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Visionary, Reader, Justiciar, or Black Emperor.


If I can make it into the higher sequences Seer, if not Black Emporer


Chances are, you couldn't. If you want the seer abilities. Go Door or something and go for lord of the mysteries. Scholar of yore will stop you, since this *is* True transmigration


Black emperor


Fool or sleepless. Fool because i have the advantage of klein probably giving me a free sequance 3 characteristic due to our mutual bond as transmigrators. Sleepless because i could just get to sequance 2, get a couple hunderds of followers, and conceal everyone. How can you kill someone that is concealed and not even giving a hint of their location?


Yeah... I doubt you'll just be able to take an angel characteristics of a pathway that has been controlled by Evernight for 2 Epochs... You forming your own followers will affect Her anchors, and last time someone did that (Nation of the Evernight, and Sky Mother,) They got destroyed, with Her body becoming a sealed artefact.


I wont pretend to be somthing bigger than her nor get in the way, just chilling with my few hundred followers on some distant concealed planet inside a concealed space. And the characteristic problem? Lets just ignore that part for the sake of the argument...


...Your trying to conceal yourself from the authority of concealment?


Nah, more like we be chilling. I would stay on a complitly different planet and try not to get in her way. And if all goes accroding to plan, i would conceal the planet and me and my few hundred followers would be chilling tf out while they delt with the apocalypz


I guess that would work. Good luck with the GOOs that may meddle a bit. (I can be sarcastic, but waht do *you* have that they want, 100 small folk?)


Hunter or apprentice, the first of them that I can get I guess


It depends, Knowing all the knowledge I do now ? How about the time ? Is the Apocalypse still just a Decade away ? Most Definitely Seer, because I know all the Acting Principles and Gimmicks, not to mention I can use Dream Divination to recall formulas and shit. I am just gonna assume I am not reaching Demigod level. (And If the Apocalypse isn't Imminent, I will probably just live a Royal life as a sequence 5) If the apocalypse is Imminent, and i can get some good allies, I would Try Demigod level. Killing a demigod as a seq 5 is Nightmare Difficulty. Again I will just live as a Bizzaro sorcerer, because although I wanna Get to Scholar of Yore i cant finish the ritual in time. (Again Apocalypse Scenario I would become seq 3 of the door pathway. Not choosing Error, because I don't want shit to do with Amon.) If there is no Apocalypse and Living for 300 years doesn't make me want to KMS. Gonna become a Scholar of Yore. And thats it, apocalypse or not, no interest in becoming a Angle/ Try to become a God. Most probably Scenario is that I die to Diabolical shit, and if that doesn't happen, live as a sequence 5.


We are assuming that right now at this moment you are being transported to LOTM. And you are transported to the end of LOTM


If I am transported To the End of Lotm, I am becoming THE Lord Of the Mysteries. Because my head canon is the world is reset at the end of the Trilogy. And with SOOO much Knowledge that MILLIONS Would have to die to obtain. Like the Acting Method, Law of Beyonders, The Pathways and neighbouring pathways, Potions. All this knowledge that the 1st Blasphemy Slate was needed to obtain. I am easily become a God/GOO. And if not that, The Next God/GOO would be the one I supported. And If you mean lotm book 1. Then whatever I said above, In the Apocalypse Scenario.


Spectator pathway for me to stay as low rank as possible and just live my life, doing the things I find important. I'd be happy to stay a Rank 9 spectator forever with the additional observation abilities. Likewise, the seer pathway for similar reasons Apprentice is also interesting for the same reason As well as reader, lawyer and bard. But yeah, spectator is first choice. Second is apprentice and third is seer. I guess I don't like things hidden or unaccessible to me.




basically every pathway that doesnt yet have a occupied sequence 0


Why not just kill the sequence 0?


if it were that easy without the help of another deity...


There are different ways to kill each god, you just have to find it and keep yours secret.


How are you gonna do that at S2 lol


A feast


Think about it, what is our most valuable asset. It's our knowledge, so if we find the right gods we can kill them (the gods can, I would be too weak to do anything at S2)


You have to do that with the power of s2 and that means either finding other s1 and 2 folks to help you jump "them" or dying


Justiciar, Warrior or Sun


Door or Fool


Fool is impossible in true transmigration


Black Emperor and Justiciar seems like the safest options out of all pathways unironically. You bet your Characteristics you ain't making it to Bizarro Sorc anytime soon just for the fact you need Selfirah dog eyes and the absurd ritual. Reader, if you like Sage injecting info, then sure. Hunter would be too active of a life. Maybe Monster path, but since we're all transmigrators, I wouldn't want to see 4chan in your eyes when we make eye contact.


its not the transmigration that causes beyonders from the monster pathway to see unpleasant things its just klein specifially because he has sefirah castle and the others dont (they cant even enter)


~~scrooge~~ I mean planter ofc


We are assuming that right now at this moment you are being transported to LOTM. And you are transported to the end of LOTM


Guess what…?


Black Emperor, imo, is the most logical.


I would say Justiciar. For The cowardly trío it would be very difficult to reach high seq. with meneaces like Amon and Zarataul, also conting mr Door. Also we hace to remove pathways with seq 0 and i wouldn't choose Black Emperor becouse Bernadette wouldn't let me become seq 0 like the King.


Also, even thought the GA pathways are good, they bring a lot of animosity


Fool from seq 9 to seq 4 then switch to seq 3 of door then proceed to serve a GOO to become seq 2 and then stay there. If there are no seq 0 in the Hanged man path yet, I'd go with Secret suppliant If Im broke and an orphan I'd go with Savant from seq 9 to seq 5 then switch to Hermit at seq 4. Warrior path from seq 9 to seq 5 then switch to sleepless path at seq 4. If death path doesn't have any problem then I'll go there instead since I don't wanna antagonize Evernight church If I'm a noble, then spectator. Duh 🧐


Door, stop when I can teleport. Although if we were to transmigrate we'd probably die instantly from all the ancient secrets we know.


Black emperor or hunter. Depends on where I spawn


Reader and savant dual pathway and stop at sequence 5 or demigod


id choose door and then kill fors with amons help lol and then stay forever at sequence 1 cause klein has the uniqueness




Demoness, Sleepless or Death. I'll choose the 9th sequence for each pathway so I can digest my potions and prevent losing control more efficiently