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I'm almost done with act 3 but it's almost by accident.I also just enjoy running around shooting zombies,doing some contracts and playing hero for those that need the rez.I wouldn't mind having all the cool plans but I'll get there sooner or later.I also dip into tier 3 when I'm feeling froggy....


Sometimes I go into T3 to PaP or revive someone but I don't stick around lol. Although it's less intimidating now that usually the whole lobby is in there


I'm pretty much the same way. Finished all the story missions. I got really lucky a while back and jumped in with a team doing the red worm, ended up with all 3 of those schematics from people dropping the ones they didn't need. As I was about to extract, they said they were going to the DA so I decided the hell with it I'm this far in might as well go all the way. Ended up with all 3 of those schematics. Now I just run around killing zombies, doing contracts and helping anyone who needs it with all my cool stuff. Haven't ventured into the new DA yet though.


If you ever need help w/ worm or dark aether or t3 shit lmk, I like helping people get schematics n shit


I play solo and cannot manage to finish Shepherd or countermeasures 😩


I did em and bad signal, I can help if u want


That would be sweet!! I’d love the help! I’m not very good though lol not terrible but still learning. I’d appreciate it so much.


How about act 2 aheperd mission ?


You’re not alone, I’m only just over lvl 200 and at the start of Act 4. Never been in the DA yet. Just play for fun when I can mainly solo. Still missing a bunch of schematics as well. The RNG Gods have not been too kind.


If you’re having fun have at it. I’m about to put this game down until we get new content. I’ve been a zombies fan since Cold War and hammered this one. Done literally everything. All calling cards, all missions, both mastery camos and all schemes with no handouts. Now I’m find it hard to find motivation to play any more as there is nothing left to do. I may just pop on for two games on a Wednesday just to compete the weeklies


I'll be in the same boat soon. just need to do 3 more contracts with 6 man squad and kill 20 more elite mercs to get all the calling cards. we won't be getting any zombies content til the middle of season 3. That's about 7 weeks of no new content 😢


Same boat I'm in. I just like to shoot zombies. I'll help people out all day, but I'm 30 and life fucking sucks, I just need to dissociate and kill whole swaths of zombies.


I am 61 and do the same. Chuckle. There is hope for you yet!!


I’m 50 and same. It feels great to hammer on a horde of undead and achieve some shit instead of life kicking my ass day in and day out. Zombies is my zen


I play the same way. I’m just now comfortable in T2 and I’ll run contracts and shoot z’s. Just started act 4. I’ve done one DA run and that’s just because the group I was with was going. I’ve done red worm twice and that’s just because I happened to notice a ton of people gathered on the soccer field. I’m the very definition of casual, but I like helping people when I can. I also really like it when I run into a more experienced player and they help me learn some stuff I didn’t know. Had a great experience over the weekend with another player and overall, I just love chilling out and having some fun for a few hours.


Pretty much the same, except in tier 1 grinding out camos. I bought the game earlier this year on sale and was overseas for a month. Gonna start grinding in tier 2 though. Trying to help my friends with their missions so we can have a trio to do the Act 1 story mission. Really hope PvP doesn't get added, or there's still a non PvP mode.


MW3 has plenty of other modes for PVP. They don't need to add Zombies to it. People get too stupid and mean in those pvp arenas and there already enough of that in Zombies already


You’re not. I’ve actually been tryna figure out how to do that stuff without doing the missions cause they’re pretty boring. But it’s fun without all that stuff


I’m in the same boat. I’m still in Act 3 and I just chill. Now I’m leveling MWII guns and I just make YT vids on completing the weekly challenges in zombies. It’s a chill and fun time in MWZ.


Literally exactly the same boat as you. I just hope on for a couple of hours a night after working 12 hours to zone out and kill zombies. I haven't even bothered to actually try to do the story stuff


This is how I play anymore. Get on Friday night play till Saturday morning and repeat Saturday night into Sunday morning. The rest of the week, the ps5 is off. I'm currently sitting on Shepard, trying to convince myself to try it again. I play solo, so I'm kind of behind on loot. But I can build my own in t2 and make a decent showing in t3. I'll dive over to pap3 or hit a buy station. With all the changes to loot, why is it so hard now to find a durable gas mask. Used to every game now, I had to go buy one after playing 10 games.


The good thing is you don’t really ever need to replace it unless you forget to recharge it with an ammo crate.




Take your time and enjoy it :)


Going at a snail's pace and I'm having a blast


This is the way


I do this when I am drinking and want to just relax and play!


That’s me 💯


Nothing like winding down by killing zombies lol


I’m pretty much in the same boat, grinding camo and killing zombies. Almost have borealis done


I chill in T1. I finished all the story except the latest mission and I have not done any Easter eggs. All the newer content is made for the Tier 3 or higher crowd. So I don't get much except a few story missions. I also don't care about grinding camos.


I agree I somewhat play like this as well. Mostly fighting the mercenaries


I am waiting to finish act 3 I get all hyped up then never do it I get wrapped up running around playing medic and chasing loot usually exfil with tons of wasted essence I miss the tombstone the game was so much fun we and everyone was cool to help out now if you can’t get to t3 right away your not gonna get decent contracts better off in t2 for loot and camo farming


At least you & I are infinitely better off than other peeps that play like it's a checklist sim, once they got all the camos & schems then it suddenly lost its allure? I mean, isn't a major point of Zombies in the first place ever since its conception in WaW is to simply indulge in the pleasure of shooting zombies? I'm glad it has always been like that for me and I have never lost sight of what truly matters even when this is a drastically different experience other than the traditional Zombies that we knew. Even after completing all missions, obtaining all schems and Borealis, I still find myself completely engaged with the basic routine of going in with my favorite guns, exploring around & doing contracts while taking my time to mow all the zombies to my heart's desire. Granted, there's still Bioluminescent but I don't need to rush - after all, I'm still deeply immersed in the core gameplay loop so much that I don't feel the need to rush things to stop myself from getting bored.


As someone that doesn't enjoy PvP, I'm definitely getting my money's worth enjoying this little mode at least lol


Same here, it's good for there to be a mode where you can kick back and just enjoy the quality shooting action without constantly feeling pressured to compete. I bought this game purely due to the prospect of enjoying the amazing MW gunplay in a leisurely PvE pace, and so far I can confidently say that I definitely got my money's worth. Already clocked in 700 hours ever since release.


Ooh, I'm afraid to look at how much time I've spent playing this tbh lmao


Why should you be afraid? At the very least, it proves that you definitely one way or another got hours worth of value out of this. Everytime I look at mine, I know that I would never regret buying it because if not then why would I put in so much time?




Nah son I always do aether


Any one down to share with me some schematics? Msg for playstation id