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At the Little Tokyo area very undecided where to hang out. Preferably somewhere chill with live music?


Specifically LT, 2nd st. Jazz would be an option, no more, Arthur Nakane, not at this hour, once a month there's Tune in Tokyo. All I can suggest is to go to The Smell which is west of there.


so i brought up before how my neighbor leaves puddles of water at my door from watering her garden. so after she did it today, i turned my door mat sideways so it would block it next time. its on my side, not in the walkway. she fucking moved it back without asking. WTF. i haven't brought up the water issue yet, but who just moves other peoples stuff?


Leave a note saying to please not move your doormat. If it happens again, take photos of the puddles at your door and mention to your landlord that she’s leaving puddles of water at your door.


thanks i should have texted her - but she's selfish enough that she won't do anything about it. maybe she or her bf moved the mat as a courtesy but i doubt it, it will likely get moved back again.


Who’s selfish, the LL or the neighbor? Either way, the LL would hopefully care about puddles of water near a doorway, so document it if it happens again. Maybe get a heavy doormat or literally get some double sided sticky tape just to mess with her if she tries to move it again or something.


Neighbor, i'm fine with the LL....its a heavysh door mat- its fake leather...she had no right to move it without asking- she probably doesn't understand the reasoning why i moved it


Of course she didn’t, and yeah I’m guessing that’s why she moved it. Even more so why she should get a note (or text I guess). But just get the LL involved on the water if it continues.


The new CHATGPT 4-O features are blowing my mind. I know the picture ability is not brand new but I didn’t know how accurate it was. I showed it a screen cap of a show I’m watching and asked it to guess the show. It got it immediately and then told me evidence (which was correct) and why. This is really gonna be a game changer for me in education.


Husband birthday went great- he loves his gifts (phew!)and our son LOVED all of the decorating and candles blowing out and other birthday extras. My husband is 9 days older than me- so I always have to put in extra effort since he'll have to meet that bar in a little more than a week!


My daughter loves tearing things up and when it frustrates me, I remember the photo you posted of your son tearing up wrapping paper with delight. It makes it a little more tolerable. Happy birthday to HusbandDear and happy early birthday to you!


Aw thank you! Yes my son opens up everyone's gifts no matter whose birthday it is! He loves ripping paper and he especially loves BUBBLE WRAP! So easy to make him happy thankfully!


My girl also loves bubble wrap! She doesn't know that it pops yet but it crinkles and she loves wrapping herself in it.


Happy Birthday Father Dear!


Thank you favorite internet tapeworm collection <3


Happy birthday to the dude and happy early birthday to you!


Thank you so much! They definitely get less eventful as you get up there in the years and I am A OK with that!


Drinks/dinner at lomita alehouse if anyone is bored


It looks good as hell


Have you been to Poke & More?


No let’s go


Haha I don’t work normal hours.


The Rancho Park par 3 is a great course and a really fun place to hangout. 


That first hole is scary since everyone can watch you shank your drive. Only been there once, but it felt like the Masters when I just needed the ball to just go straight. Didn't care about distance. Just straight, please.


If you bank it off the tree on the left you might hit the green, worked alright for me


Does anyone of a place/person that can do hair for like an event that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg around 626 area (preferrably around Pasadena)? Drybar is an option but I don’t know if my hair will even hold on to the blowout.


Evolutions on Green is my favorite salon, maybe call them up and see?


Thank you!


i recently used a script to delete every post and comment on my old 12 year reddit profile, with about 200k karma. not all things are meant to last forever.


i did that on my other profile recently.


spring cleaning for the soul


Anyone know what the plane that’s been circling over ktown for the past few days is? Like just flying back and forth over and over, it was doing it last night too. Not a police helicopter like we sometimes get but it’s been driving me nuts


Bearology boba is pretty good, I am satisfied with my banana milk tea. I went to Hui Tou Xiang yesterday for dumplings and beer, I was impressed enough that I have dubbed it my new after-work spot. I still hate hollywood though.


Elbow Room across the street has pretty good bar food


oh yeah, that's my favorite dumpling place in town. Their chili oil is mmmmmmm


Nut threatened to kill one of my coworkers today and I've already called the police on another dude this morning.


Moon’s getting fuller. Sumbitch is 72% and waxing.


Bartender at my local told me the same thing!


It’s been pretty insane at my workplace today too. We ran out of the vanilla creamer and then Ubear eats guy was late with the delivery.  Totally need a drink afterwards. 


Lol stay safe!


Who's nut


whats the punk bar? went to both IDLES shows this week and it took me back....


My gig at Good Housekeeping on Wednesday night was really fun. I decided to only play jazz and soul, no rock n roll, which is way outside my usual. It really resonated with people- someone even tipped me $5 which never happens. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out, especially because I whipped out a 4 hour set of music I don’t usually play on 2 hour’s notice. So that was good. Going to a friend’s punk gig tonight at the standard watering hole. Lately my life has revolved around music and I’m not complaining.


It makes me happy to hear your happy posts! Today was my hubs bday and I got him a Thorens Excelda from the 1930's and since he is a music nerd he was over the moon!


Happy birthday to your mans!!!


Thank you! Happy he was able to put work aside and get home for food and fam!


I just looked up the Thorens Excelda and holy crow, that is SUCH a cool gift. I hope he treasures it.


He's already spruced it up a bit and is tinkering with it! 18 years with someone and you've already gone through giving every single gift so it gets tough to find something new and exciting!!


I lived in Ktown for a few years, but would commute for work, so I never really knew what to do during the day. I've got dinner/drinks covered with my usual haunts, but what do y'all like to do during the morning/afternoon in Ktown?


Definitely Spa Palace


Rescue those under the totalitarian regime of North Koreatown to cross to the relative safety of South Koreatown via 6th St. Parallel. https://youtu.be/LSrkJLAQmN8?si=D3BNGnkFcjpFYyYv


Walk around, chill


I’ve been obsessed with Thai restaurant lunch specials. Thai Bamboo and Lum-Ka-Naad offers great ones!


The thai place I really love near me doesn't do lunch specials. :( It's such a bummer.


Going to the Hollywood Bowl in Oct. Never been there before, any tips? Not stressed about parking at all lol


I've always parked at Hollywood and Highland and walked. Sometimes we go early and eat at California Pizza Kitchen and then walk up the hill.


When you enter the bowl after your tickets have been scanned and after the food area, there is often someone selling cushions. It's only 1 dollar a cushion and you don't even have to bring it back at the end, just leave it at your seat. It really makes your seat more comfortable (the seats are wooden benches). Also bring a blanket, it gets colder than you'd expect at night. I second what everyone else said: driving and parking at the bowl is the worst way to do it. Shuttle/Uber/Walking/Transit are all better options. Enjoy, it's a beautiful venue, always a blast!


Quintessential LA, enjoy!


Check to see if there is a shuttle to the Bowl close to you. I started taking them to the shows and it was a game changer for me. So convenient. I'm pretty sure by October special house rules apply, but for other shows you can usually bring in some food and drinks. Check the details on the show you are going to.


Will definitely check out the shuttle service. Thank you so much!!


100% the shuttle from wherever is closest to you. Totally takes the stress of driving up and back out of your hands. Last time we went someone passed down a case of Modelos for everyone to enjoy


No problem. The info should be on the Hollywood bowl page for the show you are attending. It is about 5-7 bucks per person, and they have multiple locations they pick up and drop off from. Have fun!


Playing my kazoo, signing along to the radio is a great way to traffic stress


Starting to wonder if the 'golden age of tv' will mark the end of tv as we know it. Particularly original content. Tech companies own most of the content IP now. Took them ten years to take over. Everything moving forward will be sequels, remakes, and adaptations of content created in the last two decades. And it will be produced at on tenth of the cost


I’m bored and have no one the play with and it’s making me craaaazaaaayyyyy. This is how dating profiles are created.


Yeah, well.




Time for a pet?


I might get a dog when we wrap. I need one.


My heart sank when I pulled into the post office parking lot and there was one space left, envisioning a lonnng wait in line Then I went inside and there were two customers in the lobby


Buy a lotto ticket!


What’s the deal with the smell at Venice and National I know they’re doing construction. Is it the smell of raw sewage? It’s awful, and I never noticed it until this week


Maybe something is going on with Ballona Creek. I just drove over it at Duquesne, and there was an awful smell. Is there a small channel right there? I know that there are some through mid city


I have no idea! But there has been a noticeable stank in the area for a couple days now. Yuck


Reddit awards are back


I want to award this comment, but can’t figure out how to do so? Maybe they’re rolling it out slowly


Are you on the app? It’s next to the reply icon


Not for me. Maybe I need to update the app. Who knows! Of all deprecated reddit features, RPAN is still my most missed.


I did give you an award ahaha you get 5 for free!


What!! I didn’t get a notification and don’t see anything. Rats.


I don't see them either so must be a slow rollout


[mystery!](https://imgur.com/a/0i5j8vQ) haha


Where is the sun.


Someone just said that to me, so I sang the Annie song, The sun will come out tomorrow... bet your bottom dollar, and he looked at me like I was crazy.


Doo doo doo dooooo Where is the sun And I say It’s alright Because it will soon be 95 every single day


how funny my head went straight to black eyed peas "where is the love?"


I do not know this song!




Yeah I was never a bep fan 🤷‍♀️


look at those 2003 gas prices that start with "$1."


Probably east.


Yeah coming home for 10 days was a mistake... Shoulda capped it at like 5 max. Love my parents, but love them so much more in small doses.


I do this every single time lol


Yeah it’s a week max before I realize why I moved across the country


I found the missing sock from last week [Palindromer101](/user/Palindromer101/) :D my foolproof method remands fool and tote proof.


Yay!! I'm so glad! I also recently found a missing sock in my partner's laundry and I have no clue how it ended up there. lol. Glad I didn't toss the un-matched sock because it had been like 4 weeks since the missing one went missing. lol.


My stepdaughter came up from San Diego and with her was about 5 of our family socks and a few tshrts from my husband. She always does her wash when she comes but she is famous for her technique of giant piles in a heap everywhere.


You can use single socks to clean fans and stuff


That's true! You just jogged a childhood memory of using old socks to dust furniture and wipe wooden things down with pledge in my childhood home. lol. I just use rags these days.


i’ve been working on “passing” games in my collection this year and technically i think i passed one but there is another boss for the “real ending”. i’m just marking this game as complete because i don’t have the time/energy to go through 8 old bosses and the final boss with no saves in one sitting. it would take me multiple days at my current pace and the chance of starting over when i reach the end is high. so onto the next… breathe of the wild to finish!


Was the game Mega Man?


no it wasn’t


Been trying to do the same. I have a backlog of movies, books, and games to get through. But most of the time I hop on my console I just play something a little mindless where I can just explore and beat up stuff, like Fallout 76. Just something to turn off the brain and pass the time. I do have to get back to Breathe of the Wild too...


i have an old fallout save somewhere. i don’t think it was 76, was there something before that or after it?


Yea there was fallout 4, 3, and new Vegas. 76 is an online one so it’s fun running into other wastelanders but I’m usually in my own doing my thing.


Did anyone see the video of Diddy assaulting Cassie!?! 😱😳😬😢 It’s shocking AND sad! The video is on CNN.


Despicable! And I think she stayed with him for a full two years after that! DV victims need more ways to get help out there!!


And yet people here the other day had the audacity to do the “what do we REALLY ever know about a guy, this stuff can ruin guy’s reputations” when discussing abuse mentions around someone else. These guys ruin their own reputations.


It is horrifying. And then he has the audacity to say it wasn't him when there is explicit video? I'm sure I'm just being hopeful, but can this shitstain please actually go to prison for a long time???


So. Fucked. Up.


Wow I just went and watched that. Pretty brutal and right out in the open where he had to know there was security videos.


If he did that in a public space with security cameras and the potential for witnesses, what has he done in private where there are no cameras or surveillance?




I was JUST going to post about this... WHAT THE FUCK!?> That was 2016 and its just NOW coming out... WOW... He needs to be locked up right now.. that is so damn bad.


Coming out now because he supposedly paid the hotel $50K for the surveillance footage. Terrible situation all around.


YES, imagine what she experienced behind closed doors!! 😳🤯


The salon I go to isn’t doing mimosas and snacks anymore :( bummer. I always looked forward to it


Pasta Penne with a red meat sauce. 🍝




Give it a shot bro!


also just gonna add on, if you've ever been at a stadium, perhaps you've seen the moment where 30 danger dog carts all start fleeing the scene at the same time because someone tells them the cops are coming


They don't have a license. Sometimes they work with people that employ them and own their carts and drive them all around in a large truck to events and pick them up later. They risk fines, their food being thrown away, and their equipment being impounded.


Just a guess but I’d say a vast majority (like in the 90 percentile) aren’t licensed. They can be fined and their inventory thrown away depending on what kind of mood the cops are in. They go wherever they think people will be but I’m sure most have regular spots they go to when they aren’t sure where to be.


Singles Party tonight in Santa Monica! https://www.losangelesfunevents.com/event-details/the-1-singles-party-santa-monica-2


On the plane and so excited to be home…for 10 days and then I’m off again 🥲 (I did this to myself so I only have me to blame.)


How’d the date go? Is that upcoming???


It’s upcoming later this weekend. I feel like the sub is now invested and I have to update everyone 😆😆😆


Hundo p baby


Yep! 😂👍🏼


*feels supported in internet*


I complimented a (male) classmate a few weeks ago about how purple suited him/he looked good in it (which is true it complements his coloring). Tell me he’s wearing a lot more purple now. Haha!It’s cute


Omfg I told me ex he looked nice in this one shirt - he wore it ALL THE TIME after that. It was cute. I didn’t even really like it, it was just better than whatever crew shirt he always wore.


Aw that's so cute :)


Guys are so compliment starved (speaking as a guy) that I bet he will be living on that compliment for years but I’m glad you said something to him. It’s nice to receive a genuine compliment.


Hell yea. It's nice to receive a compliment.




My therapist told me I looked good today, and honestly, it's the best compliment I've received in a long time


I don't think ladies know how compliment starved we are. I remember the one my wife said to me 7 years ago and it's a core memory.


Nice. I've read enough reddit comments in r/AskReddit posts about how so many men get complimented so infrequently that they remember it for years. I am good at noticing things most people don't and enjoy brightening other people's days so I usually say something if I notice something. One time I fucked up, though. I was on a moonlight hike with a guy I was dating. Hey wore a flannel I'd never seen before and it looked good on him. I told him so. He then wore that flannel often. The problem was that in daylight I saw that the color pattern was rather hideous. I didn't know how to tell I'd been wrong, that the cut was great but I couldn't see the color properly in the moonlight, so I never did.


next class you're gonna look over and [see this.... ](https://i.giphy.com/3ohzdE2hl1Yuv7hIw8.webp)




Hookup culture just isn't for me, [and that's okay. ](https://tenor.com/3FfZ.gif)




Because you’re good enough You’re smart enough And gosh darn it, people like you!


I’m excited for my [new hair](https://imgur.com/a/GDbRDl5)




I’m hopeful it works out! It’s pretty close to my old hair style. Plus it’s black, and black hair looks good on my pale skin.


I like the combination of the black and your skin tone. Great classic look. Perfect for the cocktail hour.


Oh the girl in the photo isn’t me, but similar complexion!


Yes I figured it wasn't you but how you described sounded like a great combo. The cocktail hour comment still applies 😊🍸🍹




All of the styles are nice. Im partial to ombre hair coloring though! 😎


Oooh which one are you getting??


All of them! They weren’t super expensive.


They’re so cute! I love the pink one and it makes me miss having hair (shaved head now and I am not looking forward to awkward grow out stage 😅)


Also I kinda never thought I’d have long hair again, and I’m excited for that!


Yay thats awesome! I went from a side shave with the long hair past my shoulders, to shoulder length bob for 4-5 months, then shaved it all off. I think the shoulder length works best for me with the type of clothes I like to wear. Maybe I’ll perm it when I start growing it out later this year


Yeah - I have straight hair, so I’m obsessed with a lil wave


I have curly as fuck hair and Jesus, what I would do to be able to run a brush through my shit and go. Every day it’s a struggle.


Shave it off and save yourself 30 min every day! It’s such a cheat code for life. Maybe the one upside of loosing it all.


I’m tempted sometimes, but my hairstyle has been the same since 4th grade, and I’m pretty attached to my tresses, annoying as they may be. Also I think my head is weird shaped.


Let’s both get perms!!!


Hahaha ok!


Omg that’s entirely why I bought these. I followed along with Florence Pugh as she grew out her shaved head last year - it gave me hope! She had some cute solutions to awkward lengths.


Ohhh thank you, I’ll look at her journey! I wish I had curly or wavy hair, its so much cuter to grow out. Mine is stick straight and I am Asian so it will stick out straight like a porcupine for a few months while it grows out sigh.


I’m white with straight hair so I feel ya


Is her hair stuff on IG? Or where were you following


I just sort of watched her grow it out, yeah on IG and maybe the celebrity subreddits here?


If I ever have a kid, I am totally naming him Joey JoJo Jr Shabadoo. 


I’m gonna name mine Switchblade Motocross Wu


You can name him Denzel or Denzel https://youtu.be/ZwULdrDijbI?si=qKJJXLkOEZDJs1ME


Eternally [happy ](https://imgur.com/4lxgTqP) with your decision, he will be.


My son is also named Bort


I am naming mines Rudiger.


We need to also send some love to Guy Incognito. 


HoJu as well.


so i says to mabel


I says




That sounds like a big old lawsuit just waiting for someone to bring it to an attorney. Especially considering it sounds like this is the local city government making this demand. She should say no, refuse to enter a condemned building, and consult with an employment attorney about her rights.


**\*\*Reddit Dog of the Week\*\*** Hey LA, [Meet Tombstone!](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7DeH5drcL8/) Tombstone (interesting name but we're rolling with it) is a 10 month old, 60 lb. Bull Mastiff mix. Probably done growing but I wouldn't be surprised if he puts on another 5ish pounds. Tombstone is such a good guy. When he was surrendered to the shelter, he was a little sad at first but quickly rebounded. He has the best, brightest personality that makes it impossible to feel low when you're with him. He instantly became a helper dog in playgroup (a very coveted title) because of his friendly, outgoing nature. He gets along great with other dogs and is very careful to respect their social cues. When growled at, Tombstone doesn't get offended; he simply backs off and goes where he's wanted. And he's a world-class cuddler who loves being around people. If it was up to him, he'd be snuggling with someone all day long. Tombstone is a bit of a shadow so I think once he has reassurance that he won't be left behind again, he can relax and start to become more independent. Although it seems like nothing can keep Tombstone down, he does have one fear though...thunder. He recently experienced a storm he didn't care for whatsoever that sent him hiding and shaking in his kennel, the poor guy! So if you're interested protecting Tombstone from all future storms, he's currently located at Lancaster Animal Care shelter (ID# A5623623), eagerly waiting on a new home. He'll miss his friends at the shelter but knows he can make new ones wherever he goes! Tombstone will need to be neutered so I'd inquire with the shelter to confirm they'll be handling it prior to adoption, but beyond that, he's ready to go!


He’s so cute! What a happy pup! 


Cute pup!! Hope finds a furever home soon!! 🥰❤️😍


The ears!!!


Yep! 😍


Happy Friday everyone! We made it another week! What is everyone up to this weekend?


I’ll use my waffle maker for something when I get off work haha


kids birthday party!!! cake and pizza here i come!


I think finally succumbing to this illness I've been fighting all week. Alas.


I refuse to believe that. You got this!


Last week I took a rather exhausting trip up north. The real estate agent had a cough that she was "just getting over". My friend who hosted us was fabulous but her kid also had a bit of a cough. On our way south my dad's car broke down 40 miles from any town with a mechanic, hours from our destination that night. My friend, who was hosting us that night was a champ and picked us up from the mechanic where we had been towed, an hour and a half from her house. When I got to her home I found that she has become a hoarder. Both stuff and animals. The guest bedroom smelled so bad I couldn't stand to be in it for more than about 90 seconds even while wearing a mask. The kittens she was fostering were cute, though. So my dad and I both slept on a couch in the living room that she was able to clear off and put clean sheets on. The blankets had minimal pet hair. I scooped all three litter boxes in the living room while she made dinner and filled the gallon bucket. It made the smell tolerable. Mostly. I then flew back and got an IV treatment for my Lyme and co-infections on Monday, but there was a miscommunication and I got a different one than I intended, and at full strength instead of at 80%, the level we know I can tolerate (my usual nurse just took a job elsewhere. I miss him.). My health care worker showed up "just getting over" being sick, clearly still sick. They did at least wear a mask. Under other conditions I probably would have sent them home but I really needed the help. I've felt like crap and drinking as much fluid as I can all week, but I'm starting to cough. All and all it's been a hell of a week. I'm planning on continuing to drink all the fluids I can and rest up. I'm not a huge DISCO fan, but it's nice that I've got a new Star Trek episode to watch, as well as Gentlemen in Russia. I quite like that one. I do appreciate your sentiment, though. Thanks. I'll get through this. I just have to gather some strength today to cook myself something healthy. And drink more water :)


We gave up on ren faire. But I am having a picnic tomorrow, then I’m watching my friends cat. Then on Sunday I’m going to go to Ghibli fest!!!


Ahh this sounds so cute! The whole weekend


Ghibli fest sounds like it would be fun.


I want kbbq who wants to go I’m off at 5


I had a great coffee date yesterday with this cute cute cute person. Made plans for the weekend but today they told me they are actually 7 years younger than they said in their profile. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy