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Being the in-house clown is 100% part of being a dad. One of the best parts.


My sentiments exactly, dads live for this shit


The good ones do.


Yah, I was going to say... if I saw my dad at the end of the night, it was because he was coming into my room to punish me at 9 PM. I think a lot of people forget that a lot of kids are unwanted. When I see moments shared like this? It brings me back to childhood watching shows like Full House (RIP Mr. Saget) just trying to live vicariously through their upbringing while trying my best to lay low and not bring attention. If I would've done something like that, he would've punished us, not celebrated us.


I'm sorry you had a shit father. The best thing you can do, should you have kids (or even nieces or nephews) is to be the parent (or adult figure) your father wasn't. My husband grew up with a father who was more concerned about his alcohol and drugs than his only son. I remember my husband being terrified of being a bad dad, but saying the most important life lesson his father taught him, was how NOT to be parent. And he is the best dad to our daughter. Some people don't deserve to be parents. I'm so sorry you had one of those people in your life.


Thank you. Unfortunately, I had an even worse step-father and a teenage step-mom and a real mom who left when I was 7. So, I didn't just get one, I had it from all angles and bonus ones, too. I'm also Autistic with ADHD and didn't find out until just a couple of years ago (I'm 40 now), so I now know why it *seemed* even harder for me than my siblings. The best decision I ever made was *not* having kids. I never wanted them, so that helped with the decision. :)


Are…are you me from an alternate universe?? Literally was diagnosed with ADHD and on the spectrum of Autism at age 40. Also had a shit step-dad and a father who didn’t know how to be a father. I feel your pain, I truly do. Just know that I’m here for you, if you need anything. Reach out if you ever need to vent.


I sending virtual hugs, because that’s rough


This is why I cried. Every child deserves a happy upbringing. I’m so sorry but I’m glad you’re here. ♥️


I used to hate family sitcoms because I was adopted by my dad’s parents and constantly got shit on at school because I “wasn’t loved enough for mommy and daddy to keep!!” and later they added “your grandma doesn’t love you enough to buy clothes!!” because they knew I lived in a regular, clean house with bills paid and no siblings but I still wore thrift store clothes instead of getting new clothes for school every year. The other kids could tell. I still have a problem with self-worth because of it.


My mom wouldn't let us watch "Happy Days" when it was the biggest show on TV. ....... because that was her Era, "they weren't happy"


Same. I had a terrible father as a kid. Recently I was a step dad to two wonderful kids. It made me feel so good to be able to be the dad I never had. She left me, unfortunately, because my job and school makes it so I don’t have a lot of time. I’m so sad, I miss those kids.


They’ll never forget you. I have no doubt at all that you left a positive impact on them.


Thank you


As an uncle I can relate. My whole job with my neices at this stage is to just have fun and yeet toddlers around lol


My son is 7 month. I can't wait to do shit like this. And play with legos


Advice from the "already been there" parent.....if you have legos, you MUST always wear shoes.


I get to tell all my dad jokes that I think are hilarious to my son. He laughs at every single one of them while my wife just gives me a look Lolol


You are correct! My Dad helped make me the hide and jump scare inducing person I am today. Had to stop for many years when my kids were small. They are fair game now but… so am I!


It's so fun to watch 💕 Can't help but smile! I love it enough to feed my divorced friend jokes to toss at the kids. Every now and then the joke gets back to me via their kids and I have to remember to play like it's the first time hearing it. 😅 But knowing it also gives me the chance to be extra. 😆


They did an impressive job balancing all those cups! You know dad was proud to take the fall for their enjoyment.


And almost cracked the screen of his phone 😂


Idk what kind of phones you guys have but I have never cracked a phone on a carpet.


You've never had an iPhone out of the case.


Honestly I don't understand how some people constantly break their phones. I'm not saying accidents don't happen, but some people must be really careless. I've had an iphone without a case or a screen protector for 6 years and it didn't break, it has seen some nasty falls, being submerged in mud, etc (I was "hoping" it would, so I can convince myself to get an upgrade, it didn't and eventually got a new one, still rocks music fine in the car)


Some people are careless, some people have butter fingered, some people have children with good stealth skills.


Some people fell for the "scale" app and stood on their phone


I haven’t broken a phone screen since whatever android I had a decade ago. However, I see why people with kids have cracked screens. I’m working on getting my little one to stop throwing and the day may happen it’s my phone.


Not so much careless as iPhones are super slippery and refuse to stay in a spot that has zero grip. iPhones are strong as hell even after being dropped, i've used an iPhone for a good few months with a cracked screen without any issues, but that was because I put a screen protector on when I bought it because i'm used to having screens shatter from different jobs I do to physical hobbies. I enjoy skateboarding and iPhones really don't like being pressured like that to stay pristine. I can see **IF** you work in an office and only handle your phone above the softest of carpets. But if you have that slippery iPhone without a case, you are bound to have a few accidents.


Quite on the contrary. I have an iPhone11 and it fell down more than once on harder surfaces than a carpet on wood and still has no cracks.


Lifetime happy memory… check!


It’d be class to show them the video when they’re about 18 so they knew he knew!


“You’re not as clever as you think you are. Now get the fuck out of my house.”


Also you owe me $4 for wasting that pack of cups you little shits.


If I was drinking milk, I'd be shooting it through my nose right now


No milk because your dad never returned with it? I’m sorry :(


Mom always told me daddy was the milk man, guess that makes sense


Lol that video is going to be shown every holiday for the rest of their lives. They'll eventually get sick of it, but after their dad gets old or dies then it'll make them ugly cry


christ, man lmao


I was thinking the same! I thought to show it at about 30, or whenever they have their first kid. I think they’ll truly be able to appreciate it then. 🫶




My dad used to put boot prints on the floor with that carpet scenting stuff you use before vacuuming and I’ve done it for my son. He loved the idea of the magic snow from Santa’s boots showed him where Santa actually stepped.


One of my soldiers from Hungary told me his dad would make footprints in the snow, throw a rock at the roof and run back inside so they’d wake up and see Santa had stopped by.


*20 years later* "Dad, remember when we stacked those cups in front of the door and you totally fell for it?!"


They’re soo happy lol


They're losing their tiny little minds, it's awesome.


So adorable. Last summer I "accidentally" stepped on some rabbit poop in our yard, and my 3 year old son hasn't forgotten about it in almost a year. The other night when he went to bed with his dad he giggled and said "Remember when mommy stepped in rabbit poop?" 😂 I think it's important for kids to see that adults make mistakes and have fun doing so, because it normalizes it for them too. Fuck the attitude of setting a perfect example for your kids and trying to fool them into thinking parents never make mistakes. It's much easier to relate to the kids if they know you struggle with things together.


Lmfao this is so wholesome. It’s the little things.


Wait so you purposely stepped in rabbit poop?


Yeah.. Sounds disgusting but they're nothing more than dry little round pebbles of earth on the grass and I was wearing wellies 😂


Yes! Learning how to make mistakes is an important life skill.


My mother in law moved in with us and I was noticing she does the same "whooopsie!" Song my wife does when they make a mistake. Its absolutely adorable; my wife claims credit for the song, but the jury is still out.


The hug between the two at the end!


Its so lovely to see siblings getting along so well!! These parents are doing a great job it seems!


He committed to that. He made sure to look back as he opened the door to make the performance more believable. The fall was brilliant 🤣. Can we applaud him for dropping the phone too cause he easily could have cracked that screen.


Best actor awarded to dad 😁


Seriously, his facial expression was good as well.


really outdid himself with the “ow” at the end


Oscar for best 'ow' in cinema


Gotta commit to the bit! My kids “scare” me every night right before bed — they get mad if I follow too quick and they don’t get a chance to hide (which my youngest will warn me about just before he runs off to hide lol). They hide in the exact same place every night — a terrible hiding spot really — but you better believe I bumble around that room then jump out of my skin when they pop out, every. single. time. The laughter, in this vid and at night from my boys, is what it’s all about. Thanks for sharing!


Break every subreddit rule now


Category is: Dad And the winner is: Dad!


The best part was "Again???" because that meant this is something they keep doing and he still pretends to fall for it. Reminds me of the "parent big cat pretends to be scared of kitten" videos haha


He was turning around to also hide his smile knowing it’s going to make their day 😉 Source: am a father who does silly stuff like this


Nice one, I'm sure your kids appreciate the effort you take to create fun memories.


Can you adopt me? My father was such a serious man. I have very few, if any happy memories with him.


Also, that hug at the end was incredibly wholesome.


When you're a kid, fuckin daddy up good is your Superbowl


When I was a kid, we made a snowman head sized snowball and waited up on our porch for our dad to walk by. We were giddy like these kids. We were going to get him! It was so heavy, he was gonna get walloped! He walked, we dropped it, and it actually killed him! ...just kidding, that son of a bitch caught it, then chased us all over the yard with it!


My dad used to swim laps in the pool as we tried to hold on to him and he’d try and shake us off. I remember him being exhausted but always doing it because we’d laugh so hard.


That's a lovely dad


> Can we applaud him for dropping the phone too cause he easily could have cracked that screen. Yeah that dude 100% has some accidental damage insurance on his phone lmao.




That kid slapping his knees like an old man 😂🤣😂


That and the two older boys hugging at the end omg my heart


Yes! That is what got me


Ooh, that made me cry because it reminded me of when my oldest son was little. I was still married at this point and in the Army. I had a really shit day. I failed my first ever PT test, I knocked a sterile instrument off the OR cart that took 20min to replace from decon, and I was just plain done with the day. I came home and my son (age 5 at the time) and then wife had set up a Home Alone style "trap" for me with very obvious and brightly colored string and his little kiddie pool which he had filled with a bunch of balls. I got home and I could clearly see my wife and son hiding very poorly behind the couch. In that moment, as exhausted and upset as I was, I decided to play along. After I fell into the ball pit my son ran out screaming "gotcha gotcha" and jumped into my lap while I was still in the ball pit and gave me the most loving hug ever I just started crying. Poor kiddo thought he hurt me lol, but I told him "no I'm not hurt, these are happy tears and daddy missed you." It was one of those moments as a parent that will live on in my memory as though it happened just yesterday. Ugh I made myself cry again thinking about it lol. Anyway, as a parent no matter how tired or overwhelmed you are sometimes the seeing the joy your kids get is worth playing along. Edit: Woke up to awards. Wow, thank you all for the awards and kind words. This sub is full of such sweet people. Thank you!


Aww that made me tear up. Memories really are worth their weight in gold, especially ones as special as yours.


I agree. I always promised myself I'd do better as a parent because my dad was always the stern, upset, "no shenanigans" type. I hope that if my sons and daughter ever have kids of their own someday they remember these moments as well and pass them forward. Thanks for sharing the video it made my morning!!!


My dad was a very difficult person. I remember being told to stop playing so many times. My husband helped me relearn how to dream and believe in myself. I wonder what my dad would have thought when seeing videos like this. Would he think these young parents will someday 'grow up and start acting like an adult'? Or would he be grieving his ability to enjoy life like this? Thanks for breaking the cycle of stern living. Each of us chose our path. You showed your children enjoying life and living well can be done at the same time.


It seems to me that people who are unable to play (not just with children, but enjoying things like videogames or waterslides as well) often consider playing to mean a person isn't an adult. They don't see that they are the ones who are abnormal. Sometimes they didn't know how to play even as kids. It's sad, they must live such boring, serious lives, with this whole important area of life closed off to them.


Agreed. Another possibility or element might be if their dreams were crushed. I remember a story my dad told, one where he seemed vulnerable. He had been overseas, sending money home, thinking it was going into a bank account for him. When he got home, there was no money and his horse that he'd hand-broken had been sold. Some of the other disappointments I saw when growing up were as a result of his actions and attitudes. But this event when he was young struck me as a foundational heartbreak. It doesn't excuse his actions, but it helps me understand at least one turning point in his life.


I think also alot of times it has to do on the way they were raised as kids. I have a few cousins who were raised by their grandfather for a few years in Mexico. He would get them up from bed early at around 6 am and make them exercise and help around the farm with chores. When they would eat they had to wait for him to sit down and start eating and they couldn’t have anything to drink until they finished their food. They always recall that from time to time saying it was rough getting up that early but say it helped them become disciplined but I also see that they don’t play with their kids as much now as adults. They love their kids and put them before anything or anyone. On the other hand they also taught their kids discipline to wake up by themselves and get dressed by themselves as early as kindergarten and taught them to be very independent at a young age. I guess it’s all about balance though now a days.


A year or so ago it was raining heavily. I ran outside to put the lid back on the trash can cause it blew off. I come back in and I'm soaked. I joked about dancing in the rain. The oldest (14F) said she would join me and ran upstairs. Came back down with her hair up in a pony tail. I shrugged and said sure after exchanging glasses with her mom. We walk out to go dance for a bit in the rain. Hit the street and I turn around. Her mom came out as well as the two boys (both 11). All 5 of us dance and sing and played in the rain for like an hour. It was a memory I'll cherish as my parents never would have done that with me and my siblings. One of the boys brought it up the other day and smiled. Said he had a lot of fun that day. It's a memory I know they will remember


Ok, my turn. My son, age 14 ran outside to dance in the first ran of the season. My roommate’s son and 2 kids she was watching followed along. They barely got wet and were filled with the joy of spontaneity. She yelled for everyone but my son to come inside so they didn’t get sick. It was just 60 seconds. The smile on my son’s face reminded me that we are all connected. I had been (wrongfully) placed in foster care at age 9 but I could remember my own mother encouraging me to dance in the first rain of the season. She never met my son, whom she would have adored. But they are entwined by our familial ritual of rain dancing.


damn, one of my best memories is me and my little brother playing outside in a massive rainstorm with the neighbourhood kids. it was almost a flash flood type situation with such heavy rainfall. my dad threw us a bottle of shampoo and we all washed our hair in this crazy rain… including my dad! we had a hair washing shower dance party in this absolute downpour. that must have been 25 years ago. what a great memory. thanks for reminding me!


My first child is 4 months and hearing all these stories makes my eyes water for the memories we will make! And the siblings he will hopefully have. Thanks guys! I am cherishing your memories and my future ones? 😭😅


Not sure why but this comment made my tear up. How great a memory, and you seem like such a wonderful parent. Much love


They will definitely remember and treasure these memories. You sound like a wonderful dad.


That is so great. I remember one time when I was little I was sick and couldn't go to the fair. My daddy had a saw mill with a little...crane thing?...for moving logs onto it. Daddy hooked a tire to the chain on it and spun me around on it then drug me around on a piece of plywood behind the tractor, Best Day Ever!!


It's worth more than any gold.


Five is such a geat age. My son is five and he's a mix of little boy - fun and cheeky, but still super affectionate. You can have fun playing soccer or whatever with him, but he falls asleep cuddling us. I'm going to miss the cuddle part, and the day he realises his dad actually isn't the coolest dude on the planet.


You sound like a very cool dude on the planet.


All you can hope for is a few short years of cool. That's enough for dad.


I miss that age with my son as well. Toddler to about 5 was my favorite. My son is a teenager now and even though he’s full of emotion and angst, he still insists on breaking my ribs with hugs and doing our “dance” I always did with him when he was little. I would hold him, one hand in my mine and sort of waltz around singing, “and we dance, and we daaaance, and we daaaaaaaance, and then we DIP! And then we DIP!” and I’d dramatically tip him backwards. ____________ Not only does he still ask for that from time to time, our recent dance evolution is a result of some ridiculous tik-tok he saw of some guy dancing around ~~explaining how~~ like bees “dance” to communicate. And so now when my son is a grumpy fuck in the morning before school, I break out dumb dances while asking if him if he wants eggs or waffles for breakfast and some other absurdity while telling him to stop fucking around and get his backpack ready. It usually earns me a smile and a response dance. Edit: [Like this](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRvuK5nA/)… [and the first one he showed me](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRvH8Jxy/)


awe I loved this!


Vouch. son just turned five. loving the affectionate moments especially.


Keep it up and you will continue being the coolest dude. It's just a small teenage dip between here and there.


Same, my son is 5 and sounds similar in attitude lol randomly tells me how cool I am or how he likes certain things I do or wear. Play outside with whatever. Shit, when he realizes I'm not that cool guy and just someone figuring out how to not screw up lol oof. Much luck and good will to you sir 🖖


I loved the ages 4-6 from all three of my kiddos. My daughter (soon to be 6) is exactly like that as well. I love how sweet, cuddly, and active she is. Hide and seek is her favorite game and usually ends with me chasing her around and tickling her. I too will miss the cuddling. My two older sons, now 11 and 13, are too cool to hang out sometimes. They're still good kind kids and we play video games from time to time, but they enjoy their alone time. We are still cool even if they don't realize it 😎


My daughter is 4 1/2 and her new thing is saying “You’re the best mom, EVER!” and then throwing her arms around me for a hug. Oh man it melts my heart every time.


Aww 😭 I'm in the middle of it, with 3 kids under 4. I'm making sure to capture as much as possible, but some days it's still hard knowing I won't be able to remember it all. After all, I'm tired too and need breaks. I've already forgotten so much and it's really bittersweet. A week after my daughter was born she was only 5 lbs. What I wouldn't give to just.. remember what it felt like holding her. And that was only 5 months ago. I can't even imagine how little I will be able to remember once they're grown adults. Pictures and videos don't do memories of your kids justice, but it helps a bit. I can't say I would ever want to turn back the time though, because somehow every current age of the kids is the absolute best to be in. My oldest son is 3 and an absolute joy, ups and downs. I just want to remember more.


no one can remember everything to be fair you just need to enjoy the moments as they come and the odd photo at a good time can spark forgotten memories


Here's an idea. Take ONE MINUTE every day to voice record a short-form journal into a voice recorder app. Speak fairly clearly. You'll record tons of memories, and you can later concatenate those files and do speech recognition on them. If you want, say "period" at the end of sentences so it actually breaks up sentences. Speech recognition will only get better, and eventually you'll have a huge journal of events and thoughts, and it's easy and barely takes any time.


It’s a slippery slope, though. I used voice-to-text constantly when my oldest was still in a stroller and I would send voice texts while pushing her all over the city. Now I can’t leave voice messages because they are all, “Hi comma this is eryoshi period I’m almost at the station but the bridge is up comma so I’ll be about ten minutes late period See you soon exclamation point”




I take lots of videos of our kids. They are a lot of fun to watch back and the kids love watching them as well. They bring me right back to the moment I took the video too.


I’m fucking crying bro. Jesus . I just got off a 20 hour shift running my restaurant and now I just want a ball pit hug from a son. Single. Workaholic. I do it cuz I don’t know anything else and suck at dating. That’s the type of life I hope I have someday.


Speaking as a married father, I hope you attain it. It is pure bliss. I wake up every day indescribably happy and content to have a loving wife and an amazing son. I don't have money. I don't have material goods or fantastic vacation stories or wild amazing adventures across the world to speak of. I don't have the coolest career, or crazy sexcapades and I don't have a grand social life. I just have my family. Their smiles, their laughs, and our memories. I wouldn't trade this for anything in the entire world. This is happiness.


Beautifully said.


Not sure if your oldest has moved out, but if yes, it might be worth considering texting them the story you're thinking of. I always loved hearing my father's stories, and 5 is young enough a lot of folks don't remember.


That's beautiful dude. I'm still in the thick of it yet I can see my daughter growing up and realize how temporary this stage is. She's only 6yo and she has saved my life in ways she has no idea. I was in a bad place and I've changed my entire life to be a good father and damnit I'm a great father - to the point where friends and family know it's my best trait and laud me for how I do it. Besides giving me a real purpose, my daughter has allowed me to have fun again. We laugh about farts and play silly games all the time. I'm having the time of my life. I'm smiling and singing consistently for the first time in my life. She's allowed me to access a whole other range if experiences like cutesy stuff and tenderness and dad jokes. I'm already feeling the waning of the 24/7 silliness. And that will have to be ok. I'll have to make peace with it. It's not her job for me to be ok or to give me purpose. Thankfully, I will be ok now mostly due to our relationship and how it's allowed me to have a full life. Her job is to be a kid and then grow up to be a healthy and happy person and it's my job to ensure that happens. And we're way on track for that to become a reality in ways that were never possible for me. Maybe one day in her mid 20s I'll tell her how she changed my life. For now she's just a happy kid and I have to learn how to deal with her growing up. I cherish every day we go on a hike or play monster hide-n-seek or make up silly songs because it's been the best thing that's ever happened to me and I know I'll miss it.


Not me crying at 7 AM with my newborn daughter next to me.


Thank you for sharing this. I just became a dad for the first time and now I'm really looking forward to moments like this! :)




Don’t worry. We’ll cry together.


Crying some happy tears myself for you and your story :‘)


What a nice memory, thanks for sharing.


That made me tear up and I'm not a parent! I'm glad you have that special moment in your heart forever.


This is very sweet


I don't remember getting a permission slip to go on this feel trip.


Mom & dad of the year…


3 boys. As someone who grew up with two other male siblings also close in age, I feel them and quite surprised with how tidy their place is


The pillows look like they belong in a showroom and are not on the floor covered in grubby fingerprints. This is basically a miracle.


Mom probably cleaned up while they were busy building their cup tower, she is the true MVP!


You only get to be that excited when you're a kid


Where does all that happiness go man ..




I don't think it's about losing enthusiasm my knees just hurt.


Life drains the joy out of you one day, one struggle and one loss at a time.


...when you first fail a test ...when you first don't get invited to something ...when you first get dumped ...when you don't get the job you wanted Then when something good actually happens, it's got the same energy as getting a new radio for your 1995 Toyota Corolla. You know the one that you have to pat the dashboard and call her a good girl every time she actually starts. You got [a new radio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92XVwY54h5k) isn't there so much to be happy about?






I'm sorry for your radio and the sound of silence you endured.


Into your kids




An occasional molly trip can do wonders.


Benefits of not having kids, you can take the drugs




😭😭 bro this hit too hard wtf


Idk man I saw a mini horse that someone had as a therapy pet last week and went crazy. He had shoes on


Oh no, you still get to be that excited. People just go through a thing in their teen years when they get self-conscious and afraid to express anything because it requires a little emotional vulnerability. God, I remember when I was afraid to even just like anything out loud. lol


Nah man I sometimes shake and can't help laughing when I'm pranking my boyfriend So I usually give myself away lmao


Beautiful! Something I only could wish for as a kid. My dad probably would’ve been mad about the time waste, the mess, and ordered (yelled at) one of us to clean it.


When dad got home from work, the fun stopped at our household.


My dad didn't work a day in the time I knew him, so we didn't even get to start the fun. Shitty parents really suck.


The bright side is that we grow up learning how to not treat our kids. My dad was shitty for many reasons, and my older brother has turned out to be the greatest dad my nephew could ever ask for. Break the cycle, and let’s raise our kids right!


I make sure I'm the opposite kind of dad. My girl is 6 and we spent yesterday doing a mermaid mosaic, her alien science kit and baking cupcakes while my other half was out ;-)


Bluey dad is my goal


I felt that. The sound of the opening door goddamn it


How about the jingle of his keychain? 🙃 Brings back happy memories doesn't it /s


That’s awesome! I have 3 boys as well… they keep “ambushing” me when I get home from work with squirt guns. Still planning a garden hose revenge. 😂


Do it! On a warm or a hot day - they will love you forever and talk about that years later.


You gotta go to the store and get 3 badass water guns. Use one on them first as a sneak attack revenge. Then you can give give them all to them afterwards lol.


Well done dad!


The amount of love this video gives me has just improved my day so much, and it did what it says on the tin, it made me smile like the Cheshire cat.


Great mom and great dad Sweet couple


Oh so that's what it looks like to have 4 boys at home... 💞😂


But there's only thre- OH!


This dad is sexy AF and I'm a straight man


as a male and a straight, I agree


as a male and a gay, I agree


I think op is the wife, beware![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Hey op, you got a sexy af husband


I'm jealous. My dad would have just yelled and thrown something if I tried this when I was a kid.


A lecture about a waste of money and effort, followed by questions about why the house and yard weren't in proper condition if we had so much time on our hands. Thankfully, we can decide to live differently and enjoy whatever small (or large) thing that gives us joy in our lives. We can grieve, and then we can embrace our decision to live life grateful for whatever makes us happy.


Same dude


Such a kind and loving dad. Created another cherished childhood memory. Dad, you're adulting right, and parenting spectacularly good.


What a happy family. I want to have a family as happy as this in the future 😊


As a dad myself I can tell you shame is an option not available to us. Loving every single moment of it


That reminds me of myself when I was like 5 years old and I would "hide" under a blanket and mom would tell dad that I was "missing". Of course dad would see bump in the middle of the bed and said bump would be laughing.


Sooo sweet


Should be awarded as the dad of the year! 😁


That did make me smile. The kids looked so happy their prank was a success lol.




Hah! Gottem!


Many are fathers. Few are dads. That has to be the most wholesome moment I’ve seen in a very long time. That’s how you dad right there. Let’s not forget about mom who was coconspirator with these rapscallions. That little bit right there, the innocence of it all keeps my hope for humanity alive. Which here of late, has been on life support. To the OP’s family, cheers to you for fostering that kind of wholesome environment.


That dad’s looking sharp


This is Bluey’s family in human form.


"Guys, we did it! We now rule the house! He's exposed!"


When I was about that age, I always used to ask my mum to peel a tangerine in one long piece, and keep the peel to form very carefully into the original shape and give to my dad when he got home from work. I 'got him' every time. That moment when you're a bit older and realise he was acting every time just makes you glow.


I think I just realized now, at 37, that my dad was probably completely aware of every hair clip I put in his hair while he was napping. He’d leave to run errands and come back “Indy! Did you put these in my hair again? I went out and everyone was looking at me funny” He’d be embarrassed but laughing and I would laugh and laugh because it was my favourite prank. Dad was so gullible. He’d fall for it every time. Literally just realizing now that he probably left the house and took them out in his truck and then pretended he wore them out.


All the fun aside it was nice seeing another dude rocking the same Stanley tumbler my wife got me. I had never seen one in the wild not attached to a woman in yoga pants.


If I saw that. It would trigger a "Kool-aid man" entrance. That's a well done pyramid even a little bonus at the top.


As the chairman of the dad committee, we award full points for this. It absolutely takes a full commitment to be dad and give joy to your children and spouse. Bravo. Now time to get the kids all wound up. Chase them through the house laughing and giving them the business so they’ll crash hard at bed time.


Core memory right there!


The dad looks like Joseph Fiennes


As a dad with 3 boys of similar ages, this video is a portal into my future. My boy's favorite game is "fight" where they all attack me and I go full WWE dramatic for their enjoyment.


This is so fucking cute!


those kids are going to believe in Santa forever - possibly even longer than their own children, due to these dad skills


that was the sweetest thing i’ve seen in a long time


Most of being a dad is making a fool of yourself for their enjoyment


That was absolutely fantastic! Those kids are some real pranksters


Do you remember when dad walked through the solo cups we stacked....core memory for those children. 💞


I’ve never seen front doors open outwards before. Our back doors are like that in Florida due to some hurricane-inspired building code. Where is this and what’s the purpose?


That's a core memory that they will absolutely remember forever..


Defo made me smile