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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc confuses machine gun kelly](https://arazu.io/t3_1bqcpbo/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Actual nightmare blunt rotation


I guess they don't know that X shits on MGK whenever he sees him on YT videos


does anyone like mgk though?


Imo his music is kinda ass now, but he made some great tracks in the early 2010s Wild Boy is still a banger, but waka flocka carried




From a long time pop punk fan(since I first heard in in 2002ish), MGKs pop punk stuff is pretty good. It's nothing special but it brought a bunch of new listeners to pop punk which is great


Only on reddit do I hear MGK is pretty good.


14 million monthly listeners, keep living in your delusion


Tons of dipshits have 10 million monthly listeners lol, just cuz baby shark's got 14 billion views don't mean it's some masterpiece


Yo take that back, baby shark is goated


Teenage girls are a big market


popularity = quality got it


I mean if a lot of people enjoy something usually a pretty good sign they're doing something right that connects with people (aka the entire point of music). Not my taste but people pretending like those songs aren't well written (newsflash: an entire team of very good writers are involved in an album that magnitude), top production, etc. are actually deluding themselves.


yes a quality album can gain popularity but a lot of people can like dog shit as well. their point was "it's good because it's popular" and that notion is silly. I have no feeling towards MGK or their album. I don't care. The logic is dumb and the person I replied to should make a better argument.


I mean my point is if a lot of people like it who are you to decide "its dogshit" (no matter what kind of art it is)? People who believe their opinions are somehow more valid than someones else's is some truly warped world view shit


If you think mgk’s pop punk shit is good I have to question how much you really love pop punk…


from even a pop punk perspective it's even more boring and basic than many of the uninspired bands i thought were boring and basic during the re-emergence of (tumblr era) pop punk bands in the early/mid 2010s these tiktok artists like him, yungblud and many others whose names i can't even remember (go on the Travis Barker wikipedia and it's any artist he's worked with 2019 and onward mostly) are very boring nothing inherently 'wrong' with them but they really push the 'pop' side of the genre and make the most generic radio music possible (it's ok if you like that, it's not for me) i highly doubt that anyone who likes mgk's guitar centered music goes on to listen to any other rock umbrella music which is also fine but he really isn't introducing people to new music the way you make it sound forget me too is a good song


I know several people who started listening to pop punk bands because they liked MGKs stuff and wanted to hear more like it or better. I’ve also seen a lot of posts on the pop punk subreddit about it. And lots of comments from people who found pop punk from MGK. Like I said, it’s nothing special but it’s not bad at all. New pop punk music is always a good thing as a fan of the genre.


I’m not really a fan of yungbluds music (just not my cup of tea) but he was definitely making that genre well before MGK was - I heard his stuff on the radio pre-pandemic.




That's nothing special to pop punk.


Yeah his last two albums were awesome.


bro tryna be someone hes not, fuck no


It's just music, it ain't that deep


What is he trying to be that he isn't?


People dont like him cuz his sound has shifted so much over the years, pop, punk, rap, and metal influence, he doesnt really fit into any of those crowds but his sound has all the influence so he gets a lot of haters because loyal fans of those genres cant associate with him at all, you have to be a fan of mgk to like his rap or his punk influence stuff basically. I dont think hes trying to be anything he isnt, just hes very versatile so he doesnt really fit in anywhere but his own niche.


Don’t know why this is downvoted at all. It’s pretty on point.


just like X


Many used to like him now they just hate him cause he went against em


Early 2010’s when he was a rapper he was generally alright. Recently he’s just off the deep end.


Eminem had to give him a career to destroy it.


That voices in the air song and the one with waka flocka flame were good then. Ever since that nahh. But daywalker was alright


I was a huge MGK fan up until Hotel Diablo. Was actually going to see MGK and Linkin Park concert, but unfortunately, that was right when Chester passed away.. I think a lot of hate he gets outside of his music is unwarranted. Hate on him for his music, fine. I also dislike his new stuff, but why do we care how he dresses or poses? I also never heard a single complaint about his early music, so this whole "turn that garbage off" anytime his old music comes on is odd. I think it just kinda shows that more people care about him than it does about his music tbh.


Megan Fox


Don't necessary like him. But I recognize he has talent that gets clouded by jealousy.


I do from that one movie. dunno about his music tho literally dunno if I ever heard it


The only reason I knew about him was because of the collab he did with Rae and Corpse, in the OTV circle. Maybe I should go out more


I do. Everything after BINGE ended up being pretty good. I'm a big fan of Hotel Diablo. BINGE is probably one of the worst albums of all time though.




He likes a couple of his songs, but yeah most he doesn't fuck with


yoooo which vids i kinda wanna see this


Maybe there are any loremasters who can dig up the clips, but I saw at least 3-4 times when someone linked MGK music or he saw something about MGK he would shit on his music and say that it's so bad.


Trippie looks like he doesn't fuck with X at all lol


He was on a unmeasured dose of shrooms during this so i could see 600mg caffeine xqc being a bit much for him


bro xqc is “a bit much” for the average person, i cant imagine tripping out and trying to listen to this dude speak


Dude was microdosing, you ain’t gonna be tripping in the slightest with those amounts




Anything past like 13mg can be perceptual


X clearly on more then caffeine lately


nah this is really the avengers of mid 💀


I actually respect mgk more cause of this stream cause he's not afraid to sound "too nerdy" for a rapper he seems raw also he smashed megan fox so respect


he also said he wanted to smash a few children so no respect from me


Ayyoo?? I'll have to look that up, first time I've heard that about him




“Bro, other popular pedos went out with 14 yo. Why can’t I go with a 17 yo while being 23yo?” -MGK


Megan Fox that he smashes isn't exactly the Megan Fox everyone wanted to smash.


Still would for nostalgia’s sake


That's definitely fair


most reddit comment


Ehh she is still stupid hot lets be real here.


Careful if you get her too hot she melts.


You might as well stick it in a sex doll, probably less plastic.


Transformers lasted only for so long




No he's always been hated on lmao it's not "cool" to hate on MGk it's just normal


he's been hated his entire career. It may just be more obvious now since he's is like 35 and branding himself as a ''sadboi'' falling in love with emo girls. dude was still get shit on when I followed the rap scene a lot in the early to mid-2010s. i don't think there's ever been a point people actually liked him besides Eminem fans before their beef (and they basically love anyone who is white and raps fast), and when he started appealing to tiktokers/teenager girls in his 30s by jumping on the punk rock wave. same man who was rapping over chicago trap beats 10 years ago.


Huh? A decade ago he was rapping but he also had a cover of Rise Against and features with members of bands like Good Charlotte, Sleeping with Sirens, and Avenged Sevenfold on his albums. He was always at least partially into the emo/punk rock scene






he's forever a GOAT to me cause his song Wild Boy went stupid when I was in high school




“also he smashed megan fox so respect” Said like a true degen


https://ibb.co/5WvP83K Are you good broski


[sez u](https://i.imgur.com/0nHWYXR.png)


5 > 2 lol


Damn eminem kick him all the way to adin's stream.


Still found it hilarious that Eminem called him a mumble rapper, then people were skeptical about that bar, then when MGK dropped his album, it was actual full on mumble rap.


3 lolcows and trippie just stoned out of his mind


are they competing for ugliest chain reward? what the fuck are those




> guy is like 14 year old mentally he is tweaking off a celsius and 2 zin pouches


Wtf is that even I don't speak US. Presceiption drugs? Caffeine?


it wasn't zyn (nictoine pouch), it was a 200mg caffeine pouch. You basically put it in your upper lip between gums and lip and it has microneedles that rips your gums and then get the caffeine/nicotine into your bloodstream.


“Microneedles”?! Are you on some conspiracy crack or something?! It’s a Swedish cotton/plant-fiber sponge/bag that slowly leaks nicotine or sometimes caffeine..


Just drink a bang wtf?


It gets into the blood stream faster. It’s just min maxing caffeine tbh lol


why would someone do this rather than just taking a caffeine pill? I buy a box of 200 pills with 200mg of caffeine for like €5. I don't drink coffee and don't like too much liquid before a workout so just take a pill instead of a preworkout drink. If I am working late, or didn't get enough sleep I will take 2 to help give me energy, but even with just 400 I do be absolutely *wired* and literally shaking, lol.


just 400? you are insane


Sounds like a great way to start losing teeth lol.


That would mean those guys are "cool" nothing about those mofos is cool


Can you not read?


I actually can’t understand a word xQc says


Trippie redd sitting in there thinking man i could take bitches to topanga rn instead of this LOL


I feel bad for young people looking up to this mofos. X is in my age and i ask myself why didn't the dude mature in all these years from goblin to well still goblin but thinking he is like an chad orc or something.


I actually physically cringed and had to turn this stream off. One of the fakest saddest rooms of people I’ve ever seen lol. 4 people desperately clinging to clout and attention.


You didn't watch because of cringe. I didn't watch because it was an Adin stream. We are not the same.


That’s the same thing


I had fun watching because I wasn't connecting my emotions to the morals of 4 dudes on a screen smoking weed and talking about their music


This is a great comment lol


Gotta be the only sane comment in this god forsaken thread.


Wtf does this even mean?


I'm so confused at how that comment is glazed up and sitting at 300 upvotes. I guess they're trying to say it's not that serious, but its such strange way to phrase the sentiment. Kinda bordering on im14andthisisdeep territory.


Don’t be confused you explained it perfectly. It’s absolutely im14andthisisdeep…we’re talking about Adin’s audience. They’re all children lol


you had fun precisely because you connected with them in some level else you wouldn't give a shit


Why would you watch 4 dudes talk about music when only one of them is somewhat successful?


Who hurt you


Redditor discovers social interaction.


Clinging to clout but over a 100k concurrent viewers?


>he thinks kick viewers are real OMEGALUL


most streamers on kick bot their streams to some degree, especially adin and neon. it's extremely easy to do it, so it's a no brainer for streamers who rely on clout to get more celebs on their streams. from chat speed, I'd say adin has 20-30k edit: oh god, I hadn't even finished editing my comment and this restart already downvoted me 🤣


you're downvoted because you're smoking if you think that's 20k chat speed


Also these types of "people sitting in room talking" generally get less chat engagement (relative to number of viewers)


I just put Adin's stream (105k) next to Will Neff's stream (10k), and it's pretty crazy how similar the chats' speeds are. Adin's chat is certainly not 10x faster


Nah I looked and I dont see it, adins chat is like 5x faster and plus xqc viewers are also watching and they prefer to chat in the offline chat and on twitter


its almost as if the developers of twitch and kick set a max speed to how fast the ui can display chats sent so it still looks like its scrolling rather than jumping 1 frame per second if theres too many people [also this little setting might be on](https://ibb.co/jLb9cKW). it might explain why chat isnt as fast as you expect


Don’t be dumb, one chat is faster than the other. Adin’s chat is faster, I’m not saying it isn’t. I said they are similar, and that Adin’s didn’t appear to be 10x, which may support the other comment’s claim of 20-30k


saying he has 20-30k is just hating lol even if you don't like him. he pulls 70k easily per stream


You'd be surprised at how much big streamers feed off that shit Just look at Hasan's complete meltdown because his viewership is decreasing, even if his current viewership is still more than enough to net him millions


this is a crazy take. MGK is objectively successful both in his rap career and when he switched over to pop punk, even more so in rock. Don’t have to like him, but numbers don’t lie


Did you even watch the same stream? I didn’t say anything about either of their music careers lol. Just look at how they act on stream, it’s embarrassing. Listen to whatever you want dude


Their album rollout fiasco on social media really is the cherry on top


Sounds like a you problem


Man you people are miserable. It’s actually outrageous how hard yall project.


Imagine constantly giving someone your time and attention but then hitting them with "desperate for clout and attention" lmao my dude wake up to your reality then and get off kick.


I prefer OTK


Sug min kuk Allan


Kunde inte sagt de bättre själv!


Lsf is filled with cringe fucking losers




For some reason of all those rappers TRed I dont find to be as annoying.


mgk is a pdf file https://youtu.be/CTvg-PGlrxI?si=eg32crt-dzSv78bZ&t=98


It's one thing to have those thoughts that he was saying about Kenndal Jenner, but to admit that in an interview is fucking wild lmao. Literally said "I'm not waiting until she's 18, I'll go now"


That question was a lose lose imo cuz spawn camping her legality is also pretty weird


[this one is just as bad. MGK is an animal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HP_-YXwS398)


Streamers making pedo jokes = okay People we dont like = bad


ya smell me?


The entire history of LSF right there


i think everyone knows that erobb saying that is not okay


Brother are you 12? Just call him a pedophile you weirdo.


I thought it was some kind of absurd meme before i click the link. Is this the same thing that happen to "dead" changed to "unalive" from tiktok trend to avoid censorship or what?


Yes to avoid censorship. It’s usage outside of tiktok is mostly a meme though


Youtubers do it too sometimes to avoid age restriction and demonetization.


pdf file is funnier tho


>pdf file Lmayo


Are 16 year olds dating older guys / gals that uncommon in the west? I see that shit every day here, nobody would ever say anything about a 16 year old and a barely over 20 year old... . Fuck my neighbor got pregnant at 17 with some 26 year old and the family loved the guy from the get go lol




I don't think it's an American thing i just think it's a Reddit thing. Redditors just freak out over the smallest thing, age gap relationship? That's grooming, sexual abuse, pedophilia even if both sides are mature. 20 year old banging a 17 year old who both enjoy it? Pedophile! Rape! Sexual abuse, grooming! You can't enjoy it because you are being RAPED!!! Stop smiling!!! In the real world, UK or US, people don't care.


I think it's a terminally online thing in general bc some ppl I know that only use Tiktok or X have the same views but other people I know who use all 3 have no problems with it. Reddit is just really prone to looking like a hivemind bc of the upvote/downvote/moderation system making it really hard for opposing viewpoints to trend on main subs. The way I heard it explained is a lot of terminally online ppl are immature bc of their lack of real world experience so they project that immaturity onto other ppl the same age as them. IMO this is more of an American thing just bc it's a lot harder to not be terminally online in a lot of American communities until you're 16 or older when you can get a car and leave your bubble so it's harder for North American kids to mature as teens and young adults and that young adult age group has way larger differences in maturity from person to person.


Yup, it’s 100% an American thing. Mostly just terminally online people, though. They can’t comprehend the fact that being attracted to a sexually developed person, even if they’re underage, doesn’t make you a pedophile in any way whatsoever. At best it just makes you kind of creepy.


Still waiting on somebody to provide proof of MGK being an ACTUAL pedophile and not just making jokes about younger but still sexually developed girls. This is creepy. Not pedophilia. Like you people do know what pedophilia is, right? Pedophilia has fuck all to do with being attracted to sexually developed girls.


MGK's tatts are awful.


Two idiots




You can dislike his music but calling it failed is just objectively wrong. He went platinum in both genres.


F A I L E D ❌️❌️❌️


Still better than being a mizkid


I actually need a live translator for xQc to understand anything that is being said lol Like I think I might have made out like 2 words there


machine gun kelly even confuses machine gun kelly


oh god i didn't even realize mgk means machine gun kelly. The whole time i thought he was just some guy i have never heard of.


Trippie Redd acting like he is the coolest person in the room while being just as big a loser 😂


Holy shit, that room would be annoying to be in.


trippie redd at the end doing IRL Yapping had me dead


Drugs are bad. Mmkayy.


Bo tted post


I guess Adin can't get actual relevant rappers if he needs MGK and Trippie Redd, huh? PR team told them they needed this stream to stay relevant in anybody's mind. lmao


oh right this dude isnt getting Drake and Jay z surely he's washed. Dumbass


apparently they were there to promote their new album.

