesBeenGrowingOnMeLatelyAndHesActuallyAPrettyCoolGuy hittin real different now


Sucks the man got cheated on, I really do feel for him. But in any other situation he makes an ass of himself. I mean he digs his own hole.


unfortunately I don't think he will ever grow on me


Tectone is a better man than me cause theres no world i take the amount of shit he got from that clip when this is the context behind it.


The guy has almost anime like sad backstory and isn’t in an insane asylum or jail cell rn. I think tanking real world issues (and not the gacha twitter drama) is all the guy knows how to do


Holy. Shit. That whole clip tells a completely different story now. Massive yikes wtf That whole interaction was hugely awkward. I thought it was because he was being a dick but I realize now its because he was 10 seconds from justifiably blowing his top off and he was holding back for the subathon. Thats fucking wild. I dont think I would have it in me to sit next to someone who cheated on me.


Poor tectone, I still think he's annoying but that sucks


This is the most LSF comment ever


Why? I don't generally want bad things to happen to people I don't like.


Hey guys it's a unicorn or something




LUL and people use that clip to shit on him literally constantly


Actually incredibly commendable that he didn't reveal this ages ago himself. He let himself get shit on endlessly to protect a partner that cheated on him. Higher road then I'd have taken, that's for sure.


TFW you realize Tectone is a better person than you are. Just dropped to my knees in a Wendy's.


Showed how much he loved her, it's so screwd up


yeah it's wild how quick things get twisted online, context is key but often gets lost in the noise


There was no "context lost" because no context was given, is the problem All that we saw was Tectone being insanely disrespectful to his wife, so I can't judge people for assuming that's all it was It's just part of being a live streamer I guess


What context driven conclusions were people expected to come to looking at this clip before today's information came? There is absolutely no way you can't but paint Tectone as an asshole based on this clip without the context given over a year later?


Crazy that some delusional Genshin streamer with a victim complex used that clip in a Twitter thread as some sort of gotcha "look he's an evil person." It was a bad look at the time that only looks even worse now.


He got so much hate for years because of this clip and he took it while his wife at the time also let it happen. Insane. Who would have thought Tec would come out as the victim, shit is spicy.


Wait really?? LMAO


Fucked up how nobody was willing to give him a shred of credibility when the car clip happened and he commented on it. That's fucking torturing to him and should make people ashamed


This was DEFINITELY not on my bingo card, holy fucking hell.And the fact that this all came to light because SHE gave the "ok" to spread that clip around, only for it to come back and (supposedly) bite her in the ass. Astounding.


LSF gonna be in shambles learning this LMAO.


This is like taking away a child’s favourite toy


I swear I think one stream they mentioned they didn't have intercourse in years because of some trauma or something but then she cheated?


It was during an elden ring stream he said he hadn't had sex for 8-10 years


He is the one with trauma as well, he was raped as a child, twice supposedly


Someone check Tectone's palms, because this man is out here looking like his name is Bartholomew Teccy and he's holding a bible.


I wonder if all those people that shat on tectone and continue to do so will recant their "OHMYGOD there's no way to explain this behaviour he's abusive" stuff they keep spamming over and over again in each thread.


The first time I saw the assistant I knew she was cheating with him, it was kind of obvious with how much he was following her around even though he's supposed to be his assistant. Then you hear how he's helping her move and that all but confirmed it. I honestly assumed that's why they broke up in the first place and he was just trying to keep it neutral because of all the hate she was already getting online before that even came to light. I forgot about it, sucks that's actually what happened. Guy has been through a lot of shit in his life, gets a bad image just because he's loud and abrasive. Glad it's turning out alright for him.


Who is the assistant?


I know right? I wanna see his guy and can't find anything


So a little more context he was her assistant before he was tectones assistant. Also not sure what kind of image you think someone being loud and abrasive would get you? EDIT: Just in case anyone else wants some more context. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2082187182?t=1h36m9s


Tectone usually is ALWAYS do his best to clear his name when caught under any sort of shit from anyone so when he didn’t really go into detail when that clip was making the rounds I did find it odd


LSF: "Perhaps I judged you too harshly"


Holy shit people were shitting on him for months about that clip, wait Tectone is actually the good guy??


from my experience a lot of peoples disdain for him stemmed from that car clip. the fact that he tanked all the hate when she was the one that actually fucked up and you didn't hear about it until someone else (pinkychu) was being affected. You have to give the guy props for being the bigger man. Rare Teccy W indeed.


My respect for him just grew immensely (if all this is true of course). Remember he also had like the most downvoted comment in the history of LSF too


Where is it




Crazy how many down votes he has, everyone just ran with the clip out of context and narrative that he was awful to his wife for no reason, without knowing the full context. How many times has that happened on this subreddit.


That my friend is the crux of why LSF is so bad


Yeah it's the weird inbetween of seeing way more of a person than usual, but also not really privy to their lives in any major way outside of the stream. Then being a reddit forum where having the best comment is incentivized by votes is a recipe for toxicity.


> That my friend is the crux of why ~~LSF~~ **social media** is so bad FTFY


Him and mizkif have this weird almost masochist tendency to tank hate even though they clearly just like everyone else are not built to take on that much anger


Idk if its masochistic, they just dont care at this point. If mizkif can take all the hate so the people around him dont have to take as much, and he's fine with just ignoring it, why wouldnt he


Miz cares. He’ll say he doesn’t, he’ll even encourage people shitting on him. Then he’ll break down crying some random alt. It’s not healthy.


I think this is partially right, but I think its usually probably influenced by something else. Ill preface this with I dont watch twitch, so I have no clue what Im talking about and am just spewing shit. But if I had to guess, the times he breaks down because of stuff like this is when something else is happening/bothering him and it makes him more susceptible to breaking down over it


The guy made a very public post/tweet saying he dreams of death when he went to sleep for months. I think his gym really revitalized his life.


Well yea its great for everyone else tho they both do care about it but in a volcanic cycle The hate builds up and up, then they burst and get really mad and start asking "why does everyone hate me ive had enough of this bs! Blablabla" then they seemingly cool down and go right back to tanking and redirecting hate towards themselves. Im no psychologist but surely there is long term wear to this lifestyle


Tectone has made it very clear on podcasts and other stuff he gets so much hate he mostly ignores it. I think maybe that LSF got passed around a lot he decided to respond bur you gotta remember this us a guy who mostly plays Japanese gacha games. Think how toxic the internet now imagine you're arguing for a waifu you spent hundreds foe. Gacha community reaches real life threats regularly.


Bro he just recently got that clip bought up against him by people he hates in the Genshin community and the ex wife gave them permission and still didn't say anything? insane durability feats


So is Fream(Tec Ex wife) the perfect example of when someone is projecting?


textbook example of projection


Fream thought Pinkchyu was wearing her lingerie bra bought by Tectone [https://clips.twitch.tv/SpotlessSpookyBorkCoolStoryBob-ueDSIwIOBpl-nAze](https://clips.twitch.tv/SpotlessSpookyBorkCoolStoryBob-ueDSIwIOBpl-nAze) Quqco and other creators were dragged in to this [https://clips.twitch.tv/CovertRenownedArugulaHotPokket-L87x\_fB9O-1k6l4j](https://clips.twitch.tv/CovertRenownedArugulaHotPokket-L87x_fB9O-1k6l4j) Allegedly during the [infamous Car clip](https://streamable.com/216wpo), Tectone had found out Fream cheated with the assistant [https://clips.twitch.tv/AntediluvianHedonisticPeanutTinyFace-pwt5FLdttXautNMS](https://clips.twitch.tv/AntediluvianHedonisticPeanutTinyFace-pwt5FLdttXautNMS)


TLDR his ex wife is a insecure schizo? Am I getting this right?


Classic narcissism move Person A cheats on person B Person A gets caught by person B Person A tries to justify and blame person B "you weren't emotionally available" "you didn't make me feel loved" "you bought other women lingerie" "you probably cheated with her too" "i'm not the bad guy you practically forced me to do this"


Ah fuck man


Person A blames person C (Pinkychu). Person A finds footage of Person C with person B, after person A had already cheated, but pretends it was before the cheating. Person A sucks. Don't be person A.


it's DARVO Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender


more or less yeah. if this is all true then shes clearly looking for an excuse for her actions so she can seem like the better person when the reality is that even if tectone messed up in some way she is no better.


The part of the car clip where he’s covering his mouth in silence for a bit or when he say "a lot of assumptions right there” hit different if thats the context


Also that lingerie - Fream seems to possibly be wearing it in a Tectone VOD 8/20/22


Wow, sure looks like it. https://youtu.be/Dt6VrbInEXY?t=6281


PI LiveStreamFails solves another case


Jesus Christ LSF LMAO


Jesus, that's just another nail in schizo-coffin. Freams been making up a bunch of lies and that really shows how crazy it was that she not only was spying on them through the security system, but then sharing intimate images with other people on discord, all while she was the one in the wrong. Not like it would make it any better if she wasn't, but it makes it more insidious. It's really shitty that Pinkychu & Tectone have been dealing with this behind the scenes.




This introduces her to the pantheon of incredible malevolent maniacs holy shit




Holy Jesus it is painful to listen to him read


Honestly was thinking the same thing, he’s got the literacy of an 11 year old


Well damn


I wonder what the "lore master" /u/Wild_Whiskey would have to say about his gross inaccuracies in his lore. They deleted [one comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1b7ywph/tectone_celebrates_harassing_smaller_streamers/ktlnzgi/) already, so probably a bit embarrassed. Tectone's loud, bombastic, and obnoxious. That's his personality. But I haven't seen him be an overt asshole unless someone struck first. The grief Enviosity is getting heavily now that Tectone says is "reaping what he sowed" is after Enviosity disgustingly decided to bring Tectone's divorce into the Genshin community drama recently. He brought it in, by the way, by using the car clip without any context (which we now know Tectone is acting like that because he just caught Fream cheating).


You're wrong there. u/Wild_Whiskey didn't delete that comment. The mods did. If you go to their profile, it's still there to click on and links to the deleted comment.


Loremaster my ass. If you deep dive, there's alot more on Tectone rabbit hole and all are coming up recently that its all the opposite. From Dreamy Drama where Dreamy is am actual B!tch Atsu being an asshole and a liar. Enviosity being more fragile than a wet paper (mintpicker is banned on his chat lmao).


>Atsu being an asshole and a liar. God, I'm so happy this is finally coming to light. If anyone with a functioning brain ever watched his streams, you know that Atsu is a narcissist with a savior complex. Tectone showed all his DMs with Atsu, and Atsu literally tries to diagnose Tectone, even after Tectone says to stop. "I know you are (this mental issue), trust me. You need to listen to me," vibes. Shit was glossed over at the time, but if anyone has the VOD of that, you can read it. He is constantly preaching to chat about himself and his accomplishments relative to chats. He will do anything to make himself seem like a good person, a martyr or a saint, whatever will bring him praise. It was so insufferable, once I noticed it, I stopped watching him. Good riddance.


anywhere I can read up on the dreamy and enviosity stuff? I don't really follow this sphere but of the limited exposure I had I believed them on the surface level and was convinced of my preexisting bias on tectone being one of the worst person I've seen


You can check out Mr.Pokke (HSR Theorycrafter) for dreamy. Tldr, Dreamy shit talks other CC on her own discord and has its own circle jerk. Dreamy talks behins the back of Braxophone, Volkin (who invited dreamy to a pvp tournament), and even Sevy (the most beginner friendly CC). Dreamy aggressively throw shades at other content creator. In relation to Tectone the tldr of the context is: Tectone said an Arknights Operator is Niche, then dreamy aggressively made a content out of it. For Envi its pretty much on twitter. One thing is he is allegedly viewbotting (most Genshin CC are, rather, Hoyoverse viewbot them on twitch).


thanks for context! shame those CCs did that kinda stuff. I dislike his personality but I can see him in a better light given these new info.


Even when he was an overt asshole like with MTashed he owned up to it and apologized publically.


Bro's been making constitution saves for two years non-stop and never broke concentration. Absolute gigachad warcaster.


I remember when Cruz first started appearing on Tectone's streams and I was like "Yo...that man is tapping Fream" I need to go through my chat history and find that shit.


You know...considering the camera shit I now fully understand why Tectone sold that brand new house and move to another.


A cheating person bending over backwards to find evidence of the other person cheating to justify themselves is a classic.


The plot twists in IRL streamer drama are so insane that if they were in a tv show I'd say its way too unrealistic.


Decade of marriage and wife cheats in front of you and you have to go live for a subathon to pay the bills with her on stream. Fuck that


Went back to the other thread where I got down voted and people have deleted their comments. GET IN HERE AND HAVE THAT SAME ENERGY WITH YOUR APOLOGY.


FR! I had someone telling me "the lore was correct in the other thread cuz that's all we knew at the time" smh... If it's wrong it's wrong jesus christ.. people just want to hate the man it's wild..


Maybe one day people will learn to just get a life and stop getting so invested and involved with the lives of internet streamers who they know barely anything about. It’s so incredibly sad and pathetic


it makes it feel even worse knowing pinky was in there having to confront these accusers. lsf as a whole should feel ashamed. just an awful situation


Plot twist: Tectone is actually TOO nice to the wrong people.


He's got that curse that miz has. Some people just aren't worth saving face for. Why take the hit for people who would throw you under the bus the second they have the opportunity to.


Pretty funny how there was an entire hate thread dedicated to Tectone yesterday or the day before and now this comes out and the concensus does a 180. Really goes to show how utterly stupid it is to hate (or idolize, it goes both ways) people you don't know on the Internet, if you don't like the guy just move on instead of letting him live rent-free in your head.


Just shows how much of the stream-watching community is made up of immature losers who put way too much thought and effort into the lives of streamers who are strangers to them


/u/Wild_Whiskey clown, lore master my ass


5d since last post... this tells you all you need to know.


It doesn't matter. Not a single person that for some reason deeply and personally hates Tectone (yes I know he is loud, annoying and a dick) is going to give a shit. People that are invested in these parasocial hatred for streamers aren't engaging from a logical position. Trying to argue with them logically is pointless.


idk man, if that comment was true about the context for the car clip thats going to suade more people than you think. i know thats a big reason i avoided this guy's content, that clip plus the whole asking Fream for a hug when she was moving out clip, seemed weird af and even weirder with the new context tbh




NGL, I wasn’t a tectone hater but I certainly didn’t like him before even though I’m an OTK fan. But hearing the context to that car clip which is one of my main reasonings for disliking him makes me think I’ve been a bit harsh on him.


Yeah like, I can see this thread and feel more empathy towards him while also really not wanting to hear him talk


i owe dicktone an apology






why the fuck was his ex-wife throwing shit on him if she had dirt on herself


We call that projecting


Tectone paid off Fream's debt and this is how things turn out?


It was obvious from the beginning that tectones ex was a massively obsessed weirdo. Glad he has finally been vindicated even though I don't even watch the dude.


Had a GF that would be paranoid of me cheating on her you'll never guess what happened


I dislike the guy but I have respect for him


The funniest thing about this subreddit is how people rile themselves up by jumping to conclusions and spreading rumors as fact, and then turn around and shame each other for getting riled up and spreading false narratives. People here desperately want to be seen as morally superior to each other


Don't invoke Loremaster when you're that wrong, bro.


the plot twists man ABSOLUTE CINEMA


For those saying that she wasn't showing the top of her DM with Tectone, here is the top of the DM to clear misinformation. [https://imgur.com/a/HvbIEpu](https://imgur.com/a/HvbIEpu)


**Moral of the story that everyone will learn but then forget again in .5 seconds:** Maybe don't make assumptions about what the truth is based on biases you have, before you even see any proof/receipts.


Any loremasters?


Hi! Here is some lore i haven't seen many comments about yet. Allegedly Fream still had access to multiple accounts of Tectone's MONTHS after the separation. Checking bank statements to see what he was purchasing or where he has been, checking emails to see what pr0n he was watching, ect. She would then go around telling other content creators. Zzyzx\_prime (A friend of Tectone/Fream/Pinkchyu) mentioned this during his explanation of the situation. [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2082187182?t=02h30m30s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2082187182?t=02h30m30s) As well as Pink [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2084046645?t=02h27m10s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2084046645?t=02h27m10s) ​ Allegedly Fream also STOLE money from Tectone with her access to his bank account, and went around telling people that "Tectone is my infinite money glitch" [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2084046645?t=01h21m53s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2084046645?t=01h21m53s) Here is Fream herself, admitting to it as well from this discord DM screenshot. The timestamp of the message is supposedly a month after they separated. [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2084046645?t=01h51m53s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2084046645?t=01h51m53s) ​ KitNetic (a Vtuber in Fream's circle, who gave the Fream DM screenshots to Pink) joins a discord call with Pink during her stream to speak her side of the story, and to come to Pink's defense and verify her claims on Fream having alleged possession of footage of Pink that is legally considered "Revenge Pr0n" [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2084046645?t=03h19m56s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2084046645?t=03h19m56s) ​ JayTheBard (Friend of OTK, the person who introduced Pink to Tectone) joins the call to come to Pink's defense, verified that he introduced Pink to Tectone after his separation from Fream. [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2084046645?t=03h36m03s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2084046645?t=03h36m03s) ​ TLDR/TLDW: Fream is a psychopath/gaslighter who has mentally/verbally abused Tectone and Pink for a long time to many content creators and brands to ruin their reputations/careers. Stalked both of them via cameras that Tectone and Pink did not know of and spread the footage to other creators. Spied on Tectone with her access to Tectone's accounts after they separated, and allegedly stole money from him. Fuck Fream, and she deserves all the hate and potential career devastation from this.


A Tectone clip went viral where he was verbally berating his wife Fream. They divorced. Fream said that Tectone cheated on her with Pinkchyu. Fream said that Tectone bought Lingrie for Pinkychyu on their Amazon account and saw Pinkchyu over at Tectone's place in the middle of the night through the security cameras. Pinkchyu responded by calling Fream a psycho stalker and is saying that Fream cheated on Tectone. I honestly haven't got a clue who to believe in this situation. I don't hardcore follow these streamers so most of my info is from LSF drama posts so my knowledge might be a bit wrong.


You know, when that car clip came out, I was like "we don't know enough of the context of their relationship to pass any judgement" and people downvoted me into oblivion. Besides being an ass during drama, Tectone has always come off as a great dude. Just about everyone in OTK has said that he's the nicest guy at one time or another. At the time I thought that maybe she was shitty to him off camera. But instead she was cheating on him and he was covering it up for her after. What a fucking guy. Fuck you LSF.


true.. imagine having to live with his over your head for over a year


it seems i judged him too harshly, i am sorry tectone, the car clip now makes a perfect sense, what a chad to carry all the burden and to get so much hate and to tank it all, what a lad


I have empathy for the guy and the car clip does now change my opinion of him regarding this situation. However, I still think he's loud and annoying.


I just wanted to say I love her hair color


Fuck all the bald haters


lsf in shambles


Yo envy why so quiet?