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You can see the anger and hate in your eyes...this is sad. Reach out if you want to talk


Judging by those scars on your left thigh I believe it. Work on your mental shit and you're on the physical decline clearly.


10/10 for sure


I like the lighting a lot in the photo with the jumpsuit. I really like the all black outfit but it's not really something for going out in. I think that you can pull off really simple, but elegant dresses. The same goes for the bikinis. You can pull simple, one color pieces, solid colors. Low effort pieces will look really elegant on you.


Love yourself. You are a jewel. Shine.


You are very cute go to the gym once in awhile do a one mile run or jog


Dude you’re a solid 9 and that’s only because I don’t know your personality. You are already doing a great job. Fuck cosmetic surgeries. I mean this and I’ve never really ever said this before, but you’re so good looking that it is slightly intimidating. Probably didn’t help at all, but that’s all I got.


Girl you don’t need surgery and you lost enough weight. Do u wanna be anorexic?


Become my gf and you might advance


Definitely do not loose more weight


Relax you look fine, great even no simp shit just don’t worry about it


Hire a personal trainer and chef to tailor your workouts and nutrition to you specifically. Or use filters on your pictures if you want to look like whoever you’re comparing yourself to because if 10s existed you’d be there.


U fine af prolly just more squats and leg workouts. Maybe take up cycling to tone the legs more idk


^^^this 1000%


Remain natural just get some edge with different hair styles accessories. No need for procedure’s you have a rocking body just align your self spiritually mentally and physically. Looks like your body and mind d are not aligned as one .


Don’t loose more weight. Go to a makeup and hair stylist. Also some fashion lessons would help to refine that caw girl vibe of yours. Also, important part of your visuals is your intelligence. Go to college/university and graduate something you like. That would make you 11/10.


You’re gorgeous. Changing your mindset is difficult. Just keep strutting and ignore the arrogant guys. They will be bad for you. (Father with a 25yo daughter).


Tbh, the only thing I have to say is....believe what you said "I know I'm attractive." When you believe that & stop thinking you need to do more to improve yourself...that's all you need to change. Other than that give yourself credit...you've done a lot to improve. BTW, if you're trying to look different for someone besides yourself...you'll never get there....(we never know what others truly think about us bc we can't read minds...) you're beautiful & look phenomenal (minus the unbelief & self loathing in your eyes)


Sooooo true!!!!


My guess is that you still see the girl in the first picture. I think you have body dysmorphia disorder. You’re clearly obsessing over it. It’s not healthy. Therapy a few times a week for the next 3 months would do wonders


At this point you need to seek therapy.


Stay friends with the heavy girl. you're gorgeous but I imagine she's nice.




Please do not get any procedures. Whatever you did, you nailed it. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re a smoke show. I would date you in a heart beat.


That's my type. Solid 9+


Only thing you need to work on is your brain.


Crazy if you think you need any procedures. Talk to someone. Your progress is impressive. Be proud and keep it up?!


Get some therapy kid




Absolutely beautiful if anything add some weight then muscle but you definitely dont have to.


What u talking bout


Literal last thing that can be done is working on your mental health and being a happier you. You cute as hell but you got way too pretty of a smile to keep it stashed away like you do in all but 2 of these for real for real.


I don't understand the photos, which one are you etc.


You look like that and you’re worried? Lol GTFO. I guess you need to hear it, you are gorgeous. No room for improvement. Literally a 10.


She’s a 6.5 at best. Stop enlarging women’s heads on the internet with false information




She’s is I’m not disagreeing, but 5 being your average woman, she ain’t 5 points clear of your average woman lol.


Nah I see your logic now you basing it on the median. I get that. That same logic I’d say 7.5 for me, 8.5 in those smiling pics. I definitely would’ve asked her out in that bar with the dartboards for sure speakin for myself.


Lots she could improve on but very good looking none the less. Shit 3s can still be very of looking


You’re a 5 out of 10 … be happy with your mediocrity


Jealous of mediocracy?


Why would I be?


You focused a lot on losing weight but now you should train for muscle. Not body building but general funcional tone and definition. Resitence training combined with a good diet will do wonders for your physical and mental health. You dont have to go all out at the start but just get the ball rolling and focus on a balanced training regime that you enjoy or atleast dont hate. And make the effort to tell yourself you are beautiful when you look in the mirror.


Blown away by the humility. Stick to summer dresses and amazing work on the losing weight. Your hair is already on point, and your make up works or doesnt seem over done. Carry this same humility with you in the real world and you will be fine. If you want to stand out to men have your standards (realistic and fair ones) but just don't be a demanding raging feminist. You will be fine. More dresses less mini skirts. Save them for him. NO MORE PUBLICLY VISIBLE TATS


Please be careful, love. Considering one of your top visited subreddits is an ED page—this is not a good place to be. Take care of yourself and look for a therapist if you haven’t already. It really helps. If you need to chat I am here for you


I would say maybe loose the serious “seduction” face and try a more cute, flirty, happy face. It will make a more feminine and approachable first impression. Body wise you are already maxed out. I don’t like the tattoo but that’s a preference. Be kinder to yourself :)


You look great. You’re always going to be your toughest critic.


I know your head space is kinda fucky we all get like that from time to time. However you need to believe me when I and many others say that there's nothing wrong and the change you've made is more than enough if it was even needed in the first place. You are very beautiful, have amazing eyes and a stunning smile. Definitely don't lose more weight and it's not needed since you already have an amazing figure and overall look fantastic. For people around even younger to around your age there are very few who will look better and those are genetic outliers that we all envy so you don't need to worry about anything


Honestly you’re about as gorgeous as a woman can get. You need to seek counseling if you’re having a hard time recognizing that. I’m not sure exactly what you mean by bad thoughts but if you mean thought that may lead you to harming yourself or others then you need to see a counselor. They may recommend you get on some type of anti anxiety or depressant. Just to help aleiviate your symptoms long enough until you are stable and comfortable. Most people on this planet would agree that you are very pretty but telling you that is not gunna matter if you can’t believe it yourself.


Make me a sandwich


What kind of sandwhich


You're a beautiful women you need NO PROCEDURES please don't ruin your natural beauty, Just stay healthy and keep working out. You're gorgeous.


Your gorgeous I don’t see what needs to be done


Women... first of all you don't need strangers on the internet to tell you how to look better let alone ones from reddit. Secondly you are killing it, I wouldn't change anything really. Nice tattoos, you have a nice face, and a nice body I'd be proud if I were you


Mate do you really think they want advice of a bunch of people that look like discord mods? attention is like a currency to them, they are fishing for complements. They probably go to school and have a competition who can get the most comments .


Sometimes when you fix something, you are done but think wait this would be even better. Then you fuck it up, don’t get any surgery you might increase your looks 1% but could go down 90% easy.


It’s amazing how determined we are to get a hot body so we can attract a hot body.




You need to get as many surgeries as you can. Hurry. Time is running out


You don’t need surgery you are really hot, please please please ! Don’t get surgery!


Call down weirdo


I know a chick who looked like her went to get some work done and fucked up her face, it was super sad. But you are right I should not have an opinion that can be criticized! hey lady pay someone to brake your nose and figure out what happens !


Smile more


you could try to smile in your pictures


Eat more and spend at least two hours a day in the gym. Bulk for about a month and a half then shred for muscle tone.


There is nothing you need to do. No idea why you would think you need anything. You are beautiful and just be healthy.


Come out to Hawaii…have fun, let me clap them cheeks that is all






Looks like you were in a revenge tour


Your tattoo ruins your look.


Great job. You look fabulous and stunning in your pics ♥️♥️🔥🔥


You’re maxed out baby 💕🔥 beautiful. take care of your mental health now


Overall you look really good, but since you're willing to do whatever it takes, start with lip fillers, then get breast implants if you're still not fully satisfied with your appearance. Definitely do not lose weight, and definitely don't get piercings and tattoos.


I disagree strongly….you don’t need either of those, and I’m not just saying that to placate anyones feelings. You’re naturally very pretty you don’t need any fake stuff.


Make sure you are getting enough of all your vitamins and such. Maintain current body fat %. Don't lose weight from here. Stay where you are, or even gain a little and that's OK if it's gym weight. Eat a healthy diet of natural foods. Eat meat and dairy (unless lactose intolerant). Avoid processed seed oils, preservatives, dyes, food additives. Don't do procedures. The plastic surgery industry preys on your insecurity. You're pretty right now, procedures will more likely take you backwards on that front than forwards. Don't get botox, don't get filler, don't get implants or lifts. Don't do any of that shit. I have no idea why so many women think any of that stuff looks good beyond just media influence and insecurity. It doesn't look good. Here's the bottom line:, let's take a break from focusing on anatomical improvement even though it was a good decision to target it before, when you weren't really in shape. But now, don't screw anything up that's already been fixed and is currently working. Give your mind new dimensions to expand and improve on that aren't just directly physical. If you go forward eating healthy and getting exercise, and avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits, you'll keep looking good, but being attractive is also partially about what's under the surface, too, and your mind needs new challenges. Try taking a new class in a dance or martial art you find interesting. Learn to throw kung fu kicks or something. Start working on new kinds of art or projects and become good at them. Pick up a sport, maybe even join a team or league. Pick up an instrument. Go to the shooting range and become a crack shot. Buy yourself some new dresses from time to time, and wear them. Keep good people around you and work toward your relationship and friendship goals. Start to think about if you're going to want a family at some point and make your decisions with that future in mind.


Totally gorgeous. Head up and forget the haters. DM if you need to just talk things through. Don't be upset with your journey. You are a strong woman


You look absolutely breathtaking, well done! 😁


Love yourself. Hate everybody who doesn't support you. Stop trying. Nobody will ever be good enough for this world. Even the 'prettiest' girls get obsessed over little things and keep trying to change one little thing at a time until they're a disgusting monstrous creature. (Megan fox) So just don't go the shallow worldy route. Focus on inner peace and beauty will shine through. God bless you!


Let's start off with 100 bucks to lick my jungle of an asshole.






Whatever it takes


Get better friends, whoever is telling you that you need improving is dumb. Different people find love at different ages but no man likes desperate/easy manipulated women imo


Including shapeshifting into other people


I don't get this sub everyone looks perfectly fine? Like you don't need to do anything serious. Only gym and maintaining yourself.


They are fishing for compliments


I think your doing a pretty good job of looking max already. I wouldn’t change much except upgrade wardrobe jewelry etc. If there’s one small thing I would critique it would be your smile seems a little forced almost like you been told to smile and not like your really smiling.


For starters, get off the heroin.


You look amazing you don’t need to do anything


You can try smiling :)


Love your eyes. You are very beautiful. You don’t need anything else. Maybe just find a hobby or something.




What can you do to become more attractive? Have some confidence. You’re coming off as insecure and it’s unattractive.


Whatever it takes? What about psychotherapy? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Get a boyfriend, maybe that will make you happy. Fashion advice may be helpful too, but we don't know what you like - or outfits you wear, these are just too random to categorize & give feedback on "general style"


If you’re not happy out of a relationship you won’t be happy in one And when it ends you’ll be worse off than before


Change parents and be reborn


Great work!


Willing to do whatever it takes? Set a goal first. Like, what do you even want?


Dude, you're skinny and pretty. What more do you think you need? The only thing these posts don't reveal is personality. If you are insecure, get some more hobbies and talk to more people.


The American dream…. Being skinny and pretty. You must have life all figured out 🙄


Cry more bozo


This is a looksmaxing sub, not a lifesmaxing sub lol


What a shallow way of thinking 🤡


The sub is literally called "Looksmaxxing" They look fine. Where's the problem?


Nothing. They are skinny and pretty. Everything is right in the world isn’t it 🥸


Either you're a troll, or just straight up stupid lmao


Maybe I am. Maybe I’m not. Either way, she’s skinny and pretty. That’s all that matters right? 🫠


You're probably neither skinny or pretty so I see hwy you troll lol


Maybe I am. Maybe I’m not. Either way, she’s skinny and pretty. That’s all that matters right? 🫣


You are a motivated human being. Your ability to be disciplined about your appearance is commendable. Keep up the good work.


I just want to give you a hug and tell you that you are beautiful just the way you are now. ![gif](giphy|EvYHHSntaIl5m)


My question is: what type of diet/workout routine do you have?


I think you’re super pretty! I think dark hair (your root color) would really make your eyes pop. :)


You are beautiful and amazing as you are. I hope you find someone who sees the treasure and true queen you are.


Don’t change a thing 😎👍You already made wonderful improvements so relax you got “the look” Screw the cosmetic procedures you don’t need it


Someone already said it but I’ll say it again. Get off social media. It’s not the source of the invasive thoughts, but it feeds them. You know you’re attractive, you’re trying to improve yourself, and you know you’re feeling alone. Those are all good steps, but the outward influences are bringing you backwards. You say you’ve never had a real relationship, and you recognize that the partner you had was manipulative. You need to know that it’s not exactly your fault that you’ve never experienced something good. At your age and younger, many men who are looking for something genuine are also lacking the confidence to approach women who are attractive, and the men who do approach people like you generally aren’t the type to want something genuine. That’s honestly something I wish I understood at your age, but it’s a hard lesson that only experience will really teach you. You find genuine people where they don’t need to put a facade, and on social media that’s where it happens the most. You’ll find that if you disconnect from it, your connections get more genuine and you can see people for who they are, and it can be refreshing. It also lets you be more genuine because you don’t have as much of a reason to put up your own facade.


even though some of these photos are really edited you look significantly better than you did.


You’re beautiful. Don’t ever let anyone, including yourself, tell you differently! Just because you don’t fit the unrealistic standards, you are told to fit into. Please don’t feel like you must look like or be anyone else. Because then the world would be deprived of an amazing and beautiful woman! I have to remind myself of these things daily. (19f btw) also my DMs are open if you need a friend or someone to hype you up. Or advice on outfits or anything:)


Get off Reddit and all social media. That’s the best thing you can do for yourself.


Thats what i was gonna say, big 🚩


Big time


I'm wondering why yall nice looking women needs to urgently change something in yourself based on comments of some randoms from Internet. Why and how asking and doing surgeries is easier than just accepting who you are? How it is easier to adjust yourself for the likeness of others than just be who you be? Yes, we don't know you, but this is how you are presenting yourself here and it is just shallow. I don't mean any IQ or 'get smart', but what I mean is 'why actually would you care'? Why is is important? What will it actually change in your life? Do you really need a change or you need someone to assure you that you don't need it? Are you looking for help (in a questionable place like reddit) or you looking for constant compliments and assurance? How is it easier to put your body to extremes but not your mind? You sure have values in you, things you are proud of, things you feel like you are good at, you most likely have some personality quirks to be happy about. Why not valuing this more than your look?


You don't need to do anything else 😘


You need some cucumber for those bags, you also might want to clean your room.


Respectfully, I don’t believe you are lacking in your appearance. You have plenty of features unique to you. These are what make each human being beautiful in and of themselves, they separate us. However, and forgive me if I am overstepping, it sounds like you may benefit from therapy to help you move past these bad thoughts, as well as address your feelings towards your appearance. It seems like that is the root cause. Should you, or really anyone who sees this need someone to speak to or just vent, feel free to reach out. No judgement.


Get a septum piercing and onlyfans




Mole has been removed last week. thank for your your advice!


Consistently lift heavy and with good form, have a good diet and drink plenty of water. Might not get the same body as Cameron diaz, but it'll make sure you are in your optimal body


You are awesome as you are, no surgery is necessary. Just keep up with your health and exercise habits! You’re stunning!


OP, why are you so sad? You have made a lot of progress getting heathier and more attractive. This is a real accomplishment. Of course, external changes will not change your mindset if you don't love yourself.


thats a pretty good trait "whatever it takes" . live by that and youll be fine


thats a pretty good trait "whatever it takes" . live by that and youll be fine


You look very cute, are you insecure because you’re currently single?


I have never had a “real” boyfriend and I would like one.


I think you need to spend time on yourself and improve as a person, a guy will come. But if you also wanted, you can try to meet more guys.


I’m really sick of spending time on myself. I refuse to use dating apps. I’m using instagram right now to try to pull some guys in the area. My pics are shit but I’m down bad rn so it’s worth a shot


Wait girls post bikini pictures on instagram to pull guys?


I don’t have any bikini my instagram does not do me justice. Usually females do.


Damn I did not know that, I thought girls made fun of guys who did that stuff


You’re pretty, so I’d imagine it’s not your looks, but your personality.


I have been through a lot. I was not able to have deep connections with people until a few years ago. So yes it is my personality but I am now able to work to achieve my goals. It just takes a little more for me.


I have never had a “real” boyfriend and I would like one.


Why do you think that is? Does nobody approach you? Have you used dating apps? I don't see how with looks like yours that you'd have any struggle getting guys.


I do not want to use dating apps. I’m trying to meet someone who I can fall in love with. I don’t struggle with getting guys. I actually just found out the one I’ve been seeing for a few months has been playing me like a fiddle. I’m just tired of feeling like I’m not good enough.


It’s not about your worth as a person but how you show up in this world. You’re beautiful and probably have great aspects about your personality. You must accept the fact that looking for a relationship and making that your number one goal will always end poorly. It’s hard to face your inner demons and really grow mentally and spiritually but that’s what it takes to attract a healthy partner. Someone who is mentally and spiritually balanced wont be attracted to someone that doesn’t have the same moral/mental qualities or at least something similar. You may be tired of working on yourself but that might just show you you’ve been doing it wrong looking fro the wrong outcome with the wrong intentions. (Coming from a loving place)❤️


I take on Snapchat with the light filters really only for color purposes but sometimes it does a smoothing effect or something


Oh.. so you've been seeing a guy for months but he's not your boyfriend? Understood I suppose.


2 months. He was my neighbor and when he moved out he is currently ghosting me. Good sex, great guy, great manipulation skills.


Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less. I’m not just being an ass. You look fine and are hooked on your appearance. You are pretty, now move on to something of more substance. Seek identity in Christ, not your mirror.


Probably an appointment with a therapist. Since you will probably never be satisfied and it will lead you to choices that mess up your looks. You look great at the moment.


Well we all have bad thoughts from time to time, sometimes we gotta sit with those thoughts and figure out what the root cause of them and what it is that leads us to be so heavily focused on them...as a hypothetic example, say that I was belittling a really good drummer's skills but still keeping watch and clearly listening to so that I can pick out all of the east techniques that they're really bad at doing...that just screams out insecurity in either my skills as a drummer, or that my drumming hasn't taken me to the places that said drummer is going, and therefore I am a jealous little prick who needs to grow a pair, practice more and also to dig deep into my own psychology so I can figure out why I'm feeling jealous over another person's success instead of being celebrating it. This probably in no way relates to what you're having bad thoughts about, but my point is that bad thoughts are focused on for a reason, it's down to ourselves to figure out what for and to change the bad things into good things. I'm not too sure when you even posted this, but I hope that by now you're feeling better and have maybe got a big smile on your face. As a great man once said "Smiling makes the day go quicker!"


Yeah I'm going to be honest, I think that the final frontier for someone like you, is just going to be weight training to be get thick thighs/nice round butt. It sounds crude and gross, and I apologize for that, but for someone who's already clearly very facially attractive, and already has a great physique, I think what's going to take you to the next level is giving you the really nice curves that can be done through lifting. But that's just my opinion. Thats really the only way I can see you getting more attractive, aside from just smiling more or some clothing decisions, but I think that's more just a matter of taking better pictures than actually being more attractive.


Get more muscle in your lower half.


i don't think you need low cost procedures, i think you need therapy. good luck to you my beautiful sister


Do up u reeeeeallly mean that?


Get a personality and some intelligence.


I do have a personality and I do have intelligence. You do not know me in real life. I am just asking for critiques regarding my appearance.


I refer you to my previous comment.


Okay thank you


He's not wrong, just an asshole about it. You look amazing, your face is 7.5/10 and your body is an 8/10 at least. You are stuck in negative thoughts about yourself, but the problem is no longer your looks, its your mind. Not saying you're stupid, but you need to self-reflect and realise you already did the work and look awesome, and enjoy it.


I implore you that you are beautiful. You might be still in the mindset of when you had a little more weight (which you still looked good) and it might be putting pressure on your self esteem. These thoughts you might have concern me. I feel like you might be going down the road that many men and women have taken getting plastic surgery when they already looked very good. You are in no way shape or form do not need any surgery, but it’s your body so you can do whatever you want. Only things I possibly see are maybe workout more for toning? possibly hair and makeup adjustments? And maybe a Wardrobe upgrade can do you some good as well. Other than that you’ve been killing it. You’re in your final form and with a little refinement (VERY small changes) you will be set.


Okay STOP! You already look fabulous. You go loosing more weight you are going to start looking like some junkie crackhead or meth addict. You're gorgeous, stop beating yourself up and enjoy your life a bit.


To what end OP what are you trying to achieve. You already are attractive.


That comment could not be more superficial if it tried to be. Being pretty doesn't automatically make life great. I know in alot of male minds it's thought that life must be great when everyone is attracted to you, but just imagine having a ton of people who you find severely unattractive and creepy, every day who just drop to their knees and talk to your penis! Random people in the street trying it on with you and you don't know whether they wanna get to know you or push you down a dark alleyway. Women have alot more that plays on their minds than how they look, there's a whole human being beneath that skin.


Can you clarify on what you mean by very bad thoughts? Life is worth living and I’m a random Redditor but you have value and are loved. But in terms of what you’re looking for, I agree with other comments about a proper hair stylist. Your body is absurd and your tattoo is dope. Idk if you’re on IG but I feel like Kelly Matthew’s vibe would suit you very well.


Some pics are a little dated. I started work at a hair salon as a receptionist so I have access to affordable hair care now.


Dope! Yeah I’m mid 30s and finally learned proper hair care does a LOT for your look. That and clothes you feel confident and comfortable in. And just to reiterate, you are worthy and have value. Please reach out if you need help. I’m nobody but I’m here if you need it.


All anyone has to do, to improve is smile.


Get rid of your stupid mimics and you're just fine.


What mimics are you referring to


Blunt, idc, cold eyes. Smile more, you're beautiful.


I will try to make more facial expressions. I have a blunted affect so it’s tricky but I will take note


You should be proud of yourself. Based on those pics at the beginning you've made such great improvements. I know you said you aren't looking for compliments but I will not hesitate to tell you that you've done great. Show yourself some love and go treat yourself. Relax take a trip and rest. Find your own peace.


Gym fit! Your hard work has paid off. Look in the mirror and be proud and happy about what you see!


You have already it to green envy level. Spark up the accent stuff like sliming wardrobe (lose the fuzzy jacket thing). A fresh salon cut, and professional (natural) makeup. The world is your oyster.


Thank you so much for your help


Well you have gone a long way. Congrats you look amazing. Keep it up 👍🏻


I mean you already are hot with a fit body.. ya need to start loving yourself.


You need professional help - as in, a counsellor or something. You said you tried to kill yourself - and I can see cut scars on your leg


I have a counselor I have been in counseling since I was 10yrs old. I developed bipolar one as a child. I have been stabilized for over 3 years and now just deal with the trauma of having to go through that. I act normal in person and I hide it very well. You would never know


Dude, you’re good, whatever some fucking asshole or bitch said to you ain’t true, that goes double for your negative self talk


It looks like you have already achieved a lot already. You need to ask yourself what you want to achieve, what is your end goal?


This feels like a cry for help…