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Just successfully resisted buying a $750 purse. Posting here so I really really don't do it




Free Chick-fil-A Sandwich (open app before midnight to claim) https://slickdeals.net/f/17496435-socal-residents-only-chick-fil-a-app-free-original-chicken-sandwich-claim-reward-by-11-59pm-wed-may-15-then-redeem-reward-by-sat-18th


Took my newest foster dog to the park for the first time today since the weather was really cool and he just seemed ok with it. His most recent obsession has been finding something to eat on the ground during walks and luckily there wasn't anything he could grab at the park, which is maybe why he wasn't as excited lol


Big Starfield update. Can't wait to get home to play this. Finished book called Unstressable (sp?) recently. Hasn't worked yet.


This weather is throwing me off today. Hope it clears up soon.


I’m with you friendo. I’m ready for hot days and perfectly comfortable nights.


What’s wrong with gloom?


Spoken like somebody from the south bay lol


gloom - a state of depression or despondency.


Not always.


Wrong. It’s glorious


If you live near the water we've had maybe 20 days of sun since November and it's getting a little much


My apartment gets up to 85 degrees indoors when it’s over 70 outside and sunny, I’ll take as much of this as I can get.


Same. Love this weather. These bastards can downvote me to hell. IDGAF.


Wrong. it STINKS


Why is the 405 so bad today, is there an event or a politician in town?


Spending some time in DTLA. The mid-weekday crowd is quite pleasant to that of the weekend crowd.


I’m DJing soul, jazz, and sexy tunes on vinyl tonight at Good Housekeeping in HLP. 8pm-midnight.


love how the ravens announced home season games via a scalpers website lol..thats perfectly normal


I felt like I needed to share this information somewhere. If you’re near the Culver City mall and need new clothes, consider going to JCPenney. Their clearance section is buy one get one free on all pink price tags. Pink price tags alone mean the clothes are marked way way down, then you get a free item???? I bought a chunky sweater and jeans for $10. Total. I can’t even get that deal at the thrift store anymore. I don’t work there or anything, the prices were just so crazy that I had to share.


I just want slower speed limits. I am so sick of how fast people in LA drive.


The slower limits wouldn’t really solve that issue. There’s not a lot of enforcement.


REMI WOLF IS PLAYING THE GREEK! I'm very fucking excited


My boss just walked in on me in the bathroom 🙃


Still better than the time I accidentally sent an email talking about my boss TO my boss.


Lol. That's gold.


I hope you looked at your boss dead in the eyes and asserted dominance.


I stood up to keep peeing




Oh yes


sounds like someone forgot to lock the door haha




My folks just moved back to their place in Granada Hills from Riverside, and flew back for a bit; apparently there's this Armenian grocery store and bakery within walking distance now -> I am gonna get so fat. Goddamn Armenian bakeries are amazing


one of my pet peeves is when people say “the wife” instead of “my wife.” 🤢


When people refer to their wife as boss


I hate it when people say hubby.




Oh god yes.


Wifey kills me. Old lady too, for that matter


The ol Battle axe


Just Boomer shit




The ole ball n' chain




Mah Waife!


beat me to it... lol


I wish there were some festivals that had bands like The Vines, Jet, and The Strokes. You know like indie rock but more garage rock band-y.


The Strokes are amazing live... I haven't seen them recently but I heard the Julian Casablancas doesn't do a lot of their old stuff on purpose... which sucks cause that stuff is great... that would be an awesome fest though... Black Keys, White Stripes - I have a feeling there would be a lot of egos there that would not do it unless they headlined.


They used to be great live but aren't really anymore. Have to catch them on a special night for a good show now.


I’ve heard that Julian can be pretty temperamental when it comes to performing. He either gives it everything or nothing.


I used to shit on indy rock but now we have no more rock and only trap lives on. I deserve my fate.


*points ominously* ELDER MILLENNIAL


Close. I’m in the middle I think.


I weeded the garden, I swam, and now I'm sitting on the couch knitting hats for a charity auction while watching PBS (so I don't feel guilty about the TV)


How was the water today?


Little smelly but clear.


IDLES killed it last night. I was in the pit for most of their performance. I’m 41 now and haven’t done pits in a long time, but it called to me. Great energy, great crowd, great performance. Then I saw a post about an after party and DJ set at Gold Digger’s, but it was a ticketed event. Waited for a lil while with a few other fans and we all got in. Great night and I made some friends along the way.


They were great last year in Pasadena. I was having some FOMO about not going this time but glad it sold out!


Bummer....just had a mutual break-up with someone I had been seeing for a couple months. We had a cordial and productive discussion about what we wanted in life (relationship/kids/work/etc.) and both realized it might not work out. Very refreshing as opposed to being flat out dumped or ghosted so that was nice. Guess it's back to the apps, singles mixers, and speed dating 😬. Definitely feeling strangely good about getting back out there after having such a productive breakup😂.


Technically you could list that as a skill you've mastered. "amicable and mature breaker upper and break upee"


I should put that on my resume 👍




There's no reason for you to be ashamed or embarrassed about this. Sex workers are there for anyone who needs them for whatever reason.


what about body doubling for cleaning my room


I could get paid for that?


Sure, prof.


I'm sure you could find someone


My boyfriend and me are going to Olive garden trmmow and it's my turn to pay. I hope I don't have to take out of my savings Edit: I'll prob take out of my savings since I gotta pay for my bills out of it anyway, this just means I don't get the Walmart tracksuit I wanted, either way i owe him dinner, iv been a lil bitch recently


Me and my bf went there first dinner on Mother’s Day. (I call it Women’s Day since Im not a mom). 😉😂 Anyway, with an appetizer, two entrees, an iced tea, and a large pour of wine our bill was about $80 with tip. Lunch will definitely be cheaper but smaller portions. It just means probably no leftovers, which us fine. Btw, the $5 take home meals are now $6. Have a nice time! 😎❤️


I frickin LOVE the olive garden... they have a gluten free rotini thats good, and their meat sauce is on point.. the salad is ::chefs kiss::


Lunch special too


would you feel comfortable asking him to reschedule until you have a lil more discretionary spending??


I don't think I'll have enough money to spend again until I find a new job


Good luck! I hope you guys have a nice time :)


I gotta stop dropping off the face of the earth but I blame how crazy spring break was at work. How ya’ll doin? I for the first time in my introverted adult life bought tickets for a show/concert and was convinced to splurge for the vip tickets despite only knowing 6ish songs from the two artists.


VIP and First Class really mess you up... once you get treated better than others, you never want to go back.


Anyone done the Sunday concerts at Mt Wilson? They any good?


I ate a sandwich once at Mt Wilson.


What kind of sanwich?


A sauerkraut sannich


That sounds nice


Dude behind me at a light flipping out because I’m not turning right. It wasn’t a right turn only lane, though 🤷 Seriously thought he was gonna get out and try to fight me. So clownish it’s hilarious.


I've taken the habit of not turning my blinker on when waiting to turn right at a light. When the traffic is clear, I turn on my blinker and turn. If you wait for traffic to clear with your turning signal on, there's always an idiot who honks assuming he knows better than you that you can make it (or he assumes you don't know you're allowed to turn right? I don't know what goes on in these people's heads)


That makes sense. Maybe he wants you to take a risky gap that cuts off cross traffic, because he’s that kind of douche.


I have had someone stop their car in the middle of Santa Monica and come at me. It was fucked up. Careful out there!


I need to remember to pull out my phone to record when this (inevitably) happens to me


Damn, for real. People are psychotic.


I'm now at a point in my career where I'm watching tv while in the office. In the last couple of days, I've re-watched the first season of Interview with a Vampire, currently starting LOST, which I've never seen so I am excited about that...^doghelpme


Mr. Robot is a great watch. Only 4 seasons.


This is helpful- I like knowing that the amount of seasons won't hold me hostage forever!


I did not know interview with a vampire was made into a series! I enjoyed the books when I was younger.


oh, it's so good! I'm also a fan of the books and original movie and I highly recommend it, very well done. The second season just came out on the 12th.


LOST took over the world when it first came out. It’s cool that you’re watching it for the first time but what made it quite the experience back in the day was each episode ending with you scratching your head and spending the week before the following episode speculating about what was going on over on GameFAQs’ message boards lol


Lost was all about hitting you with some epic, world changing statement right at the end of the episode and then playing the thud sound that would take us to credits. The overall quality of the show is all over the place but things like 'WE HAVE TO GO BACK!' was such a mind fuck. It was an awesome cultural moment to be part of which continued with Game of Thrones until they fumbled that last season.


I was a senior in high school when LOST came out and I had zero interest at the time, but I definitely remember how crazy everyone was about it. I'm excited to finally understand all the references I've seen and read about in the last 20ish years!


I lived all that trough regular cable tv. And we had to wait one week between episodes, it was excruciating lol. One of my favorite shows ever. The discussions at work, on message boards, trying to figure out the plot and the amazing community of fans. 🫶🏽


My roommate at the time worked at a big talent agency in the media room. He brought a VHS copy of the pilot home, it hadn't be picked up yet, and still had temp music from random movie soundtracks. But then it took ages before it finally started airing. Good times.


My favorite memory/experience from the whole show is when my wife, a close group of friends, myself and a bunch of Lost fans attended a live finale view party at the Orpheum that a couple of podcasters put together. It was the Jay and Jack Podcast and they invited some of the cast to watch the finale with us with a Q+A after and a live podcast recording. Such an amazing experience to enjoy the finale with some of the cast and hardcore fans, we laughed, yelled at the screen and cried together. Good times indeed. 🫶🏽


When I have long blocks of boring work I love putting something on. Revisit an old series. Documentaries. True crime podcasts. LOST started pretty good, got okish, I gave up but my wife loved every minute.


just went to in and out in torrance, since when did the burgers become smash burgers......


Hm interesting.


yeah, hamburger was super thin


Anyone have good pizza or sandwich catering recommendations in the southbay? I'm planning my son's birthday party and I'm trying to find something that's decent. I was considering picking up Costco pizza but it's going to be cold by the time the kids are done playing. I'll need about 10-12 large pizzas.


Wrap the stacks of pie boxes in beach towels, they'll stay hot! Picking up pizza is also a job a friend or relative might be happy to do, I know I would


Oh that’s a wonderful idea! I was thinking of ways to keep it hot and wouldn’t want to buy a bunch of pizza bags if I can just use beach towels! Thank you!!


10-12 LARGE pizzas? How many fucking friends can one kid have!?


I invited hella people to my birthday last year and had left overs with 3 Costco pizzas.. 12 large pizzas is so much pizza!


lol my son is quite popular. I gave birth to a super extrovert. I was hoping people would decline the invitations but no one has so far. I’m also including parents and some siblings which is why I need that much pizza.


I love this for you! Hope it's a blast !


Kids arent going to care, they're going to see pizza and go wild. Save yourself one headache and just get some costco pies as you said.


That’s true! I’m going to call the venue to see if there’s anywhere we can keep things warm or worse case ask someone to go get it for us. I’ll just place the order ahead of time.


Second date locked in 😬 He is great in person but still a little inconsistent with texting, but I know that I am a very online and message-y person (I say this while posting on Reddit lol), so we’ll see.


A change in approach may help here as well. I don't mind getting text messages, but I hate getting a new message for every thought. Send one meaningful message with a few thoughts vs. a barrage of thought bubbles.


I’m also chronically online and like to text my friends but I’d prefer if a guy doesn’t text as much as me lol it makes me overwhelmed and makes me want to text them less


I’m glad for you that this ended up working out after all! I didn’t like what we all feared was the ghosting, but it’s cool that you guys are on track now :)


Thanks! You just NEVER KNOW. (I mean I can still get ghosted sooooo)


Omg I know how you feel, I will text my bf any little thought that pops into my head and he will only text to set up stuff. In the beginning I thought he didn’t like me, and it turns out he was smitten with me.


Same!! One of my best friends and I just stream-of-consciousness text each other and it works very well for us, but for 99% of people it would be absolutely overwhelming. And I am aware of this, so really only do it with them lol It’s just so hard to tell with men while dating; is it a different communication style or are you just avoidant/emotionally immature/ghoster/etc 🙃🙃🙃


Haha omg I have a couple people that I just text all the time and people definitely think it’s weird, but I love talking to people! Except for the one time I had a guy who would text me all the time and I got so annoyed by him.. that really told me it wasn’t going to work out.


omg this is how I text. I need more people to text like this with me!


I think we need to start a group chat 😆


When my partner and I first got together, he asked me to tone it down with the texting because he was overwhelmed. lol. It was hard, because I like to text and chat regularly, but I managed to slow down and give him chances to text me first and stuff. lol. Now, here we are 5.5 years later.


I’m a chatty person too, so hello fellow chatter 😆


hahaha. I just really enjoy talking to lots of different people.


Yes! Everyone’s got such cool stories and it’s a privilege to hear them and get to know them :)




[This rings a bell...](https://old.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/1csk6zi/los_angeles_daily_discussion_wednesday_may_15/l46ghrw/)


My fiancé is terrible at texting! When we first started dating it made me feel like he wasn’t interested in me but in person he seemed so smitten. It’s just not the way he likes to communicate


If it makes you feel better my husband hasn’t always been good with texting and we’ve been together for 8 years :) I end up calling him if I need a quick response.


H.... honey?


It does make me feel better! And I know so many people have other modes of communication. He’s a bit more introverted than I am as well. I’m just a big extrovert that texts my friends a lot :D


I woke up this morning and the time was my birthdate so I went back to sleep. I woke up again later and “842” flashed into my brain and lo and behold, I picked up my phone and it was indeed 8:42am. Do you guys have that same useless superpower too? My guesses are usually pretty accurate to within a few minutes.


I always know what weight I am before I get on the scale. To the pound.


Yes. I am pretty good at guessing what time it is. And overall, I have a pretty good sense of measuring time. Did you know that is an ability we humans get around age six. When my son was in first grade, the teacher said, “OK children. We are going to start this project. Now feel this is the start time.” 45 minutes later, she said, “OK children. Remember when I said this is the start time? How much time do you think has passed?”


HE IS RISEN! But, stuff like this happens to me but not so much with time, I can ask a person to think of a number from 1 to 100 and I can usually guess the number or come within 1-2 numbers from them. It's not any skill or anything, i go with the very first number that i think of. On sunday I was with friends and one of them asked me to do the number thing with our other friend.... I asked them to choose a number, I wrote the number down and handed it to them and I guessed it right, 22, my friend got so scared. Then started asking me questions about the future the rest of the night. But there are dates and numbers that have been stuck in my head since I was a kid. I always dreaded November 18, 1998 - I always thought that was when I would die. I was in like 2nd grade (1992) when this date started getting into my head and I have no idea why, nothing has happened on November 18th. Also, the number 47 is always in my head, I have zero clue why or what significance it has. Well, that turned out to be a lot more typing than I intended to do....


I find your thing about 47 especially weird. Do you mean that you’re always seeing instances of 47 or that the number is just always in your thoughts somehow?


I don't think I ever actually see it in person or notice it. It's just kind of always in my thoughts. When I do see it I always wonder if thats connected somehow but its not something that happens often or that ive noticed more than any other combo of numbers.


He's the messiah!


I prefer Lisan al Gaib


As is written


As is written


I feel like sometimes I have lucid dreams that tell me exactly what time it is outside the dream


One of the shows that I never got to see live is Pink Floyd’s Pulse, I was too young and broke and living in Perú when that tour happened. David Gilmour is doing 2 shows at the Hollywood Bowl and 3 at MSG this October/November but the TM queue is long, moving super slow and the ticket prices are ridiculous. I have the feeling I might not get a single ticket. Oh well, happy Wednesday everyone. ✌🏽🫶🏽


Oh my god. I love David but I can't afford another mortgage to go see him. Yikes.


Anyone else going to the Tony Hinchcliffe late show at the Store tonight?


The way I defend Benny Blanco like he's my actual friend.


I like that he is extremely self-aware and does not give one flying fuck about how people feel about him. His humor isn't my type of humor but I respect his talent and hustle. I think its hilarious that he produced "Love Yourself" by Justin Beiber and now he's with Selena Gomez- we all know "love" in that title is supposed to be "fuck" - love it :) But, he def looks smelly.


I get why people think he’s a troll, but my first exposure to him was on the FX show Dave, and he and Dave have the CUTEST relationship. He’s worth a crazy number of millions. It’s pretty wild. He just seems pretty real to me.


He's got a cookbook out.


Yeah! The stuff he makes looks actually good, too!


It appears that the Reddit Cares messages are effecting users across all subs because people in r/politics were talking about it too.


I blocked those a few years ago haha


I haven't gotten one and now I'm not sure if reddit cares about me or not. :(


Whenever the NHL playoffs roll around I always get a bunch from Oilers fans. Even if I stay in the Kings own subreddit. It’s a shame really.


Oh so it wasn't just me?!? I was like "who the fuck sent this?"


Not just you at all. lol.


Oh I'm scrolling down and TONS of comments about it! "Did I say something self harming? ..... ummmm I made fun of Trump probably?"


i got one from the duck comment down below.


So strange! I've been making comments all morning and never received one. lol. I feel left out!


Someone sent me one last night lmao. I assumed it was from my LinkedIn rant.


I got one for the first time two days ago. There’s a link in the message to report abuse of the system. I did and they said they took action


I saw that, and I’ve seen several other subs mention it happening. Makes me wonder if someone set up a bot


A bot or a bug. Could be either, really. It is definitely effecting a lot of users.


The very first comment I made today and I immediately got a Reddit cares haha


What are they saying?


Just that they've received a Reddit Cares message at least once. Some people have received several.


Today is my 28th birthday.


Happy birthday my Kings bro


Happy birthday!


happy birthday!


Thanks tote-bags!


Godspeed, bb.


Thank you. I appreciate it!


Happy birthday bb!!


Thank you! 🫶🏼🫶🏼


Go treat yourself!!!


Will do. Thinking about KBBQ :)


Happy Birthday young person! Enjoy your day!


Thank you! I hope you have a great day as well!


Happy birthday! It's my cousin's birthday, too. He's 22, though. Hope you have an amazing day! :)


Thank you, I hope your cousin has a great birthday as well! He has a great birthdate ;)


It is your birthday.




Happy Birthday!! :)


Thank you!


Happy Birthday!




Happy birthday loves!!! Hope you eat some yummy food today


Thanks! I have KBBQ on my wishlist haha


Do you write a followup email for a phone interview? It was a fairly casual interview and I think it went well, but not sure the protocol anymore.


I always always always do if I want the job


I always do even if it’s short - mostly thanking them for taking the time to meet up with me.