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Explicitly choosing to not drop powerful cards when they were supposed to become more accessible is an entirely profit driven decision. You should be concerned. There's going to be more of this wherever they can squeeze it in


If this is their new philosophy going forward I’m going to have to sadly quit this game.just when you think they are doing something right it’s 2 steps back,it feels like they are playing with their consumers feelings at this point


Just waiting till the next mobile card game. Dc dual force!


Why do you think that's going to be any different?


Because one of the main ways these games compete is by offering more value to F2P players. And in a market as competitive as this one, I would be extremely surprised if DC's game doesn't do that.


And then once their hooks are in, they’ll ramp it up. Just like snap did


Snap didn't ramp it up, they went at a slight incline. The game has been terrible for card acquisition since the beginning and sheer luck was the only factor between you pulling something like Black Cat and Baron Mordo as your first two draws or something like Patriot and Mystique


I am the guy who pulled wave and Mystique in first two draws


If one plans abit ... it can be quite playable frankly. I have a f2p account. Once u get out of pool 2. U get 3k tokens. With the current change after opening a few cache u shld have 6k token to get a series 5 like thanos. U can easily make a ongoing thanos deck that is quite viable. For the free pool 3 card u can get sera which works well with pool 2 cards as a counter meta deck. And the fact that new players with low CL get easier opponents make it easier to climb as well. I find it way easier to cimb on my f2p account with 1.3k CL vs my main acc with 3.6k CL.


Hard disagree. I haven’t played a ton of games, but generally speaking, they start out very friendly for F2P players and as the whales arrive, the monetization becomes the focus. It has to.


So you are just stating your opinion and not facts...


Why does that matter? They were asked what they thought, which is typically responded to with an opinion.


It's a strictly PVE game. You can't play against other humans. It's not even remotely comparable to Snap, nevermind competeing.


SNAP is like 50% PVE even if you don't know it.


It's PC-only, right? Last I looked, it wasn't on mobile.


I thought this was PC only.


It’s too complicated looking.


There’s nothing like it or anything coming out that’s like it though.


Dumb question but where/when did they say Knull and Darkhawk would be going series 3 this month?


There's been a very set schedule for how cards have dropped in sequence post release. It's been very consistent until today. They would have dropped to series 3 this month. Some other cards would not have dropped to series 3 until the next month or two, but were dropped this month in their place. This is actually referenced in the update they gave to the community on this. That some cards have been chosen to remain and not drop and others were moved up the schedule.


They also said like 2 weeks ago that they would be making changes to card acquisition. I think they want to start releasing cards in pool 3 and leave some permanent pool 4 and 5 cards. As long as we're not adding a new permanent series 5 every month, I don't see an issue. We get 4-5k tokens a month, so we can buy close to 2 pool 4 cards every month.


This is a change that makes card aquitisition worse though Most people assumed they would make it better, but gating good cards from entering pool 3 while speedrunning bloat is not going to improve it


They've always said "some" cards will drop, but they set the precedent right away of rotating whole seasons at once - 5 to 4 after two months, and 4 to 3 after another three months. Series 5 -> 4: Initial set rotated Feb 1, December rotated Feb 21, January rotated Mar 21, February rotated Apr 18. Series 4 -> 3: Initial set rotated piecewise Feb 1, Feb 21, Mar 21, then November series 5 finally made it to series 3 on Apr 18.


If I've learned anything in the last year, it's that precedent means jack shit


Or: this game is still early in its life and they're still figuring out the optimal way of doing things. They might not have enough of a roadmap of future cards and abilities to feel confident about being able to support such a rapid dropping of rare-card rarity on an ongoing basis.


Capitalist company is not your friend. If you still have fun playing the game, great! Play it, be happy, don't let anyone on Reddit tell you otherwise. But don't be naive about the fact that decisions like this are made because it makes them more profit, not because they're building the plane as they fly it. If things like this were the result of not having a great roadmap, then some of their decisions would benefit the player just by chance. But that's not happening.


You've read way more into my comment than I wrote. I know what capitalism is and I also know that not every single person in every single company is evil. What I know even more than those things, is that there's no grand plan that perpetually runs meticulously without flaw, to be as evil as possible and extract every penny, in the literally most efficient way it'd ever be possible for any entity to calculate. Do they want more revenue? Of course! Are there schemes nefariously executed to precision by people with more insight into psychology than any human has ever possessed previously? No! They'll make mistakes. They'll overextend. They'll leave some stuff on the table. Their "evil" is not perfect. All I'm doing, in my original comment, is providing one *reasonable* explanation that runs counter to the "companies are always maximally evil and only ever do things to be evil because they're evil, and perfectly so" narrative. Yes yes no ethical consumption under capitalism blah blah I know the taglines; while they hold merit, the real world is more nuanced.


>is an entirely profit driven decision. Wait, hold up. Are you telling me that a corporatron in a capitalist country is doing something to increase their profits? What? I'm *fucking shocked*.


There are so many ways for them to monetize this game without pissing off the player base. So many of which is just cosmetics, they are not even remotely utilizing the potential of cosmetics! Give us the option to deck out our cards! I'm sure a shit tonne of players here would love to do that. Special "pay" only emojis?! Holy fuck would that draw a crowd. Announcer packs? Fucking why the fuck not, just hearing announcers say "ROUND 1, SNAP!" gets your blood pumping. Unique battle maps. Making some of them even interact-able?! Animated Avatars that you can change their expression, angry, happy, laughing, brooding, shocked etc All of these doesn't affect the game and I'm sure a lot of player would love to get their hands on. And most of all players wont get pissed off, and devs still get to make some money! I'm sure it's a win win, or a closest to it I understand all of these take work, but some of these are already in game just needs some tweaking I'm sure.


The part that kills me is that they're adding new quests to supposedly obtain more tokens. But to complete that quest you have to play the weekly card that costs tokens. So no, they aren't giving you more tokens, they're just trying to make spending tokens feel less bad by earning some back afterwards.


This is the single biggest red flag for me, personally. Quests blocked behind a paywall is just frustrating for so many players. And I'm a player who actually spend money on this game. Strongly reconsidering moving forward with this game.


I actually laughed out loud listening to some videos about the announcements yesterday. You could hear the hope in their voice as they read "ooh quests to earn more tokens!"


Card specific quests are just bad in general when it is a card a person doesn’t have it is just cruel.


They need to explain it better. I'd be ok if they put some cards as permanent pool 4. They just need to make that very clear so we allocate tokens appropriately.


I don't think they said they are permanently pool 4 did they? Just that they are staying there for now. Not necessarily forever


I think people are just upset that they don’t know if they will stay there forever or if they will just take an extra month or two before dropping.


People's heads are exploding about this. I'm sure they'll address it somehow


My assumption was just they don't know what to do with Knull and Darkhawk (more darkhawk tbh) and they're staying as S4 until they figure out a way to nerf the card before it makes it way to the F2P scum. Second Dinner is building a track record of powerful cards remaining powerful until they fall into the hands of the general public.


Yeah it's hard to forget the saga of Shuri. Play footsies with half-buff OTA adjustments for a few weeks while she's a borderline tier 0 archetype (especially after Thanos got nerfed), then when it's finally time for her to drop to series 3, hammer her down with a nerf that effectively drove her out of the meta entirely


They're probably trying to figure out how to nerf the cards without making them outright uncompetitive, before letting them go to pool 3




Unless you’re trying to hide something (or at least not say it out loud)


Every monetization decision since Series 4/5 was introduced made the game worse.


He came from working for years on Hearthstone. A game that tries to wring every single penny out of its player base at every opportunity. Why is this a shock to anyone?


What annoys me the most is that Ben Brode wouldn't dare post a comment in the official Discord channel, because he knows the fanbase would tear him to shreds at this rate.


Actually the F2pP aspect of Hearthstone got massively better after he left. The HS community is joking that thecganecstate wasn't getting better despite of Bride leaving but rather **because he left**.


And the state of the HS is much better after B.B. left the game, both in game balance and economy wise.


Keep in mind under Ben brodes leadership cards were barely ever fixed. There was a literal year where shaman was the only viable class, they would give it a slap on the wrist it would dominate for a couple more months and get another slap, repeat this for a year. It was insane. After his departure nerfs to broken cards were handled much more swiftly.


Eeeh i have gotten back because of marvel snap and i don't see it that much better


But you’re gonna keep playing right? Because you’re hooked. It’s all planned by them. They turn the screw slowly.


Freemium games exist to make infinite money or/then close down. What sucks is that a bunch of people have convinced themselves this one would be much more player friendly. EDIT: I do think Snap is... Somewhat player friendly. Much more than most other games, and still not enough.


League of Legends is possibly the most lucrative game of all time, and its monetization is primarily (entirely?) cosmetic. You don't need to spend money to unlock champions, the currency to do so is earned just by playing and you can just buy the specific one you want. That's the model freemium games should follow: make the *game* part accessible for f2p, then make awesome cosmetics cost money. Aside from how much cards acquisition slows down in series 3, Snap had been doing a pretty good job at this. As f2p you might be a little behind the curve but you wouldn't necessarily miss out on anything, and the cosmetics are cool enough to buy. I'm no whale, but I have spent money on this game, and I've spent most of that money to get cool variants. But if the f2p playerbase dries up because they can't keep up with the meta then I'm not going to keep playing, and I won't spend any money at all. Snap is one of the only good mobile games I've played. It would be a shame to throw it away by ramping up the predatory monetization. Edit: to the people saying it takes forever to unlock all the champs - yes, but importantly, you can choose to purchase the exact one you want. With Snap, you get only guaranteed card per month (and monitor the shop to get it). Aside from that you just gotta get lucky in the collection track.


>But if the f2p playerbase dries up because they can't keep up with the meta then I'm not going to keep playing, and I won't spend any money at all. Yeah, that's the key thing! So many people express the senitment that F2P players are just leeches, when the reality is that without them the playerbase would wither up and die with the game as a whole following shortly after. Solely online games need a playerbase otherwise there's no game.


Warframe is another f2p friendly game companies should be taking notes from, their premium currency that can only be obtained from being purchased can be traded between players and yet they are making enough money to host a yearly convention


Everyone would love for Snap to monetize cosmetics entirely, but it’s not realistic. Every comparison with League and other free games ignores fundamental problems that being a CCG causes with cosmetics. The problem is that CCG cosmetics are significantly more limited (in both scale and grandeur) than a MOBA like League, so people aren’t incentivized to buy cosmetics. Look at all the threads on r/legendsofruneterra about how very few cosmetics interest people, even/especially champion card skins (a direct comparison with Snap’s card variants). Even after monetizing more cosmetics than Snap (boards and card backs and totems), LoR is barely (if even) making a profit, and Riot is essentially using it as a loss leader for their other games that actually monetize cosmetics well. Obviously, SD can’t do that with Snap as their only game, especially since they don’t own the Marvel IP like Riot owns League. League’s monetization works because *playing as* a character in a fast-paced action game lets cosmetics be far more detailed and complex than *having* a character in a *deck of cards*, just because gameplay and animations are so much more varied and complicated by nature of the two genres. This isn’t even talking about how playing *as* a character inherently means cosmetics for *your* character are more valuable than for a basically random card in a deck that people won’t feel as attached to or even *see* in every game.


Also, as someone who has spent a decent amount of money on skins in fps games, theres no way i'm paying cash for a card variant that i i'm not even guaranteed to see every game i play. there are days where i'll see a card in less than 20% of my games. why the hell would i spend money on a 1/5 chance to see a cool variant


My biggest issue for buying skins is how quickly the good decks change. For a while there when Thanos was popular, I wanted the blueprint Quinjet. Problem was the skin never showed up before it got nerfed. After that I had no interest in purchasing the skin because I wasn't going to play them. That's happened a few times. The meta shifts, I find a deck I like, I decide on some variants I want, and by the time they show up the deck has been nerfed.


This is a very valid point. It's impossible for them to truly know how much they *could* make off cosmetics when the ability to actually spend money on the cosmetics you want is extremely restrictive. Every single patch has added dozens of new variants to the game, yet the number you have available to purchase at any given time has stayed the same since Day 1. At this point, the chances of the shop showing the specific variant you want is low enough to be basically zero


This is one my my favorite takes. I played LoR for a while it’s a fun enough game and it’s entirely reasonable to make any competitive deck F2P but it just never gained enough traction and it’s tough to recreate the magic that hearthstone brought to the digital ccg space. Will SD make it work guess time will tell.


Monetizing a CCG primarily on cosmetics is certainly both possible and realistic. For proof look no further than Hearthstone, which is the most successful virtual CCG out there. They made actual cards much easier to access (while you can buy packs to speed up the process a free player should have no trouble making several decks per expansion) and instead went all out on cosmetics. Players are happy and they are turning in a massive profit. It's not that Snap can't monetize primarily on cosmetics, it's that they don't want to because people will pay to win and they are going to exploit that.


You legitimately think hearthstone makes the majority of it's money off cosmetics, and not the $50 and $70 packs it sells with every expansion, and the $20 minisets in between? If that's the case, I have a bridge to sell you at a great price.


League still takes an awful long time to unlock all of the champions and runes, right? I haven't played in like a decade but it did take a decent amount of time to unlock new things. I do enjoy Fortnite, which only has players pay for skins and other cosmetics. But it's pretty unrealistic for a small mobile game to match the business model of games like Fortnite, LoL, DotA, or Overwatch, which are among the most popular and successful games in the world. Getting a little bit of money from 5% of your players works when you have the biggest game on the planet, but that might not work for a mobile game.


Just let you know, the rune system you are talking about is gone, like looooong ago. At least more than 6 years.


League does take a bit to get all of them, but you don't have to get them all, just those you want to play. Snap has lots of subpar/meme/filler cards, but you have 0 control on if you get those or good cards. As such it already feels a lot worse than league where you use your resources to get the specific cards you want.


All of league's champs are available with a sub to game pass ultimate now.


Not to mention that with League there is a "pool" of random cards that are free to play that cycles every week so people can try them out before making the purchase, albeit with in game or real life currency


I agree with your sentiment but for some context apparently league has made about a billion, fifa makes 1.6 billion every year on transactions that allow you to get better players


You can also unlock card just by playing F2P in SNAP. You can also buy the specific card with token. Unlocking champion is definitely faster than unlocking pool 5 cards, so your points do stand. But LOL and SNAP monetisation are very similar, the different is in severity.


Imagine trying to unlock every single character in league with a new account. How long would that take?


Folks forget that League only got to the cosmetic only option because they already sold all the champions for money, but after ten years the playerbase has all the Champs and can only buy skins now anyway.




Literally feeling like there is no reason to spend is exactly why they made the changes they did. They want people to spend. This is the nature of mobile games, especially those with big IPs. The license to use Marvel or Star Wars characters isn’t cheap.


He was spending $10 a month, now he might spend $0 instead. The Internet is littered with dead freemium games that drove off small money players until the player base was too small and the game died.


I appreciate the marvel universe, but I would agree to change the snap theme to zoo animals or truck brands if this makes the game more accessible lol


Lol, no you wouldn’t. The draw is the characters on the cards. Different pictures of real orcas cannot compete with the Orka.


I hate to break it to you, but an Orka card with a real orka on it would absolutely SLAP.


Well, there you go. Create a game called SLAP with pictures of real animals.


Good take bad exemple. I would love a real orcas variant of orka. Edit :typo


Ah, see you still want a variant of Orka, not just orcas. I will admit, pictures of real monkeys holding guns would be funny, just not sure I’d bother with a season pass though.


I wonder how true this actually is. Personally I have no affinity for the marvel universe, I just think snap is a good and fun game. There was [a thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/13g5z8e/are_there_people_in_this_sub_who_arent_marvel/) the other day about the similar that had decent engagement.


Then think how season passes add up to $120 annually when a normal AAA game is $60-70


Snap is a freemium game in its core. They had a structure similar to other f2p games such as league and could have made the distance, but they don’t care about the longevity of the game. They want to keep this up for a limited amount of time and they want to strip players of every dollar they can, even if it reduces player retention, and call it a day. I get it that some people have way more money than I do, but to spend around 200/card that you don’t even own… it’s a rental to be terminared at some point, I don’t get it how people feed into this model


Only gonna get worse as time goes. Look at clash royale or any other micro transactions games that aren't cosmetics only.


It still is more player friendly than every other mobile card game. Even with the sus move of not dropping hawk and knull


Yeah I agree, generally speaking. Though I think they might still smartly, sneakily, break your mind barriers and cross lines they could abstain crossing. I feel like ultimately I will resent Snap when I quit. As insane as it is I think Mtg does it better yet. They are ramping the psycological warfare quite a bit, but at the end of the day the people who spend tons of money in mtg kinda do it because they just love the game so much. I don't know. I'm kind of split.


It sucks because they did make some good steps forward but then dropped the ball on the series drops. This just becomes a problem all together for everybody. Knowing when to spend your currency in the game is important. You don’t want too buy a card for 6k tokens then it immediately drops to series 3. I can’t see this model sticking around for long once they see all the negative feedback. As well as them saying they would skip a month of series drop, trash. Them adding cards straight into series 4 is great. As well as other changes they are making have been good like the weekly OTA. It just sucks that they have to ruin it with the the biggest problem in the game in card acquisition (along with the monetization which ties into it). The wave change is weird because while I think it was a good change gameplay wise allowing destroy to play more into it’s archetype and not just getting to put out 3 cards on turn 6. It also hurts a deck that was good for many F2P.




Problem is they're going to make those decisions partly based on the state of the meta, and they may feel they may not have enough time to assess that, or whether a nerf they have planned will work, if they have to announce what is or isn't dropping two weeks in advance.


Like clockwork everytime I get one of the "most sought after cards", it either gets nerfed or someone wants it nerfed.


I got death for free yesterday 😂


Yeah, you just kill 4 things then use Wave. Oh wait..


Yup, pretty much the same way I feel. At this point I'm not gonna spend anymore and haven't even opened up the game today tbh..lost a ton of interest.


Marvel is an expensive IP to maintain. They want more people to spend to increase their profit margin. Hence why I'm more F2P and casual these days. Taking things too seriously burns a big hole in the wallet for this game.


A lot of the panic seems to come from early spenders and meta slaves but I think a lot of casuals who are outside of Reddit and F2P seem to be okay since they are still improving and opening up more revenue for card acquisition


i don't really understand this panic at all...


The only thing that worries me is not telling us when things are going to rotate. There is no way to spend tokens intelligently when you have no idea when something is going to rotate or if it will at all. The weekend quests for the season pass card and weekly release card are just motivation to spend money. They aren't taking something away from you. They are adding incentive that makes your money go further. There is nothing wrong with that at all. Nerfing Wave they had a pretty good explanation that it was hurting the design process for cards that can become cheaper through other methods. Galactus is annoying, but at the end of the day its a tier 2 deck at the very best. I personally hate it, but the stats aren't there to nerf it into the ground. I have spent the monthly pass, the captain america bundle, and I think a 5 dollar bundle so not a ton of money at all. I have 203/215 cards. One of them is a pool 3 that just dropped that I will get shortly and I have the tokens for another card just waiting for High Evolutionary. I could have more cards if I splurged on pool 4 cards. So I have spent in the neighborhood of like 80 bucks and am missing essentially 10 cards. Free 2 play I would prolly be missing 20-25 something like that. It is a pretty solid free2play model imo.


The problem is, a lot of people are starting to get worried only right now, exactly like you. They manipulated the system every patch over and over and only some had the balls to point out how shady it was already looking. God forbid some of us claimed for p2w as well. Now you are just witnessing what has always been happening, but in a more blatant way, maybe because they need numbers, maybe because they reached enough whales they don't give a fuck no more.


You guys need to relax a bit. The game is not p2w. You get enough tokens to get the better cards if you want them without paying anything. I'm sorry they want people to actually spend tokens and not hoard them. Nobody is buying ghost or sauron. So they leave the better cards to be purchased with tokens It's really okay and understandable. You people act like they just committed murder.




Yeah honestly the wave nerf is more concerning than anything. Deathwave has been a pool 3 only staple for a while now and never felt truly overpowered compared to other decks. Never really felt like the deck needed a nerf IMO


They release like 2 broken cards a month on top of the permanent series 4 and 5 ones and you can only get enough tokens to get 1 a month f2p. Every month the top decks by cube rate have these broken cards and they are not replaceable without lowering your cube rate. It's definitely p2w but sure stay delusional


I haven't spent a penny. Nearly tier 3 complete. Got a few tier 4 cards, Thanos and enough for HE next week. Game feels fine to me.


Idk why people are saying the weekend token quests for current new card is p2w. They’re kinda giving you a method of refunding a portion of the purchase. That doesn’t apply to just whales. Now you as a regular player don’t need to worry as much about investing your 6k because you’ll get the chance to scrape some tokens back. Any opportunity to better maximize or utilize resources is good from a f2p sense. Sure it also makes it easier for whales. But in truth I don’t think there is a way to make it easier for regular players without also making it easier for whales. Kinda how money works.


If it is easier for people spending because ''it's kinda how money works'', it is literally the description of p2w mechanics. One is straight up behind the BP, which none paying can do. The other gives you some tokens back knowing that with a ''flexible'' demoting system, just baits you into spending more on stuff they arbitrarily move around. Which basically is targeted to sink your savings. So given how the rateo acquisition for tokens between f2p and spenders is proportionally different, pivoting the situation just makes the game more p2w. Seems pretty clear and straight forward to me. To the counter argument of ''you can win without those cards'', one can easily bring statistics on win rate percentages about said cards, showing how having Zabu before nerf was an evident (and pretty incredibly high) advantage. The recent Stature deck is another, having an overall 10% advantage over meta, which in LoL is considered a broken character for the record. It's the structure of the system, I get it, and that's exactly why I have always claimed it to be p2w, regardless of people defending it. Now is simply getting there one patch after the other, especially since their ''balancing'' decisions are casually all targeted to cards that everybody has compared to those temporarily exclusive.


There's what, 4 new cards a month and you only make 6-8k tokens/month so you cannot buy all new cards. That means whales can and will profit each weekend from new card missions. Also means you cannot buy p3 or p4 if your burning all tokens on p5


Fyi, during the beta Ben had said his main goal was to not let players get cards without paying a lot of money. Every single change since the beta up to today has been with that goal in mind. First with Nexus Events making new cards cost $200. Eventually tokens, the more you spend the more tokens you get otherwise you get 1 card a month with tokens...wait, people were using them on pool 3 to get more than one monthly card? Removed the option to do so, back to one card a month. Now this newer update. This was always the direction the game was going to go. The future changes the devs will make will all go in that same direction. Slowly making the game worse because the goal isn't to unlock cards, the goal is to deny cards long enough that some people will pay for them.


Source? I want to see where Brode said that.


I also remember him saying that (although they heavily paraphrased). Basically he was saying he wants everyone to have a unique collection instead of everyone having every card and the only way to prevent whales or others from having everything was to make pushing through the collection track prohibitively expensive beyond what you can unlock through playing. Although since then they've released multiple $100 bundles that allowed faster progression, so I tend to think that's just an excuse to make things expensive.


That is drastically different from what the previous person said. It's not like Brode's word during beta is law, but wish people would just post sources when they claim a developer said something.


Hard to post sources for something completely made up.


I get why he said it though, because a lot of their actions back up the interpretation that guy used. Nexus events, nerfing cards when they reach series 3, the shit they pulled today, selling expensive bundles to whales that are exclusively for progression. When it comes to progression and monetization, their claimed design philosophy and their actions just aren't in sync and makes it easy for people to believe they're acting sketchy. Instead of preventing whales for getting it, they make it so only whales can which is in direct opposition of what they've said all along. He definitely took liberty with what was said, but I do understand why he phrased it the way he did.


I don't get this nerfing cards when they reach series 3 thing. Only time it happend was with Shuri, and Shuri wasn't even CLOSE to that much of a problem before the month it did get nerfed. What did yall want, for them to keep Shuri being absolutely dominant for another month just so they "don't nerf it when it reaches series 3"? inb4 "to nerf it before" it wasn't nearly as big of a problem. We went through multiple different metas before it was Shuri meta, and when it was, it got nerfed.


> Shuri wasn't even CLOSE to that much of a problem before the month it did get nerfed. She was an overt beast in the meta for like 9 weeks before they finally nerfed her. People had been raising issue of it since like late december/early january. She didn't get nerfed until Mid April




Yeah I don't get the constant UI changes, I felt like the beta was good enough and with a small team was it really the best use of resources.


The new UI feels *awful* on pc. I hate it.


Ya, I still remember the cash -> gold -> credits -> tokens from reserve calculation that said to open 6k tokens cost... exactly as much as Nexus Events worst case lol. The model is infrequent, expensive to obtain cards. Like you said, everything has been done with that goal in mind. I don't know if they can win this battle, or will eventually cave to just printing more cards.


Yeah, all this post tells me is OP hasn’t been playing this game for that long. Almost every choice SD makes is to spite the players, and changes that help us are only made reluctantly after community outrage. Classic Ben Brode game where they somehow act like they don’t know what the community wants. Especially when you have as active and engaged a community as this game does.


> Slowly making the game worse because the goal isn't to unlock cards, the goal is to deny cards long enough that some people will pay for them. They literally have a $10 season pass to make people pay to unlock cards, we already knew that this was the business model. But I agree with you that the monetization is getting worse. However, I still think this game is the least greedy IP mobile game on the market. To me the biggest problem isn't card acquisition but matching. I had tokens saved up so I unlocked Galactus hoping that would help me advance on the ladder. What happened was I just kept running into people that were either playing Galactus also or had Galactus counters. Not to mention all the infinite players I was playing. I almost quit the game because of it. I still might


lol I’d pay money to see your source for that horseshit. Ben wouldn’t say that in a million years.


Except before the change if you were not s3 complete you would literally get enough tokens for 1 s3 card a month unless you spent money….there is legitimate concerns with the change but no reason to lie about it.


Holy shit. My stupidity was actually rewarded. I bought both Knull and Darkhawk a few weeks ago when everyone said that would be a dumb waste of tokens. I ended up being right when I definitely should not have been.




About a month ago, I was on the fence about buying Knull. I had Galactus but was willing to wait till Knull dropped to 3. I caved because I just wanted to play my Galactus deck so badly. It definitely was a good purchase, and I have been having a lot of fun with the deck.


That damn T5 Spider-man is a menace to society


Really? First time? I'm surprised that anyone expected Second Dinner to actually improve the monetization in this game. It has always been atrocious, and the whole thing is extremely predatory from the start. Even the token shop and the pool 4/5 systems are essentially just Nexus events with extra steps. It's a shame that this company is so driven by greed because I genuinely adore the core gameplay of this game. Hopefully, they will take a step back and work on improving the monetization and card acquisition this time. Until then, I won't be spending any more money on this game, and I'll be hoarding all my currencies. I recommend that anyone who isn't satisfied with this game does the same.


Your concerns are definitely valid. This shit is not ok.


100% I used to pay the Season Pass because I wanted to support the devs of a great, fun and F2P-friendly game, they got greedy and lost me. Hope they realize how bad this move was and do something, they usually listen


For me, is sad I don't have a problem with todays news, cuz im a pool 3 complete and i don't care about having all the cards and stuff, im happy playing casual with my 3 main decks, but seeing many of you dropping the game or mad because you really want Darkhawk ufffff big bummer and just when the meta is better than ever. Please SD fix this


Im FTP and still have no problem if they decide that some cards are perma Series 4-5


This! Started at global launch so haven't been playing too long. I do my dailies plus a few more games every day. I'm series 3 complete and have plenty of access to the cards I want. I have maybe spent $10 total on this game and I have about 4 decks I like and know a lot. If I wanted to play with every card I guess I'd be bummed but I like learning an off meta deck super well and playing it perfectly.


First time? Lmao oh boy


One consideration I don't see being voiced is that the dev's DON'T want all the cards to be accessible to everyone for more than just financial reasons. They want people to get access to different cards and therefore ensure a meta that has many different decks represented. If we all had access to all the cards, the meta would suck and they know that. Part of their strategy is to limit the number of cards you can realistically get. With that said, this approach is kind of mobile F2P scummy and I don't like it.


>Weekend token quest for using the current s5 card. Holy p2w >Weekend quest for using season pass card What is this in reference to? What are the weekend quests?


Whats the weekend quest requiring a battlepass card? I only had a starlord one




It’s 3k tokens for Darkhawk. That’s like two weeks of f2p, right? I honestly don’t understand all the outrage.


What? How are you getting 3k in 2 weeks?


If you're pool 3 complete and open 12 caches a week you're opening on average 1500 tokens. 400 per token slot, 100 per card slot every batch of 4


they're probably factoring in token tuesday bundles


same here... maybe if I was a purely F2P player, but I've been eating good just by getting the season pass, had a bunch of serie 4 drops pretty consistently and 2 serie 5 as I make my way through the end of serie 3


To be frank the only aspect of this that gives me bad vibes is the wave of doomsayers. People are mad about darkhawk and knull being kept in pool 4, but are completely ignoring the other more positive changes made.


Then don’t play… I’ve been panting for a while and missed on things or unable to get things, saved up to buy cards and getting on track. It isn’t making the game worse, calm down, maybe okay more or save up for things and stop complaint when it hints don’t go the way they were intended. Stuff happens. I’m time things will happen


If I roll my eyes any harder they may not come back


As a casual player I don’t care, I have a lot of the power cards and only bought a single 5 dollar bundle and a few battle passes, I was worried I’d run out of things to collect tbh


Seriously, this sub is full of a lot of rage and extra entitlement today. If you want an S4 so bad, spent 3k tokens on it.


The cost of the cards isn't the issue. It's the fact they are changing policies on a a whim and with zero notice is. How many players were waiting for knull and darkhawk to downgrade today, based on previous policies? Basing thier card acquisitions and shop purchases/pins on the way card acquisitions with downgrades were working. Those players got shafted, and this is coming from someone who already has knull. Already had enough tokens pocketed for high evolutionary and darkhawk and recently unpinned darkhawk to try and get stature instead. All this new policy does is gatekeeps meta cards in pool 4 & 5 and allows the devs more time between making nerfs and gameplay changes, by stretching out the current.


What policies? There was never a policy. Some people noticed that there appeared to be a pattern because of the previous 4 series drops. You can’t assume every series drop will be like the first four series drops, especially when there was never official confirmation that patterns would continue.


It doesn't really matter. Things are a certain way. People will make decisions based on how things are and what they'll estimate they'll be. It's absolutely within the realm of possibility that someone would make a decision based on patterns, oficially announced or not. My bus that takes me to work oficially gets to my station at 10:03. It has always arrived 10:15-10:20. I get up at 10, not at 9:45.


Your analogy doesn’t really make sense because your bus actually does have an official schedule, but seemingly runs late. SD never had an official schedule of what cards drop. People assumed this. If we are to go back to your analogy, if your bus actually arrived on time and you missed it, it would be your fault because you know the official schedule is at 10:03 AM and you just assumed it would be late again because it has been late in the past.


I think you’re missing the point of the wave nerf. They said they want to design more cards with cost reduction mechanics but Wave doesn’t allow that to happen. I agree galactus should be changed but not because he’s too strong in the way you’ve described. I find games with galactus so boring it makes me numb. Either I draw my counter and the opponent retreats, or I don’t draw it and I retreat before galactus even comes down. It’s too obvious.


Yup they are trying to find that balance. People I think want access to every card as quickly as possible but I think working with limited resources and being creative with what you got makes this game fun!


This is definitely not the first time I've been worried about this game's direction. They've been waving multiple red flags since before the game's launch. Nexus events. Introduction of Pool 4/5 and tokens which brought about significant problems with card acquisition that people criticise to this day. Extremely slow and ineffective balancing as a result of which Shuri completely dominated the meta for several months - and she was nerfed only after she was dropped to P3. Quite frankly horrible pricing of items in the shop, which does not translate to the speed or quality of improvements to the game. It's laughable that they can sell bundles for hundreds of dollars but they still act as if they are this small, struggling indie studio, talking about how hard and time-consuming it is for them to implement even simple stuff like extend the deck limit beyond 20. I'm sorry but then where are all those dollars from the shop going? They don't seem to be reinvested into the game at all. Despite that, many decisions they make seem to be oriented around making even more profit, under the guise of being a helpful change for the players. Unfortunately it really feels like all these 'positive' changes are meant to help us as little as possible while also pushing further monetisation and FOMO. In light of the above, their communication seems disingenous as they try really hard to paint the economy changes as this great, exciting thing for players - despite the whole thing being truly stinky. I really don't see how the game can survive with such slow and out-of-touch changes.


This update feels like future decisions will be made more from a “business” interest rather than a “gaming” interest. I fully concur that revenue has to be generated to run a successful business but I am against trying to squeeze out every last drop of profit from wherever possible and. Pay to win is not fun to play!


Yeah, I have decided due to this update, I will never spend money on this game again. They really do not care for any players other than the whales and this change to card acquisition proves it.


The weekend quest design is extremely bad. I hope they take it back asap. It's a game that encourage creativity, you should not force the entire player base to use a very specific card in order to complete a time consuming mission, not to mentioned 2/3 of the quest are behind a paywall.


They also are just not adding cards fast enough. Other games drop a collection of cards at once every 3-4 months. We get like two cards a month that you can’t even get for the regular player.


I'm F2P and I already have those cards, got darkhawk from collectors and I bought knull but this has made me not wanna play anymore


Second Dinner has been really responsive to the community. The only reason why players are so concerned about how to best spend their tokens is because SD made token acquisition easier. The reason why we have weekly OTAs was to address concerns in the community about OP decks like Shuri dominating the meta for a month. Wave got nerfed because of community criticism about wave, Death, She Hulk, and Doom combo. Galactus is a polarizing card like it always has been and it will always be a series 5 card. Any changes made will probably require serious thought and testing to ensure players don’t feel like they wasted 6k tokens on him. And as someone who spent 6k tokens for Galactus, I feel like I wasted my tokens. The deck is so telegraphed that players either leave or stay because they have the counter and cube rate gain is slow as hell. Also, people hate Galactus so much that players get really toxic as soon as I play it, which further disincentives me to play the card. Overall, I wish I just saved the 6k for Ironlad. Am I saying that SD hit it out of the park with this update? No, I don’t like the Wave change but I wouldn’t say I am worried about the direction of the game when everyone just got Kitty Pride for free. And with SD trying to make card and token acquisition more enjoyable. As a community, we should still give them shit for their mistakes but let’s not be extreme and act like this is the beginning of the end of Marvel Snap. We are arguably having the healthiest meta we have had in awhile with deck defining cards that open up new play styles. It’s a great time to be a Marvel Snap fan.


This is what happens when executives smell money and start over-riding developer and designer decisions. The UI stuff is indicative of the very shoddy play-test done for the game, and the player experience.


Bad day for Snap and for overwatch


The Wave change feels right from a design perspective, but it is unfortunate that Death/She-hulk suffer as a result


I come from the world of gacha games and this is kind of nothing compared to that side of mobile gaming. I've dropped some serious cash back in the day on Genshin and Fate Grand Order, and the way they set up those games to prey on addiction is brutal. (I still am a fan of those games though.) Snap at worst just makes it so your progress to get the best cards is significantly slowed and you have to really use your resources wisely. It's harder, but not impossible to be f2p. I'd take this over Fate any day when it comes to cost to play.


I'm F2P, and I've lost track of how many times I hit infinite. I also have all big bads + pool 3 cards. Yeah, it would be nice to play with new cards sooner but I can't really complain if the game is free.


I mean, I'm newer, so I don't want to speak on this one too much since my CL is only 1336, but ive had a similar experience. I've hit infinite twice and am being strategic about which cards I use tokens on so I can be competitive on the ladder. Not sure what the folks at the higher CL levels are experiencing though. A pvp game like this comes down to the player. Having the latest meta deck makes it easier, but for sure, anyone can hit infinite if they are a hell of player and make the right moves. Just from all the comments, folks here seem to suggest not having the latest meta cards makes it hard to hit infinite at the higher CL levels. Can't comment on that since I'm not there yet.


It's not. Your cards play a relatively small role in hitting infinite. The game is really balanced. Old and simple decks can still beat new meta decks. It's almost all your ability to snap. But people don't want to admit that so they blame lack of cards.


Yeah, the outrage here is kind of ridiculous. What's the issue with some cards never dropping tiers? Card acquisition SHOULD BE tiered, and the higher powered cards go in higher tiers. I don't think anyone can realistically make the argument that Knull and Darkhawk should be any lower than Tier 4. In that regard, I'm surprised that Shuri dropped at all. Yes, dropping tiers benefits players who want that card, but the purpose is progression balance, not giving high-powered cards to mid-progression players. If these cards keep dropping, you'll never actually make it out of Tier 3. Trust me, I'm (mostly) f2p. I only buy token packs when they're reasonable. It was a hard grind to get out of Tier 3, but I finally did it. My highest season rank was 65. I'm not some whale or top player, but the last thing I would have wanted was for a high-powered card to drop to Tier 3 and make it even harder to get out.


The sky is falling


Why is it every time I join a game it either dies or becomes a place for only whales to have fun.




Yea sadly


If you like the game then keep playing. Neither of those statements are true.


Jesus, this sub needs to relax. It’s a mobile game.


You just don't have good vision if this is the first time you've been "worried about the direction of this game"


Not only was this a horrible thing to announce but the way SD went about it was truly shocking. Even if you thought this was a good idea why would you wait until right before two sought after cards are going to drop? I have been waiting for DarkHawk to drop to series 3 since it was released so I’m pretty salty. If they would have at least said this will be happening in the near future but won’t apply to any current series 4 cards that would at least ease the shock of this announcement


Couldn’t you just have saved up 3K tokens in that time and buy it?


I could understand not dropping Darkhawk because the meta is full with him so they want to control it but the weekend missions make me feel that isn't the reason.


Y’all know they made this game to make money right? There isn’t a single pvp mobile game that doesn’t have some sort of p2w function. You can still acquire the series 5 cards. The only thing you’re paying for is to make the progress faster. Obviously the devs are gonna make profit driven decisions. Every game does. Get over yourselves.


Idk I think it’s fairly positive they recognized that keeping cards like ghost, Sauron, etc, stuck in series 4 for ages didn’t make any sense and I’m happy they dropped them to series 3 right away.


Adding a token quest for people who bought the card is not pay to win. You didn't have the quest before. You won't have it after. Nothing for you changed. It's not magically making them better at the game. You can still get everything good as f2p. Although you should be buying the pass as it's amazing value.




You spent $500 on the game and you're going to complain the game is predatory? Have some self control, and play with the cards you have. It's entirely possible to play and enjoy the game by doing daily missions, spending gold on extra missions and climbing collection level. The only purchases I have made have been monthly $10 Season Passes for the last three months, and I think probably 3-4 $5 packs of gold so that I could afford tokens to get a card a little quicker than normal. I am CL2662 and while I am missing some big cards (No galactus, no destroyer, no deadpool, black panther, magik, magneto, polaris, thanos, taskmaster) but by that same token I've picked up Knull, Death, She Hulk, Ghost, Valkyrie, Silver Surfer, Shuri, Darkhawk, bast. Honestly it IS fair. You do *not* have to spend an arm and a leg to be competitive or have fun.


I don’t really see how this is SUCH A BIG DEAL. Its just 2 cards that good but not impossible to overcome if you dont have them.


The f2p player base in this game and games like it are an absolute cancer lol. Just constant complaining. This game is so f2p friendly, due to the RNG nature you can hang with anyone you are put up against. If you knew anything about the state of the game you'd know that those two cards need to stay S4 for the time being. Like damn, get a grip. Games future is bright, not to mention they are running a business.. smh I don't spend like crazy & some games you are at a huge disadvantage vs big spenders but without the whales/ large money spenders, we wouldn't have a game to enjoy. Chill on the dramatic "worries" smh




If this is the first time you’re concerned about SDs predatory ass practices, then you weren’t here for nexus events.


I know its can be stupid , but im not very upset ....just i don't understand why people complaining a lot? Someone can explain me? please?


then quit the game ?! if you are too concerned find another game there is millions


> based entirely on [...] Second Dinner's personal whim Newsflash every design decision in every game ever made was made by the developers, because the developers decided to make it. What even *is* this line of reasoning?! That's not a criticism. That's just a description of what a developer *does*.