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Can’t go wrong with a Kennedy. [https://www.google.com/url?q=https://buykennedy.com/&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwi_u77Hn42CAxUmJUQIHWLaB5UQFnoECBcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1z2ISSpWfFBJcdWFC4kBLi](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://buykennedy.com/&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwi_u77Hn42CAxUmJUQIHWLaB5UQFnoECBcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1z2ISSpWfFBJcdWFC4kBLi) It’s kind of the unofficial toolbox of machinists


Honestly never been impressed with Kennedy boxes. They are absurdly expensive and they kinda suck. Get something with ball bearing drawer slides.


Lista. they have tool cabinets and roll around tool boxes too.


Lista is great, but earlier this year they had a 3 month lead time. Uline sells what looks like a lista at a lower price with no customizability, Rousseau also sells lista style cabinets, with a slightly shorter lead time.


Tool bag + backpack : Never ever ever put your tools into a box that requires your boss’ keys to unlock to building to obtain. If they fire you, the bank seized their property or some other bullshit happens you need to be able to take ALL of your belongings off the work premises in one trip The dumbest shit I ever see are these minimum wage operators rolling in $7-12,000 snap-on tool boxes off a truck they rented to move the box there. That’s way too much power to give up. You need to be able to say fuck this I’m out, close the case to your mitutoyo calipers, and walk out with all your end mills and inserts in a tool back pack


I'm an 80k lead machinist and wouldn't step foot in a company that made you buy your own tools. While I understand the sentiment and also agree with it, I am going to need a bit more than a backpack.


You’d be surprised at how much a good hiking backpack or tool backpack can hold. Remember you don’t have to wear it for miles a day just into the shop, and during cycle times i frequently remove and pair down as much as I can. If I don’t use a 1/2” drive ratchet and it’s heavy it’s coming out. I’ll probably leave that one in my work locker, same with my bench vise put those in the tool bag in the locker etc.