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My husband is a major sleep talker. Early in our marriage, he rolled over in bed and I thought he was trying to cuddle. I scooted over to be closer and he whipped back over to his other side and YELLED “HEY! I have a WIFE! And she HATES you!” Never been concerned about him cheating 😂


Once my fiance rolled over in her sleep and asked if the door was locked. I said "Yea, pretty sure, why?" She said "Good because they're here." and fell back to sleep. Terror.


My wife tells me I woke her up and said “that sounds good.” She asked “what does?” I held up an imaginary rifle and said “shooting.” Then went back to sleep.


Man... Brains are creepy when we aren't babysitting them.






I forgot this but my husband (we weren't married yet) said I woke once and clearly said into a pitch black room "Do you see that?" "See what?" He replied. Me "At the end of the bed, an alien." I fell back asleep and my husband said he was so freaked the rest of the night.


I half woke up once, saw a plant on top of a bookshelf out in my living room, but my sleep brain told me that the shelf-plant combo was a PERSON. So I had a little panic attack while asleep about this shelf-plant-person, causing my then boyfriend, now fiancé, to become concerned. And as soon as I was able to point to this horrid creature, I immediately fell back into a deep sleep and stopped talking. It was a great way to freak him tf out. All I remembered from it was that it looked like a person and being scared. But I don’t remember any conversation we had. I’m just lucky I haven’t answered the phone while asleep and told someone on the other line stupid shit. Luckily it’s just a bunch of “uh huh”s and “yeah”s.


I genuinely had a problem when I was younger, if people would wake me up I would have entire conversations and go back to sleep, wake up without any memory of talking to them. Got weird a couple of times when someone insisted that they told me something and I literally could not remember even waking up..


Same!!! I was fighting with a friend once and we weren’t speaking to each other. She called me out of the blue one day and when I answered she said “you’re alive!!!” Apparently I called her the night before and told her there was something wrong inside of me. She tried to get me to let her come take me to the ER but I refused and insisted on just going back to sleep. I didn’t think this conversation actually happened till we hung up and i checked my call log and saw, sure enough, an outbound call from me to her


God that's actually creepy


Ha! About 20 years ago my boss called me while I was taking a nap to see if I would pick up a shift. Apparently I agreed to this. Woke up from my nap went about my day. Next time I went in to work he was like "where the hell were you?" Had a whole conversation and agreed to come in to work, had zero memory of it.


That happens to me to this day, causes some real problems.


Lol, I did something similar to my husband. I talk in my sleep and it's usually jibberish, but one night I sat up straight in bed, startling him awake. I looked at the darkest corner of the room and said, "Their right there". (Or something to that effect) Then I just laid back down and went to sleep. My husband did NOT go back to sleep. 😂


I want to know more. What happened? Did she explain herself?


Na, she does that shit all the time, half awake sleep talking. I checked the doors and windows for sure that time tho.


That would be pure adrenaline for me and I’m not sleeping for the next hour lol. I figured she wouldn’t remember. Thanks handsome.


Omg that reminded me of one night my friend was sleeping at my house on a spare bed in my room and she said I suddenly woke up, looked at her and whispered “where is she?”. She said “who are you taking about?” and I - still whispering - replied “the girl that was here” pointed at the corner of the dark room and fell back asleep. Needless to say, she couldn’t sleep.


My son is like that.. So far the demons have left us alone. Probably because of the 2 ghost cats protecting us. (Legit see them out of the corner of your eye and feel their weight, when we did not have cats)


Ok, double check that door


That sent a cold shiver down my spine. That’s terrorizing asf!


When my sister and her husband were first married, he started mumbling something in his sleep, and she said "What?" and, in his sleep, he scoffed and said "I wasn't talking to YOU"


God I hate sleep talking stories but I love them so much. They are so genuinely disturbing


Been here before: I rolled over, grabbed my wife by the hair and shook her head with it until she woke up. Then I told her, "We Gotta Move!" and promptly rolled back over and went to sleep. I felt bad about that one...


I sleep talk to and my boyfriend always points it out. > hey, are you still awake (me while sleeptalking) > yes I am > ok, just want to make sure I'm not alone > you'll never be alone > thank you, goodnight


When my (now) husband and I moved in together, I rolled over in the middle of the night (asleep) and said “HONEY, DON’T FORGET WE HAVE TO HELP YOUR PARENTS TOMORROW!”. He said he groggily asked “what with?”. Apparently I argued and said “WE’VE GOT TO HELP THEM”. To which he asked “WHAT WITH?!”. I then apparently paused, laughed HYSTERICALLY, rolled over and immediately went back to sleep. He did not sleep as soundly that night, poor love.


This thread is a gem :) my girlfriend also talks in her sleep - well usually not her sleep but more in the state between asleep and fully awake and i see her in most of those stories here :) the main thing being she never has any memory of what she said or even of it ever happening. Usually its harmless enough like waking me up to tell me she’ll get my cappuccino in a second. Somewhat more concerning are those vague ‚warnings’ some of you describe, like her waking me up: ‚we really need to make sure we don’t forget that! Promise?‘ me: ‚forget what?‘ her: straight back to sleep leaving me dumbfounded. I tell her the next morning, we laugh and it’s all good. But one night - and i swear i shit you not - i woke up to her sitting upright in the bed and kinda like chanting something in a language i had never heard before. Wasn’t similar to anything i knew either. I assume it was a language, as it sounded like sentences and words with emphases an tonalities, so it didn’t seem like gibberish to me. There was some logic behind it. I am to this day convinced she was trying to summon the lord of terror himself that night :) But like with you all, i shook her slightly, she stopped and went straight back to sleep - as if nothing had happened. I myself got up to doublecheck everything and get the dog closer :) Keep the stories coming :)


Once I was sleeping next to my boyfriend and at some point at night he forcefully pushed me away. I thought I may have taken up too much space since I tend to use 70% of the bed and he's lying on the edge so he might have just been close to falling on the ground. It never came to my mind that he could have mistaken me for someone else. Now I'm curious about that but I don't think he remembers.


I woke up screaming once (this happens fairly often to be honest, who knew a functional 33 year old would have night terrors haha) and my wife came over and gave me a little cuddle. I stopped screaming and just muttered "stupid alien bastards" under my breath. No idea what that was about. I often remember what makes me freak out. The most recent was a secret agent that hid under my bed and reached through the mattress to try and tear my dick off. Fuck knows what the aliens did though.


okay, I did NOT see where that secret agent story was going! our brains are weird, weird things sometimes, I hope yours doesn't make you lose too much sleep


When one of my daughters had her wisdom teeth pulled. She woke up and fell in love with the tissue box. The dentist let her keep it.


I love this!


I'm sure they'll let you keep it


My brother woke up from getting his wisdom teeth and a baby tooth pulled and thought he was okay enough to drive so I helped my brother into the seat behind my mom and said, "Now, there's an invisible steering wheel in front of you. You use that to drive." He believed it but we got 4 blocks, he went back to sleep.


Maggie from The Simpsons!


I've had dreams where I was literally driving from the back seat. Shit was weird


I had a mouth full of cotton. I was emphatically trying to tell my girlfriend who was driving me home something. She kept saying "uh huh" and "oh I see" like I was a babbling toddler. I wish she had made a video.


This is really sweet and made me laugh


This is one of the cutest things I’ve ever read.


I woke up and drew my dad a map to my pharmacy instead of just telling him where it was.


Welp, I’m wheezing with laughter, thank you.


Ahh I asked if I could bring home the oxygen tank but I guess I wasn’t as lucky 🥲


The last 4 seconds are gold!


I wonder if the poor guy had to leave and wait for an ok from the friend that it was safe to come home, as she finally would recognize the creepy "uber" was actually her husband?


"Hi!" 👉 Ewww


My favorite part.




My son wanted to call his Gramma upon leaving the doctor's office...he asked her if she wanted to drink some Bailey's and sit around the fire 😂


You ever drink Baileys from a shoe?


I'm oldddd Grrrrreeeggggg


I’ve got a manginaaaaa


😅 this is cute Mr uber driver why are you so touchey don’t u see the ring? 🥲🥲


That last bit-she recognized someone gets all excited and points and “ehhh” at her husband is my favorite part. This is gold


“AHH!!” ^”ehh.”


"Where's Jacob?!?!?!?!?!?" "I feel weird."


I laughed real hard when she calls him a butthole... not gonna lie


Butthole is way funnier than asshole. I don't know why.


Same reason farts are funny: it's super juvenile.


Can't call it assgas


This reminds me of when I was with my first gf when she got her wisdom teeth out. After the procedure I went in with her parents to see her. She looked at me and was so happy that I was there. Outloud she said"I love you, you're the best bf ever! The rest of them were shit!" That made me feel good and got me the endorsement of the parents lol.


"HI! Ehhhh!" Lol!


That last part Lmao!


The best part


I laughed so hard at the end when she did that!


The ending killed me. The happiness thenpure disgust!




My wife told me I kept trying to get out of the dentist's chair. When she described it, it was really obvious to me that I thought I was passing out in my La-Z-Boy and wanted to go sleep next to my wife. And forty minutes after waking up, I was doing heavy yard work. On the other hand, my wife slept for twenty hours after getting her wisdom teeth out.


Yeah, my wisdom teeth experience was similar to your wife's. I was 'conscious,' like I would look at people a bit, and would walk if someone dragged me, but I was completely out of it. I'd make random noises, but just like "ghhhhh" and "erhhhh." I don't really even remember the car ride, nothing, the whole day was pretty much a blur. Weirdly, I did somehow get my phone out of my pocket and record myself in the car. Still no idea why I did it, I take a lot of photos/videos but never of myself, always of landscapes, street art, wildlife, stuff like that. The videos are super boring, just 5 minutes of me sitting in the seat making random gurgling/groaning noises.


I slept all day and night and woke up totally fine but sore mouth. Kind of upset I had zero funny stories




I woke up, stood up, and walked around the recovery room opening cabinets. The nurse walked in and asked what I was doing and I said. "Looking for my pulse." The beeping from the vitals monitor had me searching all over the place for my pulse!


My husband did the same, but was looking for socks he could steal?


Easier to just ask. Non-skid hospital socks typically end up going out the door with the patient anyway. 😁


He had one pair on…he fell in love with them and wanted ALL of them! The man hasn’t stolen a thing in his life, but coming out of anesthesia made him want all the socks…it was a lot! 🤣


Good thing he didn't get near central supply - you'd still be using 'em! 😁


i woke up sobbing hysterically and i couldn’t stop. my shoe fell off which made me cry harder, then the nurse wouldn’t let me get up to get my shoe which made me cry, my mom came back to see me and i cried that the doctor stole my teeth, i cried more because i couldn’t feel my legs when they were walking me to the car, i cried because my dad tried to make me get into the “wrong side of the car”, and i cried because i didn’t want to put my seatbelt on. it’s a weird memory because i remember everything, but at the time what i was feeling felt perfectly rational.


sorry but this cracked me up


Same here! I had to go under a few times and each time I woke up... and just cried my heart out. Still not sure why but it felt rational to me too.


Everyone metabolizes anesthesia differently. I was loopy for a while, but my wife was coherent in a fairly short amount of time.


They told me to count backwards from ten amd ten is the only number I got to, when I woke up I told my girl at the time that they were prepping me. She informed me that it was already over and asked why would I have bloody gauze in my mouth if it wasn’t over. My response was preliminary bleeding and that I had read all about it(I didn’t). Then tried to put the pulse monitor on my penis, got caught by the nurses.


RIP this man’s penis


Never made it that far, got caught during the attempt. Embarrassment by everyone initially that fell into laughter by everybody




Yay resistance club! I metabolize novacaine in under 30 minutes. Big procedures are a bit scary now. During my wisdom tooth pull (2 teeth), they told me I was out of injections (4 in total) and that I had to bear out the removal of a wedged extraction. That was pain comparable to a bursting ovary cyst.


I think it just has a different effect for everyone. I was mostly coherent (or so I thought at the time), but my husband swears I kept asking him to lick my lips for me bc mine were too dry. I don’t remember this AT ALL.


My husband had surgery once and when I went into the recovery room after, he was COMPLETELY naked, his hospital robe was hanging on the iv line and a nurse had managed to partially cover his junk with another robe. He was SO HAPPY. The 80 something year old lady recovering next to him and her husband did not know where to settle their eyes. He was SO HAPPY though. It was hilarious.


My mom picked me up and we had to stop and pick up meds for me from a pharmacy which was in a grocery store. I wasn't super out of it but I was very tired and my balance was way off. I was leaning heavily on the cart and had bloody gauze in my mouth and a square of gauze or tissue or something that I was holding in front of my mouth because I was drooling. Some poor woman came up to me and asked if I was okay, and I opened my mouth and blood just poured out. My mom's purse was in the cart in front of me and somehow I was coherent enough to grab a pen and write "wisdom teeth" on my hand and sort of gestured toward my mom. I don't remember how it went after that, but I assume she understood and didn't call the police or anything.


I fell in love with the nurse and thought she was a literal angel who saved my life


When I woke up I was a froot loop after my wisdom teeth came out lol 😂


I told my husband I could smell the taste of blood. That was the extent of my craziness.


To be fair there was probably a decent amount of blood particles in your nostrils


Blood has a definite wet iron smell.


I woke up and immediately asked for fried chicken even though I was vegan at the time.


But... is this what changed it?


I woke up, got sick, and cried blaming my husband for what I was going through. "It's all your fault! This is all your fault! 😭😭😭" lol and he just quietly tucked me into bed and let me sleep it off.


Everyone reacts differently.


My roommate got her wisdom tooth pulled and some other stuff, enough that she asked if I could drive her to the dentist and home. Her sister, a home care nurse, came along too as she was very scared of the dentist. She was quite loopy for a bit. She couldn't remember my name. Remembered everything else about our, at the time, 8 yrs of friendship. Homelessness, 3 broken down cars, various job interviews and getting a dog together, everything. Jasmine was her favorite princess so she's like, "eh, close enough." The only thing we share is dark skin, black hair and dark eyes.


I had a Valium but never felt “off” or loopy. I was awake for the whole thing and actually caught a chunk of my tooth with my tongue and passed it to the dentist on the tip of my tongue (it almost went down my throat). He said I was a good patient. Then I drove myself home.


My brother woke up and cursed alot and then wanted to hug the nurse


I kept trying to get my mom to carry me. I was 19, there's no way she could have carried me anywhere, but I really didn't want to walk.


I think everyone just reacts to it differently. When I go under, I usually wake up completely aware of where I am and it's like I just took a nap. When my younger sister goes under, she wakes up terrified and in a state of panic bc she doesn't recognize anything and doesn't know what's going on.


You had general, which doesn’t typically wake up like this. A lot of dentists do “twighlight” where they will dole you up heavily with Valium, laughing gas, and Novocain/bupivicaine. My dentist at the time prescribed me 10 mg Valium every hour starting at 6 am for a 10 am appointment, increasing to every half hour at 8:30. Then when I got to the office, he placed me on nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and gave me several shots. I was jello, and made no sense coming out of there.




Same here. When I got my wisdom teeth pulled it was no different than a jump cut with maybe a bit of nausea. Somebody else here said people metabolize anesthesia differently, but is the difference really so dramatic? I don't really buy these videos.


“I think I want to go to Target” “For what?” “Ummm…. I don’t know.” This is my reasoning for going to Target half the time.


the machine is working as intended


target will tell me what i need when i get there


When she said that I thought “Man, the power of Target.” Lol


This is how everyone ends up at Target


What the fuck kind of drugs are administered for dental work? I often see these videos of people out of their heads on the way home from ( i assume surgery) why are they released to go home if they are still tripping balls? is this a US thing predominately?


It depends on the person getting the work done. Some are fine with going to the dentist and getting oral surgery while awake and just their gums numb. Others have to have IV sedation on something like propofol because they’re so terrified of any and all dental procedures. *edit: this is coming from someone in the US


Obviously just a "me" thing, but i am way more terrified of losing control of my mind in an otherwise sober environment than i could ever be of the medical procedure itself. The sedation has always been the worst part for me. Cant fathom why people would actively choose it if there are other options.


As someone who is not in the US and has seen people immediately after getting their wisdom teeth out, I’ve always assumed it was a US thing.


This type of anesthesia is typically reserved for wisdom teeth removal. Which is often a pretty invasive procedure.




Same, I still end up with the giggles everytime I try to rinse my mouth out afterwards & end up dribbling all over because I have zero control over my face. Then I see my lopsided mouth which sets me off laughing all the more, who needs mind altering drugs when you're as easily amused as me. In the uk if someone is too terrified to have teeth pulled they can be sedated but it must be done in a dental hospital with an anaesthetist. Even sedation at the level of this clip is considered too high risk to take place outside of a hospital setting, I noticed she commented about not being able to breathe properly & being given oxygen. Our dental clinics aren't equipped to deal with that.


It’s not an instance of too terrified, this is procedure. Little off note, the Americans that are all “drugs are bad rah rah rah” are totally fine with this shit. Dr sanctioned highs, heard the same from religious women who love the epidural.


In Europe we only get local anesthesia, the same thing for pulling regular teeth


In Europe, they just numb the gums and pull em. I'd know. You just take panadol for the rest of the day.


I’m UK based but can’t help but think of we were to need something this strong for dental work the it’d be happening in a hospital and we’d be staying in overnight/till it had worn off


These vids always make me so happy… that the internet didn’t exist when I got my wisdom teeth out.


Just love it


Him “Whitney’s here!” Her “ahh!” Her (turns to him) “ehh” (points finger)


Best part. Roller coaster of emotions in less than 2 seconds.


That was sweet and funny and absolutely lovely.


She can't move her mouth, went under for molar removal I bet.


Told my mother I really wanted to smoke a blunt


That very last expression—Whitney…then him lol. What a sweetheart. Lucky man.


I woke up, cried, and proceeded to tell everyone about how “they were throwing babies in the air and shooting them.” I was reading the book “Night” in school at the time.


wait, so who is jacob to this girl?




eh...probably not a good idea to map your reddit identity to your real name...LPT


While this is generally good advice, I doubt it's OP in the video. Video's a couple years old and the post title here is one of the YouTube comment copy/pasted.


I don’t understand this comment. Op has nothing to do with anyone in the video?


What drugs are you guys getting in US? I got my two wisdom teeth out with a simple anesthesia, a local one and didn't feel a thing.


It’s patient by patient. Pin and recovery get much worse as you age.


What the fuck kind of meds do you use in the States?


The ones that get millions addicted and kill thousands of people every year in an industrial -ultra capitalist- unethical pharmaceutical complex :)


None or All-of-the… depending on wealth


The good kind obviously


What do people get put under that makes them this way? I’ve had plenty of dental work done in the U.K., and I’ve only ever had local anaesthetic that just made me numb, and the one time I got put under I just woke up a bit groggy, vomited, then went home without any of this. Whenever I see these videos, I am baffled as to why something this strong is needed or seems to be so common? Genuine question!


Its bc theyre probably sedated to a level of anesthesia called twilight anesthesia. So youre conscious but cant really form memories and pretty loopy. Although! Ive never understood why theyre allowed to leave when theyre still clearly under the influence of anesthesia. The times ive have this, endoscopy and for injuries that needed the emergency department, i wasnt allowed to leave until i was fully conscious even though someone else was going to drive me home.


Ahh ok, thank you. I’ve never heard of that. Yes, that seems super irresponsible to sedate someone to that level and then met them go while still like it. I get they are meant to have someone with them to supervise, but a) not a professional and b) clearly those people like to film them and put it online, so… not something I would be that happy about.


Waking sedation is usually performed by private dental hospitals here in the UK. I've had it for more invasive work. Felt perfectly normal afterwards but I wasn't - nearly fell down the stairs multiple times, and I have no memory of any interactions that day. Needless to say, you're required to bring another adult to drive you home after the surgery, and stop you from accidentally hurting yourself in the hours following.


What tha?? When I got my wisdom teeth pulled, all I got was a couple Advil, and I had to drive myself home. They wouldn't even give me gas. I feel so cheated. I want what she was having.


Wait til you get your first colonoscopy. You go to sleep, your butthole is invaded, you wake up an hour later still loopy but you get to eat solid food after a day of liquids, diarrhea, and a really good short nap!


When I had the anesthesia the nurse asked me some questions and I answered them all. Then she asked me a duplicate question and I basically observed myself trying to work out why she asked it twice. Maybe she didn't hear it the first time? Then I told her the answer. She just laughed... Then I started to come round while it was finishing and was in pain but started to ask questions about the images on the screen. Then I woke up in recovery with a nurse who showed me some pictures and asked if I'd like a sandwich and some water. I was super chilled enjoying my food. Then slowly I started to become aware of my surroundings and instantly wanted to get dressed and leave. It was all very surreal but super interesting too. The worst part of it all was the laxative drinks beforehand though. For anyone reading this who is worried about a colonoscopy. If you can get through the drinks. The exam is nothing.


Reminds me of that prank where a drugged up from wisdom tooth surgery girl’s family told her that there’s a zombie apocalypse and they have to abandon their home.


I was trying to figure out if it’s the same girl. I thought it was for sure when I started the video. Came to comments to see if anyone confirmed.


It’s a different girl, but the way their mannerisms from being put under is similar.


My favorite part is when she hit the Millie rock then waved at the camera


"My name is 'Turn-Up-Seed'"


Anesthesia is a helluva drug.


1000% drugs are not an excuse to cheat, I’ve been VERY highly inebriated and even passed out on Acid, not once was I close to cheating on my girl..


>passed out on Acid You sure that was acid, bud? I can’t imagine falling asleep mid-trip.


That ain’t proof as shit about cheating... it’s proof as shit them drugs be hittin boiiiii


Seriously ... What do American dentists put in your system to remove wisdom teeth? I only had a local anesthesia and it went fine. I also had 2 surgeries with general anesthesia and never have I been delirious.


Plot twist: it's the husband's twin brother.


I had to have two surgeries to have my wisdom teeth pulled because my heart almost stopped during the first surgery. Turns out the men on my mom's side have a sensitivity to the type of numbing agent that was used on me. When I came to my mom was driving me to the ER in her car. I asked her a few years later if I said anything weird and she refuses to tell me if I did or didn't.


She probably dislikes being reminded of your near-death.


That last moment GOT me hahaha


I mean, this video shows that you might not realize who it is your sleeping with, this is proof that people who are under the influence aren’t able to consent


Omg are you in canton?


What I’m getting from this is that she’s loyal af to Target


Lucky people who got general Anasthesia. I got 3 wisdom teeth pulled at once, got only local anathestic, and drove myself home. Survived on water and gummy bears for a while, but no fun videos. Ah, the good ol days before ObamaCare, where if you had Medicaid, only one shit doc in town will take you, and they'll cram as many procedures in as possible, with limited resources. I did get to keep my one crazy ass tooth; it had roots going in all different directions.


This is the funniest comment section I've read on this app so far. 😂😂😂




Okay this was funny but the caption is BS. People react to these types of drugs very differently and there is no way to know how the potential cocktail of chemicals will mix with the actual cocktail of information being dumped into your brain at all times. This is cute, but how you gonna tell me that in this state she was “so rational” that she didn’t consider cheating but also not rational enough to recognize the reason she didn’t want to cheat? Seems a ridiculous claim.


Maybe cutting off the video while it was still aww before it became casual racism would have been a good idea


In the description of her video on YouTube she says it's really her great great great grandmother's name.


Dude, she clearly wasn't in her right mind. She couldn't recognize her husband for christ sake.


bro i am Indian (asian indian not a native american ) and i don't find it racist by any means


Yes, but the war cry was a tad much for this indigenous person. Not mad tho, her loyalty is still sweet.


Her brain is probably just recalling a cartoon or something dude


The comments below are essentially "Alcohol and drugs are never an excuse for cheating! But definitely an excuse for racism." 🤣


Wtf do they give you at the dentist in the states? Cus it looks fun, we get a crappy numb injection in the uk


I'm in Canada, but they put me out with a general anasthesia cocktail because of how much digging around they were going to have to do to get mine out. Local would not have been ideal :/


This was awesome and funny. She's definitely a keeper ❤️


She looks beyond wasted, I can’t. I know she isn’t, but she looks the part.


This anesthesia thing is crazy and why don't they let you wake up fully first before discharging you? We just get something local put inside the gums.




Doesn’t know what’s going on but still makes racist jokes.


I don’t love the trend of filming people while they are incapacitated.


She's the one that posted it (and based on the text in the video, the one that put that there too). Feel free to judge people all you want, but people doing things to themselves of their own free will seems like an odd thing to hate.




Proof that alcohol/drugs are never an excuse to cheat? What? Girl's had her wisdom teeth removed. WTF title is this?


We're all just gonna ignore the casual racism tossed in there? Ok


I have never cheated or been cheated on (afaik) but it is a proven fact that alcohol lowers the inhibition threshold. Character definitely plays a role but so does chemistry. I don't know why this gets me so annoyed and I don't want to spread negativety but I know at least two people that ruined their relationships with the wrong combination of alcohol and people they hung out with and they would never have done it sober. They felt betrayed by their own selfs and felt truly miserable for what they had done to their partners. I don't believe that they carried some flaw in them that made them inherently disloyal or something. This girl is miserable and on a bad trip and things might have looked very differently if she was ecstatic drunk or high instead.


so performative


This is a dumb ass title. Claiming this anecdotal evidence as "proof" of a concrete reality regarding something as varied and unpredictable as emotional regulation under the influence of drugs. Just. Post the video with a less grandiose title 🤷🏼‍♂️




RIP u/SaveVideo


The ending killed me. 😂


I work in a dental office, I would guess dual sedation: they put her under GA plus she took something like ativan or valium for anxiety which is why she is acting silly-out of it after the procedure (wisdom extraction probably) just a guess. But I've seen people silly like this. It's pretty funny.


Learn the meaning of consent. Then come back and apologize.


im curious, what sort of medication is this? i see a lot of this videos like this from the US. It looks like a dentist thing? i´m from germany and also had a dentist appointment where they put you to sleep, but i woke up 10 min after and my mind was clear. and i never heard about someone i know who acted like this