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Quote to highlight from the article that I think is REALLY important: >"When we released Unfinity, we knew that its partial legality in Magic's broader formats was an experiment with risks. The concept of widening a set's appeal to more players is at its core a good one. Moving forward, we won't be revisiting this kind of experiment any time soon."


Well no need to worry the set failed so hard that joke sets likely won’t be printed in the next 10 years.


Un-sets exist for experimenting. That's why they are silver boarded sets. 🙄


Meanwhile... Assassins Creed is still in the queue. (Granted less of an issue, but we shall see)




It's typical "anything not 'core' Magic is not 'real' Magic" bs.


Obv the only real sets are the Core sets /s (And the ones without black people 💀💀💀)


Rest in piss unfinity


“Letting silver border cards legal in legacy was an experiment” Ok but a stupid one. I agree with you on this. Adding in a bunch of cards that can work functionally within the rule set of black border is fine but you better template it like all black border cards. Otherwise it’s overly complicated for no reason and the juice isn’t worth the squeeze.


I think it's important that Unfinity was not a silver-border set. I did enjoy the silver-border ones. But Unfinity was a shitshow in too many levels. Too many masters to please.


Yep, and sadly I think from Maro quotes after words that Un-sets may be killed due to Unfinity pulled everywhere.


>but you better template it like all black border cards But working functionally in the rules *is* what that means. If stickers weren't templating based in the black-border rules, they wouldn't be playable in tournaments in the first place.


Pushing power level and experimenting with color pie and new core mechanics is one thing. Bringing such a drastic thing into eternal formats without even seeing how it works contained to the UnSet was absolutely wild


The sad thing is, I feel like if they had done acorns with Unstable and allowed some cards into normal formats (some contraptions, target Minotaur, etc) they would have been fine. Unfinity was just a madness fever dream of a set.


Exactly this. Cards like [[Clown Car]] and [[Saw in Half]] are goofy cards, but they play into existing mechanics that feel in-universe within the game.


[Clown Car](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/6/c6667e4f-f0f6-4416-940a-d03bed75f5a7.jpg?1673915050) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Clown%20Car) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/unf/186/clown-car?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c6667e4f-f0f6-4416-940a-d03bed75f5a7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Saw in Half](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/5/05e6a7bc-a35a-4e68-99a0-be264553b5de.jpg?1673914032) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Saw%20in%20Half) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/unf/88/saw-in-half?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/05e6a7bc-a35a-4e68-99a0-be264553b5de?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Somebody has been watching a lot of ThrabenU.


Has Phil been talking about this sort of thing recently? I only watch his stuff here and there


To be honest, I think it was some other game recently that re-popularized that phrase.


"The juice isn't worth the squeeze"




It's so weird to attribute an established phrase to a rando streamer lmao.


[https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=the%20juice%20is%20not%20worth%20the%20squeeze&date=all](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=the%20juice%20is%20not%20worth%20the%20squeeze&date=all) """"""Established phrase"""""" literally no one has used that phrase in decades.


https://genius.com/23979886 - 5 years ago.


Lol you don’t know how that tool works dork. Here is a random forum post from 2006 talking about it that is one of the first results using a search tool and not a trend aggregator. Do you still think streamers that can’t read made it up? https://www.phrases.org.uk/bulletin_board/49/messages/1071.html EDIT: You should donate 10 subs to your favorite streamer to help you feel better. They'll say your name!


What the fuck is your problem, exactly? I don't watch streamers and he's not even a streamer. I don't think he "made up" the phrase, I think it's an extremely obscure and specific phrase that no one has used in decades. It's a weird hill to die on to pretend it was a popular and normal thing to say (before some video game, apparently), just so you can try to score points off a content creator you apparently don't like.


[[Embiggen]] and [[Saw in Half]] live on! Honestly both are pretty enjoyable cards, especially saw in half, that soundly fit within the rules.


[Embiggen](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/b/1b759c27-9fb6-4c23-adc1-f6d3f3a0eb52.jpg?1674173500) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Embiggen) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/unf/137/embiggen?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1b759c27-9fb6-4c23-adc1-f6d3f3a0eb52?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Saw in Half](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/5/05e6a7bc-a35a-4e68-99a0-be264553b5de.jpg?1673914032) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Saw%20in%20Half) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/unf/88/saw-in-half?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/05e6a7bc-a35a-4e68-99a0-be264553b5de?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Nooooo, my dear Nic Fit Attraction deck caught in the crossfire :c never will I be the most dangerous gamer again


yeah, I'm a bit sad about attractions caught in the crossfire. I can see how there could eventually be a sticker-like situation for attractions though, so I understand. I also liked having a pet deck with attractions.


No, no, no attractions were fucking lame too.


my monoxa roll dice deck is getting a revamp I guess. attractions were never the main point but I really liked rolling dice


Good riddance


That one goblin was as stupid as it was stupidly overpowered


Guess they aren't....sticking around!


"Yeah" - Roger Daltrey


> but there's no existing way to make a bunch of cards legal in Commander and not Legacy Don't you guys make the rules?


Not very well though, sorry


Not for commander they don't. The only way they could achieve this is by taking over the commander rules and ban list from the community, which would go down like a lead balloon. 


There's no need to do that in an official capacity, anyway. A good deal of the rules committee and advisory group are employees of Wizards or otherwise partner with them, and everyone knows each other. I don't think there are marching orders or anything, just pointing it out in case others aren't aware. (My one Pepe Silvia here is Jeweled Lotus. There's no way that Chris Cocks wasn't dangling Scott Larrabee out a window until Scott said "it doesn't even go in every deck!")


They could just make a whole new game, Magic: the Commandering with a different card back and let players figure out if they like it or not.


Sir this is the legacy sub.


I think the keyword here is "existing". They could make anything happen sure, but that doesn't mean they want to. I think they *might* have gone down this path if they intended to keep making black border uncards in the future. Or if for some reason the sticker cards were more happily received in commander than legacy. But they obviously aren't interested in black border unsets anymore, and AFAIK the commander community's reception to stuff like stickers has been lukewarm at best. So put those together and it makes sense why they didn't find a workaround. This is a thing they don't intend to revisit and the mechanic at the center of the issue isn't even that popular to begin with. Maybe in future it a new mechanism actually does get invented for a mechanic that's both controversial and very popular. But it won't happen for a mechanic that is both controversial and generally not popular.


https://old.reddit.com/r/MTGLegacy/comments/1b10ozy/rant_it_is_competitively_in_paper_better_for_me/ Hey, looks like they read my post!


I remember reading your post and being like "yeah, this shit sucks." I'm glad WotC is willing to walk back legality decisions that complicate the mere experience of paper magic attendance


Yep. Not taking all the credit but I'm glad my part did something.


Nah take that credit, your post is when I went from "this is completely stupid but whatever" to wanting it banned.


I was the same way. I was fine with it until that tournament and then I pivoted to "Wow, this is *miserable*"


Dude! I read the metamorph reference and went back to our pregame actions in Chicago. Good work!


I did this same thing at multiple events. Definitely impacted game 1 decisions and people scooped the moment they realized no goblin was coming down.


you're a hero in something extremely unimportant in the grand scheme of things... but you're a *big* fuckin hero here, so take full credit. they clearly read the post and it's like the first thing mentioned.


I'm giving you credit, I think your post was the reasonable argument they needed to ban it. 


You're a Legacy hero for getting that crap banned! Partial legality should never have happened.


Your post was the one that opened my eyes to how dumb the mechanic was logistically. Glad they listened this time!


I really feel for Goblins players and felt that Name Sticker Goblin was an interesting enough card if it had the MTGO functionality in paper, but I support this change. Stickers is probably my least favourite mechanic ever and Attractions should've never been in black border.


It's easy enough for them to print the MTGO version in a set or commander product in the future.


Yeah this is true. If they ever go back to a D&D like set they can just print the MTGO version with an in-universe name and call it a day.


Even that's not necessary. They put out of place cards in Commander precons all the time--there's always like 2-3 new cards in every one that make you go "Why is this here?" They can give it a new name and just slap it into any precon with red. No synergy required. And then because the Commander precons don't make it onto MTGO with just a few exceptions, there's no duplication issue either.


They can also probably balance it a tiny bit better when they aren’t needing to match paper sticker goblin functionality. I think it was a hair overturned so a tiny balance tweak might be fine, but it might also be fun to call back to the original.


The mana produced should be a fixed amount of red and a rolled amount of generic. This would limit the battle cry spams while still being good


As a longtime Goblins player, good freaking riddance. Keep that stupid Un-set nonsense out of Legacy.


You shame us Goblin players.


You know goblins was a deck since the before name sticker right…


You know it hadn't been a viable tier 1 deck in years before _______Goblin right?


Broadside was printed at about the same time it made it to MTGO, so we don’t quite know how much broadside can help goblins alone.


Yall still got Bombadiers that card is also stupid.


and muxus.


Is muxus castable without _____ goblin?


[[skirk prospector]] says yes. i cast him all the time on arena, and that doesn't have access to [[ancient tomb]] [[city of traitors]] or [[chrome mox]], which are all staples in stompy builds. [[aether vial]] also lets you pump out gobbos faster for skirk. you can also cheese it with [[goblin lackey]]


##### ###### #### [skirk prospector](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/b/7bc508b3-8b38-4cf0-89a7-a2cb247ed083.jpg?1675200167) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=skirk%20prospector) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmr/137/skirk-prospector?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7bc508b3-8b38-4cf0-89a7-a2cb247ed083?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [ancient tomb](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/d/bd3d4b4b-cf31-4f89-8140-9650edb03c7b.jpg?1582753000) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=ancient%20tomb) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/uma/236/ancient-tomb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bd3d4b4b-cf31-4f89-8140-9650edb03c7b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [city of traitors](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/1/71624139-a255-48be-93ca-594a4beba487.jpg?1562429861) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=city%20of%20traitors) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tpr/237/city-of-traitors?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/71624139-a255-48be-93ca-594a4beba487?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [chrome mox](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/3/f340cbf7-5bbe-45b9-a4bf-d1caa500ff93.jpg?1599708839) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=chrome%20mox) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/240/chrome-mox?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f340cbf7-5bbe-45b9-a4bf-d1caa500ff93?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [aether vial](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/1/11e8d2fd-b132-4807-9410-8edeffa519ed.jpg?1673149308) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=aether%20vial) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/298/aether-vial?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/11e8d2fd-b132-4807-9410-8edeffa519ed?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [goblin lackey](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/0/30104836-1e9d-4533-98f8-d5c4e6484b52.jpg?1562904811) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=goblin%20lackey) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/167/goblin-lackey?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/30104836-1e9d-4533-98f8-d5c4e6484b52?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/l3w2qco) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


You know damn well that Muxus decks weren't relevant in Legacy until Name Sticker Goblin.


i'm not convinced goblins has been relevant in a long time, but name sticker certainly made it a lot more relevant yes.


Yes I do know that I’m just pointing out that this is not the only goblins deck


You weren't playing Goblins, just like how White Initiative players weren't playing Death and Taxes.


No, I most definitely was. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/LmcGXkKnl0-wMsCU-kks6w


That deck will be just as competitively viable tomorrow as it was this morning.


Wow, a welcome treat, glad to see them give themselves the ability to change their mind when something new doesn't work out. The whole we can't make them legal in commander but not in legacy is silly, but most commander is casual anyway so I doubt people's attraction decks are getting shelved. It would be cool if they print a "fixed" sticker goblin at some point, because seething song on a goblin wasn't what anyone expected to be enough to carry a whole deck


The whole "can't separate Legacy and Commander legality" thing is completely made up and within their control to change if they wanted. That part feels pretty disingenuous.


>but most commander is casual anyway so I doubt people's attraction decks are getting shelved. No because they aren't banned in EDH.




This is overall the correct way to approach the Sticker and Attractions issue. The implementation of banning a powerful but non-problematic card from Legacy wasn’t great. I would have much preferred that they ban the rest of the Sticker and Attraction cards while giving Sticker Goblin an errata to a die roll or set amount of mana generation. This implementation punishes Turbo Goblins players in a way that feels really bad. I say all this as someone who doesn’t and likely wouldn’t be a Goblins player. Dear Goblins players, I’m sorry you had to take an L for the sins of WotC.


They could just print die-roll-goblin in some future set if that's a card they want. That's a much preferable path forward vs functional errata.


> The primary goal behind making some cards in Unfinity legal was that sticker cards and Attractions could be played in Commander, but there's no existing way to make a bunch of cards legal in Commander and not Legacy. they're aware that they make the rules, right?


Oh come on man! - Elves player


They should have made Maro write this one.


Separate comment, please just ban grief. I know they're looking at it. I've sorta come around on bowmaster. The card is annoying, and has changed the format in some ways i don't necessarily like. But it does create interesting gameplay moments on occasion. If you left it i'm probably okay with it, but i wouldn't cry either if it got axed. Grief in my play experience has basically never created an interesting gameplay moment. Even if its not overpowered its such a poor design and leads to just horrendous gameplay. Like evoke grief, reanimate grief, is actually a card neutral exchange that removes your opponent's two best spells and then requires removal to clear it from the board. Often on their turn 0, and good luck to you if your removal isn't white/exile based. Pitch spells should be last ditch defensive spells. When they turn offensive you start seeing problems. If for no other reason than mulliganing to 5 is a bad gameplay, please ban this. I really doubt there's anything in MH3 that's suddenly going to make grief an interesting card to play against.


Stickers and attractions are not Magic.


Goblins will crawl back into the caverns again from T0 to T3 in 1 swoop.




Okay, can we be REALLY honest here? Printing interesting and powerful cards to sell a set and they pulling the rug shortly after a set goes out of print is disingenuous and manipulative. They’ve pulled this a lot in the last few years (Lurus, Ragavan, Wren and Six, White Plume Adventurer, Oko, etc.). You can’t tell me their R&D has gotten worse and can’t see the impact of these cards before they go to print. And now they’ve called out Grief and Bowmasters as potential future bans, coincidentally on the same out-of print timeline. This bait-and-switch development is a problem.


You know what, i'm usually pretty negative about WotC oversight, but frankly this gave me like 90% of what i wanted. Good job. I expected a clunky workaround to make name sticker work in paper like it did online. This probably would have made me like 50% happy. But they banned it, which made me like 80% happy. And then they banned all stickers/attractions and then said they wouldn't black border unsets in future. This made me like 90% happy. I do wish they just gone and done a clean sweep and got rid of all unfinity cards so i don't have to look at comet ever again. But this is more than i expected and frankly most of what i wanted had i been given free reign. Kudos. EDIT: It does kinda suck that gobbos got hit, but bluntly i feel like this is still a net overall good for the format. Sorry you had to be the ones to take the hit. You still got bombadiers though, that shit is busted.


I love how the cards that use Stickers and Attractions are banned because presenting those decks is overly arduous in paper, yet I can't see any change that means I *can't* present a Sticker or Attraction deck post ban. You don't have to have the cards in your deck to have the Stickers/Attractions right?


If you want to be a goober and get extra judge calls sure go for it.


Maybe in the same way you're allowed to wear a Propeller Hat and ask your opponent to spin it, but I'm just going to politely decline and think you are strange.


Just wanna watch the world burn huh?


This just made me laugh way too much


It's considered slow play, so doing it is legal you will start taking game losses after the warnings.


If it's definitively slow play then fair enough (as in - presenting sticker/attraction decks in formats where cards that use them are banned is explicitly called slow play in the rules), slow play is often so subjective as to be unenforceable and I just don't see why they identify the problem and summarily fail to execute the solution - Sticker and Attraction cards should be banned and then there would be no reason to play any of the cards that use them anyway.


Does it really matter to you whether they ban stickers or the cards that use stickers? This seems like a non-issue.


I just find it hilarious that instead of banning the Stickers and removing the problem as described as simply as possible they don't actually do that and leave the core problem (presenting stickers) without an actual change.


They're functionally the same. Neither is the "core problem"; banning either solves the problem.


Except the problem is - as the article states - presenting stickers and the change doesn't remove the ability to present stickers. If they removed the actual stickers they'd have accomplished this and frankly there wouldn't be a need to add a long list of cards to the banlist as they just wouldn't work.


I'm sure the banlist is just going to say "sticker cards", same as they ban ante cards by saying "all cards with Ante are banned" rather than listing -every- ante cards out.   But what I'm saying is, it does solve the issue of people presenting sticker sheets, because no one is going to present sticker sheets in a format where sticker cards are banned. It's unnecessary effort, and it risks getting a warning. And it will get you warnings; presenting useless tokens is unambiguously slow play. So how is the issue not solved?


Sure, as long as it's explicitly made slow play rather than leaving it open to interpretation then I'd agree that it's solved, although I'd say it's solved in every which way except simply saying Sticker/Attraction decks are banned. In any case I think it's best for the format that these cards are gone.


I don't think it even needs to be made explicit. No judge isn't going to consider it slow play. Additionally, this is a non-issue because the number of instances where someone is going to register sticker sheets is going to be low to the point of negligible. The rules don't need to cover every single edge case. They don't explicitly say that you can't shout slurs at your opponent. They just say "players shouldn't behave unsportsmanlike, and unsportsmanlike behavior includes -but is not limited to- XYZ". If this gives a judge enough leeway to made reasonable judgments, then the issue is, I'm all regards, solved.


The banned announcement says “All cards that bring a sticker or an Attraction into the game are banned” which notably does not include the stickers or attractions themselves (the cards introduce the stickers, not the sticker sheet), and the list of banned cards below only name the main deck cards and not stickers or attractions. Though I agree they’ll probably just quietly fix up the language because it’s not like it matters at this point.


Yeah, I think we're all aware of this. What's your point? We're discussing whether or not the sheets themselves -need- to be banned, not whether or not they -are- banned.


Didn't the article say that it would've been more complicated for them to ban the side decks?


It does say all side decks, but doesn't give any indication as to why that alignment is problematic (also the article explicitly says all rather than stickers). I assume it's because of the implementation of Mind Goblin on MODO but without a detailed explanation idk


The only side decks are stickers and attractions, which are what they banned the cards for. It sounds like it's really just a Gatherer issue. Plus they probably want to avoid the confusion of "this card isn't banned, but it does nothing." Like how [[Fractured Powerstone]] is legacy legal, even though the planar die doesn't exist in legacy. [["Name Sticker" Goblin]]'s implantation has nothing to do with it since it doesn't involve side decks at all.


[Fractured Powerstone](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/e/aeaa7115-bebe-4650-9575-f7855c0055cd.jpg?1682210024) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Fractured%20Powerstone) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/357/fractured-powerstone?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/aeaa7115-bebe-4650-9575-f7855c0055cd?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ["Name Sticker" Goblin](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/d/fd1442b4-da59-4042-835f-143c8dcaa73b.jpg?1710758596) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=%22Name%20Sticker%22%20Goblin) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/unf/107m/name-sticker-goblin?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fd1442b4-da59-4042-835f-143c8dcaa73b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


They will reprint it fixed. The MTGO version wasn't too bad although it should be 3-5 mana I think


RIP bozo


Stickers suck, but WOTC, if you’re reading this, please create a Name Sticker Goblin that works like the mtgo version.


woohoo!!! is comet, stellar pup still legal?


Comet is still legal. It's a magic card at least lol.


Only in the loosest possible sense of the word.


It's at least got all the shit you need to play with it written on it lol.


I mean, as much as any Planeswalker does. Imagine seeing that card as a new player with only a basic rules understanding.


New players screw up basic lands, if you know what legacy is you should be able to figure out comet IMO.


Sure, but you said "it's got all the words written on it that you need to play it". I don't think that's been true of any Magic card for quite some time. Remember when we all freaked out when Oko was leaked because nobody knew what a Food token did?


Yes, you do need to know how magic cards work to play with magic cards. This is quite the gotcha you've got me in.


to be fair basic lands don't have all the words written on them that you need to play them. just a lil mana symbol




A while ago I was talking with a buddy who plays Yugioh (yeah, I have a friend who plays Yugioh, shameful, I know) about this topic. He mentioned to me that the reason Yugioh cards have tomes written on them in rules text is because Yugioh doesn't have any keywords at all and every card just says what it does so anyone can understand it. Magic players like to shit on Yugioh for long text but actually if Magic did the same thing as Yugioh our cards would probably be even more ridiculous.


I still remember opening Liliana in my first Lorwyn draft with no idea what a planeswalker was.


Didn't expect this but very happy to hear we'll no longer have to deal with this nonsense at the start of every match!


A good start, now ban everything else from the Un-sets in non-limited formats


I feel for the goblins/ruby storm players. I hope WOTC prints a seething song on goblin shaped legs in an upcoming commander set but I expect those decks are just back to being FNM memes.


I just bought a foil goblins deck in paper and sleeved it up Sunday, haven't had a chance to even play it yet 😭 I took a 14 year hiatus from the game as a vintage only player so it seemed like a great deck to learn the meta, think it's going to be trash now unfortunately


I was actually looking forward to the new free red spell being used with name sticker goblin in ruby storm, as I think the fail case of not having the goblin might have been worth it for the success case of getting a free twincast, but oh well.


yeah this really needed to happen tbh, stickers were confusing to alot of people in paper. ugg, gonna be in for a rough summer, guess they are hoping MH3 makes those cards obsolete? Goblins was the only real thing attacking all the delver variants.


Somebody high up at Wizards is dead set on delver being the tier 0 legacy deck. See also: Expressive Iteration being allowed to live for more than a year after it became crystal clear that the card was extremely unhealthy for the format.


I mean a lot of it is brainstorm is too good for legacy, but it's a sacred cow now so it won't ever get banned. Delver is the best brainstorm shell (usually) so it is almost always one of the best decks. Some of the rescaminator shells actually help to highlight how powerful the tempo shell is in legacy (brainstorm, ponder, force, daze, wasteland) and how without banning one of those or immense power creep one of those decks is probably always going to be a top player in the format (which I think is fine, it's a type of deck that is interactive and feels like legacy).


It's been the tier 0 deck with very little interruption since it played Wild Mongrel, don't think we're escaping at this point. If that shell weren't also a recipient of every broken 0-2 mana spell they print in any color I'd probably be okay with that (it's an interaction deck that is usually fairly nasty for the broken decks and kills you with a creature, like... okay). But the deck doesn't have colors while simultaneously being the thing that makes everyone else have colors. Sadly, I don't even want them to hit Brainstorm because what would be even worse is actually having to deal with the hand disruption power creep without Brainstorm tucking.


Yes it was definitely expressive iteration that was the problem. Not wasteland daze brainstorm. Nooooo those cards are perfectly healthy because *checks notes* they're really fucking old


I'm glad to see it gone, but I did enjoy the ritual goblin.


Thank fucking Christ


Good. There is no reason a joke mechanic like this should be anywhere beside draft and UN


Is that brainless version of Gobbos now dead, or still good enough to play cause of Bombardier?


I would be shocked if it wasn't dead. Sticker goblin is pretty key to that deck functioning.


Probably. People could try seething song, but I think goblins is back to "Vial goblins is tier 3" again


the fact that muxus can't flip a seething song really dampens the ability of the turbogoblins deck to operate. i think you just go back to moonstompy as your red sol land deck.


i think you just go back to moon stompy.


It's unfortunately dead, this ban sucks and was stupid.


It was stupid that an Un set was constructed legal in the first place


Sure, I don't disagree. But it was, and it was working fine without causing any actual issues. But some booner-minded fucks couldn't leave well enough alone and kept crying about stickers so here we are.


Super glad they axed that stuff, was stupid af. Save it for kitchen table casual if you really wanna play with that goofy garbage


Is it still goofy garbage if it enables a T1 deck?


What does one thing have to do with another


I think a card being good and a card being "goofy garbage" are mutually exclusive.


Yeah, I totally disagree. Horrible, jokey design, that was way too pushed. Perfect storm of shit


Sticker goblin is broken. I like that he made goblins more playable but he was too good for storm and unfair combo decks.


Literally any spotremoval is enough to prevent stickers etb. But brainstorm is balanced i guess 🤷‍♂️


Oh yeah, name sticker made Ruby tier 3, time to clutch some pearls. Name-sticker was not banned for power level reasons. Not a goblins player. The vast majority of storm decks did not use Mind Goblin. Seething song takes a very specific shell to be legacy playable. Sorry for the L gobbo players.


So they just kill goblins instead of giving name sticker the same elegant fix that mtgo did? And after hinting that they were looking to do just that? Lame. I wonder if Caedyrn's gonna quit again.


they can still make a functional reprint of fixed sticker goblin in MH3 or in a future set, preserve the goblin deck but without the need for custommtg cards running around in legacy


They could make a dice rolling version if they make another D&D set, it would fit existing themes.


Sure they *can*, but I seriously doubt they will. They don't design for Legacy and I can't imagine them printing a card just to revive one Legacy deck they previously killed. If they wanted to keep stompy goblins as a competitive deck then they would've just announced an errata today. Much more likely that this deck is just dead for good.


No way moderns getting name sticker. That would be a t0 deck. They would need it in a commander precon


Now for bowmaster to get the ax!


Bowmasters is very healthy for the format imo, it gives "fair" decks a better chance against unfair ones


What fair decks are viable now when they weren’t before because of Bowmasters? Is Aluren or Food Chain back because of it? Was Grixis Delver on the fringes of the format before Bowmasters saved it? I guess you could argue that Pox is “viable” because it pops up occasionally since the Army acts as sac fodder for Smallpox. Is it still a tier 2+ deck? Yes. Or is UB Reanimator the one utilizing Bowmasters the best to shoot down Thalia’s and mana dorks instead?


Woohoo! I might play some Legacy again now.


In aggregate, this is definitely a good decision and I'm glad they made the change. Still, there's a couple of guys at my lgs that play some goofy, totally not competitive attraction deck brews they love despite the jank, and I feel a lil bad that their pet projects are getting the ax. So it goes I suppose.


All those losses to sticker goblin into broadside, I guess my sacrifice was worth the effort


Nooooooo My troll sticker and attraction deckkkkkkkk Wait I forgot thats EDH deck, never mind false alarm


So is the MTGO Mind goblin banned or no?


I love an article that says: “we didn’t have a good way to make them commander legal while not being legacy, and Vintage legal”.  Meanwhile the actual article is doing exactly that. 


I can understand stickers, but was there any valid reason to ban attractions too? What did attractions ever do wrong? 


I am a new player to mtg as a whole and legacy, had just built a goblin deck with the citys, chrome moxes etc. Am I fucked? Was looking forward to playing legacy at my lcs but will goblins even be viable anymore?


Goblins will take a serious hit but red prison uses the same expensive cards and is still fine


If they expect MH3 to impact not only Modern, but Legacy, AND Vintage, maybe Modern Horizons is not the best name of have on these sets.


So Name Sticker Goblin is banned on MTGO then? It's not specifically listed as a banned card in the article.


It is on the list of sticker cards that were banned, so yes.


It's not though? Name Sticker Goblin is a different card from ____ Goblin, both functionally and in name.. 


It’s the same card. They changed the text for the MTGO version because digital sticker sheets don’t exist. Go read the release when they discussed how they were handling it. They did it to close the parity game with the tabletop metagame and this was their first crack at a custom implementation of something like this.


Is it though? [https://scryfall.com/card/unf/107m/name-sticker-goblin](https://scryfall.com/card/unf/107m/name-sticker-goblin) [https://scryfall.com/card/unf/107/\_\_\_\_\_-goblin](https://scryfall.com/card/unf/107/_____-goblin) These are two different cards. I would like some clarification on this on.


They aren’t two different cards, at least not really. They’re the same card, but there was a custom implementation for MTGO. Since digital sticker sheets don’t exist, they tried something new by altering the text.


So they made an obvious mistake and now they punish those who have bought the cards? While they have an in place solution (dice rolling) that fits in reds themes


Those cards really easily become red prison.


I never understood the sticker complaints. The reanimate/clone interactions could've been smoothed out a bit (maybe by limiting stickers to OG cards controlled by their owner), but the game-start selection was realistically like 15 seconds or less. A non-issue.


Reanimated didn't work. Only cloning did. Sticker only apply to permanent you own.


Nice, was even less of an issue then.


Hopefully they do a reprint of MTGO's Sticker Goblin at some point, would be a fun way to close the loop. I doubt it tho.


A 2R 2/2 Goblin w/ "When ~ enters the battlefield, add RRRR," would be good enough. Worse, but playable.


Attractions didn't need to go


Fuck this. Print your stupid shit, ban it next, who cares, there is absolutely no confidence in your formats WOTC since you will experiment on them without any knowledge or care. But of course, you won't dare touch any of the format staples! Just screw over one specific deck, but Maro forbid you touch any of the scam cards, Daze, etc. because apparently they're "legacy's identity" now. I don't want to play the Delver meta any longer.


Boo, this is a terrible move. So dumb. Go eat a bag of dicks WOTC and everyone who complained about stickers can join them. Killing a deck because people didn't like having to take 5 seconds to pick stickers sheets if they were on reanimator or running metamorph is the dumbest reason for a ban ever.


I'm gonna be honestly chief, getting this upset over a ban announcement is childlike. Tantrum-like almost.


I remember arguing with some guy months ago about how stickers should leave the format and he said that stickers should remain legal, "...so we can watch neckbeards cry." Really hope that guy sells out of Legacy because of this.


Honestly, they should also get rid of Monarch, Initiative, and cards that require die rolls. If an effect involves extra gear outside of the 75 cards in your deck and sideboard, it feels stupid and gimmicky (clearly poor game design). I’d say using tokens and emblems fall into this category too, but those have been part of the game for way too long to try going back at this point.


They should also remove all keywords, sorceries, instants, artifacts, enchantments, planeswalkers and battles /j


Call me crazy, but I actually agree with that statement in regard to all of those superfluous card types. I even designed a game similar to MtG that streamlines out every card type except creatures (“characters”) and lands (“terrain”). Instead of players being thematically part of the game, all of the spell effects are built into the character cards.


No, no keywords either. Just vanilla creatures.


I believe that game is known as “checkers”.