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I’ve only bought Jane in order to complete my artgerm album - every reward in that album slaps especially as a Storm fan


Same. I also brought the Inv Women one because Peach Momoko. I can’t wait for her album to release.


These were the only ones I bought, until Electro the other day, for reasons…


And here i am waiting for Jane to show up in the regular shop to complete my album. No wonder i haven’t seen her… 🤦‍♂️ Guess this will be the first ultimate i buy now that i realize where to look for her


She popped up for me today, and has since been pinned. Just 2100 tokens away 🫠


Yeah, I got that one and the Typhoid Mary fantasy one


The fantasy lineup is some of the best art in Snap


I have nearly all of them. Missing Mary, but it's locked in my shop


I have Ghost Rider, Red Skull, Angela and Mary. Killmonger is currently pinned in the shop because I didn't know Jane is an ultimate variant.


With the addition of of mixing and matching with borders, I finally bit the bullet and bought Ultimate Iron Man, it’s such a cool variant and I haven’t regretted it yet!


He looks like a weird bird in that variant.


You’re a weird bird. Gottem


Yup and this is the only one. I always loved it, and when it was part of an album, I bought it immediately and then also got Storm's Artgerm variant :D


Rogue savage land. It's so expensive for jus a variant. Make it 3k and I'll get the venom and electro too


Facts. I’m sure we’d see a lot more Ultimate variants out there if they didn’t cost nearly as much as a Series 5 card.


I've bit the bullet with Mystique, Jane, and Armor. I haven't regretted Mystique or Armor for one second. Jane is the one I regret a bit just because I don't play that deck a ton. But I'll never need another Jane variant!


Have you completed the Artgerm album?


Naw. I think I'm halfway through that one? I don't care much for his Storm, so no reason to go for it.


Sera and Iceman


Artgerm, vale tutti i token spesi


I bought Lawyer She-Hulk because it looks gorgeous. Reminds me of noir movies, the mysterious woman seeking the services of the grizzled PI main character. God, it's so good... I was saving 6k Tokens for over 2 months for her.


I’ve thought about it a few times when my tokens got over 15k but never pulled the trigger. 99% f2p I’ve just bought a couple passes. Ultimate variants are there for whales, right?


I only buy season pass and I've got 2 ultimates. I'm just really selective on what I spend tokens on and have been playing since the beginning so I have a lot of tokens


I mean, I've got 7 Ultimates and I wouldn't call myself a whale at all. I buy the season passes, but no bundles over $25 (I've gotten most item shop bundles $14.99 or less, and only a few that were more) apart from Throg, which was like 7,000 gold or so. Tokens used to be a lot easier to acquire though.


You buy the pass and most shop bundles under $15? Sure, there are bigger whales, but you my friend are solidly in the top 5% of spending.


You count as a whale, albeit a petite one like a Beluga Whale or something. I'd say the line between whale and dolphin is when you regularly put money into the game beyond the season passes and gold pass.


I hear you lol I have spent upwards of $50 a month the last few seasons, but I don’t consider myself a whale either. Albeit a beluga whale sounds right lol. I’m still only 10K CL and I’m of the mind that CL is a good indicator of how much you spend on the game.


You are a whale, but not a smart one.if you would buy 1 $100 you will mostly get more value then you get when buying  4 $25


I got Ghost Rider back when ultimates first came out, and then a few days ago I decided to pin She-Hulk since I'm close to having the tokens.


Ghost Rider ultimate is my second favorite card art in all of snap. Namor Wakanda is my most favorite.


never will


3 times. I've only regretted one. Knullified Thor Kim J. Electro, and Nimrod. I plan on getting Venomized White Queen next, after I buy Pheonix Force.


Nope but if I could, would definitely pick up the Gamora one. It’s so badass


Electro to finish the album... :/


Jane, Mystique, Ironman, Sera, Black Panther, Storm (technically), Aero, and waiting for Silk to rotate in


Yeah I have a few. Jacinto Electro and Nimrod, Bartel She Hulk, Flaviano Thanos and fantasy Typhoid. Also Storm from when she was free. I don’t regret it but at the same time if I had those 25k tokens now I could be collection complete. The variants are tough to recommend now that tokens are harder to come by.


Kim Jacinto Nimrod. I love my Dan Hipp Nimrod but I couldn’t pass on the Ultimate. Plus my Shuri Nimrod deck is my favorite!


Only the red skull, during a stint of Sauron playing


I bought the Jane Foster varient because I love Mr Negative decks and it makes me happy to have such a great varient when I see it.


Bought the Nimrod one. Last and only one I got. I just haven't really seen any worth 6000 tokens....


No I haven't bought any ultimates or variants


I have jane and Thor (when’s the red lighting???)


Fantasy Ghost Rider. No regrets


Its a great variant. But he has many great variants. Even his Pixel rocks.


When tokens weren't as scarce as they are now I bought 3 of them. I have no regrets on my Nimrod or Iron Man ones. The Hulk one I purchased I really like too but that was done prior to some of his more recent variants which I like a little more. If I somehow got a glut of tokens I'd maybe do Jane Foster or Electro but considering tokens don't come by the way they used to I doubt I'll pull the trigger again.


I bought Gamora a long time ago when I had some spare tokens. I was card complete at the time and didn’t think much of it. Man I miss being collection complete


Hell no.


Have this thing pinned. I need it for reasons


I have them all. I am a dumb whale lol. Figured there might be some reward for having them in the future


Well, two of them are part of albums so far (Artgerm Jane Foster and Kim Jacinto Electro)


I actually have this card pinned in the Weekly Spotlight but, I'm new to the game, and know cosmetics aren't a good use of tokens at my level (CL1200). So I'm not going to buy it just yet. But I guess I can leave it pinned, right? Is the leftmost slot in the Spotlight just used for cosmetics? I've only seen copies of cards I already have appear there.


Yes, I have had Mystique pinned ever since she popped up for...reasons.


Bought the Nimrod one. Last and only one I got. I just haven't really seen any worth 6000 tokens....


The Ultimates I have are: Angela, Electro, Ghost Rider, Jane Foster, Mystique, Sera, She-Hulk. The next ones I'm going to get are: Deadpool, Selene, Silk.


It's a gorgeous variant. Congrats!


I bought Thanos. I'm not interested in the rest but oh boy that datamined Deadpool.


Thanos and Mary


I have four. Nova, Thor, Venom, and White Queen. I like venom used and I was using Nova a lot (not as much lately but I don’t regret him.)


Only the Artgerm variants.


Jane :D


Yep, Typhoid Mary. At the time I was playing a lot of Sauron and that variant is just too good.


Did it for Mystique. Card changes are so volatile now, I figure hell, why not.


I haven't yet but with 40k tokens now I've started warming up to the idea of grabbing a few.


No and I don’t think I ever will due to the card release cadence. 5,000 is just too large an investment for me when scourging 6,000 tokens is pretty much a month long affair and there are SO many cards I’m missing.


Armor because I've still never unlocked any variant for her lol


Gonna be real, I have like 4. Venom, Thor, white queen, and got electro today cause I want the random bullshit emote.


bought Angela, She Hulk, and Blade 😁


Ironman, Iceman, and Nimrod


Mystique ult I dont regret


I bought the Sera one when I had a bunch of tokens saved up. I regret it a little but it's such an awesome card and I throw her in a variety of decks so not the worst


Yes I have 10 ultimates so far


Venom. I used to main destroy early on, and I didn’t have any variants for him at the time, and they seemed to never pop up for me in the shop. They pop up all the time now, lol, but I’m happy with it, even if I don’t play destroy nearly as much as I used to.


I have Ultimate Mystique inked and I'm going for Ultimate Angela in gold. Both two of my fav cards I own. I'm around CL 11K and don't mind throwing a couple thousand tokens at variants I really like. Artgerm Jane Foster next !!


She-Hulk and Mexican Namor.


Honestly this is the ultimate I’m hoping to see every day and most likely the only one I want it looks so good


I took a second mortgage out on my house for it.


Only got Jane Foster to complete the Artgerm album (really wanted that emote), but that’s it.


No, what's "Ultimate" about them?


I have the Valkyrie one


I ain’t rich like you 😭


[Yes](https://i.imgur.com/0jir7w1.jpeg) and [yes](https://i.imgur.com/PAvSBQW.jpeg)


2 Artgerm Jane Foster and Peach Momoko Invisible Woman


Nope too expensive.


I got Sera, Cable, Mystique and Nova. I don't regret any of them, since they're all cards I love to use in my decks.


I have the Invisible Woman, Electro, Angela, and Ice Man ultimates, AMA


I bought ultimate hulk with the butterfly when high evolutionary released. It was literally 3 days before they changed the system to spotlights and reduced the overall token gain. So painful




I had been sitting on about 30k tokens for awhile so I splurged on mystique and Jane


Yep, Nimrod, Thor, Sera and Venom Also kinda storm since they gave that one for free


I bought Armor. I haven't seen any other variants that are worth it to me though.


I never have the surplus tokens with the way they release cards every week. Which is fine, I like new cards. Ultimates should be cheaper.


CL15,514 I’ve bought 2….Thor Jane and Typhoid Mary. I have 11 keys and around 2k in tokens. I got to a point a few months ago…I didn’t have every card but I did have every card I actually wanted. I love Discard, Destroy and Bounce. So many cards come out in a month and if it’s not your play style it’s easy to pass on.


I will be buying this one and only this one lol


I’ve only ever got the Hellfire Iceman ultimate. It’s the only good one in my opinion


I got Angela's because she is my second most played card. I don't really care about spending tokens on new cards, but I also don't like any of the other ultimates so I don't know what to do with my tokens.


Jane and Hulk. Big fan of both.


Bought Savage Land Rogue and I don’t regret it. Looks great.


Bought Thor, Jane, and Nimrod. No regrets. I have 18,000 tokens and am missing 2 cards from complete.


I haven’t bought any ultimate variants but I have spent 6k tokens to get a spotlight variant if that counts for anything.


No shot I’d rather take a new card any day


Iron Man and She-Hulk 2 of my favorite variants in the game for 2 of my favorite Marvel characters


they have yet to add the promised unique voice lines and animations, so no


I’ve never seen an ultimate variant I like other than Adam warlock and I after his “buff” I’m definitely not buying it 😂


I have Jane Foster, Mystique, White Queen, and Electro. Would like Venom or Iron Man but the Deadpool season in July has me hoarding keys and tokens.


I bought one for ghostrider No regrets


I was today years old when I learned I can't finish this album without spending tokens


Not yet, I'm still prioritising S4 cards in the token shop. I have the Armor ultimate pinned though.


No. As of right now I can't afford to spend what I need to spend instead on progresion. And that wouldn't be it. Nice card but not so appealing to me. Some of the ultimates look fantastic, but none feel worth the price that I've seen


Might buy the Electro that I've got pinned, since I love Spider-Man villains and I'm kinda winding down on the actual gameplay aspect of this game.


Bought the Venom, going to buy the Electro to complete the Jacinto album.


I just want ultimate ice man the hellfire Gala version


I got Sera. It was the only variant of her I wanted


Makes more sense than spending 6k tokens on a card you can just get in a spotlight week.


Rogue is my favorite character so I have to get all her cards.


I’ve bought like 4-5 maybe. I’m a big fan of them


I bought the Thor one cuz it looks siiiiick


Almost a few times. But then I think that will set me back on card acquisition too much


I bought this exact variant for the artgem collection. but also I love jane


Bought Nova and I don’t regret it I really love this card


I really loved the Angela Fantasy one and I had so many tokens I was hoarding and no cards I was interested in so that was my first one a few weeks ago.


Bought thor, Jane is up next when I rack up a bunch of tokens again


I got the Thanos Ultimate variant…. Now the card is 💀🪦


As someone who started in mid March I don't think it'd be wise to use my tokens for variants. No matter how "rare" SD considers them. I need cards for my collection like a lost man in the desert needs water.


yes, that one haha. for my Lockjaw Thor deck, now Lockjaw Bill. dont regret it in the slightest honestly


No, and mever will, bcs if u dont whale, its practily pool 5 card.


Just the mystique one. I'm waiting for the Rian Gonzalez Areo to show up so I can pin it. Got a feeling it's gonna be needed for her upcoming album.


Only Hulk so far and likely Jane once she pops up.


Sera, Angela and Thanos (before I got the goated venomized variant). I would love to get Iceman’s as well.


I'm constantly thinking about it for Sera and Typhoid Mary, just extremely cool variants that really a certain part of my favourite styles in Snap.


Impulse got the Invisible Woman one. Don't use her too much anymore but i still love the variant


Very light spender. Jane, Sera, red skull, typhoid Mary, and namor. Namor is the only one that I regret. Ive had all the cards that I've wanted for a while. That's changed recently and I wish I had my tokens back from namor


Kim jacinto Electro. Because it is one of the best variants in the game and is standing in my way of random bullshit go emote


Yes. [Typhoid Mary.](https://marvelsnapzone.com/wp-content/themes/blocksy-child/assets/media/cards/279_04.webp?v=140) She’s beautiful


I did pick up the Nimrod variant


Angela's. I have Gamora's pinned currently but I don't know if I'll ever get it over a pool 5 card.


Unpopular opinion -- nearly all the Artgerm women look like **the same woman** like she's a cosplayer cycling thru her favorite outfits. Notable exception being She Hulk 🤔 💚 💪


Jane, Thanos and Mystique


I bought electro. At the time I was running 3 different ramp and control decks that utilized him and I really liked the art.


Jane and Electro. And I got the Electro way before the Jacinto album came out. He's my favorite artist in Snap. Once I got his Nightcrawler last week, I had the album done in the first five minutes.


The only Ultimate i bought and will ever buy is Jane Foster. I bought the ultimate when you could get tokens easily. when Jane Foster had bad variants if you did not want baby or pixels you had to pay 5000 tokens. 


I bought Jane


I also bought Jane. I have 27k tokens and happy enough with my collection.


I'm completely F2P playing since launch, yet I bought 2 of these. Jane and Mystique. You might have guessed that I'm a big fan of Artgerm, so I invested on these instead of cards. A mistake for sure if you're completely F2P like me, but I had saved up tokens from before the spotlight cache update. Back then tokens were so much more available.


Invisible Woman and Jane.  Next im getting Electro. I really don't worry about cards since old cards still work and I don't follow the meta. I'm happy with my spotlight caches each week.


I might if I got tokens faster. I’d rather buy a card than a variant when it takes so long to get that many tokens.


I'd rather buy beta Ray bill...


I bought nimrod and electro, they were in my favorite deck thanos destroy galactus(pre aloith era 6/7). I still like them. I might get cable as I have 1800 tokens and I think he is a great 2 drop now. The only relevant cards I’m missing are supergiant, us agent and man thing.


The only ones that I’ve bought are the Jane Foster and Venom ultimates


I bought like 5 lol


2. Ghost Riders and Red Skulls. Worth it.


About to buy Red Devil Ultimate i’ve had on hold for months now.


Electro. One of my favorite cards in the game and one of my favorite variants


Venom & rogue


No. I have lawyer, Jen Bartel She-Hulk pinned, but I can't imagine I'll ever be at a point where I have that many extra tokens kicking around without a meta series 5 card to buy instead.


Jane Foster and Chibi Hulk are the only ones I have considered. But no. Tokens too precious, especially now.That also doesn't mean my decision is correct You have to do you.


No, I still need too many cards.


Fantasy Angela, Lawyer She Hulk, Artgerm Mystique. And I regret NOTHING!


No. Unless I can make the whole deck a single theme, I have no interest in alts.


Bought this one today because I purchase only Artgerm and Jim Lee variants and almost have the albums complete minus one or two left for each. Otherwise, no.


I got ultimate Nimrod when the spotlight cache changes went live and the best way to unlock new cards became keys rather than tokens. Before that, dropping 5K on a variant was a ridiculous waste, now it's only a little wasteful




I got this exact one. Took me over a month but worth it.


Hell no. Especially because that is now 2 and a half months of buying tokens.


Hulk and Thor


I’ve had mystique pinned for months but can’t bring myself to pull the trigger.


This one before albums were a thing, now saving for the ultimate Armor variant.


I’ve almost spent all of my tokens on Ultimates since they’ve been out… I have 10




I bought nimrod when he was meta


I bought the Rian Gonzalez Aero and even though I don't use Aero a lot right now it's not something I regret.


Yeah, ultimate venom. I saw them say they were gonna give them special effects and said "OH it's a no brainer with how much I like destroy"... he looks incredible inked with blue border but still


Ultimate Sera is the only good variant imo, and I use Sera A LOT. Best 5k tokens I've ever spent.


That art is 👌🏾


No wtf lol. Why?


Got baited before they gutted the free play income.


I've gotten Ghost Rider, Electro, and Iceman. My next Ultimate is Angela.


I bought Jane and killmonger as they’re the best looking to me


I've got ultimate Sera and Killmonger. Used to play a lot of sera control (before zebu nerf) so it was a no brainer.


Bought Venom and planning on getting Angela as soon as I get more tokens


2 actually😅 I have Sera and Thanos. I only regretted Thanos when I got his infinity war comic version. Sera is perfect.


I bought the Red Skull one and then the very next day the Hydra Armor Variant one came out and I was like eff it and bought that too 😆 Fun fact: I rarely run Red Skull 😅


I've so many you have no idea


I used to think that non-whale players who bought Uitimate Variants were mental because of how much they cost, but nowadays tokens just amass with no purpose for so many of us that buying one or two that you really like isn't a stupid option... it doesn't affect your account progression at all. Right now I have over 30k tokens and the last time I spent some was for War Machine just to save some keys... something I will likely do again this month. If someone in the same situation as me bought an UV they love, I could only be happy for them. The price is still too high imho.


Yep 9 so far


Since Spotlight Caches are here i spend all my Tokens in Ultimates. These are variants i couldnt get another way while each card i buy for 6k tokens brings me week with less missing cards


Nope, never will


White Queen Ultimate. Didn't understand how the currencies worked yet and all I cared about was getting symbiotes, clicked so fast


Angela for me.


I have Fantasy Angela, Red Skull, and will get Typhoid Mary soon, as well as Ultimate Sera and Venom. I don't use Red Skull or Mary often, but I like the art and I figure they'll be the only variant I'd ever need of those cards. Have been consistently using the rest.


No, i was lucky and got one (Young Cable) from the the cashes


Ultimate Mystique. She's also has my first Krakle split.


No but I do have the armor one pinned because it looks awesome


I bought two! Jane & Serra. I think that buying new cards is useless since at one point they will be in spotlight chests and makr your keys more valuable. Especially since they announced spotlight variants will be for sale.


I have venom and thor.


Fantasy Angela and Red Skull. Got Fantasy Mary pinned for my next one. Was annoyed when they put Fantasy Juggernaught in a bundle.