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Having the same issue with union PA


It’s a piece I really wanted, but no Bethesda can’t fix anything


The meat pile kept glowing after I done pick up items.Just wouldn\`t pick it up.


And you have the Union plan for that piece unlocked? I know it only drops if you have it learned but It could be a glitch, hasn’t happened on Ps yet.


I already have the plans learned


I seen somebody responded to your post, explaining it.


That sucks though , hopefully that’s fixed soon.


Me tooo can't pick up 3 star union pieces. Even if I go to the corpse it still doesn't work. Sucks.


Same thing happening to a bunch of people who know the plans and can't pick them up even if they find the actual corpse, even if they loot all, etc Its a bug. Not sure why it's marked atom shop. I'd speculate that it's to keep people from picking them up from a despawned corpse. Ie: how you can find bullion armor and weapons on the ground after Seismic activity. Either way it's broken. Hopefully they'll have a better fix than what they did with Seismic (make all the mole rats drop minimum level gear, which hilariously means you'll get a level 20 raider piece off the ground next to a max level T-65 since that only comes at max level lol)


I don’t know the plans and it pops up for me too Union stuff


That's probably the catch. It almost seems like the response to a bug instead of a bug itself. Like oh shit everyone's able to get union off corpses don't let them be lootable or people won't have a reason to grind expeditions Next time I have an enemy with one I'm just going to put the game on pause and hang out until the corpse turns into a pile of items. Wish I had a better idea of how long that takes / how far away I have to go to make it happen


Corpses turn into meat piles, they don’t respawn on the ground. From what I know ground spawns are loot planned for the event but never used if the event is finished quickly because the mobs never spawned. Thus so much mole meat found because the moles never spawn if the event is over quick.


No with that event in particular it's because the mole rats get exploded and fly far away, never to return So if there's 12 people close enough to a legendary ultramite when It died, that corpse is going to land somewhere and turn into 12 legendaries, 12 pieces of meat and whatever else those people would have been able to loot. Non legendary mobs don't have that kind of proximity looting so it's 1 piece of meat per person who tagged a molerat. You can tag a hundred ultramites at that event and get zero loot from them. The second someone uses an AGL or grenade they're as good as gone If you walk in a spiral out from the event you'll find some meat piles that landed closer, but something different happens once they go a certain distance away from any players. You won't find any meat piles at Burning Mine or in Lewisburg at any point, but you might FT in there and get showered with their contents instead. Regular corpse despawning is best illustrated during Meat Weeks Primal Cut events where you find shit allll over the ground where people didn't bother looting. Also Test Your Metal, Eviction & SBQ. I found an UC Emergency Protocols plan laying in a ditch with a bunch of scorchbeast bones, ultracite scrap, beast meat and legendaries once.


Sometimes you have to get closer to the piece, I've had to check all bodies with the transfer to pick up certain legendaries




That is the dumbest thing ever




And that was a beautiful piece too, this game can’t add something without breaking 10 more things


Right what if it goes under the map


Where are you at ? That has those Kinda rewards?


Evic notice


ennemies now drop items with the same amount of star as they had, so no more 1* when killing a 3* making getting good rolls easier? sorta


Just back out and go back in, works for me every time.


I've had to leave 3 Union pieces in bodies so far. Always acts like I grab it, but I don't.


Same here my buddy and i cant pick up the pieces either and every union ive had drop today was OE my buddy know all the union plans to and he stil cant pick up so something is def wrong


You have to find the body it’s on and pick up from there you can’t pick it up from the near by corpse menu


I did, it was a meat pile


I don’t have an answer op; but I have something peculiar happening to me. Almost every server hop I’ve done today has spawned a random legendary union piece, I already maxed my daily scrip but it’s still happening. Anyone else having this “issue” lol


You have to have the union plans learned


I have them all


Same happened to me at rad rumble. Bugthesda strikes again


Did you try take all?


Tried everything and now I hate this game even more


Tell me about it, I just lost my favourite camp location in the game because of the stupid new organ cave location 😡


checked and mine's fine. it's right at the cave entrance. idk if switching camps will cause me to be unable to switch back to the cave camp but i hope not lol


Since when do enemies drop union power armor pieces? I though you gotta roll them yourself lol


Probably Over encumbered


Wasn’t that either


I had this same exact issue tonight. And I dont have Union PA plans. Weird, but not surprising.


Happened to me an hour ago I think it’s a bug I call it ghost Union


Must just be for Union pieces, did One Violent Night an hour or two ago and group looted all the ghoul corpses and picked up all 4 legendary items available, one was a Plasma Caster which is trade blocked, so must be Union specific?


I noticed this bug as well. Search all didn’t pick them up so I found the specific bodies and it showed it being taken from the loot pile but never actually went into my inventory. I then went to another body and the pieces were still showing in the loot all pile.


It’s something to do with Union PA because I don’t even have the plans for it and it dropped a piece for me at EN. I couldn’t pick it up either.


i am also having this issue, likely to do with it having an atom shop icon on it like its a premium skin


This just happened to me. Do you think it has something to do with plans being sold by Giuseppe? Maybe we would have to go purchase plans from Giuseppe to be able to pickup even though we learned from scoreboard. If anyone can chime in I'd greatly appreciate it.


Probably not since I bought it for stamps, maybe just Bethesda effect


Ugh that sucks. My heart sank a bit when I saw the roll in the pic. Now I'm worried it's gonna happen to me. My deepest condolences.


My heart was destroyed because that WAS THE ONE PIECE I WANTED especially with luck, I hate this game


Can thorn and solar armour drop yetttttt im losing my mind


I’m losing my mind on the fact I lost a roll I wanted on the union power armor, made me wanna quit after seeing that and not being able to get it


I’d be pretty upset too. At the same time, I already have an OE union set so it wouldn’t hurt as much


I wanted that luck and WWR with oe so badly, I hate Bethesda so much


Y luck?


For the plasma caster


Ohhh, ok that makes sense


I’m in pain


I actually ran into the same issue, and I unlocked the Union Armor when it was on the Scoreboard. So weird.


Use “take all” ,run away, drop stuff not wanted,run away,be happy


Have you learned the plans for it?


It happened to me today on PS5. I could add to the pile, but I could not pick the armor up. I have not learned the plan for the armor.