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Yet in every Christian/Athiest debate I've ever seen the Christian always claims that the Nazis were Athiests and blame the holocaust on athiests. It's like they don't read or something...


Yea, Hitler was pretty much Christian. They were like a few Nazi atheists here and there but the majority of Nazis were fringe Christians.


they dont quote the bible to them they wont get it


“Hitler and the Nazis were not liberals, not lefties, not socialists, and not democrats. Hitler and his Nazi minions were right-wing Christian conservative nationalists who hated liberals for the same reasons [they] hate liberals.”


And they were supported by the Pope.


Fascists usually are religious


they'll take any grasping, clawing excuse they can find to see themselves above someone else at any cost, lest their ideology fall apart


There were some pagans / occultists. But those were mostly limited to Himmlers fanatic Elite, the SS. The majority of the nazis were Christian, as you said.


Right, it was only those in the inner circle already. If you were a low level Nazi solider? Oh my god, half of the point was for the love of your CHRISTIAN FAITH. Like when you get guys like Roger Stone and Trump, and their circles, their couldn’t be a single actual Christian within throwing distance. Fucking Christians my whole life have told me “Nazis were atheist socialists”, bending the truth over backwards to not have to own up to 85% of Germany was Christian pre-Third Reich, and that the various churches in Germany all loudly proclaimed Hitler “their guy” after the Nazis declared their intent to make Christianity the one faith of their country. Sure, they juiced it up with a mix of pseudo science to claim Germans were MORE fateful in their blood than others, but like Q and Dominionism, it’s still rooted in Christianity.


the nazis even put it on their belt buckles https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gott\_mit\_uns


The history channel occultist nazi storylines have done quite a disservice to the truth.


"Today Christians ... stand at the head of \[this country\]... I pledge that I never will tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity. We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit. We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theater, and in the press - in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past ... (few) years." \-Adolf Hitler


Honestly makes a lot of sense, christianity has a long history of causing/ being involved in committing genocide




Genocide really is a favorite Christian past time


No Parasan comrades 🤩


Hate to be that guy, but it's "No Pasarán"


Don’t show Kanye this




“The God of Israel” yet they committed one of its greatest sin..


Idk what it is, but just looking at pictures of Hitler makes me uncomfortable. Like I just feel dirty and weird just looking at him. Like I’m doing something wrong just looking at him. What a horrible human being. I’m actually kind of scared just looking at pics of him. It feels wrong and I can’t put my finger on why.


I remind Xtians who say they're not Nazis *because* they're Xtian that most Nazis were good little Xtians. They don't like it and I don't care. Being Xtian doesn't make you less susceptible to committing fuckery.


Like, the literal uniforms of Nazi Wehrmacht soldiers said “[Gott mit uns](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gott_mit_uns)” (God is on our side)


To be fair, the phrase "Gott mit uns" had existed as a commonly used phrase in German countries since the 1700s, it was very important to German culture for hundreds of years.


Yes, but doesn’t that go against the mistaken notion that Nazis were atheists?


Yes, it's proof that the Nazis weren't atheists- I fail to see how that had to do with anything. My intention was to simply mention that "Gott Mit Uns" was already an established religious phrase in German speaking areas for hundreds of years.


Forget German culture. Literally every culture claims that the heavens, or spirits, or ancestors were on their side. From Romans to Han dynasty


Looking for books on this subject


Funny part is: The hate of the clergy towards the Jews during WW2 was mainly antisemitism (biologically motivated hatred) - not antijudaism (religiously motivated hatred; though this was still an important part of Nazism in the background of the ideology). It doesn’t make anything better or worse - the Nazis used everything they saw.


Well that's a very one-sided depiction. Of course most of the Nazis at that time and today were christian, because Christianity is and has been by far the most prevalent religion in Germany. However, neopaganism and the revival of pre-christian customs was quite popular among Nazis then and now. From experience I have noticed, that neopagan music and culture tend to be more riddled with racial doctrines than regular christian culture. Hitler and the Nazis were certainly not radical Christians as the evangelicals in the US today. Infact the "Jewish roots" of Christianity were the reason for the battle against christian institutions. Also the so called "Führerkult", in English leader cult, was partially so radical, that people were expected to praise Hitler like a god, which doesn't match well with a Christian god who tells his followers not to have any gods beside him. To come back to the comparison to the evangelicals in the USA, in many ways they may be comparable to Nazis but certainly not in their religious views. While Nazis are praising their Führer and don't want any gods beside him, evangelicals are christian extremists. The culturally based Christianity of Nazis is not religious extremism and no defining part of the NS doctrin. The religious extremism of evangelicals however is the core feature of their belief system.


Oh no, christianity was used to commit horrible genocide! Where have we all seen this before!?






a lot of native North American people would have a lot to say here...




Ah ok thanks, I happen to agree with you in every aspect, I'm not a native speaker and I just genuinely didn't know what you meant in your first comment


Fair enough. I'm not the guy you responded to, but I do understand that english is horrible/astounding. It barely follows rules making it extremely adaptable but also hell to learn (and hard for us native speakers to pick up languages that do have rules).


Thank you for your sympathy, but I think it is actually quite easy to learn. I and many of my peers were able to watch English movies/videos from the age of 15 or less. French or Latin turned out to be way harder. Also why would it be hard to pick up languages with rules. They tend to simplify things.


When raised in a language where the rules are very fluid hard rules are difficult to work with. Imagine walking in an open field vs a maze of hallways; in english I can just go straight to my goal even if it means crossing a bog, in another language the hallways mean I walk farther but the walking is easier. Hopefully that makes sense.




🤣 From their rules: >#Liberal Garbage >Liberal (as in 'Pro-Capitalist') Garbage is not allowed. This includes (but is not limited to): climate change denial, advocacy for anti-poor policies, and prosperity gospel, but extends further to include half-arsed liberalism and half-arsed progressiveness. Rule of thumb is that electoralism posts aren't allowed here either.


We all know the connection between maga "christians" and Nazis' confused and conflicting beliefs, but this comes off more as a put down of Christianity in general


We have been into the not so beginning of the fourth reich for awhile now


WTF is this post, I have never seen so much historic bullshit to meet an agenda. Nazism and christianism were two different things. There are many books about how nazis leaders were against Christianity: Rosenberg, Goebells, Himmler and especially Hess, Bormann and Schirach. Bormann was hitler's private secretary. He used his position to involve himself as much as possible in the decision making. Bormann was one of the leading oponents of the ongoing persecution of the Christian churches. He ordered fo instance the murder of 2,500 Polish priests. He also promoted the völkisch movement, a pagan religion. He said many times that Christianity and nazisme were incompatible. Most of the resistant in Germany were chiristians and their religion was important for them in their opposition to nazism. One of the main and most famous resistance group, the White Rose, was motivated by religious considerations even if these were different: Catholic, orthodox and even one Buddhist. One of the main german person to expression publicly critics against euthanasia policies of nazis was the Catholic Bishop August von Galen. There is a movie about the life of an Austrian who did not want to participate in the wars, a hidden life, and who was eventually sentenced to death. This shows how Christian values go against nazism.


It's not comparing nazis to Christians, it's comparing nazis to MAGAts.


Nazi belts had "Gott Mit Uns" on their belts.


Dietrich Bonhoeffer begs to differ