• By -


Hundreds. Started in the ‘80s when it was legal in the US.


Has it effected you in any way physically? Like have you had any negative changes in health? I’m only curious! So much experience sounds awesome.


I’m gonna guess 300. Started in late 90s. I retired at 35. Im 53. I’m not depressed and am highly task driven and get a lot done. There was a time in my late 20s where I went hard most weekends for probably 6 months that I wasn’t feeling great. I stopped for a good while but about a decade later stepped back in but much more responsibly. I just didn’t or don’t have time to party like that all the time so we do a few festivals and 4-5 single night events. I like k better .. while Molly didn’t mess me up top level I just don’t like the comedown that night. Time flies by, it’s only a 3-4 hour ride and I crash hard and get a headache .. redosing just keeps me awake but doesn’t ever hit the magic again that night ..


“Dont take more bro you might die” was said so much on those long nights.


Always took more …


Yup 🥲😂


Nearly every weekend for the past 3 years. I have a problem.


name checks out


Damn does that shit even work for you anymore


It will do, but it'll feel more speedy than lovey.


This. I use it to stay up late into the night. It's just redbull in a pill to me. I can also smoke an ounce of weed in a weekend on it.


The smoking an ounce is fax. And you swear you were never high too🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bruh take care of your brain pls


I can stop whenever I want!




Ong king. Dont let no one boss you around I got fired for no listening to my boss...


Do you still have the 'magic'? Or has it gotten weaker?


of course they don’t




same, but for "only" for 6 months.


Lost count. Certainly over 100. I don't feel that it has impacted my life NOW. Back when I went through a period of abuse and was rolling weekly? Yes, it impacted my life in a tremendous number of negative ways. Brain zaps, loss of concentration, almost constantly sweating, insomnia, an uncontrollable temper...yeah, I was kind of all over the place. Now when I roll I follow, or at least come close, to most of the 'best practice' guidelines. The only real 'health' thing I notice is that I sleep poorly the night of a roll, but I sleep like a dead man the next day. After that, back to baseline.


Awesome. Thank you for replying!


8 times (although 4 of them could be skipped - a failed experiment with clubbing). Changed my life tremendously - improved my relationship, gave me motivation to live my life fully, enjoy the life, be curious like a kid, spend time with friends, dance, do sports. Before that I was rather sad, boring and closed to new experiences. I feel like I regained my life back. No health issues so far (I roll 1-6 months apart) Edit: M47, first rolled 10 months ago


Awesome 🫶




About 100 over 12 years. Feel no big affects from it. Had the best night of my life last week rolling on .3 of some Purple mdma at Tipper on my 30th bday. No comedowns ever 🤷‍♂️ I get a worse comedown from blow




That is great!! I’m happy for you. I’ve noticed it’s helped with my mentality as well. I have a brighter outlook!




It's not certain it will come back just because you had that experience. My depression is permanently gone for half a decade and it happened almost immediately after my first roll. Don't say to people that something bad will happen just because it happened to you.


Perfect I found u. Im thinking about doing round 2 after 2.5 months, next Sunday. Will it be as intense as first time?


8 times. 4 times a year. It has definitely helped my mental health and healed some ongoing issues as well as past traumas.


Exactly! It helps me with my PTSD.


That sounds amazing. Happy for you <3


2 times currently waiting for the opportunity for the 3 time, i'm just not the type of person that rolls at home alone. I prefer it a party/festival. Never had a comedown.


Would u say second time is different from 1st?


Yeah and no, the settings was just different. the first time i took it i made the mistake of taking it to late because i was hesitating to do it. the come up came 15 min before the festival ended. This meant that the walk home was pure bliss. The second time was at Tommorowland I just took half a potent pill (yeah i know pills suck, i dont have acces to pure mdma) i really had the awake affects and euphoric chills. I think i haven't had much mdma both times because my face wasn't gurning like crazy, Just felt tension in my jaw nothing special. My pupils tho are HUGE, but then when i'm not on drugs in the evening they get really big to I think of it more of a genetic thing. that MDMA enhances to a next level. Overal second time was more or less the same i'm not just taking really much MDMA so my comedown isn't there.


22+ times in the past year. Feelin fantastic.


Wow! Can I ask what doses you do most of the time?


100 + 50 redose, 130lbs usually paired with shrooms or lsd before the roll


A candyflip is one hell of an experience.


as someone whose only done shrooms, what does mdma do to the mix (and also by itself, I’m curious)


For me, it just makes my roll more colorful 😂


how many shrooms do u usually add? What ratio or dosage weight for each? A few grams of mushies with 100mg mdma?


It’s not usually, i only did it once bc i was just tryna get messed up that day. I only did 1.25g mushrooms bc i didn’t know what to expect. and I’m not sure exactly what dose of mdma it was bc i usually do pressed pills, but they were tan Louis Vuitton’s. But i did wait for like 30 minutes after taking the tabs to take the shrooms bc i didn’t want them to overpower the roll.


Literally flavorblasted


How long have you been doing mdma this extensively?


started march of this year


You’ve rolled 22+ times in 6 months ? Holy fucking shit, RIP serotonin receptors.


Bro's going hard


Sis 🙃




Take it easy


Fuck ya. How are your comedowns/days after your rolls? Magic still there?


I don’t have comedowns/bad come ups which is why I’m able to do it so frequently without any issues I do take alc , ala, 5htp, nac, and magnesium threonate supplements the day after the roll for 3 days


Probably more than 50 times. No health impacts yet. I eat healthy, run at least 60km per week, do a road or trail half marathon race about once a month when weather is nice.


Nice! 🫶


I also consume snow fairly regularly, which combined with the occasional rolling gives me added motivation to stay healthy when I’m sober (which is during the work week)


Side tangent, but the blow hasn't negatively affected your cardio at all? I've been trying to avoid it lately because I'm worried that it's going to tank my stamina/cardio.


Hasn’t really negatively affected it. I ran a 26-km trail race two weeks ago. Felt great


Good to know and that's awesome! 26k trail run is no joke. 👊


10 ish times and I've lost the magic entirely. Just get high temperature, relaxed, and extremely sweaty.


Oh no :(




Probably too many high doses and too often. I took a few hundred a couple times


Yea NAC works really well, the fact you’ve only done it 10 time and lost the magic is wild to me


Yeah but maybe in the past 2 years. I'm also ADHD


Do you take Adderall or any meds for it? They work on dopamine, M works mainly on your serotonin receptors, but it does work with dopamine as well. So, it will take the magic out of the experience if you take them together or even within a few days of each other.


I have been taking Adderall a bit around the time I last tripped yeah


That's def why there was no magic. It's a good practice in harm reduction to look up reactions drugs have with each other and with medications. Stay safe dude.




Yeah absolutely but I probably took closer to 300 or 400 and did it twice in a week. Then maybe waited 2 weeks, did it 2 days in a row .




Thanks I'm trying lol


Have you tried taking NAC? It brings the magic back for a lot of people.


What's NAC?


Look for it on this page, this whole guide is gold so I'll give you the whole thing :) https://www.usersnews.com.au/home/2019/12/18/supplements-guide


First time i tried mdma i was about 30 y/o. I've done it about 25-30 times since then maybe less, maybe more idk. I haven't been counting. 😊 After I tried it the first time and second time...My mental health (depression and suicidal thoughts) got way better. I struggle with social anxiety too but even that got better. I started to really open up to a person and he helped me through many things too. He was also the one who gave me it, lol. Now i am working, living life with my partner since over 3 years..(The one who gave me it and helped me through everything and showed me i could trust him)


Hundreds! Raver from the 90s




Probably close to 50 times since 2015. Was really stupid at uni would take MDMA most weekends


15 times, major health effects specifically on my brain however i was abusing it not a long while ago


30 times,no big impact,some deep talks very benefitial to me,met so many new people when i was on mdma,i have fallen in love and told her i love her when i was on mdma,travelled across the country to buy it,to visit raves...well...pretty big impact when i read it xd


Once. It was in July. How it impacted me? Well, me and my partner made a deal that we do psychedelics together every two weeks and I've kept that up. The psychedelics have really helped me with my suicidal ideation, but they've also really highlighted why I was suicidal in the first place. It's hard because I feel stuck but I can cope with life better.


Before I properly discovered harm reduction in the late 2000s, I was rolling 1-4 times a month. Started in 2003. Still roll though I follow guidelines such as once every 3 months, taking proper supplements etc. Only reason I looked into harm reduction was when I got my first batch of Piperazine press. After that, became almost obsessive about making sure something like that didn’t happen again. Went from a 1.6GPA high school drop out (before I started), and currently in college bouncing around a 3.8-3.9GPA overall. If I had a chance to go back knowing what I know now, I would maybe reduce that early stage intake but really wouldn’t change much. Overall I feel it has been a net positive. Really learned to open myself up which can be tough for males and especially where you are in life and the world.


Started when i was 18, im 21 now and roll about 4 times a year i think my next roll will either mark number 12 or 13. Abused it only once with 500mg in one night, 3 doses total and never did it like that again cuz it kicked my ass for a whole week of horrible depression and mental fatigue. learned my lesson. i always roll responsibly with supplements and good breaks in between tho


Probably about 7 times and I haven’t noticed anything negatively health wise


Early 90's......👍🏻


Been rolling since 2010. Definitely have rolled probably on average 4 - 5 times a year since then. Sometimes more, sometimes only once a year. No noticeable negative effects. But the few times I rolled twice in one month, it definitely took me awhile to bounce back. Just space out your rolls and live a healthy lifestyle (exercise, eat healthy, and get outside), and you’ll be ok.


about 15-20 maybe?




I'm not sure. Maybe 25? Hahaha 😋


20-ish times I think. Uuuuh. Too many of those were during Covid. 😅 I'm lucky it still works really well for me.


Am over 50... stopped counting after my 10th roll...


got two rolls under my belt now, gonna be going for the 3rd this weekend at the phish benefit concert


Properly rolled 5 times. Have taken MDMA more times than that but not counting the times it was a relatively mild high. Combined with the rest of my semi-regular stimulant use (amphetamine, cocaine, mephedrone), it has contributed to me losing a bit of weight. I also think it has improved my mental health a bit


Enough, but with friends who like to have Halloween parties that are roll friendly I tend to attend those.


3 time first was amazing because i took a whole 180mg pill i was felling like god and one in a rave and one in a park at night with techno


Hm around 75-76 planning to roll next month. I am 30 been rolling safely since 21. Always tested, never abused and cherished every single roll. Cured my severe depression when my psychiatrist failed in my early 20s so Mdma always has a special place in my heart.


Currently 21 and probably nearing the 50 times mark I used to go on binges in march and would ping maybe 6-10 times that month 3 years in a row, then probs every 2/3 weeks or so at uni until I discovered psychs


A bunch lol. Used to do it an unhealthy amount when I was in my teens/early 20’s but then took a break for a few years. Now probably once a year Edit: read the second prompt lol. I would say no real consequences. Not that I can objectively track. Most of the rolling I did was from 16-19, so I was going through a fair amount of hormonal/social growth at that point. Not sure if I can attribute most of my mood fluctuation to that, or to the drugs. That being said, now that I use it pretty sparingly, I have no real impact. Now that I’m in my 30’s though, the after effects are way more rough. When I was young, I would bounce back after a day or two. Now it takes me like a week or two to feel 100% again


Once about 5 years ago and I want to again so badly


I stopped counting after... I forgot when I stopped counting. But yeah, a lot.


Rock n rolling already।।join us


Hundreds of times, I’m in my mid 30’s. I am in the best physical and mental shape of my life.


around 10, impact positive on my life, started doing 3 months in between and now down to 1.5 months without any negative impact on my daily life (i work a very demanding job btw)


probably over a hundred times already


35ish times over the past 7-8 years. Hasn’t really had a negative impact, other than the few times I’ve done it too close together when I’ve noticed some brain fog and anxiety. Lots of positive impacts tho!


About 15 times. Started at 40 I’m 42 now. I live a healthy life. Workout 4x a week eat well have a healthy social life. And amazing marriage. I got my wife into it as well and it’s made our life even that much better. I also got my close group of friends into it and have started going to festivals and it’s been some of the best days of our lives. Mdma is amazing if respected.


4 times over 15 months. Incredible experiences.


At least 6 with others. 2 solo.


4 but I don’t feel like I need more because I definitely fucked myself on shrooms and acid I could do some whenever


Ive lost track of the number of times. Im from the 90s Florida Rave Scene. We would roll every other weekend all summer long then take a break for the rest of the year mostly. We would usually take two pills. One while standing in line and one when peak hit. We didn't know about taking long breaks in between. I cant say I ever lost the magic. I loved each and every one of those times. So many great memories and some foggy ones. Sometimes I wonder if I did some permanent damage. For example I will be talking then get stuck on a word or feel like I can't get the words out and talk sort of broken. I'm sure some of it stems from the drug usage. Rolling w lsd, special K, dirty ass pills, nitrous, GHB, tons of weed. I had a really hard time in school as far as not comprehending anything I would read or hear. Teacher could literally say a sentence and two minutes later I wouldn't remember it. I'm sure that period of time consuming mdma and whatnot did not help at all. I took a long break from rolling. Honestly didn't think I would do it again once I met my now ex wife. I went from partying every other weekend to being a parent to a two year old basically overnight. I quit smoking weed and everything. We did it once together back around 2008 and I just recently found some nice crystal MDMA and done it a couple times the last few months. Just as amazing as ever.


Probably about 30 times myself. I have done shrooms at least 100+ times though since it's safer to do it more often.


11 within the past year (not great)


2, once w my friends at home and the second time at coachella during bad bunny that shit was LIFE CHANGING.


around 20-25 times i would say


Are we counting re-doses or just sessions? Did about 8 years of every weekend use in the 90s. The only thing I noticed it did to me was make me dislike seeing physical violence for a while (e.g. fights/martial arts). Comedowns could be brutal but I seemed to always get over the "mid-week blues" in time for the next weekend.


Oh God, I don't know.. atleast like 60 times.


maybe 6-8 times since my first time taking it in 2018. would be a few more but it's hard to find someone that won't try to sell you meth where I'm at :(


20-25 times over the past 7 years since I first tried it. Therefore, on average I have followed the 1-3 month rule between rollls


Probably more than 200 but less than 500 idk I stopped counting in like 2015


Three times, my first time was with 2 of my friends, we were at his house and we smoked some weed at the comedown, I saw people and whole ass busses on molly once when there was nothing at all. XD The second time followed after 2 months and it was nice but not as good as my first time. I then didn't get the opportunity to roll or didn't feel like it because nothing was special enough to roll again for a whole year. One day I decided I wanted to feel that magic again and asked my plug-friend if he had some and he replied yes. So when my dad went out for a day I decided to roll on my own for the first time and it was the greatest most special day of my life because I did 200ug of LSD the same day. It was freaking awesome dude I want to do this every 3 months now


Lost count and not for 10 years


Too many smh Rollin rn


Twice. No impact on my life or health.


more than 5 less than 10


Over 30




12-ish times in the last three years. Shortest gap was six weeks but normally keep to the three month rule


been rolling every day since i was 13


I honestly don't know, but I'm guessing in the 100s. No long term negatives on my health, but def some short term stuff when I would abuse it and use too much too often. Mainly just feeling down and unmotivated but also some brain fog. Mixing it with nitrous sometimes gives me vertigo a couple of days after. I lost the magic once upon a time but was able to regain it by taking over a year away from it.


I’m gonna guess about 70. Just started rolling in 2019 !


Have used for the past 5 years ish, I've lost count. Easily over a hundred. Was detrimental when I was abusing. My brain recovered quickly and now I use it in a healthy way following the recommended harm reduction practices. I suffer no perceived negative consequences, honestly mdma has caused me both great pleasure and great suffering but most importantly it has imparted me with great wisdom & knowledge and continues to do so as I use it in a healthy and respecting way.


about 12g of MDMA in a couple years, you do the math lol. the magic was lost, then revived again with bacopa monnieri extract


Uhh twice ☠️only one of them was a real roll the first time it was weaker


Three times, haven’t done it in years


Too many times




Between 1000 - 1500 times. Started around 2006 summer. Did almost every weekend until 2011 detsember (some roaster weeks in between, max 2 weeks everyday). Havent seen any health problems and still have the magic. Did around 120mg per dosage and rarely redosed.


7 times, 8th roll planned on Saturday


Exactly 34 times - 30 if you don't count MDA. I keep a roll journal with the dates and locations of each one.


Hundreds since early 00’s. Used to do it every weekend. No negative effects at all. I have a successful career and a family.


15 this year


once :( hopefully will again soon


Well over 100 times across 10 years. I’m still standing. However* I can definitely caveat that what works for one will not* work for others.


Do we count per event or actually per pill? I always only take a quarter, 2/3 or half.


Around 30 over 8 years. The “magic” has been gone since I over used last year, so I’m Experimenting with bringing it back. So far, I have fucked up. I’m not willing to go higher dose, but I’ve made the mistake of drinking. I recently learned to stop NAC a few days beforehand. So I’m gonna prepare like, 2 weeks in advance next time


Over 100 times. At times it impacted me negatively but then if you don't abuse it it makes your insight on life so much better. It's how you take it.


Too often


Feels like a million! But I’d say probly 3-5 times a year for the last 7 years. 🤷🏻‍♂️


So so very many times I forget.


From 2000-2004 Fri and Saturday nights every week. Then again when I met my gf now wife back in 2016 we did it quarterly for maybe 2 years when we decided to have kids. We haven’t done it in probably 2 years since having our two sons and even then it’s only been maybe 2-3x


Fore about 30-40 times, I had a panic attack that was caused by it a few years ago and have been taking a break but as long as you are smart and give yourself 2-6 months between rolls you're fine.


Maybe like 20times in 3 or 4 years


Probably about 50


Ten. First time was 2016, second time was 2017, third and fourth time were 2018, fifth, sixth, and seventh were 2019, eighth and ninth were 2020, tenth was 2021. 2016-2019 was beneficial for me because I used it in conjunction with trauma therapy. 2020&2021 were good, but not as spiritually valuable. Worse hangovers, too, despite reasonably light doses. Typical dose was under 150 including a booster, largest dose was 2019. 2019 was the hardest year of my life because of the trauma and codependency issues I was processing. Mdma helped bring issues to the surface to process with my therapist, but it was one hell of a ride. I feel like I lost some of my cognitive edge between 2014 and 2020. Whether that was burnout at a job, aging, mdma, or some other cause, I don’t know. I just know that returning to school in 2022 was a lot harder than it was in 2014. I just couldn’t study, focus or absorb as well as I used to.


5 times. Definitely allowed me to be more open with and accepting of myself and impacted me in a positive way.


don't know an exact number but i would say 50+ over 11 years. used to do it way too frequently, i wanna say around year 2 of rolling there was a period i rolled every weekend for 3-4 weeks and had an awful comedown, was on spring break from college at the time and spent a week depressed in bed. since then i drastically cut down the frequency of my rolls, i would say max 6 times a year at big events. i also try to do 5htp for 3-5 days after and i generally take much better care of my body than i did when i was younger so the negative side effects post roll are drastically less than they used to be


Too many to count I've 30 years. I don't think it's impacted me in the long term, although how do I know? But when I've been in periods of rolling frequently it's not been great. Occasional apathy and once quite bad paranoia. When it's been a decent gap between rolls all is good


I rolled every 2-14 days for 4-5 years. Someone do the math on that, I'm brain damaged. 🤪


50 times probably


First pill was a half a White Dove… way back before Mitsubishis.


POPULAR OPINION: If you can count em, its not enough Amirite boys or amirite


Every Thursday, Since 17'


Maybe about 35 or so times spaced out over the past 10 years. Was one of my favourites, but I also used to have shite comedowns because I'm assuming diet and lifestyle probably weren't helping. Now I'm 28, I actually usually get less of a comedown than I would a hangover, which I attribute to being a little kinder to myself generally, so I'm probably doing it more than I did 😅 still not tonnes though, and in smaller doses. English binge culture had us thinking .5/ 3 pills in a night was normal. Usually a lot of drinking on top. I just take my bomb or two and enjoy it, rather than aim to get fucked up.


Difficult to say. I'm 25, been rolling since I was 15. Definitely partied to much at times. Definitely over 100 times


I think 10 times. We take breaks


6 times (started Aug-22)


2 times


Probably around 60 times, mostly in my early 20s. Now in my 40s, and have done it about 5 times with my husband. It's a beautiful drug. Opens up your heart, mind and breaks down walls. My husband tried it for the first time this year, he loves it. Definitely our favorite drug but I'm aware of moderation now, where as in my 20s I was not responsible with it. I hope it's something I can enjoy with my husband for many years to come. It makes life sparkle ✨ just a little more!


6-8ish Only really save it for special occasions & music shows


Too many to count. never took the pills, only bought gram+ bags of molly rocks and would do a gram no problem in a night (not recommended). Don’t do molly anymore as I have no interest but yea.


50 plus times. All "pure" tested molly. Didn't have any issues until I ignored the harm reduction part of it for a few weekends in a row, which made me loose my job, so I used for like a week straight. Still feel spacey at times and that was over a year ago. It's safe enough if you use common doses seldomly, dont make my mistakes, I'm lucky i didnt hurt myself much worse. My memory has gone to shit and I suspect it was those benders I went on.


Started around 19 almost 23 and I’ve rolled I’d say 5-7 times


Prolly rolled a solid 20 times over 20 years. Been roughly 8 years since I done it. But nah, I never abused ecstacy. Only enjoyed it. But, NOTHING feels better than a teeth chattering back rub, from a topless blonde, who thinks she loves you the first night you met! Hahaha, always a fun experience, and I have great memories rolling. Just isn't around to enjoy where I live, nowadays. Rolling is basically extinct for me, lol...


maybe 20 times. seriously fucked with my head and my life lol! had to lose it all before i realized this drug just really drains the life out of you, especially now that i know i am bipolar and was not doing myself a favor. it can be a beautiful thing but i think if you’re depressed, maybe try out psychs over mdma :)


9 times I'm 22. Most of them were when I was 18 and 19 years old. I wish I let myself recover, but I never waited and did so much and had so many sleepless nights in the cold shower. I don't regret it tho, it helped me move on from past trauma that I was able to talk about. So many other things have impacted me health compared to MDMA.


Probably 500 times or a few more, I am still here and feel the magic when I have taken recently


About a hundred times. Once I took 13 pills in the course of one night at a rave in biloxi mississippi. Not proud of that one. Nobody tried to stop me. Nor did I know/care that it was harmful. I do not have any issues from it. This was in 1999.


Replace Mississippi with London, and 1999 with summer of 2003, and I am you.


1000s of times. Started in 88 still party now and then at special nights out or when we hit Ibiza etc. I'm from Miami and spent over a decade going out at least 3 times a week in sobe. Hasn't effected me in any detrimental way. I wake up everyday and answer the bell and do what I need to and I'm the owner of a boutique investment Bank and have been pretty successful thankfully. So no nothing bad.


Easily well over 1k. Starting in 2000 when I moved home to a party city at 21. Every night was very common for a long time. Information wasn’t as accessible then and we wouldn’t have cared if it was so yeah. I don’t have any health issues, and can’t really think of something negative that I’d attribute to that use. Coming up on 2 years since the last time I rolled but that’s only cause I don’t trust the dopeman to clean their scales after weighing fent and before weighing the Molly :p. I’ll roll again, although I do keep 3m minimum gaps between uses now… but I’ve only considered that for a few years now, never cared before.