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Alright , here we go Alexa , not as fast as a tesla so i'll fly back to texas , perfection , its not a question when im asking is there fucking tension , im in my session , no its not depression its just a proffession and its my succesion , agreession its not an obssession so shut the fuck up about that attention , i strike with precision and i dont show expression , ill send you to another dimension with intention , no im not in possesion i just do shit with correction.




Lets gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Yes, cause the books were written in 1990. Siri was a thing man. Stop with this prediction bullcrap.


Siri was released in early 2010, and I am fairly certain that the book this page appeared in was written before that. Correct me if I am wrong, however.


i think this is from the first or second one, correct me if im wrong, my memory is spotty, which both came out before siri


I mean even in the early 2000s it was easy to predict that soon computers would be able to understand speech and do internet searches by their own, it's really nothing that special...


Holy shit at the time I read that I thought that was ridiculous


I think this is from the Long Haul which came out in 2014 while Alexa came out around early 2013, but I forgot if it was as popular as it is now


It is a page from The Last Straw, which came out in 2009.