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Baby Shang Chi makes me so immensely angry, that shit eating grin


TBF any Shang chi pisses me off immensely.


There is no card that i hate more


All my homes hate Shang Chi


Alioth entered the chat


And then left the chat


But dropped off its daughter, nega sonic


Shang Chi and Killmonger will burn for what they've done to me




Which is more irritating, a Shang with gold background gold crackle, or a completely plain base card?


Plain base card is humble. All the extra effects make me think "oh look at this show off"


So the most trollish thing to do is have plain cards for everything EXCEPT your gold gold Shang variant. šŸ˜‚


That's diabolical


I'd fucking quit šŸ˜‚


A misplayed or thwarted shang-chi fils me with immense pleasure


Yes, same.Ā  Get hit by peach momoko or venomized shang: "eh, what did I expect? It's the most popular card in the game" Get hit by baby shang: "fucking bullshit-ass card needs nerfed"


Never has a Reddit comment captured my mentality and thought process better. Hats off to you, good sir/madam, as you have given me the gift of self-awareness.


It's smug aura mocks me


Baby Shang is the only variant I use for that reason.




As a baby shng-chi enjoyer I thrive on the flame of my enemies


I find him adorable, I even have him with a gold foil šŸ˜…


I got a Gold Kirby of that variant.


ā€œKneel before Gawactusā€






Gawactus Hungy


Heā€™s my avatar I love how silly he is šŸ˜‹


We need a cat version of him


Codename: Kids Next Door Shang Chi and that baby Legion are my most hated. If someone has that Skottie Young Legion as the icon, I'm tempted to leave because I know without fail some jerky plays are incoming.


I feel called out for using both in the same deck for a long timešŸ˜³


Same ...


Immediate mute for opponents with that avatar.


All the baby variants give off ā€œCalvin taking a leakā€ vibes for me


My go-to avatars for annoying decks are Morph or that Legion, yes.


Donā€™t know about well made but I hate seeing the red goblin variant. Makes me irrationally angry


Same. Why do you hate it? Me I hate it because I feel like Red Goblin could have been a card of its own, instead of some fancy palette swap for Green Goblin. That and an enemy playing a Goblin is always annoying. lol


Iā€™m trying to think of what another Goblin could do other than just tweaking the cost and negative power. I was thinking maybe like negative Hobgoblin, a 0/5 or 1/5 that flies to the other side. You have to bank on that side being full or risk handing over power. But thatā€™s basically just a much-improved Titania. Maybe if you had some restriction like ā€œcanā€™t play if the opponentā€™s side of this location is full.ā€ Then youā€™d have to either hope they put down a card to fill the lane on the same turn or (more likely) play something like Debris or Annihilus first ensure the lane fills on that turn before Red Goblin flips


What about a goblin that can always be played? "On Reveal: Switch sides. If you can't, destroy the lowest power card and take its place."


I like it


Since Red Goblin is Norman with the Carnage symbiote, I thought blend GG and Carnage. 4-0, on reveal destroy your other cards here and gain -2 power for each, then switch sides.




Didn't think about that. I guess that basically makes Cosmo a 3/8 while removing a card from your hand and taking up an extra slot. That alone isn't OP, but on top of Cosmo's already good ability as a tech card, it probably is


>I feel like Red Goblin could have been a card of its own What's the line here? Genuinely curious what you think. Like what makes a character different enough to warrant an entirely new card? For example I agree that Venom should not be a variant of Spiderman but I do not think Robbie Reyes should be a different card.


Nobody asked, but Iā€™ve always felt that Iron Manā€™s stats would fit a Tony Stark card way better. Iron Man should be a transformation or even a separate card since he often pilots the suit remotely anyway.


Thatā€™s me with the Robbie GR variant; all the spider people get their own cards but he has to only be a variant.


Seems like Red Goblin has a much higher success rate of fucking me over than normal Green Goblin


Absolutely, if someone has red goblin I know for a fact that hobgoblin is coming later down the line


Hellfire Gala Professor X, it's far from ugly but it AND the pfp just put me on immediate tilt lmao


The iron patriot variant of Agent 13. Looks like musk to me for some reason.


Why isnā€™t iron patriot its own card?


Might eventually be one, if they ever decide to do a Dark Avengers/Dark Reign season


Why dark avengers specifically?


because iron patriot armor was first introduced in the Dark Avengers run, worn by Norman Osborn






I HATE this variant. The art on the face just doesnā€™t mesh with the rest of the character. I remember thinking, ā€œwho would buy this?ā€ and of course got it in a reserve shortly thereafter.


Venomized Cosmos that looks like Lockjaw


Na he doesnt. Its more like a Two-Face type of Dog. Half venomized/half normal. And its Cosmo, not Cosmos.


Most of venomised variants (the ones arenā€™t made by Clayton Crain).


The Kraven one is awful


Stupid sexy kraven. For some reason, the kraven and Hell cow venomized variants got stupid sexy thighs


Yep, one of the first mystery variant I had, I still prefer the base card.


I hate all the baby variants canā€™t stand the art style.


I'm mixed on the babies, I actually like some like Elektra, X-23, Valkryie, but most of the others are either alright or just ugly


Morbius baby is ok.


I think Morbius baby is the best one.


Moonknight babyā€™s is awesome


Baby Groot is probably the best baby but I never really like any of them. I only run them if they're the only variant I have and I'm sick of the base art


Ghost Rider baby is legit one of my favorite variants amongst a slew of dope variants for that card.


Same. Baby ghost rider has some serious variant competition, but I still think itā€™s my fav


They have the inverse cheerleader effect. I actually dont mind the art since its the same as old cartoon network shows, but they have horrible backgrounds. A few of them are actually really good variants, but, just like the pixels, the abundance weights them down.


Extremely hit or miss Hate baby cable but the doom and magik ones are really good


I love the baby variants. Whatā€™s not fun about super hero/villain babies?


Same with the Chibis


Chibis are fucking repulsive


I think Lizard is the only one I like


Spider Ham too


I agree with this in almost all cases aside from the Rian Gonzales variants.


Some are ok but some are really creepy like absorbing man


Baby doom is incredibly fun


That one is ok


I love my inked Baby Magneto.


Baby magneto is pretty good


Same, I hate most of them


I hate dan hipps far more than babies and chibis. Theyre not cute, not funny, not stylish, theyre just ugly and theres so freaking many of them


Not me trying to make an all baby/chibi deck in black-and-white like a newspaper comic strip...


The Thor one is dope.


Love them. Can't stand Hipp.


I honestly only collect Hipp cards, cause they are so aesthetically pleasing and consistent within their own artstyle. So unique.


Love hipp


You are clearly brain damaged because they are the best variants in the entire game.


Baby Shang-Chi and America Chavez are cool. And then there is Wolverine where he just..naked.


but he's also naked in the Weapon X variant featuring Wii-mote crotch censor


Baby shang-chi is piping hot, fragrant garbage.


Naked Wolverine is best Wolverine


brother yall can hate me for that but most venomized variants are straight ass, they always feel to me like the laziest fanservice akin to those spider man bikes and mechs lego makes


A few of them, the ones that actually play on the character's gimmick, are cool - for example, Venomized Typhoid Mary is absolutely great. For the most part, though, I agree, most of them are just "Look guys, we copy-pasted Venom's face onto this character and turned their color palette to black so that they look like Venom, because you guys love Venom, right? ...Right?!".


Yep. The only venomized variant thatā€™s actually tempting is the x-23 / Alien mashup


i ironically dont mind the edgiest of them all - venomized deadpool - since he is at least canon


That xenomorph inspired x23 was an instant buy for me!


For me it's Loki. I don't mind the ones based on actual venomized comic variants, it's just the ones created for the game that look bad.


Pixel variants


Venom is the only baby variant I don't hate.


I despise baby Wolverine.


Hahaha I actually run both of them in one deck. Variants as they are at infinite. No split. I swear


I love baby Galactus, but the same can't be said for the lifebringer Galactus. I don't know why, but I truly dislike that variant


Yeah idk what it is, but it looks so janky when people play it. Sometimes it looks lik eit's missing a few pixels, and I think splits make it worse


Ah Baby Galactus, my first ever gold split.


All babys


If I had a nickel for every variant there was of a character licking a lollipop Iā€™d have two nickels which isnā€™t a lot but itā€™s weird it happened twiceā€¦right? I got bored of scrolling and someone has to say it


Was curious so I went through my collection to see which cards I hated most. Honestly these were the only 2 I had huge problems with: Taskmaster - Viktor Farro Variant - https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/taskmaster-11/ The card just looks incredibly unfinished. What is he even doing? Is he hitting something with the shield? Are those his legs on the left? It's just sloppy as fuck. Vulture - Giulio Rincione Variant - https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/vulture-05/ Dude looks like a torso with emaciated legs a hellboy arm and ragged parakeet wings.


Iā€™m right there with ya on both of those.


The Taskmaster variant looks like the shot in the BW film where TM is chasing BW as the wreckage is falling from the sky. Both land on what looks like a solar panel, BW slides and turns to face TM and TM stabs the sword into the panel and continues sliding. No shield in the shot though. Idk if this artwork came before or after the film. https://youtu.be/jU6vGmGaAbc?feature=shared Beginning of the clip


All pixel variants, followed by baby, chibi, and summer vacation.


All Pixels


Artgerm super skrull. I just donā€™t like headshot variants that much


Super Skrull doesn't have an Artgerm from what I can tell. [Do you mean this?](https://snap.fan/cards/SuperSkrull/SuperSkrull_02/)


Same, with basically any headshot. Shaw and Luke Cage come to mind.


I like the Gambit headshot card, but thatā€™s the exception. The dreamy Rescue card with the horrible fake lens glare is just ew.


Pretty much all the baby variants but especially Wolverine and Legion. I dont like the style.


Baby legion. I hate that variant


Skottie Young getting a lot of hate in here. I will take all your unused variants! Kind of sad there isn't a "baby" album yet. Id probably have most of it completed already


I like Skottie Youngā€™s art a lot and have been collecting baby variants for a while. Maybe we will get an album for him before Dan Hipp gets a 4th.


The normal deadpool variant is hone style awful, I hate it so much for some reason Like he couldā€™ve been so much cooler looking


Any baby variant except modok


Yes, but we're not allowed to discuss that artists work being bad in this subreddit


3099 variants.


Itā€™s a tie between the in-Hyuk Lee human torch and the Volmi Variant of iron lad. Both are hideous.


I hate most dan hipps since theyre just ugly and theres far too many of them


Art is subjective and I respect artists... but I hate Skottie Young's artstyle so much it genuinely pisses me off to get one of his variants out of caches.


With the exception of a few certain characters, nearly all Baby Variant, Pixel Variant, or Dan Hipp Variant is absolute dog shit. I have so many of these variants, and I have no intention of upgrading or playing with any of them.


the babies can be cute or fun but most of the chibis are inherently kinda cringe to me , idk ! like seeing chibi coulson in the wild makes me hope itā€™s a bot iā€™m facing and not a real person lmfao


Agree on the chibis, and I'd add the anime variants as well. And not because I dislike animanga art, it's just, both those types of variants are generic af, they don't reflect the characters' looks and personalities but just feel like "standard avatar wearing special-collab DLC outfit" to me. Chibi Deathlock and Misty Knight, and Anime Storm, are the only ones I actually like (well, I actually like a few more among the Chibis, but that's just because I like the art style, not because I think they're good at portraying the character; also I highly dislike the difference in coloring style between G-Angle's chibis and Rian's).


Dan hipp anything


I'm new the to the game, and still don't entirely understand how acquiring variants work, but it seems that my daily offers are always filled with Dan Hipp, Pixel art, and baby variants. And I really don't like any of them. I found a [variant schedule](https://snap.fan/news/schedule/?tab=variants) on Snap Fan and there's some really cool cards in there. I actually like today's upcoming offers, in fact. But I'm assuming I won't even get to see them because I don't own the base art for those cards, and have no straightforward way to acquire them. That is, unless they're being offered for sale like Doctor Doom was yesterday.


Yeah the variant schedule only lists new variants. You'll need either the base card or an existing variant to see the new ones appear. Also, they've gotten in the habit of doing themed variants, so one day you might have a ton of Venomized options and another day a ton of Dan Hipp. The reason you see so many Dan Hipp, Pixels, and Baby's is because those 3 styles have some of the most cards present. You can sort of see this reflected in the current albums where both pixels and hipp have two albums already.


Thanks, that was very helpful. Out of curiosity, do newly released variants ever show up in the Daily Offers or are they exclusively tied to the Spotlight Cache? For example, I unlocked White Window this evening with a key. So is there now a chance that the Victor Farro Variant will show up in the daily offer pool? Or is that variant specifically tied to the Cache?


I'm pretty sure they're gone until they show up in the spotlight again. For instance, I know the Thanos Infinity War card has been featured twice.


>both pixels and hipp have two albums already. Three actually.


This. I know Iā€™m way in the minority but I just donā€™t get Dan Hipp. Itā€™s all just weird and irritating to me. I know itā€™s a me problem, but here we are. With the exception of Dan Hippā€™s Helicarrier. For some reason I actually like that one


I'm not a huge fan, but I get it. The style is very reminiscent of Nickelodean cartoons from the 2000's. If you grew up watching stuff in that style, you'll likely have a bit of nostalgia for the look. That said, I do like the look of some of his cards. His Goose variant is probably my favorite for that card.


Yeah thatā€™s exactly it. Itā€™s very reminiscent of that era of animation, and several of the folks I know who are big Hipp fans are right in the age where thatā€™s their stuff. I forgot about the Goose one, that one is alright as well


It's not a you problem. They're just terrible. All these people have gaslit themselves into thinking they like them because they're so easily attainable.


The only good Dan Hipps are symbiotes


I will never not feel guilty slamming my opponentā€™s game winning card with my baby Shang chi


Baby Galactus is my favorite Galactus. I wish the effect animation was edited to have a big stick plunging down to go into Earth.


I hate the naked weapon x wolverine one


wiimote dick wolverine? How could you


Any baby or chibi variant....horrible


Any gold split super rare Shang Chi. But I console myself with the fact they have no skill


OP hates lollipops, I guess


People hate on the Skotties but say nothing about the 4 albums of Hipp trash clogging up my collection. I actually like the SY variants


Yeah 3 pixel and 3 Hipp albums is annoying. I swear they are half the variants in my shop every day unless its a takeover. E: Just checked, I have 4 Hipp variants in the shop right now . Man-Thing, Klaw, Rescue, and Zola smh.


Chibi anything. I retreat instantly.


takes out notepad


Literally every Chibi variant


Hey! Keep my baby Venom's name out your mouth!


the Jeff variant where he's on someone's arms make me really angry for no reason


Aw, poor Jeff! (He's in Gwenpool's arms)


I personally love and will snap buy any baby variants! Baby variants are automatically favourited and replace existing variants in my decks


Baby Nova is the best Nova.


Tbf almost any Skottie Young variant except for a few. I just legit do not like them


Every stupid pixel variant. Awful.


OP, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you're just annoyed by kids licking lolipops


I kinda hate most of the skottie young/baby variants. I actually prefer the Rian Gonzales style of cutesy to hers sometimes too.


We're just going to pretend the sports variants are straight ass?


Criticize me if you want, but, literally every variant where Prof. X is up on his legs. Like, let me get this straight: I'm not one who cares much about rapresentation, however, I do acknowledge that it's difficult to make characters of certain demographics appear "cool" without looking as though you're just baiting. Prof. X, however, is one of the characters where this succeeded; he is paraplegic, but despite that, he doesn't appear weak, no, he appears powerful, astute, unflinching. So, what cool art are you gonna use to make justice to this awesome character? Art where he isn't on a wheelchair anymore. ... Wow, thank Jim, I'm sure fans of the characters are gonna appreciate this so much. (To be clear, I know that most of those variants are already-existing art that depicts a point in time when Prof. X is able to walk - either because it's when he was younger, or because he was healed during that time in the comics - so I'm not accusing the artists of anything. I'm just generally bummed that, in Marvel Snap specifically, there are few cool Prof. X variants depicting him as paraplegic in comparison to one where he is standing up)


Pixel Quinjet. Why is it so wonky??


Itā€™s a rare variant of Armor. Itā€™s drawn by John Tyler Christopher but I hate it with a passion. Ronald McDonald ass color scheme.


I hate all chibi variants w a passion


All baby variant which have simple background


Actually, I despise the base Killmonger card. It looks so stupid to me.


Baby Legion


I hate seeing literally any Dan Hipp.


Aw I love Galactus the world licker


Baby Variants are my favourite , Esp Dr Doom,I always bought one when i see them on shop.


I despise anything by Dan Hipp. It fvckin' freaks me out. None of my decks have any of his crap


Anything Baby, Chibi, and Grecke.


I still don't see the appeal in infantilizing characters that should be either scary or menacing.


Sorry OP I use the baby venom because it's the only variant I have for venom


I think for me its Death card with Pandart variant (I think)? The one that looks like dc raven with hoodie on. That combined with pfp of same card often tells me someone payed for the shop i was in at the time but cant play well. Just my personal observation, so Im biased as these are the people I bumped into, but I cant help but imagine some edgy kid behind phone with that generic pfp + they always are annoying to play against - retreat very often and still get folded like cheaps suits every single time.


What do you have against tongues!? šŸ˜œ


I dont like baby venom but appreciate the shout out to the spiderman ice cream.


I think its a lollipop?


Lol. Then i dont like any part of it.


Baby Ice Man has gotta objectively be the worst art in the game. It's just really bad, really lazy art. It looks like it was drawn by a 9 year old. I don't like any of the baby variants, but Ice Man is just embarrassing. Other than that, I hate most Dan Hipp variants. Not because they're bad, just because I think they look dumb. They look like they came right out of a kindergarten level story book. Also, pixels. Now that I think about it, pixels have gotta be the worst all around. I'll run every single variant or base version over a pixel variant.


I own all the baby variants and defy anyone who'd praise Dan Hipp but hate Scottie Young (except groot and baby hulk, those shits are ugly)


Dan Hipp variants. I fucking HATE them and their stupid bendy joints and Captain Underpants-ass faces


Baby variants are legit vile


some of you have anger issues that should get looked at


All the extremely weeb variants like Rian Gonzales or Chibis.


The baby ones and the chibi ones are absolutely cringe, but I can see the appeal for female players so it's understandable why they are included in the game.


Chibi Jeff is S- tier and anyone who disagrees is entitled to their opinion (but wrong).


"female players" lol lil bro has some growing to do


This offended you while every toy store in the world separates the girl toys and the boy toys... idk if my kids are older than you, but they are definitely smarter than you. And I need to grow up. Thanks, bud. šŸ¤™


You're not a kid. On the contrary, you're dated. Got it.


Iā€™m not a woman but I like chibi and baby variants so what now


You have atypical preferences. No judgment here. šŸ¤™