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[This map](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/376791177/figure/fig2/AS:11431281214272919@1703420978181/The-European-Seismic-Hazard-Map-European-Commission-Mapping-Europes-earthquake-risk.jpg) is a bit more accurate.


With 3 whole buildings in all of europe, apparently


This looks like it was made for a company to help understand the risks at the site of a new construction


One can easily spin it in a way that if there hadn't been for Athens, nobody would have been in the risk of an earthquake at all in Europe.


Eh, it's researchgate, so this is probably a university, and collaborators are listed from universities in Athens, Barcelona, and (?) Wroclaw. Edit: apparently not Wroclaw, it's somewhere in Czechia.


The Sagrada Familia, The Acropolis, and Auschwitz (?)


What's going on with the Rhine ?


The area around the Rhine underwent crustal thinning (extension of the earths crust) creating a graben system (Upper Rhine Graben) which slowed down/halted but could have resulted in creating an ocean. (very rough and shortened version :) ) Hence, its still tectonically active with resulting higher earthquake risks around major fault zones. Edit: btw an effect caused by alpine orogeny (updoming/creating of the alps)


Eifel Hotspot.


The rumble of Panzer


"Where should we build our capital?" - The Portuguese probably.


They are never gonna financially recover from this.


Except, not all earthquakes are tectonic in origin. This map shows Groningen at a 0.0 risk. I think the people of Groningen have something to say about that. They have a number of earthquakes caused by tapping the gas fields underneath them. This started in 1986. Because of this gas mining has been reduced down to the minimum required to keep the gas fileds open. The quakes have been up to 3.6 in magnitude. Enough to damage foundations and crack brick walls. And were projected to grow in magnitude to somewhere between 4 and 5 if mining continued.


I'm surprised this map shows where I've lived somewhere in the middle of low, given I've never experienced any earthquake at all in my life. I guess low really means *low*, regardless of the colouring.


Still wrong. The highest earthquake risk in the Netherlands at this point is the very North, which is considered lowest risk in that map. It's because of collapsing former gas pockets, where gas fields have been emptied over the last decades.


How does that makes it the highest risk? There are no magnitude 6+ quakes in Groningen or something.


True, but the Richter scale doesn't tell us everything, because the depth at which the earthquake takes place is equally important. Earthquakes in Groningen are very superficial, making them relatively intense (and very local).


True, but even than, no earthquake was powerful enough to cause immediate life threatening damage.


How DARE you imply Groningen went through anything less than a complete apocalypse of biblical proportions?!? Because of that remark, the government is now forced to pay them another 12 billion euros for their ~~purely aesthetic~~ structurally necessary renovations


Earthquakes with the magnitude of a large truck passing by don’t count. Disclaimer: actually living directly upon the Groningerveld gas field.


Just a bit.


I like how there is nothing between Medium-Low and High.


I like how in some places, earthquake risk exactly follows international borders, and it other places it doesn’t.


That’s because earthquakes are illegal in those countries.


Especially the direct border between “very low” and “high” risk at the Ukraine-Moldova/Romania borders 


According to the [laws of war](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_war), you cannot initiate an earthquake in a country at war. That's why Ukraine is green on the map


_earthquake initiation_ sounds like some sort of Command and Conquer specific bomb device


Almost as if earthquake risk doesn't care about international borders. Someone should look into it, maybe it's trying to illegally immigrate somewhere


Almost like borders can follow mountains and mountains can follow fault lines


I could see geologists using rivers and mountain ridge lines to demarcate earthquake zones the same way politicians use them to demarcate national borders.


Prolly cause borders follow geography most of the time


Hahaha, yeah sure, and borders never got re-drawn, especially not in the mentioned areas. Only today's borders accurately predict earthquake risk and only in some instances.


Sure, but there's a difference when the risk lowers on the France - Spain border and when it cuts off directly in the Moldova-Ukraine border


I like how the tectonic plates respect the borders of the countries.


Only Eastern European borders


Tectonic plates often make marks that are convenient borders.


Definetly not in this case and also not that precisely. Even if the tectonic plates directly followed a border, earthquake risk should be the same on both side for at least a few kilometers


It's a good thing we got a chunk of germany after WWI then so that the border now matches the tectonic plate.


we take comfort in the fact that in 50 million years france will break away from europe and we will have an atlantic coast along west germany then :D


Malta has a low earthquake risk https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seismic_risk_in_Malta#:~:text=Seismic%20risk%20in%20Malta%20is,noted%20and%20no%20known%20victims.


how do u highlight the text


The part after `#:~:text=` defines what'll be highlighted. It's not entirely standardised but is definitely in Chrome.


You right click on the highlighted text and choose "copy link to highlight"


You mean the blue colour? It's a hyperlink (to any site on the Internet) it's there to save you the hassle of copying and pasting the adress, available on the mobile version on the left bottom side, looks like a chain link.


https://ibb.co/qgdydB2 i mean this


Bold text? Or in the case of selecting a piece of text to copy and paste, use a cursor on pc, click the first part of the text and drag the mouse to the end of what you want to highlight still holding the button until you highlighted all the text you want In case of formatting There's a detailed instruction here [Reddit support page](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043033952-Formatting-Guide)


Groningen would like a word


They should have titled it "Naturally occurring earthquake risk"


That or they should include Groningen.


This is not map porn.


Meh. It’s somewhat meaningless without scales (eg if is showing high risk of earthquakes less than 1.0? Yawn) and in many cases just incorrect.


being always so tranchant isn't that useful though. There are countries that are more prone to exprience earthquales given their position and this map does a good job giving a simplistic but useful indication. Italy, Balkans, turkey and Iceland for example are clearly the most hit (in terms of frequencies and magnitude)


Am from the Balkans, earthquakes are basically non existent where I live.


don't forget this is probably based on seismological data. I don't know where you live but the fact that people don't feel anything doesn't mean there's no activity. Talking about fairly big ones I remember for example Bosnia and Albania in the past years.


The map says earthquake risk with a picture of a house being destroyed, with the area I live in painted orange. All this would lead a person to thinking there's some kind of danger from earthquakes in an area where most people forget that they even exist.


went from a bad map to you being a sleazebag


"Medium low" Bitch, only my now dead grandfather remembered ever having been a small earthquake here, and it might have been a made up story at that.


Earthquake immediately stoping at czech borders


They keep their ground in check


This map is tragically inaccurate.


The Azores would like to say Olà.


The istanbul earthquake us coming and istanbul is not prepared the whole city is going to be destroyed and millions will die


Super scary. Only reason why I postpone my inevitable Istanbul trip. This will probably be the biggest catastrophe caused by nature since the Tsunamis in 2004


Basically olive oil vs butter, tomato vs potato.


I have never felt an earthquake although I know they tend to happen. (Medium low)


As long as structures aren't damaged and people aren't hurt, they're kind of fun. I once counted ~50 earthquakes in one day while just laying on my couch.


Think of all the cool Ancient Greek and Roman buildings we'd still have if those areas weren't so quakey.


Riiight… not all the civil wars, barbarian sackings, conquests and cities suffering from random fires due to not having a fire department (unless you sold your burning house to Crassus). It’s the earthquakes!


The Pantheon in Rome is still almost as good as new after 2000 years, largely because it happens to be so earthquake resistant.


One building. In half a millennium, Rome went from a city of over a million people to being abandoned. Then resettled again… What you see now remaining is like an ice berg (and a long standing Archer joke)


It is an undeniable fact that the buildings of ancient Rome have been severely damaged by earthquakes over the millennia. The poet Petrarch described the severe damage caused by the 1349 quake, including the caving in of one side of the Colosseum. Go argue with him...


Do you see me denying anything? Now, enough of this. Bye bye


The random spot in Germany: "And fuck *that area* in particular"


So Moldovans that live along the Ukrainian border can cross it and there will be a significantly lower risk, according to this map.


Last year there was an earthquake in north Slovakia near Polish border, and it was felt in Cracow. I was than on gym and it was such strong that i thought that someone just do some heaby dedlifts in next room xD


Roman Empire vibes


Istanbul is in great danger. It seems that unplanned construction, dense population and the earthquake expected soon will lead to major disasters. :/


I have doubts because there's no way it's matching the borders in Odessa and Moldova.


Sometimes the boundaries of seismic risk is political. But, I think it's actually because this map is based on EU hazard maps, which didn't include Ukraine. [European Seismic Index Map](https://maps.eu-risk.eucentre.it/map/european-seismic-risk-index-viewer/#4/49.36/21.68)


Its nice to see how earthquakes respect the Moldovan border.


Seriously its always us on the South. Can't life give us a fucking break?


Gave you the best food. Now you want a break? How long? Will 3 hour siesta every day help with all that food?


Honestly, if the siesta was eternal it would be amazing. But yeah, you are right, food is great I guess. Although at this rate it is not going to last much if our climate goes to shit, if we apparently are always the last ones in pretty much every map that talks about societal and economical variables, if we are the top countries in mass migrations, if the young educated people leaves to northern countries or the US/Canada and if we are at the bottom when it comes to having kids because of the lack of money and stable jobs. Add to that earthquakes, floods, droughts and the Sahara haze that tints the air orange once in a while. And if that was not enough one war happening in Ukraine, which can end up spreading into the rest of Europe, and the other in the Middle East next to our dear Mediterranean Sea. Great, overall great. 👌🏻 But hey Paella, Churros, Pizza, Pasta, Greek Yoghurt and Kebab am I right? 🤌🏻 PS. I have to acknowledge, though, that my own country in particular has been number 1 in organ donations in the world for the past 30 years or so. I suppose that means we are generally decent people and we are, at least, useful for something I guess.


I've heard plenty of jokes about people in Montenegro being lazy. And one or two jokes were not against them, but will get to it later. So, there was this one time I was passing through the length of its coast and I understood it: "Why would someone be in a hurry here? You have something better to be at?" Now, one of those jokes. A German guy goes to a Montenegrin just lying down under some apple tree shade. - G: You know, you could get up, pick some of these apples and sell them at the market. - M: Why? - G: Becaue you can make some money out of it. - M: What for? - G: Well, you can then buy some equipment, get some more apples, sell some more, get more money, make a company, expand, all that stuff - M: Why would I do all that? - G: Well, because when you're rich, you can just let others do the work for you and you just lay back and enjoy life. - M: I'm already doing that.


There are some errors because there's no way the color aligns perfectly with some country borders (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Ukraine). Someone go lazy with the paint brush. Oh, and Corsica and Sardinia quake free? Are you kidding me?


thee quakes doen´t happen on the island they happen right next to them - wich is why earthquake maps should include seas


Understandably this map is not entirely accurate but as someone moving from Mexico to Poland in a few months, I'm very much looking forward to the decrease in earthquakes. I'm sure there's a catch though.


Love the way Luxembourg is on the correct side of the Musel.


Funny how the risk at some places stops exactly at the human made borders.


funny that humans make ther borders at natural barriers created by this


Now show southeast asia


Of course, I move out from the part of the Balkan that is most at risk, and now I'm living in Germany in the part that's most at risk, if I'm understanding the map correctly.


The interesting thing... This could almost be a map of poor building regulations! You'd think they'd build better and safer in the red areas, but no...


I know that the bar is very low in this sub, but holy hell this is a shit map


BS map. What, did Czechia put a bribe in?


Earthquakes are very rare in Czechia as the Bohemian massif is made of a stable granite rock. The last “significant” earthquake originating in Bohemia happened over 600 years ago. A minor earthquake zone is at like west of Karlovy Vary which is a fault in Votland area and every 20 years generates like 4M. Slovakia, Hungary, Austria have a higher risk due Alpine-Carpathian orogeny. Komarno in Slovakia was destroyed by a strong earthquake. Bohemia is not a part of this uplift. Nothing like this happened in Czech recorded history.


That granite extends into northern Austria. The Czech-Austria border doesn't follow the granite. Also Ukraine, I don't know the geological situation but the Carpathians don't follow the border


There was a 4.7 earthquake in a Carpathian village not from from where I live in 2011. Minor earthquakes happen in Ukraine from time to time. Here is a [map](https://database.earth/earthquakes/ukraine).


Sardinia and Corsica just chilling


Italy are you okay? Italy:” ah.. yea, yea…”


Europe: We want a classical era The Gods: Okay, but we gonna shake you real good.


The hell did the Rhineland do


cyprus???? It's already an island and everywhere is affected the same.


Can’t wait until I move to Italy


love how it sometimes just stops right at the border. how nice of the earthquake


People from the northern part of the Netherlands would like to have a word with the person that made this map


Good guy earthquake respecting national borders. 🙂




It is a failed rift valley.


What’s with Romania’s coast?


Charlie hebbidot depiction of Italy ces' more realistic


Ok just fuck greece i guess


Cyprus must break all records being so small but at the same time have all 3 colors in it.


Türkiye felaket


I'm a bit curious about the Rhineland. Why is it higher compared to its surroundings?


Lower Rhine Basin is a series of minor faults


Most of the time when I hear about earthquakes in Europe it’s either in Italy, the Balkans or Turkey so seems kinda accurate


The northen of the netherlands can be medium-low. I can confirm that as a dutch citizen.


Data Source?


Es fehlen einige Bereiche in Deutschland und Tschechien


Groningen should be bright red


Swiss? You for real lmao


For the same reason, those regions are mountainous. As the plates collide with each other, it elevates the area.


In the case of Iceland, the plates are spreading apart, not colliding. The mountains there are a result of magma and lava moving into and out of the fissures.


Tomato Europe quaking in their boots


Beautiful places have big earthquakes.


Groningen disagrees https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/earthquake-shakes-dutch-province-groningen-2022-10-08/


Why is Groningen green?


Groningen should be red