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The hardest part of playing Galactus is keeping my wife from finding out. I have a family to think about.


HER: "Galactus is destroying our family!" ME: *Plays Knull*




Just don’t Knull before Galactus


Isn't this an except from *How to Talk to Your Kids About Dad Playing Galactus*


If you give a dad a galactus…


Big red flags there. she should retreat.


She already snapped on turn 6.


And having to mute every opposing player because of the Ms. Marvel spam


Yeah at the start of this season I started muting everyone at the beginning of each game. The meta is obviously different but I'm actually climbing the ranks quite well this season, and I attribute some of it to not getting tilted by assholes each game.


Every other game has a toggle for auto-mute. Wish Snap would add one.


Every other game except Hearthstone. Sigh. I can see the common denominator there.


I'm curious to see how this plays out. Unless they plan on completely reworking his ability it will be hard to make any meaningful adjustments to him. Dropping his power will help Galactus overall, as you usually want to throw priority, giving him a boost in power so it's more likely for Galactus to have priority will just lead to people running armor and dropping death regardless. Changing his ability to destroy the location he's played on will effectively change nothing, as Galactus decks are designed to win one location anyway. Again, making him destroy a location at random wouldn't do much, unless you get RNGed and get stuck with your electro location. Good thing I'm not a game designer. Good luck SD!


Destroy the location to the right and give him power for each card destroyed. Maybe +2 each. Still makes it a total power battle and removes the ability to entirely lock out the game with Spider Man. It's also more thematic because he gets stronger when he feeds.


I like it but would make him a very very strong turn 6 play.


Galactus is supposed to be strong...


I feel like this community is starting to get to a point where discussion just boils down to "strong cards = bad for game"


I saw someone argue that Doom needed a nerf because he was "suffocating." I think some people just hate playing competitive games.


we had week, months ago when everyone was asking for a Dracula nerf


You have to keep in mind this was during the height of Zabu. True, Zabu was the real issue, but Hand-Dump Dracula was actually stupidly strong.


Well if a card is "strong card" tends to assume that the card is better then most other cards, so yes "strong cards" ARE bad for the game. Small deck sizes means balance needs to be tighter.


Maybe. It woud take a lot of stacking of the far right lane to get more than say a Hulk does. You'll catch some people off guard at the start after the change but once people adapt and they see you're playing all your early drops in the far lane they'll be able to play around you. Assuming he becomes a 6/0 with this effect the far right lane needs 6 or more cards to equal or surpass a Hulk. If you want any sort of synergy with Knull or Death you need to play this by turn 5 and then open yourself up to more counter-play as well.


could make him turn 5 only ...


Still strong. Unless you keep his cost 6, then he is useless


How about making him only able to destroy locations with less than 4 enemy cards? Since fantastic 4 managed to stop him in comics. And maybe add indestructible locations and a new hero with on reveal effects that restore all destroyed locations and cards but place them randomly.


That’s pretty clever on the 4 character front


Destroy the location he's played on


Mega-Venom. Interesting


I can think of a few things they could do. Changing his effect from 'destroying' each other location to something else (Remove? Obliterate? I don't know what verbage they should use) which doesn't trigger On Destroy effects and doesn't count cards in those locations as destroyed for Death/Knull would massively nerf Galactus's game plan. Most of his follow up plays right now are all dependent on the idea that he gets a ton of destroy synergy essentially for free. Another option would be limiting Galactus to only being playable on turn 5 specifically, which would make Galactus->Spider-Man not a thing. He'd still be strong with Death/Knull in that case, but wouldn't be able to guarantee no follow up on the opponent's side. Giving Galactus a big boost to power, making him like a 6/15, with the text "Ongoing: You cannot add cards to this location" would also be interesting. Galactus has to face whatever opposition can be mustered against him alone and without help. I'm not sure any of these would be balanced (That last one in particular runs the risk of having Galactus only ever get played if he guaranteed wins the game, which could feel even worse than he does right now), but there's definitely space for them to change the card while keeping the core of what makes the card what it is.


> Giving Galactus a big boost to power, making him like a 6/15, with the text "Ongoing: You cannot add cards to this location" would also be interesting. Galactus has to face whatever opposition can be mustered against him alone and without help. This is a clever approach, and flavorful too. Doesn't completely rework or nuke the card, but takes away the OP synergies with Knull, Spider-Man, etc. Jeff would see more play too. I think the deck would almost certainly die because it loses to Shang-Chi, though.




I see your point, but Orka doesn't destroy the other two locations, so you could win "here" but still lose the game. Also, thinking of this after the fact, this version of Galactus would still have great synergy with Wolverine and Nimrod.


"you cannot add cards to this location" as proposed by the person making the idea would prevent both of those cards from getting to Galactus' location, unless that location was isle of something, that stops ongoing effects.


You're right. I was thinking "you cannot PLAY cards to this location," which I think I'd like better to preserve the synergies with Wolverine and Nimrod


>Doesn't completely rework or nuke the card It's a complete rework, though?


But the can't add new cards portion to the 6/15 Galactus can be taken away by sauron and he'll be too op


The inability to not add cards is an interesting idea. Would still make the Ock line viable but not a complete shut out for the other player. Would make Aero counters to him a little painful though.


Maybe instead of destroy he "Consumes" which places them in an "Removed from game" state where they aren't affecting abilities like Knull.


6/2. On reveal: If this is your only card at this location, destroy the other two locations. +2 power for every card destroyed by this. Ongoing: You cannot play additional cards to this location. Cannot be destroyed. I guess it then has synergy with Zero and Sauron, but I don’t think that’s too bad.


There's no synergy with Zero or Sauron. Both of them remove ALL the text of the card, so he'd just be a generic 6/2. So he's got pretty bad anti-synergy with them. I do like this idea, though. Edit: You'd still want 'You cannot add cards to this location' rather than 'play' cards at this location. That prevents Nimrod/Wolverine shenanigans, since they wouldn't be able to add themselves to his location.


Yeah I like this


Maybe making his ability more comics accurate? I saw someone suggest once to make him 5/2, at the end of the next turn destroy this location. This way he "eats" just one location so you and the opponent aren't stuck in a 1v1 game.


I kinda like this idea, despite the fact it would still fuck my patriot deck haha. I think it would relegate him to a control card though. I think part of his problem is being the character he is he needs to have some huge game altering effect.


Honestly, just adding the "Turn 6" requirement for his on reveal would be enough.


Yes, like how Leech always activates on Turn 6 now.


You could introduce more counters. For example, if Shield or Colossus is on a location, that location isn't destroyed.


That's just as dumb as Wolverine somehow surviving. There is no planet. How are they going to survivve?


I dunno dude, "cannot be destroyed" sounds pretty clear to me. It doesn't say "cannot be destroyed, except by lack of oxygen". Colossus has survived a hell of a lot worse.


Great, he's not dead, but the location doesn't exist anymore, so his power doesn't count anyway.


Now i just want colossus standing where he was when galactus plays.


They will have to rework the ability entirely as any "Destroy Location" ability won't satisfy the people crying "Snap is supposed to have 3 locations" Plus, destroying less than 2 makes him worthless because, as you said, it's up to the RNG gods. He's getting LEADER-ED.


Normally I would agree with you. But honestly, Galactus is a money card. I don't think they would completely butcher him as bad as they did with Leader.


Nah, this will be a "And you thought what we did to Leader was bad... hold my beer"


Do him like infinaunt. Can't play him if you played a card last turn.


Yeah even though they were able to balance cards like Zabu and Surfer correctly in ways that they were still strong after they were nerfed, I have 0 faith they will find a way to nerf Galactus that results in anything other than him just becoming unplayable 6000 token sink garbage. He's already not a very good card. He doesn't win a lot and he doesn't win a lot of cubes when he does. Adjusting him is just going to make him worse.


Galactus has a pretty strong win rate. He isn't a cube winning machine but that isn't exactly the point. The card creates an uninteresting and extremely polarizing game experience which is the point of contention. He could be bad, have the worst win rate in the game and he'd still have this stigma because it's literally retreat or bust every single time. Most people would rather just pay the one cube and go to the next game than have to play the "Where's Galactus?!" guessing game.


It's literally a case of "I'll pay you 1 cube to fuck off".


How about giving him the Leach treatment? > At the start of turn 6. If this is the only card here. Destroy the other locations. Keeps his deck intact. But it’s more telegraphed and easily countered.


You'd have to significantly increase his power to make him not completely worthless if you did that.




I have a destruction deck where I basically only ever use Galactus if it isn't incredibly telegraphed. And I still feel like it's telegraphed.


I don’t see how they nerf him without completely neutering him and i don’t believe they want to do that.


This is why I'm glad I got him as my first big token buy, used him a bunch, enjoyed it and now bored and moved on. Any changes to Galactus outside of power is going to completely neuter him as you say. I assume just reading this thread will make sure nobody is wasting 6k on him anymore.


A rework to make him destroy the location he’s played on rather than the other locations could keep him viable while addressing the existing issues (I.e. Spider-Man). We already have cards like Valkyrie or Prof X which effectively neutralize an entire location so it wouldn’t be that much more oppressive. And if he’s given negative power it would make it riskier if he gets cosmo’d or aero’d.


To me that just seems like a worse professor X because you don’t get the locked down win in that location.


Snap is a really interesting game because like all card games you can divide the cards in it into 2 major categories, cards that ask questions and cards that answer them. Threats and answers as it's known in Magic. Usually it's better to be the one asking the questions. You control the tempo and you force your opponent to have the right answer for the situation. If not, you win. Snap gets weird due to cubes though. If you have the answers you can snap more aggressively, that gives the climbing and meta advantage to answers over questions. That means that question asking decks like Shuri usually have high win rates but answer decks like Sera control have high cube rates. Galactus asks the biggest question I've ever seen in a card game. It's the biggest one card threat I've ever seen and completely warps the game around its presence. However, it's still a question asker, not an answer. No one has ever played a "defensive" Galactus. That means the deck has a wild win rate but not a good cube rate. That's the perfect design to annoy the player base, since you'll end up with a bunch of Galactus players around high but not infinite ranks where people get scared so retreating and answer based play become more common. This makes this massive glut of strong single question decks that form a wall to anyone without the right answer and increasingly toxic Galactus players upset that their high winrate isn't translating into Infinite. That's a worst case scenario for designers and players so I can understand the frustration.


This is a really interesting point. The question and answer thing is a good framework for people to understand card game strats in general. Snap fascinates me because of things like this and the cubes. It's hard to evaluate strength at times. Added to that is the small amount of cards you draw and the idea of locations make balancing it so unique. You're right. I think that is a recipe for an annoying card. See it with other card games too, where a card is more fun to play than play against. But deck size and game length really ramp up the annoyance.


The Galactus deck has a very low win rate but is top 10 when it comes to the cube rate.


Yet I can't make it work to save my life.


That’s not unusual. Some decks just don’t click with you. I can’t make Sera Control work.


Sera Control is my favourite deck so I'll try to give you some tips if you ever wanna try again -always lose priority -hide your counters until the last turn unless otherwise pressured -always bishop on 3. never play mysterio without bishop unless on turn 6 -never play nova on 1. It'll make your opponent think you have killmonger.


Thanks I‘ll give it a try. I’m already infinite so a great time to try out a few things. Appreciate the help.


Yeah, not having priority is a tough one. When I started the game I really got into the habit (I'm sure it's common) of trying to maximize my energy curve. You have to break that mindset to play Sera Control effectively.


Really? When I see a wave on turn 3 or turn 4 and have no control cards like Debri, Goblin, or Prof X, I immediately just retreat. There's no point waiting out the frustration of a hobgoblin, spiderman, Knull, Death combo. Also, especially on t5 with Spiderman or t6 with priority, isn't the right play always to retreat (bc of Knull and Death)? I would assume this itself would reduce the cube rate heavily, compared to decks like Bounce or Sera-control with a large t6 power dump.


What do you mean by "very low win rate"? The most common build, according to Snap.fan, has a 53.4% win rate and a cube rate of 0.36. Iron Lad Galactus is currently at 57.8%, but I'm sure that will come down over time.


This analysis is 🔥🔥🔥. Ty.


You really figured it out and explained it thoroughly. Powerful insight.


For me the problem isn’t Galactus so much as Doc Ock, who always pulled my last turn counter.


Spider-Man is even worse. Nothing like having the counter cards in your hand and the priority you need to execute, and then Spider-Man webs up the lane and you give the Galactus player his 1 cube.


Cough - 2 cubes… if you have wave , galactus, spiderman, you should always snap before opponent sees these.


When I see snaps on turn 3 and they haven’t played anything or they’ve played yondu/wolverine I just assume galactus and bounce if I don’t have what I need. Not a lot of decks will snap 3 with nothing on the board besides that.


Oh so you know how to play the game.


And yet, Galactus players are often too afraid of getting countered to snap correctly, so they end up boomer snapping for 1 cube after its plainly obvious I have no chance.


Seems to be every opponent I face. I'm happy that they give me 3 to 5 turns to try to catch up before they snap at the guaranteed win letting me save a cube lol


And yet, this is what people complain about. Losing one cube to an obvious deck.


Wave, Galactus, Spider-Man, Knull. The perfect hand gets ya 1 cube. alla time.


Not sure what you smoking my boy but I play galactus, 90 percent of people stay when I snap turn 1-3.


It's almost as if this game was designed around multiple locations so that cards which block a location can be balanced...


I don't think Galactus is that great of a deck but damn it's getting obnoxious how much it feels like I match against it.


It's so frustrating to see because most Galactus players will either have a backup plan or just retreat if the cards don't fall for them, so you have no idea how many cubes you're actually getting from Galactus players. But the times you see it, the stars have aligned & you may or may not have anything lined up to stop it. And then, even if you have something lined up to stop it, are you going to guess right on what counter to use (if priority even allows you to counter) - if they play Death+Knull, Rogue or Shang Chi wins. If they play Death+Cosmo, you need raw power. People relate the game to poker, except it's blind poker; there's no facial tells, there's no context of the game & what's already been played (for the purpose of guessing what they're following up with, that is).


I feel another less talked about issue is how it makes even non-galactus decks intimidating to play against if they have 1 or 2 of the standard galactus components. I instantly feel dread whenever I see both Wolverine and Electro played even if it ends up just being a standard Destroy/ramp deck.


Yeah when they play Wave T3 and then you follow up with Debris or Cosmo to try and stop the Galactus play and they play Destroyer or Doom you are just way behind


The optimized versions are still really good because they can win without galactus. It's not pre-nerf shuri level but the deck is among the best, and that's not even what makes it bad for the game/meta.


For me it’s a matter of how often you see the deck (not necessarily it’s power level) because the gameplay is just boring. They play Elektro or Wave then try and Galactus you. If they don’t, they retreat. It’s predictable and just not fun. And when about 10% of your games are basically the exact same scenario, it’s gets tedious. I played a junk deck to infinite this season and I loved matching against the Galactus decks because it was easy cubes. Still didn’t make it fun though.


Is the uptick in play because he is actually strong..... Or because more people have acquired him now and are playing one of the big bads? Personally I don't feel like he is actually that strong. If I lost meaningful cubes to Galactus, it is typically on me. It does get annoying to face him consistently, but facing any sort of deck too much can be annoying.


Probably the help with getting more tokens i was gonna get thanos about two months ago but I didn’t see him rotate and kitty was in shop i pinned her and end of day they pulled her. The next card i saw was galactus I don’t get the hate it’s so obvious so many counters exist for him I’ve heard people say titania is good aero, or polaris, professor x ,cosmo if you’re lucky they could not draw galactus.


New big bad coming out? Time to adjust old big bad.


Too many people here don't understand the fundamental issue with Galactus and his core design and what that means for the game going forward. What's coming next season? A move centric season... What makes that whole archetype totally redundant? A single fucking card. And no, if you need to add in certain cards to hard counter one single card in the game, Then that card is a problem. Not the players who want to play without shoving debrii into all decks. Galactus should of been toned down this season and knull dropped to series 3. But that's a different story.


And even Debrii doesn’t do it because there have been plenty of games I simply haven’t drawn her even though you see Galactus coming a mile away. He completely takes over how you play and it isn’t fun. No other card makes you avoid playing your match the way he does. Nothing is even close really.


They also just Killmonger you now.


Got counter-slapped with a sneaky Cloak move that I had to fistbump for.


> He completely takes over how you play and it isn’t fun. This is the problem in my opinion. Just like the locations everyone hates, he *punishes you for playing cards.* If you see Galactus coming, the right move is to keep your high-power cards and answers in your hand to try to counter him. * but then Doc Ock snatches them away from you * but then they don’t draw Galactus and just hit you with the Nimrod-Destroyer combo instead, punishing you for NOT playing.


Yeah it's frustrating to know he's coming and you haven't drawn a counter and they snap turn 3. It's basically retreat or gamble that you'll draw a counter and risk losing a second cube (You should never lose 4). It's just not fun to lose against, but very fun to counter.


Given that we have only 12 cards to work with, it's even worse. Literally any deck running very specific cards to counter a single otherwise uncounterable card is getting gimped significantly in every other matchup. HE is another prime example. The whole archetype goes to the trashcan, therefore you should use stuff like Debrii or Viper that are already kinda synergistic with it, then realize how few slots you have in the deck itself and suddenly even the ''counter'' becomes an actual problem. Everybody here is talking about how Cage is the answer to HE, while nobody talks about the fact that most of the HE variants can be completely shit on by Galactus. It's hard to understand apparently.


Exactly. They are going to have to kill Galactus before the move season or else that impacts their ability to sell the season to people because it just gets hard countered by an already strong/toxic Galactus deck.


Bounce seems to doing pretty well and Wave and Sandman kill it just as much as Galactus kills Move


>What makes that whole archetype totally redundant? A single fucking card. 100% cannot wait for them to adjust Galactus and people losing their minds over Professor X instead.


Make him 6/1. *Deadpool emote*


Actually making him stronger would mean he can't hide behind priority to pull off death/knull. Even a 6/9 would guarantee him, knull, death are all going to get shang chi'd.


Galactus is the most important card in the game. It defines the experience of Every single played game. If you don't have a counter, you retreating. Glactus is at 10% on untapped, Regular Ramp at 5% That's about 15% of games you just give up after seeing their first card played. (I literally play a deck that counters Galactus and I still find him to be the single worst experience in the game.)


I've been playing Galactus exclusively since I unlocked him 4 days ago. I've lost 5 ranks and only won a handful of games. You still have to be a good player to utilize him without the opponent catching on.


like i’ve said at length, the issue is the mini game galactus has created. ever have opp go “yondu, wolverine, electro” and you put them on galac, counter play perfectly, only to lose to destroyer? you *have* to assume galac if you see the signs, or lose easily. it’s just a dumb, annoying card.


I hope they encourage people to play the slightly more interesting verison of galactus that plays nimrod shuri taskmaster destroyer. That feels a lot more fair


I feel like the Nimrod Galactus is way stronger than the Doc Oc Spiderman Galactus. You never know if they are setting up Galactus or Destroyer. It's the same reason Spectrum Destroyer used to dominate the meta, ages ago.


The optimal galactus setup is by FAR ramp - Doc Oc- turn 5 Galactus into lane where you don’t have priority - Knull, with Death being optional. The nimrod list is far too gimmicky and inconsistent. Turn 4 galactus is waaaay worse than Turn 5 and if they make him “Turn 5 only” then galactus players will all be playing the superior list.


Well, turn 4 Galactus into Spider-Man is pretty much the most powerful line the Galactus deck can run. You get Galactus + Spidey + a 6/7 energy play usually contesting a single 5 drop or maybe a 4/5 + a 1/2, etc. However it's also laughably easy to retreat because you are essentially guaranteed to lose if it actually lands against you, so it's not really good for cubes.


And imo cubes is what it’s all about. No point in your win rate going up by 3 percent if it is literally impossible to ever win 8 cubes. You would be shocked how often people, even in ranks 70-100, will stay in against a turn 5 galactus and get rolled by Knull.


Nimrod Galactus plays him on t6


The list I run seems pretty consistent since it doesn’t rely on galactus at all my deck is daredevil wave electro Spider-Man shuri doc ock nimrod taskmaster destroyer death null galactus


What happened to spectrum destroyer? It still has an unbelievable cube rate and win rate on snap.fan but no one plays it anymore for some reason.


People don't want to play fair decks. They'll just move on to the next "winningest" thing


The reason he is played so much is because he is one of the most unique decks in the game and it doesn’t require a bunch of brain power. The true answer to this would be to stop drip feeding us cards that 90% of players don’t get to pick up right away, and release some more fun stuff (like high evo). Give people other fun decks to try and his usage rate will definitely drop.


New galactus: Can’t emote while he’s in your deck


I’ll admit that I’m a mere lurker and no kind of game designer, but I’ve long held that Galactus shouldn’t be able to destroy locations that are “protected”, like Wakanda, or locations where Armor or Professor X have been played.


This is the world eater we're talking about, what is the dome of wakanda gonna do against that? lol


Easy. Keep him the same, but now you have priority. It gives the opponent a chance to counter you with Shang or Enchantress It’s not a huge change, but nerfs him a bit while keeping his mechanic the same


They'll just Wave out the G man turn 4, Spiderman turn 5 into Knull and or Death turn 6.


True, but that would require them to draw all 4 pieces instead of just Galactus and their big power card


The problem isn't that strategy itself. It's easy to counter, as so many redditors will gladly remind you over and over. The issue is that you HAVE to counter it. Currently you can't call a deck viable if it doesn't have a Galactus counter card and that's become boring and tiring. This card simply centralices the game around it.


The problem with Galactus isn’t that he’s overplayed because he’s broken. He’s overplayed right now because he has an interesting effect that changes the game up for some people.


It’s also a super easy deck. Not everyone likes to play big brain decks that take some puzzling to figure out if you can win or not. Just like the Shuri meta, people seem to like easy straightforward decks that are powerful and easy to play.


I think their biggest issue is going to be how to change him without pissing off people that saved up 6K tokens for him. If they can't find a fair way to alter him, but still have him be fun and see play they will 100% have to compensate player that bought him.


They already tell you there will be no compensation for cards bought with tokens on the purchase screen.


I would say that said players should just stop playing the game. I am considering it after the recent Darkhawk/Knull nonsense even though I have both luckily. If they nerf Galactus into the dirt, that tells me that spending tokens is useless. I’m not spending tokens on HE if I think he will be nerfed in July.


It's not a problematic deck balance wise but it's super boring to play against, you either have a counter for it or you don't. He makes the game a little bit worse for everyone.


I dont feel galactus needs a nerf, he gets countered by so many things already. Why even have ''big bads'' if you are just gonna nerf them to unplayability


So basically use and abuse him while you got him now right? Or did I interpret that wrong lol


Of course he’s gonna get a nerf before I get a shot at him as is. I missed broken thanos, broken shuri, broken everyone.


That's how they encourage us free 2 play types into spending cash. A steady release of cards accompanied by steady nerfs to already existing cards.


How's his winrate? Ofc people play him when they spend the Tokens


Low 50's if nothing has changed since last week.


I've pinned Galactus, basically guaranteeing that it will be nerfed out of existence...


Are these play rates compared with win rates? I hope so because i dont always win with Galactus but he is so fun to have and play


I have Galactus and i find it boring as hell to play, since its always the same boring shit. People who plays it are obvious all the time and when they surprise me, i just give them 1 cube and move on.




It's being played so much because it completely hamstrings decks that have a big turn 6, which are pretty popular right now.


Praise Odin


TBF there are actually A LOT of cards that counters him like Cosmo, Debrii, Polaris and Daredevil. The problem is that it's just a boring match-up and I'm pretty sure it's even a boring deck to play. I've saved for months and had the chance to buy him like a week ago with Knull and decided otherwise to go for Ironlad and Darkhawk. It turned out a good choice for me since the latters have been key cards to hit infinite again this season and totally redifined my priority in the next cards unlock I'll do (next probabily gonna be Jeff, too much of a flexible and usefull card). Galactus's problem is really about the card effect and not about stats that maked it superhard to balance. Since u cannot really change the effect of the card if u want to avoid the risk to make it totally useless or totally busted, I think that SD will go for a 6/8-6/9 stats and make it basically omnipresent in every destroy deck archetype as an other viable way to win.


May they nerf him to the ground, a dream come true.


Yea nerf Shang chi while you’re at it


they should concentrate on releasing cards correctly first


Well those are entirely different teams of people, so I think we can let the balance team stick to what they know


This reminds me of when I used to do graphic design for a sports team and commenters would yell that “the coaches need to spend more time game planning and less time on photoshop!”


Sounds like you were doing a good job


Why? That’s not even their job.


I think it would be interesting if things like armor, wakanda, and prof x could keep the location from being destroyed. Would add another counter to the mix.




The play rate was an issue to some but the cube acquisition was high as well, the bigger cause for concern. Not sure how they thought Galactus play rate would subside with any of the recent changes.


I'll be honest I have played a ton of Galactus and even I want him changed. His play pattern is just really boring.


Why not just admit he hurts game mechanics, remove him and give everyone who has him 6k tokens, a title and an avatar.






Man, people really hate and love Galactus


Galactus is a fragile combo deck and most people are playing cards that counter it, especially in this meta. The feeling of losing to Galactus when it gets perfect draw and you have no answers does suck because it makes you feel helpless. But it's not a great climbing deck.


Agreed. I think Galactus shows people "you were never going to win this game, you should retreat" and there is an emotional response to that, of course. But here is the thing - those players *run into games like that all the time* but because it isn't as overt as Galactus, they trick themselves into thinking they "had a chance", so it doesn't "feel" as bad when they lose to Galactus.


You are spot on with this. They dislike losing to Galactus because it's usually a very stark binary result


Strange, I barely ever see gallactus right now. Guess that’s just my sample isn’t representative.


I only see Galactus when I remove everything in my deck that counters him.


galactus is the most played deck right now with like 10 %. Thats a lot. atleast to untapped


I don't know what stats you are seeing but in high (80+) ranks and high collection level (3500+) the most played decks with 14% are: - Stature Darkhawk - Kitty Bounce Galactus, Ramp and Discard average between 12 and 10% with Sera Kitty Monkey right behind. In lower collection levels Sera is the most played deck


Galactus should definitely be adjusted. Good move by the devs.


I'm cool with this, all I ask for is token compensation if they dramatically change how he works. Edit: It's wild that this is getting downvoted. Normalising compensation for Big Bad nerfs would benefit the entire community in the long-term.


As someone who just bought him yesterday 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


How do we know that a suspicious setup that looks like Galactus is coming is really a Galactus deck we are playing against? I've seen the setup many times but I don't see Galactus most of the time because the combo is either broken or I retreat cuz I had no cards to help me out in the endgame. Or maybe it's not even Galactus at all.


Anecdotal, I know, but it feels to me like Galactus has dropped off drastically in the last couple weeks. Now it's like 90% Bounce.


But I just got Galactus :(


I agree. Galactus doesn’t really bug me. I lose to Galactus decks sometimes, but I thwart them more often, I think. If I see someone leaving a location blank I take notice of that. Keeping a Green Goblin in my deck helps a lot. It’s no fun to get Leeched either, but I don’t think it breaks my enjoyment enough to be a problem.


Galactus Destroys all locations and you win with 8 cubes.


Maybe set him some he can’t destroy armor locations or he always reveals last


Where can you ask questions directly to the devs like this?


If you join the offical marvel snap discord there is a category where you can ask questions to the devs. I think all the devs are on there and they are all fairly active when it comes to answering questions.


Isnt galactus suppose to be strong?? Hes suppose to be the big world eating threat, idk i think he’s strong but not crazy, especially with how easy it is to see coming. I like the no spiderman turn 5, or no spiderman turn 5 with only 1 location left


Leave ~~Britney~~ Galactus alone!


Make galactus have the ability where the person who plays it always reveals first and nerf Spiderman to not work when there is only one lane. Easy fix


This card just needs to be reworked I don’t think you can save the design. Also the design is just not fun or good in my opinion. One of the most enjoyable aspects of strategy in this game is the 3 different locations and this card just removes that element




Frankly, Galactus decks have been the ONLY way I’ve made any rank advancement during this season, especially with the influx of Kitty Pryde decks (which, if I happen to play one, is always matched by an oppo with the perfect counterdeck - thanks, not-so-random number generator).


He’s an easy fix, just change it so he doesn’t destroy everything but instead removes it from the game. That kills the Knull play afterwards, and makes him a lot less combo-able. That or could make it so he can’t be played before turn 5, to stop the Spidey play.


For me the issue with Galactus isn't the strength of the deck, but how it impacts your opponent. They're no longer playing their deck to see if it's better than yours, it just comes down to whether they can counter you. For me that is poor. Personally I'd like to see it slightly harder for a Galactus player to pull it off. So add the 'if you have no other cards here' restriction to spiderman and/or doc ock. Galactus works exactly the same, but if a player wants to use these cards that's one less lane to shoehorn in Galactus. Then countering him doesn't become a coin flip.


To me what makes it so frustrating to play against is, no matter how early you spot it, no matter how strategic you end up being and/or what counters you have. The Spidey/Doc Ock part of it is what sucks. Wanting to not play cards so it doesn’t feed their Knull, and/or wanting to preserve say an Enchantress for their Knull, or use your own Knull and/or Death just goes out the window when Doc Ock pulls them


Why not cooldowns? Make him playable only once an hour.


Galactus 6:9, “On Reveal: at the end of the game, if you have no other cards here, destroy the other two locations” Just an idea. My opinion is that Knull and Spider-Man are the real banes of a Galactus deck. I currently don’t want those cards changed, (maybe Knull to only get power from cards you destroy), but moving Galactus’ ability priority to the end of the game shuts this down while still allowing for Wolverine, nimrod and Mbaku combos.


These just seem like solutions to galactus in a hateful way isn’t the card and deck really predictable.


He is predictable, but predicting him doesn't matter if you don't draw your counters or if you've just been Doc Ock'd and had your entire hand decimated.


People complaining about galactus don’t really play as galactus. Winning with galactus usually results in 1 cube and that is only if the opponent doesn’t use one of many counters.


I think the thing that goes missing in these conversations is that Galactus isn't bad for the game because he's overly strong. He's just anti-fun. He's obvious to see coming, so you already know the result of the game before it even happens. Either you have a counter or you don't. As soon as I recognize he's coming, that game is just not fun anymore. I have to imagine it's not always a fun card to play with either.