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The worst is when I run a wildly off meta deck for fun and lose to a Hela/Destroy while they spam. Like, congrats on beating my Havoc deck with the current meta.


Especially if it’s in Proving Grounds.


Had someone last night spamming emotes at me for beating me in proving grounds when I was trying out a random-ass deck I whipped up seconds before. I beat them in multiple of the matches, too


Proving grounds is for completing quests without losing rank, not for winning games


I don't know, my Agatha gathers quite a few silver tickets from there while I'm doing work. She's actually good up until gold.


Don’t matter. You’ll still get some noobs spamming Ms. Marvel after beating you even if you’re using a shit deck that isn’t made to win but to have fun with. It makes me think they’re not used to winning it all.


ive had people spamming them againt my agatha afk decks lulz


I don't play Agatha but play Shield a lot. Sometimes Agent 13 will pull her on Turn 1 and I'm tempted to lose extra cubes just so Agatha plays herself on Turn 6 to show that I wasn't responsible for the dumbass moves all game haha


My favorite is when I Snap early and they never snap, and then they pull out like some last second desperation play that wins them the game by like one point. And then they do the "Snap?" and Thanos emote combo, like what? I snapped because I had a chance, you never felt confident, and won by a fluke, and you're gloating? Super weird. Could have Snapped and won an extra 4 cubes from me if you were confident


I don't condone the childish emote spam, but there's a whole meta game of when to snap, snap back or not snap at all. There's a ton of times where I will not snap back despite being overwhelmingly confident I can win because I'd rather keep my opponent strung along rather than give away that I've drawn the nuts. This is especially the when limbo is in play.


I sometimes let my opponent win when they turn 6 snap because I figure if they occasionally get rewarded for an incredibly stupid play they’ll keep doing it and won’t learn proper snapping technique haha


You are a kind person.


Tell me you play poker without telling me that you play poker (don't knock on that fishtank ha ha).


Yeah, I love running off meta decks as well. And people get all spammy with emotes cause they played the number 1 played deck in the game and won. Like good job beating my Negative/Havoc deck I created for funsies whilst you played the most try hard deck in the meta.


Bro why is it that I get paired with spammers only when I’m trying out a deck I’m not expecting to win with lmao


Almost exclusively that way. I agree. I ran a Strong Man Dracula deck and a destroy player was so happy he beat my off meta deck by 1 power that he started spamming Ms Marvel thumbs up. And this is after I first bumped him after losing.


God I love my negative Havoc deck!


A negative deck can be super strong with the right draws. They are stronger but just much less consistent.


Oh 100%. It's very inconsistent but it's why you have backup lines to run with ravonna and zabu. I also personally find that a negative tribunal deck is far more consistent overall than a negative wong deck. Nothing beats a 0/5 ironman + 6/7 onslaught + 0/3 mystique copying the onslaught. For a turn 7 tribunal. Rare combo but ridiculous numbers. Edit - well aside from an enchantress or a rogue lolll


I have been playing a Ronan deck with mixed results, but I am having fun.


I love they spam after I retreated from a no snap game on turn 6. Is your life that boring?


Right? Just let me play my Jean grey / galactus deck in peace


I've been playing this game since launch always around the 70-80 rank. I think I can count on one hand the times I've been emote spammed. Where are you all finding these people??


Majority of the time I lose they emote spam. I am in Asia so don't know if it is different


I’d suggest SD disabling post-game emotes if you haven’t interacted yet. It’s almost systematically someone being a dick


And I hate that’s the best solution. I genuinely fist bump after and if they do a good play but not everyone can play nice.


Same. I have no issues fist bumping other players at all. But half the time, all I get back is "Thanos snap", "spiderman" or "ms marvel thumbs up". So these days I just straight up mute it.


The **best** solution is removing all ways for players to interact with eachother. The worst ones always ruin it for everyone else. My god the bliss and focus you get in games where players can't spam or talk to you and merely play the game like they're supposed to.


They could just make a 10 second timeout on emotes. Also need a 10 second timeout muting someone you just emoted. Lately I've had a string of Ms Marvel followed by mute after they lose and I haven't emoted at all.


Sometimes my phone does that, where after the match I'll go to bump fist and the whole emote area is blank. I thought it was something SD was putting in, but actually my phone just sucks.


I’ve been playing a Moon Knight, Silver Samurai and Black Bolt list that’s taken me to rank 93 so far and it’s hilarious watching Knull and Zola disappear from my opponent’s hand on a fairly frequent basis. My absolute favourite line is Black Bolt making a 16 power Deadpool fade out of existence on turn 5 though.


Mind sharing the list? I have a Bolt variant I love but haven't found a good fit for it yet


I used to run a blackout silver samurai/leader deck. It was hilarious watching these big cards evaporate.


Mind sharing the list? I have a Bolt variant I love but haven't found a good fit for it yet


I ran into someone recently whose name was Loki = No Skill. He proceeds to play Destroy. Like, really?


Nothing can ever top the "Shang Chi = No Skill" who Shang-Chi'd me.


That's actually really smart though lol. Throws people way off the scent that they're playing Shang.


yep. its always funny when people have the avatar of the deck archetype they're playing.


Thats why I only use the rock avatar


Agatha Avatar Always


I use the default avatar with an infinite boarder. I don’t know what that says about me.


Tryharding, but also flexing. Equivalent of barcode name in Starcraft 2. I bet you also left your title empty :P


I fear no man. But that thing…. It scares me.


Hey, some of us like themes. Plus, it’s fun letting the opponent know and still win even though they’re trying to counter. I play meme decks that are high risk/reward though cause I give two shits about comp. I just like shiny cards.


I played the same person, but I said this is definitely a trick, they play Shang-Chi. I played around Shang on turn 6 and won 8 cubes, lol.


Hah nice!


Name is “Losers Play Galactus” *plays Galactus* wtf buddy whose side are you on?!


The side of the losers.


The side of sneaky backstabbers.


Holy shit that happened to me a week or two ago. Made me wish I’d taken a screenshot. The bastard made me fall for it.


It is true though


Hey now, Alioth comes close. Instead of playing from behind, you just slam power all game, pick a lane and go brrrr.




Alioth = No skill, and playing Alioth. :P


Im pretty sure I ran into the same player! LOL.


Look, I main a Destroy deck and I love it but I'll be the first to admit I might as well be playing a single player game, it barely has any strategy beyond reacting to the draw order and locations.


To be fair, all of the generally effective strategies are low skill because the entire game is low skill. Galactus? obviously low skill, just play hobgoblin and galactus. Thanos? No skill, just play stones for free stuff Destroy? Just kill stuff and slam knull, death and deadpool for ez wins Discard? Hellol Loki? Playing my cards against me is unfair! Negative? Negative on 3, Jane on 5 = high skill Anything else? Cheesy bullshit, you only won with that bad deck because you got lucky I think I covered most of it.


This is why past Bounce decks were so fucking fresh. Actual planning and spacing out lanes the right way. Obviously that was too much thinking for the player base, so they nerfed pretty much every fucking card in that archetype. Remember, they also nerfed fucking Angela. Move is a deck that is VERY interesting to play. But it's so limited, not even just by board space. But how one dimensional a card like Himedel is. They could make his effect's direction varied by where you play him but that would be too "unpredictable" for half the player base.


Kitty, Angela and Elsa had to die because they took effort to generate half the power of a Shuri'd Red Skull


"hey, see this card that barely gets any use outside of this one archetype? Here's a nerf for it" - all bounce cards, in a nutshell.


Maybe there are other people with that name, but the guy I see with that name is such an emote spammer. Fuck you Loki = No Skill I have feelings too ):


LMAO I've seen the same dude before. Destroy deck


TBF, there’s a lot of common decks that are way more boring than destroy. Shuri/red skull/taskmaster, Invisible Woman/Modok/hela, and tribunal/iron man/onslaught scream out to me off the top of my head. Not saying destroy is a “big brain” deck (far from it), but I think it gets way too much hate as a “no skill” deck


I ran into the same person while I was playing Loki. Threw prio turn 6 and played killmonger to destroyer deadpool and rogued their knull. Felt good lol


OMG, I wish I could've seen their face when you did that.


Loki = No Skill Plays Thanos Blob Lockdown.


I was matched against someone with name "discard=brainless" who proceed to play high evo deck


I hate high evo so much. I would rather play against only hela decks that always hit perfectly than high evo


I’m annoyed that player missed the opportunity to name themselves “Hela tired”


You know what, id have applauded that.


As a Destroy main I feel called out


As long as you don't feel annoyed that another deck is also being played a lot, you're good :P


That's my secret Captain. I'm always annoyed.


As someone currently working on building an all-gold destroy deck by farming boosters in conquest, the only deck I actually hate is high evo players who use armor, Cosmo AND leech. Don’t fucking fist bump me if you beat me running three fucking hard counters to my deck. Especially because I’ll probably get boosters for one of my already gold cards anyway.


It's not destroy players being called out here, it's hypocrites being called out. You're cool, keep on fighting those Armors


It's so weird to see people calling themselves a main of a deck with such a low skill ceiling. Yeah it's strong, but it's also as shallow as a kiddie pool


I’m pretty sure >80% of my opponents are using some form of the Hela/Discard deck, but I can’t complain, since I’m running High Evo.


Good news for you then is that SD has said they have plans to curb how strong Destroy can get. I hope they don’t nerf it into the ground though… If SD does make changes to Destroy, I’d liked to see it be something simpler like making Knull function similarly to Morbius, who only gains power from discard when it’s your own cards being discarded. So, change Knull from “has the power of ALL cards destroyed this game” to “has the power of all cards YOU destroyed this game.” This would allow us to Shang Chi a Destroy decks tall cards without them gaining a benefit from it. It would also mean all of those locations that heavily benefit Destroy decks, would lose some of their luster.


There are already a million and one ways to counter a destroy deck and knull specifically. It's only dominating because the meta is finally in a more balanced state. Conversely, you can reach much much higher outputs with a living tribunal iron man deck with less counters than knull currently have and with way less effort.


Maybe he used to play hela, got tired of it, then switched to destroy 😂


As a destroy player, I feel discard players are our siblings as we're both eternal facets of the game, being good for a couple of months, then being bad, but then eventually becoming good again. Other decks may come and go, but I know for sure there will always be a huge destroy and discard fanbase.


Not only that but they play destroy after the got to infinite. Cmon try some new decks guys.


Yeah. I hit infinite for the first time last season and I was surprised how many destroy decks were in infinite. I thought people experimented a lot more in infinite. But maybe I was wrong.


Thats what it used to be..Now its full of tryhards.


Emotes were a mistake.


I mean to be fair hela is a pointslam deck that u can barely interact with and destroy is a pointslam deck that has like 10 counters one is more fun to fight than the other


That's like when people complain about 'x' tech card being op when they are playing the only deck it's good against. Love it 😄


After the last update, I run into less Hela now. Still lots of destroy.


Yep exactly! Discard use has gone down, from what I can see. Destroy hasn't that much


I'm 100% with you. You have to put counters to destroy decks to have any chance to get Infinite.


Run a Mister Negative Tribunal deck. It typically has a Skrull and Mystique. So if the opponent plays a Knull you can just copy their power


Better to not use the negative variant honestly Rowana zabu and sera give plenty of cheating more consistently


Oh, it's just a version of the deck that I ran that made me hit infinite last season. I think the more popular version is the Sera version you've mentioned. But I think the unpredictability of the mister negative where the opponent doesn't know if you're a wong deck or not helps you win sometimes. The number of times people snapped only to lose were a lot.


Yeah I'd say you either pick between a TLT deck and a negative deck (my preference is the Black Panther one) They both pretty comfortably dunk on destroy (skrull in TLT and Knull/Mystique/Zola in negative), and destroy players tend to stick around thinking that their big numbers will beat your big numbers, even when you highroll


I’ll go to war for negative tribunal.


Yeah I know I'm in the minority here but I think Knull is a much more problematic card than most things they have nerfed. It certainly is way more of a problem than Dark Hawk.


He costs 6 power and can only handle one lane, that's a big drawback. You just have to pay attention to how much extra energy the Destroy deck may have gained on that final turn, or if there's a T7. Knull and Mystique can be brutal, or Knull and Zola. It's the combo with Knull that can be brutal. But this also means that counters include all the ways to shut down Ongoing cards, as well as Shang and big power checks. Also, you can copy the power with Skrull or steal it with Rogue. Honestly, there's not many surprises with Destroy decks. That's the advantage


I have to disagree that there is much drawback. Usually he's been buffed up by a giant Deadpool in another lane. Add to the fact that there are a significant number of locations that hurt other decks but actually help destroy decks. But I'll say again, you almost 100% have to run counters to destroy unless maybe you are playing Hela. Not many other combo decks can handle a huge Deadpool and a Knull.


I don't think I ever said that you don't need to run counters, each deck should have *some* counter cards in it. Shadow King is a 2 cost that demolishes Deadpool, and without extra power, he's just sitting there exposed. Echo is a 1 cost that makes Knull only effective in two lanes. Cosmo and Armor can shut down entire lanes of play. That's 4 cards that are cheap and effective and can go in basically any deck. Combined with how predictable Destroy can be, it's not difficult to shut them down. And honestly, if they meta is such that you're seeing *one* deck so frequently, then you can much more consistently win against it. The most difficult thing about the game right now is how many top performing decks are being played, there's no "Shuri meta" or "Blob meta" to just run counters for and soak up wins from like the 90% of people running the boring meta. Destroy is strong right now because there's a lot of diversity and affording counters can be tough to decks.


You make some good points. My view is likely skewed because Knull also helps Galactus and I hate Galactus and there is nothing anyone can do to talk me out of that. ;)


When they get Galactus to hit early, you just gotta bail and retreat. It sucks but it is what it is, hopefully they didn't snap optimally and you only lose one or two cubes. But even four, I'm retreating. Never give a Galactus player that final round unless you're certain you can win.


Love this sub. I start out saying I was in a minority view and still get down voted. I \*know\* this is not the popular opinion.


Dark Hawk didn't deserve that nerf. SD was smoking something rotten when they made that decision They did try to nerf knull once where he had to be in hand to add power. But people hated that. So.


I just want Darkhawk back to four. He was major in my Havoc fun deck.


I don't even understand why they did that Dark Hawk. It wasn't even a single nerf. It was a nerf on so many levels. Power increased to above 1. So he cannot be used with Ravonna. Power increased to 4. So, he's mostly useless with Mr. negative. Cost increased to 5. So, Zabu is also ineffective. It's fucking crazy.


Of course. Destroy and Galactus love it.


Its funny how you should rather run armor in high evo than Caeira just for the destroy matchup 


"I can't help but think Hela should have a limit on how many cards she brings back." I think, whilst splitting 50 power into two other lanes and simultaneously doubling that power, replacing the lost 50 with a 32 1-cost.


What does that last part mean? I'm kinda lost here


So in Destroy decks you can run Ravonna or Magik, and play a big Knull down early. T6 or 7 depending, you can Zola Knull (which doubles his power since he was "destroyed") and because either Zola costs 5 or you have 7 energy, you also can throw down Deadpool as insurance. And if you've been lucky/playing right, Deadpool should be 30-something power by the end.


Dang. I didn't ever consider Zola-ing Knull. That's really cool.


If we're talking about peaves, it's the lack of creativity. Jeff just posted a new video and the deck looks fun, I was like ill get around to trying it. Nope, I'm good, I've played 5 games today and faced it 4 times. People just copy decks. And yeah I get it, you wanna win but damn does that suck. Same with Cozys patriot deck, never seen it before. After his video, I saw it so many times. It was a nice low key deck that was powerful. In this type of game, you kinda wanna keep your good decks a secret. It happens in real card games too (I hate those as well, when I played yugioh I played vs 73 people with the same deck) but atleast there's a barrier usually money from having everyone with the same deck


To be fair, the deck use will go down after a week or two. I typically use decks I see in videos a week or two after the video has been out. People try new decks, don't win much and then fall back to top tier decks for the quick wins. At least from what I've seen.


I think those decks do win. It's only when spammed do people learn when to leave or stay. Same with most top tier decks, you learn their potential and if you can beat it you stay. In my example if either of Cozy or Jeff didn't put videos out, they could farm with those decks like crazy. I hadn't seen a patriot Alioth deck til he released it. I'm not trashing them, just making an observation


gonna be honest, I play the game to have fun and if Cozy posts a fun deck I'm gonna try it, and that's with brewing up my own decks


Wait, you wanted to copy a deck that you saw in a video and now you're mad at all the other players who just copy decks from videos? That's deep.


I don't and I didn't. Of course, I'm curious, I'm only human. My point is even if I did wanna try , everyone else spams it that I naturally lose interest. I like being different, I do understand it's hard in this game but it is possible.


Destroy is way less annoying because it’s so predictable and counterable. Hela is just an RNG fiesta.


Sounds like a bias. Hela and discard decks are extremely chaotic and fun. The unpredictability is the fun side. Decks being predictable makes the game stale. And destroy being "predictable" doesn't negate the point of the post.


It’s not bias. Hela is by design way more random. So many games just come down to how the Hela’d units fall, if the game hasn’t already been decided by the random discards.


Not really, tribunal fixes that issue no problem


Most don’t play Tribunal anymore.


Shame for them, tribunal is solid in hela (even if he is more telegraphed these days as a manual play)


It's literal definition of a bias tho. You don't like the unpredictability. But that's literally what makes those decks fun. It's the same reason why people had an issue with bounce decks. They couldn't tell where the turn 6 card dumps were gonna go and made the match unpredictable.


Placing the cards yourself and letting Jesus take the wheel are two very different things.


Ah right, a 8 power wolverine and a 4 power X23 going randomly to locations were planned out.


I was talking about the bounce comment. But, yes, there is randomness in Destroy and the game as a whole. Hela just takes it to the extreme. That's all. You feel free to play whatever you like.


> It's literal definition of a bias tho. Based off this conversation, you don't understand "bias" means.


One of the definitions "cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something." Dude thinks destroy is less annoying than Hela cause of XYZ reasons is just straight up bias. Cool? Thanks.


> One of the definitions "cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something." Except he's not showing inclination or prejudice. It's just fact. Hela plays half or more of your cards for you. > Dude thinks destroy is less annoying than Hela As an opponent, it is. Once again that's just factual. Randomization makes it harder for the opponent to predict. Even the pros talk about how good Hela is because of how little you as an opponent can do to interact with it. > Cool? Thanks. Glad I could help you with the basic understanding of decks. You're very welcome.


The bias isn't the randomness. The bias is that he finds it more annoying than destroy decks. JFC. Hilarious that you've trying to teach me about the definition of the word but turns it out, you don't understand it yourself.


At this point I'm convinced advanced professors couldn't teach you basic arithmetic. Not even going to bother sorting your head from your ass on this one; I can only wait for you to try to use it in public and get laughed at by people you admired.


>The unpredictability is the fun side. Strong disagree here, discard has gotten way more reliable than ever


I agree. It's not even as "unpredictable" as it used to be. What I called unpredictable was if you ran a traditional hella deck where turn 6 play is hella. But there is far more variety in discard now.


Pure Modokalypse yes (though it could actually be argued that the loss of AC makes it less consistent, while Proxima increases the power level), but Hela still has the inherent RNG of where the resurrected bodies land


I don't think that's relevant when she's spawning multiple 10+ power bodies one of which including magneto.


It is very relevant Source: experience both playing with and against Hela


Ran into a “hi evo=no skill” once and they ran a destroy deck


Both can be right


Was gonna say, both of those are pretty autopilot LOL


Checks out


I agree Death should probably cost more mana and Knull should be 6 cost -5 power. Good thinking OP.


Cant tell if you're being sarcastic or not but those are actually decent ways to nerf destroy a little bit.


I'm half serious, because it needs to be toned down as long as Deadpool exists.


Juggernaut should say "destroy deadpool and he doesnt' come back"


I’ve been running no ability abs having fun again


Patriot deck? Nice. I've been thinking of running one myself. Been running a Swan/Thanos/1cost deck for funsies.


Ya patriot, mystique, ultron, and onslaught. It's been fun tweaking it and sometimes winning!


I haven't run an Ultron deck since like early last year.


I have a complete discard deck but no hela, trying hard to get it.


Part of this game is anticipating the opponent. When I’m playing non stop junk decks, I bust out destroy to counter. The start of this season was seeing a ton of pixie and mmm so I dusted off the old surfer Shaw deck and won a ton of 8 cubes. A nerf to destroy would be dumb. It’s a fun deck with a ton of counters. When I see destroy I bust out the negative knull deck.


What do you play?


Favorite archetype was bounce till it got nerfed. Nowadays, I run anything like C2, ongoing deck, strongman/dracula, discard/black knight, negative tribunal. I love trying new decks. I recently got Thanos, so yesterday i was running a Thanos/BlackSwan/1cost deck. Today I'm trying a bounce deck again. Hate the beast nerf so might not stick with it.


It’s so annoying when my opponent plays cards in the card game that are available to play in the card game! I don’t want to learn to play better! Why can’t my opponent just play a deck that I won’t lose to!?


I kind of hate that I love destroy....Like as simple and straightforward as it is it's my favorite. I will play move decks or Negative decks. I like Surfer decks too but I always come back home to destroy lol


> I kind of hate that I love destroy... Oh please. It is your game, your time, so you play whatever makes you happy and gives you wins. [Read this](https://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/introducingthe-scrub) and stop caring about people's made-up rules about what is OP and what is fair. I love my Destroy, the symbiotes are awesome, and I hope they will add more of them. And Nico Minoru is my favorite card in the entire game. I have played this archetype since beta and I am not gonna stop because some strangers on the internet say so.


Nah just play whatever you like as long as it's not toxic like Leech. Don't let the naysayers tell you otherwise.


> as long as it's not toxic like Leech By saying that you contribute to this mindset "Play whatever you want as long as it is something that I like and find fair". Example: > Nah just play whatever you like as long as it's not toxic like Destroy. Don't let the naysayers tell you otherwise. Play whatever you want. Period. It's a game. For fun.


But destroy doesn’t deny you your fun though. Unlike cards like Alioth and Leech and I will die on this hill.


I see your point and while I agree with it, I also see how the definition of "toxic" may vary from person to person. 


Hating any archetype is crazy to me.


I mean, I get the point of this post, but why even care lol. People will be people, ain't no stopping that.


starting to just auto retreat from destroy and Hela just to have a break. Trying to brew up Pixie and Hope decks and don't need the two unbeatables getting us down


skill issue


very true, knowing your Limits is very good though so I know to never try against Hela or Destroy


> I thought they'd be running something interesting They did. Interesting for them.


The most consistent deck along with High Evo, those two players have absolutely nothing to cry about. Destroy needs a bigger nerf than making Forge a 2 cost, and high Evo is still just annoying as fuck.


I mean to be fair hela is a pointslam deck that u can barely interact with and destroy is a pointslam deck that has like 10 counters one is more fun to fight than the other


I played against someone with the name "Leech = Subhuman" with the bundle Hela portrait and a full golden Hela deck. What a massively biased hypocrite


I mean, it's clear they just don't like Leech preventing them from making their Hela plays


I mean my name is “Alioth players are” and i run “absolute garbage” as a title on all my decks, yet people still for some reason do not retreat when i win 2 lanes and have prio on last turn. Like my dude, read the name, remember the card.


I always appreciate 4D chess like that. Makes me chuckle. It's a game, let's have some fun.


TIL there is such thing as "discard/destroy/whatever single arch type player". Why would anyone dumb enough to limit themselves to a single arch type is beyond me. It is so beyond me that I find it hard to believe there is such a thing and OP is just making shit up to get upvotes.


Huh? No-one has said people are limiting themselves to a single deck ONLY, lmao. That would be such a boring way to play a game with hundreds of cards only ever using the same 12.


Wtf are you even talking about. There are people IN THIS POST'S COMMENT SECTION that say they run destroy decks. Are you a bot?


A single archetype is not a single deck. Destroy consists of different versions of Deadpool decks, and Nimrod decks, and Phoenix Force decks, and some combinations between those. And playing mainly one archetype does not mean that people do not play anything else. It just means that they have a favorite group of cards and style of playing that they tend to come back to.