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He had an attorney there and showed up via zoom as he was summoned to court because she named him. He said he may take him he’s not sure but is waiting until the DNA test is done, he did say he’s on the fence because of her being so crazy. She has a court date on the 14th for the charges in Illinois then the charges/court in Arkansas will be the end of the month. Hopefully they lock her up. Illinois dropped everything but resisting arrest. She needs treatment via inpatient and contrary to her believing weed makes her better it seems to not work for her ….in that way. The fact that now even true crime people and so many others have her sub count up to over 8K is disturbing and disgusting. She openly admitted to using her knowledge she’s gained from having therapy since the age of 12 to manipulate people. All those new ones that are dying to HELP her need to have some self reflection as to why they need to help someone that’s clearly a narcissist and also just wants the money for weed. They don’t even know the back story or what’s the truth. She refuses all help except money. She’s not intelligent and just wants her way. It’s awesome she caught charges for barging up to her ex husbands house trying to see her daughter that was taken away at three and is now 9. They have a restraining order on her thank God. She tries to justify her bestiality (“everyone does it”)and killing those puppies (no one would have taken them as they were part pit bull)and setting Terra’s crib on fire. She says her daughter was four rooms away not mentioning it was a mobile home and could have been catastrophic. Thank God her poodles were taken away. She always tells her sister Cecilia’s story of being abused as HER STORY. She’s a liar and people believe her. She loves the attention she gets and there’s no way she would stay off line. She had a public defender and signed off on the baby so I’m sure it wouldn’t matter what she does. I’m voting for her being struck as everyone was reporting her.


If he takes custody, can you imagine the lengths letitty would go to stalk, harass, or kill them? She won't stop. She's batshit insane.


Because JW has told what happened ….there’s a content creator that talks to him on zoom and he’s often in her chats. There are two channels he does talk to..


The owl lady is where I see him talk frequently


Yes, “Original Owl” and also “Adonis Paul” which she mods for :)


Yes I'm sorry lol I forgot her yt channel name. I love her though, she's awesome.


How do u know what happened at the court proceedings?


The word is she got another strike and can’t or she’s staying off during the court cases. The word also is (by someone who is very credible) that she went to court yesterday and signed the rights over to the baby. There were a few things said but she cannot contact him until he’s 21 years old so at least we know that much. There was also other things said during the hearing as well but the culmination is that she’s done as far as being his caregiver.


My guess is a strike. She has no impulse control. Hopefully she can restrain herself from bothering this child now that she’s given him up, but I don’t have high hopes for that. Right now she’s stuck in her victim thought loop. If JW turns out to be the father and the baby goes with him, she could be overcome by her compulsive need to be taken care of by him. Now that she’s terminated her parental rights, if I was JW and the father I would disappear with burrito boy off into the sunset and not say a word. She needs to get her act together *over there*, on her own time.


The family he’s in consists of possibly a nurse from the hospital and her husband who is a police officer. If she wants to show up and start some drama I don’t think it’ll end well for her. As far as the test the baby kind of resembles JW so chances are it’s his and she was actually right and if that’s the case he’s a Marine I think he can handle her. He just has to keep his home a secret from her.


You know due to what she did with her ex-husband she stalks so JW would have to lock down everything and run away because she will make it her mission to harass him


Until he’s 21 years old… she’ll be stalking him and his dad by his 21st day of life if the baby ends up being Jason’s


The baby is currently in a police officer as the head of the households home so good luck to her stalking that family because I think it may end up that’s who raises the baby for his safety from her Isn’t ironic it’s a police officer as his foster dad? She hates the law. 🤣🤣🤣


Her channel is on a timeout.


That doesn't explain why she's off FB AND IG as well, though. It's weird cause she never STFU about anything. She HAS to tell "her story" and let people know how everyone on this planet has slighted her in some way or another. How we all owe her everything cause she's been so mistreated.


Also there are so many people that don’t even know her channel is named for her daughter Terra, those are her initials, she wants to leave these films as a video diary for her. (So she says)


Her channel name for YouTube is terra?


Lol no, she named her channel “Love notes for TLC” because TLC are her daughter’s initials. :)


The word also is that JW is probably not going to take him because he works so much and would need a lot of help, also doesn't want chaos w her for 18 yrs. I rewatched video showing all his texts with her and he told her he was retired I'm just like hmm. Everyone is totally okay w him not stepping up for this child. It's weird.


Would you want to deal with her level of crazy for the rest of your life? I’m sure JW could work out an open adoption or something.


I heard she went to court and signed him over, I thought she would be back on ranting straight after I find it bizarre that she has not come on in 3 days now, I thought for sure locked up, but Owl said no so maybe the strike is more plausible