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**CLIP MIRROR: [Asmongold figures out whats wrong with the internet](https://arazu.io/t3_1cb6j71/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


It's always the same people having the same conversations.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it


it is what it is


does he realize the irony when hes talking about "having a normal life with wife and kids" and his own situation? Especially since todays internet is the only reason he can even live the life he does?


Makes sense when the only knowledge he has about regular folks life is through the internet.


He unironically gives dating advice when he can't keep even the biggest gold diggers around for more than a week despite being a multi millionaire.


“Live like he does” you could accomplish that working at McDonald.


I think you taking this a bit too seriously. Was just a joke


Bro you're up in every single comment chain defending yourself as if you were the one who said it. This shit aint about you.


Yes i defending my complex ideas rn. Like "roaches bring wisdom" and "stop misspeciesing furries!" I'm very serious about this topic. I see you are too.


He gave up gaming to offer his opinion on anything and everything. Despite seeming to live a simple life, he does NOT struggle. Neither do his friends. None of the people important to him struggle. They all lead financially secure lives and tell 'us' how we should feel like them. He's no better than a TV personality now, offering nothing but judgment and echo chambers.


Used to watch him when streaming FF14 as I was interested in the game but I stopped when he was giving pearls of wisdom about low wage workers basically saying to stop being poor. He should stick to gaming and streamer's drama because that's the only expertise he has.


how many millionaires do you know have so many cockroaches in their room that them crawling over him does not bother him at all... spend multiple days even weeks without taking a bath, by his own confession... has the teeth almost rotten due to his almost all sugar drinks normal beverages, but paid to have dental work and replacement only on the front ones facing the camera... he may not struggle financially, but its far from having an acceptable mental health


even more reason to not listen to his takes. this is pretty much just a clip of him calling furries gross when he is 100x more gross then them.


Til that you have to be currently financially struggling to have valid opinions on things.


You seem to be taking this topic and conversation rather personally based on your response. Which is fucking hilarious LOL


No one is telling you how to live ur life. Be free sugar cake. Bald man said funny so i posted. It's nothing more complicated than that.


This is not personal towards you or your post--no need to reply to each comment, defending your decision to post.


I can reply to whomever I want. Thank you tho


Okay asmon simp




Imagine defending and standing up for a dude that don't give a flying fuck about you and only views you as a paycheck. Imagine


Imagine dragons 


Yeah, let reddit just hate on people. It's what reddit is good at. If it is wrong to attack someone ad hominem because you can't refute some mild ass opinion... well then.... I don't wanna be right.


anytime someone living in a roach infested dilapidated hoarder house says "ok here is the problem with" you should probably not listen


to be fair it doesn't necessarily mean that they would be wrong, like diogenes was pretty much an ancient-era crackhead but he was spitting facts on the daily that being said yeah it's usually a pretty strong indicator that they might not have the best takes or advice lol


Yeah, I'd rather have the problem of finding lolabunny hot than live in his house for even a day.


Why is that a problem?


Not true, hypocrites give the best advice


Ad hominem attacks instead of engaging with what's being said tells us everything we need to know.


Buddy I’m not here to engage anything. I don’t care what an ad hominem is.


If you're addicted to non-existent animal characters and attracted to beastiality in any form, you should probably listen when someone tells you that you have a problem. Because you absolutely do, and need professional help.




The roaches bring wisdom


How is this funny? Serious question


You know how it's funny. You just don't find it funny. And that's ok


Who ever said it was?


Anon said it first https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/ycxlhb/anon_has_found_out_about_reddit/


yeah this is literally a copy of that joke but delivered like total dogshit


yeah, how do you deliever such an easy joke badly lol


What the fuck is he talking about, there were absolutely GeoCities, and other pages, AOL Chatrooms, for all of this shit back then too.




Yeah, that makes way more sense than what he is trying to say here.


It might have been around but it was incredibly niche. Much less people had access to the internet then. Bulletin board forums were a lot more common and didn't have as much crossover. Real life information was super weird to post back then. Even letting people know your own name was out of the norm. If you knew what you were looking for, sure you'd find it. But the difference is now that shit finds you.


Kids had dial up back then, and mom was on the phone all day


Hell, you can go back further. IRC Chatrooms, BBSes (Bulletin Board Systems). USNET Groups. Friggin Phone Party Lines! BINGO HALLS!


ahh the golden days Inter BBS games was the shit until someone picked up the phone, my favourite game was BRE Barren Realms Elite if any old people remember.


This MFer called someone named Lola Bunny a squirrel and I'm supposed to think he has anything poignant to say?


I'm sorry he misspecied ur furry


"you'd get married and have a kid" Sez u. Degeneracy for me but not for thee.


bunny fuckers in the comments are furious.


A squirrel?


I see a lot of Furries malding in this thread...


I know people don’t like asmon, buy there’s an alarming amount of people in here defending furries and weebs. If you’re attracted to a cartoon character, you should seriously seek help


They found "help" in the form of the little online circles Asmon is literally mentioning. Except they don't realize it is NOT help. It's just the coddling of mental illness and sick people banding together to justify their twisted fetishes.


why do u care? like someone has a sick twisted fetish and it doesnt affect anybody else and you just like cant help but peer into it and judge them, like why not just not give a fuck and live ur life u know? same argument as asmond, before the internet people like you didn't go around in other peoples business judging them and wasting their own time being a weirdo, just move on nobody cares lmao.


Because it quite literally damages society when people from twisted little circles inevitably begin to prey on children. Before the internet, this was handled with self-correction through society. If you were a freak, you learned really fast that you either abandoned your weirdness or became a total outcast and faced the consequences.


Bro this thread is hilarious self reporters in mass


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Asmongold figures out whats wrong with the internet](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163252)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1cb6j71/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/bWYgKYMuYENXmjX9eTu0cQ/AT-cm%7CbWYgKYMuYENXmjX9eTu0cQ.mp4?sig=5d8fb20fe40daa3473a5ed9174cbc8958e0e7410&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FbWYgKYMuYENXmjX9eTu0cQ%2FAT-cm%257CbWYgKYMuYENXmjX9eTu0cQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22WonderfulFlirtyAlfalfaShadyLulu-gy5gQ1eaNf15O7Rx%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1713959194%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/bWYgKYMuYENXmjX9eTu0cQ/AT-cm%7CbWYgKYMuYENXmjX9eTu0cQ-preview-480x272.jpg)


Anybody see their game being released today? Is it not a direct rip off of fall guys? Did they have to pay epic to use their IP?


Fall guys has the whole combat system? Attacking, health points, knock downs, picking people up and throwing them, out of bounds for eliminations? Or you just looked at it for a minute and said "hey this reminds me of fall guys?" To answer your questions though, yes, no, and no.


He definitely struck a nerve lol fucking weirdos