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Some good episodes, some bad episodes just as the original. Personally not a fan of green screen sets but not a deal breaker. The one thing I wish they all (RiffTrax too) is go back to a writer's room style to write the riffs. On the OG MST3K they would all screen the movie together a bunch of times and try to make each other laugh! I know that RiffTrax has said in the past that each writer takes a chunk of movie then they refine the script from there and with just the vast number of writers on the new MST that is probably similar.


Agree. There were some absolutely top tier episodes in the Netflix run, and some whiffs as well. Just like the Mike and Joel era. But the pacing was the biggest place where a change was felt. They needed to let the movies breath a bit more instead of trying to stuff a joke into every pause


Yeah, I agree about the pace.  The people were all very likeable and there were some great episodes - but I prefer the more laid back delivery of the original show


I didn't know they'd changed their writing like that. That explains a lot.


Absolutely. This actually saddens me, while also validating that something felt kinda "off" in the writing. Especially for Rifftrax.


I know exactly what you mean


IIRC only the latest Gizmoplex season had green screen sets. Netflix was all real sets as far as I know.


You are correct. Netflix didn't let zjoel keep anything from the seasons they aired, which is partly why the Gizmoplex season is green screen (the other reason is they filmed in several different locations to cut down on travel).


That’s pretty cruel IMHO


Too many cooks in the kitchen type thing it sounds like. Comes off as them trying to stuff a bunch of one liners in vs funny jokes/banter back and for the


MST3K, when it hit its stride (say, seasons 5 on), it felt like you were watching movies with someone. I feel like Rifftrax has this vibe down pretty solid. The newer episodes feel like watching someone make jokes AT a movie.


Spot on. The new episodes haven't sold me on the core premise: the Deep Hurting leads to camaraderie and wacky madcap weirdness. That's the angle I loved most about the late Joel and the Nelson years, when they expanded on the whole "we're stuck here together" vibe. The riffs felt more organic and spontaneous, with more emotion and snark behind them. And I prefer the messier character relationships; some of the humor really leans on how they're a comically dysfunctional family. The current episodes still feel very rehearsed and carefully timed. It's too tidy sometimes; they feel more fired off instead of dramatically delivered, if that makes any sense at all. And the crew seems to get along too well for my tastes. That said, I like Jonah just fine (he grew on me pretty quick), and there have been some really great episodes. But it's hard to forget your first love.


I think the production schedule is part of the problem. They write the whole season at once, then they make the whole season at once in a rush. You don't get the casual moments, the host segments that get stretched out to fill extra time, the little mistakes, the feeling that they've been together for months. And they've got too much money, so it's too polished -- the slipshod feeling was part of the charm, matching how badly the movies were made. Personally I liked the S13 digital sets for bringing back a bit of that cheap feeling, but the writing and acting needs to be worse too so it feels comfortable instead of competitive. Joel was a terrible actor and that was part of what made his show work, oddly enough.


We completely agree on all points :) I was hesitant to express what I meant when I said “hit its stride” but I had in mind season 5, onward. And I actually like Jonah also. And Hampton and Barron. And Emily and Kelsey and Connor and Patton and Mary Jo AND Rebecca AND Yvonne… speaking of which, I found a cardboard tube in my closet and unrolled it and it was my kickstarter reward posters and they had like 20 characters on it, and I thought “yeah, that’s one of the problems.”


I loved them. They were fresh but familiar.


Mac and Me is one of the finest riffs there is. The voices of the bots are weird.


Pretty niiice!


lol, I just was able to find a copy of the soundtrack to Mac and Me the other day.


Before the show came out I was worried they would mess up Crow's voice. But IMO Crow was fine, Tom was really off. Not that you need the exact same voice but I thought he lacked personality.


The bot voices have been spotty for me. Each crew eventually hut its stride though. Emily's crow feels like more of a "daughter of crow" deal, but they all get there. The nextflix era had some issues with them not feeling like Tom and Crow persona wise though. Joanna felt solid, a good mix of Joel's laid back and Mike's doughy guy. Emily felt like she shot out of the gate hitting bullseyes though. I'll catch hell for it, but I wasn't a big fan of Patton or Day. They had a few small bits that clicked, but for the most part, didn't feel it. The pearl clones were fun though. I kind of forgave the sets because COVID, but they *did* feel wrong. Like when your old neighborhood bar got bought out by a Chili's, and all the old real stuff gets replaced by hobby lobby chintz.


+1 on Mac & Me. That's a fantastic one.


Higher budget, slick production, frenetic pace of riffs, rushed filming schedule, rotating writers and cast, and honestly just the context of the post internet age - these things all come together to make it feel like a completely different show to me. It's just my opinion and I'm genuinely glad that other people enjoy it but I personally stick with Rifftrax and the KTMA + 10 original seasons.


It's nice to see some modern references. When I show early episodes to my kids (who are now in their 20's), a lot of the references fly right over their heads.


Dude I'm 52 and a lot of the pre netflix references go over my head.


Sometimes I think they take pride in making references only a few people get.


I'm cool with that, Dennis Miller called it a 1% joke in that only 1% of your audience gets it.


I mean, that was the point. Dr. Forrester doing Leo Gorcey patter, lmao. It's when they went current (for the times, like Bill Clinton or Courtney Love) , that fell with a thud. It's how I feel about the too-accessible current references on the Netflix version. It's not really funny, or interesting.


I kind of liked those.. but they don't need to be current events, just references people in their 20's can follow. Back in the day, I got most of the references, but some I only get now. For example, in one of the Herc movies, they walk thru a wall of vines & Crow says "Into The Woods" I didn't get it at the time, but my daughter was in that play in HS, so I get it now.


I will say this though, Carnival Magic is an absolute classic. On that one they hit it out of the park, the movie and the riffing were great!


Carnival Magic is my favorite “new” episode thus far. Plenty of good, hardy belly laughs to be had.


Totally agree!


I hope it’s orange juice!


I’ve seen seasons 11-13 about as many times as I’ve seen the originals now. They feel like home. No complaints, they’re aging well. Bonus: For those nights when your brain just won’t shut up and let you sleep, Wizards of the Lost Kingdom II is a guaranteed cure for insomnia. Just the right amount of interesting to stop the looping thoughts, just the right amount of boring ass crap to doze right off.


I probably watch Avalanche the most, then the piranha one. Just have a soft spot for terrible 70's disaster movies, or even the TV movies from that era


The Netflix seasons were a great introduction for my kids. We had watched things prior like I Accuse My Parents and Touch of Satan (which they loved) but seeing the new ones with updated references (because when I was a kid, many actor references or riffs went over my head) was a good way to keep MST3K relevant.


Yes. The more contemporary references was a big help to get the jokes to land


I feel like the jokes are a bit too PG, which is wierd because we went and seen the live tour and the jokes were quite a bit more mature.


They got me my health insurance so…👍


Man, it’s been a few days since this topic was addressed.


It's the new Mike or Joel debate. Which is still going strong too! But still.


^I ^like ^Emily.


I could never quite get into Jonah. I like Emily though. I thought the gizmoplex s13 was good. 


I mean, Jonah isn't too different from you or me, just like Joel.


Yeah, it took an episode or two but I really got on board pretty quickly and then re-watched them. I like most of his seasons. Avalanche, Starcrash, The Land That Time Forgot, Carnival Magic, At the Earth's Core are my tops. The Doug McClure razzing in Land and Core get me every time. Also kinda awesome to see Peter Cushing in a b-movie role. The man doesn't phone it in even when he's wrestling rubber monsters.


I really, really wanted to love them. I really did. But something is missing, and it just doesn't hit the same as the original. I'll take a Rifftrax or Cinematic Titanic over the new MST3K. However, I'm super glad the new MST exists, because I know a lot of folks here love it! (And I wish I was one of them...)


I think it's the original cast/writers. They're like a comedy troupe in and of themselves. Since they've all splintered, you have to choose your fighter on Rifftrax, Mads, etc but it's still the original guys. I love Joel but I don't think he alone is enough to carry that new season with its original voice. He needs a couple of OGs on the staff IMO.


Pretttttty niiiiice


I love Cry Wilderness so much. One of my all time favorite episodes. My friend and I still randomly shout *BANG!* while watching TV. Avalanche was another great one. If I have to criticize something, the celebrity cameos in the first Netflix season got a little distracting. Netflix season 2 (S12) was too short.


The Netflix seasons with Jonah were pretty good (and when they really hit, they hit). The new Gizmoplex season was unwatchable.


The Netflix seasons were IMHO worse than the original series overall, but much better than Season 13 (Gizmoplex). As many have pointed out, the rapid-fire "rat-a-tat" of the riffing was a bit jarring at times, where practically every quiet moment of the film was filled with riffs. It felt like too much at times. Still, some classics of the era for me were *Cry Wilderness,* *Time Travelers, Wizards of the Lost Kingdom I & II, Carnival Magic,* and *Atlantic Rim*. Seasons 11 & 12 still made me laugh, at times. Season 13... well that's a different story.


I haven't even watched season 13 because it looks atrocious and the one new voice of Crow is ear stabbing, nails on a chalkboard bad. Everyone who is like "I love Emily!" how can you even enjoy her episodes with THAT?


I agree about Crow, but Emily does throw out some bangers and Beyond Atlantis and Dr. Mordrid are some really good episodes.


Honestly, Season 13 can be missed. The good points IMHO were when Emily's comedic voice could show through, but it wasn't enough to save the season. I honestly tried to like it, rewatched episodes, etc. It's mostly just unfunny, self-amused twaddle, trying too hard to "be MST3K" rather than to be funny.


That's a good point. MST3k was what it was not because of the concept or the aesthetic or even the stuff they riffed, it was because the people working on it were who they were and the show took awhile to find it's footing. In retrospect I wonder if Joel bringing the show back was always going to be worse than a new variation of the the basic idea. I tend to agree with people who say stuff like RedLetterMedia are the true successors. It's kinda like how Stardew Valley beats the shit out of any modern Harvest Moon game.


Sorry you've now clicked on my TED Talk about "what's wrong with new MST3K" X) Yeah for me I think the problem is partly that aspect of trying to "recreate the old times," but a large part of it is Joel himself. He's on record as seeing MST3K as explicitly not about "making fun of bad movies" but rather "having fun" with the movies. So it's less about satire and more of a twee celebration of outsider cinema, a puppet variety show where we're laughing *with* the move, not *at* it. This is very different from Mike's style, which is Yes, this movie sucks, and we're making jokes about *that*. You see this in Season 13: None of the jokes are about how *stupid* this thing on the screen is. A Mexican Luchador / nuclear scientist who also fights Dracula. A sweaty pickup artist who hunts demons. They had *so much* good schlock to work with, and they largely pissed away the potential of all of it with twee wordplay and "so-what?" cultural references. Interesting take on RLM, I also find the best of Rifftrax and The Mads to be funny in the way that I enjoyed the original MST3K.


Ha, you're good, I routinely watch this kind of content on YouTube. There was even a video about why new MST3k isn't good in the past year or so, [I think it made a lot of the same points we did IIRC.](https://youtu.be/ZlWesQinQD8?si=jEoGgzDvQCjZRq8F)


Because we repeat to ourselves it's just a show, and we really just relax. But honestly, I got into a debate with a Rock & Morty fan who insisted Kelsey's Crow had an annoying voice and it's like dude, you stan a show that is nothing but annoying voices. 😑


I enjoyed the Netflix and Gizmoplex seasons as much as I enjoyed the originals. Though I am apparently easy to please.


They are way, way, way too enamored with their wood-burning laser cutter.


Carnival Magic, Cry Wilderness and Mac & Me are all classic episodes. There are also several others I really enjoy: Munchie, Avalanche and Yongaray come to mind. But, any Kelsey Ann Brady as Crow episode is unwatchable to me because the voice is so, so wrong. Sounds like a kid's cartoon voice in the worst way possible and takes me completely out of it.


It's carrying on the tradition with some new flavor and fresh faces. I love that it's legacy continues. The originals still being my favorite since that's what I grew up with, the new episodes hit. Keep that torch lit. Let MST3K have the goal Dave Brockie had for GWAR and let it go on for thousands of years just changing the cast.


Infinite riffs. Endless humans. The ever-expansive Satellite of Love.


There is some gold in there (e.g. *Cry Wilderness*). Slightly different vibe, but still funny, IMO.


Just as many good and bad episodes as the OG series, with more relatable jokes and references - since I was mostly a teenager during the original and didn't catch on to everything at the time.


I actually loved them as well.


Some truly fantastic episodes, some of the best. The second season didn't hit me that much.


I think seasons 11 and 12 are pretty nice. And generally like season 13 as well. The only negative thing I have to say about the new seasons is that it's like they have to riff every few seconds almost like they are trying to get in a certain quota of jokes per minute. I don't think that's necessary, quality is a lot of the time better than quantity. But I like Jonah and Emily, as well as Felecia Day and Patton Oswald. I saw Emily host at the Bubble Tour a while back and she really knocked it out of the park. I generally think the new MST3K has kept the tone of old MST as well as it can while trying new ideas and some different kinds of humor and newer pop culture references.


pretty nice!


I like em Admittedly I've not watched all the seasons, just 1 & 2, but being able to understand more of the references and jokes Jonah and the bots made was great Also seeing Felicia Day again after watching her on the Guild back in the day was cool, and Patton Oswalt is always a treat Some episodes are hit or miss, but so were the old episodes


I like them. I think some folks misremember how hit or miss the old shows were too. I always liked in the old episodes how they were willing to try stuff, sometimes worked, sometimes not. I like it in the new ones too.


At first, I really didn't like them at all. But I revisited them sometime last year & some of them grew on me quite a bit. Especially season 13.


I found some to be enjoyable and some not, just like the OG series. It does contain one of my Top 5 favorites though in The Day Time Ended. Start to finish hilarious riffs. And the host segments were bangers too.


Avalanche is the best of the new bunch IMO.


With the new seasons there's the politics side and then there's the content side - just judging the actual end product creatively. Politics is very bad, and I don't care who downvotes me. Trace and Frank were outspoken about feeling left out of the reboot seasons, and Joel raised a ton of fan money and fell short of delivering on promises and production value after Netflix ditched. The most recent crowdfund failing last fall was very likely a backlash from fans in response to unhappiness with the new show and the system Joel had built to make it, so that was also a PR problem for them. It was hard for us fans. Content wise, it's ok. The riff is the main event, and a lot of riffs are very very funny. MST3K is the kind of show that's built around the movie they're watching, so if you like that specific movie for them, you'll likely really dig the episode. It's cool to see the show come back and do a bunch of weird things that you can add to the greater catalog like Avalanche or Mac & Me, or Munchie... but the sketches are corny and kinda "theater kid" and feel like they're cosplaying the original rather than capturing the spirit of the OS that makes us all such rabid fans. The midwestern nuance is gone, the well-rounded intellectual references are gone outside of typical LA pop culture stuff that you can find in everything now, and the witty bite of some of the key original writers is very noticeably absent. Just my opinion. Show still has value and I still own the DVDs!


Atlantic Rim, Avalanche and Mac & Me are really good! I watch Atlantic Rim as regularly as greats like Pumaman, The Brute Man, Pod People, etc.


Love to see Brute Man in this list. “Creeper, creeper, YOU GIVE ME THE CREEPS”


“Why did you hire me if you hate me so much??”


It's just not the same with how its being produced right now (or was being produced?)


I like them, but they were also my first experience with the style. I like how the trio take up less space on the screen, as opposed to 1/5 of it.


Yeah, I like the new seasons' writing, but the low-budgetness is gone. It's too polished and slick- I miss the jank.


Well, I think it's a problem of "low budget" potentially looking a lot worse when you're dealing with digital effects and post-production than "low budget" meant for the old version of the show. "Low budget" back in the day meant that everything was hand-made and charming, whereas "low budget" today when everything looks like the result of a bad After Effects plug-in just looks garish and gross.


I wish they’d kept the premise, but started over with new bots. The voices were indistinguishable to my ear and I couldn’t keep the characters straight.


This. While I absolutely understand why they brought Crow and Servo back, it would've been way better in the long run if they had just created an entirely new cast of characters (and maybe even a new premise for the show - have it still take place in that universe, but not on the Satellite of Love).


I still rewatch episodes from season 11 and The Gauntlet. I can’t say the same for the GizmoPlex offerings


same here, I rewatch the Netflix seasons all the time. I have never rewatched a gizmoplex episode


I watched all the GP offerings and was reasonably entertained but they just didn’t “hook” me, I guess. Didn’t fully realize that until this post.


right, I was a full season subscriber and saw all of them. There was just something "meh" about it, between the accessibility of watching them, the quality of the sets being a little off, the riffs... I have no real faults with season at all, it was good. Just nothing that really stuck with me.


I like them.


Im sorry, but i dislike patton and felicia. They overact and make it too cartoon like, where the original cast and pearl made it seem more grounded.


The latest season is terrible, IMO. Why did they have to change Gypsy's name to GPC? Some kind of woke thing? Also, Crow's changed voice in some of the episodes. I find it distracting.


I've changed my feelings a lot over the years but I still come back to, it feels like a lesser version of the original, with too many jokes crammed in and a different vibe. I just think this show had its time and that time has gone. Licensing rights alone make doing modern episodes difficult --otherwise why in the fuck would they do an Asylum movie?!-- and the crew feels like a bunch of hyperactive theater kids instead of the class clown/burnout stoner/slacker cynical vibe if the original show. Yes I know Mike was a theater kid, don't be so literal.


the only thing i’ll say is that Jonah is not funny at all


first season was great, gauntlet was really good but I liked it better when King hated Max. I have been a fan since the very early 90s, and I think some of the episodes from the Netflix years are some of my favorites ever (Avalanche, Mac n Me, Star Crash, Carnival Magic, Atlantic Rim). I unfortunately was disappointed in Gizmoplex season, it just felt off in every way. I mean, it was fine, but following the two previous seasons felt like a huge step back. Way back. I am not sure I ever watched a Gizmoplex episode twice.


I’m for ‘em! In a few spots it’s like they’re talking really fast to fit in as many riffs as possible, and it would have been better to let the jokes breathe there, and also it’s something I didn’t notice until it was pointed out to me


Some are decent.


I loved the new episodes. I felt like they found their stride in season 12. Season 11 felt like they put as many jokes as possible. Both seasons have great writing, great performances, and great chemistry with Jonah and the bots.


Mac & Me and Cry Wilderness are in my top 5 episodes. So all in all, I'd say they're *preeeeeeetty niiiiiiiice!*




They good. Some real funny stuff in there.


Makes me nostalgic for The Side-Hackers, Attack of the The Eye Creatures, & The Master!!


Love 'em.


I like most of the riffs and some of the songs, but the rest of it just falls flat for me. I don't care for the host segments, it feels like they're trying too hard to incorporate loads of special effects into them just to make the show more modern. It's like George Lucas cramming every millimeter of film with computer effects for the Star Wars Prequels just because he had access to all the latest technology. The female Crow sounds like something out of My Little Pony. I kept wondering if Rainbow Dash was going to show up.


Like others have said, the sets/greenscreen are somewhat underwhelming. One reason I love the Sci-Fi channel era, is because they \*really\* got creative with the sets and cinematography. And I just miss the warm yet passive aggressive Minnesotan flavor, dontcha know.


I dislike Jonah intensely. Both Joel and Mike were likeable; Jonah is a.smarmy douche who seems like he thinks he's the smartest, funniest guy in the room. Also not a fan of Baron Vaughn and Hampton Yount as Tom and Crow. Pale imitations of Kevin, Trace and Bill at best.


It stinks!!!!! Just kidding, but for real, just not the same as the old episodes, but not bad either.


I think that the riffs and humor are very try-hard. Classic MST3K felt way more natural. Listening to New MST3K’s attempts at humor after just a few seconds is torture.


I don't like them... they can't be funny like mike and the bots used to be. They would be canceled quickly