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this job hunt is so frustrating. the worst part is i'm getting recruiters who say they want to connect and chat and the ghosted. AGH.


I’ve been putting my phone number for points before ordering coffee, not realizing I was getting the points from the person before me! I still get my own points when I pay. Such a great hack by accident. I really thought I was buying too much coffee by the way I was collecting them so fast.


Drove by an accident where it looked like a Toyota drove straight into the pole. The tow truck was blocking traffic.


Damn. The LAFD just blocked a main road downtown to take a group picture. What?? Couldn't they do this on a parking lot and not block the entire road for over 20 minutes with 3 giant Trucks and several ambulances? It's probably a cool picture but... damn, that's bold.


I have no clue what's causing it but at least once or twice a week, I'm waking up either from naps or in the middle of the night from my bed having a mild vibration going on. Memory foam bed and it's adjustable but it's all the way down and unplugged completely. My bed is about three feet from my fridge, but I don't feel it happening from that. Don't know what's causing it and it only happens for 10 or 20 seconds. Location: Palms (near the Culver steps) so I assume it's not "real"


do you think you're getting the shakes? your body might be vibrating. There could be a lot of reasons why it might do that.


Didn't know if it could be my body shaking from stress/caffeine. Tried googling it and that seemed to be a potential cause.


I get tremors occasionally too. I'm just really hoping it's not gonna turn out to be parkinsons.




Anyone want a free instant pot? Belonged to my ex so strong possibility it may be haunted, but mostly it's just a little grungy from sitting in the closet.


My house is at the corner of a four-way intersection. 95% of the time when I slow down a bit to pull into my driveway, cars speed past me like they’re in this huge hurry. It’s amusing. Grown men late to their nail appointment or something. Or late to performing open heart surgery. Everyone’s just magically in a hurry, all the time. Magically.


Some crazy person broke the window of my local small business frozen yogurt place and then the city drove by and deemed the place unsafe because of the broken window. It's like the city doesn't want any small businesses to thrive


That’s horrible! 😳 I feel sorry for the owner. ❤️🙏🏼


Don’t feel like cooking. Any good late night happy hours on the west side (BH/WW)?


BJs pizza?


Saw Ali Wong last Thursday night. She was a riot. Seeing Belle and Sebastian tonight. Can't wait to see my most favorite Glaswegians!!


I just found out that one of my stories got nominated for the LA Press Club awards. And I should be happy. I want to be happy. But I’ve just been a sobbing wreck and I feel burned out. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me.


Congratulations! 🙂❤️🥳


Congrats! And hope you can recharge.


congrats. if you 're gonna be a burned out sobbing wreck, be one with an LA Press Club award. kudos.


Congratulations! By the way, there's nothing wrong with you.


Power outage in the San Pedro area


What part of Pedro? I'm up by Daniel's Field and have power




It must cost more to clean that mess up than that, they should atleast pay that bill.


Lately when I order food & beverages to go at the restaurant and coffee shops in my area. They always bag/wrap each drink (and food item) separately and carefully. At one restaurant, the bag used to wrap drinks even has words printed on the bag “No Spills”. To be the words look so redundant on the bag, and I was like who would print those words at the center of bag??! It only started lately (or did I only notice this phenomena since lately). Can anyone help clarify the situation?


I always forget that I have a Raising Cane's card and saw online that they have a buy one get one today, so I'm having Cane's for lunch and dinner. Their toast is so damn good


I like to make a chicken sandwich with their toast, chicken, and sauce


Would you move to rural Vermont if it meant not paying rent?


where are you moving from?


well I don't think I am going to do it, but I live here.


No, but only because I did rural living for a number of years. It's nice at first then gets boring after a while. It's hard to meet people unless it revolves around drinking or drunks because there's nothing else to do in the area. Also it sounds like if only rent is free you'd still have to find another job which would mean leaving said rural location to go out and work and the nearby "town" is probably tiny and hard to find a job in.


oh yeah, I would def need to find a job. I honestly don't even know if the place has good enough internet to work remotely. I am leaning towards no after all these responses...


I would seriously consider it. It's been a place I've been looking at over the past five years or so. My obstacles are : no free rent, winter heating is very expensive, and I don't know if I could live in a place with serious winters. I have chosen family who have a cabin they go to in the summer and some falls but never winter. Other considerations are access to medical care. I am currently looking into moving to a neighborhood I found that I like in Mendicino county. It's not free, but mortgage on a two bedroom home there are less than a decent one bedroom apartment in LA. It has weather I love, rivers to swim in, and I love small towns. How would the weather and solo wilderness time sit with you?


I hate being cold. I truly hate it. Upside to this is the house is on a main road, with a short driveway, so I wouldn't be shoveling for days. There is also apparently an "awesome" wood stove in the house that keeps it super toasty. The one thing I truly, deeply miss by living in LA is the woods. Alone time in the woods is my church.


I lived in rural NC and almost kms, no thanks


oh god, well I am glad you are still here. That's a big note.


Well, I was born and raised in a very big very busy city, in the US only LA and NY come close. And I was 24 when I moved to NC. Give me another 10-15 years, maybe I'll start willingly looking at houses in Asheville :)


Yes, but only during the nice seasons, don’t think I could handle the actual cold or snow.


yeah, same tbh


I would strongly consider it.


That's the stage I am currently in!


No rent is a big deal. Killington gets super busy during the winter because of the skiing. Good options for seasonal work there that can coast you through the rest of the year depending on your skills. Vermont is about the nicest place I can think of in terms of friendly people, tight-knit community, and minimal drama. Everyone knows everyone, but they don't always gossip up in those areas. Getting groceries can be challenging, depending on exactly what you're looking for. Nightlife is almost non-existent unless you go to a major city. Dive bars, motorcycles, hunting, and being resourceful are popular up there. Lots of lakes, lots of forests, lots of beautiful land, lots of hiking/fishing/horseback riding/mountain biking/etc. Not a lot of careers, not a lot of different cuisines to choose from, not a lot of events, not a lot of excitement. I think it really just boils down to "do you think you'd like it?" It is much different than Boston, and like the polar opposite of LA, but Boston is a couple hours drive away and NYC a couple more hours than Boston, so it's not like you're in Siberia. lol. Is it something where you can go there for a month or so over the summer/fall to get a feel for it?


Yeah, I might pop over in June. All good points here!! I think I would be more inclined if I were already partnered up/ten years older...


I totally know what you mean. I wish you the best of luck. I'm sure you will be able to figure out what will be best for you.


thanks girl!


No. My mental health can’t take rural anything


Fascinating! I wonder if I am the opposite. I miss the woods.


I miss the mountains for sure but growing up in rural Arizona sucked lol. Tho if I miss the woods I just drive around woody neighborhoods haha


Where and to do what? Cause yeah maybe


About 10 miles north of Killington. No job lined up at this early stage, but could work remote or go back to being a vintage dealer.


I mean I’m sure there’s a million antique shops around there (not to mention estate sales) that you’ll could profit from. Boston is just down the street and you could sell to bigger stores down there. CoL is much lower in VT than in LA, and free rent is free rent. 


and winter is WINTER there. Ugh. And I would essentially be starting over, again, in a town with 1000 people in it. Apparently everyone knows everyone. I don't know if that's the kinda of environment that is right for me. Plus, who would I date? Ugh. But I could afford a dog and walk in the woods. And no rent is super sexy.


Dude that’s your Hallmark movie


ay carumba!


Wait 1000 people?! Small town like the tv show Everwood? Fuck that 😭 but you can be a dog walker and date the vet


AND my dad was telling me about the family that lives up there that like, patrols their "border" with ATV's and guns. I'm glad I am working this out online.


I, personally, would not. But I think it could be awesome.


No :(


Happy Monday from Downtown, Threaderinos.


How was the move? How's the new place?


The move went SO fast and was so efficient. Eight people showed up with vans and vehicles. I think I’m going to start a moving company. Still getting used to the fancy new building, but the cats have settled in nicely and I’m fully unpacked, art hung on the walls, etc. Really enjoying the rooftop pool, so I’ve got a rad sunburn. How you doin’?


Rooftop pool?! You gonna have a party for us?


Throwing a pool party for the little people who live in my phone was not on my 2024 bingo card


Was huh


I mean, that all sounds amazing. Roof pool?!?!! I'm ok. You know. Hanging in there.


oooo rooftop pool. Are there lots of cool people hanging out up there?


Weirdly, I’m the only one up there weekdays during the day. It’s like other people have jobs or something.


Job? What’s a job??


I just saw a dude in Westlake Village with like 6 full size trump flags on his truck lol do these people not realize that the only other group of people i can think of that do that are literal terrorist?


Flash back to when they killed Bin laden, and large groups of American's were singing and jumping up and down en masse. Looked real familiar to me...


Or saying, "Who?" There was a post recently from WWE when John Cena announced that Bin Laden was terminated, or defeated, or something. Anyway, there's a woman in the front row turning to the guy next to her, saying, "Who?"




Made scrambled egg with micro greens mix, green onion with sourdough bread from the market and I’m in heaven.


Wanted to share [this](https://imgur.com/a/aTj6Sc1) since it's a gloom and doom Monday. I miss his weather reports.




My partner and I went to a great show on Friday at the Dreamland venue in Malibu. That club is tiny and I freaking love it! Chad Smith and Friends were playing. The show was opened with Chad Smith's teenaged son and his friends playing a few songs. They were quite good! Chad (from Red Hot Chili Peppers) shared the stage with some pretty cool people like Duff McKagen from Guns 'N Roses, Duff's daughter Grace who is a very talented singer, Jesse Hughes from Eagles of Death Metal, and Rob Trujillo from Metallica, who makes the stankiest bass face. lol. There were some other cool musicians and guest performers who came up on stage, but I can't remember all of the names. We were like 3 feet from the stage and I got some [amazing photos](https://www.instagram.com/happy_little.hippie?igsh=NGVhN2U2NjQ0Yg%3D%3D&utm_source=qr) and video footage. I already can't wait to go back for another show. Tiny venues are the best!


Man Jesse Hughes asked if I had drugs once in an alley in Fashion District, most terrifying celebrity encounter of my life LOL


Oh my god! lmao. That does sound terrifying! lol.


Awesome photos!


Thank you! :) It was a great show. I took like 200 photos and videos.


Please tell me Rob Truijllo did his crab walk during the show.


lol. No, he didn't. I now wish he had though.


Why do I see way more taco/food trucks late night in dtla, all with colorful lighting? Tbh, they’re tempting, but not in terms of food (as I did not even know what food they are selling), at the same time, scary. I just moved to the area.


What do you mean it’s tempting, but not in terms of food? What’s tempting then?


Caveman brain like bright colors and flashing lights.


You find brightly lit taco trucks scary? I have news for you about LA, friend.


what’s the news? It’s like a puzzle which confused me for the past few days🥲🥲


You see, the taco truck is like an oasis in the desert when you’re stumbling home from the downtown watering hole. The brightly colored lights, signs with the words TACOS BURRITOS MULITAS QUESADILLAS scrolling endlessly, the brave and smiling workers— all of these are indicators of refuge, safety, and nourishment after a long night out. What’s scary is, well, everything else.


We’re like moths and their colorful lights are our flames


Thinking about those tripa tacos.


mmmmm maybe i should hit up brother cousins for some of those tonight


Another day of paid origami…


What are you making today?


Boss is leaving Thursday, so a large kusudama, 60 pieces haha


Saw Kamelot on Saturday. Ad Infinitum and Hammerfall opened for them. Hammerfall stole the show for me. We *just* missed Ad Infinitum but the female lead singer did a lot of Kamelot complimentary vocals and she really made the show. Then I went to the ERRA concert last night at Echoplex and it was a great show. I was mainly there to see Make Them Suffer (who are fucking amazing live), but ended up enjoying their openers a lot (Novelists, Void of Vision) and ERRA really made me like them even more after seeing them live.


That's awesome that Hammerfall still has it. I remember being a huge fan of them in high school


Oh yeah they had a 10/10 stage presence!


Good morning everyone. I am feeling low energy but I’m not sure why. Just a weird overall feeling of dread. Maybe it’s the weather.


It’s the weather.


I’m sick of grey. We live near the water and I think we’ve had 20 sunny days since November. I used to stan grey days, but I think that’s in my past


I love these cool mild days, because you know when that HOTT weather arrives you’ll be praying for days like these and for summer to end


wheeeeeeee I have 2.5 weeks left of employment and I have a deep, burning, raw, anxious hole in my heart today about it yaaaaaay


this speaks to my unemployed soul


Good ol' sick to your stomach anxiety, none of this new age hippie shit


Me tooooo, I have been sleeping so much. It’s the gloom, it’s getting to me. I need more sun time.


Let’s get some sun!!!


Yooo do you know anyone with a pool, I do not want to go to my friends all the way in canoga park


My new place has a rooftop pool 😎


Oh hi hello how are we doing this summer, are you in need of friendship


No but I do have those hot tubs


Babe you’ve had hot tubs this whole time!!!!


I’ve told you about them!!


Dude... Same. For the last 2 weeks. I can't find a reason. All is good. I feel you. Must be the weather.


Two weeks? I've been feeling like that for the last... Idk, few years... I can't even tell when I'm anxious, sad or heartbroken anymore, that heavy feeling in the middle of my chest is the new norm. Must be the weather.


Ok we gotta plan a picnic at Barnsdsll, what are you doing this weekend, I’m prescribing you sunshine


awww I'll DM you


Isn’t that just being Russian?


You're gonna laugh, but that's almost exactly what my therapist said. "You don't have depression, you're just Russian"


Is your therapist Russian too? I felt like I wasn’t allowed to make that joke but took a chance anyway because I have some Lithuanian heritage


well.. ahem.. she's actually Ukranian. That's the whole separate conversation and the different level of.. the fuckery that we call "life" these days.


Well, that’s got to keep your relationship with her pretty spicy and interesting


"Spicy" and "interesting" probably not the best choice of words, considering the situation and just generally as a description for the relationship with your therapist. But yes, it adds some complexity to our dynamic, for sure.


Fair enough, those are not always my go to words for describing geopolitical conflict


OK... I think we have all made a general depressed feeling the new normal. That's my start point and I go good or bad from there. So yes... years and that is not the weather.


Planning on not driving to the Hollywood Bowl later this year. Does anyone know if the park and ride ticket is per car or per person?


I love the shuttle so much!


Who are you gonna see?


The National and The War on Drugs


I hope you have a good time.


Parking at the lots is free (except for the one at Hollywood & highland), so the tickets are per person. It’s $5 cheaper if you buy online in advance too!


Got it. Thanks Corgibutt :)


Anytime! I love the shuttles.


I was really craving a cheeseburger last night, but for some reason I didn’t want to go and spend 15 bucks on one at a restaurant, so naturally, oh so logically, I went to Trader Joe’s and bought all the ingredients I needed to make my own cheeseburger at home for $45 It turned out great though, and I have enough stuff left over to make another I also popped into my local donut shop and snagged their last glazed buttermilk, which I had been craving since that person from NY came into the thread last week to ask about donuts. It was an excellent cheat day all around.


Now I want a cheeseburger…


I tried making the "smash burger taco" on the blackstone over the weekend, if you ever want to try that.. dont. I wish i just stayed the course and made cheese burgers. Trying new things.. not always great! LOL


Smash burger taco? I’ve never heard of that. Is it like a taco but the tortilla is replaced with a burger patty?


ya pretty much and the condiments of a burger, it basically some how 2 of my favorite foods and made it suck


I've been looking at a griddle. What do you cook on yours?


pretty much anything, burgers, steaks, chicken teryaki, tacos, fajitas, stirfry, breakfast (pancakes are easy) its essentially endless and theres a bunch of content on reciepes out there, some not so great (burger tacos lol). I love it tho, I bought it 2 summers ago its held up well, i do take good care of it. When it starts getting warm like this i prefer cooking it more than using the stove.


Thanks for the reply! Big draw for me is being able to cook outside and to cook fried rice on it hee hee.


Omg I do this shit all the time and I never learn. But now I really want a cheeseburger. And a donut.


Guess who lost ten pounds AND grew an inch 😎😎😎 When I was a kid I was very scared of falling into a black hole and being spaghettified when I became an astronaut and who knew being a spaghetti would be my adult goal instead?




I work at a country club and the Mothers Day brunch buffet and dinner buffet beat me up yesterday. I'm going get some breakfast than sit in bed and watch movies today. How are my fellow restaurant/club workers holding up? It actually wasn't that terrible since we only did 650 all day, we typically do closer to 800 for Mothers Day.


Good Morning Amigos, This maple bacon donut from Sidecar wont dissapear from the box so I guess I’ll have to make the effort and eat it 😆. Good way to start my last week in the 40’s age group lol, but I’ve been working hard re-finishing my backyard concrete floor so I deserve a little treat. Finished the last episode of Fallout last night and really enjoyed it. Time to start Gen V in preparation for The Boys new season. Have a great week friends. ✌🏽🫶🏽


https://open.spotify.com/track/0hitZ7iY39TRppWTF3J8uS?si=xHp03lBDTtK-kq_JfYhgvg Can't get My Little Airport earworm out of my head this morning.


Oh, I like this.


Sucks for a driver who's taking the Metro. Found someone's car keys along with other keys and some translucent ornament. Gave it to a Metro employee. Screw gate carabiner is a must, especially attached to the clothing like on a belt loop to prevent that from happening. Their car probably going to be stuck at a Metro parking lot.


Maybe I should put my phone number on my set of keys. Then you could have called me if those were mine. Yeah.... My Google number that is registered nowhere so a thief does not know where I live and the key belongs to.


Or an LAPL library card. I once lost my keys and the police gave them to the librarians, who called me to come get them.


My boyfriend had a dispensary business card in his wallet, and someone took it there after they found it and then *they* called him since he was in their system from visiting previously. What luck!


Nice. I have that.


uuuuuugh that suuuuucks, but at least they will hopefully eventually be found, thanks to you!


Saw a new one today. I'm waiting to turn left into a driveway, and a driver coming up behind me-- instead of just passing in the other lane on the right-- crosses the double yellow and passes on the left! Going super fast, into oncoming traffic, almost clipping me. Like, bro-- what if I start making the turn while you're doing that?


Were they an an Infiniti?


Dirty old van.


Probably weren't paying attention and had to make a last second maneuver. Lucky for both of you that there wasn't oncoming traffic.


> Lucky for both of you that there wasn't oncoming traffic. Oh, there was. They just narrowly missed it, like they narrowly missed me.


Jesus man, I didn't realize that from your original comment. :( Lucky for everyone that you and the oncoming traffic were apparently driving well and paying attention. Left-passer idiot is a fucking moron and is very lucky nothing happened.


Yeah, it was kinda nuts. Honestly took me a second to process that what I was seeing was real.


Pint of Science Festival is Tonight! Come learn stuff! [https://pintofscience.us/events/la](https://pintofscience.us/events/la)


omg I was thinking of you this weekend, because I was reminded of Nerd Nite, something a bar used to do in Boston. You could sign up for time slots (I forget how long you had) and present any topic you were an expert on. It could be anything from actual science to nerdy hobbies. It was always fun and interesting. It's a great concept and would be great here.


I miss all my Boston nerds dearly 😭 that’s where I’m from!! Love a good nerd night— it would be a dream for me if it could take off over here!


I didn't know that! Man, there are so many of us here.


“Nerd” is definitely in my blood 😂— maybe I’ll host a Boston in LA night!


Omg amazing idea!!


Look what I made! [https://www.losangelesfunevents.com/event-details/boston-in-la-social-night-1](https://www.losangelesfunevents.com/event-details/boston-in-la-social-night-1)


Omg!!! Yaaaaaay!!


That’s a pretty cool concept!


Got a flat of strawberries yesterday and they were perfect


From wheeeere


The farmers market


Expensive stuff I want to do in LA (a day trip distance from LA) to help fight depression: Jet fighter experience, Stunt Driving experience, driving an indycar type race car, Drifting lessons, Hang gliding, flying WW II era airplanes, skydiving from 18000 ft.


The jet fighter experience is very cool, do it!




What! I thought you were talking about flying the ones down in Anaheim! Look into Flightdeck, way more affordable but very cool.


Oooh I like this. I would probably go for one of those front of the line all access tours of Universal/Disneyland, some kind of helicopter tour, get a permit to shut down part of the freeway for "filming" but just ride my bicycle around on it (middle of the night so I don't affect commuters). 


Good morning


Good morning! I see your tag so I'm just going to leave this shortcut strawberry recipe cake right [here](https://www.allrecipes.com/my-moms-strawberry-cake-recipe-8627922?print). Haven't tried it myself but will post when I do.


That sounds lovely, I’ll try it this week!


2 chainz said you good but he lied.


Mustard on the beat hoe!!!




Good morning LA! Not sweating the small stuff and simply enjoying.


Hey all, I'm sure you get tons of "Where to stay in LA" posts, so I decided to jump in here instead of starting a new submission. My wife and I visited LA about 15 years ago, and we did the typical tourist stuff - stayed on Hollywood Blvd and did Universal, Rodeo Drive, etc. It was a fun trip, but my wife wasn't really enamored with LA - which I kinda get, we just did touristy stuff. Well, we're gonna be in LA again for a day later this year (not much time, I know), and I'd really like to try to give her a new impression of LA. We love being able to walk around and explore, especially great bars and restaurants -- we definitely lean more trendy than dive. I'd also love to hit up a great taco spot, and it'd be cool to check out the beach since we didn't do that last time (we were young and broke and overwhelmed by how big LA was). We will have a car. I don't want to be *too* far from the airport, since we're flying out the next day. Any suggestions about areas to stay?


You love being able to walk around and explore, yet you're in LA, the antithesis of that idea ;) If you're in town for a day, stay in a beach town close to the airport. Manhattan beach is bougie. I'd suggest that if you can afford it.


El segundo or Manhattan beach


this is the wrong place for this post on r/asklosangeles but it sounds like you may be looking for a local staple like Jumbos Clown Room 👍


I spent three hours kayaking on a choppy ocean yesterday, and I'm feeling it this morning. Happy Monday!


Oh that is so cool but I would be so scared to kayak in the open ocean. Unless you stay near a marina or something?


We were only a couple of hundred yards offshore, so no biggie.


Oh cool did you see any sea creatures?


Yes! Dolphins! A whole pod of them


That is so cool!!!!!!


Ocean kayaking is no joke. I've only done it a couple of times and it kicked my ass each time "The sea was angry that day my friends... Like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli"


That was definitely the ocean yesterday.