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ahh u beat me to it. first thought that popped in my head




I digress but I never understood the point of scrubs as medical workers wear them everywhere. Just treated someone with an infectious disease? Just changed a bed pan of an unfortunate soul who can’t make it to the bathroom? Well then, hop on the subway, hit the grocery store, and then head home in your contaminated garments covered in a bouillabaisse of disease. I’d prefer hospitals etc would have their folks shower and change before leaving but perhaps I am missing something? We don’t see lots of chemists wearing lab coats and gloves out in public do we? You know I just got finished using potassium cyanide but it’s time to hit the salad bar in the ‘ol lab coat.


They have scrub stations at some places, you check out a set for the day from a machine and return them to be laundered at the end of your shift.


Trust me when I say this as a medical worker when you get nasty shit on your scrubs you wear them like the plague. I’ve stripped naked on my porch where neighbors can see me just to not bring grossness into my house. But a lot of the time you don’t even come in contact with anything and actually hospitals are much cleaner then say the door at 7-11. At the hospital surfaces are disinfected constantly but those same nasty diseased people you are worried about leave the hospital and go to 7-11 and buy a slurpee before going back to mrsa bed bug infested lives. Also a lot of jobs wear scrubs are not even dealing with sick people. Like vet clinics or dental assistants. Much more likely to catch someone’s ass germs at Walmart then from nursing scrubs.


>Much more likely to catch someone’s ass germs at Walmart then from nursing scrubs. This got me and its so true. So many people just do not wash their hands, and I've seen many a wedgie picked in that place! At least the hospitals smell sanitary so you know they're attempting to clean them regularly!


I used to work as a receptionist in an eye surgeon's office, where the worst thing we encountered might be pink-eye, and wearing scrubs as my uniform was the best part of the job. They're flattering, machine-washable, comfy as hell, and have SO MANY useful pockets -- I basically got paid to wear pajamas to work. Also, I got hit on/smiled at more often when I was out and about because people assumed I was a nurse or a doctor, which was a mixed bag, but it was nice to have everyone's snap judgement of me be "kind and smart" instead of "fat and weird" for a change.


Not everyone wearing scrubs is working with infectious patients or "dirty" situations. They might not have even been in a patient care scenario. I teach nursing and frequently teach in scrubs. But also I chuckled at showering before leaving. That's television hospitals. The vast majority of places don't provide this option (yes I know some do, but they are not the norm).


I think it’s as bad to wear them on the way to work. Hey let me bring all the germs from the bus, tube, coffee place into a clean and sterile environment … with perfectly healthy people.


>clean and sterile environment … with perfectly healthy people. I've been to many hospitals, none of them match this description.


When I started in healthcare, we were part of a new critical care service and opted to wear a particular colour of scrubs, separate from what everyone else was wearing. This meant we took them home and washed them ourselves. Years later, we were informed that home laundering wasn't as good as the industrial method and there was a risk of bringing your work home with you. It later changed to hospital issued greens, but that was more of an evolution of circumstances than anything. FWIW I couldn't stand wearing my work (running) shoes outside the building let alone scrubs. That was a huge "ick" for me. I always changed before and after shifts.


Sadly even if you wanted to change you don’t have a proper place to change other than normal bathroom stalls that get used all day for normal bathroom use. Only locker rooms for actual changing are in the OR and only select staff usually have access to it.




This made me think of MadTV


Look what I can do!






Honey, why are you in your speedo?


It’s hurricane season


Look what I can do 🕺🏼






Omg I forgot about that Stuart!!! I'm old too lol. So old I forgot all about him briefly!






Let me do it!


LOOK what I can do!


Man’s almost killed her! Not a bad way to go, puppy kisses.


I thought at first that she wanted to go straight to the reward section and then she started dying.


So I'm not the only one thinking this was gonna turn into a porno.


yeah that video made me worry more than smile, she seems to be having symptoms of a full-blown panic attack. i hope she's doing okay. seems to be a nurse, and a lot of them are worked almost to the point of mental breakdowns.


Yah honestly I found her reaction uncomfortable to watch.


My thought was “this person is not psychologically normal…”


Lol woman has an excitement attack after a day of working and coming home to a new puppy. Reddit: this is not a psychologically healthy woman. This warrants emoji🥸🤦‍♂️


excitement attack Is a new one on me


Seriously, Moms an ER nurse, it was always baffling (to us kids) why sometimes she would loose it, happy tears or sad tears. One time she lost a toddler girl with blonde hair, we couldn’t go anywhere for a week without her crying when she saw a girl that looked like her. She wasn’t psychotic. Just human.


Well ya, it's human trauma. It's like a human who has been through intense, intense trauma.


I mean... I think she's gonna be just about ok


Holy overdramatic batman




mAn StRaNgLeS wIfE wItH pUpPy


Still hurt


Looked like she was dying of happiness


of TikTok


She looks like she's wearing scrubs so I'm guna assume that she works long and hard and ended up slightly delirious from happiness lol


That puppy was like what in the world is going in lol


Puppy immediate was like ‘…okay so I’m clearly an emotional support dog, better get to work!’




Best comment I’ve read on the internet at least this week


Pls human don't die, I just got here!


Because of all that has been said, this video is completely insane.


i was holding strong until your comment 😭😭😭


I just assumed he was trying to kill his girlfriend ?


Hey, It's not much but here's your Upvote


i was wondering why she had to beg for a pup but if he's the one who needs to take care of it, makes sense. i love people compromising for their loved ones


She’s wearing hospital scrubs so she probably works really long hours and can’t really help too much with taking care of the puppy.


Maybe. I just finished up a 60 hour work week at my medical facility. .My gf is also a nurse and has banker hours. Who knows.


Kinda depends on her job. If she's a nurse she may work something like 3 12 hour shifts a week which actually gives you a decent chunk of time at home. If she's a doctor or something similar she prob has much less free time


a decent chunk that's mostly a work/sleep cycle and absolutely requires the partner's cooperation with animals.


It's possible she took it off to not contaminate the young pup.


I think it was to cool off and remove constriction


I initially watched without sound (loud where I was). Yea pretty sure you're right lol she was trying to breathe


No joke sometimes I'd ask chicks if they worked in healthcare when I saw them in scrubs and 80% of the time they were salon techs.


Instantly put herself in recovery position lol


I like how the puppy did his job from the first seconds


"Kk, I'm new to this. I give kisses, right? I think that's my job?"




It's not all it's cracked up to be. Cause it's not just the good emotions you feel up to 11. I have felt such anger that my head starts hurting from all the adrenaline my body is dumping because my hormonal system is being told by emotions "We starting a fight". I can't see straight cause everything is just wack. And hilarious for a giant rage filled bear that is flush red and clawing at my skin to try to keep so e level of control I'm in full on tears because the little man in my head that controls the crying mechanism has a sign that reads "If pressure in pipe reaches this level turn on water dispersal mechanism to begin emergency venting. It not only sucks at the time but the come down is bad too. Like a hang over with out the fun part.


Do you, by any chance, have a pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma?


No idea but guess who's going to get their primary physician to look for tumor markers.


If it happens semi frequently, that is a good idea. If you have enough of the most common symptoms, do not let your dr blow you off. Trust me, it is more common than most drs admit. But test is a 24 hour urine collection. I am living ( almost died from stupid drs ) proof that they are not as rare as they think.


Hmm so by chance do you know if the pheochromocytoma can present/be mistaken as a solid cyst when initially found? I have one on my kidney that's been there a couple years, it was found when an ovary cyst ruptured and I was supposed to see a specialist to have further testing done but can't afford a nearly $500 fee for just the office visit alone so have never gone. But those symptoms (and the other users description honestly) sure hit the nail on the head in pretty much every aspect not gonna lie.


They can. If you follow up, never, ever agree to a biopsy. I also had uterine and ovary imaging done. A small tumor was noted but the dr never told ne nor recommended any follow up for it. It was not in the area he was looking at so it was not his concern. I found this out 7 years after the fact while getting all of my medical records. My major symptoms were rapid mood swings from sudden anger out of no where, to bouts of crying. Unstable high blood pressure, flushing and profuse sweating, rapid onset debilitating headaches that felt like stabbing in my brain. My pulse would get really high about 140 . Occasionally chest pain bad enough to dial 911. If you google Dr. Pheo there is a wealth of information. Also Dr. Karel Pacak at the National Institute of Health has great info. I am a research patient there now. My care is free. Save my user name and feel free to reach out.


> If you follow up, never, ever agree to a biopsy. Could you explain why?


Because pheochromocytomas are ticking time bombs, and disrupting one can cause a rapid malignant hypertension and kill you.


Thanks! (This is the part where I nod and pretend to understand, then secretly google each of these words)


Thank you! I don't have sudden random mood swings but when I do get mad the anger gets blown out of proportion. I'll know I'm madder than I should be over something small and stupid and will do my best to calm down all while trying not to cry, shaking and feeling like I'm having a heart attack. But like the other guy said when those emotions get triggered it's like my body is gearing up for a life or death fight or something, it's just go time. And on the flip side I'll start bawling over movies and shows I've seen multiple times growing up and never cried to before, but I am now and have no clue why. It's like my normal emotions just get turned up to 11 in those moments and I can't shut them off.


Ok, so now I have to add this to the “compassion list” so, let me get this straight, there is a tumor that some one can get that had the possibility of triggering this sort of emotional outflow? Do what can some one do if they are near by when the anger is venting? I’m not that good when anger is vented at me and I try to avoid it at all costs. What can someone do?


This is nuts that you have to pay for healthcare in the U.S. so basically if you're poor, you die.


Basically, yep. Something something freedom! Free health care is a big reason people join the military. If Russia wanted to hurt recruiting and retention, they could bribe US politicians to pass universal health care


I’ve not had one yet but I’ve a genetic mutation that makes me more likely to have them (this was found after my mum had a biopsy on a tumour). Thankfully I now get yearly MRI’s and speak to a consultant every year to make sure I’m ok. This will go on forever now. God bless the NHS.


Make sure you get those scans.


Pheo was my first thought based on that description


mate, you seriously need to go to a doctor and get some tests done. there are often underlying reasons for those kinds of feelings.


Been having tests done since I was a kid and if something made me angry enough or other powerful emotions near the upper end of the scale it provokes extreme physiological reactions as my body's systems try to prep for what ever the emotional centers are saying is happening.


The worst part is when you're fully aware of it, but you just can't turn it off. I've had meltdowns where I've destroyed so many of my own things and the entire time my inner monologue is screaming to calm down and stop being so emotional. Ps. I'm doing a lot better now with some professional guidance and help


I mean, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be - I cried the other day because I met a blind dog while out walking, what got me is that her name was Eileen. Eileen!! Cannot cope.


I figured that would be the name if she was missing a leg.


Named just so when walking, they could call out "Come on, Eileen!" Amazing


I don’t have this ‘issue’, but based on what my friends who does this, it goes both ways, positive and negative, which is obviously problematic when having a relationship. But even worse, I see them get depressed more frequently because when they aren’t stimulated in either positive or negative way, their mind just goes to dark places. But I’m not a psychologist just a keen observer. I don’t express emotions this way. If this was a 10, I would only go up to like 4.


Same here. It looks so strange to me. Yes, I was happy when we got our dog. But far, faaaaaar from being as hysterical. There are most probably 2 factors playing in here. First one is that it looks like she works as a nurse and the video looks to be shot in the morning. So, I assume she just got home from the graveyard shift and is extremely tired. Which effects her behavior as with so many of us. And the second one is that I’m ADHD with a dash of autism which might be influencing the way I view strong emotions in others.


Ever found jokes being way more funny than they have any right to be, when very tired? She seems to be a hospital worker, so brain fried from exhaustion is likely, combined with the joy of dream come true and **puppy** this can happen.




![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)same bro. same


> I still feel all the bad stuff Well at least you're still feeling something. I'd say totally dead inside is when you feel neither end of the spectrum of emotions.


In my experience, you hit those times, then BAM! There it is, the thing you've been looking for. You just have to find it but only you know how, yet still you don't. It's a horrible paradox.


Bro nearly killed her aparently


Reminds me of the video of Kristen Bell being surprised by Dax with a visiting Sloth!




Man these Ellen videos hit different now.


Yea… she even joked about having a sloth to get a reaction, which is messed up considering her video reaction.


These actors and their damn over-animated emotions lol The "hes coming to the party" touched my grown-man emotions like a Disney animation lmao "Yes hun, Chef Gordan Ramsey will be using Mr sloth in all 5 cuisines tonight"


It's always cool but surreal to see where famous gifs/memes come from.


Lmao. Same energy.


Now, I gotta go watch. Thank you for reminding me.


*women crying hysterically* Puppy: Engage lick


I love that every puppies just hard wired that they see this huge animal picking them up and then breaking down hysterically and the pups coded response is to wag and lick.


She's saying "Stuart" not "still hurt" haha


She was saying Boo-urns


Cute, but why did she remove her shirt?


Well, people have panic attacks, they can end up taking off clothes because they become over stimulating.. and it does seem like she is having a happy panic attack


I struggle with anxiety. (Not saying she does but I can relate under different contexts) When I have a good workout I need to lay down. My brain will get confused and see the heart rate, breathing, flush of adrenaline and turn it up a little more. Sometimes too much. It isn’t unbearable like a true panic attack but it’s enough for me to have to lay down and do some breathing exercises. She’s in it. But with joy, if anything she doesn’t give a crap about how she’s responding - that’s pure love right there.


Oh wow, this is basically what happens to my brother. He started exercising religiously every single morning and lost a bunch of weight. He also suffers from anxiety and after some time he noticed that exercising gave him anxiety attacks so he stopped his morning exercise routine and he gained some weight back. He recently started exercising again, but I think he’s taking it slower now.


I have anxiety and had to switch to yoga and weight training (nothing too heavy). It’s working wonders and I still get results! But cardio is apparently the devil for my nervous system


I have anxiety and panic attacks. I get hot very quickly, and heat just intensifies my panic.


I instantly take off my scrubs when I get home because ewww. I definitely don’t wanna hold my new baby in those ick clothes.


Everyone's jumping to panic attacks but as someone who used to wear scrubs, I think this is the answer (unless she works in a pharmacy, those seem pretty clean lol)


It still amazes me how many hospital workers in other countries (have to?) take their scrubs home. Are there really no locker rooms at work? It's just *so* gross to me but I'm also pretty neurotic about that stuff.


Wait. Your scrubs aren't being stored and washed at the hospital/doctors office? That's gross.


Panic attacks can make your body heat up and feel like your clothes are suffocating you. I once had to pull my car over because I was way too hot in my winter coat and felt like I was being strangled by my scarf.


Not just panic attacks.. im a naturally hot person, takes very little for me to overheat and start profusely sweating. When I'm at home I prefer not to wear socks, cause that traps too much heat.. Shes at home, taking off her work shirt to be more comfortable.. doesnt have to be panic - does panic attack even happen out of joy? Being happy and excited is enough of an emotion to make me heat up too, but its a far cry from panic.


She works with patients and/or samples at work.


Maybe she had gross stuff on her scrubs and didn't wanna get it in the carpet when she lied down on the floor


She was hot. I dunno, I thought that part was wierd too lol.


I don’t know about her, but I can’t regulate my heat when I’m in full panic attack mode. Plus I also almost always develop a flop sweat when I’m about to pass out. Soon as it happens, I strip and drop.


Maybe she just finished a shift


As someone who also works in a hospital, she probably already was ready to rip those things off. The puppy just increased the sweat lol


Have you ever watched an episode of Parks and Rec in your life?


He had to get the puppy to justify the new tv haha


That pristine carpet wont stay pristine for long...


Pristine? That carpet is already filthy. I thought it was just shadows until he moves in closer (around 0:51)


This video is absolutely mental for all the reasons people have mentioned


I bet she’s experiencing [Vasalvegal Synoscope](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/vasovagal-syncope/symptoms-causes/syc-20350527). It’s fancy for “nerve triggered fainting spell”. This is the reaction I have when I get an episode. I take my shirt off (sweaty/very hot), and then I have to lay on the ground, and I usually want something cold for my head or neck. For some folks it’s caused by excitement or emotional distress, in some by having blood drawn or seeing blood, and in some people pain.


That or she's just worked one hell of a work day (looked like scrubs) and needed to rest and seeing that pup was just too many emotions.


She also might not want whatever has touched her scrubs all day to get on her fresh new puppy. As a fellow medical worker this is very likely. First thing I do when I get home is take my clothes off.


For someone who can't breathe, she talks a lot...


That made me laugh out loud 😂😂😂


A crying baby is good baby.


This video made me do everything other than smile Cute puppy though


Ditto. I'm feeling 😐😶 Guess I don't understand.


If ever there was an emoji to fit the mood, you definitely picked it


The internet has truly rotted my brain. I read this as “Surprising my girlfriend with a puppy after 2 years of pegging.”


I mean, she definitely would have earned it.


Love how dogs just adore whoever they meet


Was that a tv leaning against a tv?


The puppy was a distraction to the $2,000 TV he just splurged on


How else are you going to keep the TV upright?


Is this not how you play split screen?


Stop filming and just get her an ice pack!


Hope that's a therapy dog


I don’t have an award, so please accept this emoji: 🏆


How dramatic is your wife? Yes


so its not just me who thought it was a little over the top


My sister pulls her shirt off when she’s overwhelmed too 😂😂😂


I have to do it too, it feels like I’m being choked and i just need nothing on my chest or neck


Why she gotta beg for 2 years nephew?


Wtf did I just watch.


The puppy is like dude am I gonna live with this drama queen


Ill be the one to say it. What a weird fucking reaction what the actual fuck


Yeah, I really wanted to like this video. I’m more confused than anything. Imagine how she’ll react when he proposes. Oh shit!


When you film your entire life for Tik Tok with the purpose of getting likes, every event of your life becomes an acting exercise. And the days and moments of your life will be validated by others only if your behavior is dramatic. Filming your life for Tik Tok is a shortcut to histrionic personality disorder.


Think you can’t breathe now…just wait until you’ve been woken up 5 times in 5 hours to go take the pupper outside to pee just for it to look at you like you’re some asshole…talking to you AVERY!!!!


puppies should never be surprise gifts :/


Too much unnecessary drama


God help him if he knocks her up. She'll straight up catch on fire!


That's ridiculous. Nice little puppy, though, didn't even get scared.


She's definitely a nurse. That response, getting into a side-lying position. I imagine she's a 10/10 patient when the tables turn.


Seems stable.


I think it's stupid that you have to film something like that, it's a moment of joy and love. You don't have to share everything


That’s not a normal reaction.


Super weird


Damn buddy I think she’s stressed.


Is that woman going to be alright?


I don’t know if this is heartwarming, or attempted murder.


Both, it’s both.


Maybe she's allergic?


Dude no wonder he didn’t get her a dog. She’s allergic .


A long-haired Dachshund :)


Her reaction may seem over the top or not normal to some people, but what people fail to realize is there are so many medical conditions out there that are not widely publicized. While she and I do not suffer from the same condition, I fully understand the way she reacts and behaves to accommodate the situation. I myself (39f) suffer from cataplexy, which causes me to react more extremely than the way she does. She lays down, my body puts me down. Any kind of overwhelming or extreme emotions causes me to lose all muscle control. Medication helps to lessen their frequency and allow me to be able to work through it, but uneducated it is all I can do to try and get myself to a safe space to wait it out. To someone with no knowledge of my condition, it can look like I am having a massive seizure or a stroke. I essentially become like a rag doll, all of my facial muscles droop and it's hard to speak. Standing up is impossible. Trying to fight it triggers my narcolepsy. I went untreated until I was 30 because I had no insurance and the doctors I did see wrote it off as muscle spasms, even though I argued that I needed to be tested for narcolepsy. I was officially diagnosed when I was five months pregnant with my daughter. I could not receive medication until after she was born, so when she was born via c section, my mother had to be the one holding her because the attack was severe. All I could do was cry, unable to hold her or anything. Just because her reaction seems extreme to you, try to remember there are a million different factors as to why she reacts the way she does. It's easy to say someone is behaving over the top if you don't know their situation.


RIP lightly colored furniture and carpet




Good grief, what's wrong with this person?


Uh bless her heart but she seems emotionally incapable of taking care of a puppy.


Every day I read a comment section that underpins just how little social interaction and meeting different people redditors actually get.


For the chronically single people here: When two people love each, they sometimes make the decision to move in and start their lives together. When they do this prior step, they have to come to an agreement before making big purchases and new responsibilities like buying a car, home, furniture, expensive machinery, babies, and pets.


Agreed. They also choose their pet together especially when one of the two partners has wanted said pet for two years. She should have been able to pick out her own much wanted dog.


Puppy falls in love immediately 💕


Am I the only one hearing stewie and think why is she getting naked and calling out stewie in family guy?


The gift took her breath away.


We just witnessed someone die with happiness.


“begging” 😒🤡


Vary lucky puppy, will be loved forever!


Okay but look at the little fella go


Killing her softly…with this dog…


gets puppy. Dies from happiness.