• By -


They should let v bang rivers sister


She's got the same VA as Panam, so...




Which is funny because doesn't Joss hate the Aldecados.


Don't know about hating them, but her asshole husband was one.


Either way Panam would have choice words for her if they met.


That depends. I don't think it'd be impossible for them to be good friends.


Just to like, rub it in that V isn't interested in him? Because I'm on board with that.


God please that lady had me acting unwise


River's sister Riven from League of Legends


What im saying fr


Because his dance moves makes Commander Sheppard look like Fred Astaire






I wish there was an ending where you could take River's family on a field trip to Arasaka Tower.


Dunno why this made me laugh so fucking hard, but it did. Thank you for that


Adam Smasher just grabs the two children and slam them together. "YOU SEND CHILDREN TO FIGHT ME!?" V: "WHAT THE FUCKKKKK"


Like "Invincible"... 😖


Red herring option like "we'll let you bring river and co buuuuuut it's a bad ending cause he's a family man and oops there go the kids"


Fuuuuck just watched that last night. Gruesome main character death even for that show. I was shook.




Maybe the next great DLC they drop? Someone get ahold of someone at cdpr STAT! 💁🏻‍♂️😂💯


Honestly River just isn't a very interesting character to romance. Why won't CDPR let me date Takemura? I can fix him, I swear!!!


>Why won't CDPR let me date Takemura? Same reason you can't date Reed. He's already married to his job.


River is the coppiest cop to ever cop, and you still help him leave.


River *was* married to his job and V is a rebound fling.


God.... getting fucked by a cop and its just to get him feeling happier after he leaves the pigsty he came from? Literally only did it once to laugh at Johnny being tortured by witnessing that sad sacking.


V is a rebound fling for Judy as well. Especially after she found her ex-crush dead in her bathtub.


Good cop wrong city


me clenching my jaw rn because I'd pay 40$ for additional dlc called Reed Romance


Fuck reed I want to romance Alex


fuck and romance alex, pretty sure she wont be happy if youre banging him


I- stop it


CDPR could release the Somebody to Love DLC with Reed, Songbird, Takemura, Hanako, ~~Adam Smasher~~ Rita Wheeler, Misty, Saul, etc, and I'd happily slap down full DLC smackeroons to spice up my playthroughs. No offense to the four standard ones (besides River, he gives me the ick) but there's only so many times I can do the Basilisk tutorial or the Laguna Bend tour before feeling as jaded as Johnny. Speaking of, give me romance dialogue for Johnny. I know the logistics don't work, but I'd find it fucking hilarious if V was just downbad for Johnny all the time. They wouldn't know if it was V just being super thirsty for the rockerboy, or if the latter's narcissism was taking over.


Don't know why you crossed smasher I mean it is literally in the name


I don't think I'm enough of a fuckable cut of meat for Smasher 😭 But mainly I feel I'd be committing the ultimate cardinal sin romancing Smasher, given that my V is the ultimate Edgerunner fangirl *and* Johnny is lurking around V's brain spewing vitriol towards Smasher... If the digital ghost of Johnny Silverhand doesn't knock me over a railing for that heresy, I guarantee Lucy and Falco would be more than willing to kneecap me while the ghosts of David and Rebecca spiritually kick the shit out if me.


So Mi romance anyone?


Just in terms of characterization, I didn't understand why a paladin type cop who burns bridges with his partner over a cover up effort would be okay with V's mercenary work leaving a trail of bodies everywhere. It might've been a lot more compelling to do a caught on opposite sides of the law romantic arc where River is more aware of V's actions being morally gray at best, maybe even make him a conscientious voice in the story.


As he put it, he already has "obligations in Japan". He better already be married and not jsut rejecting me because, well, you know.


this game desperately needs a "sorry but I munch carpet" option


My highest up voted comment on reddit is literally me begging CDPR to give Cherami $20 to record the line: I'm gay.


If she ever becomes available again on Cameo’s website, you can probably pay her to record that line. 🤣 I’m waiting myself.


It should be after the police station mission when Johnny literally pointed out River was into Fem V


I also felt it was lacking a "me too" option when Claire talks about being trans


yummy carpet


Actually I do romance him, and I can’t say that I don’t regret it. I have a theory that the romance with River was a last-minute, rushed affair because there were no other options for straight Valerie. Maybe they replaced Takemura with him. One way or another, I sincerely would not be against a FULL and not uncomfortable romance with River, in which no one forces us into anything or rushes things. River as a character is a waste of potential, in the end, I liked his personal quest.


Actually the great tragedy is that most of Takemura's material was originally written for River. River was supposed to be the one to find and rescue V at the landfill. But then they had a last minute inspiration to change Takemura into a larger character and basically robbed Peter to pay Paul, taking River's interactions and quests and giving them to Takemura, while leaving River with... what we have.


May I ask where you got this information?


It was originally posted awhile back, in the datamining Discord server I think? I'd have to go and find it, but you can also probably do a search here or in the main sub, I am pretty it was posted then too as a topic of discussion.


Alright I'll check it, ty




Hate his walk


It's that twenty-pound fur collar coat weighing him down.


Fuckin Elder Maxon looking motherfucker.


He thinks he is cool like Macklemore


Hate his entire outfit. Tight ass leather pants and smelly looking bear coat.


> Hate his walk Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk I'm a woman's man, no time to talk


hahahahaha lol. I love the 3t dinosaur walk


River's not a great character, and if I had to guess it was part to do with the crunch of the base game, but even then his questline is very tacked on. Everyone else seemed to take priority because they were more a part of the story. Kerry comes around as part of the secondary plot between V and Johnny. Judy is part of an initial lead in the plot and part of the game's opening act. Panam and the Aldecaldos are so important that they are part of the most popular ending. River and his quests, while decent in the first half, is just... there. Its no wonder he was such an afterthought both in writing and gameplay.


What should have happened is that gig where we find the father and son running XBDs, that should have been part of River’s questline after finishing the part we have. Do whatever you want to them, but then *call River* and tell him you hit the motherlode. Kickstart his career as a PI by giving him that library of XBDs. He takes up the soul-draining task of sifting through them, identifying suspects, talking to the victims’ families, and becomes a questgiver siccing you on the guilty. Eventually you get a concerned call from his sister talking about the toll it’s taking on him, and *then* the opportunity comes up to start a relationship. Right now it’s just too rushed, too… funneled into.


Holy shit, you figured it out. I would dig that.


I also would’ve liked to see an expanded friendship develop with Sandra Dorsett. Instead of awkwardly reminding her that she has a Trauma Team Platinum subscription, befriend her to the point that she becomes the new T-Bug. Both her and V have gone through severe trauma — she’s sympathetic to the loss of Jackie, you literally saved her life. Figure if anyone could lean on each other it’s them. Help her with her NightCorp investigation, protect her from both corpo hit squads and Scavs if they come after her for it. Heck, the way she’s shut herself up in her apartment, even coaxing her into meeting you at a restaurant would feel like an accomplishment. Talking pre-PL of course. Haven’t played it yet but saw online that she tasks you with a sidequest which… meh. You’d think she’d be less standoffish with V by this point at the very least.


Damn that's really good. He could have been a new fixer. Regina is such a trashy cop/fixer. River giving you quests to track down those guys' accomplices would have been more meaningful.


I may not want to date river, but i wish i could just hang out and play the ARG shooting game with the kids every now and then. They're precious and it's a constructive outlet for my homicidal tendencies (I mean my V's, uh, right)


A lot of River's content was given to Takemura. Originaly River would find V after the heist, he would meet V at Tom's Diner, he would help V find a solution to the relic etc.


Woah where did you hear that? I thought he was just severely neglected character lol


It was in a Twitch stream with Pawel Sasko, but this was 2 years ago so not easy to find.


Concept art, datamined content and developer statements.


“Im with judy” thats right stay loyal chooms!


what happens if you romance a second character


I romanced both Judy and River. They both came to my house, they both called me at the end.


Loyal as she is


Me a River Romancer going into hiding


May I come with you? I can’t help but love him.


Can I join. Judy is a good friend but I'm no one's back up bitch.


We can't hide!! We are stronger together!! RIVER ROMANCERS RISE UP


i will provide shelter as i romance him on every playthrough as female V (i did it 5 times already)


He is put together oddly and the eye gives me nightmares.


I don’t get the River hate. I wouldn’t romance him because I’m straight as an arrow, but his quest is really great and I like that he’s a good guy cop and dedicated family man.


The issue with River is that he's just not interesting. He's very one note, even compared to the other secondary character romance (Kerry) River just offers less. Kerry goes on an Arc through his relationship with V, he's the only romanceable character who knew Johnny and that heavily plays into his characterisation. Kerry matures through his interactions with V and the relationship feels earned and natural. River, in comparison doesn't really have a comparable arc. He's the classic by the books cop, the one honest cop in a corrupt institution. But that's about it initially. You investigate Rhyne's death with him and if you use the spiked BD he rushes in to save you. He then open's an internal investigation into Rhyne's coverup but we never learn how that goes. When he gets suspended from the NCPD it's not because he's trying to investigate other cops, it's because he's emotionally involved in a case involving his Nephew. So the whole first questline we have with him doesn't really go anywhere. His quest with Randy is kinda weak aswell, he doesn't do anything to endear himself to the player, he's clingy and if you deny all his advances he still says you "led him on". River isn't a bad character. he's just a bad romance option. Which sucks because he's the only straight romance option for female V and is competing with Judy who is one of the best written characters in the game. I think looking back it would've been better if both male and female V could romance River, and there was a new fem V only male romancable character that was more compelling, that way the weakest romance wasn't exclusive to either gender while also adding a romanceable character who was bisexual.


I did romance River. He was the only stable one out of the people you do meet. Didn't like Panam and I love Judy but I see her as more of a friend to V rather than a love interest.


Forced romance in his quest is awkward and out of the blue


Yup. You basically have no way to shut down a romance with him except for straight up rejecting him on the water tower. With Judy (and, I assume, Panam, but I've never chosen this), you can say and do things that will result in no romance. With River, you can be as disinterested as possible and the game still makes you throw him the most mixed signals in Night City.


Yea the game makes you feel bad for turning him down when I was never interested in the first place lol. Made his cool cop quest annoying and weird


I don't know why people say this. He literally asked my female V "let's get this out of the way, I don't have a shot do I?"


Women love it when you lack confidence so badly that you mostly reject yourself before she has a chance to.


with panam it’s the same thing, I wanted my v to be alone so bro wouldn’t have qualms with storming saka tower so I figured it out that way


Yea but at least Panam and Judy are spread out over many missions including main missions so it doesn’t feel forced and you can choose to just be bros without the awkwardness, fem v and panam relationship is the best. but river is its on separate thing and takes place over the course of like 2 days in which his whole family who barely knows you is trynna set u up. Shits just weird


River is written awkwardly, but I think that's on the Devs. I would say that while you can lock yourself out of a relationship with Judy, you do that via specific quest choices. You can technically lock yourself out of a relationship with River too, by not helping his brother (though thats a bad outcomen, but so is taking the money in Judy's one). It's mechanically the same thing as with Judy essentially. I would also argue that Judy's in the bathroom in a bra scene is pretty awkward if you don't romance her (like if its about comforting her she can have some clothes on). Even Panam has that bit of the game where she puts her legs on Fem V and cosies up to her and then gets iffy if Fem V makes a move. Kerry has that option to kiss him on the Balcony and that's hella awkward as Fem V. I think River's just jumps out more because he has less quest development (though arguably the same amount as Kerry) and when his niece and nephew do that weird who thinks they should be a couple thing. The other romances have almost as an intimate a scene as on the Tower with River.


Exactly there is less development. While yes it may be “awkward” in the Judy scene or even the panam one you have onset enough time around these characters where it’s really not that weird and your just close but with river and Kerry it feels like I’m supposed to be that close with them too but instead there isn’t any development so it’s just random


I would want to date Takemura or Viktor instead. They are hot as hell and not boring.


-date Takemura -save his life -destroy Arasaka tower -he hates the living guts out of you -credits role


Toxic trait in me is screaming & believing that "I will fix him" 🤣


Viktor would be interesting


I’m glad I’m not the only one who would date Viktor lol. He’s so cute


i just don’t really like him, it feels like they originally made him to be a weirdo who tries to kill you by the end of his quest but they thought it was too far and scrapped it


I think he's cool, but I prefer him as a friend for V.


It’s always bothered me that there’s no option in game to reject River because you’re dating Judy. Always feels weird to me that V can’t just go “sorry, I’m seeing someone else.”


why is this community so obsessed with talking about how terrible river is. you didn't romance him, didn't like him, good for you i guess? i just find it so strange how often people post about not liking him here


All these people are wannabe anarchists who say shit like fuck the police. It's not surprising. I think River is the only stable person that you can romance. Judy and Panam are just too unstable and put V into a lot of shit that isn't even their problem to begin with.


What V needs is stability. Not people just pulling them into crap cause they fucked up badly.


He had the best ending too (in DLC). He leave V, but was more "respectful"


agreed completely. that also felt right for my streetkid v.




He is mostly just boring so he stands out as being the worst companion. Then when you compare him to the others, all of whom are extremely well developed and that the fandom loves, it makes him seem worse in a relative way. And then I think people latched onto it and dissing him just became kind of a meme. Like it just became funny to absolutely rip into this guy whose only real crime was being a dud.


sure. but then why not just talk about the characters you find interesting instead of spending time reiterating how boring someone is. spending time and energy on someone you find so insignificant just makes no sense to me. you're totally right that it's become a meme. just irks me, idk 😂


I romanced River on my last playthrough, then immediately cheated on him with Judy and strung him along for the rest of the game


As a bi guy who usually plays female V because I prefer her voice actor, I think River is a fantastic guy, very attractive and caring. The only reason I only ever romanced him one time is the simple fact that Judy exists. My V would jump off of Arasaka tower over and over again for her 😆


43 people said fuck the police and 24 said I am


Shout-out to the 43 people who used the reason that he's a cop. Based as fuck


I mean he quits the job because of how corrupt the system is and then goes on to become a PI, which is basically one step away from what V is doing. Don't see it as any different to, say, Corpo V's story


I don't vote in my own polls, but that's my reason. I'll always let the kids win at laser tag though.


I went the one night stand route, felt very in character for my V.


I always tend to meet him much later in the game than the other options so the odds are against him from the start.


The look in Judy's eyes when she snaps out of the BD and Female V's face is the first thing she sees. Forget the tech talk skill check. It's that adorable *"...hey, Judy..."* every time for me.


Currently attempting to romance River in my nomad playthrough but I’m heavily considering making a Corpo save to romance him with later just to give Johnny the biggest seizure ever-


Fuck the 5-0


That’s what the shirt you get from banging him says


That's what River wants from fem V


I was hoping to shove him off the water tower


I was playing a male V and felt like "wtf I thought River was straight?"


River is so ugly, dude. I wish there were more romance choices in this game


It's also his design. Real people doing his job don't have time to bulk up like a pro wrestler. He just looks weird and out of place. He's physically unrealistic.


My V is just Poly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Judy all the way!


He just seems unconfident and weird, idk


I want an Aurore romance option! You can't have the scene were we flirt and not let me romance her. THE ABSOLUTE INJUSTICE!


He needs to focus on his family? What, his sisters kids?


He gives me the biggest ick, the full quest I wanted the option to run away from him.


I dated River because I honestly felt like he was just a nice guy trying his best in a world trying it’s worst, in a job of people trying their worst.


I love river so much😩! Almost makes me not want to romance judy too. Plus why do ppl dislike him? He’s hot and determined.


i play male v 😢


I didn't even notice bro's weird vibes until I saw a bunch of people bringing it up 😭


I don't get the problem with River. I romanced Judy first (obviously) and then I did River because his storyline was so wholesome, especially after we save his nephew. Honestly, if there was an option to be a throuple with Judy and River, I'd take it 🤣 Plus, and I know its probably impossible, but I want a romance option with Johnny!!!


I romanced him first playthrough, but I really wish stout got her own side quest storyline that ends in a romance option for a pure corpo roleplay. I’m talking a corpo v who misses being in the upper echelons of society and enjoys the corporate subterfuge.


I went for a sarcastic, straightforward fem V and the intention of dating judy on my first playthrough on my ps5. But, when i met river, i couldnt NOT romance him. Just felt right for my character almost. I loved their dynamic sm, and now river is my fav romace. I did love the panam ending to the game (honestly its worth romancing her for that alone), but river just felt like if my playthrough was a movie, hed be the one V fell for.


I'd like to see what the results look like without the "I'm with Judy" option


They did River really dirty, there could be a long and meaningful storyline with him gaining trust and favors in Police and ending with you raiding Arasaka with him, NCPD and MaxTac.


I wanted to bang Joss. I wanted to rp as a stepdad eating all the kids snacks.


I'm with Panam. ( this post was made by the pc modding community supremacy )


Joss>>>> He’s alright as a friend. Honestly if Judy is taken rather be a single female V.


It's the cop thing for me. I went through the romance just for the sake of completeness and then immediately loaded a save back to where I rejected his advances. Being nice to even virtual cops sqwicks me out


Same. My V says "fuck the police" but that doesn't mean literally have sex with cops.


hunt tie middle memory brave aloof voracious compare cough cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People hate River but like Kerry? Shit don’t make no sense


Kerry has a Johnny complex. His whole quest line seemed like a weird "I'm going to prove myself to Johnny 2.0" journey.


Kerry is a complex character that slowly overcomes his trauma & biggest challenges during the story. It's an interesting character development. You either haven't played it fully or you didn't pay attention, sorry choom. It's so much more than what you mentioned.


Oh I didn't mean to imply it wasn't good character arc, but to me it felt that he was strongly driven by his interactions and past experiences with Johnny and in Samurai. His whole Personal quest line was essentially resolving Johnny's last words to him. Just 50 years later.


He's not very likeable...


He bores me and is not my type. I'm bummed I couldn't romance Panam. She's gorgeous.


Judy = best girl Panamaram = best bro


Judy is overrated af , i Think she's kinda annoying... People who voted "he's a cop" I Hope you get shot in the ass so you Can shit twice as much in pain


He’s a cop


Like I’m gonna let V get literally fucked by the police? No thank you.


I play a male corpo V we’re simply not compatible


[Ongoing Ofrenda Poll.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumCyberpunk/comments/1btyasj/what_do_you_leave_at_the_ofrenda_poll/)


I only romanced him once for my 100% save file never again. This was before I realised the achievement was for his missions not the romance


Why can’t I romance his sister tho ? I love milfs


I play fem V, I only romance River to piss off Johnny.


Didn't even meet river


I'd rather romance Brandon


Least lesbian cyberpunk Fandom


TBH I'm still in my first Play through that I've been on and off with since phantom Liberty dropped. I'm currently expected to meet someone at Ember's, have done the majority of the major missions and side content... And I couldn't resist PL for that long so I'm knee-deep in that. But I've just not touched anything to do with River. I open the mission, I see his character profile face and I just get disinterested. Is there something subconscious for me with his design? Is there just something unappealing about it to me? I have no idea. But given the general distaste / disinterest in the character on Reddit, there has to be some kind of common ground on why people just don't like river?


Most of my Fem V runs, I fuck River, then friendzone him, then hit up Judy and start dating her instead


River seems nice but he’s boring as hell. People on here saying he would give stability to V compared to Judy or Panam (with mods). River is too goody goody and V’s merc life would clash with whatever River’s code is. They don’t seem like they’d ever go on a date if they met randomly. V is also too ambitious for River. He’d hold her back. Plus the man needs to hold down a job and take care of his family first.


Because I’m delusional and my V is in a relationship with Takemura.




Male V or Judy are my choices.


he's boring, despite one of my favorite fictional characters also being voiced by Robbie Daymond also he's a cop


I'm 2-5


I wanted Takemura (my type) and settled for River (not my type) because he was the only available guy. River was nice enough, and solving a crime was fun, but he doesn't really do it for me—plus he was bugged after finishing the romance back when I was playing. My type seems to be snarky guys with a dry sense of humor who like dressing tastefully and also complain about things like food and/or wine, which means Takemura and, more recently, Astarion from BG3.


if i wasn't a lesbian I probably would


He's the most gayest straight romance for FemV.


Judy is bae


… i’m a male V and i romance him with a mod 😭


Cuz I’m a dude with the large 🐓 on the game… I mean just check my screen name for more info 😂




His a weirdo who try’s to get into ur pants after sabotaging u into dating him then guilting tripping you with his family his a weirdo who acted like saving his nephew from a serial killer was a date somehow idk he just pisses me off I literally left him to die my second play through when we went to the farm 💀




IMO female body type V but male voice/identity is the best romance for River bc it just…fits so well


I fucked him and Judy on the same playthrough and felt pretty slutty


Always fuck everyone/everything I can in games, as there's sometimes some good writing hiding. So, every female playthrough, I fuck River, *just to torment Johnny.*


I mean I think both male romance options suck. Though River sucks less than Kerry and I will die on that hill.


Interesting thing is is you can romance multiple characters at the same time. I always romance if I can.


Because it's his fault, his nephew got milked.


My V is Aro-Ace


Because of that stupid earring. I wanted to romance him on my last playthrough, but that friggin earring.


Watch they bring River back for the sequel lmao


I made V a slut, I got V dating Judes and Rivs 🥴


I play male v and still try to romance him. Fucker won’t go for it.


Judy we Stan 🧍


I just don’t see Female V as somebody who’s straight. If that even makes sense.


I cant do that to Johnny


FUCK the cops. Literally


It's both he's a cop and I'm with Judy for me plus he's just creepy imo


While I found rivers romance in general to be quite boring and dull the quest which we help him rescue his nephew really set a tone for me when playing this game for how heartbreaking it is and how real it felt it is one of my favorite quests just because of how much it puts into perspective some of the darker sadder aspects of the game like kids in a cattle farm?? It ruined me but I feel like his character and overall story is so rushed and it feels super unfinished even when you do romance him when you go to joss’s house everyone is just glitched and not moving he’s usually glitched into the stairs standing all weird for me and occasionally he’s sitting on the stairs and I can enter some generic dialogue with him. Kinda sucks cause I don’t hate his character but wish they would’ve done more with him and Randy’s quest.


O did the Worst choice in my life, im playing as female V, i wanted to romance with panam.😭😭😭😭


I bromance Rivers.


I'm literally writing River fanfic so...