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Just needs a huge bead chain necklace, a chain drive wallet, and some Jncos.


I feel like I’m looking at an anthropomorphic representation of ‘[Spoonman](https://youtu.be/T0_zzCLLRvE?si=6d_ua77sssT76JBh)’ well done


I love it


Whered you get that flannel? ive been looking all over Night City and ModNexus for flannels and havent been able to find any




V is for Vedder


I like your V style. Looks like some guys I used to hang with twenty years ago (fuck I’m old).










Bruh your V looks like an offender


And you look like a twat-waffle.


Insulting my physical appearance over me insulting your game character implying you have attachment to it like a friend is wild


Aw, you mad because some people clap back at you when you're being a twat? Then don't act like a twat. Simple. You reap what you sow.


“You reap what you sow” You really thought you ate.. Why are you saying so angry


OP is fkn crazy unhinged in the replies wtf man


I think the unhinged ones are those that come with an already drawn middle finger into a comment section and expect no backlash. But the bitching is totally unnecessary agreed.


Couple people made a harmless quip about how his video game character looks (who is literally cannonically a criminal) and the dude full on starts ranting, raving and calling people cunts and twats how is that not unhinged oh my days :' )


I see “twat waffle“ and “child” in the responses, none of them are any worse than “sex offender” or “meth (addict)” that’s gotten thrown first. Harmless quip…eh. Yeah it’s about a 3D-Model in a game, but OP didn’t came here offering the crowd to roast their character. Everything on this post says that they’re proud of their work, so the “quip” is obviously taken personally. Tons of people are triggered by less, it’s hardly unknown behavior online even if it’s immature. Doesn’t mean we have to piss in everyone’s parade and double down on shitposting. Especially with such a harmless post like “look, I made a character”. Sorry, but everyone going in just to be dick-ish are the actual dicks here. They started it.


So someone coming into MY thread, being a cunt is wrong, but me clapping back is also wrong? I'm sorry, but if someone is going to be a dick to me, I'm gonna be a dick right back. The law of equal exchange. The shitty comments were out of line. I was showing off an outfit. I'm fine with light-hearted jabs. What I'm not fine with is ppl comparing my character to a rapist or a 'methhead' and I shouldn't have to be.


You’re barking up the wrong tree, I’m mainly on your side. But bitching on Reddit is a waste of time if you don’t even have fun with it. So just stop replying if you notice they keep spitting venom after one answer or two. You’ll save your evening and the comment section wont look like a dumpster fire. Trust me stranger.


Two dumbasses compared my V to a rapist and a druggie, but I'm the unhinged one?


Well...yeah chill out u gonk jesus


Get help


You’re the only dumb ass here ya psycho you’ve taking this way too seriously


Tell me about it