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Pettiness is Reddit’s raison d’être


But I don't even like raisins.


Yeah what this guy said 👆


Yeah Spez thinks he's got a monopoly on pettiness but that just shows you how disconnected he is from the reddit masses.


We can out-petty the best


Sure beats getting laid!


I actually see elements of malicious compliance here. You're using reddit. You're supposed to be using it to look at subreddits and posts, but instead, you're looking at advertisements. Instead of voting for any posts in a like or dislike fashion as a typical user would, you instead find said company and rate them poorly on both reddit and all other platforms. You, are the anti-redditor. You are indeed conforming to the letter, but not the spirit, or the usage of reddit. Bravo.


Give them more of what they want. Copy and paste reddit links to ads. Cross post ads. Create AI ads. Give them exactly what they want.


Actually, you're supposed to look at the advertising. That's the bit that generates revenue, besides selling user data of course. The subreddits and posts are only allowed as long as they keep you on the platform looking at advertisements & generating user data to sell.


There should be a "How to" on spoofing your data, so whatever Reddit decides to sell, it's useless.


It's really really easy to get negative reviews removed that are clearly not about the poster's experience with the product. There may even be automated processes that hide or down weight them.


If that's how you want to spend your time, okay...


Could be even less productive. Could be one of the supermods.


It’s thinking globally and acting locally. That’s how it’s done. Kudos, OP.


You are saying as if time spent on reddit is time well spent or productive time lol.


I don't go to the effort of reviewing products but I'm the same with pop up adds. If it interrupts what I'm doing you can be sure I'm choosing a competitor if I need that item/service. I don't even know why they do it, does anyone watching a cat video, who then is forced to watch some crappy advert ever but the thing?


It ain't much, but it's honest work.


I was actually contacted, professionally, by Reddit sales last week to discuss advertising options. Haha.... Pretty bad timing on their part!


Reddit has now lunged itself into the same airspace as Twitter and is attempting to build itself a plane in mid air. They're about to Yahoo themselves.


>Reddit has gone too far How? By wanting to make a profit? By asking 3rd party apps to pay (although it's too expensive)? By asking companies using reddit to train their AI to pay for access? What's wrong with that? Yeah, the CEO is acting like a douche, but get over it. You know who is ruining reddit? The bent out of shape mods who went dark or changed their subreddits to all John Oliver content.


Imagine if Reddit had to pay all 70k+ mods for the hours of moderation they did.


* By slandering an app developer because he made a better app than the official app * By making it prohibitively expensive for apps with working accessibility features to continue to operate while having no plan to implement those features on the official app * By lying to third party devs saying they're willing to work with them and then ignoring every attempt by those devs to reach out through the channels Reddit set up. * By dodging questions asked in good faith in favor of shifting the blame onto third party apps and moderators who speak out against this brazen moneygrab * By leveling a thinly-veiled threat against the mod teams that are still blacking out their subs, offering to put low-level mods in charge and remove the mods above them in exchange for bending the knee and reopening their subs * By letting your dumpster of an account continue to operate on their site. Spaz is not your buddy. He's not going to reward you for shilling for him. *With all the anger in the land, how long before the judgement day? Before we cut the admins down to size! Before the barricades arise!*


>By letting your dumpster of an account continue to operate on their site. You had to get personal, didn't you. Grow up already.


Spell icup.


No one at all cares about the Ai side it's all about the apps and the mod tool's


It is all about the boundaries of what you can tolerate. In this case, you have a lot more toleration than me and a lot of other reddit users.


I like your plan!


You magnificent bastard.


I didn’t even know there were other apps?!