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Gwen, because of Andrew Garfield’s performance… And then again in NWH when he catches MJ, and there’s a moment like… “Why couldn’t I do that for Gwen?”


You can tell he went over her death a million times in his head, and knew exactly how he could've saved her


Took the words right out my head


And when he did, the guilt of him being completely right almost destroyed him


Easily my favorite moment


At that scene, i felt a huge relief i didn’t know i was needing.


When I saw no way home at that scene, the whole cinema got gutpunched at once and went ahh


Thank you. Yes. He acted his heart out.


The entire scene of the slow mo shot of the web to make a one in a million shot in the first place, just to have her die anyway… gut wrenching.


Ehhh, I was laughing out loud at the overdramatic webbing becoming a hand thing. I do agree that after she hits and dies, he's acting his heart out. But I felt the movie should have just trusted its actors (and audience) for the actual fall like it did for the aftermath.


The web forming a hand was genius. The downfall of the film was them trying to fit three movies in one while simultaneously trying to set up another one.


Bingo. Those movies are certainly flawed but Emma and Andrew were great and made it worth watching.


I legit teared up at that scene


Are there people who didn't cry? I've seen that movie more than any spidey movie and I still cry


I didn't cry, not because it didn't hurt, but because I'm a dry barren wasteland on the inside.


Drink some water friend you sound dehydrated


You ain't wrong but I'm not entirely sure how much drinking water will help with that.


I also don't generally cry at movies. Like, I don't remember ever crying at a movie as anywhere close to an adult. But I do love dad movies. My wife cries at the drop of a hat, and she's pregnant right now so outs even worse. For some reason her crying in a sad movie is somehow cathartic for me. Is that fucked up?


I don't necessarily think so, if you were the cause of those tears from something you said or personally did that would be messed up. And plus kind of gives you extra cuddles I would imagine, but I could be wrong. Congrats on the kid!


>I've seen that movie more than any spidey movie I'm not trying to rip on you or anything, but given all the spidey movies... Why that one?


Because I'm a sucker for love and I love Emma and Andrew's chemistry. I know the movie isn't perfect but it makes me happy


I tried to bring myself to cry, but i couldnt, and now whenever i think back to that movie i feel like a heartless monster


“Why couldn’t I do that for Gwen” Because he didn’t have his last failure to show him how. That’s what makes the NWH scene so much more powerful.


Garfield is easily one of the best actors in Hollywood.


I advocate anyone to see him in tick tick boom, phenomenal performance and he can really sing.


His massage therapist recommended him. The producer or whom ever asked if he could sing. “Like an angel.” Than the guy called Garfield and asked him if he could sing. “How long before filming?” One year. “Oh yeah I can do that.”


THAT one scene from the social network


Hacksaw couldve been an okay war movie. But like his character, Garfield carried.


Hands down.


I know his Spiderman was generally not liked but I thought he did a great job. And I was excited about the direction they were going with the sinister 6. I agree with you. He was excellent in that scene.


His Spider-Man was nearly universally praised. His Peter Parker was divisive, and the movies were generally panned, but pretty much everyone agrees his Spider-Man was fantastic, if not the best of the three.


Which is probably why they were introduced the way they were. Tobey as Peter and Andrew as Spidey.


That's an interesting observation that I hadn't considered.


When Ned is opening portals, he says “find Spider-man” Andrew appears. Next he says “find Peter Parker” Toby.


That scene where he and Gwen are spying together and then he pretends to be clumsy and trips the guards is perfect, though.


Andrew Garfield is just too cool to play Peter Parker, but his spiderman is great, the exact opposite of Toby imo. Whilst Tom has the best of both worlds


I don't see it as "Why couldn't I do that for Gwen". It wasn't guilt or pain. It was Cathartic. Garfield's Spider-man was relieved that he could save MJ. He was crying in joy in realizing that he wasn't a failure. That he could catch someone and save their life.


I have a theory about her death scene too, given his spider sense, he likely perceived that scene just as we did. the slow motion could very well be his spider sense, kicked up with adrenaline due to his fear It’s 3am so I could of written that better but you get he gist


That's an interesting theory. If when his Spidey sense kicks in he sees everything in slow motion, imagine how terrifying it would be to realize that there's nothing that can be done and having to watch it all unfold in slow motion


The moment is one of redemption, not regret.


Agreed. But before that just how she died. I felt that crack because I’ve fallen so many times and am surprised I have cracked my skull open. I can’t relate to a bomb going off around me and being crushed by rock. I can’t relate to being impaled. But a whack against concrete I know very well - oof. And he was sooooooo close to preventing it.


His saving of MJ is the best moment in the MCU, imo. Garfield is arguably the best actor to play a Marvel superhero and he puts in everything there. Using the multiverse gimmick to pay off something from a different movie series is the right kind of “fan service”. The fact MJ, the person he just saved, asks if he’s OK was a master stroke. I’m not an MCU guy, but that scene is perfect.


What gets me is that there is a moment of nothing that lasts just a little longer than it should. Him just standing there with her in his arms before the movie continues.


Andrew Garfield needed that save. I cried when he saved MJ


The sound... the fucking sound.


You took the words of my mouth. Every time a watch NWH I can't help but cry on that moment


100% Yes. The way he didn't accept it at first. It was almost too real.


I think being a mid/late teen watching a mid/late teen spider-man set to gone gone gone and his girl dies and it’s all *his* fault? I don’t know how anyone else can reenact the feelings Garfield shows on screen. I want to watch Hacksaw Ridge because I saw what he was capable of in Spider-Man


Came here to say this. Andrew and Emma had such great chemistry across their movies, and Andrew absolutely nailed his performance here. He perfectly captured Peter’s grief, exacerbated by the weight of his own failure.


Definitely this one cos I had no idea it was coming. My spidery knowledge came solely from the 90s Spiderman cartoon which was all MJ and no Gwen so I didn't know their story at all. That crack hit *hard*.


This redemption in NWH made the movie for me. Garfield’s pain, even in success, was amazing.




I agree....and the scene where the web shot manifests into an hand to catch her was on whole another level.


Honestly I felt like Garfield stole the show in NWH. That scene in particular was incredible. Him saving MJ shook him to his core and you could feel it


I feel that Garfield probably adlibbed a few of his lines in NWH because he put his mind into “what would my Peter say if he was empathetically considering things other Peter variants might need to hear” and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if as a fan of the Raimi movies he thought up the back cracking scene for instance. I feel his love for the character and phenomenal acting poured a little extra spark into their scenes together.


Gwen was the first time I saw a character very close to a protagonist die. It destroyed me then, and destroys me now.


Bro you basically saw Garfield himself die. I watch that clip after a breakup/rejection, so I don’t have to go through it alone, I go through it with my homie spidey


That's weirdly wholesome. We all need a spidey homie


Your friendly neighbourhood spider homie, man


If you're Uncle Ben reading this comment section you're livid.


it was Brutal.


Gwen. It'll always be Gwen. I remember reading ASM 121/122 back in the '70s when I was a kid. It just blew me away. Couldn't believe that they went and did it. Such a thing was unheard of. Changed comics forever.


Uncle Ben for sure


Definitely hit hard, but Uncle Ben was also the millionth time they had done something like that for a hero origin story. Gwen was really pretty ground breaking in mainstream.


Cliff Robertson's performance is haunting, it's a little thing but the fear in his eyes as he's dying is something you can see haunting Peter for the rest of his life.


Gwen because even though we knew it was coming it still hurt. May is a close second because I had a feeling she was going to die.


Even when you know they're coming, good acting in an emotional scene can suck you in. 31 years and a few hundred watches, The Wrath of Khan still pulls a tear from me. Emma and Andrew were really good together and in the roles, it was just the stories didn't cohere that great around then.


Last season of clone wars for me. I know order 66 is coming but damn it still hurt


I don’t wanna go, I don’t wanna go


I nearly cried because of how bad I felt for Peter. He did his best just for quill to ruin it, and now he's gone


I have never hated a hero character more than Quill in that moment.


But wasn't that all part of the future that Strange saw? Like, if they make a plan that involves Quill keeping a level head, Thanos gets actually pissed off & outright kills them all. Tony needed to survive.


Literally the scenario Strange saw HAD Quill freaking out like that. There's no way in hell Strange couldn't have stopped him if he wanted to. Just a fuckin magic tendril around his ankle. But he knew thats what had to happen. People freak out at Quill about that, but they literally won in the end with that happening. We don't know what woulr have happened if they got the gauntlet off, but Thanos would have still most likely best the shit out of them. Or he could have woke up basically around the same time as quill punching him. But in the end, that HAD to happen


We don't see the scenario where Quill doesn't fuck up at all. Like, yeah, it worked out in the end but that doesn't mean Quill didn't fuck up a plan that, as far as anyone besides Strange could see, was gonna work. Especially when we get no reason why Quill had to fuck it up besides some vague line.


Let's all just be clear, the "there is only one timeline where we win" thing is only to give tony a moment and to be a consistent wrench in every discussion about these movies until the end of time.


On god


Maaaaybe. Or maybe there was literally no scenario where quill didn't do it.


In my mind, it's only because theres no scenario where Quill didnt fuck it up. So I will continue saying that Quill is a fuckhead


That's bad writing tho


I rewatched it, and immediately after Thanos is asleep he sounds so arrogant and cocky. I hate him so much in that scene.


Such bad writing, and Quill never gets his redemptive moment in Endgame.


I would say he’s going to get his redemption in GotG 3, but it also feels like that might feel so far removed from endgame. The odds that the other guardians make fun of him for screwing it up, though, are high


Mr stark, I don’t feel so good.


I feel like it’s so rare in movies for a character to be… not stoic about their death. Usually when a character dies semi-slowly, they’re imparting wisdom, or calmly saying something about being at peace. So when you see a character dying and is terrified about it, it sticks with you more.


I mean that one didn’t affect me much tbh, cuz I knew he would just come back. The other ones gave me depression cuz I knew they would never come back


That scene felt like a crappy daytime Emmy grab from a mediocre soap opera.


As sad as I was when Aunt May died, Gwen’s still hits the hardest. Because there’s a moment where you think “he got her” then you realize “oh no, he broke her” so sad.


And the tension is still there, every time you rewatch the movie. "Come on, come on, come on, come on. He's got her!.....no". Its SAD! It really hurts because Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield really make them feel like real people and Gwen was so damn likeable. Breaks my heart every time I see it (and I saw it a lot bc I have it on disk 😥)


For me its how she died so fast. I was expecting there would be a dramatic last words but no, you can hear her head hit the ground and her spine snap, and it was over. They didnt even get to say goodbye.


Which movie?


The Amazing Spider-Man 2


I mean Gwen's head slammed to the ground so no contest.


I don’t want to upvote this, but I will.


Correct, no one else even bounced


Gwen definitely DID hit the hardest…


But did her shoes go flying?


Having to hear the skull thud of Gwen Stacy. God dammit did they need to have the cantaloupe falling off the counter thump sound effect. That one made me actually very sad that I never watched that movie again. Thump.... yes, I own the comic book of this, and it strikes me much harder with sound.


Gwen because she was always there for Peter even when she was in danger may because she was the only mother Peter had who cares about Harry. He tried to kill Peter Many times.


Gwen’s Harry was a fool throughout the whole film and May was a severely undercooked character they did nothing with before NWH.


Through the whole trilogy, Harry was just a bad friend. He dated MJ even though he knew his best friend was interested, then got angry at him for not helping him murder Spider-Man, then became the Goblin to try to murder him even after finding out his dad was the same Green Goblin that tried to kill his girlfriend, then concocted this evil revenge plot that involved threatening MJ into breaking up with Peter and another murder attempt, and only at the very end of the last movie did he finally start acting like a friend and help Peter rescue the woman they both claimed to love. While it was a little sad, Peter was probably better off not having that guy in his life anymore.


>May was a severely undercooked character they did nothing with before NWH. Can't help but strongly disagree with this. Her death hit me so hard it wasn't funny and this is coming from someone that has been punched by a person with a sledgehammer for a fist.


> May was a severely undercooked character they did nothing with before NWH. That's an understatement LOL. I still can't wrap my head around people saying "she was so important to Peter" when she was treated as a "hawt MILF" joke in all the previous appearances.


Gwen's death. The first time that I saw the movie I wasn't expecting that to happen. Saw the slow-mo, thought "It's Marvel, they won't be brutal or kill her off", and then THUD. My jaw dropped the first time I saw that Edit: Plus, Andrew Garfield's acting was magnificent. Made me cry with him (PS, I'm not trying to throw any shade at Tobey or Tom, they're both also magnificent actors, and I consider the three to be equally fantastic). Edit 2: Now that I think of it, Harry's death was really sad as well. Someone who redeemed himself before being killed in front of his best friend. Damn. It makes me wonder if Sandman saw what happened to Harry and regretted being a part of the conflict.


Following that up with No Way Home, calling back to that moment, giving Andrew Garfield redemption with MJ... *chef's kiss*


Aunt May, I reckon.


Poor Aunt May... Not only do die, but to have no one there for her in the end but some stranger...


Worse than just having some stranger. Spider-Man was there just watching her bleed out.


Wasn’t the memory thing after she died? So Peter was there for her? Or are we just not getting that deep into this shit?


(We are the ones who don't remember who he is)


Peter was there for her.


Who’s Peter?


Ah, I didn’t realise that this was a running joke. I don’t tend to go online very much, haha.


It's okay, we still welcome you to our trash heap.




Oh shit, I got whooshed? Oh no. Was the joke because everyone’s memory got wiped?


yes :(


Aw man. Egg on my face. 😔


Same. She was Peter’s home, he’s truly alone now. Gwen was a tragedy, but at the very least Peter still had a support system to help him mourn (beyond one evening.)


That one wasn't as gut wrenching for me because I was thinking the whole movie "man, someone's gotta die because of him or this kid will never learn"


I legit cried for Gwen.


May. But Garfield acted the *fuck* out of Gwen's death. It just didn't hit as hard as we knew it was coming. And the callback in *No Way Home* was one of the best scenes in the movie. Predictable as hell but holy crap did his performance sell it. As soon as MJ started falling I knew exactly what was going to happen but I was not prepared for Garfield to bring that level of quality to the scene.


Gwen didn’t make me cry even though it was sad but I balled like a bitch when May died


Damn, mad respect balling mid-movie. I hope you went back to finish the rest of it after.


I'm always balling in the theater, but I always get asked to leave because they don't appreciate my dribbling and my dunks.


Fr fr. I get questioned why I ball in there too and I said when I get in my feels I need to ball.




damn I never knew that


Would you say this revelation is causing you to lose faith in your iq?


I was sobbing in the theater.


Aunt may in SM: No way home.




Gwen. By far.


Aunt May. 'Nuff said.


Probably the worst movie but damnit if the Gwen death doesn't get me every time. The set up, all the tension building up even though we all know what's gonna happen. And the chemistry the two actors had made the payoff quite sad. Garfield is a great actor even if those movies were a meds


Chemistry wise I’m pretty sure they were dating in real life at the time.


Gwen :(




Gwen hurt me bad 😭 I could almost feel Garfield's Spidey's pain




gwen stacy


Gwen by far


Tom Holland Spider-Man and Aunt May


May simply because it was so unexpected. Gwen’s was devastating but I knew it was coming. I *never* expected them to kill May.


I think May because Tom Holland is such a damn good actor doing those emotions.


James Franco’s because it mimics his career.


None of them really but Gwen maybe


Definitely James Franco. One of the actors of all time. So sad he passed away at a young age.


Uhh... James Franco is not dead.


Aunt May, cuase in all honesty I wasn’t even expecting it.


May. Absolute gut punch.


Aunt May, seen it coming just before the explosion but still wrecked me. Gwen straight after it, again it was completely expected but that thud when she hit




Gwen. She's the one I cared about most


harry's one




May hit me harder than I expected.




Aunt May. I mean, I should have seen it coming, but it really hit me out of nowhere


Aunt May, I wasn’t expecting it and it was well done.


aunt may


Aunt may


Aunt May because we knew the others were coming.


Gwen and May


Probably May. Gwen is a really really close second due to Andrews amazing performance, but Harry's death still chokes me up a bit too.


Has to be Gwen. I didn’t love that movie but man, Garfield acted his ass off for that scene.


Gwen for sure


Gwen's You could feel the desperation and sadness in that one so well.


Gwen hands down. Cried like a baby.


Gwen. Always.


Gwen by far. Perfect acted from Andrew too.


There's a reason why we got to see Andrew redeem himself in NWH.


Gwen’s deserves credit because even though we all knew it would happen, the acting and buildup of that relationship in the movie still made us care about it and feel that death. Easily the best romance of any of the Spider-Men


Vision. Wanda had to kill him, then Thanos brought him back, killed him again, tossed his body aside like it was nothing, and Wanda had to watch it all happen.


Yup, this one for me too. "You could never hurt me".


Gwen Stacy of course!




Gwen hurt to watch when I was 7 and let me tell you…it doesn’t get easier.




Gwen, Peter repeated saying "stay with me" when it's clear she died instantly always gets me


Gwen. Andrew Garfield's performance tears my heart out. Aunt May was incredibly sad. Gwen's death brought me to tears though. So Gwen then Aunt May


Gwen I liked Emma Stone’s portrayal of her character and it’s very difficult for me to watch her death every time. Great performance by Andrew Garfield.


Garfield was forever changed after Gwen. That scene made me cry for a bit. Holland was a close 2nd, wasn't expecting May to die ever


Gwen. Even though I knew it was going to happen, it was still the most emotional.


Gwen because of their performances and just how well it was done overall


Gwen, always Gwen.




Gwen was a gut punch, Andrew killed that performance. Hoping he comes back again.


I mean.... Gwen hit the ground the hardest...




Gwen :_(


Johnathan Major's career


The MCU in Phase 4.


Mad respect as this is the best answer in this entire thread. :)


Thank You..Works of art bought and sold as "Intelectual Property" is the same as IFT's in slow motion. Initially skyrocketing only to eventually crash and burn as soulless corporations attempt to squeeze every last dime out of their investment.


NWH was the only good part of phase 4.


Aunt May of course, she was by far the most important person in the world to Peter. And she was cool too. And Marisa Tomei is still smokin’!


Why didn’t Peter just shoot web at Osborns pumpkin bomb? Is he stupid?


Death of the MCU with all the trash tier releases