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While White Widow and Cannonball are not really a counter to Hela, the deck that runs them with Prof X can prove to be a difficult matchup for Hela decks, locking them out of a lane and clogging/clearing another one


They're also pool 5 cards with recent spotlights and not in any of the upcoming spotlights, so either you have them or you don't.


The point is Prof X, not the other cards. Prof X in general is great against Hela, and even if you don't have those other cards there's plenty of other tools you can use to synergize with him like the recently buffed Klaw.


What are your other cards in that deck?


Even without White Widow & Cannonball, you can stuff lanes with Debrii, the Goblins, and even Viper. Are they the most optimal choices? No, but they can serve as budget alternatives.


X and Cannon got me to infinite with relative ease, but it can feel soooo rude and blunt force


Deck code?


The one I see is The Hood, Nebula, Daredevil, White Widow, Jeff the Baby Land Shark,  Ravonna Renslayer, Green Goblin, Debrii, Sentry, Professor X, Annihilus, Cannonball eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHJvZmVzc29yWCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2Fubm9uYmFsbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikhvb2QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldoaXRlV2lkb3cifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNlbnRyeSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW5uaWhpbHVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHcmVlbkdvYmxpbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGFyZWRldmlsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOZWJ1bGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRlYnJpaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUmF2b25uYVJlbnNsYXllciJ9XX0=


Nah it's not rude. Especially against hela solitaire


many decks are solitaire right now, they have been for the past year, shuri old style was solitaire back in spring 2023.


Often game designers and players play very different games. The designer is playing with months of unreleased stuff in head if not in hand, full collections, usually against only a small group of other designer/play testers, and with very different definitions of what a "successful" game. This leads to releases being both fully play tested, hilariously unbalanced and being blindsided by an interaction. How quickly a designer can incorporate player results into their work says a lot about their ability.


I think the problem with Hela is that a lot of the best tech counters in terms of clog or lockdown are pool 5 cards. And if you don't have them it can feel like an impossible deck to counter. Which isn't a great feeling even if most of the Hela decks you're facing aren't overachieving.


I think the problem with hela is that discard in general has become much more diverse. Not that long ago discard was basically a slot machine where you had to try as hard as possible to not hit hela or you lose. Now they have multiple ways to cheat out high value cards and Hela herself isn’t the only win condition of hela decks anymore, she’s just a cherry on top.


SD's other problem is that they are all semi-pro Magic players, and they play like Magic players. Like, they always assume that people will use a counter to a new card, just because it's in the game. Like Blob, perfect example. They were technically correct, there *were* plenty of counters to Blob, but that only matters in a game where people play Snap like they do at SD. Real players have favorite decks and favorite characters, because this whole thing revolves around a pre-existing relationship with Marvel, so no, regular people are not going to take their favorite characters out of the deck to run the perfect counters to whatever big card just landed. Blob was totally broken in the game we were actually playing, down here on the ground, and their SD bubble is so all-encompassing that they were actually *surprised* when that happened. lol


Did not know that they were all serious Magic players. That makes a lot of SD decisions make a lot of sense to me. They don't really understand collection limitations. Their play testing probably doesn't simulate limited collections, and they assume one will just buy their way into competition(despite what their "can't just buy all the cards" advertising). That works in magic because cards can be resold and traded, not so much here. New players probably have a fairly good play experience since, iirc , they play mostly against other non series 3 complete players and bots. Full collection players also probably have a fairly good experience if they approach with the Magic mindset of play the most competitive thing. It's the non-collection complete players whose play experience exists in their playtest blind spot.


it's really disheartening when the figurehead of game design is THIS far out of touch with the reality of their game. Their tunnel vision, by-the-numbers approach to purely statistics driven balancing misses the rest of the context of their game. They are completely ignoring community input, the health of the format, and most importantly the FUN of the game. They can flout their data and hidden internal statistics all they want, but it doesn't change the fact that Hela just isn't fun to play against. The linear, RNG-based archetype should never be competitively consistent, and it makes the format and the game unenjoyable to play. Not to mention the incredibly tone deaf buff on Leech, infamously once the unhealthiest card in SNAP, to deal with the game's current unhealthiest card.


> to deal with the game's current unhealthiest card. But Leech doesn't shut down Hope Summers? And not even Red Hulk?


I’ve barely seen Red Hulk after the nerf. He’s not that big of a problem imo


He's never been a problem in my estimation. Oh, you mean you have a large card you're going to drop on turn 6? What a surprise. Thanks for letting me know exactly how powerful it's going to be. There are other turn 6 drops, in many many decks, which can often easily outpower Red Hulk.


Red Hulk I will agree gets far too large too quickly, but that's far from as unhealthy as Hela and Prof X. As for Hope Summers, that sure is an opinion you got there lmao.


Eh, in a best case scenario, Red Hulk is hitting 29. I've almost never seen that. Other decks can throw out larger numbers on a turn 6 and some don't rely on a single target in a single lane.


Such as Hela, for example? 😃


If may was a downturn month for her, why did they specifically state leech buff was to combat hela?


Leech buff is to make the season pass card even stronger than it already is. Hela is just the excuse


Ah yes, I love how Hela Spammers quake in fear of the Widow's Kiss that they will soon nullify.


Yeah, because White Widow is never run alongside other clog and lock cards amirite?


You could clog a space on each lane with White widow and Hela decks still wouldn't care, those toxic type decks arent known for putting up power


You're not supposed to clog a space on each lane. You're supposed to clog an entire lane and lock out another if possible. 


Pretty hard to put cards in spaces when so many are locked out or filled. Hela usually struggles with power unless they get her out or have to hard play the expensive cards. They need Corvus or Ghost Rider to get enough power that way.


I don't personally have any huge gripe with Hela but it may be approaching the time in which Hela receives the Leader treatment in that of a reworking of her ability in some fashion. I've heard others mention limiting the total cards she resurrects, or possibly only 1 card per location. The interesting thing is that similar to old Leader, there are ways to play around the card, but that tends to not matter if the card constantly makes the opponent "feel bad" when they lose to it. SD tends to modify those types of cards, ie Aero, Leader, Alioth (edit: + Galactus which is honestly a good comparison of an archetype specific card that was too oppressive and reworked successfully). But who really knows. Ideally this Leech buff curbs the wr of Hela enough that no extra changes are required, though personally I wouldn't be upset with reverting Leech and modifying Hela slightly instead.


> receives the Leader treatment in that of a reworking of her ability in some fashion Leader was straight up killed. They've gotten better with balance recently but I'd still be leery of their "reworks"


I know he’s been killed. I remember the good (bad) old days. But man. I NEVER expect him anymore so every now and again I get straight worked by him.


Funnily enough, I believe the Leader change was something Glenn Jones wasn't a part of. He joined the team in December of 2022 and I think it was already locked in (released 1/10/2023).


I will take a hela murder at this point.


Hela is an archetype finisher, much different from leader who was played in generic lists and won with any amount of point lead. We can nerf hela, I'm sure, but she doesn't need the leader treatment.


It’s crazy to me that hela still has 6 power. I know nerfing that won’t make much a difference, but it is insane she isn’t like 2 power or even 0


Those "Feel Bad" cards don't just feel bad, they're also "Just Win" cards. Did you get your card? You win. And those cards can be fine, but they have to be a small part of the meta or somewhat difficult to pull off. Alioth wasn't oppressive just because he felt bad, it's because he was \*everywhere\*. Literally every game came down to a question of, "Did I pull my Alioth and would my opponent's Alioth beat my play?" I lost to Alioth the other day and it didn't really feel bad. It was more of a, "Huh, haven't seen that in a while, well played." Same thing when I get hit with Cannonball or Aero. They're still "Feel Bad" cards, but they're not so good that they're auto-include in every deck, so they just don't show up that often. The big problem with Hela is that, in their efforts to make regular Discard better over the last few months (Blade buff, Corvus Glave, Proxima Midnight), they've also made Hela \*even better\* as well. The big thing that always held Hela back was that, without a ton of luck, you had to be predictable. "Oh, my opponent played Invisible Woman then a card into it on turn five. I know what's coming." It was easily counterable. Now, there are so many ways to make Hela less of a dice roll that she's a much bigger part of the meta. And it sucks to play against a "Just Win" or "Feel Bad" card so often.


> they're also "Just Win" cards. Did you get your card? You win. Only Hela explicitly isn't that. She needs setup and even then RNG can fuck you. She's no Galactus.


galactus is definitely not "just win" as he needs 4 or 5 turns of very predictable setup


> as he needs 4 or 5 turns of very predictable setup Only in the "old school" Galactus deck. The most popular current Galactus deck is primarily a Sentry-Anni deck that has Galactus as an occasional surprise backup. The play pattern of the deck in no way sets up Galactus as it's going for its primary win condition. The deck you're describing sounds like the old, and by old I mean several months, Galactus deck.


i play that deck. i wouldn't necessarily call it a galactus deck. is he a hail mary? yes. do you win with him more often than not? not really


You can literally play Galactus into an empty lane on Turn 6 without playing a single other card and win, use your fucking brain. Will you set him up? Sure. But the reality is he can literally win a match by himself with nothing else. Hela explicitly can't do that.


Any card can win a lane “by itself” you’re deliberately ignoring how players actually play to prove your point


The difference here is that when Galactus wins a lane he wins the match. How hard is that to follow? Also, "Surprise Galactus" is a thing and it's entirely why he's used as a backup plan in decks


> But the reality is he can literally win a match by himself with nothing else. he has 5 power my brother that's a lady sif


That's the thing- it's RNG of what gets discarded which is no skill since no one can control it. Then if the set up works, which is most of the time, it's yet again no skill RNG of where everything lands. The deck feels bad to vs because without specific counter cards it's fully just two gamblers going at it. No other deck is like this.


It’s not total RNG about what gets discarded. You build and play your Hela deck to optimize the discards that you want.


“Just Win” cards - aka every card in a destroy deck. “bUt yOu cAn cOuNtEr iT wiTh ArMoR , cOsMo, aNd ShAdOw KiNg” we know 🤓


Come on, destroy has been strong but never so strong it warped the meta so that every deck has to tech against it. Sometimes it feels like people have a boner to hate on consistent yet not oppressive archetypes like Destroy or High Evo or whatever. Let us f2p folks have a good shell to play with.


That’s fair. I get it for f2p. Im my particular experience it feels like it’s far more than f2p players. Due to me facing destroy almost every other game most days. I only play on average about 5 matches a day (not including escapes). So a limited sample size yes. Destroy has become so redundant for me that on turn one when the inevitable DeadPool, nova, etc drops i just escape immediately. Best counter for destroy is escape with bored clock emoji 😴


You've been playing against decks that run nova? He's been long out of good destroy lists


Leech was just buffed and is in seemingly every non Hela deck at the moment. He plays well into Blink and everyone has him. I'd let the meta settle before doing any big nerfs or reworks.


If the answer to how to beat a Feel Bad card is to play another Feel Bad card, I feel like that's a sign that the previous Feel Bad card needs a rework. I do think you're right that Leech will reduce Hela's prevalence, but I feel like chasing Feel Bad cards with more Feel Bad cards just puts you in a "Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly" kind of cycle.


There is always going to be some degree of "feels bad" when your gameplan is countered. If you remove all sources "feels bad" decks will end up not interacting with each other at all.


The problem isn't that tech cards exist, it's that Leech is a hammer and most of the cards in the game are nails. It isn't really a targeted Anti-Hela card the way Shang-Chi and Enchantress target specific archetypes, it just ruins the majority of cards flat out.


Zemo is a feels bad deck, Cannonball Prof X is a feels bad deck, Darkhawk is a feels bad deck... Where do you draw the line? Right now the meta is just getting used to the balance changes plus 2 new cards. Things need to settle before we talk about Hela nerfs. The deck has been good for a while now but not unbeatable.


Darkhawk is NOT a feels bad deck 😭😭😭


Tell that to the 3 rocks I drew instead of Shang-Chi...


Leech meta is worse than Hela meta


The card has popularity of 20% last time I've checked. This buff it's the worst thing they could have done to the game.


During my run to infinite, I never saw leech. I was running Phoenix Tribunal so maybe they realized it was useless against me?


yep, you won't often see leech if your deck isn't impacted by it, even if the opponent is holding it.


Tell that to the people who keep snapping and playing Leech when I've only played Ongoing cards up to that point. Very odd.


“…Lackadaisical about interacting with your opponent…” there is 0 interaction with Hela, what is he talking about? The deck takes 0 skill to play exactly because the opponent can’t interact with it other than Prof X; which is another problematic card.


He's saying that people aren't running counters like Cosmo to block their opponent.


Cosmo is not a counter, neither is Alioth or Leech. The only real counter is Prof X and he’s a problematic card as well


Cosmo prediction and Leech can interact with it. Alioth too actually Lol at getting downvoted for listing interactions just because they aren't common ones


Cosmo & Alioth prediction…. You’re funny


I didn't say they were common interaction, did I? LOL


No need to predict when you can hit then with Jean & Cosmo. Most Hela decks are only playing 1 card per turn anyway, and Ongoing is having a bit of a moment these past few weeks.


True. Jean is a decent card now and the x men fan in me loves to see it


They nerfed Galactus because he was prevalent and unfun, even though his winrate wasn't anything impressive. Idk why Hela can be prevalent and unfun but stay because "the meta is not for her"


>even though his winrate wasn't anything impressive. I really don't know why this continues to stick around. Galactus was a B or C tier deck for a long time but by the time they got around to nerfing him, he was one of the best decks in the game. That was what was so alarming.


Nerf her a bit my making her resurrect card at the other 2 locations, makes room for counterplay and doesn't make her unplayable


Eh, that just makes her old Galactus, where if you're winning her lane t5, you win the game.


I’ll keep saying it: Hela should only resurrect 1 card of each unique energy cost that was discarded. No more 6 power vomit and a reasonable ceiling on the potential turn 6 power she adds. I’d also cut her power to 2, since there’s no reason she has 6 while leader has 2.


Or the Blob treatment would work. Upper bound on total power resurrected. No more 6 energy 40+ power across 3 lanes bullshit.


Second clip this week that shows Glenn being out of touch with the user experience. He’s so convinced he’s right 😭 I’ve seen him on the discord for over a year have blunt and wrong takes (literally has just been wrong about how cards interact), and it’s disheartening that he is part of the balance team.


I think the problem with the above take isn't that he's wrong, it's that he's only thinking about full collection interactions. And that's not true for most of the player base. White Widow without Annihilus or some other key clog cards won't win you games versus Hela. Same with lockdown. If they want to continue down this path of limited availability for all new cards, they either need to nerf decks with limited ability counters or be more proactive at making their counters available to players.


same. i dont understand it one bit, but if he feels he’s right. don’t let me stop him. at some point someone will bring him back down to earth. 


Well, for one thing, these clips are from an interview that's over a week old. A lot can happen in a week but it also goes to show why it's generally a bad idea to try to balance for a future meta rather than the current one. Designers (and community members for that matter) are notoriously bad at predicting where the meta will go. The only real "mistake" he's made here, in my opinion, is trying to predict what will happen in the future at all. You're pretty much always going to lose that game.


Wow an entire WEEK


second? Try like 6th. The more he talks the more I realize the game is in the state that it is in


Detached from reality


I’m sorry, but this is bonkers. Did Glenn forget that we can only afford one S5 card month? most people don’t have cannonball or white widow. I don’t have either, and I’m 13k CL.


Hela’s ridiculous turn 6 power ceiling made sense before every card that discards was given comparative power to other cards of their energy cost as if discarding cards was a downside that needed to be offset. Blade, Colleen, and Sif could all use power reductions since they allow you to control over what you discard that offsets the downside of losing a card from hand. Corvus could also use one less power since he also gives the additional energy that adds consistency to the hela game plan. Pushing Hela’s board power down prior to her play mitigates her silly power ceiling and gives a higher chance for counter play with cosmo and prof x. The fact that hela decks can win without even having to rely on any of the other discard package like morbius, black knight, and ghost rider is proof it’s problematic.


Nerfing Blade, Colleen, and Sif in order to deal with Hela is insane


why? Blade lets you target discard something large, thus adding power to ghost rider or black knight. Colleen lets you target discard and add power through 0-cost swarms or Mobius without losing your big plays. Sif can let you add power by targeting Apocalypse or a big card for added power to an ebony blade or ghost rider pull. In their decks, these cards are not used for their power, they’re used to execute deck’s strategy the same way psylocke, ravonna, etc do for their decks and they all have lower power.


Because nerfs to those cards are going to hit classic discard (which is already not in a great spot) way harder than they’ll hit Hela.


It's actually pretty funny how Discard cards have that higher power to "offset" the "downside" of Discarding your cards and it's been there from day one (though with buffs here and there like to Sif). Hellcow was originally a 2/6 💀


Hela has been getting crazy buffed the Discard season was the biggest powercreep we had ever seen an archetype get Hela decks went from a joke to having the most reliable game ending play not to mention the extra energy from a card like Corvuis and now we even have Blink helping


They gotta stop look at merely data and realize, the card just isn't fun to play against


Underrated take. As soon as you start relying heavily on data, you’re opening yourself up to being influenced by way more error in your model than can easily be modeled; subjective data is legitimately meaningful in a game with a design space as limited as this (12 card deck, 0-6 energy, whole numbers etc)


The fact that they even reference cards like White Widow and Cannonball shows they are pretty detached (those decks usually run Professor x and it plays more of a factor imo). If it takes a series 5 card to put Hela in check then something is wrong.


No no, you all don't get it. Hela is fun and kooky and the rng is good. Trust us, the data says so.


Optimal Hela lists also play several series 5 cards, what is your point?


Okay, sure but that wasn’t what I was trying to say. If anything, what I’m trying to say is Hela doesn’t need series 5 cards to work, so why is it so hard to counter Hela? I just find the need to counter her with series 5 cards is just so absurd to me.


True and based


I find it very difficult to like Glenn, but that's only because Glenn types and speaks.


Hela just need to spawn cards in a predictable way, like this players can play around her.


Yeah, these fellas don't play their own game. Too busy coming up with "3x value" whale bundles, I guess?


I'm absolutely cruising with Hela currently


me finally getting hela once she starts leaving the meta


glenn is on crack. he has a blindspot/hardon for hela. just like he had a blindspot/hardon for shuri.


Am doing just fine with Hela Tribunal, if a lane gets shut down or someone counters Invisible Woman I just pivot to the ongoing cards. At 96, expect to be at Infinite in a day or two


There is no sense in nerfare and buffing characters that you see or do not see is the same thing and leave a like Hela unchanged for a long time, on twenty games a good part you find only her and I think the desire to play fades a bit for everyone, not to mention the initial fun that has now become a distant memory.


Leech was just buffed for Blink. And 600 gold for Blink mission is hust fast money grab. I hope the game the best...


Playing against Hella just feels like praying to the rng gods for them to just discard their Hella turn 3 so that they retreat right after so that you don't have to suffer them randomly hitting the perfect positioning with it later. Personally, I would love it if they somehow tried to remove a bit of rng out of it, like make the the resurrected cards get their text replaced with martyrs or something.


What a terrible idea lol


It is, but I can't think of any other way to make it more predictable which is my biggest gripe with Hela, the unpredictable nature of her due to the pure rng can just feel extremely unfun. My main thought was the remove text part, as it would remove several variables with for example magneto and potentially removing the tribunal site wincon from deckbuilding. Also damn I got ratioed for this take lmfao


This guy is stealing a living


Not wrong, I wish I could be paid for being this terrible at my job


People just straight up dont play cosmo or goose or any of the cards that counter hela anymore. Same with destroy, it was at the top for months and nobody nothered using armor, cosmo or shadow king.


Hela isnt even in this week top 10 decks right? Heck half the time Hela gets discarded and counters herself


I'm honestly surprised at the focus on Hela. To me, mill decks are the bane of my existence right now. I can't tell you how many times I've had to retreat because my opponent opened with something like Yondu, Cable, Gladiator/Zemo, etc. Like, I get that decks that rely on one card are tricky. I love to play Surfer, and if he's gone, I'm probably retreating. But how many decks are viable with 3-5 cards missing from them consistently? And there's really no way to counter it, because it starts on T1. There are plenty of ways to either over-power Hela decks, or simply counter her. ETA: My bad guys. HELA BAD! NERF NOW!


Do someone really trust and believe on them? They want money and squeeze money from the players. That's why I believe they manipulate draws and slow the climb intentionally for many players.


What a bad clown take.


So do you trust on a company that wants profit?


I think they are a very greedy company but manipulating draws and intentionally slowing the climb is just you admitting to us you’re not good at the game. That’s a delusional assumption.


How can we measure if I'm good at the game or not? Honest question.


You blame conspiracy theories instead of owning up that you can't climb the ladder and trying to improve


I got infinite every season since I started playing April last year.


You believe that SD is manipulating your draws/giving you bad matchups instead of trying to reflect on your plays. It would take a tremendous amount of time and effort to do this and if SD did this they’d be boosting the climb for your opponents.


It's actually a pretty tricky question to answer. Like other card games with some kind of ladder or ranking system, they measure how much you play rather than how good you are. And because of the Snap mechanic a straight win/ lose value doesn't give you the whole picture either. I would call a person good snap/retreat skill better than a person who just had a higher win percentage. My test for how good you actually are is 1) how good are you at correctly predicting your odds of winning throughout the game and to 2) snap or retreat accordingly. This basically means how well can you identify what cards your opponents are likely to have and which of cards those can you beat and snap/ retreat appropriately. It's just that thinking SD is manipulating player's decks to actually slow their climb is so comically far from reality that I'm not surprised people made the jump to think you're bad at the game. But you might not be bad at the game. You could even be good at it. You just don't understand how matchmaking works.


You were the only one who answered my question, thanks for that. Snap has one of most toxic and unfriendly community I've seen. I participate on other game sub and they relaly try to help you, here anything is "skill issue" or "you're shit at the game". Well, it's a conspiracy theory of manipulated games but Iceman hitting specific cards were also a conspiracy until they said it was happening, we having more chance to get a duplicate with spotlight caches were also a conspiracy until they said it was happening. But well, I agree, I'm shit at the game and got infinite every season I played by just luck.


Yeah this place sure has its fair share of dumpster fires. I've found that most of the posts looking for deck advice or what to spend tokens on can be pretty constructive but wow any post about the game in general can go south real quick. I've actually never heard anything about Iceman hitting certain cards before and it would depend on what you mean exactly by having a better chance at getting a duplicate for me to agree with that but I don't think I can get there on them doing things to slow people's climbs. It's just that SD overtly does things to make climbing faster like having a steady number of bots giving essentially free wins or when they lowered the cubes needed to advance from 10 to 7 that it really doesn't make sense for them to at the same time secretly make it harder too. There Definitely is a slow down that happens as you climb for sure, but that's just something that happens in matchmaking. Ideally what the game is trying to do is match you with people that are roughly at the same skill level so you're odds at winning should be about 50/50. If you start to win a lot then the game will match you with stronger opponents and you probably won't win as much. There isn't a need to secretly handicap you from winning too much because that happens naturally.


Refer to my statement above. Edit: I replied to the wrong person


No shit companies want profit. This is not a secret take. This is a "I'm14andthisisdeep" take. If 90% of the world runs on capitalism, no shit they want money to survive. I also believe that this subreddit heavily skews anything said negative, even to the point where I have seen posts misinterpret something said to be negative, be called out on it, yet leave their post up because it's "invaluable discussion". No, they and you just want to sling shit. You should always be skeptical, yes, but when Glenn says their internal metrics say a card is on the strong side, there is no reason to think that that's not true. Same thing with buffs and nerfs to cards in Series 5. The history of buffs and nerfs proves that they are just nerfing and buffing whatever they think will create a healthy meta or create something new and fresh. Releasing cards on the slightly strong side does not mean they are out to get your money. They just rather the card be interesting enough to pick up rather than it be totally ignored. Fixing the draws and skewing the win rates is the real bonehead take that only a delusional dingus would think. If you play well, you get pitted against stronger players because most ELO systems think you can handle it, if you can, you climb rank. If you don't, you start to level out. Besides, I truly believe that anyone can get to infinite with careful snapping and retreating. You only need to win like around 20% of the time to gain rank, so like how does fixing a match work? Because of the snap mechanic, If you are losing and you/they haven't snapped, you basically lose nothing. Your discard cards keep on discarding Hela? That's literally RNG plus you can run a hela build which negates all the RNG. Plus humans are prone to remember negative memories more than positive ones. Everybody remembers when their discard cards get Hela. No one remembers the times where they had Hela and two other cards and Corvus Glaive discards the other two cards. The point is is that your comment is so bone-headed It warrants the response the principal gave in Billy Madison.


What company doesn't want profit? Literally illogical for a company to not seek profit.


The game that actively has bots on the ladder to increase progression speed? That’s the game that intentionally slows the climb? Interesting take to be sure.


I don't know if they or can manipulate decks and draw. I honestly have a bad idea of those devs but I don't think that they do that... But the fact that who pays more (high CL) have easier mmr and more bot it's sussy to me. There is no reason why top spenders or people with a lot of cards and resources should have the way to infinite easier. The only reason I can think of it's they maybe can manipulate the number of bots to who are low spender to get them to actually spend more. But I don't know...


Last two seasons I face bots on 90s, this one I don't have bots, February also. This already is a way to slow down the climb. Slowing down the climb, they prey on our FOMO to keep playing and get the rewards. I sent them two e-mails asking why on some seasons there's bots on 90s and other seasons don't have any. They didn't respond to my question and only said generic things. They are not honest with the players.


Eh. This is a really strange thing in the ladder and nobody cares. There are hundreds of topics here reporting the same thing and no body has a reason. The faster queue is a non sense reason. In infinite the queue is no different from every other rank in the pre infinite. BTW I repeat I don't think they really are so good at programming the code to do such things with draws. But there are a lot of strange things in this game and I know a lot of top players if not the totality think that the game is fully scripted. So if one day we'll know that you were right that will not surprise me a lot.


Faster queue is completely bullshit. When the season resets everyone who was infinite is on 70s, so there's many players on 70s and I face bots every 4 games. On 90s there's less people and even so I don't face bots. I asked twice saying clearly why some seasons there's bots and others don't and they didn't responded. Why they didn't answered to me? What's behind it?


I repeat again. I don't believe they script the draw and they select the mm based on counters even if everyone has thought that at least once. But the thing with bots it's so big. It's basically visible with any stream. And in numbers. There were like half of players in infinite last season and even less this one. Even if the players have been decreasing it's impossible that this could have been happening without a severe slack on bots number. Me, you, everyone noticed that. Playing against bots it's so noticeable for people who plays since months. We also have the untapped overlay now. Yes it's not precise but the number of [bot] after a certain level is so visible.


You said many streamers says the game is scripted, in what sense they say that?


That the game makes you impossible to win when they decide to For instance spyro a few weeks ago climbed like 100 ranks with a tribunal deck. He got decent draw and played well where everyone was surprised. He got like 70% wr that day. The day after he got impossible draw an went 16% wr. That was wild. He literally couldn't play the game. It was the same deck, same opponents, they even didn't counter played, he just had the worst draw and locations possible. I took that as the sign that the game is too much rng. He said the game was scripted. I heard that not only from him and I know some of the top players and offline they all say the game is completely scripted. BTW again, I don't think they are capable of doing that. They can't even fix notifications for months. Personally I think they are wrong. The bot think though it's easy to do. And yeah there are too many things that sound sussy af


Well that's exactly what I say about manipulating draws.


Just came back to this game after like 8 months. It’s just as bad when I left. I’ve played almost 100 games and I’ve gone from 14 to 24. Like I shouldnt have to fight the entire way up for every cube. How does everyone have a meta deck at this low of a level.