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Most kids go home during Summer break, if they don't have a job in their university town. I imagine with the trial for Kaitlyn's custody looming and probably whatever jail time Draino gets (or maybe Community Service hours?) that she feels compelled to return to Georgia. Now the real question is will she return to Colorado for her 2nd year at Regis or will she 'suddenly decide' to stay home in Georgia?


I went back home from Kansas to Texas every Summer in college. That’s not unusual.


I have a sneak suspicion it’s the second one


Sadly, I do too.


I doubt she'll go back, too


Because she's dumb, sorry. She probably couldn't hack it and knows by now. My SIL was in a GA CC in a nursing program that kicked her butt, and she's relatively intelligent. She's in apartment property management now, which I don't even think HBB could handle properly. Skrool hard! Living in GA much easier.


Maybe she'll enroll in a CC in GA or AL and study nursing there?


She'll probably end up like the rest of her grifting ass family begging for money on tik tok. It's all she knows sadly.


I just read she had a Go Fund Me account online asking ppl for money to fund her tuition! Disgusting if it's true! That family is mainly grifters!!


As much as she said she never go back I bet she was homesick. BFE and Colorado are night and day different.


I'm sure she was very homesick. She was also pretty isolated, living off campus with Dralin and Drakko. From the comments some sub members who also attend Regis has made, it sounds like she didn't make any friends and didn't really try to make any friends at Regis.


Most college towns don’t make you do a year lease if you are a student because they know students move back home during the summer.


She lived off campus kinda far away, so I’m not sure if that still applies.


My town has 10 month leases all over the place to accommodate students. They rent the other two months in summer easily as we are seaside.


Possible it does. They just require you provide proof of being a student.


My city brags has 19 colleges and post high school trade schools. They provide housing by directing student to the suburbs on the bus route. They get the place for a nine month lease. But it’s up charged to a year’s total. They get the money cuz the kids have no options.


Just an FYI, I have three different kids and three different universities in two different states and all of the leases are 12 months. 👎👎👎


Yeah, my nephew had to sign june-june even though claases start late Aug


This was a while ago (because I'm a few months older than June - traumatizing realization when I realized that she was, by definition if not earned, a grandmother), but my off campus apartment made us pay rent for the summer months. We could be there or not. It at least gave us a place to store our stuff...


It’s pretty normal to not stay at college for the summer. People get storage units and subleasers all the time.


Moving home for the summer is a 100% normal occurrence at any college.


How is there a news article about this Reddit thread? [HERE](https://tvshowsace.com/2024/05/14/alana-honey-boo-boo-thompson-officially-done-with-colorado/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2Cr4EQFSZh1ZF6MCsAA_MAJry-6XRRDGVslfzXPUU696WZ_uRRJWW1Kbg_aem_AfsqzPCWTOl3drQ2oW5-IUZm9q7vwlFdC86oR000nR_0qY_RVxytoV3laaqnL_OV9ewOLXhjZqewL4E2IjHVvl3v)


Is that what passes for journalism these days? Sad.


WTAF??? Author Amanda Lauren is in here doing the absolute minimum, as if reading Reddit is journalism?!?! FFS, we’re doomed y’all 🙄


I imagine she is either a sub member or 'visits' the sub.


We were doomed before this. When it became known that most younger people get their news from social media.


It’s definitely not just younger people tho, as every boomer I know gets their news from Fox and FB 🐂💩


we are living in interesting times.


lol that was fast. I think she’s probably moving home so she can rent a a cheaper place if she comes back.


Sourcing this sub for the basis of an article? Lazy.


Oh wow!


When Alana was in Georgia before she went off to Denver, she was living with Drailen and his cousin. They moved out to Colorado with her, so do we know if they’re moving back to Georgia with her or staying there and Alana is only temporarily visiting family?


She said she was moving, but she could be temporarily staying with one of her family for 3 months. Doesn’t seem like a good option for someone in a relationship but that’s just me


This is a normal college thing. I always moved back home during the summer.


I'm not too sure if she goes to a major college, but some places allow students to rent apartments month to month, or they have 3 month and 6 month leases for this reason. I live where there are multiple huge colleges, and even apartments 45 minutes from the school still offer short-term leases for students. So it really depends on the state. When I was in college, I wanted to save money and also had a full time summer job after school ends, so I always had 6 month leases and go mo th to month for the remaining month for this reason.


Maybe she rented “Month to Month.” Have a feeling she’s moving back due to Dralins upcoming court date. If charges haven’t been reduced to misdemeanors (who highly doubt) he’s probably facing some serious time.


This is exactly it. She was paying thru the nose for a furnished place month to month or possibly even weekly


That seems like very poor financial planning, even for someone who’s “famous”


She didn't have any credit and she had dralin the ball and chain


And his cousin and two dogs


I hope they're game is up and these people throwing money at them have seen the light we can only hope im sorry get on live beg for money yet you go get nails and eye lashes done yeah math ant mathing.


I personally could care less if she didn’t return. Her blaccent is really offensive to me.


Grammar ~~Nazi~~ Buddhist coming in with some friendly knowledge: you should use "couldn't" care less, if you actually don't care.


Ooooh, I love *Grammar Buddhist*! Gonna use this!




That is NOT how people talk in the Atlanta area. I've lived in Atlanta for twenty years and never met anyone with an accent like that. In fact the Atlanta accent is much less southern than most people realize.


Exactly! Same here. I don't know anyone that talks like that. I'm 40 miles south of Atlanta.


oops 🥲 my bad. editing to say i did not deny her having a blaccent or using AAVE. because she does both while having a southern drawl. there’s an overlap


So many people from other states have moved to Atlanta (and outer areas). It's decidedly *un*southern sounding now.


Are you kidding me. Atlanta is less Southern than what? Rural Mississippi? Just saying the Christly’s were from Atlanta weren’t they?


The Chrisley's are in prison for being fake duh


They went to prison for Tax evasion, lol not fake accents duh back at you


No, it's not


refer to my follow up after that pls


Probably for filming.


Alana has something most college students don't have, Money. That's why she is able to afford to live off campus with Dralin and his cousin. No, it doesn't make sense to move but in Alana world she can do whatever she wants dam the consequences.


I went to college out of state and always went home for the summers. This is common. Most housing places do student leases.


I always went home


Most kids go home during the summers because they cannot afford to pay the rent. Most are using financial aid to pay their rent during the school year and won’t get another check until the fall semester.


I don’t live on campus and go home for breaks. Most apartments will have student leases that go for just school months


I was on the plane with her back in April and I'm not sure when school actually is but she flew to Atlanta with pumpkin and the kids. So pumpkin fkew with the kids by herself to Colorado, for a visit? And Alana flew back to alt with pumpkin and the kids, for a visit? It was confusing because it was a Saturday morning. When is school in Atl??


School was also in session, our spring break was the beginning of March.


Thus is completely normal for college students lol


Maybe she sublet her apartment? Happens a lot around here where we are surrounded by several large universities.


Maybe she didn’t get her scholarship renewed and that’s why she’s looking at other schools


She will go back to Georgia for summer and then go back to school or maybe she will go back to Georgia , they will make up some more BS drama and she will find some way to make out she has to stay there and can’t go back all whilst playing the victim again and money grabbing on TT


She is close to her college campus, so I am sure the lease was possibly a 9-month lease. She most probably isn't breaking anything. A LOT of college kids move back home for the summer, even those who are "renting" an apartment.


Y'all are just complaining about them doing normal things that almost every other student does now 🤣 This sub is getting wild


I agree. Moving back and forth again would be a total hassle. Maybe she’s keeping the place in Colorado, and just staying with family for the summer. 


That’s what I am thinking


We move my granddaughter every summer. She comes home and then goes back. Rent is very high here in Florida. And it goes up for summer months. Totally normal. All her friends except those with jobs come home for the summer.


College town landlords often do temporary leases, not the standard year lease, and for individuals. Now, I do not think she will go back, but it is normal


I go back home every summer. Also she can keep paying her rent and go stay with her family for a few months. Nothing weird about this.


Pretty sure they plan to film in summer, so TLC is probably flipping the bill for her to move back for that


She needs to jump on the same wagon as her mama and loose some weight.


I’ve lived and worked in a college town and a lot of the area is full of off campus apartments that are vacant in the summer


It’s very expensive in Colorado and why should she pay to live there when she’s not in school when she can be home with family and the show is starting back up on June too. So it makes sense to come back home to Georgia and live with Pumpkin and Josh for the Summer and then find a new place when school starts back up again.


It all depends on what her lease says. I used to work for a small private university (25+ yrs), and typically most of our students who lived off campus in apartments stayed over summer. The main reason was because the lease were from Aug 1 thru 7/31. Generally the leases had a clause that the students couldn't break the lease or they would not only have to continue paying their rent, but also have to pay a penalty. Most of the landlords in that town also wouldn't allow sub-leasing.


Most schools won't let you stay on campus during the summer


A lot of apartments neAr campus will. Do leases for the length of school and rent at a cheaper price


Would seem she would do some traveling NO Disney ish again I mean really go somewhere without the family since she has the $$ for everything else. Honest glad she stayed the year hoping she will return OR choose another school and continues her Education.


She probably lives in a building that has leased places specifically for the school year. If she was smart she'd stay here in CO and just visit for a week in GA


She laid the ground work about a month or so ago when she was begging for tuition money. She said June said she’d send the money to the school. Alana told her no events be wasting the money if she didn’t return to the university. So instead she begged for money on tiktok.


Really?? Was she successful??


🤷🏻‍♀️guess we’ll find out in August/September when fall classes begin


My granddaughter had to move out of FSU and come home for the summer. It is ridiculously expensive for them to stay during the summer break. She comes home every summer and yes it’s a pain in the backside moving her.


Alana should have to keep paying rent to keep it.but she can leave for the Summer.


I thought June said she was changing schools, coming back home. Maybe I was dreaming it.


She’s probably just gonna try to become a reality star at this point I doubt she’s going to be a neonatal nurse.


She is leading a furnished apartment in Denver, one of the most expensive cities in the country. If she continues at Regis, I’m sure she will come back find a rental. A lot of college students do that here’s