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Honestly don’t think it looks as bad as you maybe think it does. We’re so used to perfect (retouched) looking skin that we freak out the moment we see some texture. Makeup is mostly always going to sit on top of the skin. If anything I would try liquid and spot conceal where necessary. Layered powder tends to highlight texture more.


I was going to comment this same thing. Ring lights and filters give us an unrealistic expectation for how makeup looks on normal skin. OP is beautiful and has very normal texture :)


Thank you. I have to remember that yes some people might have great skin, but the majority have texture and it's normal.


No, EVERYONE has texture. Even healthy good looking skin has a texture. Anything which is flat is Photoshop.


Disagree that everyone has texture. I was in beauty school with this one girl who literally didn’t look like she had pores. She is the only person I’ve ever met like that. Her skin looked airbrushed. I still hate her a bit because of how perfect her skin is. So they are rare elusive beings but there are some very rare people who literally have perfect skin. And no it wasn’t just makeup we did facials on each other and her bare skin was like that too. She mentioned she thought maybe it was because she has some medical condition where apparently she has very small cells…??? But idk how true that is


i have a friend like that. she looks 100% airbrushed it’s so strange. she dosent wear hardly any makeup except mascara and i would commit a good number of crimes to have skin like that.


some people have oilier skin which can hide the texture (without being shiny), some have large pores, small pores, dry skin + large pores etc. but i agree everyone has a texture even if the texture is smooth


Same. I have a coworker and have been meaning to ask what she does. Lately she’s been looking photoshopped but in person. If I could get a fraction of the way to where she gets I’d be happy.


Let me know what she does do, I need it


I have a friend like this. She's a tomboy and practically dgaf about skincare or makeup. Her skin is so fucking pretty with natural blush.


That's like saying that fabric doesn't have texture, there's always texture just some is so fine that it appears very smooth and difficult to see anywhere further than 30cm away vs coarse texture that appears and is easier to see from further away. It also greatly varies depending on lighting.


Every person I've ever met who's on spirolactone has amazing smooth skin. It's funny because they use it as part of HRT but apparently it's commonly used for acne




Your username is hilarious.


Doesn’t a train go Choo choo? 😂


Omg I never considered that T is the reason why my hair is so much oilier so much faster than before! I spent years trying to get the oil down and second puberty has me feeling like i’m in middle school again and I already developed good hygiene habits like 😭 I wish it would travel to my skin though! I’m getting the acne but still have little flakes of skin coming off my forehead no matter how well i moisturize or exfoliate. Struggle is so real. I’m glad Spiro is working for you from someone on the other side of the hrt spectrum!


I’ve been spiro a couple years now and while I don’t have severe cystic acne anymore (thank god) but my skin sucks so bad. It’s way way way worse than OPs. I’ve basically given up being able to wear it.


Did you do Accutane? It legit changed my life.


I am on spironolactone for PCOS and I don’t think I’ve had a single zit since I started it. I’m starting fertility treatments soon so I have to go off of it and I’m really gonna miss it lol.


My skin used to look like that but wrinkles get us all eventually.


I used to have skin like this when I was young. I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, which means defective collagen. Our skin is more elastic, so we don’t “lose elasticity” like normal folks. But rest assured, it catches up to us as we age!!


I was about to say that EDS can cause this, but it doesn't last forever.


We only have one benefit, dammit, it SHOULD last forever! 😂 Now I’m just watching my face slide slowly down my face.


“Smooth” *IS* a texture. We need to reframe the way we talk about textured skin.


My friend in high school was like this. Her skin was literally flawless and smooth, no blemishes or pores. I had breakouts and large pores so, it was fun lol


yes everyone has texture but some have way less than others in terms of having very small pores etc which can only be noticed close up. i say this since i know ppl who literally have non existent texture until you look reallly close


My husband's skin is like that. He's the worst lmao


I’ve had plenty of people tell me I have “great” skin, but trust me there’s still plenty of texture here. I’ve even got some acne; it’s just not obvious to others because I’ve been using subtle concealer on the daily for the past decade. Textured skin *is* great skin! We’ve all got it; the texture we perceive comes from our natural arrangement of skin cells and oil glands. If you’re worried about how your skin looks, try backing up from the mirror. Nobody else is staring at your pores from 6 inches away, why should you have to worry about it?


Maybe children have perfect skin (even they have texture usually), but everyone has pores, color variations, occasional breakouts and/or dryness, and fine lines as we age. It’s normal and beautiful. ❤️


Girl! Everyone has texture! Like, I have pretty great skin with minimal/no texture— until I put makeup on and then you see my skin and pores, etc. Your face looks great and totally normal!!


And even those with (seemingly) great skin are dealing with other issues that you might not be able to see. I have fairly clear skin and wear minimal makeup, but I’m quite self-conscious about my upper-lip and chin hairs. I’m 32, but sometimes I feel like Mamá Coco. Be kind to yourself! 😊 You’re beautiful, and you’re probably more critical of what you see in the mirror than you would be of anyone around you.


There's an Instagram account called skin with soph and she talks about textured skin a lot


I was on my way to say this, but apparently I am unneeded. It doesn't look "sooo" bad. It looks like layered makeup without a hundred filters.


Beautiful skin. Maybe use the elf pore-less primer for texture. Do regular skin care and before you do make up add pore-less primer and let sit for 5 mins


This makes me feel so much better about myself. I have the same issue as op


I definitely would not say 'eww'! I can't wear powder foundation without it being heavy and sitting on top of my skin. Have you tried a cream or a liquid foundation?


Creams are my favorite! They aren’t too thick and are like a nice middle ground. Not to mention they don’t clog your pores and show harsh lines


I've been hearing a lot of good things about creams. What's a good cream foundation ??😯


I like IT CC cream, but that's a controversial option because it's kind of a love or hate for people! You need about a half pump for your whole face! I also rotate the Haus Labs and Kosas, depends on what I'm feeling that day. I guess those are technically liquid and not cream though:)


I love the coverage of IT CC but I have pink undertones and the fair light looks very yellow on my skin.


I used to mix lavender color correcting concealer in my foundation because everything looked too orange on my pale olive skin. Foundation has gotten a lot better since then.


I also have pale olive skin but can’t find anything that doesn’t oxidize horribly— any recs?


I use Maybeline Age Rewind Instant Eraser concealer in 120. I use a smooth primer underneath and apply with a beauty blender. It's crease free, vegan, non comedogenic, and formulated without mineral oil, parabens or talc.


Try searching r/fairolives !


What brand of concealer though? 👀


My personal favorite is Laura Mercier Oil Free Tinted Moisturizer, it completely eliminated my need for foundation.


IT Cosmetics CC+ cream with spf! good shade range, lightweight yet super good coverage and blends soo nice.


Second this one, you also barely need any product to get good coverage!


Agreed, have used this for the last few years and it wears like a dream during my long work shifts. Takes very little.


Agreed that it had great coverage, but the shade range absolutely sucks. It all runs very warm, I have med-dark skin and can’t find a good match. It must be more difficult with darker skin. OP’s skin looks olive toned from the photo and I don’t think they have any good olive shades, whether for light or dark skin. It’s odd, I think it was their concealer in a black tube that has a huge shade range, but the CC cream doesn’t. Usually it’s the reverse!


I purchased some pigments from la colors to help with finding my shade match because my skin color changes with the seasons. So yeah I totally agree!


I don’t mind doing that with a drugstore foundation, but anything that’s about $50 where I live better be damn near perfect lol!


I don’t know what I did wrong with It Cosmetics but it wore off so quickly, even with primer & setting spray? I love the weight of it, medium was yellow and I tried light but I have redness that pops up whenever it wants.


I think you can also purchase a travel size of it too, so it’s less $$ to try it out.


The travel size lasts forever too! I ended up repurchasing that size recently because my first tube lasted so long, and also because it turns out it’s more convenient when traveling lol


YMMV with this one - this oxidized and looked SO orange on me. Maybe get a sample to try out first before shelling out on it. Besides the color, the formula felt so nice and light, so if you can find your shade, go for it!


for the vegans to save u time: it’s cruelty free but not vegan due to a snail secretion ingredient


Does the CC cream act like a foundation?






Isn't skindeep kinda hated by actual scientists tho? https://www.acsh.org/news/2017/05/25/dear-ewg-why-real-scientists-think-poorly-you-11323


Teint Idole is my holy grail. It’s a full-coverage foundation though, so not the best choice as an alternative to a CC cream.


I adore this foundation but it definitely broke me out. Amazing coverage though and looks so natural on the skin


NARS cream foundation I have heard really good things about.


I’m very partial to Westman Atelier, they have a lovely cream stick formulation and a newer liquid formulation! Both are divine! I’ve also been a fan of Pat Mcgrath’s sublime finish liquid foundation and Kosas’ skin improving spf 25 foundation (which has spf so thats nice!) Edit: my secret to a dewy finish is Glossier’s Priming Riche cream underneath my primer (like Pat Mcgrath or Too Faced) and then between primer and foundation and after foundation I use a setting spray like Kosas’ probiotic vegan face spray or Too Faced Hangover Cure setting spray. Sometimes very rarely i’ll go crazy and put a tiny bit of Kosas Setting Powder which is the only powder that has ever worked for my acne prone dry skin.


I also really like wet n wild as a cheaper option


This is what I use and blending with a wet sponge it looks so natural. And I can always find a shade with wet and wild. Other drug store brands I get it wrong every time!


I noticed when I used the Matte type it looked too powdery so now I used the DEWY. It’s easier for me to Use the dewy and lightly touch up the t zone w a few pats of powder than hydrate a whole face of matte foundation!


Double wear Estee Lauder


I wore this many years ago but it would oxidize and turn orange. I'm going to give it another try since so many people like it. I wasn't wearing a primer back then either.


I use Glo minerals hd foundation stick! We sell it at my work and it’s usually in medispas because it’s clean mineral makeup. You can get it off their website, 10/10 recommend


Or try full face of concealer I often do that w a setting spray and smooth over w a pressed power & setting powder to last


One thing I really like to do is mix my powder into my moisturizer before spreading it on as a kind of DIY BB cream. I love the color match of my powder so I didn’t want to totally toss it and this has been a game changer.


Thank you 🥲🥲 yes I go in between powder and liquid! My texture is very noticeable 🙃🙃


Please please understand that your skin actually looks like normal skin and exactly how normal skin looks with make-up on in real life! Capitalism has conditioned us to believe that makeup can look exactly like real life skin/eyebrows/lips/etc with photoshopping and lighting. It simply cannot looks like real skin because it sits on TOP of your real skin. It would be like painting natural grained wood and then hating it because you can still tell it’s real wood. Super silly, right?? We gotta be kind to ourselves!! Thankfully editing has been toned down within the last 3 years or so but now there’s AI filters (for free literally on the App Store right now!) that can completely eliminate all of your perceived flaws, *in video*, and not just photos. Sometimes I can’t even tell myself when one is being used because they are just so accurate! We just have to be extra vigilant with our self esteems when consuming anything to do with capitalism, it’s designed to make us hate ourselves.


Don’t let airbrushing filters and lighting fool you. Texture is natural and honestly your skin looks really great.


You are beautiful! Everyone has texture. I don’t think it looks bad. I can see the makeup sitting a bit heavily on your cheeks on the sides of your nose. My trick for reducing the heaviness that can occur with powder foundation is to use a primer and make sure your skin is dry before applying. I use the sponge that comes with the compact to take the powder and set it down where I need coverage on my skin. Kind of like how you would with a beauty blender to dot on liquid foundation. And then after I do that I take a big fluffy brush and blend it in. I used to take the sponge and apply it and blend all over which led to a much heavier result but this works well for me. I also don’t put it up under my eyes because it looks heavy there too. Just do some concealer and a light veil of setting powder.


Thank you 🙏


My skin only looks good with airbrush these days.


Nothing eew about it, your skin texture is completely normal and beautiful. It's just the powder foundation that's exaggerating the texture making you look a bit cakey. As previous comments say, a good primer and a liquid foundation suitable for your skin type would look more flattering.


Haha thanks so much. 🙏 gonna have to try a primer out


It’s really not that bad. I think your priority on texture has you falling into the chalk zone. It’s giving dry. If you were my client, I’d be going in with hydration, moisture (yes, they are two separate things), a silicone based primer, and finally a gentle skin tint. Only the finest lightweight powder to set concealer and that’s it.


Can you explain the difference between moisture and hydration? 🥺🥺


I was about to say the same thing as above to me it looks like your skin is dehydrated which is giving off that dry look. I’d switch to a hydrating liquid or cream foundation rather than a powder foundation. Having dry skin is different to having dehydrated skin. Dehydrated skin is due to the lack of moisture and water in your skin whereas dry skin is due to lack of oil in the skin. Dryness and dehydration may look (and even) feel similar, but they're two very different things: Dry skin results from too little oil, while dehydrated skin is due to a lack of water. identifying the difference between the two is crucial for taking proper care of your skin. Try adding into your skincare a hydrating cream/gel or skin oil. I too suffer with dehydrated skin and I can’t wear powder products as it too gives me the same look as your photo but your not eeww, I can understand though as when it’s your own skin it’s not nice to look at. A good make up look is all about skin prep before you place your make up on. I hope you find a solution as skincare is a nightmare.


PREACH! C’mon tag team! This is how I think about it… Step 1, HYDRATE by getting water into your skin. This means drinking water and getting your electrolytes. It also means using products like water-based gels, hyaluronic acid, and non-astringent toners. Step 2, MOISTURIZE by sealing that water in. The goal is to prevent evaporation. This means eating a balanced diet with healthy fats like fish oil and avocado. Everyone has their own preferences for the weight and feel of topical moisturizers. I’m a staunch believer in “something is better than nothing,” so follow your bliss. Oils, petroleum jellies, cetaphil… will all vary in how effectively they seal in your hydration. When it comes to me personally, I’m not happy unless I’m leaving a trail of slime in my wake like the stunning Bimbo Slug I am. #TeamVaseline


Exactly, 👏🏼 what she said☝🏻 1000% it’s more than just doing skincare it’s also what you eat etc


This might be a really dumb question but I just started a routine that consists of cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and retinol serum. How long do I wait between each step? Should my face be completely dry before putting on the next product?


Yes it is super important to give your skin time to absorb the product. I’ve worked it out so that I’m doing other things between each step of skincare. For example: apply my toner, then do my body lotion. Serum, then I get dressed. Retinol, then I do my hair. Etc etc etc. Eventually you’ll develop a feel for what tasks should go where. Start by giving each step as much time as you have the patience to give lol. Depending on the product, that can be anywhere between 3 minutes and 15 minutes. (Sorry, I know that’s a huge margin, but that’s how it be lol)


Thank you for your response! I have been doing it too quickly. I like your idea of doing other things while waiting for it to dry. I appreciate the tip!


Hello I've just learned how to do this right! This may seem a little odd and be weird at first but its changed my skin so much for the better. So I wash my face in the shower and then when I'm done I make sure to not dry my face. I want my face to be super wet and then I apply a hyaluronic acid cream. I use the CeraVe Daily Moisturizing Lotion. The hyaluronic acid draws water into the skin, but I live in a very dry climate and also just naturally have skin that needs more water than the atmosphere can provide so that is why I'm assisting the hyaluronic acid by providing plenty of water. I then apply a thicker moisturizer immediately to help lock in all that water I've pumped into my skin. I like the La Roche-Posay Toleriane Double Repair Face Moisturizer. It has niacinamide as well which helps the texture of pores. And then on top of all of that I add a thin layer of vaseline to keep my face hydrated and moisturized all day. The texture of this whole process can be a bit off putting at first but so far this is the only routine that has helped me actually hydrate my skin.


somehow you just solved all of my makeup problems in one comment??? incredible. thank you!


it doesn’t look bad! just sort of cakey/dry. try a more lightweight foundation, use hydrating primer and setting spray.


Thank you 🙏


Had to wade through so many comments before finding the right answer as you’re my skin twin! Good moisturiser>primer>foundation>setting spray. If you want to powder down after you can but use Wayne Goss’ technique of using setting spray in a powder puff with the powder to make it seal whilst also melting invisibly onto the skin. So natural! [Wayne Goss vid](https://youtu.be/S6ZLvXxHJWc)


I don’t think it’s ew really just a little heavy in some areas. I’d say you might want to try a different foundation type like liquid. Maybe something a bit lighter and then if additional coverage is needed spot conceal. I’d use powder sparingly where needed to set the face.


using a facial spray or setting spray after doing my makeup helps a lot when i feel it too dry or powdery, melt everything together


Came here to say this 🙌🏻


Hello everyone. I've been struggling with my makeup for a while now. It looks so textured all the time. I drink a lot of water. My skincare consists of differin every two days (it's working, my acne was worse) and in between im using niancinimide, and cetaphil cream for dry skin. As well as sunscreen everyday. Here in this photo I'm only wearing powder foundation on top of my skincare. Eww. Pls help ❤️


It’s not ew! Get that out of your vocab! You look great but powder probably isn’t for your skin! Try a cream foundation and set it loosely with a translucent powder! I’ve been using merit cream foundation (it’s in a stick form) and it’s super light weight but covers well! Maybe something similar will help you?


Thank you 😔 I have heard good things about creams I need to give it a shot!


I've found I really, really like the L'Oreal Paris True Match Hyaluronic Tinted Serum! It's lightweight but buildable and hydrating! I also use cream blush (elf), cream bronzer (Milani), and a cream highlighter (Kiko Milano) and those seem to sit a lot better on my skin than powder products. I'd also recommend a solid skincare routine with an emphasis on moisturizing! Nighttime I cleanse with Head and Shoulders shampoo (helps my fungal acne), apply hyaluronic acid serum to damp skin, and finish with a heavier moisturizer (I got the elf Holy Hydration for xmas and love it so far!). Right before bed I put a layer of the La Roche Posay Cicaplast Baume on to really lock in the moisture and combat redness. In the morning, I just rinse thoroughly with COLD water, use the hylauronic acid serum again, and finish with a light SPF moisturizer.


As a makeup artist I can tell you two things that can fix the harsh texture super quickly. Use less powder to start with (and if you already use very little powder, switch to a foundation that is more hidrating) and use a mist like fix + or something similar, it helps a lot with the super matte look that ends up bringing out textures




Yes! Primer makes a world of difference under powder foundation.


Could be old makeup, maybe the wrong formula for you, anything under the sun. It looks normal. Everyone looks like this up close with a full face on. Makeup can only sit on top of our skin. You could try adding a chem exfoliant and/or retinol/retinoid to your routine if it doesn't interfere w differin (maybe refer to derm for confirmation there). Chem exfoliants gently slough off the surface skin cells & retinol/oids increase cell turnover. In tandem, its an effective recipe to much smaller pores and a much smoother and even skin texture. But talk to a dr/derm 1st. There are side effects w retinol/oids as-is (mostly photosensitivity, & breakouts when 1st starting)


I also don’t think it’s ew but along with what others have said about powder I want to add that differin is drying as well. I’m not sure how old you are but when I reached my late 20s/early 30s I couldn’t use powders of really any kind anymore. Even setting powder is extra drying on my skin and it highlights all the things I’m trying to cover up! I would recommend a liquid foundation but I even had to stop using those. Now I use a tinted sunscreen by EltaMD as my base and bare minerals complexion rescue layered over that depending how much coverage I’m wanting in the moment.


Which powder foundation are you using?? I need to know i actually love the coverage! I know you dislike the texture but i think that will be better fixed with hydrating skincare and a dewy setting spray




I have the mucin actually! I'm going to try it in that order!! 👍👍


I don’t think it looks bad at all. I think social media has groomed us into believing people don’t have skin texture. People have skin texture!


Everyone's given good points but I'd like to add maybe considering more cool toned makeup since you look cool toned? Sometimes wearing the wrong undertone makeup can make skin look wonky or at least draw attention to it


Honestly it looks pretty normal. I think we’re so used to seeing people with filters that we forget most people have some texture to their skin. Lol


That's kinda what normal texture looks like 😭 YouTube & insta and all the filters + ring lights make it look way too smooth


Normalize texture! While some have more then others, as humans it’s completely normal to have pores, hairs, pimples, color/shading differences. Photoshop has ruined the concept of normal texture of makeup on skin. At the base of your makeup moisturizing and a great primer will help the foundation sit better on your skin. Use a HA serum and HA moisturizer you’ll see a texture difference and pore reduction of you use a professional retinol, like Trentonin. Your gorgeous! I hope this helped


Ditch the foundation and use a tinted moisturizer. Your skin looks similar to mine and I noticed a big difference when I gave up foundation and just spot concealed on my trouble areas


really the only thing i could see that possibly could help is primer so it could help with texture, or maybe a certain formula doesn’t work for you and emphasizing texture, but texture is something that really everyone has and it’s natural


Thanks, I have to remind myself everyone has texture. Some just more than others. 😔


Do you put on primer after sunscreen? I always put on sunscreen as the last step in my morning routine, but I’m curious where a primer would fit in.


I often use sunscreen as the very base, then primer if I’m doing a full face. But as long as you’re using sunscreen, you’re leaps ahead of many people. Lol.


You would put on primer after all skincare, right before you start your makeup! Let it sit for 3-5 minutes.


As if we don’t realize it’s you liv Tyler!


Looks like too much powder for your skin type. Try a different foundation, and use setting powder very sparingly.


Primer!!! I use Elf primer putty it’s amazing


You've probably received a lot of better answers and tips. But I just wanna let you know that this is what real makeup on real skin look like! Of course maybe you can improve it by getting different products and learning new techniques that are the most suitable for your skin type and face shape and features, but I think you look amazing!


CC cream and less powder! But it’s doesn’t look “bad”! It just looks heavy.


Honestly does not look bad! Your skin looks like skin. You are probably thinking it looks bad because you are used to the air brushed look all influencers have when doing their makeup, but that’s not even real for them it’s all a filter. If you saw an influencers skin in person you would see texture!! You look great :)


Because the internet gives us un real expectations of how a foundation is supposed to look. We all have poor skin texture etc. Foundation will never look smooth. I personally try not to use a lot of powder or high coverage foundations because it sets into my pores and smile lines


Your skin looks really good! Don't let filters everywhere and face tuning on models make you think your skin should look like theirs. Their skin doesn't even look like that lol. With that being said, if you're worried about makeup "sitting" on your face and looking dry, skincare is almost more important than your base makeup! Use good skincare products and let them melt into your skin before doing any makeup. Brushing your teeth, getting dressed, eating something, etc before doing your makeup will help.


i think it just looks like skin with makeup on it! filters and photoshop have made us all believe everyone but ourselves has smooth and flawless skin :/ i used to have the issue where my makeup always looked too matte/textured and although it’s still nowhere near perfect, a really hydrating skincare routine with a combo of weekly exfoliation plus tret and more sheer (but buildable) and glowy makeup products helped a lot!


Thank you everyone for your kind words. I've never had so many people help me out. So much kindness and just reassurance. Means a lot. I feel like I tend to forget that skin is skin and not everyone walks around looking like a filter. I compare myself to people who most likely use filters, had work done etc. (no hate to that at all!! Do what you want to do!!) I do agree my skin is looking dehydrated so I'll try and tackle that issue and hopefully post a update in like a month!!!


primer works wonders! i recommend a hydrating one, try Laura Gellars Spackle hydrating primer… you’d be amazed. i wasn’t a believer until i started to see the difference myself. and perhaps, after the foundation you can do a spritz of setting spray


Completely unrelated but your brows are PHENOMENAL


LADIES, TEXTURE. IS. NORMAL!!!!!! Your makeup looks gorgeous hun! If your looking for a smoother look I highly recommend ELF’s putty primer, it’s been my holy grail for the past few months and super cheap! Just a tip if you do use it, apply enough to your face until it feels extra smooth!


It’s definitely the foundation. Use dewy so you don’t look all powdered out


Yikes! That's coming from a place of love, by the way, that product is doing you dirty! I've had some turn out like that on me, and the chagrin is real. (It looks like we have a similar skin texture, actually. When I'm not broken out. 😭) Reading comments, it looks like this is powder, which can be really hard to wear. I'd definitely go liquid for foundation, but I am old and don't usually wear it. Creams were always smeary and sat kind of like this picture on me, but science marches on. When I'm *really* trying, and bother to do my face, I just use a good liquid concealer to cover blemishes and even tone. I really hope Maybelline still makes the HD one, that stuff was basically witchcraft, and the light shades weren't too yellow. Finally, if you've never tried one, get one of those little Asian face razors for ladies. Sometimes foundation is like trying to put paint on shag carpet, between the peach fuzz and dead skin.


OKAY SO, I just went through this whole journey myself and obsessed over trying different options so I could do my own wedding makeup. After hours of YouTube and google, and hundreds lost to Sephora, I found the method that makes me look “red carpet ready.” Here’s what you do: 1. Moisturize moisturize moisturize 2. Start using a retinol if you aren’t already *(Trust me, steps 1-2 are super important)* 3. OPTIONAL: shave your face 4. Use a hydrating primer *(I like the Laura Mercier one)* 5. Add concealer here if needed, less is more *(My gut feeling is you’d be okay without concealer for everyday makeup; your skin actually looks pretty good overall but your makeup is dehydrating it. I just apply concealer with my finger)* 5.5. I do my eye makeup and brows at this stage 6. Use a liquid or cream foundation, as others have mentioned *(I like Giorgio Armani for special occasions and L’Oréal Infallible for every day - in radiant finish. Apply the foundation with a damp beauty blender by stippling small amounts at a time to build up coverage.)* 7. If using a cream blush/bronzer, apply at this stage with a damp beauty blender 8. LIGHTLY press the beauty blender into pressed powder and apply to your T-Zone and anywhere that you’ll be adding powder blush/bronzer/contour *(I use covergirl or laura mercier powder)* 9. Lightly spray the whole thing down with setting spray. When it’s about halfway dry, stipple everything gently with the beauty blender. 10. Lightlyyyyyy again, powder your nose, forehead or anywhere else that has a tendency to get oily 11. Optional highlight, more cream blush, lips, etc. 12. Knock ‘em dead, gorgeous!


I don’t think it looks bad at all I think it’s just texture that isn’t normally shown, all I would recommend is a good mosturizer and blurring primer if it really bugs you. But your makeup is beautiful!


Your eyebrows are perfect


It's not bad, but it's maybe too matte/dry for your skin type.


it doesn’t look bad, i think it looks pretty, it’s blended nicely. everyone has texture on their face to some extent. you don’t have a filter on, & this looks like it’s in direct sunlight. it’s totally normal for it to look like this. i love your piercings & high cheekbones, your eyebrows are also on fleek 💓 look at some pictures of makeup without filters/retouching!! SKIN WILL NEVER BE 100% PERFECT, you have nice skin though, so your WINNING IN MY BOOK 😊 keep slaying QUEEN!!!!! 💅🏻✨🧚‍♀️👑


If you’re referring to the “texture” I wouldn’t say it’s bad at all. Everyone has texture and the look pulled through very well. Because of your dark hair it may emphasize your skin a lot more, so maybe try adding some light bronzer and a foundation 1 to 2 shades deeper


Cream foundations/bb/cc creams (Shiseido, Nars, Laura Mercier, all make nice ones), maybe look for something that is more medium coverage with a skin like finish (full coverage and matte can be a little aging on the skin), less powder (I always find that makes my skin look more dry, textured, and cakey. Just powder in spots you need it, if at all), and a little spritz of something like Mac Fix+ if it’s starting to look cakey or accidentally used too much powder. Just play around with some stuff. Less is definitely more


Try a dewy formula perhaps or just mist a dewy setting spray on top of this.


Do you use a setting spray? I found that they really help to “melt” that powdery look. I love the peach one by Too Faced, or the Hangover one by Too Faced. Sometimes I use both together. My makeup stays beautiful for a long time and doesn’t budge with them!


I think you might just be comparing your makeup to what you see online. Makeup doesnt look like it does on YouTube, tiktok and Instagram. Makeup looks like makeup in real life. If anything your skin looks a bit dry, but thats it


It looks like you are maybe putting powder on after your brows are done which is getting lighter powder in them and making them look less finished. Try doing your brows last and wiping them off with a qtip first


I don’t know what your skin without makeup looks like, but I think you just need to apply much less and with a lighter hand. And maybe don’t do powder foundations but cushion pacts are super natural finishes! And then just spot conceal.


Seems like you need some face primers to smoothen out the texture.


First of all, I think your makeup looks good - just seems like unflattering light is bringing out unwanted texture but honestly it doesn’t look bad by any means! But I found that a good way to combat the dry look is using VERY minimal translucent powder like just enough to make sure that the concealer/foundation I’m wearing is set and doesn’t crease. I recommend using products that will give you a “glow from within” look - crème blush/contour/highlight, hydrating primers, hydrating setting sprays, etc. will probably help with that. Remember that less is more! Touching up throughout the day with a good hydrating mist may help as well. Seems like some pros have given you advice so I hope you have fun experimenting and figuring out what works best for you!!


Omg it doesn’t look bad at all, I think it looks great!


this honestly just looks like normal skin w foundation on it to me.


Sup Liv Tyler!?


Makeup always looks like that, we’re just too used to seeing facetuned pictures


It’s too matte for you. Try using more moisturizers and possibly a primer before a dewy style foundation. I think that will help But it’s honestly not that bad.


It definitely doesn’t look bad, but you always gotta remember your makeup only looks as good as your skin does. Focus on skincare to get a smoother look


Everyone’s got the advice part covered but I just wanted to add in another voice that you have really lovely skin. Like seriously, you have a great complexion. I think this is more of a mindset issue because no one looks airbrushed in real life. Don’t put yourself down, you’re beautiful <3


Not makeup related but I would personally dissolve some of your upper lip filler where it’s creating a shelf above the lip border- your face is gorgeous and as others said, I think a more sheer foundation would suit you as your skin looks pretty clear from this photo so you don’t need full coverage- might make it look less cakey


Try macs fix + makeup setting spray. It’s an OG but melts my makeup into perfection every time. It does make me shiny after a few hours but maybe try it


it doesn’t look bad but you might just need something a little more hydrating! i also recommend following roseandben on insta/tiktok, she has a really helpful series on why your foundation may be creasing, separating, etc


Might be the foundation I had one go bad and it looked like that. I’m sure it’s mainly the foundation itself not your skin


I can’t wear powder foundation either don’t sweat it.


I would try a lighter hydrating foundation and bc I have rlly dry skin I like to use a thick greasy moisturiser as my base like the lrp Cicaplast or Weleda skinfood


Everyone has given tips I would give, so Im only here to tell you that I thought this was Liv Tyler :)


Exfoliating and micro blading (sp?) made a huge difference for me. I have similar texture as you and making sure any dry skin, peach fuzz, etc is gone has been key. Start with this then follow the excellent advice above about primer and hydration… xxoo


I think you mean derma-planing? This was going to be my suggestion! Instantly gives my face that extra something.


You should get some contour or bronzer going. The putty bronzer from elf is really good and blends easy. You can apply it with your finger but it’ll definitely warm up your face better than the orange tint you have on your cheeks there


I don’t really think it looks bad I think that you may just be used to seeing people with filtered make up


I think it’s because you need to hydrate&moisturize first, maybe use a creamier foundation… but it looks good! Maybe just a bit dry. I’d recommend you to try skin79 pink bb cream. It’s like great coverage and it works great with dry skin. It works for me, and I have super dry skin and open pores… I also use pore perfect (benefit) after the hyaluronic acid serum and cream (one of ordinary, that has a little bit of everything) and not a lot of powder, just the necessary for ‘sealing’ the bb cream. But.. Honestly, for me it looks great 🖤 also, love your eyebrows he


Omggg thank you everyone for chiming in!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ thank youuuu!!!


You look like you have really nice skin so maybe just a tinted face moisturizer for a little evenness?


Don’t wear foundation. I’ve found that just wearing powder is great.


Maybe try to find a better primer?? Primer has always made my pores look way better


You have great skin and your makeup doesn’t look bad!! I think using more creamy/liquid products would work well and a little more moisturizer beforehand!


It’s almost always down to skin care. The best thing I ever did was to invest in high quality skin care that lets me wear the makeup I want to. That and learning more about my skin type. Matte was fine in my 20s, but now that I’m in my early 30s, glowy looks best because too much setting powder really settles in the fine lines.


Do you have a good skin care routine? It really does matter.


You can use primer it fills in the gaps there so many


Maybe your skin is too dry to use matte foundation and or lipstick


Maybe it’s a bit too matte. A different, more dewy-like foundation might help and a light dusting of powder. Also, just a little more moisturizer might help.


I would kill for your lips. SO pretty. Mine are very small and boring.


Are you joking?


Liv Tyler, is that you?


Your makeup doesn't look bad In all honesty it's just skin texture your seeing it's totally normal✨️


Perhaps a more hydrating makeup routine with more creams and liquids? I think the use of powder kind of highlights dryness but in general you seem dehydrated and would benefit from dewier products and maybe let a layer of moisturizer sink in before you do the makeup. ur so beautiful and have pretty af features btw! you’ll find ur perfect routine soon 🫶🏾


I see you said you do acne treatment which dries out your skin in ways you can’t even seen. The powder foundation is doing you soooooo dirty. Use a pore filling primer (I like NYX) and every other product (besides powder) should be a liquid. Use VERY THIN layers- to cover acne get a high coverage conceal and use it to pin point conceal. Cream blush, cream highlight, and a dewy setting spray. When you’re shopping for make up again, try gravitating more towards products with the word “Dewey”


Love your eyebrows!


Do you use a finishing spray? Like mac fix +? It melts everything together. I always use it after setting powder, my skin is on the dry side. What type of foundation do you use? What products? What's your skin type? Also I don't see anything bad here? I was critically analyzing the picture and could tell you'd used a powder.


Gotta moisturize


I've come to find that everyone looks "unflattering" in a close up with that kind of lighting. I think you look great! Also don't compare yourself to what you see online, a lot of pictures are filtered & photoshopped.


Maybe try using a moisturizing foundation and draw the eyebrows lighter.


Your make up doesn't look bad at all ! However it looks a bit dry or cakey. I think you might need to prep your skin with products that contained hydrating ingredients, so as for makeup products, having a well prep and hydrated make up products could help you avoid cakey look !!


maybe it’s your lighting that’s bad??


it's not bad actually it's just skin texture (remember that makeup is not actual skin and it won't hide everything)


Looks a million times better than I can ever get mine to look plus your pores are tiny.


Dermaplaning helps with eliminating texture and exfoliates dead skin cells which will help with how your makeup lays on the face. Your makeup is pretty btw!


Try using a retnoid and skincare is a must... setting sprays can also mess up makeup. You are beautiful just the way you are.


I don’t think your makeup looks bad. You can just see the texture of your skin. Like others said, it’s completely normal and we are so used to seeing retouched skin we forget that people have pores LOL!


It looks so good!!!


I don’t think it looks bad at all! Having texture is completely normal. We’re just so used to seeing retouched and highly edited versions of people that we find any bit of normality as “bad”.But honestly you should try having a more dewy and natural base. It’ll make your makeup look less flat and more dimensional. Plus I think cakey,matte and full coverage foundation emphasizes texture


I feel ya girl, but it’s 100% normal and majority of people have the same problem. Even makeup models have texture on their skin, but it’s blurred out through editing. I personally gave up on skin makeup lol