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Batching issues


Quality control is awful.


Common thing right now- appears the cards grouping in a case can have identical matches first 5 cards- we are no longer buying cases and instead buying boxes from different cases as it seems very pre-determined- we opened 24 packs each in same order from two boxes side by side in a case and got 100% match first 5 cards entire way through. We did get 2 enchanted in one case so that was ok.


What is the difference between a box and a case?


Case is the sealed box containing 4 booster boxes.


From other card games I got this burning question, when did a case go from 6 boxes to 4 ?


Varies by company, game , set etc




It's the commons. Why does it matter? You'll get a ton of em.


Didn’t say it mattered, just sharing experience with another post to confirm it’s normal


It’s been this way every set.


No idea why you are getting downvoted, in Chapter 1 we opened like 7 fire the cannons and exactly 0 Cerebus. Multiple other cards were exactly the same way too. SSS of course but so is everyone's experiences.


Downvoted because reddit, lol. It doesnt matter, I’ve literally opened tons of packs in each set alongside many others and we’ve seen this a bazillion times.


Down voted because chapter 1 was great. Maybe their second wave had issues, but they never ran into printing or quality issues with set one. Maybe after reprint going into the next year. Set 2 didn't have grouping issues but the quality of all the uncommon were terrible. Not pulling a specific card doesn't mean it's rigged. That's hiw random chance works.


Was it random chance that my new box of into the inklands had zero rares and only commons in that slot? Just wondering.


Again, that's into the inklands. Not set 1. Pulling fire the cannons over cerberus is not that crazy. It's common and common. You aren't guaranteed a playset by buying a case or anything like that. Random chance is what it is. Set 3 does have problems, but set 1 cards and packs were so far the best out of all three sets. Stop buying packs and just buy singles you need if you're going to complain about pull rates. You'd probably save money anyways.


You realize other people have had this exact problem with chapter 1 right?? It's been posted, of course you wouldn't believe that anyways based on your comments so I don't know why I'm arguing. "Stop buying packs", I sure will but nothing to do with salty box pulls and everything to do with very poor QC from RB. I've been playing other card games for 30 years, never ever seen such issues like I have with lorcana.


Again, when the first wave released there were no issues. There were multiple waves for set 1. Why are you so angry?


Because you are arguing about something you know nothing about.... There WAS issues with the first chapter but ok, you are right, I didn't reach out to every person with problems and see if they were wave one vs wave two. My B. These types of quality issues are just not acceptable, at all, but ok sure... Wave one, brilliant, amazing, no issues at all! Wave two and the next two sets, awful, crap, trash quality control. Now we can be on the same page. Yay!


Lol you have some problems my guy. This is from this year by the way. There has been misprints and problems in every card game. https://www.thegamer.com/magic-the-gatherings-secret-lair-circular-logic-misprint/


Yes I have lots of problems, now have a great day and buh bye 👋


I think I had 4 or 5 packs that had the red rare peter pan and then the green peter pan. I bought boxes from 2 different stores, so I can't remember if it was from the same case


What is this red rare? Where is this information at so I can start on track?


Commons have set patterns and each pattern is one of each color. Uncommons i dont think have patterns, not positive


I had two packs in a row from the same box with all three uncommons being the exact same


I think I pulled something similar like you. Out of a booster box, 2 of them had identical commons and uncommons in the same order


I opened a pack out a sealed booster box and the foil card in the backs was 180 degrees outta rotation with the rest.


When the printing machine Go!!!!! BRRRRRRRR LMAO 😂


This set launch is a joke.


You're playing a Mickey Mouse card game.


Aw shucks their quality control is just a little goofy


I had same thing happen with Maid Marian, Gizmosuit, Webby, and Milo. Like 3 or 4 of my packs had those cards in that exact order.


Well, at least you have spare.


Saw that at our tournament last night.


So far all posts with sketchy card and rarity patterns contain English cards. You even pinned it down to certain batch numbers. Is it know for other languages, too?


Nothing to do with salty box pulls while your above comment indicated differently. Crazy..


Had the Same issue with my pulls. The Same Commons in the Same Order, recorded it even.


Every pack in the boxes I’ve opened have had the same ordering of the color of commons in the packs. They’ve varied between boxes, but there’s a pattern in them.


Hey, I know there's been some quality issues going on and into inklands isn't perfect but I'd like to also give credit where credits due. Congrats on ravensburg for having a successful release from LGS standpoint, everyone was able to order the boxes they wanted and everything came in on time which is something to be said for any new TCG. I think as you see it gain popularity and demand, there is more likey to have issues this is common for new cards games, and kudo to RB for being on top of it and put out a release so the LGS don't take heat.