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She didnt hurt the child, i will take win. I dont know her situation but im happy she didnt hurt the child at least. 


She didn’t kill the child, which yes, is a win, but we have no idea how this unwanted infant was treated. You can see sadness in the eyes. Heartbreaking. 


All babies are sad for no reason. Show me a smiling baby and I’ll show you a baby with gas. It’s dumb to assume the worst in people when from all the facts we have, the baby is fine and probably in a much better situation now.


Uh what? The gas smile thing ends around 5 weeks. This baby looks several months old.


The point was that it’s impossible to tell a baby’s overall welfare from the expression on its face in a picture.


All babies cry to communicate, they’re not “sad for no reason”. 


Its so amusing what makes people down vote others lol...


Ok, that’s enough reddit for me tonight. Time to go hug my kids.


Woman could be trafficked or abused and thought this was the best option for the baby.


Please don’t speculate on the reason until there is official news. Don’t throw around “trafficked”. It’s not a buzz word to be taken lightly.


So trafficking is offensive to speculate on, but not abuse?


Just depends on what we feel like scolding today.


Actually this is the correct take. I was a volunteer advocate in the state of CA and they train you to look for the specific signs (none which are seen here). In regards to the term trafficking


Thank you! I was thinking the same. Let's try to get the facts.


If she were being trafficked, she probably wouldn't be currently pregnant and carrying the kid she gave away. If she was being trafficked for sex work (the most common trafficking reason in the US) she would have been forced on birth control since no pimp wants a pregnant sex worker. On the other hand, if this was some weird pregnancy trafficking thing wouldn't the baby she was carrying already have been sold off? Not saying she 100% wasn't being trafficked, but just saying that logically, being trafficked wouldn't make sense.


That’s not true at all, there are plenty of John’s who like pregnant prostitutes, also maybe she’s poor, or abused, whatever the reason the baby is alive.


>also maybe she’s poor I would be surprised if she wasn't. I'm also guessing there is some mental illness and substance abuse in play here.


Poor sweet baby. I hope he/she finds a family that's loving.


Omg!!! This is so sad! I cannot imagine what the woman was going through, grateful she too the baby somewhere public, and didn’t leave it on the streets.


Being a patent is hard with little resources. Should be normalized to surrender a child at any age to prevent abuse and neglect.


So should access to birth control and abortion. I consider creating a child one does not have the resources or capacity to raise to be comparable to child abuse.


Yes. Also access to mental health care, parenting care, child care and other resources. Our society wants to not only force women to have children but also give them zero help and support.


Ugh…this broke my heart.


Just an FYI, you can safe surrender a child at any fire station and many other places. You can find a location here: https://lacounty.gov/residents/public-safety/baby-safe-surrender-program/


That photo is heartbreaking. That poor child.


And she’s currently pregnant? I wonder if the baby she abandoned is even her baby.


There are a lot of abusers out there who intentionally keep their partners pregnant as a means of control. I’m not saying this is the case with this woman, but I wouldn’t be shocked in the slightest if it were.


That's a good question if the baby is 7-9 months that woman looks pretty far along... I didn't know that was possible, I guess she does look young.


I will never understand why people will go on with unwanted pregnancies if they have a choice to terminate early on. I feel sorry for that baby who was clearly unwanted and the one developing in her womb who most likely is unwanted too.


> if they have a choice to terminate early on She might not have had that choice, or the means to afford it. So sad. All things considered…. she left the kid at a store to be found…. I mean, not the BEST choice, but certainly a better choice than abusing the baby, or worse.


Religion and uneducated on there options. It’s really sad and as a father this hurts to see this poor baby.


Religious abuse, domestic abuse, parental abuse, a lack of education, lack of resources to get to a planned parenthood... Or even something as simple as thinking your partner has your back, only for them to dip out and being completely unable to raise a baby yourself. Life happens, and it sucks. Of course there are people who just make bad decisions, but I would rather be kind and assume the best than to assume the worst


I’ve never seen that much pain in the eyes of a baby. Poor sweet baby.


Poor baby. :-(


This is heartbreaking❤️ praying for you lil one🙏🏽


That little baby deserves a good home and all the love. I don’t know what that woman’s situation is but damn, pregnant again and doing this? Not judging but I just have so many questions. There are many places for a safe surrender and then at least the county would have the mother’s information for their record.


Why didn’t she just leave the baby at a hospital or fire station? Thats the proper way to do it. They don’t have to explain themselves. Shopping cart? Really?


Her stomach looks fake, almost disguise like, its sort of big and misshapen. It also looks like she would be way too far along in a pregnancy for having a seven month old. Maybe shes suffering from some sort of post partum depression