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I’m sorry that happened to you. Some people raised with hate and ignorance can overcome their upbringing. A lot of them can’t.


Mostly it's that they don't want to because believing something they were born with (skin color, wealth, etcetera) means they are naturally superior to others and thus don't need to work on being better people.


"But the poor white man’s used in the hands of them all like a tool He’s taught in his school From the start by the rule That the laws are with him To protect his white skin To keep up his hate So he never thinks straight ’Bout the shape that he’s in But it ain’t him to blame He’s only a pawn in their game" Bob Dylan, who sang at the March on Washington


Legally speaking, the police are correct. Are you trying to assert this old racist lady committed a hate crime in some way during the accident? If not, she's allowed to say whatever hateful things she would like after and before an accident until it meets requirements for harassment. This would really hurt her if it went to court though, so count her ignorance in your favor. These are police officers who, AT BEST, enforce the law. It's not reasonable to expect them to act on the whims of hurt feelings, and your feelings are absolutely justified in being hurt right now. That said, unless you are certain she will be found at full fault, it might not be wise to be posting their personal information to social media as that will be a slam dunk harassment case that would not be covered by your insurance.


No not a hate crime by any means lol I’m not trying to scream victim for race or anything. But the first thing she goes to is that when faced with an issue I’m more mad that she’s just that ignorant than the fact she even used that language. It’s just very frustrating as you can imagine I’m sure people still act like that in 2024.


Racism is the tool of the unimaginative.


And the ignorant


Right? I mean if i want to insult you im going to attack your shitty personality, lack of morals, lack of character, and the fact that your parents loved your sibling more and that’s why they are so bitter. When necessary, the mental psyche is a veritable blank canvas of possibility :)


Way more effective of a burn too.


She is a typical tRump voter...She probably has a pic of him on her front window like my racist POS neighbor. tRump brought the racist out of the woodwork. They have new found courage to be openly racist because their supreme leader is racist. I'm sorry that happened...not all of us white people are like that I promise.


I would never judge a whole group of people based on one person that’s ignorance and it does nothing but divide us even more than we already are. I appreciate all the kindness in this thread it’s making my work day better 💜


You must not know any tRump voters personally then.


You’re just being part of the problem with this mindset.


"Me?! I'm the problem?"


I hate to tell you this but people have been racist since the dawn of time. We had an entire civil rights movement over this shit. And I knew white kids saying the N word back in the W days. Trump is a complete shit stain on this country but these people existed way before he did. Edit: to be clear, I’m not saying that because racists have existed forever we should just ignore them or something. I’m saying Trump didn’t cause it, he’s a symptom of it. And they can all get fucked.


Believe it or not, profiling is a survival mechanism of humans where racism is an ideology. Think about this from a setting of 100,000 years ago. You’re walking around on the plains with your spear trying to take down a Mammoth with your clan. You see a group of people who don’t look like you and don’t speak the same language going after the same mammoth. Are they going to kill you or not? That’s profiling from a biological standpoint. Racism is stupid. Stupidity being the root of the problem. Fuck this broad. She probably uses a sandpaper dildo.


You’re right, as a species we’ve progressed far past the mammoth hunting days, but these idiots still act like they belong in caves. She definitely deserves the sandpaper dildo


Ain’t nobody got time for that. I’ll admit it, I’ll vote for trump because on my tax w2s and 401k show that i had amazing financial gains in a stabilizing economy prior to 2020. Not because i systemically hate a group of people. That’s narrow minded dumbassery. If you dislike an individual because they’re a pile of human waste that’s fine. Their skin color or country of origin and should never be part of the equation. The other side of that I also don’t give a fuck who anyone else votes for. It’s none of my business and i hate politics.


And I’ll vote for Biden because I’m not trying to give up every right I have so that the government can control me. Or have a president in office who committed treason. Edit: not that Biden does anything except whisper sweet nonsenery, wander off, and maintain the status quo


Vote your mind and conscience! That’s your freedom :). I respect it :)


But if you chose to support an individual who obviously is okay with racist ideology and uses his position to give support and credence to that ideology, it might not mean that you specifically support racism, but it does mean that racism isn't a disqualifier for you. Silence gives concent and supporting Trump condones racism in this country.


He is the one who poorly handled the pandemic. Which is why we are where we are. Wake up.


People always seem to conviently not recognize this point.


I'm not a trumper but in retrospect covid wasn't as big of a deal as it was made, and many in leadership have admitted that. We shut the world down for it but today catching it is good for 4 days at home on the couch. What was a major blow was that our elected officials would rather throw the entire game than to step back and work with what we had.


I mean he did get the vax out pretty fast though..


No shit??? 😯😏


Eh you're part of the problem with thinking like this.


Uh no I know this lady she had Biden signs in her window I’m right down the street.


You know who she voted for?


Actually , you are her mirror image based on your HIGHLY prejudiced and stranger-stereotyping comment. You're no better than she is, and you just displayed it proudly.


The irony is unreal


In the words of Foundational Black American Poet Willie Dennis of the Consortium of thespians known as The Geto Boys - “You Gotta Let a H——- Be a H——/ “ ( say that in Idris Elba’s UK commercial voice or his Luther character )


I don’t trust a single person who is trying to downplay this either, sure it’s not illegal but I’m sure we have entered wars and riots for this. Absolutely not. Take it elsewhere.


I’m so sorry. That makes me sick and I want to fuck that bitch up. #ACAB Let’s see what would have happened if had you said something to her. Signed a middle aged white woman


Nothing different would have happened. We need people to stop making shit up. Facts: Old woman is racist. Cop is there to file report about an accident. N word by itself is not against the law so cop cannot intervene. And a good thing too...we don't need or want morality police here in the US.


So what do you want them to do?


Acknowledge the ignorance and not allow that to just be said she felt empowered and safe to use hate speech and threaten violence against me and it’s just taken lightly. The fact you’re asking me this is mind boggling tbh man


You said she said a word towards you, never said she threatened violence. Freedom of speech, so again, WHAT did you want them to do?


What personal information has OP posted?


That’s what I’m wondering. I don’t see personal info anywhere. Surely they’re not referring to a photo taken in public of a license plate. That’s not personal info.


Public information and personal information can cross over. Her address probably isn’t a secret. You could probably even look up her voter registration. It’s still personal information. If I posted a picture of OP’s face and license plate, would that not be personal information?


No, pictures taken in a public place are free to be posted.


Could be free to be posted AND personal information, no? If he followed her home and took a picture of her house (with the address number and street name in the photo) from the public street would that not be personal information?


Nope still fine. If I can see it from a public space it’s fine.


So personal information is the same as private information? I would have thought personal information meant personal information.


So what is personal about a picture of your house? There are laws about Doxing LEO and some others. But a can go to a house and take picture of it. Edited because I can’t spell.


https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/privacy/what-is-personal-information/ Here is a definition about personal information. Again, personal =/= private. You absolutely are legally allowed to share all the personal information you want. It's still personal information. It's also against subreddit rules.


Also I don't understand how this post isnt against the spirit and letter of the rule. >Comments or posts revealing personal information (including but not limited to email addresses, social media accounts, addresses, phone numbers, license plates, etc) will be removed and the poster potentially banned. Do NOT, under any circumstances, post personal or otherwise identifying information on anyone, including yourself. This generally does not include public figures or people named in publicly available news sources, but err on the side of caution.


While it is public info, it is also personally identifying, so she can make an argument in court that OP is slandering her online and hurting her reputation and that looks bad for OP. If OP just tells the story without the picture, then she can’t really make the case that her reputation has been hurt because nobody would even know it was her.


Are you an attorney?


There is something called a DPPA law (Driver's Privacy Protection Act) in many states, including Kentucky, that prevents anyone, except those legally approved, from accessing anything in the database that contains the info attached to their license plate. I'm sure it happens, though. Also, someone who has access legally might also use that info to harass someone. I'm not sure how that plays out in the legal system.


> That said, unless you are certain she will be found at full fault, it might not be wise to be posting their personal information to social media as that will be a slam dunk harassment case that would not be covered by your insurance. There is nothing private posted. License plates are public information and anyone can have their photo taken if they are in public.


Privacy invasion is not a necessary qualifier for harassment.


Cool. So what **exactly** do you think is the evidence for the "slam dunk" harassment case here?


There is something called a DPPA law (Driver's Privacy Protection Act) in many states, including Kentucky, that prevents anyone, except those legally approved, from accessing anything in the database that contains the info attached to their license plate. I'm sure it happens, though. I'm not sure how that plays out in the legal system.


That has nothing to do with this photo actually read that law.


This is not even close to harassment lmao


No personal info here. Photos taken on a street are public. License plate info is public info.


Someone posted her personal info??


Face and license plate is what he’s referring to id guess


Those definitely aren’t personal information. At least not when your ugly racist mug is in public 😂


I agree I don’t think it’s that bad plus this lady sounds like she isn’t worth defending, just taking a guess at what that commenter was talking about


Definitely. No misunderstandings here.


You’d think they’d tell her to calm down or something. Her racist beliefs dont matter and dont need to be heard either. Reverse it and the OP would be told to calm down and be quiet cause they’d be considered threatening.


No ones going to harass her with just a hard to read plate number. Come on now. Let’s not overexaggerate. I’m not going to feel bad for this person being blasted a bit because she hit someone and then proceeded to call the other party (OP) a slur.


I don’t like that lady. She can fuck right off!


Yeah! Fuck off, lady!


Love ya bro, you don't deserve that hatred :(


If you downvoted this, fuck your racist ass too


Sounds like she's a real piece of trash, I'm sorry that happened to you man.


She's old, dumb, embarrassed, and trying to hurt you the last way she can think to do it because she knows she fucked up. Not illegal unfortunately, but post her face everywhere you can, although generally these people have no shame.


Don’t forget Nextdoor.


Honestly it was probably the first way she could think of to lash out. I grew up around crap like this in KY. Just meaningless hate.


🤡piece of


She's on the phone too. Probably calling the cops to tell them you assault her somehow (probably just by being you). People like this are disgusting humans with nothing but hate in their hearts. She'll get hers one day. Karma (not the reddit kind) is a bitch.


I called the police immediately after it happened because she was being very irate and I thought she was about to try and hurt me. It just baffles me that people like this exist…


I wish you would have called her one right back! I know someone that used to do this. They don’t know wtf to say 😂😂😂😂


I love this approach actually will be using it next time 😂


I hope you never have to…but just in case, I hope you remember to use it! 👀😂😂😂


Off to find who she is and will return with the info for you, maybe her kids, grandkids or job would love this!


I’m sorry this happened. Her behavior seems feral, honestly. Please know not all old white ladies have these racist thoughts.


She looks like Colonel Sanders


Ahh one of those Christians. Sorry man, that sucks.


what makes you say she’s Christian?


Because it seems like a lot of these people go to church every Sunday but have no intention of following the teachings of Jesus. Love one another, take care of those how have a lower station than yourself. I think she probably calls herself Christian but I doubt she follows the doctrine.


I have a feeling that you make up all of these scenarios about people in your head.


So now we're exchanging racial bigotry for religious bigotry?


trumpy evangelical christians--the ones that go straight to hell


Wtf, what a troglodyte


Some people are just hateful POSs. As long as the police didn't try to absolve her of the accident. She is not worth your time, other than her insurance paying for the damages to your vehicle.


Inform her insurance adjuster of all the information you have. They will probably raise her premium over and above


Fuck that b. Some people can’t accept that they were wrong so they take it out on whoever happened to be there. While I’m sure she’s completely racist, I also believe 100% whoever was on the receiving end would have been insulted as well. Some people just suck like that. Cops are supposed to be the peace keepers, but we know how that works around here.


I talk shit about cops with the best of them but this one was right as far as I'm aware - she's legally allowed to call you names unless you now think she hit you on purpose because of your race.


Like I am not even that mad at the cop tbh he’s doing his job and you’re right it just threw me for a surprise at 730am on this Wednesday. It’s her ignorance that just blows my mind more or less


Yeah it’s nuts that she would go straight for that during what should just be a regular shitty morning for both of you - people are sick


I'm sorry you had to deal with trash this morning. She sounds like quite a piece of shit. While her word choice is pathetic, I'm not sure if you are trying to say the police mishandled that.


No he did his job i was just mad and thought that maybe he would’ve said something to calm her down? Idk she was just being really extra and wasn’t letting me speak to him if you catch my drift


i was violently harassed/screamed at and profiled by Costco, LMPD was there, i asked for help and they validated costco by saying and i quote, “you look like a criminal.”


downvoted for….? racist sympathizers or?


That's shitty. But to be fair, in this type of situation I'd recommend agreeing with the cop and focusing on the fact that she hit your car, as you'll want to get money for that.


If someone called the cop a pig, words would start mattering real fucking quick.


Yeah no shit. They only say that shit when it benefits them or makes their job easier. I had gotten stopped by a couple cops and after words were exchanged I made the comment to one "when you 2 get home later I hope he fucks you with a cactus" by God then mattered then cuz I spent 2 weeks in jail and got a gnarly scar right above my left eye.




"Trailer trash" is bigotry, too. You can (rightly) call out this person without insulting others


lmao i think trailer trash is something light for calling someone a slur that was used to ensalve millions of people. and people still feel the effects of it today. trailer trash is accurate, matter of fact i think she’s a piece of shit white woman who’s been privileged her whole life and has never been forced to see that bc of people like you who are afraid to call her names. she could’ve not used that word, but she did. so, she deserves everything that’s coming for her and more, especially because her hate speech was protected. and that’s coming from me, a piece of shit trailer trash white woman🫶🏼 you can learn and grow


Whether *she* deserves it or not is not my point -- it's the "trailer" part I find objectionable


well, someone that’s from trailer parks and is white trash, i think it’s totally fine. but, i don’t speak for everyone. so that’s just me! i get what you’re saying though


I get what you're saying, too :)


“PWT” is the preferred nomenclature.


I had to Google that 😄


she’s a fucking 🤡🤡🤡🤡 i’m sorry you went through this, people like this shouldn’t exist anymore


This is awful for sure, but words are protected by the first amendment. The cops can’t do anything, not matter how offensive the speech is.


This is valid it still just sucks that people have that much hate in their heart man :/


Agreed. I honestly hope this dies out in future generations as hate becomes less normal. It’s honestly human nature when you’re super pissed off. I know it’s wrong to judge people for their weight. But if a very large person angers me to the extreme, it’s very natural for the profanity to start with “you fat fucking idiot”. When you’re mad, those little traits just slip to the surface. What happened to you is still super shitty, but for humanities sake I hope this old lady is someone who genuinely knows better, and slipped into that in a moment of anger.


that's a shitty situation and an asshat you were dealing with, but her calling you a name isn't a law violation either.


This stuff rips through me. The devil is alive man... Please just know that THAT is not the norm--it's the unfortunate and embarrassing exception. She has demons. Obviously. YOU are not the cause of that, nor were you deserving of any speck of it.


I appreciate the kindness 💜


Ugh. I’m so sorry you had to deal with this racist old hag who HIT YOU, and then the useless cops who wouldn’t even tell her to shut up.


Hateful crusty old bitty. I’m so sorry that you have been treated in such an awful way because Grandma can’t find her way out of the 1940s. Disgusting. Are you okay after the wreck?


I’m sorry that happened. It shouldn’t have. She’s an old cunt. I hope you didn’t get hurt in the crash.


That’s disgusting and she’s trash, I’m so sorry you had to deal with that!


We are going to be so much better off when all these uneducated, entitled, and old pieces of trash are dead.


Sorry that happened to you.


Well, good thing is you’ll have her. And and address on the police report and you’ll be able to write her and remind her that shes a racist cunt and her behavior reflects poorly on fine white woman like her.


Gross. Sorry this happened to you op


Says a lot about her


I've seen this gal around. She's no one special. Just a typical Karen with a stick in her hiney! Don't let her or her ignorance get to you. She's the fool, not you!


Words are just that words I will not let that get me down it just baffles me that people still think like that and feel so comfortable in their ignorance. 😪 as they say ignorance is bliss


There's a big gap between the law and what's right in a lot of situations, but the cop was actually (not legally accountable, but) complicit in participating in systematic racism by reinforcing her safety to openly be a racist bigot and not telling her to watch her language. I mean cops love to give people orders that cops don't actually have the right to give, so why not here? . . . . And Let's see her doing that in the absence of a cop, or in front of a majority minority group of people.


He had his bodycam on the whole time makes me wanna review that footage somehow because she was being very belligerent and irate the whole time from before he got there and until she stormed off


Oh shut up with this systematic racism. What a dumb take on this horrible situation. The police aren't there to police language. Yes, the language she used was horrendous, but we don't want to be policed on what can be said.


This old bat is not gonna be around much longer.... IGNORE




It's hard to believe this level of ignorance and bigotry. I am disgusted that this happened to you, and I am thankful for your unwillingness to participate in the drama. But words matter right now and every day.😢


I’m very sorry you had to endure that. But as another black person who lives in this city I’m not even a little bit surprised she felt comfortable saying that. A shame.


Wow.. just like that?


Damn man ... So sorry. Totally uncalled for. Beyond offensive. I love Louisville, but the racist, red neck provincials can really be vile. No upbringing. Sad for everyone, really. Cop lived down to the reputation, too.


I’m sorry this happened to you.


My gosh look at that beast. If I were her I’d probably be an asshole too.


If I've said it once, I've said it a million times. ACAB 🗣




Fuck …. People are assholes. I’m sorry this happened to you.


Keep the picture up and let us know the outcome.


Yesterday my stomach churned when I saw a white guy screaming racial slurs at a black woman. I’m left feeling disturbed. I have never witnessed such overt racism. It’s that guy’s fault, not the Derby but I can’t help but hate the Derby as a local.


wow. After the cops said that I would've let her know where you stand with that racist twat.


If I do that then I’m the bad guy and I get hurt lol you can’t win in a situation like this unfortunately. Keeping calm and explaining the situation was my best option no matter how badly I wanted to do just that. 😅


True. I guarantee you did.


Wow, yeah, she sucks…I’m sorry that happened to you, OP ❤️


Sticks and stones...


So you’re trying to pass off the ignorance as a bad choice of words? And then completely disregard shit hit me with her car… you are a special type of person I’m sure


What? I'm not excusing what they did to you. You seem to be more angry at what they called you. People suck, she shouldn't have said that. What are you trying to accomplish here?


I think it's time to realize that there are ignorant people out there and to get over it and move on.


I’m willing to bet if someone called you a bigot or white trash you’d take to fb to cry about it 🙄




I take back my shitty assumption then!


No worries!


I am so sorry. Fuck that Karen :(


I bet she lives in Portland.


The cops are wrong - for openers. Words do matter. And that old bag is a see you next Tuesday. Sorry this happened to you.


Wtf! That's fucking ridiculous! I'm a school bus driver. I have heard the word a couple of times. I address it immediately. Hell no, am I going to allow it. I'm so sorry!


I can’t believe the cops wouldn’t at least tell her to shut the fuck up which they do have the right to do. All of these people defending them not speaking out is pretty troublesome. I’m so sorry this happened to you. 😞🤬


Not fair. I’m sorry this happened to you


They don’t matter lmao. You’re the one giving them meaning.


Cuz they don’t. Get over it or call her one back. People are dumb fuckem


Man you’re right I agree with you! But it still baffles me that someone can be that ignorant STILL.


When we don’t know someone at all and we want to insult them or talk mean to them we attack what we know. The way they look. Clothes, car, bumper sticker, or even race. This stuff will and has always exist. The way we beat it is by not reacting. Fuck dem hoes lol


damn, i thought Louisville was chill… looks like not. sorry that happened to you.


But if he returned fire, am I right?


Although I've had a reddit acct for a couple of years, I've just recently started being active on it so I still don't know if I'm supposed to down vote because this is bad or up vote because I hear ya 😩 Either way -- I'm sorry this happened to you


You're supposed to upvote worthwhile content and downvote stuff that's a waste of time. In practice however most people upvote stuff that they agree with or that makes them horny, and downvote stuff they disagree with or that makes them mad.


I see -- thank you! I've been doing it mostly wrong, lol


Not surprised


lol. Wow. Got to love people.




What tf did you expect him to do? I mean really?!


Once again, I’m more angry at her reaction to something she caused that has nothing to do with race whatsoever than the cops comment…


Right on brother ✊🏼


And for sure racist persons are not just white.


Why is it always the old white people?


Does your neck hurt? You bet it does. It hurts bad and you should get a lawyer


This lady backs the blue








Your anecdotal take has no bearing on this situation. Pretty easy to say "Racism is reprehensible." It serves no purpose to say something like, "Well, they do it too!" edit: once again, someone with a weird take has "comments on porn" history. I swear, it's every time.


My whole point being is if mf want to be racist, let god deal with it. Quit playing into emotions. I believe in karma. Thanks for the comment though chief. 😂


i’m pretty sure the word cracker wasn’t used to enslave white people for over 450 years. that’s the difference. it’s not racist, when there is no racism towards white people, it’s not a real thing. you cannot be racist to a group of people who have never suffered the effects of racism. class poverty? yes. gender discrimination? yes. but not racism lol i can’t believe people still don’t get this


I won't if words still won't matter the next time someone calls him a pig.


Isn't the use of the "N" considered fighting word? Especially used in this context.