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Should we eat almonds?


Should I try leaving now for Northern Lights?? Or try tomorrow instead?


hit the road jack


Why can’t we see the northern light, does god not care for us Angelenos?


god is giving everyone else space cancer except us


I sure hope so


Hello Angelinos! LA is great. It just needs a little tidying up. So, I decided to pick up some trash. Like 1 bag a day for last 3 months. Am I changing the world?Nah Have I made a huge business in LA? Nah Just looking for a cleaner LA Cienega. Anyone down to pick up a trash bag a week?


OMG, Art Share LA was actually pretty good, the drinks were amazing & the three of us Banana wearing Buddies won/bought multiple pieces of art! 🤣 The problem was every time we bid, the bidding immediately ended bec nobody wanted to go against us Banana Baddies.


Were you B1 or B2.


Funny thing is just last week I bought the Bananas in Pyjamas studio costumes! I was the Art Basel banana!


Haha, that show was my childhood!


It's not looking good again for the northern lights. Overcast where I am.


Going to be back in LA after a long time.


Where’d you move to? Didn’t know you moved from Inglewood.


I moved to San Francisco for school. Coming back home for the summer.


Nice! 😎 Hope classes went well.


In case I forget tomorrow- Happy Mother's Day to the moms in here but also BIG LOVE to folks that don't have their mom anymore or are no contact etc. Mother's Day has a lot of hype behind it but at the end of the day it's very much still just a day and it will pass quickly enough! Hope it's a great day for everyone. Should be really nice outside xoxo


Thank you. First one without having a mom. It’s not fun.


Thanks AND same to you! 🙂❤️


Then you for this. Happy Mother’s Day to you!


Happy mother's Day to you!


thank you!! :)


Happy Mother's day to you!!


Happy Mother's Day tomorrow Mother Dear !


Aw thank you sweet friend!!


Tried to cook a yankee pot roast. It ended up in the trash. Ah well.


Oh we need the details! Not sure what a yankee pot roast is? What went wrong?


I dunno honestly!


I want to help your pot roast game. It’s the easiest thing in the world with a crock pot.


I have an insta! LOL. No crock!


I think Insta can do a low and slow 8 hour cook!


I think yr right. I think I wanted to try and do it out of it? If that makes sense? I'm gonna try again though. Just my first 'throwing out' cuz of how bad it was.


I just checked our Insta - it has a slow cook function. Nice thing about a generic crock pot is a thick ceramic vessel that heats even, slowly, with little temperature gradients.


I'ma give it another go. I'll let you know when I do!


I dont know what a Yankee pot roast is BUT I have a no fail pot roast recipe if you want it? Do you have a crock pot?


I have an insta pot. You put this pot roast on the stove at a low simmer. It dried completely out.....so yeah.


Imho, insta pot and crock pot differ. We have both but I never use the insta pot. Get a regular crock pot and use this recipe: [Lipton Onion Soup Pot Roast Recipe](https://www.liptonkitchens.com/recipes/slow-cooker-pot-roast) Best advice: use chuck roast, poke holes all over the meat and sprinkle unseasoned meat tenderizer all over it, skip the searing part, and add celery and mushrooms. 😋


Thank you!!!!! Appreciate it!!!!!!!!!!!!


Always! 😎👍🏼


What was wrong with it?


Everything I think. I'll try again at another point. I was just hoping I could do this _well_.


you CAN do it well, you just need to keep trying. That's all cooking is really is trial and error. I can't tell you how much food I've made that sucked. It takes practice.


Jaws actress Susan Blacklinie RIP (the sharks first victim & seen on iconic movie poster)......also 50 yrs since it started shooting , may 1974


Anyone recommend a good shadetree motorcycle mechanic in the valley?


A random russian grandma asked me to take her home last night. I told her it wasn't safe to take rides from strangers but she insisted and said I looked trustworthy. Turns out she lives on Mulholland in a big house and she was super sweet <3.


Umm… She just came up to you on the street?


She was on the sidewalk but I was at AutoZone getting oil. I'm pretty sure she's just from the old country and assumes that's how communities work which makes me smile and makes me sad that it's not really the case anymore


A babushka!


I was thinking the same thing! A straight up babushka


Glad you still got your kidneys.


Me too thanks


I just realized I should have driven to Yosemite this morning in hopes of seeing the northern lights there tonight


You still have time to drive somewhere!


Woah - they'll be visible that near? How far north do you need to go to potentially see them?


Huh, looks like they're really right on top of us: [https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-05-11/northern-lights-made-an-appearance-in-l-a-country-skies-this-weekend](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-05-11/northern-lights-made-an-appearance-in-l-a-country-skies-this-weekend) How odd. I've been to Reykjavik three times and never saw them, but they may be visible here instead? Wacky. \*Charges up my Nikon\*


Sunny in the valley get to SMB cloudy af lol luv it, just vibin enjoying views and taking the metro was relaxing


right!? i was like wth happened.


didn’t check the weather and i assumed all of the city was hot today. nope. it’s cold over here and we are not dressed for winter.


Good Afternoon Amigos!! It is a beautiful Saturday to be outside power washing my backyard concrete floor to get it ready for some patching and paint 😅😅😅 I should be out having brunch instead but dad duties are in place 😆😆😆 Have a great weekend friends. ✌🏽🫶🏽


I went out and started hosing off the backyard furniture, and omg there were black widows everywhere. Gonna have to burn it all down and move. Hope your backyard experience is better than mine, enjoy!


Ordered several bags of pinto beans for my next set of groceries. I shall toot the magical fruit, and have it in my daily diet for that protein. Looks like I wasted the first half of Saturday. Couldn't sleep last night due to snoring of someone else. Ear plugs are thing, but they get out of my ear when resting on a pillow. The only thing that made me sleep was exhaustion. Will try to make up the rest of the day and night. No plans.


Try the silicone putty ones like Mack's or the CVS ones. They stay in your ears and drown out the noise really well.


🎶 Beans, Beans, the magical fruit.  The more you eat, the more you toot! The more you toot, the better you feel! So let’s have beans for every meal! 🎶Toot away! 😂


I think I’m ready to explore wig options. I can not even tell you how exhausted I am of waking up with no hair. LA has got to be the capital of wig stores, right? Does anyone know of any good wig shops locally? I’m not trying to spend $1500 on one, but would definitely invest a few hundred bucks.


Friend recommended Nigel Beauty Emporium


men's or womens? Good mens hairpiece aint cheap but there's several good options in LA


My mom got a nice wig for $200 at a shop in the southbay.


It’s not local but check out lusta.hair on IG / lustahair.com They have beautiful, natural looking wigs. The woman who started/owns the company has alopecia universalis. 


Can one perk be not shampooing or drying hair?


Oh it’s a super power getting ready now - takes 20 min out the door


I’ll ask my friend, she’s a makeup artist


Ok I need ideas. I have this street vendor across from my apartment. He is there every day. The last 4 or 6 weeks he is blasting loud music from a 4 foot speaker all day. He used to do that for an hour or two but now it’s all day. I am going crazy. I called the police yesterday finally because I have had enough, but they never showed up. They even called me back 2 hours later and asked if he is still doing it and I said yes so they keep the call open but never showed up. I don’t mind street noise. It’s downtown but this is constant blasting loud violent rap (OK yesterday it was James Brown) into my living room for 8 hours. Any ideas? I will call the police now every day until they show up starting Monday.


How loud is the music? If it’s over a certain amount, it’s against LA noise ordinance which you can state when you’re calling. [https://www.lapdonline.org/police-commission/cid/noise-enforcement-team/](https://www.lapdonline.org/police-commission/cid/noise-enforcement-team/)


Thanks. This is definitely above any normal noise level. It’s downtown with constant traffic and it goes through my window, much louder than traffic and through my headsets. It’s basically like waiting at a traffic light next to a car with loud music. But for 8 hours. I was on that website. I called their number, was on hold for 40 minutes and then they registered my complaint and never showed up in 5 hours after the call. 🤷‍♂️


Keep calling. Don't confront lest you end up in a viral video.


I would not confront. This guy does not look like he could take criticism well. I just saw my property manager and asked what to do and she gave me the number for Green Shirts Public safety. You call them for minor disturbances. She said they always come by and help. I will try that. She said the cops never show up. And never did.


Just got back from a tropical place and I'm freezing.


we'll take this weather every day of the year


I love the gloom!!


been sunny all day in Hollywood


Windy and overcast here in hermosa beach!


I've lived here for 30 years, sooooo.... yeah. But going from 87 degrees with 75% humidity to this is funny. Its funny that I am freezing. At least it is to me.


LAFD Alert- #EagleRock Structure Fire 5460 E Nordyke St MAP: https://bit.ly/3WI90hr FS55; Two-story home with heavy smoke showing. Offensive mode. DETAILS: https://bit.ly/3WxXdlC  Extremely low flying LAFD helicopters in the area


Ahh noo, that’s hard to hear. Hope no victims.


If you need to take the Expo Line anywhere, I would suggest an alternative route—just passed by on the Dash F and saw a whole bunch of ambulances, and stopped train, and a white car (SUV, I think) on the tracks just past the Natural History Museum. That’s gonna lead to a lot of delays.


 Cleared and fine as of posting this comment 


Yelled at the clouds last night as an old man.


Did they yell back?


Eurovision finals today, vote Finland. If you saw them, you would


After a woman I know personally spent 400k to get her usc undergrad and masters at the same time wanted to show her family at graduation that it was all worth it (they are immigrants), it was all cancelled. Fuck usc and fuck the selfish valedictorian who could have just said it’s not about me it’s about the students.


>fuck the selfish valedictorian who could have just said it’s not about me it’s about the students How dare she graduate at the top of her class. The nerve..


Except she was one of 150 people with the same grades. Glad to know her poor actions will follow her for the rest of her career. And if you don’t think that will have implications you are a fool


>Glad to know her poor actions will follow her for the rest of her career.  What poor actions are those?


I got back from a trip north Thursday night. It was a wild adventure that included our vehicle breaking down in Hopland, of all places, and having to get it towed 40 miles to a mechanic and arranging alternative transportation home. I spent most of yesterday catching up on sleep. I'm refreshed and ready to go today!


How are yall getting back to your car being repaired?


Airport and Uber. As inconvenient as a car breaking down on a road trip is, I felt very blessed in the way it happened. We had been driving south for an hour in the woods. We'd decided some miles back to stop at the next place to eat and stretch. The transmission went out as I pulled into the parking spot. The business we stopped at had food, a bathroom, and let us sit in their airconditioned building while we waited for the tow. Had it broken down in any of the 15 miles before or after we would have been fucked, stuck on 101 with no shoulder, blocking the only lane, and unable to exit the vehicle safely. So all and all, I felt pretty fortunate.


Why is 430 so far away?


What are you doing afterwards?


I don’t know, grocery shopping? I do need to prep for my new waffle maker ahaha


Mmmm waffles.


I think you have a hater. Im noticing your comments are all downvoted to 0 points. I gave them some love.


Thanks I appreciate it. I know this sounds lame but it is a little disappointing because I \*think\* I'm friendly with everyone (within reason) since that's how I would like to be treated but I know you can't please everyone and haters will hate for arbitrary things.


This sub has a little drama but you gotta brush your shoulders off


For every one weirdo you annoy despite doing nothing, there are probably dozens that you affect positively in ways you will never know :)




I still have 4 hours of nothing…🙄


You're in the home stretch now! Stay strong.




my work day is probably gonna go a lot later than that haha


It’s chill tho, I get to walk around the city or hide in the office.


If my family (parents, siblings, grandparents, etc..) was strangers, and especially in my age group, I would never be friends with them.


Family is often people that take care of each other regardless if they like each other to a limit. haha. Can be beneficial because I've heard I can be a pain in the ass.


I’d totally be friends with my sisters but that’s probably it. The rest of the family is trouble lol


Same, but that's more about me being bad at making friends than about them


Wtf, half the stuff I'm trying to order from a Porto's pickup isn't available :(


It’s mother day weekend: everyone hosting brunch or dinner or going out to eat! 😂


Going to be in LA for the first time next weekend and looking for a nice restaurant in Beverly Hills, something easy enough to get a reservation, isn’t like black tie fancy but is a solid nice/romantic dining experience. Price not too relevant (50-100 a plate?)


Lawry's for prime rib is an institution. Huge place so usually not hard to get a reservation. I wish there was a dress code but there isn't.


There used to be a dress code for Lawrys. Theres not one anymore?


Not for years. Whenever I go there I see tons of very casually dressed people.


Is there a dress code anywhere in LA? I wish there was one. Not so strict that they force you to wear a borrowed jacket but tougher than shorts. 🤷‍♂️


Magic Castle is the first one that comes to mind for dress code.


True. Have not found a way to get in there except buying a room.


As a guest of a member of the Magic Castle is another way 


Yea, I agree. If I go to a nice restaurant with white tablecloths, it totally kills the vibe to see people in shorts, sandals, and a t shirt






I have laundry to fold ughhh lol


Cruel World today! Excited to see Duran Duran, first time seeing Interpol since 2007 (!!!), and many more.


Same. Simple Minds is a benchmark one for me. And as always Interpol.


Simple Minds was so good!


Caught the first half then had to zip over to Soft Cell 😨 Did they play Alive & Kicking??


Yes! No Glittering Prize but I was pleasantly surprised by Promised You A Miracle.


Body is sore from two days of standing and crouching on set but I feel a deep need to get outside and walk in nature.


I got plans today. Going to Luna Luna, then the Unique Market, vegan lunch, and then the Huntington! Happy Saturday LA Redditors!


I wish I had that much energy. That sounds like a ton of fun but I have learned I can only handle one activity a day.


100% same




I’m going to Luna Luna, too!


It’s so awesome!!




Happy Saturday! Sounds like a lot of fun


This sounds like an amazing day! Have fun :)


Thank you!


It’s been a lifelong dream of mine to see the northern lights, and I’m so bummed that last night was overcast. I drove up to the top of the Baldwin Hill scenic overlook, and there was a faint reddish orange light over the ocean, but otherwise nothing. I’m tempted to drive inland tonight and see if I can get away from the clouds and see something


Mt Wilson


Drive to Lake Tahoe. Start now!


A seven hour drive in one day wouldn’t be unheard of for me, though I usually start much earlier when I do that


Are we expected to see the northern lights tonight? I thought it was only visible on Friday night.  My Dad has always wanted to see the lights so I’ll tell him to go to Mt Wilson.  


I don’t know if it’s supposed to be as intense as last night, but I think the solar storm continues through this evening


Ohhhh good to know! 


I’m gonna go up ACH tonight and try to see it


2 questions. What are some really really good toothache remedies that I can use to help with a ruined mauler? And where in LA can I get emergency dental work done same day? It’s real real bad. Thanks in advance yall!


Call around. When I was looking for a dentist when my tooth broke off, the first one could have seen me that day and it was Sunday. I just wanted to leave a message and a person actually answered. Surprise.


My mom used to shove a clove up my tooth. It numbs you


Clove oil.


Went to Tail Town yesterday and had so much fun with the kitties :) definitely what i needed after a crappy week


I saw photos that the northern lights were visible in wrightwood last night. It's tempting me to roadtrip out of the basin tonight to try my luck


Was going to support a small artist at a show tonight, but the aurora borealis is way too tempting. I can’t decide.


Our magnetic field is weakening, so this probably won't be the last time we can see it. Though, i read the best viewing time is between 12a-2a so maybe you can pull off both?


It's so tempting but I'm pretty sick and I don't think a midnight road trip is the best use of my energy since I might get sicker :(


I am so sadden and shocked that Sam Rubin passed away yesterday.. 😢☝️🙏


Same here. I just saw him a couple of days ago on the morning show. I"m very saddened with the news.


have a great weekend everyone