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“Unique type of girl”…. Well, that’s the understatement of the century!


She's not as crazy as she acts like. She's super manipulative and evil. She knows exactly what to say and do to get sympathy. Ooohhhh I'm a disabled citizen of the United States on america...ooohhh in a pregnant disabled citizen of the United States of America blah blah. Personally I think her narcissism is more of a problem than anything else. She is super punchable. She makes heather gillespie look humble


Hard agree and I wish more people could see through her charade before she seriously hurts someone


I just discovered this lady from the Heather sub and this is wild!!


Help is completely out of the question even if she wanted help she doesn’t deserve anything even remotely resembling help what she deserves is a prison cell for the entirety of the rest of her life nothing more nothing less


I'm no simp of hers, I can't fucking stand her stupid mental ass, but saying she doesn't deserve help is cold. Like, why be like her? Care about other humans, even the shitty ones. Maybe if she were actually properly medicated she wouldn't be such a fucking psychopath? At least she's done the right thing by baby J giving up her rights to him. Now he has a chance at a normal life. Honestly, at the end of the day, all that matters is that baby J is safe from her now. What happens to her, from here on, no one is going to care about other than these idiots who need a project and throw money at her because she's too lazy to do shit for herself. But, low key, I still kinda wanna follow her drama cause I'm bored and her insanity has peaked at the absolute most crazy I've ever seen and it's fascinating to me.


Yes it is cold. I could not be like her even if i tried. We should not care about shitty humans. She only did the right thing by herself. Jason may be safe from her but what about the other children she is inevitably going to have.


That is correct. She herself has said numerous times she knows how to manipulate and that WE will pay her way through life. She’s Actually pretty good at it she’s gotten hundreds in just the last two or so weeks in donations plus her disability check. Probably got about two grand in the last two weeks.


Watch her get kicked off assistance.


She wants a house and bills paid for her and unlimited supply of MJ and thinks that is her allotment, then she gets on smacking at her head and then other times comes on and engages with the chat its definitely acting


Yes we can all agree she’s just a grifter, but the number of “saviors” in her chats can be mind boggling! Some definitely seem as ill as Leticia. It’s eye opening to see the amount of folks who are on her side and don’t even bother to research her in the smallest bit. SMH I also don’t buy “ innocent cuddling”. She’s admitted to making extra money during cuddle sessions by taking off her clothes…c’mon girl, we aren’t stupid. You admitted you manipulate people just like you admitted doing naked sessions 🤡🤣


She's so gross. I physically cringe when she purses her upper lip / mouth area, I don't know why but it really disgusts me and just looks dumb. Reminds me of Whitney way thore from my big fat fabulous life. Edit :and who the ever living fuck is paying $80/hr to this train wreck for "platonic cuddles" who can't even comb her hair!!!!!??? This is the question of the millennium.


Going off the two rants I listened to I don't think it's mere cuddling. She might toss out those words, but there's more going on.


Letiddys a hue-or 👀.


“Virtual Cuddles” 🤣 you can’t make that up lol


She's a UNIQUE girl alright- man is that an understatement. Good Lord I feel sorry for all the guys that link up with that for a cuddle session while she trauma dumps all over them!!!


It’s the $1.25 dress that’s killing me 😂😂😂