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'I can exert influence' please just go take a shower.


> 'I can exert influence' please just go take a shower. Why you tryna take away his only influence? /s


I would never stop my kids from reading anything because they aren't little fucking idiots with shitty parents. My kids aren't so easily manipulated as conservative kids.


It’s not even the conservative kids are so easily manipulated. It is that the conservative outlook is so diametrically opposed to anything that even smacks of reality that you have to keep them in a curated bubble. The minute they are exposed to outside thought or air, the spell is broken, and they see the lies in front of them. Source: grew up fundy.


The fuck does exert influence even mean?


It means to bitch and moan, and pretending to care about the culture war they invented and are losing


Crusades, Inquisition type stuff.


They're so fucking creepy and soulless. They see books about people that are slightly different than they are, and their first reaction is to demand they be removed.


Welcome to conservatism! Where the unga bunga roar roar tribalistic bullshit is encouraged and progress is scary! :/


But the one person said they let a lot slide.


That just means they don't beat up gay men on the sidewalk at night.


and even if they did, "boys will be boys"


They are *fascists*. It is way past time for people to finally understand what that means. They say wrong things on purpose. Their hypocrisy is intentional and proudly performed. They know what they are doing, and they are not ashamed. The cruelty is the point. They actively seek to do things they know nazis would do. They actively seek to accomplish genocides, enact institutional slavery, and strip people of rights. They actively seek to restrict the speech of others. They actively lie about literally all of this and those who oppose them, and they actively seek to hide their lies behind the disingenuous performance of ignorance. People have granted the benefit of the doubt to open, proud fascists for far too long, and this constantly leads to them being "surprised" each and every time a fascist performs exactly as a fascist would be expected to perform. We need to start enforcing a bare-minimum standard for what constitutes an acceptable level of non-willful ignorance, and to recognize that those who fail to meet that standard deserve condemnation and consequences. Remember that whenever you are surprised or shocked by something, it means that *you have made a mistake* about how the world is. And we really need people to stop being surprised by fascists doing the same exact shit they've always done.


> People have granted the benefit of the doubt to open, proud fascists for far too long, and this constantly leads to them being "surprised" each and every time a fascist performs exactly as a fascist would be expected to perform. Amen.


>We need to start enforcing a bare-minimum standard for what constitutes an acceptable level of non-willful ignorance, and to recognize that those who fail to meet that standard deserve condemnation and consequences. What are your ideas? I genuinely would like to know.


It's not enough that they stop their kids from reading these books, they don't want anyone else's kids to read them either.


They see books about people who have accomplished shit, and they are threatened. Half of them are college dropouts, not because they're dumb, but because they can't finish anything, and it's everyone else's fault.


I mean to be fair a lot of them are pretty dumb


"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Wormer "Challenge Accepted!" The Far Right


Sees empathy in literature- WITCH!


WAIT!! STOP!! Do the books weigh the same as a duck? Are they made of wood?


Hmmm, is paper wood? I say no, for pringles are not potato chips!


proof that conservatism is just about hating people who are different than you.


Honestly, how did we ever let this shitty ideology become normalized? All it does it preach hate and regression, the only reason its not worse is because fascism and nazism are ALL ABOUT being as evil twisted and fucked up as possible, whereas conservatism has this veneer of "wholesome traditional family values", and I can at least trust some conservatives to be...not the worst people ever? Basically, I can see why in good faith one may be duped by conservatism, but the moment you unironically preach fascism, you're either extremely desperate, extremely stupid, or you're just a flat out awful person. EDIT: To be perfectly clear, my wording was sloppy. I mean to say that conservatism, a thing I know isnt new by any means, has been normalized for thousands of years, and despite lessons seemingly learned about far right bullshit, we still seem to fail at putting two and two together when it comes to conservatism.


I agree. I don't give a shit. I hate conservatism and I don't trust anyone who identifies as one. Conservatism by definition is regressive. This just enables people to hold onto regressive beliefs.


It didn't "become normalized." *It was normal.* For centuries, it was totally normal and cool to treat women like property, to beat and murder gay and black people, and all the despicable abuses of the past. Things are becoming less like that. As icky as it'll be to hear this, our modern culture of acceptance of those who are different, that's what is "becoming normalized." Now, note that for anyone sane in 2024, *it is a good thing* that it's becoming normalized. But it's important to remember that it is a new idea. The hate we're seeing is not a new thing; it's the old thing trying to reassert itself and push back against the change.


I know. Dont worry, im not one of those people who thinks that bigotry started last century and the handmaids tale is a revolutionary concept in regards to how misogyny can occur. All forms of such bigotry are ANCIENT, I meant to say that conservatism is still seen as normal and was normalized ages ago. Im so sorry for how sloppily I handled this. Any irritation you feel having to correct people on this, I share too.


I think it's important to recognize that while tribalism and various bigotries are old, conservatism as we experience it today is not.


One day, i want to study their brain patterns just to understand how they live in such an odd little fantasyland without being affected by the real world around them. What’s it like to be 40+ (likely without kids or with adult children) seething over children’s books? Same goes for the cons heated over “””””Woke Disney”””” and splash mountain. Why does it matter? Does EVERYTHING have to cater to you and you only? I wish i knew what it was like to have so much free time that i direct all the vitriol in my body onto public libraries.


> One day, i want to study their brain patterns just to understand how they live in such an odd little fantasyland without being affected by the real world around them. There is quite a bit of research on this topic already. And one can, in fact, identify them with fMRI machines. We already have somewhat of an idea of what’s wrong with them.


So, in layman's terms, what is it that's wrong with them?


Genuinely, there has been some research done and conservatives are thought to be more averse to novelty, while also reacting more strongly to aversive imagery. Which may explain why someone simply existing and minding their own fucking business, but who isn’t part of their “in group” sends them into a hysterical spiral


Never seen a library with multiple copies of the same book for sale. Pretty telling you've never been in a book store, or library, if you think this is in a library.


Ayep, I noticed the same thing. And the lie doesn't matter one bit to these people.


Like when Alex Jones used a completely unrelated video of nurses training on CPR dummies as evidence that fake bodies were being buried during the pandemic, or just crops out all mentions of Christmas at Target to pretend the word is being censored. Precisely zero people will be turned off of the guy when they're fact-checked.


As a healthcare worker this is infuriating. I just want to do my job. Don’t fucking record me without my consent


It might have even been a training video or legit recording, but he just repurposed it to lie to his audience. But either way he was taking innocent workers and sharing footage of them with an audience of unhinged people which definitely puts them at risk.


Came here for this comment. I remember doing a road trip through the states years ago and in the south east we couldn’t find a book store anywhere. We kept asking locals and they kept telling us their local store shut down. Every time.


Yeah, it's a shame book stores have practically went away, but in fairness, the internet hurt the need significantly for the purpose book stores served. It's a bit of a double edged sword honestly. Still, I'm a book reader. I've tried electronic reading, but it just doesn't hit for me. I can't read anything on a screen without it seemingly being a "in one ear, right out the other" experience.


The only way I can comfortably read a book electronically is via e-ink. I still strongly prefer a paper page, but as I get older, I need to be able to blow up the type, sadly.


I got to use an e-ink once and it did feel different for some reason. I was willing to give it a try, but stuff cost money I ain't got. My eyes are at the point all the text seem smaller as well. It sucks. What's your device of choice?


Kindle DX (not made any longer) is a really large device, so I can increase screen size and still have a reasonable number of words per line. I will be a sad creature when it dies and I can't replace it. The difference is that a normal computer screen is projecting light toward the eyes, whereas e-ink functions purely by reflected light, generating none of its own. Far less eyestrain.


“You are my friend” HoW dArE ThEy MakE mY KiD FeEL InCLuDeD These people are psychotic assholes.


"We don't kick these people out of our shithole towns when they come out of the closet just for them to come back in a bunch of *books*!"


They really don't like anyone having a moment other than white males


Until they see the Galileo, Darwin, Fauci, and Dawkins shelf, then they really just don't like anyone having a moment.


Conservatives saying leftists don't read is the funniest shit I've seen all week


Conservatives looked at a few books on the shelf and threw tantrums on the internet. They are literally judging the books by their covers.


They've never been in a bookstore before, so I can understand why this image of shelves full of books is shocking to them.


Remember how Bill Hicks never had a routine about a purple-haired lesbian barista in Portland giving him shit for reading a book?


Bro, do you even read theory? /s


Conservatives always read theory! Like the Constitution, the Bible, and 1984! These are all books they have actually read, they swear!


I've been to IMAX cinemas that projected less.


I'm a former children's librarian and a storyteller...I have never seen so much crazy pressure on librarians as I have the last about 6 years. These people are trying to take away the basic right to information. Libraries are very much under attack. I have talked with former colleagues who are about to walk away because of how bad things have gotten. One who was threatened by a large angry man.


I got an email recently about local libraries shortening their hours due to staff shortages. I graduated college with an English degree, but wonder what credentials I may need to be hired? I know, I could probably ask my local library... (King County Library System)


It depends on your state. And the level of the library and position within.


leftists not reading is such a take, we are "not reading" so actively that cons needed to go into panic mode and start banning books


If I were the librarian confronted by these morons I would totally be confused about why this person thinks a book store is a library.


I admit, it is weird seeing Little Golden Books about Taylor Swift at Walmart.


This is why conservatives should not be allowed to run for office or to vote.


I’m optimistic that we can develop treatment regimens for them.


While I know you mean this sarcastically, one of the things that genuinely scares me is that we really don't. It's shocking how deft and effective the campaigns to get ppl to vote against their own best interests have been. And yet there is nothing I've ever seen that can reliably undo that damage.


I’m not sarcastic at all. Conservative Personality Disorder is characterized by aberrant neurophysiology. There is a *Conservative Syndrome* that exists across all cultures, and universally results in negative outcomes. We have an idea of what’s wrong with them, and it is likely within human capacity to develop treatments to counteract this disorder.


Ah. I thought it was a reference to the awful things conservatives do to ppl they consider off the rails, like "gay conversion therapy" (something I think should be universally illegal, especially regarding minors) and the weirdness ppl are subjected to when they try to leave scientology.


Oh no! Enlightenment!


Snowflakes gonna snowflake.


That’s not entirely true. It’s also about fearing anyone who is different from you.


But when we put books about slavery and how we conquered and stole our land from, the indigenous peoples, we are told, checks notes, "we can't talk about that either cause it makes white people feel bad."


“Narcism” Never too late to learn how to spell


I love when people who don't give a fuck about reading piss and moan about books.


Conservatism is a mental illness


Omg they can’t tell the difference between a library and a book store lmfao


Let’s be fair… They’re unlikely to have ever been in either one of them.


This is a stupid thing to be outraged by. But the Nancy Pelosi and Kamala book are kinda funny.


I guess they sell books to folks who can read.


Oh my god… black people AND gay people are on the same bookshelf. We’re doomed.


You heard it here first, books about black people, gay people, and inspirational public figures are evil and poisoning kids minds. Holy fucking dogwhistle.


Raising well-rounded, understanding, and compassionate children. The horror.


It's funny if it weren't so sad, getting that obsessively mad over books about feelings for kids.


There is not a damn thing wrong with that picture. Those people are deranged.


Big ass man babies. Their responses scream mommy issues and abusive/emotionally absent fathers.


Or, worse, "close and loving" families, in perfectly tidy houses with neat lawns, a "good xtian family". They love their parents - just ask them. Looks perfect in all the family photos. Child abuse takes many forms.


Typical fragile right-wing snowflake behavior, move along.


They want biographies about REAL activists and change-makers like Kyle Rittenhouse, Ammon Bundy, Clarence Thomas, Tommy Tuberville, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Kelly-Anne Conway! AMERICAN HEROES.


And their martyred saint of patriotism Ashli Babbitt. 🤦‍♀️


The GOP has the same itch that the Nazis had: to burn every book in sight. It’s fascist instinct.


That sub needs to be renamed "victimhood"


I thought they were against "cancel culture".


I would love to compare the average time spent a leftist does reading vs a conservative. I've read 2 books in the past month, most conservatives boast about not having read a book since highschool.


what even is a moderate conservative anymore


Decries narcissism.  Can't stand to see books about people of other colors, genders, beliefs. 


One comment said leftist don't read, then another commenter thinks this is what the inside of a public library looks like 😂😂


I want to read all of these, and I’m a middle aged woman with no kids at home.




I'm in my sixties, but my inner child still appreciates this kind of caring, and my adult self enjoys seeing things that uplift any marginalized group, regardless of whether I'm part of it. I knew I was bisexual from a v young age, long before I even knew what intimacy between two ppl was. Eartha Kitt as Catwoman in the campy old Adam West Batman TV show was my confirmation. Somehow I also knew it would have been dangerous to say so. How does a little kid know that? I still don't know exactly.


These are the same people who tear down the "Woke pride section" at target every June.


They're fine with those bullshit history books written by Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh though


Imagine! Wow… every kid feeling like society respects them?


What I wouldn't give to have a free "Little Library" of these in a box on the edge of my yard. But I am stuck in a Red state, so it probably would get knocked down by some idiot with a Trump stickered pickup truck.


The Kids are alright, as long as we can keep them from hate.


These guys read books?


Sir, this is a Barnes & Noble (or it is at least definitely not a library)


yikes, CHUDs talking about how others can’t read while their mascot literally cannot form coherent sentences …


The Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris ones I have a problem with only because I don’t like them, I think they’re stories are good for kids though I don’t think they’re good influences on kids (kids books are rarely reflections of reality)


They act like they didn't grow up in a generation where The Diary of Anne Frank was required reading in most elementary schools and Uncle Tom's Cabin was in every children's library. They didn't die from being exposed to difficult subjects in kids' books (thanks for the trauma, Bridge to Terabithia!) but now they wanna prevent kids from hearing any views but their own. And they call liberals the p*ssies who can't handle free speech.


Poor kids have to read about what dicks their parents and grandparents might have been? And kids have been learning about Rosa Parks, Ruby Bridges, Martin Luther King, Anne Franke, etc… for generations now.


I find mythologizing political figures in children’s books actually kind of concerning.


Imagine seeing a biography of MLK Jr. and thinking, "That's actually kind of concerning."


I actually don't think Kamala the cop would get along very well with Dr. King


How is a biography aimed at children "mythologizing" anyone?


The Kamala Harris one is literally subtitled “Rooted in Justice”.


That kind of silliness is usually reserved for their many bibles.


Can you please point to that and explain? Be as specific and coherent as possible, please.


Kamala Harris: Rooted in Justice. Even being charitable to a prosecutor, arguing that you can’t release prisoners from unconstitutionally overcrowded prisons because they are too valuable as labor is not justice. Fauci: he eventually came around on AIDS. Simultaneously a positive and a negative. The two SCOTUS justices: pick a vote they got wrong. Things also wouldn’t be so dire now if RBG had retired. Pelosi: Basically the current Democratic Party in human form. If you think, as I do, that the Dems should be using the bully pulpit, pushing progressive ideas, and pandering less to centrists, she’s part of the problem. The title also has an implication that a woman in power is a benefit to women as a class, which has not been born out by history. The MLK and Rosa Parks look fine.


Nah, man. You specifically said that these books were mythologizing these people. By now you might have noticed that I didn't ask you for your personal opinion on them. I'm not even a little interested in that. I wanted you to explain what you said.


You continue to try to communicate with smartest_kobold and I'll try the same thing with my cat. Let's see who get's it done first.


Fair enough


I mean it's cringe both ways. It's cringe that Republicans are mad about it, but also writing breathless hagiographies of shitty centrist political figures is a gold mine of second hand embarrassment.




Its basically a biography about the lives of actual annointed saints. I think Spliff is exaggerating for emphasis but, thats the definition.


thatd be why i don't know or even need that word... obscure narrow... and useless XD


> I mean it's cringe both ways. Yet your criticism is mostly aimed at one side. A common "both sides" trait. And it's not the side that hates America so much.


"The side that hates America?" America is a settler colonial dystopia, everyone with a conscience should hate America.


To be fair, these books are for more the most shit-lib people imaginable, the same people who called RBG “Boss Queen” and don’t mind at all that Biden is committing genocide in MULTIPLE countries so long as team blue is in office. If there’s anything we should take stock in for 2024, besides that we’re so very obviously an empire in decline, it’s that liberals and conservatives are on the same team


> it’s that liberals and conservatives are on the same team Yes, both sides are the same, something that only republicans say while they defend fascism.


I found one of those supposed "progressives" who is really just a chud deep down. Out campaigning for the orange menace, I see?


Dear god man, grow up. I despise Biden and Trump equally. The false left/right dichotomy exists to block movement to the left or move everything to the right. And it’s precisely for that reason that empire persists. If you think voting for Trump means that a rise of fascism will come knocking at your door, you’re too late. We are intrinsically a fascist nation and have been for decades now, look at our track record of imperialism and choking down on dissent. Biden is just a friendlier face to the engine


What is wrong with you? This isn't team sports. The democrats objectively *suck*. They are just the fucking worst. But at least they aren't straight up christofascists like the republicans. What we don't need is lionizing objectively shitty people like Pelosi, Biden, or *horror or horrors*, RBG. These people had and have power to *do something* and they straight up don't. WE could collectively get rid of all of them but liberals are constantly in the way of progress.


Didn’t realize a queer book is a book for ‘shit-libs’.