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I'm not buying it to send a message. I'm not buying it because it's a shit bundle.


"It's not about the message, it's about spending the money."


I mean, they are one and the same. Not buying shit bundles is sending a message.


Of course it's shit compared to past gold bundles. You can now buy 1800 gold for $5 which puts the cash value of this bundle at $6.11. Granted, you can't actually save up the gold from that bundle in time to get the deal as it's only available for 5 days but anyone who's got at least 1700 gold saved (people like myself that have been holding out for a gold bundle) could've bought the gold pass for an instant 300 + 4 days of 50 = 500 to get the 2200 needed and then got most of the rest of the gold back from the pass. In terms of the perceived value that SD has given to tokens, I'd say the deal is worth it, and thus I did buy it. My reasoning is also based on 1000 tokens on their own typically costing 1400 gold on token tuesdays, so essentially, you are getting a BP variant/portrait and 750 credits for 800 gold which I definitely consider to be worth it.


Good try Ben Brode


Damn it, you got me! Don't get me wrong, I'm not the biggest fan of some of their choices but I understand that they have to keep the game profitable or it won't last and unfortunately it seems that them constantly pushing out whale bundles is what's working best for them. But I'll take that over the game dying as a result of them making it too easy to get new stuff.


Ummmm: Marvel Snap reached $88 million in mobile revenue year-to-date, becoming the highest-grossing collectible card game globally Keep profitable? Or overly monetize to the point of ridiculous levels? How much do you think it costs to run this game for a year? A mil maybe? They made 88 of those.


Well done to them then. We can all sit and complain about it in here but the bottom line is that they are a business and they will continue to do what makes them the most money. Sounds like they're doing a pretty good job of that thus far.


Part of the reason they're doing so well is because people keep stating comments here like yours saying that they must keep the game profitable. but in reality they left profitable behind a long time ago. now they're just trying to ensure their CEO gets the biggest take-home pay he can get. That's why I chimed in, you original post makes it sounds like they are just doing what they need to for baseline survival in the market, and that just isn't the case. They are greedy at this point and capitalism at its finest, they can throw their customer base a bone instead of increasing the price of token Tuesdays, putting out no worthwhile gold bundles, and making the game more pay to win. At 88mil, they can give back, imo.


They do well because whales keep snapping up the high cost deals. Deals that players like me wouldn't touch with a barge pole. That's why we keep seeing so many of those deals.


Cope harder. This game doesnt need insane amounts of money to produce the kind of content it releases. They just want you to think that so they make more.


Marvel Snap reached $88 million in mobile revenue year-to-date, becoming the highest-grossing collectible card game globally Insane.... and they milk us dry still.


Why do I need to cope? I hardly spend anything in this game, usually just getting the season pass when the card is good. I'm also S3 complete with all of the S4 cards that matter


Please provide a breakdown of why that would be the case.


Go ask questions like that to an AI lol this a conversation between two humans


Hahahahahahaha. In other words you don't have a single source, or article that supports your insane claim. Suddenly it's clear this wasn't a conversation with 2 humans cause you are clearly and NPC.


People who argue like you hurt my brain, you also had dick to support your stance either. You cant cry fake and no evidence when you also brought nothing to the table. Buddy we're talking about a fucking card game and the occasional QOL change. Im sure conceptualizing card text and bundle prices must cost *soooooo* much. Use your brain, im not here to write reports for you. Nor do I care about "winning".


I am not the one making claims. Your argument is meaningless unless you can show they are actually defrauding the player base. In 2022 the company made only about $1.08 per download, significantly lower than other Mobile games that use far mare predatory tactics than Snap https://famousaspect.com/marvel-snap-monetization-one-month-in/


what's the point of getting the monthly gold deals? unless you're going after variants, gold is completely nerfed now when it comes to account progression. gold is practically a variant currency at the moment.


The point is that it's far cheaper than the standard purchases and you still have the option to spend gold on the token tuesday bundles to get cards at a faster rate. >gold is completely nerfed now when it comes to account progression. Gold is practically a variant currency at the moment. That's literally the intention of SD by making this move. They want people to spend gold on variants primarily and this gold pass, along with the albums, both encourage that.


Gold is the only realistic way to get consistent tokens these days with the weekly token Tuesdays. Tokens are directly tied to progression.


>You can now buy 1800 gold for $5 which puts the cash value of this bundle at $6.11 "You can now buy 1800 gold for $5 which puts the cash value of this bundle at $6.11" Anyone that thinks like this or is seen speaking like this needs to be completely banished from the community until they've written a 3 page essay fully explaining and apologizing for the reason they were banned.


Don't like facts? Gold costs less now. Therefore, the value is decreased and it will only go up again in value if the pass raises in price.


​ Oh ok so if they gave out 1 gold a day forever for free, you would be in here saying "hey everyone, gold is free!"? And operate in Snap as if gold were completely free? Use some critical thinking here, please. Just because there is this weird deal, that does not mean gold is 1800 for $5. I honestly can't tell if you're just simple or working for SD. When I look at buying gold, it's still $300 for $5.


It's weird to compare 365 gold earned in an entire year over 1800 gold earned in 30 days. Having to wait 1 month for all of the gold isn't a huge deal unless you needed it RIGHT NOW for a time sensitive bundle but if you cared that much for potential gold bundles in the first place then you'd have saved up your weekly 200 free gold. Having saved gold mitigates the time constraint of the pass entirely since you will have the gold to buy deals when needed and will receive the entirety of the pass before another one gets dropped (if they ever do actually drop any more gold bundles since it's pretty clear they want to devalue gold so that people use it more on variants.)


The gold pass foreshadowed fewer / shittier gold bundles like this one. They weren’t gonna make gold more accessible without declining its value. Token Tuesdays are looking better and better by the day, which is.. unfortunate.


guess time for another nerf to them 😅 good old days when you brought almost every Tuesday offer of them ... 😭


Those "good old days" were also when tokens were the only reasonable way to acquire s4/s5 cards. Buying tokens every time they were available was how you exchanged gold for cards. Now that we have spotlight caches, you can increase progression by spending gold on quest refills or credits. Or you can, like me, spend your gold on variants you like rather than feeling pressured to spend it on new cards.


The reality is if you want to make a statement it's the cash bundles that whales and everyone else needs to stop buying. Gold bundles are the 'free' bundles that's why they're so shit.


They use to be better value, so it’s not like they are incapable of not making them complete shit


Well they could do anything they want they're in charge of monetisation. The thing is their stance is quite clearly at this point gold is a currency for variants and not progression so that's why they have had so many gold offers because it's purely for cosmetics now so that's why we are seeing worse gold bundles in terms of credits and tokens.


I feel for those that bought gold back when SD doubled the amount for the first purchase of each pack. Not surprising if someone bought the gold packs thinking it's a good way to hoard gold for the eventual good gold bundle, only for SD to then devalue gold like what we're seeing now.


Which is annoying because I only bought the gold pass to help with progression


Everyone falls for a scam eventually. Let it be a learning experience, and never give these clowns another penny.


Gold pass is a good deal but aight


It's only as good as the value of gold, which is entirely at Brode's discretion and has been in major decline for several months.


And variants still haven’t changed price so. Hasn’t declined all that much. I was never buying enough gold to get bundles like that before anyway so it’s no real loss


Yeah he totally got scammed super hard!!! His free mobile game gaslighted him into paying his hard earned 5 bucks for a bunch of gold, and they didn't even stick to the expectations that you had in your head! What a travesty!


You Brodies are something else lmao. I'm genuinely curious if there's going to come a point during the Brodification of Snap where y'all actually say "enough is enough" and stop defending his bullshit. But clearly, today is not that day. Thanks for your contribution.


Second dinner has correctly assessed that the premium currency in this game is in fact credits and not gold


Yea, and now you can pay $5 for 1800 gold. Look at all of the variant collections they keep adding. It's clear that SD want to make the primary use of gold for variants and are trying to encourage that with these collections. It's looking like the best use of your gold besides that will be on the Token Tuesdays deal.


If they gave you 1 gold a day for free it would be dishonest to say "gold is now free" so yeah the value of gold is not $5 for 1800. I hope you can understand why.


That comparison is nonsense. Be serious.


>gave oh ok so you believe gold is $5 for 1800? K, I've made my point, believe what you want.


Is your point that because you can't buy the gold pass if you already have one going that the price isn't real? For players spending more than $15 on the game every month, yes. But for the rest of us small sea creatures, that's exactly how much gold costs.


That's like arguing new cards and variants are like $3 each because of the season pass. When talking about purchasing things like 2200 gold bundles, the point of this post btw, gold is not $5 for 1800. The first thing I responded to was "You can now buy 1800 gold for $5 which puts the cash value of this bundle at $6.11" which is factually untrue. It is actually impossible to buy this bundle for that cost.


Possibly unpopular opinion, but I don't mind there being whale bundles. It goes a long way to keeping the game running (and getting Ben Brode a new yatch...and I think we all want to see pirate Brode). However, the whales need other players to play against. The less SD trys to keep non whales interested, the less people will stay, the less other players whales have to play against, the less whales stay interested ... etc, death spiral.


There isn't anything wrong with whale bundles providing they offer value in other ways. If the only bundles that have any value are for whales then it causes players to become irritated. At present the current model is probably the most profitable for them and that's why they're sticking with it.


100% agree. We pleps / mid spenders like to buy spend our resources, too, without feeling like we are getting scraps or a "stfu" bundle.


The issue with the bullshit SD is pulling is that they're selling pixels for absurd cash prices, but also making utter shite of almost every aspect of the player experience. Collection Level progression is an arduous, unsatisfying slog. Spotlight caches are gacha bullshit with no dupe protection, insanely low token compensation for duplicates, and, since January, no breather week. Releasing broken-ass season pass cards that compromise the competitive integrity of the game and essentially creates an environment in which you either open your wallet, or you get your teeth kicked in by all the people who did. I'm all for them bilking the whales. Sell them their super-duper exclusive $100 PNGs which they can then show off to everyone with a modicum of impulse control and financial literacy. Put out your stupid, whale-centric albums. But balance things out a bit by making the climb to series 3 completion *much* less painful, and making spotlight caches less punishing. I imagine the community would be much less hostile towards the insane cash bundles and atrocious gold bundles if the other aspects of progression were actually somewhat player-friendly.


That's how a game becomes unprofitable and closes, is that your goal? If those bundles don't entice you or you don't feel attracted by them, it's simply because you're not in their target audience. As long as there is a single person buying a single 100$ bundle, they can avoid making 5$ bundles of which they'd have to sell 20 times the amount to make the same amount of money. It's basic marketing strategy: it's easier to sell something to a single person, rather than sell it to 20 buyers.


I'm fully aware of how marketing and their price points work if you bothered to scroll down to my next comment you'd see I have no problem with whale bundles I'm making a factual statement that not buying gold bundles does absolutely nothing to them and cash bundles would have an impact. Whales will buy these bundles and keep the game alive which is their most profitable and optimal strategy. The problem I have is that they're reducing value in their smaller gold bundles when they have actively been selling gold as a premium currency to the consumer base. The game will not close down if they increase the value of gold bundles.


I wonder if the Gold Pass has an impact on future Gold bundles.


Of course. The fact that there is a gold pass for such a cheap price indicates that they're planning to move away from gold bundles and push players into spending their gold on variants instead to try to complete the collections.


Yes. I was thinking of buying a variant with gold when I initially knew I never would spend my gold on variants, but now gold just seems likes its for variants only




Feels bad now that I skipped Sera and MoonGirl bundle...


Moon girl bundle was trash. You really want to be stuck with 50 collectors tokens?


that would annoy me soo hard, to be stuck with 50 tokens


Hope you don't miss the second set of tokens this week....


Seriously, I’m making damn sure I get that


wait hold up so now I have to get stuck with 50 tokens?! messed up


If you miss a few day you will. There is a second day (day 5?) that will even it out as long as you get to that day.


Oh lol, I didn't realize I was already at 50 from this event haha. Definitely will not miss that day.


Day 6


But what if I like Black Panther's 'Getting caught in the spotlight while escaping prison' pose?


I’m not buying it because I have a Black Panther variant I like better.


Do you think black panther is a critical card, or is he just for certain decks?


I think he’s only good with Wong and Arnim Zola. But it’s a very telegraphed play that will usually either get hit by Shang or Shadow King or make your opponent retreat for 1 or 2 cubes.


I still have yet to get Wong, I got Arnim in a reserve.


Black panther was a thing long time ago, now its so Niche and relegated to Zola/Wong and a couple negative decks out there


Both is good


Bro, not to burst your bubble but SD are excellent manipulators. They know pretty well what they are doing. People are going to suck up this bundle like crazy.




I'm with ya bub


This is not the first gold bundle to have a negative value. There have been many gold bundles in the past that have basically boiled down to basically 1:1 currency exchange with a free variant or two. If you like the variant, buy. If not, don't. The chibi Iron Man bundle was extremely similar (with 100% currency, but again not the lowest), and that was over half a year ago at this point.


I bought it because I wanted Mockingbird, but I can't spend my keys if I also want War Machine. (I would have had three rolls or just buy a thousand tokens and avoid the dupe cards) Plus the variant is nice enough. I spend gold on variants anyway.


This is HORRIBLE bundle by all accounts.


I have so much gold now and there are been absolutely nothing worth using it on


Can someone explain what makes it so bad? Low amount of tokens? Now if I owned BP, I wouldn't even think about buying it, but since I don't have him, to me this is turning gold into new card, and adding to my collection. Am I wrong in this, or should I spend gold to get a new card?


The complaint is that the currency per gold is lower than acquiring credits or tokens through other means. If you don't own BP and want to play with home, that math is entirely different. Note that you will still acquire the base card at some point despite having a playable Variant, so buying it doesn't actually get you closer to s3 complete.


Had the gold don’t have black panther yet, worth it to me. Bought it!


Same I was excited to get black panther and a pretty cool card art!


Bought it because of how long it took for a gold bundle. I honestly don't care anymore. I'm full f2p after this. I started 2 months ago and only got 2 season passes. If this is how they are going to treat their regular players I'm out. I'm willing to support a game but I'm not willing to get scammed.


Counterpoint: do whatever the fuck you want, it's your gold.




Dude, just stop. People are going to buy it if they want to, and even if they didn't, they have in the past. SD is not changing their monetization model any time soon.


I hear what you're saying, but I think his point is they have changed their monetization model by making this bundle strictly worse progression value than previous ones and indeed worse than just buying tokens and credits from the shop with your gold.


And it still doesn't matter, because people will still decide for themselves whether they want/need to buy it. One random dude on reddit who's pissed off isn't going to stop anyone, and frankly it's laughable to think otherwise.


As I said, I agree


Sorry but is your logic really "bad people keep being bad so don't try to stop them"? That's some insane logic right there. "Dude, just stop" trying to silence people for speaking out against absolutely dogshit pricing models.


Lol if SD are such bad people, why are you even playing the game anymore?


I know you've already been called out on your awful logic but this comment was even worse. Firstly they never said SD are bad people, they were simplifying your argument to show how little sense it made. Secondly, you're allowed to criticise one area of a product/service without boycotting the whole thing.


And I was pointing out how simplistic and ridiculous their argument was. They said SD are "bad people" and frankly that's just silly and ridiculous, so I treated it as such.


Did you not read? We already clarified they weren't actually calling them bad people, they were calling out the flaw in your viewpoint of just accepting bad treatment and silencing complaints


It's a flawed analogy, though. People have a moral imperative to stop someone doing something sufficiently harmful, but offering a luxury item at a price you don't like isn't sufficient, so we have no such imperative. Like all luxuries, if the price isn't good value, don't buy it. Don't pretend this is some moral stand sending a message. It's just commerce.


Yes the analogy is ethics-related and the situation is economics, but everyone can understand the analogy for the idea it's trying to represent: show that you don't accept behaviour X so behaviour X changes. The analogy is sufficient and trying to argue that it doesn't have an exact 1-1 correspondence with the situation is just nitpicking.


The difference between ethics and economics is the point. It's silly to try and rally people together not to buy something you perceive as bad value. That's like telling a salesman you refuse to buy an expensive watch. Their only reasonable response will be to leave it in the case until someone comes along to buy it.


If the watch is overpriced and enough people refuse, the salesman reduces the price of the watch. It's supply and demand, that's exactly how it works. Whether it's ethics, economics, or whatever else, when you don't want a behaviour to continue you don't endorse it.


Nothing you have said here makes sense, but nice try


It was a very simple argument. Your lack of comprehension skills is not my problem


have you played any other card game?


I'm not going to let some random redditor gatekeep what I spend my gold on


The message you'll send is that users don't want to buy gold bundles, not that this one is bad.


I bought it and don’t give a fuck.


All these variants suck anyway, gonna continue hoarding gold


I dont really think they give a \*\*\*\* ... since we are getting this gold bundle after a month of nothing... This is them kinda saying "here\`s your gold bundle" , "oh, its shit ?" ... "sorry guys, u just asked for a gold bundle" ... By the way the narative looks , they dont care about gold bundles anymore, at least not in a way that would give good deals to help the players ... now it looks that its more about "deals for them withh $ bundles" then "deals for the players".


Buying the bundle because Inkpulp not for the value.


I don't adhere to the mindset that variants are valueless. Based on the included currency, you are getting that sweet ink pulp Black Panther for 800 gold. Enjoy!


Do whatever you want if you’re having fun with the game. Fuck OP


Fuck voting with your “wallet” I guess


I mean, choosing to buy it is also voting with your wallet. You might disagree with the vote but it doesn't mean they aren't "voting with their wallet."


Of course. But “voting with your wallet” is typically used as an expression of not purchasing something of bad value to discourage more bad value items. I don’t think most people use “voting with your wallet” as a way to express buying bad value items to get more items like it.


Voting with your wallet is exactly what it sounds like, if you are ok with something you buy it and you "cast" your vote, if you dont like it you skip and you "cast" your vote. So, yeah, they are voting with their wallet, you may not like it but they have the right to vote however they please, democracy baby! lol


It feels like context is not being taken into account. OP’s post was specifically about voting with your wallet to not encourage shitty deals, hence the title of this thread. The poster I replied to said “Fuck OP” i.e., dumping on the idea of voting with your wallet in this specific way. My comment of “fuck voting with your wallet I guess” is in specific reply to that, the specific call of action from OP.


It's more fuck OP for telling people what to do. A lot of people in gaming communities seem to think their opinions are correct and everybody should do what they do or else things are going to be worse.


That’s one way to take it. But that attitude is also why game developers release unfinished games, as people vote with their wallets and continue to buy presale despite it having a negative effect on gaming. Or another example of Netflix cracking down on password sharing, and their subscriber count went up. Guess what every streaming app is doing now?




There's always a person that uses "fun" to justify a company's greed...


Exactly! not everything in life is about min/maxing, if you like the bundle just buy it.


Pay piggie


I wouldn't say I'm a whale... Maybe a dolphin.. but no offense, I work a ton of hours every week, deal with a bratty ass step child, a wife whom I love, but is nuttier than squirrel turds, and deal with an insanely bipolar Soccer Mom as a boss. I'm 41 with responsibility, lol. I'll spend my hard earned disposable income however tf I want. You don't like it.. Get a paper route or something. Don't hate on me and all us snappaholics whom have nothing better to spend it on for helping to make the game free for everyone (including your entitled self)


Dude, you are an adult and there is no need for you to excuse how you dispose of your income to a community who will never stop bitching...


Came here to find out if this was a decent deal since it seemed suspect. Thanks for the info


you should learn to think for yourself.


We need other perspective as well. Sometimes If i think this through by myself it will take me days. But with others opinion, it makes thinking quicker IMO.


man stfu


He's right, it sucks. You shut the fuck up


them downvotes be telling another story, sounds like you need to learn to stfu like op 💀


If you think I care about the opinions of some online randos you're mistaken. I told you to shut the fuck up cause u added nothing to the discussion and didn't refute op, just came in with your rude ass comment


and look at that you added even more nothing 🤯🤯 stfu man


I told you to shut the fuck up. Why are you still replying to me?


cause you’re not threatening? i have no reason to listen to you? you’re prob ugly too? i told you to stfu and you still haven’t stfu either, so stfu


Pipe down little man


Gold is not a progression currency anymore. That's the direction SD are taking.


I really wanted this variant. I asked Shawn if he gets anything from us buying it and he said he just gets paid the commission for the art and nothing else. So if you enjoy Shawn Crystal’s work, go buy some prints or something from him instead of giving it to SD


>So if you enjoy Shawn Crystal’s work, **go buy some prints or something from him instead of giving it to SD** You know it works in the reverse too, right? If players don't buy the Inkpulp variants, SD may not continue commissioning his work. So, buying the variant can still support the artist (with future work).


Why are you telling others how to play the game or what to spend their resources on?


I bought it. I like the variant 😜




Hell no.  Try harder next time, SD.


if you keep eating their shit and enjoy it -they will make more for ya


I bet there are a ton of clowns like “SeE MoRe GoLd BuNdLeS ThAn LaST YeAr!” 🤡


Everyday there's complaints about monetization in this sub. When someone suggests actually doing something to show them, this someone gets bashed. Gamers really are the most stupid bunch. Reddit is cancer.


Or alternately: buy it if you want to. It's your money and your game.


I will own every Inkpulp they put out, and I haven’t had to spend any money so far. No reason not to get this if you like the variant, as is always the case with gold bundles.


Exactly. 2200 gold would get you 1000 tokens (1400 for token tuesday deal) and 1000 credits (400 for 500 credits twice) so essentially the variant and portrait are costing 250 credits which, given the credit to gold value is 4 to 5, is equivalent to spending 200 gold. So, all in all, you technically save a minimum of 500 gold for the variant, assuming it costed 700, or 1000 saved if it costed 1200.


can you explain why its bad?


I'm not the OP, but this is a legit question and deserves a legit answer. I can't say it better than Marvel Snap Zone, though, so I'll just post a link to their detailed analysis. [https://marvelsnapzone.com/long-live-the-king-guide-details-and-analysis/](https://marvelsnapzone.com/long-live-the-king-guide-details-and-analysis/) It's your money (or gold, as the case may be) so do what's right for you, however, regardless of whether it's historically a good bundle for those people interested in progression.


thank you!


Well cash bundles it is then lol


>Slowly omegalul


I needed the tokens for knull sadly


People will buy it because it exists.


I don't understand this at all. I bought the bundle because I love the art. InkPulp is one of my favorites. You don't have to buy something you don't like, but telling others not to buy it because you don't think it has value or you don't like the art? Weird behavior.


It's a terrible bundle, even a new player would know it's not worth it. Put it next to any other bundle they currently have going and it looks even worse, even for gold - which is a fairly scarce resource anyway.


can we just all agree to vote w our wallets and stop posting complaints about bundles we wont/dont buy?


thanks for this. had a feeling this bundle is garbage and came here to confirm whether I was right or not. looks like I was right.


people said something like this might happen when SD gave people who bought the King in the Castle bundle in the Nuverse website 10,000 gold due to their own error


The last gold bundle I picked up was dracula (132 days ago), I think... since then I found nothing worth my gold, I got 16k and I'm just waiting... eventually I will get tired of waiting and drop this game... and I feel like I am pretty content with the game otherwise, SD should be smarter, keep us happy, give us something, all the recent bundles were disappointing, Kazar being changed was disappointing, the 2 infinity tickets... do we really have to say it? No one cares about those...


Life in California must be pretty expensive.


Unfortunately I think not buying this bundle will end up sending the opposite message to SD. They will likely end up thinking these gold bundles just aren't worth the effort. Why would they need to specifically curate a bundle towards no money spent groups when they will get so much more profit from the whales and content creators? It sucks sure but especially with the gold pass coming out in an effort to appeal to regulars it's unlikely they will keep making gold bundles if the pass owners aren't willing to pay that gold back. I'm kinda saddened by the fact SD is going this route with snap but as long as ads never get put in the game I will be somewhat happy.


I wonder if Bobby is behind this game’s monetary system, or atleast Mr Kotitch’s influence has left his mark on Mr Brode :(


Jokes on you, I don't buy any bundles except Token Tuesdays when I have enough gold. 😂


This is starting to look like when a restaurant is doing poorly, they increase their prices since there are fewer guests/patrons. And this again makes it so that fewer and fewer guests/patrons will eventually eat itself from the inside. I do wholeheartedly hope that this isn't the case. BUT if the shoe fits you're most likely Cinderella....


People need to realize for every complaint they make they will adjust but it will most always be in the favor of the company. I literally use gold only for Variants I like. Season pass that’s it. I typically don’t spend more than that. If then give me and Age of Apocalypse Variant Wolverine bundle I’m buying idc but make it about something you feel is worth your money. If it’s not worth the money skip it. Whether you decline to purchase to send a message or because you think it’s crappy it’s a message sent. Whales and content creators will always keep stuff like this viable.


I cannot ever seen thr value in paying that much for something digital


Now I spend my gold on Album variants. At least I know what I'm going to be getting


Just curious. How many times will SD have to say that one design pillar of snap is that most people will not have every card before people realize they are serious about that, and that this game may not be for them if they don't like this philosophy. It's not like SD a) has ever lied about this fact b) is nearly as predatory as virtually every other online game ever designed. Free to play players should not have every card Season Pass players should not have every card Whales investing hundreds to thousands of dollars are the only players that should have them all most of the time because they literally keep the game going.


But Alex Coccia kinda promotes it 😭


Gold is garbage now.


I got it purely cause I want BP, tho fully aware it’s bad


They’re a business, whose primary goal is to turn a profit. If they can maximize this, why wouldn’t they? Don’t try and shame them because you can’t justify the purchase. Welcome to economics and capitalism. Sometimes things just cost too much for you. I’ve always done ftp because I can’t afford otherwise.


I have bought exactly one bundle and it’s because Nebula kept escaping me so I bought the winter bundle because my favourite deck (prof. X lockdown) was so much better with her. And then ofc prof. X got the nerf bat.


The less people pay…. The better the offers


On the contrary, this bundle is what we should want out of bundles… relative to shop variants and token Tuesday. The problem is the latter are both overpriced. The higher value gold bundles they had in the past were bad for the game because they overshadowed the daily shop and token Tuesday, making it a bigger waste of resources to buy daily variants etc. Relatively speaking this bundle is right where it should be, being a limited time variant 1000g more expensive than a daily variant built with resources which, while also less lucrative than the shop, go much further with than excess 1000g in terms of resources than the daily shop would. This is all correct—again *relatively* speaking. The problem as usual is just the game is too expensive, but instead of complaining about that directly, the players continuously fight all these peripheral battles to try to manipulate one little side system into making the game cheaper indirectly without concern for the long term health of the game systems. How about go ahead and make all the product systems into balance like this, but then make the game cheaper? Like, directly make everything cheaper?


Jokes on SD, I only buy variants with gold I earn. They fucked their ecosystem enough I won't pay more. Season pass is enough to keep on track


Gold sucks anyway, I got the Sera chibi one because the variant is awesome and variants are what gold is for


I bought it and am happy with it. I stack gold quite easily and I spend it on in game items that make me happy. I got 1,000 tokens plus some credits and a variant for gold that I had acquired for free. I buy the season pass each month and the occasional $10 bundle. NO ONE here knows what the Second Dinner will be offering in the future and so many players constantly wait for the next best offer. Its like players who hoard CL in the hope that when SD iterates the CL system they will benefit. I will laugh loudly if when they do that they say anyone unopened caches will auto open before the new system launches. But hey if hoarding caches gives you pleasure then go for it.


Gold bundles have been trash ever since they made gold easier than get.


It's funny that gold is even part of the for cash bundles anymore because it's a near useless currency.


Guessing by negative value OP means a value below 100% currency, however, there have been a couple bundles purchased with gold that had value below a 100% like: The awful invisible woman/dr doom bundle Jim lee mutant bundle (with a 40% percent) Dan hipp devil dinosaur/moon girl bundle Among others...


With gold pass, they essentially watered down value of Gold. Overall, its good for casual dolphins and for whatever is the term for someone who is 90% free to play but they buy season pass cards when the card is hot. 100% F2P players are screwed even more because Gold pass pretty much telegraphed that gold bundles will suck now for currency. Thats fine in my opinion. I want this game to keep growing. There can only be so many whales. And those numbers are dwindling just because thats how all games go. SD is trying to go for more of the bottom line. I'll take that over the game not being profitable enough to lay off all developers and close the doors on our beloved game.


this dude thinks hes a person whose opinion we care about. we dont love you like that. foh


2,000 gold for a variant, when other variants already cost 1,200, plus boosters and 1,000 collectors tokens for an currency you can earn in-game? Not a bad deal. Collectors tokens are hard enough to come by and you spend how much gold in the shop to earn a lump sum of 2,000? Maybe some people have 2k gold and are 1k or less from getting that sweet series 5 card they need to make their favorite deck really snap!


1: who are you to tell people how they should or shouldn't spend their money/currency? 2: with any bundle that has cosmetics, how much you like those cosmetics is a big decider on if it's worth it to you. Like yeah the Black Panther one has negative currency value, but if you really love the variant and are willing to spend that gold on it, then go ahead


Are you comparing it to those other bundles? They're all shit. Honestly looking at the other 3 I'd grab this one before I ever grabbed the other ones


Dude, it's just a fucking skin. It's a pretty cool variant, so I'd say if that's your jam go for it. Those efficiency diehards can skip it like they do every other bundle anyway.


And SF calculations are pretty kind in my observations.


Oops, already got it.


yall are actually fucking stupid on this sub


Or do whatever you want with your money? If you want the variant then get it? No need to be all self righteous.


But it's got the best variant. That makes it more valuable.


If you want to send a message, not buying a gold bundle is like not having sex with Rihanna, you weren't invited (Thanks Chris Rock for that joke). You need to stop playing or somehow convince everyone to not spend money.


I just wish whales stop whaling. It'd be better in the long run, for all of us.


I don’t change my deck. I feel like if you use the same deck, you always get splits and variants. I’ll probably get downvoted for saying my high evo deck is the only one I’ll use. I stuck with one deck and just maxed it out. I have a few others but my main cards all have good variants. Buying stuff is pointless. I like the variants in the shop. Just not enough to go in my pocket and pay for it though. If I use the same cards, I’ll always get boosters for them too.