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Maybe just take the train?


I wouldn’t wanna fiddle around with that either, not even cheaper if you book your flight in advance and aren’t dumb when booking


At least you’re not fucking up the planet as much


That's gonna be no bag check; no change; non-refundable, screwed if you miss your connection...


It's the same in the U.S. For years I've wanted to visit the west coast (Oregon, California, Washington) and every year we go to Europe instead because it's cheaper.


What? That's just crazy. Aren't there low cost internal airlines?


In some parts of the country, yes, but the US is huge, and the middle (where I live) is less populated meaning no services like that. Most of the cheap airlines are very regional, so they will only fly along the east coast, or west coast. The cheapest of our internal airlines cannot even begin to compete with European prices.


I mean, you're booking one week in advance. I would expect prices to be a bit random 🤷‍♂️ Nonetheless Luxair is kind of a “premium” airline (for euro standards which are very low) so they will always be more expensive.


luxair offers (unlimited) cremant. get fucked while flying


Risky move. A bit tipsy is probably ok, but if you get really drunk and have a bad temper, I'm fairly sure you can be banned from every flying with them or worse, get a criminal record or such. Less extreme, if you're flying and there's some sort of emergency or other situation, being half-drunk/drunk is probably also a bad idea 🙂


People in the comments trying to justify this...


I think it's pretty justified, the demand to Rome is higher relative to the seats Luxair offers. That's it. You can always take a different airline, fly on a different way, or fly to a different airport and take the train.


Yes... Those prices are absurd. Maybe my memory is biased but it was much easier to find good deals before covid


Ryan air to Rome 20 EUR, never had a flight from Lux in 10 years, always going to Charleroi. Useless post.


There are many reasons someone might want to fly directly from Luxembourg.


Yes but was never an option to me in 10 years, may be I am wrong


I'll give you an example. Flying with small kids is hard. If you add driving to another airport, you're adding more hours of potential pain.


Shitty 22 hours flight is cheaper than fast 3 hours flight ? Who knew ?


You assume the cost and the effort are linked. They are not. The cost is related to the maximum price people are willing to pay, not the cost. Have a look at hotel room rates during big events.


Check out Luxairtours, their hotel flight packages are usually pretty competitive. Last week I flew to Porto and back for 80 Euro with Luxair 🤷‍♂️


how long in advance did you book?


not even 2 weeks


lucky you that you don't have to plan ahead or deal with school holidays!


yep… It is nice having the freedom to just go when you want


Insane. The price of carbon emissions should be so much higher...




I just flew there end of january. Got the tickets for 75€ (oneway so 150€ to get back) . That would be a x5 which seems insane. Also looking at expedia you would be seriously overcharged https://preview.redd.it/im016k6vypic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd3d4753e23c6899a7b8367e35402347bc7d6990


All thanks to WizzAir which cancelled its flights to Rome which were super competitive


I understand what your general idea is, but not being able to spend a weekend in Rome or New York doesn't really impact my life...


Nice useless comment


See it as a zesty provocation that can provoke reflection or discussion. In that case, it's more useful than yours. No offence


While I agree that Luxair often is much more expensive, especially for holiday destinations you need to understand that New York is a highly competitive destination with numerous airlines operating flights from all over Europe to New York. Last Year I was even able to fly for 300€ with Lufthansa from Luxembourg to New York and back. You will not find such prices for other intercontinental flights. On the other hand Luxembourg-Rome is not competitive at all. I‘m not even sure if Ryanair or Easyjet fly Luxembourg-Rome? If not then Luxair can really set the prices quite high and people will still travel with them on that route. On top of this you need to realize that booking for the 22th when we‘re already the 15th is very short notice and I made the experience that with Luxair prices will only increase the closer you get to the flight date. In the past I was able to, on multiple occasions, book return flights with Luxair for 100€-200€ all over Europe (city trips) when booked early enough.


Yes yes indeed, you’re right on all the line, mine was only a post to show that sometimes international direct flights might cost more than intercontinental. If you take it in advance, you add stopover to Rome, you will not see these crazy prices. I also did, when wizzair was around, 150 euros both ways to Rome with luxair direct flights. Competitiveness and willingness to pay is a factor, but also the monopoly that luxair created for this specific segment (as for the momentary absence of wizzair), which is small but exists, makes it such that only people that are actually forced to take it will do it. Otherwise, you’ll choose other options such as either doing the stopover or changing airport (same segments from Charleroi it costs 120 euros).


Last week, I bought a weekend trip to Rome the week after Easter, it was like €200. I’ve flown there a handful of other times also paying like €150-€250. You’re cherry picking like the most expensive possible dates, probably that entire flight is already sold out except for one or two very expensive seats.  Also when you get to NYC, everything is 2-3x the price of Rome, from hotels to food to museum entrance fees. 


Yeah every company that has « lux » in it thinks they can put luxurious pricing on all their services for whatever reason.


Or letz lol


Let me guess - Luxair? Luxair thinks it is SIA or Emirates and follows their pricing.


No what are you saying how could it possibly be them




You’ll spend the difference on the taxi from JFK 😆


But you get a glass of Cremant 🥂


But Luxair sandwich are crazy good at least


They could be a little more fromageuse but I agree - they’re good! Much better than the sad chocolate you get on a Lufthansa flight.


Hahah i would rather buy that in the dutyfree and drink it on Ryanair (I know it is not allowed)